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    Tales from the Woods
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    Super weather this afternoon so when I got home from work I started out with the Vortex for an evening ride. Bierbeek, Willebringen and Kumtich brought me towards Vissenaken. I made for Glabbeek and then recognized Meensel. In Sint Joris Winge I crossed the Diestse Steenweg and took that towards Lubbeek and Kessel Lo. Wind in the back here so I could make good speed. In Lubbeek I stopped at the De Cock Mitsubishi garage to see how my Evo IX was doing. The garage is waiting for a replacement part from RalliArt Germany, an oil temperature sensor. So I am waiting for that as well. Since my holiday is starting today I would have preferred to have the Evo on hand to make a few rides with this fantastic car. But as it stands I will have to be patient.
    From Kessel Lo I joined the Tiensesteenweg before taking the Expressweg towards Blanden and home. Good fast ride in good conditions.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 54K and 360 heightmeters (Garmin) in 01h45mins

    05-07-2013, 20:37 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Riding out around 6.30PM I set towards the Haasrode Industrie and then followed the Haasrode Toer over Willebringen and Kumtich towards Oorbeek and Hoksem. My legs felt tired from the past 3 rides but I still managed to keep a good pace on the many 5-6% little hills. Arriving at the Marollenkapel I set towards Meldert and L'Ecluse and then turned to La Bruyere and Beauvechain. It was warm with an average temperature of 23 degrees C and there was no wind to speak of. It was overcast but it did not rain. Returning over Opvelp, Neervelp and Bierbeek to the Haasrode Industrie and then for a last fast stretch along the Expressweg into Blanden. Another ride with the Garmin heartrate monitor .

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 56.5K and 420 heightmeters (Garmin) in 01h52mins


    02-07-2013, 21:07 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    My Polar heartrate belt has been performing erronously for the last couple of rides, so for this evenings' ride I decided to don the Garmin heartrate belt and transmitter. I only used the Polar S710 as a speed capture device.
    Starting out over the Zoete Waters and Korbeek Dyle I followed the Sint Jansberg Steenweg to Huldenberg and further on to Overijse. Climbing out of Overijse towards Maleizen and the left and right into the Reutenbeek to drop into Terlanen along the Bergstraat. Up to Wavre Industrie and then towards Ottenburg and Sint Agatha Rode where I had the wind in my back and could up the speed. Sint Joris Weert and the Zoete Waters again to close the loop over Vaalbeek. A fast and furious ride, short and sweet.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 44.5K and 325 heightmeters (Garmin) in 01h26mins


    01-07-2013, 20:31 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Today I had to leave early because I needed to be home by 2PM. I started out under overcast skies and with a southwesterly wind blowing whilst riding over Bierbeek and Meldert towards Hoegaarden. There I got on the Ravel 2 for a ride that would take me over Jodoigne and Eghezee towards Vedrin and Namur. Almost got hit by a car that left a parking lot and wanted to cross the Ravel, just before entering Eghezee. The guy in the car saw me coming but still wanted to have the right of way. No way! A lot of Walloon curses followed but I rode on , ignoring the idiot.
    Into Namur, just under 2 hours after leaving home. I was on shedule. Whilst riding uphill all of a sudden I felt my rear tyre going flat. Damn.
    I got out the Pitstop and succeeded in inflating the tyre. I seemed to hold so I put the wheel back in my bike and rode on. Unfortunately, about 3 kilometers further up the climb, I heard a hiss and saw some white foam spraying through my outer tyre. It was flat again. Changed the inner tyre, whilst checking the outer for possible thorns . Found nothing. Because I only had one spare I decided riding up to Eghezee and then taking the N91 towards Hamme Mille. That way, if I should happen to flatten again, at least getting picked up would be easier. But all went well, I made good speed and set a personal record on the 100K distance. My legs were tiring at the end but I still found the punch to set a personal record on the climb out of Hamme Mille along the N25. Arriving home with a little less kilometers than I had set out to do, but still very happy with my ride.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 104K and 600 heightmeters (Garmin) in 03h26mins


