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    Tales from the Woods
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Rode LintjesTocht Nr26 in Meerdael
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    It had been a while since I guided a tour for the Rode Lintjes, a group of mountainbikers which have their own forum and who are recognizable by a red ribbon attached to their helmet. I guided the first Rode Lintjes Tocht in Nandrin , quite a few years ago now , and then again another one in Theux some months later . Since then the Rode Lintjes have been biking all over Belgium, always having one of their members presenting a ride in their region or a region they know very well, and guiding that ride for the others to enjoy.
    After long consideration I agreed on doing my Secret Meerdael Training Loop. I had some reservations about the use of GPS, after all , it is supposed to be a secret loop right ? But we came to an agreement, I would not mind having members with a GPS on the ride , as long as they agreed to keep the track for their own use and most certainly would NOT put it on the web. Most of the tracks I use are small singletrack, and having hordes of bikers coming over to ride those trails would most certainly kill them or have the Forestry decide to close them down for bikers.
    I also stipulated to have a numerus clausus, 5 to 6 bikers at a time, again to save the tracks.
    So this saturday morning at 10am , 5 brave bikers showed up at the little school of Blanden. The weather had not exactly been favorable to dry trails these last few days, and the forecast was for scattered showers during the day . But at least the temperature was very nice with 10 degrees C at the start .
    I had mounted a front and rear fender because I was expecting some of the trails to be rather muddy. I was to be proven right. Mentally I had already scapped a few sections, which would shorten the 65K loop but the remainder would still prove to be more than enough for most of the participants. The singletracks ondulating through the forest, the mud and especially in the second part the constant succession of climbs and descents made this a very tough ride, especially this early in the season. But I had a good time, we had a few showers in the second half of the ride , but overall the conditions were very good. The tracks were a lot more slippery after the showers but by then we had cleared the most dangerous downhills. In a few weeks I will guide another group of Rode Lintjes over these trails  , perhaps this time we can do the full version, that will depend on how the weather will be.

    Ride Stats : 54.5K and 885 heightmeters in 4h00mins
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    24-02-2007, 15:50 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Farmer Giles of Ham
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    Rather unstable weather today. At one time I thought of getting on my bike, the sky was open and the wet streets were starting to dry out but I had to check something on my PC first and I'm glad I did. Because half an hour later it started to pour again. So on the rollers I went. Armed with some nice music of Ewa Sonnet and Anastacia and reading a couple of short fairy tales from Mr. JRR Tolkien.
    The idea was to ride at an easy pace to get rid of the heavy legs, left over from yesterdays' powertraining. Managed to put in an hour and a half and I finished two stories in that time..
    Plans for the Houffa weekend April 20-22nd , begin to form. I have already booked last November in my usual hotel, the Ol' Fosse d'Outh. So I can concentrate on things I want to do while there. Checking out some marked trails in nearby La Roche is on my list , I have done some of them, either partly or as part of an LCMT long ago, and I wouldn't mind to go back there and check them out, they are short but steep and tough. The Houffa marked trails themselves are also an option of course , or even a road ride if the trails are muddy and dirty.
    Another thing I certainly want to do is check out the entire
    Houffa World Cup circuit to find some new  interesting spots to take photographs. I usually stay in the Ol' Fosse neighborhood ( lazy bones :) )  focussing on the singletrack climb leading up to the famous Ol Fosse downhill or positioning myself on the long climb into the forest after they cross the Bastogne road .
    The circuit keeps getting shorter and shorter each year. I've known it to be almost 12K in 1996 and then you could take your time to walk to some other spots before the riders returned.Nowadays they barely need 15 minutes to complete a 3.5K lap.
    I should normally have a Press Card so I could take a Press Shuttle to move quickly from spot to spot  but I don't need all that hassle, I just want a few good spots and move between them on foot . A nice steep uphill were the tension is on the riders' faces never fails to produce nice pictures.

    I think I will practice a bit during saturdays races and compare spots , digital camera settings and lens options. Normally I take my action pics with an 180mm f2.8 small tele but I can now also use my 28-70 f2.8 zoom, which could provide some interesting wide angles as I can photograph the riders as they pass over me (or , to be more precise - next to me)
    I need that zoom anyway to make close-ups from the riders at the starting grid before the race.
    Normally I will also cover the Trophee Jeunes Vetetiste  race at Grez-Doiceau (Hèze) - on saturday March 3rd. This should a good repetition for my new camera and flash (I had to get a new Nikon SB-800 because the flash I had (a Nikon SB-24 aged 10 years)  isn't compatible with the newer Nikon D2X cameras' I-TTL mode , thanks Nikon for that !

