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    Tales from the Woods
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Darkness at the edge of the forest
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    Nightriding time is upon us again. Since the hour shifted to its Winter regime, darkness is upon us an hour earlier. Today it was very warm for the time of the year, with temperatures reaching 18 degrees C. I couldn't resist riding out when I got home from work. Took the Moots into the forest to escape the fierce wind blowing from the south. It had done its work quite well since the forest floor was covered with leaves. It also dried out quite a bit since last weekend. I decided to stay on the bigger forest trails nevertheless. Took the Lupine Tesla and for the first half hour I could still do without .


    But then the sun dropped beneath the horizon and things got dark. I emerged from the forest in Haasrode for a little stretch and took the opportunity to take a picture of the red ball going donw.


    Soon I was back into the forest and switched on the led to make things visible again. I didn't use the full beam, with the leaves I could easily see the road and avoid most of the nasties.  It was quiet and the last joggers and walkers sped out of the threatening gloom of Meerdael Forest. Whilst I entered deeper into it, getting used to riding in my little beam of light. The wind was howling high in the trees above me. When I rode a little stretch in the open coming out of Meerdael and riding into Heverlee bos I got the blast from the side and it nearly toppled me over. Compression between two forests, causing wind speeds to go up even more. Soon I was back in the arms of the trees and the wind couldn't reach me any more. Completing my little loop following the Prosperdreef back from Heverlee to Blanden , just before passing the "De Vlakte" forestry the wind gave me a last violent tug , coming from my right this time. I took it with a smile, I just had a great ride outside and the first nightride of the autumn under my belt.

    Ride Stats : 28K and 265/325 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h38mins


    04-11-2010, 20:51 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    I took the opportunity to ride to Bossut Gottechain again this evening to have a look at what a mountainbike event can do when the conditions are bad. The organised ride of Bierbeek had around 1400 starters, the big majority choosing the 45K distance. After the first rest stop in Gottechain the bikers had to come down a tarmac road and then take a left turn into a road between two fields. This road is bad at  the best of times but with the rain and the hundreds of bike wheels it became a nightmare at the end of the track, where the field road reaches a tarmac road. I posted a pic of the bikers passing over it last sunday, and here is what it looks like viewed from the exit.


    As you can see, the tracks has become 50 metres wide, instead of its usual 3 metres. This is because in their attempt to keep the tyres rolling, bikers are always looking for some place where they still have traction, in this case, where no-one has ridden before. So far the owner of the field has not formulated a complaint but I would not be surprised if he wants to recuperate for the loss of his young grain that has been mashed but a myriad knobbies. At a certain point the organisers did re-rout the track over an alternative path, avoiding this mud-trap. Maybe that decision should have been taken earlier. It is very difficult to judge the state of each and every track along the 45K distance. It must be a learning point for future years. If the rains come down in the days before the event, this field needs to be avoided.
    I completed todays' ride riding past the rest stop area and returning over Gottechain and Hamme Mille. I had to hurry because around 5.15pm the dusk began to fall. The time has come to take the lights out.
    On another note, the lost track of last friday, when my garmin froze, has been added to todays ride ! So the amount of heightmeters is a bit high in comparison to the Polars' . But this just makes up for what I lost last Friday.

    Ride Stats : 29K and 245/390 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h21mins

    03-11-2010, 19:19 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Meerdael 2000 organized ride
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    Lots of rain yesterday and also a good shower during the night made me put on every inch of watertight verstiment I could find. Gore tex jacket, watertight Sealskinz socks and Pearl Izumi AmFib overpants. Put the Lupine Tesla4 on my helmet because I was leaving in the darkness to reconnoittre the 65K distance. The organisation asks me for help every year and this way I can couple being useful with still being able to ride alone for almost an hour and a half before I am overtaken by the first starters on the longest distances.
    Leaving at 7.15am at The Borre I could make good use of my helmet light. The forest trails were wet, dark and slippery , with the cobbles being real deathtraps for the unaware. The first loop up till the first rest stop in Gottechain cost me about an hour for 17K . I didn't take any risks and even though it was wet it was not too cold which made for a fine ride. I was cozy inside my layers of clothing and I didn't want to sweat any more than necessary either.
    Meerdael Forest was glistening and a little fog was rolling here and there when the sun rose behind dark clouds. It would certainly rain some more during the next couple of hours. When I passed the first rest stop - located in Gottechain - things got serious whilst the loop continued towards Cocrou. A steep uphill with roots and other niceties, followed by a dangerous downhill on slippery cobbles. There were a lot of scouts wandering around on these trails - boys and girls - and they were all very nice and friendly. They were probably wondering why someone would choose to ride a bike through all the muck. To be honest, I was wondering that myself from time to time today. But as long as it stayed dry, I could cope with the wet and muddy trails. A beautiful loop upwards going to the 2 Sartes where the 55K split off from the 65K distance . A bit further the track turned into Heze for a downhill on tarmac followed by a sharp left and a long long climb - first on cobbles, later on dirt - took me towards the Chapelle du Chenau in Longueville.