    30-06-2013, 14:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Today was the day the Decathlon Classic in Leuven took place. I half set my mind on doing one of the longer distances, but the weather forecast made me stay at home instead. Cold, light rain and wind were the ingredients during this late June saturday morning. Around noon I decided to ride out nevertheless and set out on the Vortex along a track I found on Strava. It was a 100K ride passing through Blanden and then making its way towards Willebringen and the Marollenkapel. Along L'Ecluse and La Bruyere there was some light rain which became intenser as I neared the Pietrebais area. I decided to call it a day and let the WTCool go towards Grez Doiceau. Me I rode to Hamme Mille. But when I reached Hamme Mille the rain had stopped and the streets already became drier. My legs and pants were still wet, and my sunglasses needed cleaning. I rode towards Nethen where I picked up on the WTCool track again. Going towards Huldenberg where the Smeysberg was a tough nut to crack. I had to put the chain on the 34 in front, having done the rest of the ride on the 50 up till now. Once over the Smeys the chain went back on the big ring and remained there whilst I followed the Sint Jansberg steenweg into and beyond Egenhoven. Along the Tervuursesteenweg to the Leuvense ring and then into the Willem de Croylaan. Along Heverleebos and the Naamsesteenweg back into Blanden and I even saw the sun peeping through during my last couple of kilometers. I am glad I did not stay at home but once again I was being tested along the way, deciding to pull through and make the best of the ride instead of giving in and ridng the short way home.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 78K and 580 heightmeters (Garmin) in 02h42mins


    29-06-2013, 16:13 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    I didn't feel motivated to ride out this evening. It was cold with 17 degrees C and there was a breeze from the northwest adding to the autumn-like feeling. Damn, it's supposed to be 25 degrees or more around this time of the year. But I rode out and did a couple of laps around the Industri Park in Haasrode. Getting fed up with the constant battle against the wind during half of the lap I decided to do a bigger tour, rifing to Bierbeek, Meldert and then taking a right after the Bosberg in the direction of La Bruyere. The wind was playing with me again, but I battled on towards Beauvechain and Opvelp. Left to Bierbeek and then back to the Haasrode Industrie Park for another couple of laps. Just reaching 30kph on average which is - all things considered - not bad at all.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 60K and 355 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h59mins


    27-06-2013, 21:18 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Another beautiful summer day in Belgium - not - because it was barely 15 degrees C and some light drizzle was falling, hurried along by a strong southwestern breeze when I left home . Riding along the Expressweg towards the Tiensesteenweg I had the wind in my back. Following the N3 all the way to the ring around Tienen and then taking a right turn towards Hoegaarden where I could for the first time during this ride enjoy a good strong headwind. Hurrying to get to the Ravel 2 and its relative shelter. Past Jodoigne and the clouds were more and more menacing. Some light rain was falling from time to time, but the wind dried it up as soon as it fell. Following the Ravel towards Perwez but cutting to the right on the N91. The wind was blowing from my left now and even though I could maintain a good speed along the N91, I had to take care because it blew with gusts and they could put me off-centre. Speeding along I quickly arrived in Hamme Mille where I took the same direction as the day before. Through Nethen, Sint Joris Weert and then a left turn at the Zoete Waters to arrive in Korbeek Dyle. Following the Sint Jansbergsteenweg into Egenhoven and then back over Arenberg and Heverlee. Along the Naamsesteenweg through Heverlee bos into Blanden. A good ride despite the weather conditions and I was glad I did not stay at home for the same reason.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 86K and 500 heightmeters (Garmin) in 02h56mins


    23-06-2013, 14:01 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Mmm, weather forecast calling for a strong southwester and some light rain or drizzle from the early afternoon. Started around 9.15AM to beat the rain but the wind beat me. I rode through Meldert towards Hoegaarden and there followed the Ravel 2. My original plan for today was to ride to Namur but with the wind blowing in my face on the Ravel - albeit there was some shelter from it provided by the shrubberies - and the amount of dark clouds parading the sometimes sunlit skies, I decided to change that plan.


