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    Tales from the Woods
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Hallerbos Extravaganza 3
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    Connecting 4 forests, that is about what this ride comes down to. I made an appointment with my friend Johan H. to start at 9AM and we left Blanden whilst the weather was still cloudy and temperatures were no higher than 6 degrees C. I wore more than enough insulation and I would certainly not regret this. We rode into Meerdael Forest to ride towards Sint Joris Weert where we left the forest and made our way out of the Nethen valley and over the crest into Neerijse. The valley of the Ijse provided us with our next climb and we made our way towards the Ganspoel and down into Duisburg. Up again to the twin water towers and before long we were into the majestic Sonian Forest. 
    In Sint Genesius Rode we exited the Sonian and made our way along the Zonienwoudlaan towards the edges of the Hallerbos. At the Sept Fontaines starts a GPS track that would bring us into the Hallerbos and further south towards Braine l'Alleud and then through the Lembeekbos back to the Hallerbos. This is a pretty neat track with some 700 heighmeters for its 36K distance. Always up and down, and sometimes very steep as well. Draining our legs with every climb so we made sure to eat and drink regularly. 


    Around 1PM the sun came bursting though the low cloud cover and the area brightened up considerably. The wealth of autumn colors now shone in full splendour in the rays of the sun. For the first time today I felt a little warmth instead of the dry southeasterly wind. Arriving back at the Hallerbos for the last stretch of this impressive track we could enjoy a myriad of leaves on the forest floor, hiding sometimes dangerous adversaries, like roots, stones, gullies, mud patches and more of the kind. But we came through without any trouble.


    With a little less than 80K on our counters we started on the way back towards the Sonian Forest and beyond. Arriving at the edge I paused to make a picture of the 2 Stooges. They have been moved and have received new heads and limbs. Picture proves it.


    I decided to ride back along a slightly different way so we rode to the edge of Tervuren and then through Duisburg and towards Leefdaal. Johan had a flat front tyre and I paused while he fixed it like a pro. A big injection of Co2 into a new inner tyre and we were quickly on our way again for the last stretches towards Heverleebos and ultimately Meerdael Forest.


    Arriving in Korbeek Dyle and riding towards Oud-Heverlee the Korbeekdamstraat was painful to the legs. Into Heverleebos and Vaalbeek where we split up. Johan was close to home and I only had a little stretch to ride along the edge of Meerdael Forest before I arrived home myself. A very tough and long but also satisfying ride. With an average temperature of 8 degrees C the forecast 12 degrees were never reached. But it was dry so I did not complain about the weather. On the contrary, we should consider ourselves very lucky to have such conditions in mid-november.
    I noticed I crossed the 100.000 heightmeter mark during this ride. Which means I reached one of my goals for biking already this year. The other one being the 12.000km mark.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 112K and 1370/1480 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 6h09mins


    11-11-2011, 17:22 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    It was a bit misty and overcast when I rode out in the late afternoon. After a days' rest I wanted to do another offroad ride in my home forest. Starting out on the lap I did a couple of days ago, but in the opposite direction , I rode through Mollendaal forest and then decided to ride to the Hercules Salon in Meerdael forest to have a go at my climbing lap. This consists of three climbs and descents in about 4K. When I arrived at the Hercules Salon I saw that Ad Wouters had made another sculpture. Taking a picture before starting on the first of 2 laps of my climbing lap.

    2011-11-08 16.11.57

    The forest floor was dry and hard, and grip was good. The only problems consisted of a multitude of fallen leaves blocking the view on the various roots and ruts. Especially in the downhills this was tricky and necessitated good concentration of the rider. Me .
    The climbs went well and I returned to Mollendaal forest along the same path as I came. Another passing along my lap there and I was close to home. The last 10K had me blazing my Lupine because darkness was falling fast. The temperature was a mild 11 degrees C and they forecast 15 to 16 degrees in the next couple of days.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 37K and 520/560 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h13mins