    Ride Stats : 35.5K in 1h30mins


    21-02-2007, 19:59 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Today I had some difficulty leaving at work which made me get on my bike half an hour later than I anticipated. I had to do some powertraining today and in view of the good weather (15 degrees C !) I went out and rode towards the Tienne Vincent, a steep short climb in neighbouring Nethen, to pit myself against its steepness. It averages 13.5% and I think it goes to 17 or 18 percent at its steepest. It starts at 34 metres of altitude and tops of around 75 and all that in a mere 400 meters. I noticed my speed going up was 7kph..I was on a speed that forced me to really push on the pedals, making my bike squeak and groan.. whilst sitting down. This took me around 90 seconds to make it to the top and then I really relaxed while following the road, descending back towards nethen and attack the Tienne again. I did this 6 times. On my last ascend I met someone else from my club who was also doing some climbing . Yes, the racing season is coming along very quickly..
    After that I rode back home, relaxing the muscles and arriving just in time to beat the incoming darkness.

    Ride Stats : 31k and 365 heightmeters in 1h24


    20-02-2007, 19:11 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Felt rather tired from yesterdays' ride so I decided not to risk another offroad adventure and instead opted for a long road ride. The Maleizen tour is just that. It starts in Maleizen and loops over Ottenburg, Grez Doiceau, Mont Saint Guibert, Corbais, Louvain la Neuve, Wavre and back to Maleizen. There are 3 distances ; 65K, 90K and 115K and they are marked by a yellow capital M with an arrow on top of it. I usually take the 65K version, since I got that memorized well which is a help because the arrowing on the streets begins to fade.
    I managed to flatten again, this time I picked up a tiny pin which caused my rear tyre to slowly lose pressure. I couldn't find the hole this time, so I mounted a spare and moved on. Have to try and find the hole at home, otherwise the inner tyre is 'lost'.
    Weather was not as warm as yesterday but I still averaged 9 degrees C so I'm not complaining.

    Ride Stats : 76.5K and 695 heightmeters in 3h12mins


    18-02-2007, 17:23 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Foret de Soignes extraordinaire
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    Wow, what a great ride I just had. The weather was awesome for this time of year; bordering around 12 degrees C or even more in the sun and out of the wind. It had been dry and warm-ish  for a couple of days now and I had arranged to meet up with "Monster Blonde" (well , she IS a blonde but the Monster bit is not really true, on the contrary ! ) to do a ride in the Foret de Soignes.
    She hadn't been out with her bike this year - having done a lot of spinning classes and Gary Fisher  powered Tacx Fortius roller rides - and for me it also was a while ago I had been in the FdS.
    I really love to ride my bike over to this big forest just south of Brussels , do a loop or a combination of loops over there and then head back. This nets me at least a 3-hour ride and I love the forest no matter what time of year. At first, a few years back now, it was a bit of a maze to me, and because of its size, it is HUGE , I tended to get confused by all the trails , which all looked so alike. All the singletrails meandering from one place to the other all added to the confusion.

    But I have been out there with her many times before, and she DOES know this Forest inside out, having devized lots of loops for BigM , so I followed her , looked around and started to memorize the place, trying to form a picture (a map if you wish ) of it in my head and gradually feeling confident enough to venture out by myself, albeit with a real map in my back pocket, you never know when you DO get lost. There also is a great BLOSO trail out there, starting in Hoeilaart and always a good base track to fall back on.
    So, like I said, I rode to Tervuren and met up with her. She was eager to get out, and so was I. The trails were pretty much dry and the warm air and nice surroundings made the ride very enjoyable. The forest was pretty busy with walkers , bikers and horses. And of course a lot of loose dogs to watch out for. My companion was leading the way and at times I was surprised by her rushing off like a young fowl, leaving me to up a gear and trying to catch up with her. I also noticed she had gained a lot of strenght in the climbs, those indoor sessions are really paying off . I love to ride the trails with her, her pace is just right. She can go on for hours on end, and those long steady rides really suit me best. On top of that I think we both share the same respect and love of nature and a healthy curiosity to discover new stuff. Both just wanting to get 'out there' and follow the trails to wherever they may lead us. Some of these ventures have been almost magic.
    We took in quite a bit of hills, some swooping singletracks and also took the time to stop every now and then, having a sip of water/sportsdrink and enjoy the tranquility and the sheer beauty of the forest. Or watch a dog swimming playfully after a thrown stick in a pond near the Rouge Cloitre. Or look amazed as we notice there already are young canadian geese about at another pond.
    After 22K and just shy of 250 heightmeters we were back at our starting point. Lungs filled with the clean forest air and I'm sure both having enjoyed a very good ride. Thanks M.B. for this great ride !
    I still had to ride back towards Leuven, taking in a few trails on the way, even a little bit of the Green Meerdael loop before I got home.

