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    Tales from the Woods
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.On the road again

    King Winter has finally loosened his firm icy grip on our region and today for the first time in more than a week temperatures rose above zero again. The snow was melting fast, helped by a shy sun that came through the clouds in the afternoon. I was eager to do a longer ride than I had done the last couple of rides so I was as elated as if it was spring when I rode out with the Hilset on the roads. The ride went over Haasrode and Bierbeek and then towards Neervelp and Opvelp. On the smaller tracks there was still some snow but nothing to worry about. My tyres broke through the snow and touched the tarmac underneath. When I arrived in Beauvechain I decided to add an extra loop taking me to La Bruyere and then back over Pietrebais and next to the 1st Wing Airbase towards Hamme Mille.

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    When I followed the bigger N25 I noticed the bike path was blocked with knee-deep snow and I had to ride on the busy road for a short time. When the snow flurry was behind me I rode on the seperate bike-path again. Until a bit further there was another flurry. Not as high as the first one but still proved too much to bike through. I settled for the grass this time because riding on the road with the evening upon me was a bit too risky. In all I had a good ride and I enjoyed an average temperature from 3 degrees C. Coming from well below zero this felt almost warm. Almost.

    Ride Stats : 36.5K and 245/300 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h37mins


    14-01-2010, 19:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    The winter keeps on holding us in its icy grip. Today saw another 2 to 3 cms of wet snow and when I got home it was still snowing lightly. I decided on a Meerdael Forest ride and set off around dusk. Night fell soon and I could make good use of my Lupine helmet-mounted Tesla light. The trails seemed a bit more icy than before and with the fresh snowcover it was also more difficult to see the tracks and ruts. I focussed on the uphills, taking it very easy in the downhills. During the last half hour the snow intensified and with my strong helmet light the snowflakes even seemed brighter and more numerous. It wasn't very cold with an average temperature of 0 degrees C but I was glad I wore my Goretex jacket over the thermal vest. This kept me dry and warm.

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    Ride Stats : 21.5K and 275/310 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h32mins


    13-01-2010, 19:51 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Icy mist over Meerdael Forest
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    At first I wanted to do a road ride today but when I neared home returning from work I noticed there was some fog building up . So I chose to do a ride in the forest instead. It was -1 degree C when I left and it was slightly raining or snowing. The fog was getting denser and it felt colder than it actually was. I settled on a perimeter ride starting out over Blanden cemetery and the Bremberg. I then looped towards Mollendaal and rode into the fields towards Valduc. The snow was heaped up high into sand dunes here and the fog made it very difficult to orientate myself. Fortunately I know this area like the palm of my hand and of course the GPS is also a very valuable asset in these conditions.

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    The roads were becoming very icy when I crossed the Naamsesteenweg and rode towards the Warande pond. It was also getting darker and darker and I decided to return towards home. A last stretch to the Kluis and onwards towards Vaalbeek. The downhills were dangerous and I could only brake in the loose snow. My helmet was iced but I got home without any troubles. I did notice my rear red light was missing. From the pictures I can see I still had it in the beginning of my january 6th ride, check this picture:


    But when I look at the other pictures I took that evening it was already gone. I know of a couple of spots where I could have lost it, having to lift the bike over some logs and pushing it through some bushes. I might have a look around for it during the week. But it has snowed since the 6th so I don't think I will find it. If anyone should stumble accross it, feel free to let me know.

    Ride Stats : 24k and 240/290 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h31mins. -1 degree average temp.


    11-01-2010, 20:05 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    We had another 5 to 7 cm of snow yesterday and I was keen to ride out again this morning to enjoy the special conditions. The icy wind that accompanied the snowfall had settled during the night and with a temperature of around -2 degrees C I rode out. Taking the Green BLOSO route for starters, the snow conditions were great. The white stuff was not too sticky and the only difficulty was the snow flurries which had covered the tracks and ruts quite efficiently at some places. Snow dunes in the exposed areas at the edge of the forest and along the fields. Most of the tracks were already ridden on by jeeps or other bikes, so I only had to follow those tracks to get a good contact. The small tarmac roads near Heverlee were icy but as long as I stayed on the new snow it was fine. Taking a break at the Heverlee War Cemetery long enough to take a picture and then I rode on towards Oud-Heverlee and Korbeek Dyle.