    08-11-2011, 18:35 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Felt tired in the morning so I decided to wait until dusk to ride out. This meant another nightride which I solved by riding laps again into Mollendaalbos. I had very bad GPS reception, my Garmin failed to find any satellite and the Endomondo tracker also took a lot of time to give the GPS OK message. I fear the total amount of heightmeters which my Garmin gave me might be a little on the optimistic side, since I started out at 5m altitude and it picked up 60 metres during the first couple of kilometers into the ride. So 450 to 460 might be more realistic than the 515 it gave me at the end of the ride. The GPS signal remained bad throughout the ride.
    The first 2 laps were completed in the quickly fading light. I had expected the tracks would be wetter than last friday, because it rained a bit in the night from friday to saturday, but to my surprise they were actually dried out almost completely. The leaves on the tracks were still making them very treacherous, especially since I slightly modified my loop to incorporate another singletracks which has quite a few roots crossing it. The last 3 laps I had the Lupine Tesla on and the speed remained as fast as the first laps. There was quite a bit of noise in the forest, some owls for starters, and I saw one or two of them flying along at the edge of my lightcone. When darkness fell completely the last walkers had left the trails and I was all alone - with a million creatures lurking just beyond my beacon of light. Or so I imagined. A vivid imagination can run some shivers down your spine in these conditions but at least you do not see what lies in the darkness.
    Back to the ride, that went fine, my legs were not in tiptop shape but I left my backback at home which saved me almost 3 kilograms of weight. I figured that since I did not venture further than 3-4K from my home, having a flat would not cost me more than a 30-40 minute walk. I could take one of my Vittoria Pitstop bottles with me on these kind of rides, which might inflate a flat just enough to ride home.
    Riding without a backback is indeed allowing me to breather easier and puts less strain on my shoulders and neck. I might consider doing this more often.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 42.5K and 395/515 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h14mins


    06-11-2011, 19:40 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    The past night saw some rain falling so this morning, when the sun came bursting through I decided to take the Hilset and do an easy recovery ride. Setting out along Haasrode, Bierbeek and Bremt I passed Willebringen , Kumtich and Oorbeek on my way to the Marollenkapel in Houthem. Stopping there for an obligatory break, enjoying the sunrays whilst the wind was just a slight breeze from the east. Riding down into Hoegaarden I set towards Zetrud-Lumay where I was greeted with a long climb on cobbles towards Saint Remy Geest. The Hilset is not bothered too much by cobbles so I decided to take another kilometer-long stretch of cobbles bringing me to Jodoigne.

    2011-11-05 11.36.24

    By now I had more than enough of the rounded stones and I followed the N240 until I could take a right towards Melin. From Melin I rode to Sart-Melin, coming on the N240 briefly again, before turning right towards La Bruyere and Beauvechain. From here I rode to Tourinnes and Hamme Mille and then followed the N25 through Meerdael Forest towards Blanden. The temperature throughout this ride was a gentle 16 degrees C and I arrived home with a satisfied feeling in my legs. The bike looked a bit muddy from the small tarmac roads which where still wet and muddy from the passing of agricultural devices.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 61K and 445/505 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h45mins



    05-11-2011, 14:14 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    November is upon us. That means that the evening rides are turning into night rides. I started out with the Litespeed Obed along a loop I walked yesterday. Into Mollendaal forest and back over Hoog Blanden. The loop is about 9K long. The first 3 laps were completed in the fading light and the last 2 ones I needed the Lupine Tesla to light my way. By then I did of course know the track by heart, the leaves made it a very rustly ride. The loop is a good mix of singletracks and wider forest roads. Incorporating one steep but short climb and a longer one that goes up to the highest point in this forest. The track then goes down towards the edge of the forest and follows that into Hoog Blanden, alongside the cemetery and then past the Rooikapel Hoeve.  A bit further I turn into the Lijstersstraat and back into Meerdael Forest for another lap.