    Ride Stats : 62K and 500 heightmeters in 3h06mins


    17-02-2007, 17:52 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Power training
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    Today needed me to do another power training on the rollers. With an outside temperature of nearly 15 degrees C it took a lot of inner pressure to keep me from getting on one of my bikes and ride outside. But I am giving my wrist one more day off, and training on the rollers lets you train and follow a set program with almost chirurgical precision. So I stayed in.
    I got a Nikon SB800 flash delivered at home today (I ordered it yesterday at Digicamshop
    so these guys are lightning fast - my thanks to them)
    I had been experimenting with an old SB24 I still have lying around from my F801S days but the results were not constant, the flash being unable to measure TTL with my much more recent Nikon D2X
      this left me with the only option to input all parameters manually. Lots of work and easy to make a mistake so why not unleash the full power of the D2X-SB800 combo ? So I got one and the first results were amazing. I feel much more confident now with regards to getting the pictures right at some upcoming mountainbike events.
    The weather , wow, this almost feels like spring.. can't wait to do a long ride tomorrow where another warm day is forecast.

    Ride Stats : 27k in 1h10mins


    16-02-2007, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Good news and bad news
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    Today I planned to do 2 hours on the rollers, the rain had been falling incessantly since this morning, and after taking half a day off at work I started my ride around 5pm.
    2 hours is a long time to spend on the rollers and even though I was listening to some music from Ewa Sonnet, Hayumi Hamasaki and Anastacia (who I am just discovering and really like a lot - 'How come the world won't stop' really gives me shivers) and reading the last of my Conan novels and beginning with Sven Nys' autobiography, I still have a lot of time just to close my eyes and let my thoughts wander over the day.
    Quickly my thoughts are invaded by a very good friend, who stands before a great task in life and today received some good news which will help her to gain confidence and security towards completing that task.
    But I also link to another girl, who died last night in Malmö where she was found dead in her home at the age of 32. Tragic if you know that she also leaves behind a 4-year old daughter. The exact circumstances of her death are still uncertain.
    Most of you won't know who Johanna Sällström, born Johanna Maria Berglund,  is just by hearing the name.
    But I think a bell will start ringing when I tell you she plays the role of Linda, the daughter of Kurt Wallander in the Swedish detective series "Wallander". I think about her for a long time, and in my minds' eye I see fragments of the series where she plays a woman amongst other things struggling with her feelings for a fellow policeman. Her character is being really delved out very deeply through the different films and is portrayed beautifully by this young actress who now has left us so abruptly .
    I was shocked when I heard the news and I feel sad, both for her and for those she leaves behind. I commemorate her by inserting a little picture of her next to this text, which is linked to a bigger one taken when she was in Belgium for the Film Festival in Ghent
    last autumn.
    Life is full of all these little facts that mean so much to some and so little to others , some good news, some bad news. Sherish the good news and deal with the bad news, that is perhaps the first lesson to learn when growing up.
    At least in our minds we can stay children, just enough to be able to face it all.

    Ride Stats : 50k in 2h04mins


    14-02-2007, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Another power training this evening. My morning pulse was back under the 45bpm limit, which to me indicates I have recuperated. I am more or less following the Tour de Flandres program, because they offer a bit of change in my normal shedule and the legs have to adapt to another kind of stress.
    Legs felt good so my actual heartrate during the high resistance bits stayed lower than last week. Goodie. My wrist is healing slowly, I have seen an interesting ride on the calender for this weekend so I'm hoping the weather will dry out.