    From Longueville I rode back down into the valley of a little river in the Bois de Glabais. This little rivulet runs along the track and I chose to ride in the water. Cleaning my bike and chain a bit, but also my disc brakes. In this valley I was passed by the first rider of the 65K. He must have started really early or ride with considerable speed. He was fast in passing me I can attest to that. Down into Basse Bonlez on cobbles and tarmac where I turned a double right to climb the "Gorge du Loup". A long and steady climb and I was passed by another biker. Into downtown Heze we rode, and then further on past La Royenne into Basse Biez. Basse means low so that meant climbing again, this time following a very narrow track that got really steep at the end before emerging into Biez. Here I was joined by the bikers from the 55K loop. Nice downhill behind the Biez church along a singletrack and a field got us into Grez where we crossed the "Chaussee de Jodoigne" to arrive in the fields between Doiceau and Gottechain. A rather technical bit in a hollow road got the better of a biker in front of me. He just couldn't keep his wheels from slipping in every direction and ultimately he fell down. I quickly moved past him, letting the Rocket Ron in the back find the grip whilst steering my Mountain King towards the grassier bits where traction was just marginally better. Experience makes for a better biker here.
    A little bit further I joined the bikers from the 45K. I was moved to see that they had to plow through a very muddy field track coming from Gottechain. Very epic stuff. They were covered in brown muck. It had started to rain a while back. Some light drizzle .


    Lots of bikers here and I decided to steer away from the pack and the track . My job was done, I had checked the faraway loop for lost arrows and now I was kinda free to ride where I wanted. I decided to cut through Bossut and La Malaise and pick the trail back up past Nethen. From upper Pecrot down to Nethen I had a nice hollow track all to myself. At the La Hetraie camping I was back on the TT trail. Not too crowded here so I could climb up towards the Kluis area undisturbed. At the second rest stop in Sint Joris Weert it was very crowded and the Red Bull Girls were doing their best to be friendly to all those muddy bikers. They certainly were among the more beautiful things many of those bikers saw today. There even was a ray of sunshine peeping through the clouds .


    I decided to keep on following the trail towards the Zoete Waters and past Vaalbeek to where it crossed the Naamse Steenweg just on the Blanden border. There I turned left and arrived home where my first job was to wash my very dirty bike. Here are some pics to see how it was before and after its well-deserved rinsing.



    Ride Stats : 60K and 690/785 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 3h35mins


    31-10-2010, 14:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Had a day off from work and when the weather turned out to be sunny and rather mild I decided to make the most of this day and do a long offroad ride. Riding up to Pietrebais to start the 55K track of this years' organised ride I had a bit of a nasty surprise when my Garmin froze up and I had to restart it. Upon restarting it seemed it had gone back to its factory settings. My ride history was completely gone. I decided to return home and hang it on my PC to see what had happened and what could be done about it.
    When I checked it turned out it was still on the latest software version, the tracks were still there and so where my bike settings. But my personal settings had dissapeared. I had to re-enter these along with my geographic location, language and metrics. Also the display settings had to be restored. For the rest the unit looked OK so after having eaten a bit I rode out again.
    Arriving in Pietrebais I chose the 40K distance and got going. The trails were mostly dry but in the places where the sun didn't shine there was still some mud and puddles.


    The 40K track is a fine one. First it moves towards Longueville along some fine little singletrails and then dropping into some muddy hellhole which is rarely completely ride-able. It wasn't different this time but I managed to keep the bike rolling anyway. The mud wasn't too sticky and there was a lot of wet grass which cleaned my wheels pretty quick.


    The trail builder knows his trails and he sent me along a fine and difficult loop towards Chaumont next. Some very steep climbs where I had to dig in deep to keep the crank spinning. By this time I was glad I didn't choose the 55K distance. After all, the first ride up to Pietrebais and back had already cost me an hour and some 21K. The temperature was a balmy 14 degrees but the sun was hiding more and more behind low clouds and there was a very notice-able southern wind blowing on the high plains. When I reached Heze I knew I hadn't long to go. The last descent into Pietrebais was a classic one along a fine singletrack with some deep gullies hidden by high grass.


    When I rode home I decided to loop into Nodebais for a little visit to the little chapelle. I always like to have a quiet moment here, reading the writings on the wall .


