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    Tales from the Woods
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    Another cold day but at least it stayed dry. There is still some snow in the fields and in the sun did not shine throughout the entire day. Temperatures just went over 0 degrees C. When I got home from work I settled for a Tacx Satori ride taking me again into recovery heartrates for a little more than an hour.

    Ride Stats : 44.5K in 01h02mins


    12-02-2013, 18:39 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Some more snow this morning and alltogether cold and wet weather left me little choice but to opt for another Tacx Satori ride. Warm, cozy and with a good book and some great music I pedalled away the best part of an hour. Legs felt surprisingly good after the heavy cycling weekend.

    Ride Stats : 44.5K in 01h02mins


    11-02-2013, 18:44 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    I had a good nights' sleep and around 9AM I was out and about on the Obed again. It was cold but dry and in comparison to yesterday there was also a vicious wind blowing from the south-east. With an air temperature of just below zero that meant freezing cold ambient temperatures. I set out along the Naamsesteenweg towards Hamme Mille and the further along the N91 and the N240. The roads were tricky, witnessed by a car that slipped and wound up in the ditch and over the bikepath along the N91, next to the Beauvechain landing strip. Warned I took good care where I put my wheels and especially on the narrow and exposed roads leading to Melin and Saint-Jean-Geest I spotted some black ice. The sun was gaining strength as I rode on and by the time I arrived on the Ravel leading me to Hoegaarden, I could feel its warmth on my face. Through Hoegaarden and then along the narrow tarmac roads towards Hoksem I had to beware some icy patches again. From Hoksem I took the bigger road towards Kumtich and then made my way to Willebringen and Neervelp. Riding into Bierbeek I decided to return once more through the Mollendaalbos and Meerdael Forest. Had to brave the wind along the Bevekomsestraat but then I could turn right towards the Sint Joris Weert straat which becomes the Weertse Dreef when it crosses the Naamsesteenweg. Following that into Blanden I once again had a solid ride behind me.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 53K and 480 heightmeters (Garmin) in 02h26mins

    Arriving home I got on the Tacx Satori for half an hour of cooldown. In this case it proved to be a warmup because my hands were cold when returning from my ride.

    Ride Stats : 21K in 00h32mins


    10-02-2013, 13:15 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    It was a cold but dry morning when I rode out with the Litespeed Obed . Furthermore, there was little wind so the conditions were ideal. The sun was playing hide and seek but near the end of the ride some clouds would gather and some light snows would fall. I started out towards Egenhoven, taking a little bit of offroad to check out how my hand would do when the trail got bumpy. But to my satisfaction I was without pain. The only pain I felt was the cold biting in my face. But once past Egenhoven I turned towards Leefdaal on the small tarmac roads and the sun shone in my face. This was bliss. The subtle warmth of the februari sun works miracles. Turining to Neerijse and the further on along the Wolfshagen towards Terlanen. Here I took a left for the long ascent towards Ottenburg. From Ottenburg I rode to Sint Agatha Rode and past the Dyle and Nethen valley to Hamme Mille. From Hamme Mille I followed to road to Beauvechain where I took a left towards Opvelp. From Opvelp I took another left to Bierbeek, and then rode around the Vuilenbos to reach Mollendaal. Another stretch of offroad took me through Mollendaalbos into Meerdael Forest towards the Naamsesteenweg. The forest road was sweating some moisture because the sun warmed up the frozen areas. Reaching the wooden bridge going over the Naamsesteenweg I had to convince myself that I could ride it. Memories of wooden bridges will haunt me for several months, I'm sure. But I crossed it and nothing happened. Following the Naamsesteenweg into Blanden I completed this ride. A nice distance and I had a good feeling thoughout the entire ride.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 58.5K and 405 heightmeters (Garmin) in 02h33mins

    Arriving home I changed into dry gear for half an hour of cooldown on the Tacx Satori. Starting the active recovery of my legs whilst my body returned to a more restful state.

    Ride Stats : 21K in 00h32mins


    09-02-2013, 13:53 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    After a 4.5K walk at work around noon I still felt the need for a ride on the Tacx Satori when I got home in the late afternoon. Reading and listening to music through Spotify I stayed on the Hilset for a little more than an hour. My legs felt OK and responed to the fast pace on low resistance.

    Ride Stats : 43K in 01h01mins


    08-02-2013, 17:45 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    I had a solitary walk at work over noon. The clouds were threatening with rain and it was cold but I still went for 4K. When the sun burst through it warmed me up just sufficiently to be able to add an extra loop around the block.
    Home I got on the Tacx and added another hour of swift riding. The legs felt good and keeping the resistance low I managed to stay well within recovery heartrates.

    Ride Stats : 44K in 01h01mins


    07-02-2013, 19:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Taking a couple of days to recover my cycling muscles I did forest walks on monday and tuesday. Around 7K a walk. This allowed me to put some different pressures on my leg muscles and whilst at it I could enjoy the clear crisp forest air and environment.
    Today saw me back on the Hilset and on the Tacx for an hours worth of relaxed riding. Low resistance and just concentrating on pedalling, nothing more , nothing less.

    Ride Stats : 42K in 01h01mins


    06-02-2013, 17:18 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Yesterday saw me doing a 13.2K forest walk , just to change the cycling habit and do something else with my legs. Today when the clouds disappeared today I decided to take  the Litespeed Obed out for a spin. Starting along the Naamsesteenweg and the Weertsedreef I made my way towards Nethen and Pecrot. From Pecrot through Grez and Cocrou and then slowly rising out of the Pietrebais valley towards the N91. Crossing that I rode on along small tarmac roads until I reached the N240. The wind was blowing from Western directions and it bothered me whilst I followed the N240 . But I took a right turn to La Bruyere and was helped by that same wind along the long downhill. From La Bruyere to Beauvechain and then braving the wind again towards Hamme Mille. Luckily I was off of the high plains and between houses so the breeze was sererely lessened. From Hamme Mille I followed the Naamsesteenweg back into Blanden. Had a good ride and was happy to be out again.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 45K and 360 heightmeters (Garmin) in 01h59mins

    When I got home I got on the Tacx Satori for a cooldown session. The legs were feeling OK and the active recovery was started.