    Ride Stats : 27k in 1h05mins


    13-02-2007, 21:48 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Blowing in the wind
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    Lots of rain this morning, and with all the humidity of the last few days added to that, I did not pity the organisation of the ZOenK Ride in Heverlee. They will not have had as much inscriptions as on a dry, cold year.
    I left around noon for an easy ride that turned out to be a little bit more than that. I had a flat tyre about 5K into the ride, on some broken glas, and when I rode towards the southwest, the wind was very forceful and I only averaged 22K during the first hour of the ride. But when I turned towards the north things all if a sudden became a lot easier. Blown by the wind I saw my speed going towards 35kph and I only needed to beware of the strong gusts of wind between the houses to keep that speed up. So it wasn't the easiest of rides, moreover I had quite a few little rainshowers along the way, but I went out riding and that is the most important thing to remember.

    Ride Stats : 44K and 375 heightmeters in 1h50mins


    11-02-2007, 15:45 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Power again
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    Another day, another ride. But the weather wasn't too inspiring, some soft rain falling. So first I cleaned one of my bikes and then I got on the rollers for the same program as a few days ago. Some powertraining which felt good for the muscles. They are happy now. Tomorrow I'm not sure what to do. My wrist is slowly feeling better but perhaps it will be wiser to stay out of the offroad and keep to the rollers or to a road ride. The season is not even started and I don't want any lingering weaknesses.

    Ride Stats : 24K in 1h01 mins


    10-02-2007, 18:44 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Vicky Lynn Logan
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    Yippee. Today the weather had turned, it stayed dry all day and temps rose to 8 degrees C. So I hasted home after work to get in a 2 hours ride before darkness fell. I made it and came home just in time before dusk. Had a great ride, my left wrist still hurts and I think I won't be going offroad just yet, moreover the conditions 'out there' are really bad, muddy and soggy.
    I dedicate this ride to the memory of Anna Nicole Smith, born Vicky Lynn Logan , who died yesterday, found collapsed in an hotel in Hollywood, Florida. Lots of people saw her as a bitch who was lusting after money , and doing just about anything to get just that. But lets not forget that she also was a very beautiful woman, vibrant and living life to the full perhaps, but who is now death, in circumstances that  vaguely remind me of Norma Jean Mortensen's (aka Marilyn Monroe) demise. Cursum Perficio, Anna Nicole.

    Ride Stats : 46K and 330 heightmeters in 1h55mins


    09-02-2007, 19:06 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Foggy , snowy roads and cold, so motivation to go and ride outside was lacking. Someone brought THIS to my attention and I decided to try a training out of that scheme. Some Powertraining on the rollers - rollers are excellent for that purpose - and an ideal way to pass the time whilst riding.
    I hope the weather clears because I really want to ride outside for a change. The forecast however calls for more snow and lots of rain in the weekend. We'll have to wait and see.

    LINK to specific training for the Tour de Flandres

    Ride Stats : 24K in 1h2mins


    07-02-2007, 16:53 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Was still feeling some little pains from last weeks's 350K week. My left wrist hurt (for the dirty minds - NO, I am right handed ) probably from a fall last sunday, on a slow muddy downhill where my front wheel washed out. I fell on my left side, all soft and cozy in the mud, but I must have strained something in my wrist. I also strained a muscle in my left leg which took a day to settle back into place and my behind is still a little sore from the mega-rides in the beginning of last week. Oh well, "no pain no gain" isn't it.
    I decided to do an hour on the rollers, starting out very easy, reading this months O2 Bikers, and then accelerating during the last 15 minutes doing 2 intervals of 5 minutes at 33kph, finishing off the lot with a minute at 50kph. Legs warmed up well and I felt no pain except in my bum.
    When I emerged from the cellar I noticed it had begun to snow.. the first one this winter, and as far as I'm concerned I wouldn't mind if it were the last one too.
    I had hoped to do the Accro Bike tomorrow but if it keeps falling down, things will be considerably wetter than I would have preferred. DAMN !