    After that moment I rode on into Nodebais and Hamme Mille before entering the Miradal forest for the last stretch along the Naamsesteenweg back home. This ride turned out a bit longer and more difficult that I had wanted it to be but I had a good feeling of accomplishment afterwards. Looks like it is going to rain though, which doesn't look promising for tomorrow and sunday.  

    Ride Stats : 83K and 910/970 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 4h42mins


    29-10-2010, 18:48 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Got the Moots back in working order yesterday. Filip Sport had finally gotten a tyre to close on the rear rim using NoTubes. The Continental Mountain King wouldn't close, so I opted for a Rocket Ron as a good second choice. The normal RR wouldn't close so Filip had to fit a UST version. This one did close and was still hard when I grabbed the Moots for a quick ride in Meerdael Forest this evening. Putting NoTubes fluid in a tyre requires riding the bike to evenly spread it around so that all holes fill up nicely.
    The tracks were a little splashy because it had drizzled most of last night. But at least it wasn't raining anymore now. I chose for a perimeter ride, opting for the bigger tracks.


    Stopping at the Mollendaal cabin for a brief rest and then continuing along the south-easterly rim of the forest. The wind was blowing hard but at least it was not too cold. With an average 11 degrees I could not complain.
    The bike performed flawlessly. Filip also did some maintance on the Chris King hubs which improved the freewheeling considerably. The brakes also did not drag anymore. This is possibly due to the colder outside temperatures diminishing the oil volume just enough.

    Ride Stats : 22K and 265 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h11mins


    27-10-2010, 19:16 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Fine sunny weather this evening so I just had to ride out and profit of the opportunity. Riding through the Weertse Dreef towards Sint Joris Weert the sun greeted me when I exited the forest. Over Nethen and Hamme Mille, extra loop towards Nodebais and the I arrived in Tourinnes la Grosse. The newly restored Eglise Saint Martin was glistening in the sun so I rode up the hill and took a couple of pictures. That tower certainly is big. The church dates from the early 10th century. It has been thorougly cleaned and just recently came out of the scaffolding.



    Leaving Tourinnes I rode towards Beauvechain and then took a left for Opvelp. Following the river Velpe along the Hoeveroute and then coming into Neervelp I took a left again towards Bremt. From there back in to Bierbeek and Haasrode with the wind in my back. It wasn't cold with an average temperature of 10 degrees C but the northerly wind wasn't pleasant in the open areas going over the crest between Beauvechain and Opvelp. Coming into Blanden I had a nice easy ride under my belt.

    Ride Stats : 38K and 270/315 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h44mins


    25-10-2010, 18:53 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    I had to choose my moment well today. The weather was alternating between short showers and sunny breaks. I started around 10.30 in a little bit of rain. But it looked like it would clear up soon , and checking on confirmed that. I started along the 50K road Bloso , but decided to ride it in the opposite direction. Had to return home after 1K because my Polar refused to display my heartrate. After having changed the breastband I was on my way again, heart and all.
    The autumn colors were splendid in the strong sun. The crisp skies, credit goes to the rain and wind clearing away all dust, made the colors jump out. First stop was at the Arenberg campus in Heverlee, where I tried to snap the castle. I saw markers of an Orientation run next to the castle. Could this be one of the markers for next weekends' Belgian MTBO Championship?


    Riding along towards Egenhoven and Neerijse I passed on the crest overlooking Sterrebeek in one direction, and looking towards Meerdael Forest in the opposite direction. Pausing for another picture. The skies were still mostly blue and any darkness was far away. I noticed the offroad tracks left and right of the small tarmac roads I was on, were very wet and muddy.



    The tarmac wasn't any better though, lots of mud from the farmers harvesting their fields. Luckily I had mounted my fenders, that kept the worst off of myself. But the bike was slowly turning brown instead of titanium grey.
    Riding up the Smeysberg plateau I could see the Margijsbos looming up before me. The colors were very striking and again I couldn't resist to stop and take a picture.


    Down towards the Yse valley and then just before entering Hoegaarden waited the infamous Smeysberg itself. 17% slope and I had to dig deep both mentally and physically but I made it. Down along the Stroobantstraat towards Sint-Agatha Rode and then right on the Wolfshaegen to reach Terlanen. Another climb up the Bollestraat and then down on the very dangerous cobbles on the 20% slope of the Moskesberg. Some mountainbikers were sweating their way up in the opposite direction. The Overijse Bloso's passes here. Down in Terlanen again and taking some pictures of the river Lane before riding on towards Ottenburg.