    Ride Stats : 22.5K in 00h32mins


    03-02-2013, 13:57 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Felt like I needed a break from cycling during last night and this morning. My muscles were tense and coiled. When I got home after work I felt better though so I got on the Tacx Satori and started out with anticipation to see how the legs would feel. But they felt OK . Nevertheless I stayed on resistance one and settled for only an hour at a good pace. Some gentle stretching after a hot bath afterwards eased my muscles a bit more.

    Ride Stats : 44.5K in 01h01mins


    01-02-2013, 18:37 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Today saw a mix of sun, rain and a lot of wind. Coming from home late I decided to do another Tacx Satori ride. Keeping the resistance low and the speed high I sped through the kilometers whilst reading on my Kindle. Legs felt good despite the Tetanus injection I got yesterday.

    Ride Stats : 61K in 01h21mins


    31-01-2013, 19:59 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    I was late home after I had to go to the dentist, so I decided on a short ride on the Tacx Satori. trying to relax the muscles at a good pace but with low resistance.

    Ride Stats : 23K in 00h31mins


    30-01-2013, 20:38 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Winter has left the land and for a few days now temperatures have been rising, culminating to 12 degrees C today. However, rain and wind quenched any plans I might have had of riding outside. Instead I got on the Tacx Satori for an hour and a half of easy recovery on resistance one. Reading the 3rd book of the Last Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever Chronicles on my Kindle, time passed swiftly.

    Ride Stats : 65.5K in 01h31mins


    29-01-2013, 19:56 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Had a 2K walk at work over noon and when I got home after work I went for a Tacx Satori workout. Starting at resistance 1 I upped it to 2 for 20 minutes and then added another notch, going for resistance 3 for another 20 minutes. Dropping the resistance back down to 1 for a rundown towards 10 past the hour closed a good workout for the legs.

    Ride Stats : 49.5K in 01h11mins


    28-01-2013, 19:14 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    With rain moving in overnight and intensifying during the morning, I was bound to the Tacx Satori for another ride. Keeping the intensity down and the speed high, my legs could recuperate whilst riding and with each passing kilometer the numbness in the muscles was being washed away.

    Ride Stats : 52K in 01h11mins


    27-01-2013, 12:15 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    This morning saw me riding out in minus 4 degree C weather. I took the Obed and decided to take it for a spin on the main roads. The smaller roads were icy and the offroad was a mix of old and new snow, tricky and unforgiving. So the roads it would be. When I came to Beauvechain I got the company of 2 other mountainbikers who were doing a bit of road training. One of them was strong and insisted on taking the lead. The other one was of the 'following' kind. So I became a follower as well and we maintained a good average riding through Beauvechain, Tourinnes and Hamme Mille towards Nethen and Sint Joris Weert. I bid my two companions farewell and continued alone for a last loop over the Zoete Waters and Vaalbeek into Blanden. The wind was blowing strong from the south bothering me mostly during the first half of the ride. When I got home it started snowing lightly.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 37K and 290 heightmeters (Garmin) in 01h35mins

    At home I finished off my ride with a 30 minute cooldown session on the Tacx Satori. Changing shoes, taking off excess clothing and my helmet, wearing dry underwear and I was set for an easy roll on resistance one. The music of Dio accompanied me.

    Ride Stats : 22.5K in 00h31mins


    26-01-2013, 12:50 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    When I got home from work I decided to do a longer Tacx Satori ride, going for 90 minutes of Resistance 1 coupled with 10 minutes on resistance 2 after an hour into the ride. I felt rather good and the legs were fine.

    Ride Stats : 66.5K in 01h31mins


    25-01-2013, 19:43 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    An invigoranting walk at work this afternoon, in minus 5 degrees C temperatures and a cold breeze from the east. I managed 3.5K nevertheless.
    Home I got on the Tacx Satori and after a days rest my legs felt strong again as I pedalled away for 1h10 minutes, keeping the resistance on 1 all the way.

    Ride Stats : 51.5K in 01h11mins


    24-01-2013, 19:33 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Around noon I had a good walk at work, cover a little more than 3K in just-above-freezing temperatures. The snow was still present but most of the footpaths were clean.
    When I got home I got on the Tacx Satori for an hour of easy cycling. The legs felt better than yesterday and I could maintain a good speed whilst keeping the average heartrate low.

    Ride Stats : 43.5K in 01h01mins


    22-01-2013, 19:42 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Like many days before, I got on the Tacx Satori and completed an hour of fast but relatively easy kilometers. I kept the resistance low because I wanted to recover from the weekends' rides.

    Ride Stats : 42.5K in 01h01mins


    21-01-2013, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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     Waking up and it was snowing outside. No way I could ride out on the streets and I figured the combination of old hard snow and new soft snow would make the offroad trails hard to judge and difficult to ride.
    So I opted to stay indoors and chose a ride on the Tacx Satori. Taking it easy to allow my legs to recover.

    On another note I am pleased and happy to announce that my Moots Psychlo-X is finally completely finished and I took delivery of it yesterday afternoon. It looks great and I will be trying it out once the snow has passed.

    DSC02567rst DSC02568

    Ride Stats : 52K in 01h11mins


    20-01-2013, 13:47 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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