    Ride Stats : 26K in 1h03mins


    06-02-2007, 19:47 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.The Litespeed boys
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    Dense fog upon waking this morning, so any ideas I might have had to ride to Aywaille quickly made way for other plans. I decided to do the first half of my Secret Meerdael Loop, which would net me around 30K and 450 heightmeters . When I started out I quickly met up with my friend Roger, who was going to ride the Meerdael Bloso routes. Roger is slowly turning into a titanium adept as well, he already has a Seven Sola and just recently he acquired a Litespeed Sewanee. This was the first time I saw this bike and what a marvelous looking bike it is. Decked out with top-notch components and weighing in just a tad over 100k for a size M . We talked a little but and then we each went our own way.
    It was around 3 degrees C and still foggy when I left around 11pm but the fog would quickly evaporate and around noon the temperature would reach 6 or 7 degrees. I averaged 5 degrees C.
    The first part of my Meerdael Loop consists mainly of a lot of singletracks , and even though it was less muddy than a few weeks ago, there was one section that was really REALLY bad with mud . The Forestry is felling trees and getting them out with big machines. These machines really leave very deep tracks, destroying the trail, accumulating water and generally leaving me on foot quite a few times. Also, on the small trails there are still some trees that fell with the storm in January and which made me dismount at least 5 times, lifting my bike over them and riding along. I quickly noticed that my titanium Kocmo cassette has had it. I changed my chain and now it keeps slipping over the smaller cogs. That cassette has served me well the last 4 years, so it really was worth its money. Back home I will put on an XTR cassette from last year. I usually change cassettes once a year, except for the Kocmo that is. Most of the time the cassettes are not completely worn so I can use them a little longer on these wheels. Wheels that are used in muddy conditions only.
    Some 30K into the ride I decided that I had had enough, with just under 2 hours the average speed says it all. I connected with the Bloso route in Nethen and decided to follow it for a while to let my legs recover a bit from the tough conditions. And guess who I spot in the distance, yep there is Roger. We meet up again, him with 10K more and finishing the Red trail towards Bierbeek. We ride the last 10K of that Red route together, having ample time to chat . Roger is playing with the idea of originating a mountainbike tour around Leuven and he's asking if I'm not interested in helping him with the planning and reconnoitre the trails. Of course I am ! I know some people who are very familiar with the region North of Leuven and with our deep knowledge of the trails in the South of Leuven this great idea might just materialize over the next year. More to follow.

    Ride Stats : 44K and 555 heightmeters in 2h40


    04-02-2007, 16:44 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Weather was awesome today. The skies were very blue and the temperature was around 10 degrees when I set off for a road ride along the 'Ludo Dierckxsens' trail. This is marked with yellow 'LD' signs and it takes me in 60K from Bierbeek to Bertem looping along small and secondary roads into Brabant Walloon. A very nice alternative to the 'Haasrode' tour, another venture into Brabant Walloon and it's hilly landscapes. I stopped once to say 'hi' to a mother/son combination of donkeys. The little one was all new and fluffy haired, very nice and soft to the touch. I kinda like donkeys.
    The sky being so blue is a good sign ; it usually means that the air is pure, free from dust and smog. A gentle wind was blowing from the North but the sun is beginning to gain strenght again and overall it felt crisp but gentle outside.
    For tomorrow I'm not yet sure what to do. I had still some pain in the saddle region and taking into account that the offroads are still very wet I am unsure to go to Aywaille, where there is an interesting organized ride, taking in the marvelously difficult Ninglinspo area. Normally I wouldn't even consider going there this time of year but with the clement temperatures I am pondering about it.
    Another alternative is that I do another recon of my Secret Meerdael Loop, checking if the fallen trees have been removed. In a few weeks I will guide some bikers along that trail and I want to make sure the trail is do-able.
    Decision will fall tomorrow morning.. so watch this space.

    Ride Stats : 78K and 555 heightmeters in 3h19mins


    03-02-2007, 16:17 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Long Slow Distance yet again
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    Felt a bit woozy today, and yes, my bum hurt. But this could not and did not stop me from completing my task. So I set out again to ride at 4.30pm. It felt a lot colder today, mostly due to the wind, and I felt glad I did the 80K yesterday, I would have had troubles to complete it today. Rode over Tervuren and then back towards Wavre and Ottenburg while the nearly-full moon smiled down on me. Was glad when I was home although the pain becomes numb after a while. I think I have earned a little rest now, let my wounds heal. But we'll see tomorrow.