    From Ottenburg the track goes down again into the valley of the Dijle. I could see some dark clouds gathering in the direction the wind came from so I was mentally chacking how far I still had to go. I guessed I would probably just make it before any rain would fall. Moving from Pecrot to Nethen and onwards towards Sint Joris Weert. When I reached the Zoete Waters and turned towards Vaalbeek for the last couple of K's I could feel some drops falling. The sun was still there but darkness was gathering behind me. Into Blanden and I made it home without any more rain. Good solid long distance ride of almost 3 hours and it is with a good feeling I end this week.
    The Merlin is back under the covers for its winter sleep and I guess most of riding will be done with the Big Bad Wolf and the Litespeed in the next couple of months.
    Ride Stats : 57.5K and 580/615 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h43mins


    24-10-2010, 17:53 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Got the Litespeed back this week. The play in the bottom bracket was due to a wrong inner diameter size in one of the cups. Filip Sport handled this perfectly, changing the cup for free. Now all is looking and feeling OK and I did not experience any troubles during this ride.
    Decided to beat the rain by starting early - early as in 10AM that is . It was cold and there was a nasty wind blowing from the  southwest. Checking on it looked like I would have about 2 hours before it might start to get wet.
    Riding towards the Sapellenbos to pick in on the Green Bloso track I noticed my stomoach felt a bit bloated. Might have been I started too soon after having eaten. Things would getter better as the ride progressed. The Green Meerdael Bloso is pretty easy, with some interesting tracks next to the E-40 and a nice singletrack climb after crossing the railway in Oud-Heverlee. It then goes into Meerdael Forest for a spin up to the Keyberg before turning back west towards Vaalbeek where it enters the Heverlee forest. Here the trails are mostly flat and fast.
    Starting from Blanden I first had to deal with the passage through Heverleebos going towards the start at the Heverlee Sports Centre. This meant a bit of tarmac and also a lot of wind in my face. I was glad I reached the Commonwealth Cemetery and crossed the Naamsesteenweg to follow the E-40 for a while. The track is covered with deeps gullies and the trick here is to find a way around them, keeping out of the mud and trying not to have your wheels slip on the sides of the gullies. This went fine and before long I was doing the new loop up the Fonteinstraat, over the railroad bridge and down the Hazefonteinstraat to reach another tricky section along the E-40. Here the track is really narrow and avoiding the puddles could mean ending up in the shrubberies or worse, on your back.
    I did fine and after undercrossing the E-40 I had a to ride towards Korbeek Dyle, another very windy section. I consoled myself with the idea that I would really fly here when I got back riding this trail in the opposite direction a little later.
    Another stretch of windy tarmac and I reached Oud-Heverlee and the singletrack ascent along the railway track. Nice downhill as well but the tracks and the roots were dry so there where no worries .


    Moving into the Kouterbos now, after having crossed the Waversebaan and next to Meerdaelhof I reached the Keyberg area. Here the trail veers to the left for a long descent into Vaalbeek. This bit of the trail is shared with the Blue Bloso which goes into the opposite direction. Passing the Haccourt castle I reached Heverleebos again. Here the trails are sandy and fast. I turned around at the Naamsesteenweg and rode the whole Bloso again, but in the opposite direction. Stopping at the top of the railway singletrack to make a couple of pictures of the nice selection of fall colors in the trees.


    As expected, the ride went a lot faster in this direction, with the wind in my back in the open sections. The bike was good even though I was used on having rear suspension lately. But the 2.2 Nokian NBX Lite in the back coupled with the titanium frame also provided a fair amount of comfort. In the front I have a Big Jim in 2.25 section which is also doing a nice job.
    During the last couple of kilometers I started to feel a little rain . With an average temperature of 6 degrees I was glad to be in before it really got wet.

    Ride Stats : 48.5K and 335/380 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h19mins


    23-10-2010, 14:40 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    The last 2 days saw rain in the evening, yesterday even with heavy showers. Today looked a lot better, also colder but dry. So as soon as I arrived home I took the Hilset out for a spin towards Haasrode and Bierbeek. From there I rode on towards Bremt and Neervelp. Turning to the west the cold wind faced me as I made my way towards Opvelp and Beauvechain. The sun was falling towards the horizon and I saw a full-looking moon rising in the East. My legs felt OK and I was well rested after mondays fast offroad ride.
    From Beauvechain I made my way towards Tourinnes and then looped over Nodebais towards Hamme Mille.



    Here the light was fading fast and since I only had a tail light with me I decided to call it, quite literally , a day. The last kilometers along the Naamsesteenweg through Meerdael Forest were ridden in the shade of dusk.

    Ride Stats : 31.5K and 235/275 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h23mins


    21-10-2010, 20:15 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    The weather forecast for the next couple of days looks a bit grim. Wet and cold. So I decided to make the most of this beautiful late afternoon and ride the Overijse '2 Valleien' Bloso. Picking in at my usual spot in Sint Agatha Rode I whipped the Merlin around these nice trails. Starting with the Green, then the Blue , the remainder of the Green, then the Red and finishing with the Green again.
    The trail conditions were perfect. I felt strong on the many climbs and of course the bike was fast in the downhills. I took some care though because the fallen leaves are hiding some trail nasties, like roots, ruts, gullies, branches, stones and the like. But with the suspension tuned in just perfect now the Merlin seems to glide over everything the trail throws at it. Just point the front wheel where you want to go, sit back on the bike a bit, let go of the brakes and you are transported exactly where you want to go.