    2011-11-04 17.50.38

    As the light began to fade and the darkness came upon me I switched on the Tesla I had mounted on my handlebar. It illuminated my path just fine. I will need to get some clear glasses for this time of the year and leave the colored ones at home. I think I will have a look at some option chez Chainreaction Cycles later this evening.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 46K and 350/420 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h16mins


    04-11-2011, 19:10 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Taking advantage of the clement and dry weather I decided to take the Big Bad Wolf out for an easy recovery ride. Starting out over Haasrode and Bierbeek I set forth for Bremt and Neervelp, riding towards Opvelp and all the way through to La Bruyere. Here I made a left turn towards Meldert and then came back to Bierbeek , passing in Opvelp again. The temperature was 14 degrees C on average and there was a mild breeze from the southwest.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 42K and 265/285 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h48mins


    02-11-2011, 18:01 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Holiday today so I could enjoy the beautiful autumn weather to take the Obed out for another ride. I started out on the 65K loop of the Bierbeek TT, the same loop as last sunday. I meant to do the 55K distance but when I came to the split I decided to ride the 65K instead, even adding a little loop to ride to a beautiful view of the Bonlez valley.
    You could still see the tracks of all the bikers that had passed but once on the 55 and 65K track there had been less wheels and everywhere there were fresh leaves that had fallen and covered the track. This made some of the descents rather tricky, and I'm not even talking about the wet cobbles, always a challenge. I leave you with a couple of pictures I took today, which give an impression of the beautiful autumn colors we are currently enjoying.





    When I was nearing the Zoete Waters I came upon my friend Roger who was doing a loop in Meerdael Forest. We chatted a bit while I rode the remainder of the Bierbeek loop. Where the track crossed the Naamse Steenweg we said our goodbyes.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 66K and 830/885 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 3h34mins


    01-11-2011, 16:57 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    The winter hour was upon us and this meant that we all could sleep an hour more in preparation for todays organised ride. I was helping the organisation of the Bierbeek organised ride and when I left home just before 7AM the temperature already was a mild 12 degrees C and the sun was still hiding behind the horizon. My Lupine Tesla helped me find my way in the semi-darkness and when I reached the start at Bierbeek, the rest of the guys were already busy preparing for an invasion of bikers.
    I left with Joel to ride the first stretch up to the rest stop at Gottechain. The arrowing was still very much present and we only had to stop once to change a dubiously placed arrow. When we arrived at the rest stop Joel continued on the 45K loop while I chose the 55/65 track. There were a lot of scouts in the Grez-Doiceau area this weekend so care had to be taken in the descents. I met up with Bart who told me that someone had removed the signposts which marked the 55/65 split, just before Heze. He took a shortcut to that spot while I followed the track through Cocrou . When I arrived at the split, Bart was already there, guiding the bikers on either of the 55 or 65K track. A new signpost would be delivered soon. I continued into Heze and started on the long climb that would lead me to the Chapelle du Cheneau in Longueville. The cobbles were wet and the sun was shining in my face through the foliage of the trees alongside the hollow road.


    A little bit further , I met up with Frank who informed me that a small disaster had struck. Seems that every arrow since the 55/65 split had been systematically removed. I rode past him and indeed, all arrows were gone. It became even more serious and devious. Past the Chapelle du Cheneau and entering Longueville, a new track had been signed !
    I had the original track on my GPS and when I arrived at a crossroads where I knew our track veered to the right, I saw arrows pointing straight ahead. I thought it must have been a last-minute track change so I continued and followed this new track until I came on the fields overlooking Gistoux. Here all arrowing stopped.
    So not only did they remove 10K of arrowing, they also took the time to put up some new arrows, clearly with the intention of leading the passing mountainbikers into oblivion. Organised crime at an organised ride?
    I made sure to put new arrows leading from this spot back to the original track. Further along I was passed by bikers which meant that my arrowing was working. In the mean time, Bart and Frank were also doing their best to re-arrow the rest of the 65K loop back into Heze.


    Past Heze a long singletrack took us up into Biez and another singletrack brought us back down and into Grez Doiceau.


    Here the signage appeared to be OK again. Completing the 55/65K loop I now rejoined the bikers on the 45K loop. There were masses of them. I could enjoy the beautiful weather a little bit more whilst riding my bike through Archennes, La Malaise and then towards Pecrot. The trail was beautiful but the succession of climbs was demanding on the legs . 