    On the split I took the Ravel towards Perwez. There I had to circumvene some local festivities but I quickly found a way towards Thorembais and Maleves-Sainte Marie-Wastines. The wind was blowing in my back now and I was speeding along , enjoying the breather. Passing Opprebais and riding towards Chaumont-Gistoux the wind was back in my face and I had to grit my teeth. Once past Chaumont on my way to Bonlez I was again driven along and before long I was crossing through Grez-Doiceau and on my way to Hamme Mille. From Hamme Mille to Nethen the wind was bothering me again but once turning right towards Sint Joris Weert I took advantage of shelter and made my way to the north. At the Zoete Waters I took a left turn towards Korbeek Dyle and the Sint Jansberg steenweg leading me into Egenhoven. Here I felt some raindrops but I was close to home with only a passage along Arenberg and through Heverleebos leading me into Blanden. A good ride despite the wind and the threathening skies.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 91K and 590 heightmeters (Garmin) in 03h04mins


    22-06-2013, 13:57 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Warm but threatening skies when I left home on the Vortex around 7pm. With temperatures of around 25 degrees and a little breeze the conditions were excellent for some fast lap, not too far from home to be able to ride home if a thunderstorm should be approaching. Apart from some dark skies and a couple of big raindrops all was peachy though. But the thunderstorms will come, tonight ot tomorrow, the red and purple blotches on are approaching.
    I had very good legs today and the Haasrode Industrie tarmac was smooth rolling. The little climb went well and I had a best average lap of nearly 33.5kph. No surprise that my average on the 60K ride was more than 30kph.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 61K and 345 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h53mins


    20-06-2013, 21:52 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    This evening I was home around 7.30 and it was still 32 degrees C when I rode out. There was only the slightest breeze blowing and even the tarmac felt sticky. My legs were good though and I decided to do some extended laps around the Haasrode Industriepark. Making it a good 8K in lenght when I was satisfied with the lap. Did a couple of them and managed to get the average speed up to around 30kph, even though there were a couple of faux-plats in it, sometimes going up to 4%. But the legs were good and I did a solid 2 hours ride, without really pushing things. With this temperature it is better not to push too hard. The hot bath afterwards was really hot and I just kept on sweating.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 60K and 355 heightmeters in 1h58mins


    18-06-2013, 22:31 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    This morning saw brighter weather than yesterday and I decided to go for another long ride. Starting out through the Weertse Dreef - badly in need of either less cars or a new tarmac - and then worked my way ove Nethen, Tourinnes and Beauvechain towards La Bruyere and the N240. There was a smidgen less wind than yesterday, and with the sun out -albeit it glazed some of the time - it did not bother me as much as yesterday. Following the N240 until I took a left into Sart Melin. In Melin I took a right turn back to the  N240. Crossing that I passed through Lathuy and later Dongelberg and Jauchelette. The trail was ondulating up and down and I was determined to keep the chain on the big ring. With the hills going to 6 and 7% at times that meant standing up on the steepest bits. In Bomal I took a right turn towards Ramillies where I came upon the Ravel leading to Perwez. Following that I took a left on the crossing with the N91 and before long I was in Eghezee. On the Ravel 2 until I reached the crossing with the Ravel leading to Landen. Following the N279 until I reached Autre-Eglise where I injected myself on the Ravel.
    Following that until I reached Landen. From Landen I had to ride to the West which meant the wind was coming into play. Neerwinden and then the Lf6 towards Ezemaal, Outgaarden and Hoegaarden. The climb out of Hoegaarden was taken on a good tempo and before long I was diving into Meldert. The hills became more difficult but I still managed them on the big ring as I had set out to do. Opvelp, Bierbeek and then back into Blanden along the Expressweg. The wind was blowing in my face for the last couple of kilometers and then I was home, with yet another good solid ride under my belt.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 112K and 715 heightmeters (Garmin) in 04h03mins