    When I returned to Meerdael I stopped at the spring near La Hetraie. The forest was already darkening in the approach of dusk so I couldn't stray . Took a couple of pictures - with flash - and the rode towards the Kluis and followed the Paddenpoel depression until where it crosses the Weertsedreef. I added the map so you may check it out yourself should you want to.
    Arriving home well in time and with a good sensation in my legs. A hot bath followed by some extended stretching in an attempt to get the muscles softened up after this splendid ride.

    Ride Stats : 54K and 645/700 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h40mins


    18-10-2010, 20:15 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Received some good news and some bad news about the bikes I have. The problems with the bottom bracket on my Litespeed are solved. No idea what it was but I will find out when I go to collect the bike. On the other hand, Filip Sport has some problems closing the NoTubes solution on the rear wheel of mu Moots. The tyre is a brand-new Continental Mountain King Protection - a favorite of mine - and yet the fluid cannot be contained in the tyre. Funny enough the front tyre - same make, same model - didn't pose any problems.
    This meant that today I had to take the Merlin out again - as if I minded - for a recon of the 45K track of the upcoming Meerdael 2000 ride. This organised ride takes place on october 31st so mark that date in your organisers, my readers. 
    The 45K has some nice tracks and offers some astonishing climbing and descents. Check the map below to find out where it goes. There are 2 rest stops, one in Gottechain and the other one in Sint Joris Weert, and the Red Bull girls have agreed to be there. So be there or be square, I would say.
    Personally, on the 31st, I will be aiming for the 65K, as a member of the organisation. I will leave very early to check the arrowing. The 65K is a beast compared to the 45K, I think the extra 20K offers more or less 450 extra heightmeters. So not for the meek or easily impressed. If I find the time between now and then I might recon it and put the trail map here.
    I could maintain a good pace today throughout the ride. Having started more or less relaxed, to warm up in the 5 degrees C and northerly wind. But once I got out of the forest for the first time, and onto the plains towards Gottechain I could put the hammer down and let the bike and my legs do the work. 



    I had a great ride, the trails were super, a bit moist here and there and getting trickier every day now with the falling leaves. When I arrived at the Zoete Waters I bumped into a big group from BigM. Said our hellos and had a little chat. They were just finishing a Meerdael Forest ride, I only had 6K to go to close todays loop. 

    Ride Stats : 45.5K and 510/565 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h16mins


    17-10-2010, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Looked like it was going to rain so I decided to take advantage of the dry weather to do another loop or two in the Meerdael Forest. Starting on the Blue BLOSO  I encountered Alain De Munter, an old Blancs Gilets friend from the days when I was still racing MTB marathons.  He was at the Zoete Waters and looking for the start of the Blue BLOSO trail. I decided to point him in the right direction. We started out together on the trail. Now, Alain has always been a very strong rider and it was quite a challenge to try and keep up with him. He was riding at a more or less leisurely pace, I was seeing stars trying to follow him, especially on the uphills. At the Savenel I could follow him because he didn't look at ease in the deep sand. When we reached the Blue/Red split, we went our different way. He wanted to add the Red route and I wanted to stay on the Blue Bloso.
    So I finished the Blue and then turned the Merlin around for the ride back, following the same trail but in the opposite direction. I felt strong and made a good workout of the several climbs. The bike performed well with the suspensions set at 95psi.


    Near the end of the Blue, when I was riding back home, I encountered Alain again. He had again lost his way so I pointed him towards the Zoete Waters and from there he had to ride back to his home in Huldenberg. I hope he got home before the rain started and dusk fell. It was nice to meet him again and chat up on old Paris Roubaix VTT and other epic rides he and/or I did.

    Ride Stats : 38.5K and 445/490 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h49mins


    15-10-2010, 21:10 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Feeling a bit weak in the stomach since yesterday evening but still rode out for a mountainbike ride along the Meerdael Red Bloso. When I got to the end, I turned the Merlin around and speeded back in the opposite direction. I put more pressure in my tyres than I usually do which meant that I felt the suspension was a bit stiff. So I will put 5psi less in each pump and see how that feels the next time I ride the bike. The trails were dry and fast and my legs were feeling strong as well.