    The arrowing was impeccable now . It appears only the extra loop of the 65K had been targeted. Still, I can imagine a lot of bikers who were mislead. I encountered big groups of them and they were very happy that someone could point them in the right direction.  I could feel the fatigue in my legs and I also felt hungry when I reached the end of the ride. I was told that there were 1700 bikers today, which is some kind of record for this organisation I'm sure. I hope they all had a great ride and for those who had to look for arrows on the 65K, my sincere apologies but we did our best to get the arrowing back in place as soon as possible.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 77.5K and 870/985 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 4h01mins


    30-10-2011, 13:41 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Legs felt still OK after yesterdays' ride so I rode out again today. Taking the Hilset "Big Bad Wolf" custom titanium bike I decided to do a little exploration of the area past Corroy Le Grand. I started out over Sint Joris Weert and Ottenburg, riding into Basse Wavre, climbing out of it and then taking a right towards Dion le Val. Following a parralel road to the Chaussee de Huy I rode towards Vieuw-Sart and then onwards to Corroy Le Grand. There are a lot of small tarmac roads in this area, mostly to help the farmers get to their fields. But following a direction in this maze of roads is not easy. I more or less concentrated on keeping the sun to my right to judge which road to take.Before long I reached Nil Saint Martin where I had to decide whether I would take a right towards Mont Saint Guibert, or take the other option and try to make my way towards Sart-Risbart and Incourt. I chose the latter option and had a peek at my GPS screen to make sure which tarmac road to take. I did not want to go too far because I have an obligation to the organisation of the Bierbeek organised ride tomorrow. Doing too much today would hamper my fitness, much needed on the 65K offroad track that awaits me tomorrow.
    Undercrossing the E411 , leaving Libersart to my right, I made my way towards the Chaussee de Huy and after crossing that took a plunge towards Sart-Risbart. Stopping for a snack besides a chapel dedicated to Sainte Wivine, I also took the opportunity to take a picture.

    2011-10-29 13.00.28

    In Sart Risbart I came on better-known territory and quickly puzzled out my way towards Longueville. Stopping at the well-known Chapelle du Cheneau I took a couple of pictures of the Big Bad Wolf.

    2011-10-29 13.19.12

    2011-10-29 13.20.20

    When I left Longueville and made my way towards Heze, the sun shich had been hiding behind a veil of clouds, came out and the autumn colors brightened up my horizon. Into Grez and then the N25 towards Hamme Mille. I arrived home with a solid ride behind me. I have changed the light but stiff and uncomfortable Crossmax 1 wheels for a set built around 1992 XTR hubs. This set is a lot more comfortable and also rolls smoother. Even after all these years, soon 20 , the XTR hubs still do their job silently and precise.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 61.5K and 465/525 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h40mins


    29-10-2011, 16:01 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Leaving around 4pm the temperature was still an exceprional 17 degrees C. Exceptional because after all, we are nearly november. I took the Hilset out for an LSD ride along Bierbeek, Meldert, L'Ecluse and into La Bruyere. Here I returned towards Beauvechain, Opvelp, Neervelp and ultimately Bremt. The bike still feels awkward to ride , I am still not used to riding a mountainbike on the road after the plentitude of kilometers on the Vortex these past 5 months. Still , the average speed was getting better than the last couple of rides. It is hard to imagine I have already done thousands of kilometers on this bike. But I am sure I will get used to it as I ride it more and more during the cold and dark months ahead.
    I tried another tracker today, Garmin Fit, at the same time as my usual Endomondo tracker. With the Garmin Fit application the data is saved into your Garmin Connect account.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 45K and 255/310 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h56mins


    28-10-2011, 18:34 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Yesterday saw a spot of rain but today the sun was out again. Good thing because I had an appointment with Johan H. for a mountainbike ride into our local forest. It had drizzled so the tracks were a little bit moist and here and there a puddle gave proof to fact that the sun's drying force was mostly gone . There was quite a breeze blowing from the west so the plan was to stay in the forest as much as possible. Johan told me to lead so I set out on a loop that would bring us towards Nethen for a spot of climbing and descending. I love the little twisty tracks there, steep, eroded and quite a challenge to ride, be it uphill or downhill. As it turned out we accumulated quite some heightmeters here. The tracks were great and challenging.