    16-06-2013, 15:18 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    There were plans to ride Landen-Hamoir-Landen today but I opted out because of the weather forecast. Occasional rainshowers and lots of wind, building up to 60kph between 12 and 13AM. Instead I chose to do the Rondom Blanden 90K ride again. I started in counterclockwise direction, and from the start, the skies were dark and just past the Zoete Waters, rain started falling. I put on my Blitzfeder to be sheltered from the cold and the wind, that was blowing from the west. Before long, the rain stopped and I rode on, following the undulating track over Leefdaal, Duisburg, Eizer and then into Overijse down the Schavei. From Overijse the trail took me to Huldenberg and the Koxberg. My legs felt strong but I decided to drop the chain on the inner ring . Down the Holstheide where the speed went up to nearly 60kph. The long climb up to Ottenburg was taken on the big ring. Eerken and Sint Agatha Rode took me to Sint Joris Weert and Nethen. Up to Pecrot and then along to Archennes. Grez Doiceau and I settled into the long climb towards Longueville. The wind came bothering me more and more but was more or less in my side until I rode to Incourt, where it gave me wings and the speed went up to 40kph+.
    Past Happeau after crossing the N91 and some small tarmac roads took me to the N240. Following that to the west had me grit my teeth when the wind struck me with full force. Turning right towards La Bruyere was as if I closed a door behind me. Another 40kph+ stretch and before long I was climbing out of Beauvechain towards Opvelp. Crossing the Hoegaardsesteenweg to reach Neervelp where I took a left turn again towards Bremt. The wind was really blowing hard now and I was glad I could put the E40 between us when I rode a parallel track to the highway towards Bierbeek. I had decided to finish off my ride with a couple of laps around the Industriepark in Haasrode to pass the 100K mark. The way home along the Expressweg was another calvaire with the wind in my face. My legs were very much spent when I reached Blanden but I had the feeling I did a good solid ride.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 107K and 810 heightmeters (Garmin) in 03h46mins


    15-06-2013, 14:58 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Menacing clouds but nice temperatures of 25 degrees C, even more, so I decided to ride out but stay relatively close to home. There was a stiff breeze blowing from the west so when I arrived at the Haasrode Industrie Terrain I chose to do the lap counterclockwise. This makes it 100 metres longer but also has a 5% hill in it, as opposed to the 4% if you do the lap clockwise. Also, care has te be taken at one point because you have to take a left turn with oncoming traffic against you. But I managed to turn my rounds without much trouble. Around 45K into the ride I decided to ride the lap clockwise for a few turns to make it an even 50K before heading back home along the Expressweg. This proved to be quite difficult with the wind blowing in my face but I managed to keep my 30kph average.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 55K and 310 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h48mins


    12-06-2013, 20:26 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    I wasted 2 inner tyres this morning whilst putting 6 bars into my rear tyre. High pressure and Continental Light inner tyres do not seem to be a good match. They both blew just next to the soupape. Strange. I put in another - heavier - inner tyre and it takes 6 bars without any trouble. Light is not always better it seems. Lost 20 minutes before I could start. Bummer. 6 bars is about the max I want to put in a tyre. It makes the bike skitty and is hell on cobbles. But when climbing out of the saddle I love the steady feeling of well-inflated tyres over the slight wobbliness of a 4-5 bar tyre.
    Today I wanted to relax my legs some, so I chose a minus 100K ride and went for it. The Biz On The Bike trails from a couple of years ago suited me fine. Some climbing to be done, but I did not complete them on the big ring if they went over 6-7%. Instead I chose the inner chainring more often in order to put not too much stress on my still recovering leg muscles. The BIZ is a nice track, not the easiest as the heightmeters will testify, and with todays' wind - again - it even became more difficult, especially in the last quarter of the ride. When I rode into Hoegaarden, I chose to finish my ride along the Tiensesteenweg, so I rode towards the R27 around Tienen and followed the N3 until I reached the Expressweg. From there I rode to Haasrode Industrie were I did five laps in order to come to 100K.
    During the last half hour of the ride, the sun came through so I put the BlitzFeder in my back pocket and enjoyed the warmth during the local laps in Haasrode Industrie and on the Expressweg into Blanden. My legs were very well spent and are in need of recuperation after this intense weekend.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 102K and 775 heightmeters (Garmin) in 3h38mins