    Ride Stats : 38.5K and 340/405 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h45mins


    13-10-2010, 19:21 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Sunny weather this morning but with a stiff northeasterly breeze it was not very warm except when you were in the sun and sheltered from the wind. I decided to do the 3 Meerdael Bloso's . The Merlin was setup with a bit more pressure in the tyres - Nobby Nic 2.2 - so they wouldn't give as much in corners on hardpack. With 2 bars or less these tires have a tendency to roll which makes cornering on hard soils a bit spooky at times. But with the extra pressure that spooky feeling was gone.
    There was a lot of activity on the trails today. The Week of the Forest has started and also the fine weather must have drawn out a lot of people. I was maintaining a good tempo which made for some scary moments when people forgot they were in Belgium and took the left side of the road in corners. Thank God for disc brakes and quick reactions. My legs felt good and I was able to keep the pace high. On the climbs I was backing off a bit to keep the heartrate low. Some bikers passed me, but I also passed some other bikers. Mainly in the downhills where the Merlin is at ease. The leaves are starting to fall and this nearly got me into trouble when my front wheel washed away on a hidden boulder. But I could keep the rubber side down with a quick reaction .

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    When the kilometers moved under my wheels, the temperatures became more friendly but with an average temperature of 14 degrees I was glad to have long sleeves all over.A good warm bath and a stretching session for my leg, pelvis and lower back muscles completed this fine training session.

    Ride Stats : 55K and 485/540 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h39mins


    10-10-2010, 14:35 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Accro Bike 56K BBW Special
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    Time to really test my legs after a couple of weeks of building up the workload. SO today I set off for a strenuous ride on one of my favorite trails. The Accro Bike , starting in Grez Doiceau , the Accro Bike is a track I have been riding so many times I can ride it with my eyes closed. The 56K version has around 800 heightmeters and consists of a big loop clockwise through Biez, Cocrou, Pietrebais, Longueville, Chaumont, Bonlez, Dion Valmont, Wavre and Doiceau. To this basic loop I have added a couple of extra loops, mostly descents and climbs, to spice things up. As it stands now, the track you see below will have close to 900 heightmeters, whilst losing a kilometre of distance.
    Riding from Miradal to Grez, I have ample time to warm up and I take a picture when I cross the river Train in Archennes. From there it is only a couple of kilometers to Grez, where the track starts at the Grand Place near the Church.

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    The weather is fine, around 20 degrees C and a little breeze from the southeast. On the Merlin again today so the challenges that the track throws at me are easily digested by the bike. At Biez, to reach the church, I cut a corner whilst taking a small track along the field instead of going the long way around on cobbles. This already saves me 500 meters and it yields a technical climb towards the church. I pause here and enjoy the beautiful horizon from this viewpoint. A picture is taken and I move on.
    In Cocrou I cut another corner, not going to the bottom of the descent , instead cutting to the right after the long sandy descent and starting immediately on a climb into the forest. In Pietrebais I have added an extra climb and the descent along a small singletrack is a tricky one. Gullies covered under grass. A nightmare for most bikers. You don't see the edges of the gully and when your wheel touches those edges you need all your skill to keep the bike moving. Love it !

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    In the Bois de Glabais I make sure I take in every climb there is, dropping down into the Gorge des Loups, climbing back out of it, down into another valley, and taking a special track with a very steep ascent to avoid the sandy road most bikers take. Upon completing that climb, there is a small tarmac road taking me towards Pietrebais. Here you can relax a bit . There is much more to come.

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    Another succession of climbs and descents in and around Chaumont as the trail moves towards Inchebroux for one of the longest climbs. I begin to feel my legs but my heartrate us still fine. Having a bite to eat at the end of the climb before descending towards Bonlez. Here I can throw away my powerbar wrapper into the bin next to the church. There is a loud noise of playing children as I pass the church. It must be around their noon break. I continue towards Dion Valmont and have to walk a couple of times during the descent in the Bois des Gottes. Some trees have fallen and they don't bother clearing up the trails around here. Pity because that descent is a nice and tecnhical one I love to -try - to ride. In and through Dion valmont for a long and steady ascent towards the 2 Chapels in Wavre. I undercross the N25 and find myself walking again on the steep uphill that brings me back towards the N25.
    Moving towards Doiceau now with another ascent back towards the N25, followed by a singletrack parallel to that highway and a long fast descent that ultimately brings me to the Avenue Comte Gérard d'Ursel. Having crossed that, a little track between houses brings me to a trail that has me climbing again towards the Golf de Bercuit. One downhill to go and another climb, a very steep one, brings me back into Grez-Doiceau. A last downhill - mind the gullies ! - and I'm back where I started. It took me nearly 4 hours to round the 55K course. When I look at the heightmeters on my Garmin I see that I already am past the 1000m mark. It feels like that in my legs as well.
    The bike has saved me from a lot of hardship, the rear suspension - provided by Elssworth for Merlin - works like a charm and the added comfort keeps the body happy and the heartrates relatively low.