    After a while we left the forest and rode into Nethen. We left it climbing along the Ruelle du Cure towards the Bois de Beaumont. Rounding this small forest we arrived in Pecrot. Following the GR up to the ridge and then we could ride down along a long hollow road towards Nethen again. Taking a right turn onto a cobbled road which emerged into the La Malaise fields. Here a sharp left turn had us riding down a very difficult hollow road riddled with a lot stones and very deep ruts. Quite a challenge. Into Nethen again where I chose to slowly ride towards the Meerdael Forest. A steep climb and then another technical drop into Nethen before we took a right and followed the Savenel wall for the long climb along  the Blue Bloso track. Taking a right at the top and another one after a twisty singletrack and we joined the Savenel wall again. We were now close to La Trace and we rode through the farm with the same name . Things mellowed out a bit as we rode down and past the Warande ponds - another steep climb here nevertheless. On top of that we rode towards - and crossed - the Naamsesteenweg to make our way to Valduc. Down  into Hamme Mille, following a track along the Ry Saint Martin towards the Valduc estate. The forest colors were striking as the sun slowly dropped towards the horizon. Passing the forestry house overlooking the fields of Mille, we entered the forest again for a last stretch along the Eleonore Dreef and the Margrietendreef into Blanden.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 37.5K and 555/565 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h21mins


    26-10-2011, 19:24 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Another sunny day and when I got home from work I got on my bike to make the most of the available daytime hours. There was a fierce wind blowing from the east so I made sure to enter the forest as quickly as possible. I picked in on the Red Meerdael Bloso and started following it in the reverse direction. The forest felt warm and the colors of the leaves are slowly starting to change into their beautiful autumn tints.
    The trails were dry and fast but I made sure to keep the ride fairly relaxed, still recuperating from the weekends' rides and the remainders of a cold that are slowly leaving my body.
    Overlooking Bierbeek I stopped to make a couple of pictures. The ancient church was basking in the sun.



    Moving along I followed the Red until it was joined by the Blue and I followed that for a more hilly intermezzo. The legs felt a bit tired but I still enjoyed the longer uphills near Nethen and Sint Joris Weert. Arriving in Vaalbeek I made for the Red route again which I followed past the wooden bridge over the Naamsesteenweg until I reached the Margrietendreef. Here I took a left and rode into Blanden for a final little loop bringing my total distance to 40K.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 40k and 425/485 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h08mins


    24-10-2011, 19:48 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    As expected the weather remained good during this second day of the weekend. So I went out again for an offroad ride. This time I planned to first ride to Gottechain to the point where the 45K loop - which I did yesterday -  splits off from the longer distances of 55K and 65K. The forest was still cold when I followed the Naamsesteenweg to Hamme Mille and then made my way to Bossut and Gottechain, crossing the Lambais valley.
    The plan was to do the extra 20K loop of the 65K . From Gottechain the trail leads me southwards to Cocrou and things start to get serious right away with a long difficult climb up into the Bois de Beausart. The roots on the track require extra attention and a certain belief in yourself and the bike to make it over them without stalling or stopping. Luckily the technical prowess is there and with the track being completely dry I can drive the bike over them without even a wheel spinning.
    Down along a cobble track into Cocrou where another climb takes me all the way up to the Grand Sart farm . Down into Heze and then back up for a long climb, starting over wet cobbles and ending in the fields where the Chapelle du Cheneau marks the end. From here I ride into Longueville and then down an exciting downhill  into the Bois de Bonlez. The track is wet here from a little rivulet that follow and crosses it. But I manage to keep my bike as good as dry by carefully choosing where I place my wheels.