    09-06-2013, 16:02 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Today looked like a good day for a long ride. The sun was out early and no clouds were to be seen . There was a stiff breeze blowing from the North-Northeast . I prepared a track yesterday. Following the Haasrode-Huy-Haasrode along peaceful villages like Sart Melin, Huppaye, Autre-Eglise , Branchon and Wasseiges until I reached the N80 just before Burdinne. I felt like continuing but I had an important rendez-vous in the afternoon so I decided against it and rode back over Hannêche and then over Orp-Le Grand through the Little Gete valley. I kept the chain on the big ring during the entire ride and this provided me with some strong moments on some of the steep parts. I would not call them hills, just more than faux-plat. 6, 7% at the most. Arriving in Saint Jean Geest I knew Hoegaarden wasn't far way and I could continue on well-known streets. The last kilometers hurt but I still managed to set a best time on the Expressweg section between Haasrode Industrie and Blanden. The wind for sure was my ally here but still it gives a good impression of how good my legs were.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 115.5K and 780 heightmeters in 04h03mins


    08-06-2013, 14:13 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Today saw some fine weather with temperatures reaching 23 degrees C in the late afternoon. I rode out with the Vortex with the idea of doing a 3hrs ride. Over Bierbeek , Willebringen and Kumtich I rode to Hoegaarden where I took the Ravel 2 in the direction of Jodoigne and Eghezee. After 1h30 I was in Eghezee, 45K into the ride. Nice 30kph average. Turning back along the N91 I noticed there was only a slight breeze blowing from the East-Northeast. So I could maintain my high average and I felt good in the legs. I was strong and could keep the chain on the big ring all the time. Arriving in Pietrebais I turned towards La Bruyere and Beauvechain and then straight on to Opvelp. Left towards Bierbeek I was riding into the setting sun. I did 4 laps on the Haasrode Industrie terrain to finish my 3hrs and then rode home along the Expressweg into Blanden. Good solid ride with a good solid feeling in the legs.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 95K and 520 heightmeters (Garmin) in 3h12mins


    05-06-2013, 22:25 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Looking forward to today because I wanted to test my legs on a reasonably hilly course. The organisation of the WTC Rondom Blanden was a great opportunity to do just that. I opted for the longest distance. 90km. I downloaded the GPS track yesterday just to be on the safe side and before long I was riding on a good tempo. Meeting up with another rider from Blanden we upped the pace to 30+ kph and the first kilometers were relatively flat and the wind was blowing in our backs. I could enjoy the sunshine and the temperatures that went into the 15 degree region. Great for a sunday ride. Riding past Happeau towards Incourt and then to Longueville and Grez Doiceau the wind came into play but we managed to keep the speed high. Archennes, Pecrot and then the first real climb came and the legs were screaming for mercy when the high big-ring tempo suddenly changed into a small-ring high-rev affair. The Rue de Pecrot is a 6% average climb but has 12% bits in it. Ouch. Down into Nethen and left towards Sint Joris Weert. Here we were overtaken by a big group and we automatically joined them. The speed went up whilst we rode through Sint Agatha Rode and then towards Eerken. But the group had to wait for one of its members and we were alone once more. Another climb towards Ottenburg, the Florivalstraat, where I set a good pace. Down to Terlanen and then of course the Holstheide was next on the menu. 1km long, an average of 5.2% and some bits of 7%. Not really frightening and with todays' legs I set a new PR on this hill. Down into Huldenberg and then to Overijse where we took the Schavei towards the Brusselsesteenweg. Another PR for me. The road then led us to Duisburg and Leefdaal. The wind was playing with our tiring legs but we were joined by another group and could hide a little bit in their wind shade. But when we climbed out of Leefdaal this group split up. My legs were feeling great and I joined the front rider and together we rode the last bit of the ride together , through Korbeek Dyle, the Zoete Waters and then into Blanden. Was a great ride for me and the super feeling in my legs was a boost.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 95K and 740 heightmeters in 03h15mins


    02-06-2013, 13:32 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    After a test at the cardiologist yesterday, where my heart was to be found big and strong, I did my first ride on the Vortex today since returning from the Vaucluse. This morning my resting heartrate was back at the 44bpm stage , an indication that the recovery was almost complete.
    I decided on a flat ride. The weather was dry with sun and temperatures of over 20 degrees C. The only spoilsport would be the wind, which was blowing strong from the north. The ride up to the Coloma in Mechelen alongside the Vaart - a north-south axis - proved to be a difficult one. Luckily I overtook another cyclist and we decided to take turns in the lead, so that the other could recover. That way I could keep the tempo around 27.5kph on average. Turning around and riding to the south again brought bliss and joy. The legs could almost recover whilst the speed went up to 36kph and even higher on some parts. Crossing Kessel-Lo and making my way to the Expressweg leading to Blanden, I obviously could not keep up that speed, but I picked up the pace again along the Expressweg, setting a personal record with more than 32kph on average from the Mol to Blanden. The legs felt good and the bike was its usually fine self.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 69K and 200 heightmeters (Garmin) in 2h18mins