    I ride home over Gottechain where I wrestle myself up a very steep singletrack . Over Hamme Mille and into the Valduc grounds I reach the forestry and make my way home through the Groendreef and the Eleanordreef. A mighty fine ride but I am nevertheless pleased to be home. It has been quite a test for my body and fitness and it remains to be seen how well I will recuperate in the next couple of days.

    Ride Stats : 81K and 1200/1245 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 4h55mins


    08-10-2010, 20:32 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Bye Bye Gerry
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    Just heard the sad news that mountainbiker Gerry Werckx is dead at the age of 39. He decided to step out of this life. To me, my first memory of him dates of 2002, when I was helping at the Inscriptions at the 2nd Hagelandse chrono. Gerry arrived there very late and in a hurry. He inscribed, had a leak against a hedge, got on his bike and won the race with more than a minute on the second rider.
    I didn't see much of him since then but friends of his were always saying he was happy and good-humoured. More the sadder to hear of this news.
    My thoughts go out to his family and loved ones. May he find peace.
    [foto copyright MTB Lily]

    07-10-2010, 14:25 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Snail trails revisited
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    I felt a bit tired from yesterdays' ride but the calm weather beckoned me to go out. With the Litespeed having a wobbly crank and with the Moots still without wheels, I was forced to grab the Merlin. Forced is a big word since this may well be my best bike. It is certainly the bike I love to ride in the Ardennes, on the most difficult and technical trails in Belgium. Riding it in meerdael forest is a slight case of overbombing, but the added comfort and control the full suspension offers - in the climbs and during the downhills -  makes that on average I am around 1 to 1.5kph faster on any given trail. I have to add that this bike is about as light as my Litespeed, even a smidgeon lighter that the Moots, that also helps of course.
    Following the trail from last saturday on my Garmin I noticed the trail conditions were better, the trails having dried up  during the last couple of days. This made for good traction. The Merlin floated over all the obstacles, even with my tired legs I was a lot faster than I normally am on these trails.


    On the 2 technical downhills, I was in full control thanks to the performant brakes and I could even try out some new lines. The bike took it all. In the Nethen section, I managed to split my chain . My bad, I shifted too late upon entering a little mud pool and the chain just cracked in two. I was lucky that it happened on the exact spot of the chain lock. So all I had to do was connect the lock again and I was on my way. What are the chances of that, I wonder?


    Zooming down the hill near the Kluis I only had to touch the brakes lightly - more due to caution than out of need - to correct my trajectory over a gully. When I arrived at the Zoete Waters I added a little loop in Heverlee Bos to bring me back home.
    Read an article in this months Velo Vert about how full suspension bikes perform better than hardtails. I can only agree with their findings. For the same power input you go faster on a fully suspended bike than on a hardtail. And all that while enjoying the added comfort and keeping the heart rate lower.

    Ride Stats : 29K and 440/480 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h46mins


    06-10-2010, 14:38 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Today I wanted to do a 3 hour ride. This meant some careful planning of the roads I was going to follow. I decided to start out over Haasrode , Bierbeek and Meldert to make my way to Hoegaarden. Here I got on the Ravel towards Namur past Jodoigne until I came on the trails of the Trace du Loup, the 1W ride, around Huppaye. To the right towards Lathuy and down into the valley to reach Dongelberg. Struggling up the slope after crossing the Govertange river I was marvelling at the views. The sun was playing hide and seek the whole time, and some dark clouds nicely contrasted with the earth colors.


    Still following the 1W ride In came in Melin and then made my way towards the outskirts of La Bruyere. Following the N91 until I could cut to the right and reached Nodebais. From Nodebais I came into Tourinnes and then Hamme Mille. A little detour adding some time and kilometers . From Hamme Mille I decided to add another loop, going straight towards Nethen and then in Sint Joris Weert taking the Weertse Dreef back home.
    I had a fine ride, the southeasterly wind was blowing warm air which made the average temperature a balmy 18 degrees C. Not to be scoffed at in the beginning of October. Legs felt stiff at the start but were fine throughout the ride. I did some elaborate 2-minute stretches coming out of my hot post-ride bath to put some stress on the tendons . I feel they have become rather stiff after my antibiotics stint. Possibly also due to the fact that I didn't ride - or stretch - for the first week into Lyme's disease.