    Down into Bonlez and then taking it easy on a very long climb - again - taking me up to the Bois de Glabais. From here its down into Heze again. Then along a sandy track towards Morsaint where a very steep climb along a nice singletrail awaits me. I'm in Biez now and riding past the church I enter another singletrack leading down towards Grez-Doiceau. It is wet here, the trails lies in the shade, so care has to be taken. A beautiful view of Grez makes me stop to take a picture.


    Leaving Grez to my left I quickly regain the last climb, back into Gottechain. A difficult trail, very steep and rutty. But I make it. I am back where I started exactly 20K earlier. This was the far loop of the 65K Bierbeek ride. If you want to ride it, be there next sunday.


    Having completed my reconnaisance task I decide to ride over to Tourinnes-la-Grosse and pass through the Valduc estate . Past Gottechain I make my way into Nodebais and then upwards following the field tracks to get a good view of Tourinnes' big church. Taking a picture while it is basking in the sun. The sun was really out today and the average temperature throughout this ride was 12 degrees, which is 4 degrees more than during yesterdays' ride.


    From Tourinnes I ride to Valduc and then into Meerdael Forest for a last stretch in the now warmed up forest. The sun on my back felt great whilst cruising home.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 46K and 610/670 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h36mins


    23-10-2011, 17:34 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Had to wait until today to ride a bike again. My cold was better and riding should help drain my nose and sinusses from the last remainders of the virus. I chose to do a recon of the upcoming Meerdaal 2000 ride  - sunday the 30th of October in Bierbeek - and decided to start out easy with the 45K distance. The weather was cold but clear skies and a breeze from the east. Around 11am the temperature had risen well above 0 so I donned my new Assos Fugu socks and Early Winter gloves. Both turned out to be amazingly suited for the purpose.
    The trail was dry and my bike - the Obed - performed well. Only bother was that I could not get my Polar to receive a signal from the speed sensor. Oh, I would have to do without that during this ride. I could still record my heartrate and that was the most important. Upon arriving home I discovered what was wrong - the sensor on the fork had shifted downwards. Probably during the maintenance that it received last week.
    Talking of that fork, it performed beautifully.
    My heart rate was still rather high during the ride but my legs felt strong . You can check out how the loop goes on the Endomondo link below this entry. The first bit was mellow and going through a very cold Meerdael Forest. When I arrived in Valduc I felt the warmth of the sun and the ride became a lot more comfortable. The wind was noticeable but I was well-protected by multiple layers of clothing.
    Entering Gottechain where the split between the 45K and the 2 longer distances of 55 and 65K was, I took to the right into the valley and towards Bossut.


    In and around Archennes the track becomes more challenging with a couple of demanding climbs and tricky descents. Afterwards riding towards Pecrot and entering the Meerdael Forest again in Nethen, things mellow out again. By then I began to feel my legs though and the last couple of K's towards the Zoete Waters and up to the Keiberg were done pretty relaxed to spare my legs and avoid going too deep into my reserves.
    Arriving home I noticed the average temperature was 8 degrees C, which is not bad on a sunny late October day .

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 46K and 545/600 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h36mins


    22-10-2011, 15:22 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Howdy. I have been suffering a cold since last friday so I had to take it easy for a couple of days. Stayed in throughout the - wonderfully sunny - weekend and when I started to feel better on monday I decided to go out for a walk in the Meerdael Forest. Walking is another way to enjoy the beauty of the forest and it gives you another perspective on all things that roam around. I started out with a 1h30 walk which netted me a little less than 7K.

    In the meantime I also had my Litespeed Obed serviced at Filip Sport. The Fox RLT80 fork has been overhauled and I also put on a new chain and XTR cassette. Some glamour in the form of a golden jockey wheel was also welcome. This bike will carry me through the muddier rides which are sure to come in the next couple of months.

    2011-10-18 17.09.36

    If it is cold and dry I will opt for the Moots, which also was overhauled and received a new chain and middle ring. The chain is a blue Wippermann 920 teflon and the middle chainring is a Middleburn 36T . I also replaced the big ring by a Goldtec 46T which has been gathering dust for almost 10 years waitng for the old Race face 46T to wear out. .