    31-05-2013, 21:47 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    This morning, the last day of our stay in the hotel Le Guintrand in Sainte-Colombe, the weather was looking good. The top of the Mont Ventoux was clearly visible and the sun was out. This would be D-Day. Anticipation by most if not all members of our group , especially those who never rode the Bedoin climb , was present at breakfast. I had doubts myself because I had only a 25 as biggest cog in my cassette, and I was not confident to be able to push that gear for the 18.5K of steep climbing awaiting after the famous courbe de Saint-Esteve. But I would give it a go, see how far I could take it.

    B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013 B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013 B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013 B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013

    Riding down towards the official starting point in Bedoin , the group gathered and we were under way. I stopped when we passed the hotel because I had put on my clear sunglasses and the altitude sun demanded shaded spectacles. So the adaptive Specialized sunglasses came on. I had put on suncream this time, factor 50 for my nose, factor 20 for the rest of my face.
    The climb is hell, as most of those who have ever done it will gladly testify. We were lucky because in the forest part - the steepest kilometers are to be found here - it was relatively cool. Only that gradient. Kilometers of 9.1% on average. I saw the gradient go to 10, 11, even 12% at times. When I reached the Chalet Reynard, in my mind I had given up so many times already. But I decided to keep on pushing, to the next corner, to catch up with the guy who seemed adrift, to pass that guy, mumbling 'Bon Courage' to him. Then I was being passed myself. A clean-shaven gladiator, bound for glory on the steep slopes of the Lonely Mountain. I looked at my front wheel and concentrated on my own pace. 
    Reaching the Chalet Reynard I took some time to eat and drink, go to the lavatory before I embarked on the last 6 kilometers. The first kilometers are easy, with gradients of 6 to 7%. Compared to the forest it almost seems to be going downhill. Almost.
    The wind, what can I say . Each time you take a turn to the right it bangs in your face. The higher you get , the more fierce it becomes. With the snow on the side of the road and an ambient temperature close to O degrees it's almost as if you are entering a freezer with a couple a large fans in it . The Col des Tempetes, I have to reach the Col des Tempetes. After that , its a breeze. Reaching for  the Col des Tempetes I pass several cyclists who have been stopped by the slope and by the wind. Some with their shirts open, chest bared. In these temperatures? My picture gets taken by several photographers who make a good living selling these at 17EUR a pop. I grab the cards they give me. I will order some when I get home. Proof.

    A26_0686 J5278 J5280

    Past the Col des Tempetes, I am passed by a young couple. I hook myself into the girls' rear wheel and ride the last couple of K with that as my bait. Being angled in by the big tower on top of the mountain. My heartrate goes up 10 beats, passing 145. I will not fail.

    B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013 B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013 B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013

    When I arrive on top I hear the cheers from my fellow teammates and the support team - Jan and Babette - and I am glad, relieved, elated, happy and feel like an icycle. the wind blows from the Alps and I need an extra layer of clothing. I put my bike against the camionette and hide inside to get out of the wind. We have to wait for all members of the team to come in. My bike drops on the floor, thanks to the strong wind. I put it against the side of the tower and check out the store. It's warm in here, let's stick around. I buy a ridiculously expensive 'Mont Ventoux' windbreaker.
    When the last member of our team comes in, it's time for the pictures. Well done guys.

    B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013 B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013 B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013 B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013

    After warming up and catching our breaths, plans are made for the rest of the ride. We decide to descend to Sault , with a group of 3 cyclists. Others decide to ride down into Bedoin and call it a day.
    The descend is an icy affair. Speeds going up to 60kph and only past Chalet Reynard does it feel as if temperatures are above zero. The long descent takes its toll on hands, arms, neck muscles and brakepads. Down in Sault we gather for some warm coffee on a terrasse. Bliss and Joy .