    Ride Stats : 69K and 445/580 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 3h06mins


    05-10-2010, 15:18 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Snail trails in Meerdael Forest
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    After watching the Belgians and Italians lose the Mens' Elite World Championships to Norsk Powerhouse Thor Hushovd I had an appointment with some members of BigM at the Zoete Waters car park. We were to ride in the forest of Meerdael.
    When I arrived around 10am it was heartwarming  to see some familiar faces again : Gail, Tom, David and José. I also met up with a couple of new ones. After the greetings were over, we set off for a 2 hour/ 30K ride into the forest. David - who has lived quite some time in Nethen - was our guide for today. He knows the forest very well and has conceived a solid ride that first took us up the ridge and away from the Zoete Waters, into Blanden and then into Mollendaalbos. The Litespeeds' Race Face Turbine LP crank arm had me a bit worried since it has developed quite some play during the last two rides , counting this one. The bearings aren't that old. As far as I remember they were put in during last winter and the bike has stayed in the shed during the entire summer. The Turbine uses a square tapered axis and it is very hard to find bearings for it. So this close to winter that is leaving me with quite a challenge. Or rather, I count on Filip Sport to sort this out. It wasn't easy last time and I imagine it will take some searching this time as well. But first I want to know what happened, it almost looks as if the bearings have shrunk.

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    Anyway, on with the ride. Despite the rain of the last couple of days the trails were not too wet. The sun was shining today and the warmth was a blessing . The climbs and trails followed each other in rapid succession as we proceeded towards the Mollendeel. From here David pointed his wheels towards the southern edge of the forest. We were greeted by a warm wind that dried out the trails and the small amounts of mud on our bikes and clothes. When we reached the Naamsesteenweg we paused for a little break. The pace had been good and at times I felt I still didn't have the legs I had before Lyme struck. But I also had to be careful with the pressure on the pedals. I didn't want to ruin the bearings in my crank. But as it turned out the play did not increase, it remained steady during the ride.
    Reaching the western side of Meerdael Forest, the terrain becomes more accidented which meant the climbs were longer, steeper and with my worn rear tyre I had to use my power sparingly. Some of the downhills are a blast too. I was lucky when I escaped an OTB on a very steep one that ended in a step over roots. The Litespeed has V-brakes so my braking power is not as high as on my disc-equipped bikes. This meant that I couldn't brake after flying over the rooty downstep and I took another drop into a moderately muddy puddle at high speed, with the front wheel hitting first. I moved my weight backwards at the last moment, expecting the mud to be deep . I used all the travel in my front fork, but I managed to keep things rolling, partly due that the mud wasn't as deep as I thought it would be . Phew, narrow escape. David saw it all first hand and he said I looked pretty cool.

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    A long climb along a narrow trail follows. The trail is riddled with deep naroow gullies and on one side of it there is a barbed wire fence . So you have to be careful. I managed to ride it completely, a small victory on myself and the terrain. I just managed to keep my pedals from touching the sides of the narrow gullies, doing a sur-place a couple of times to reposition the pedals before moving on. Others were not so lucky but we all managed to ride most of the climb.


    From there David took us to the Kluis area but not before another big descent and climb along a trail with ferns on both sides. It is one of the places were I might have picked up the tick that gave me Lyme. I told them to check their naked arms and legs after we passed through it . Me, you won't catch with short sleeves or pants in the forest anymore. I have learned my lesson. I usually wear long sleeved pants anyway because of my allergy for horseflies. I urge you, my reader, to do the same if you venture into the deep forest. Or use an effective tick repellent. Lyme's disease is for life.
    Back to the Kouterbos and after 30K we were very happy with our ride. Thanks to David for a great adventure through the beautiful forest. The day was gloriously warm, the sun shone and the temperatures were above 20 degrees. An amazing day in october.

    Ride Stats : 40K and 495/560 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h38mins


    03-10-2010, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    This morning I watched the final laps of the Womens' Elite World Championship Road Race in Geelong. As usual with the women, the race is a succession of breakaways and was very exiting until the very end. A late breakaway of Nicole Cooke and Judith Arndt was doomed for failure when the pack, with Belgian hope Grace Verbeke still in the running for a good finish, caught them some 400 metres before the line. Boyish-looking Italian Giorgia Bronzini took the Gold in a sprint with Dutch prodigy Marianne Vos, who took second place for  the 4th consecutive time. Sweet-looking Swede Emma Johannson took the Bronze after being hit on the helmet inadvertantly by a photographers' elbow in the sprint.
    After that I decided to ride out myself. The weather looked foggy and some light drizzle was falling from time to time. Good thing I mounted some fenders on my Hilset. I did a good ride , almost 60K, looping over Pecrot, Archennes, Dion and Grez towards La Bruyere and Beauvechain.


    Here I decided to ride back over Opvelp and Bierbeek. The drizzle became some light rain and when I entered Blanden it stopped alltogether with a watery sun breaking through the cloud cover when I finished my ride.

    Ride Stats : 57K and 435/465 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h39mins


    02-10-2010, 14:54 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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