    2011-10-14 14.23.04

    Yesterday I went for another - slightly longer forest walk which took me towards the Warande ponds and back . Almost 9K this time in just a tad over 1h50mins.


    I'm looking forward to this weekend, my cold is better and the forecast calls for sunny weather again.

    20-10-2011, 18:34 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Today saw a mix of light rain and dry periods, still a lot of wind and temperatures around 15 degrees C. It was dry when I left on the Hilset for a ride that would take me on a loop through Bierbeek, Opvelp and Meldert. From here I turned right and then left into L'Ecluse. From L'Ecluse I quickly reached La Bruyere and set towards Beauvechain. I noticed the dark clouds coming nearer and before long I began to feel a light drizzle falling down. I wore a sleeveless windstopper over my long sleeved jersey and the rain did not bother me much. Riding through Tourinnes-la-Grosse and Nodebais I stopped for a little break and took a picture of the Hilset overlooking Hamme Mille in the distance. Riding the Hilset differs in many ways from riding the Vortex. The Hilset offers a harsher ride. Looking at the saddle one can imagine the comfort offered by the Tune Speedneedle is far less than that of the Brooks on the Vortex. But the wheels as well are more jumpy as is the frame. The aluminum stem, carbon handlebar and Pace fork add to the whole experience.  Good thing the frame and seatpost are made of titanium, otherwise this bike would feel like a pogo-stick.

    2011-10-12 17.05.47

    From Hamme Mille I followed the Naamsesteenweg into Blanden and rode on through the Brainestraat and towards Heverlee where I did a double right into Heverleebos to return to Blanden to finish my ride. The light drizzle remained with me until the end of the ride.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 45.5K and 295/335 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h56mins


    12-10-2011, 18:44 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Three days of rest because we had 3 days of rain. As it turned out my legs felt stiff but I could feel there was also power hidden in there. Today was the first time I was back on the Hilset BBW custom titanium hardtail. This is the bike I use for road rides in winter and the wet months of fall and spring. After more than 8000km road kilometers on the Litespeed Vortex - a proper roadbike - it will take some getting used to ride slower and on a bike that is not as lenient as the magnificent Vortex. The Tune Speedneedle made itself feel during the first part of the ride. Like I said, this bike will take some getting used to.
    I rode out over the Weertse Dreef and into Sint Joris Weert. Then to Nethen and in Pecrot I rode up the hill towards Malaise and over the cobbles to Bossut. I paused briefly at the farm where my dad was born to take some pictures.

    2011-10-10 15.47.43

    Moving on and into the harsh wind I rode down to Archennes and then towards Dion Valmont. Crossing the Chaussee de Huy and then riding parallel to it, enjoying the peace and quiet of the little backroads. Steep, narrow but the Hilset is well-geared to taken on even the steepest climbs. In Gistoux I was glad to have the wind in my back and when I climbed on the plateau again to reach Longueville I was making good speed. Down towards Heze and further into Grez I had the wind from the side and it was trying to topple me over. Some black clouds as well but luckily it remained dry throughout the entire ride. Entering Bossut for the second time and then down towards Hamme Mille. Following the Naamsesteenweg into Blanden I decided to add another loop, taking advantage of the fine weather - well, the dry weather  - riding along the Naamsesteenweg to La Chasse and then taking a right towards the Commemoratory graveyard, there a right again towards Blanden again. Notwithstanding the wind and the stiff legs I had a fine ride.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 62.5K and 555/650 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h45mins


    10-10-2011, 19:36 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Fall seems to be well on its way now. The weather was windy and some showers fell during the day. Hesitant to ride out but I decided to get the Litespeed Obed out from under the dust and get myself re-acquainted with its intricacies. I rode into Meerdael forest which was moist but not overly wet. The temperature was a meagre 12 degrees C and the wind - blowing from the north - fell cold when it reached me through the leaves. The first toadstools are appearing left and right of the trails. Lots of leaves falling and for sure some more will fall in the upcoming weeks. The trails were fine with only the occasional puddle to spoil the fun. 