    Ride Stats : 54K and 360 heightmeters in 2h36mins


    31-01-2007, 19:36 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Long Slow Distance again
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    Ok, sometimes I do crazy stuff. Like today when I noticed I still had 125K to ride this month to make it an even 1000K.. Normally I average a 1000K/month over the year so I like to start out the year by riding at least a 1000K in January.
    After yesterday's 90K ride I didn't have much hope as to how my legs would feel today and indeed they protested when I left home around 4pm. I set out on an easy ride, hoping to do 50K and perhaps 60. But as the distance passed below my wheels a cunning plan began to develop. I had my heartrate way down so I figured I could easily try and do a bit more. My bum was protesting and so were my neck and shoulders from the beating of the road. But I persevered and even made it 80K. It is sometimes quite amazing what your body can do if you set your mind to it. I had to kick myself a few times, especially during the last 10K when I passed closed to home and the desire to call it a day was great. But I didn't, I rode on and made the distance which left me very tired but also happy that I was strong enough mentally to push myself into riding this.
    This leaves me with around 45K to ride tomorrow , which should be no difficulty, I can even do those on the rollers should the weather turn. Today the weather was great. A few drops of scattered rain and an average temperature of 7 degrees. I rode around 3 hours with the lights on and they didn't show any signs of fading when I arrived at home. Great lights, thanks Lumicycle.

    Ride Stats : 80K and 605 heightmeters in 3h39mins


    30-01-2007, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Long Slow Distance
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    Took a day off from work today to be able to get a good nights' sleep and do a long ride today. Started around noon for an LSD ride towards Mechelen along the 'Leuvense Vaart', and then back again. This is a very flat ride and this helps keep the heartrate down where it belongs - I averaged 117 bpm for the whole ride - and helps me focus on the ride and turning the cranks. Only drawback is that you remain seated most of the time which could irritate the part of your body that has contact with the saddle. But my bum hasn't been giving me much trouble lately and also today was very happy in my Assos pants.
    I added another small loop with a bit more height differences upon returning in Leuven to take the total distance up towards 90K.
    Temperature was a mild 9 degrees C and I only got some drizzle during the first hour of the ride. Glad I did this one.

    Ride Stats : 90K and 285 heightmeters in 3h44mins


    29-01-2007, 16:27 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Mes felicitations a Marilyne
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    Saw a great race this morning when the Women battled it out for the title of World Champion in Cyclo Cross. At the end the French girls came out on top, with Marilyne Salvetat taking the title and good old Laurence Leboucher coming in third. The US put in a strong performance with a 2nd place for Katie Compton.
    Pity the Belgian television decided that the Men's Australian Open final in Melbourne was more important, but I managed to follow the race on the Dutch television.
    After that I had about two hours before the Men Elite race so I went for a ride along the Meerdael Bloso's. Yesterdays' easy ride did me good because I really flew over the tracks. They were rather muddy at places and sometimes my semi-slick tyres were not giving me any traction at all. Good for the bike skills. Also had to slalom amongst the participants at a walking event but I knew which route they were taking so I changed my route from time to time to avoid the confrontation. When I'm on a roll I hate to slow down or stop.
    Upon returning I watched the Men's Elite race which instead of the Belgian podium that was to be expected only saw Erwin Vervecken come through to take the World Title. Sven Nys and Bart Wellens were victims of too many crashes, not their fault but that is how it goes. Another Silver medal for the USA (the third - very good performance ) with Jonathan Page.

    Ride Stats : 40K and 430 heightmeters in 1h59mins


    28-01-2007, 17:42 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Easy does it
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    Quick ride between two races at the Cyclo Cross World Championships. Belgium already won gold with Joeri Adams in the Junior Class and the hope is high for the Minus 23 and Elite classes also. Pity the girls aren't up to par with the rest of the world but some might be able to get a top 10 finish..I'm thinking Veerle Ingels in the first place but we will have to wait and see.
    Me I had an easy ride along Huldenberg and Ottenburg, taking in a few heightmeters but all very relaxed. My right calf has been giving me some troubles after rising this morning, I think I overstretched it yesterday. Still during the ride I didn't feel it except when I really had to put the hammer down. Weather was fine, averaging 6 degrees C with some sunshine at the start and just a few drops of rain near the end of the ride.

    Ride Stats : 43.5K and 395 heightmeters in 1h50mins


    27-01-2007, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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