    B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013 B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013 B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013

    From Sault we ride on downwards to Monieux where we follow the Gorges de la Nesque down into Villes-sur-Auzon. A long swooping descent going on for 20K or more. Great. From Villes , a difficult climb awaits us, wind full in our faces, towards Flassan. From Flassan its only a couple of kilometers further to reach the hotel at Sainte-Colombe. Yes. Great ride with another victory on the Mont Ventoux. My second time and the second time from Bedoin. A victory on the mountain - who couldn't care less - but especially a victory against my doubts, helped by the fantastic members of the b.strong team, who kept on believing in me, and kept pushing me to have a go. Thanks girls and guys, I dedicate this to all of you.


    Ride Stats : 90K and 2000 heightmeters (Garmin) in 04h22mins


    26-05-2013, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.KOTK Mont Ventoux day 8 : La Motte Chalancon - Bedoin
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    This morning saw some snow on the surrounding hills. It had rained at 550 metres, the altitude where we stayed, but by the time we were ready to roll, the clouds were dissipating and a shy sun was peeping and warming us up. Today was the day we would ride to Bedoin and tackle the Mont Ventoux. D-day.
    From the weather forecast it did not look to good for the attempt at the Mont. Snow from 1400 metres upward and a temperature of -5 degrees at noon! Ouch. Still, let's see how things develop as we ride to Vaison la Romaine and have a first look at it. This is what we saw looking out of our hotel.

    B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013 B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013 B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013

    Temperature was low  - 4 or 5 degrees, no more - when we straddled our bikes and started the long downhill past Remuzat and Sahune. Following the river l'Eygues we could enjoy magnificent rocks and hills surrounding us. No vautours in sight but we passed their domain when we passed St-May. The further we rode, the more the high rock outcrops seemed to give us a wide birth. The valley broadened and when we reached Nyons, a whole different terrain greeted us. Wide open space, with the occasional outcrop or hill. We made good pace, the wind more or less blowing in our backs and the sun shining in our faces. Before long we were in Vaison la Romaine, where we stopped for a break. The looks on the faces turned grim when we saw the Mont Ventoux, to our left and above, with its head encircled by a dark cloud and with snow on its flanks. The snow seemed to go down even below Chalet Reynard. Not looking good !

    B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013

    Malaucene was next and it was soon learned that the road leading up to the Mont Ventoux, was closed. We took the Col de la Madeleine and I took a picture past its crest with the Mont Ventoux and Bedoin on it.

    B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013

    When we reached Bedoin, we took another rest stop and talked about how we would continue our day. Some decided to ride up the Mont Ventoux to the Chalet Reynard, to check out the conditions.

    B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013 B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013 B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013 B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013

    We decided to roll on towards Flassan and have a go at the long ascent along the Gorges de la Nesque. A miracle of nature I had seen last year but did not mind doing again. The sun was out and I felt it burn . Damn, forgot the sun creme. The Gorges where their usual magnificent selves and we leisurely rode to Monieux. 

    B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013 B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013

    Here, it was decided to take a shortcut that would save is 10K to ride up to Sault and then back up the Col ND des Abeilles. The shortcut turned out to be quite something. Steep, steeper and steepest, with percentages reaching 27 at one point. When I saw the length of the climb still ahead, I decided to unclip and walk. Not a thing I easily do but the hill was just too steep. Reaching the big road leading up the Col ND des Abeilles, we paused until everyone of our group made it up the climb.

    B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013 B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013

    Moving onwards we tackled the Col ND des Abeilles, with its 3 steps, and then zoomed back down a very long descent into Flassan.

    B.Strong Kom Op tegen Kanker. Leuven - Mont Ventoux 2013

    There was a thunderstorm rumbling in the far distance but we made it to our hotel in Sainte-Colombe still basking in the sun. A lot of wind though. During dinner that evening the group was together and telling tales from how each of them spent their day.


    The forecast for tomorrow looked better, with a forecast of positive temperatures on top of the Mont Ventoux, and the dissipation of the snow on the route leading up to it.


    Ride Stats : 133K and 1550 heightmeters (Garmin) in 05h35mins

    25-05-2013, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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