    I had to remind myself that the Obed offers only XTR v-brake braking power compared to my other - disc-equipped - mountainbikes and I also had to remember the tyres have inner tubes, no no-tubes. So care had to be taken choosing the right track. But the bike rolls smoothly with its XTR wheels and shifting is still precise and fast. It also only weighs 10.5 kgs which make it a nice little climber, even with the 26-36-46 chainring combination. I completed my easy ride with a feeling of confidence that this bike is alsmot ready for the upcoming winter. The fork will get maintenance and the drive train - chain, middle chainring and xtr 12-34 cassette - has to be changed but the rest worked flawlessly.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 26K and 235/255 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h27mins


    06-10-2011, 19:55 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Last sunday saw the passing of the Pietrebais organised ride. A ride that I have done a couple of times in the past but that I could not attend this year. Thanks to Roger L. I received the GPS track and when I told him I wanted to ride the 54K trail today he was eager to come along.
    When we started around 1.30pm there was some light drizzle falling but pretty soon the rain ceased and we even were greeted by the sun from time to time making our ride even more pleasant. My average temperature was 18 degrees C so you might say weather conditions were excellent.
    We picked in on the trail high in Gottechain and from the start we were plunged in a succession of climbs and descents. Trail conditions were excellent, dry and fast, almost no fallen leaves thanks to the little Indian Summer we had last week and there was only one place were we got our wheels wet on the entire 54K.
    I know this region very well and I must say ; kudos to the trail builder. It is quite obvious he likes climbing and the section between Bonlez and Longueville offers one of the best connection of trails I have ever ridden here. If I had the legs I would have done it another time. But we agreed that we better ride the rest of the trail, it would be more than enough. Offering close to 900 heightmeters on the 54K, not an easy stroll indeed.
    About halfway into our ride we took a break at the Chapelle du Cheneau near Longueville to eat and drink a bit. It was necessary. The climbs were mostly short but very steep and I thanked the gods for the good traction. If you decide to come and ride here, preferably do so after a week without rain because mud will make these trails very very difficult physically.


    From Longueville the tobogan rolled on through Heze and then to the finish in Pietrebais. Some of the trail markings were still there and the GPS track and Rogers' memory did the rest. Taking another break in Pietrebais I noticed the big slab of stone that gave its name to the rivulet and the town.


    Moving on the track lead us to Cocrou and then into the Bois de Beausart for the next climbs. Gottechain was looming over the horizon but the trail veered to the left for another downhill and another climb. Last sunday there was also a chrono over this track and Roger told me the first rider finished the 54K in 2h09mins. Quite an accomplishement given the fact that our Olympic qualifier Kevin Van Hoovels was 6th with a time of 2h22. Anyway, hats off to those guys. It must be something riding here with speeds around 30kph and a lot more in the - sometimes very tricky and dangerous - downhills. The landscapes here are very beautiful, while riding from one valley into the other.


    From Gottechain we rode homewards through Hamme Mille and finished off a very pleasant, enjoyable and heavy ride though amazingly beautiful landscapes. Good thing we could enjoy those while our legs were screaming for mercy. But that is what we like, to suffer and to enjoy the suffering.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 76.5K and 1035/1110 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 4h18mins


    04-10-2011, 19:49 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Another fine day and I decided to do an easy recovery ride to allow my legs some time off after yesterdays' long ride. Following the track of the "Haasrode" ride I passed through Bierbeek, Neervelp, Willebringen, Kumtich and Hoksem before arriving in Oorbeek and at the Goudberg Geosite. A van of 'Peter Nolmans' almost killed me when it crossed me with a fools speed and loud honking noise on one of the narrow tarmac roads. Either the driver was a fool or he was drunk. I hope I will see this van again one of these days, revenge will be sweet.
    Around the Geosite and then riding upwards to the Marollenkapel near Sint Katelijne Hoksem I paused to take a picture of the chapel bathing in the crisp sunlight.

    2011-10-02 12.22.13

    There was no winf to speak of and the skies were blue with a tinge of dust and smog. I rode back along the same trail whence I had come, legs enjoying the easy pace.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 56K and 460/475 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h14mins


    02-10-2011, 15:02 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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