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    When I arrived near the Zoete Waters I switched to the Blue Bloso and I started to follow that for a while. I avoided the steep downhill behind the Kluis and took an alterative uphill and downhill to make up for it. Past the Savenel I came to the Red Bloso and I started to follow that. I decided to ride down towards the Warande pond and check out the ice on the water. It proved more than thick enough to carry me and my bike so I rode a couple of laps on it and took some more pictures. This is a first for me, riding on water.

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    After the Warande I followed the Red Bloso again but instead of heading into the fields of Valduc and Hamme Mille, where I had a lot of trouble the last time with the snow dunes and the wind, I stayed in the forest and did a loop towards the Mollendaal forest . Taking a couple of virgin singletracks I had to dig deep because there was almost 15cm of deep snow and it wasn't that easy when you are making the trail instead of following it. After almost 3 hours of biking I was a happy man when I arrived at home. Just in time for the Belgian Cyclocross Championships where an amazing Sven Nys took his 7th title with the Elites after a very difficult and icy race where he had to battle back from almost 25 seconds behind to take the lead group and ride away from them. Things are looking good for the World Champs in Tabor in a couple of weeks where the conditions might be very similar. Young Niels Albert was never in the race.

    Ride Stats : 46k and 480/510 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h58mins. -1 degree C average temp.


    10-01-2010, 17:34 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Since Monday afternoon, an inhabitant of Blanden, Gilbert Peels, is missing in Meerdael forest. There has been a big search yesterday, with helicopter and all but there seems to be no trace of him. Also check for the latest news.
    Today, I felt it only appropriate to do a ride in the forest and try my best to look around for him whilst doing so. I stayed on the east side of the Naamsesteenweg and took all the little singletracks I could. I could see from the multiple traces and imprints from men, dogs and jeeps, that there had indeed been a very thorough search even on the tiniest tracks. I also had a good look around in the sandpit near the naamse Delle.  I saw traces there as well but I checked behind some heaps of rubble as well.

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    All the while I was thinking what I would do if I found him. I think it is realistic to think that - after 2 nights of freezing temperatures - he would be dead if he was lying in the forest. Finding a body is not something one looks forward to. But I didn't find him, I can only hope that others will, or that his family gets a sign of life from him if he is still alive. I stopped my search - and ride - when it got to dark to see any further than a few meters in the snow-covered forest.

    Ride Stats : 22K and 255/295 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h49mins. -3 degrees C average temp.


    06-01-2010, 18:27 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    I was home in time for a ride in the snow. Due to the bad condition of the roads I opted for the offroad. In this case the forest of Meerdael and the fields of Nethen. It was dusk and the sun was setting after a day that saw temperatures almost reaching 1 degrees. But when I rode in the fields the snow was breathing coldness. Like a fine most it spread, making the ambient temperature drop well below zero. The red sun was soon gone but I could still see where I was riding, due to the inherent luminescence of the snow. Arriving home 30 minutes after sunset I was glad to have done a fun ride. The snow is still of good quality and the forest roads are perfectly ride-able. I took some pictures facing the sun, an eerie moment to be shared with all my readers.

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    Ride Stats : 22k and 255/290 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h23mins. -2 degrees C average temp.


    05-01-2010, 20:10 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Tonight saw the passing of a fox by the house and some snowfall. Between 3 and 5cm of it. At dawn it began to freeze and around 11am, when I took the Litespeed out for a spin, it was -3 degrees C. I had a vague plan to ride in the direction of St Agatha Rode and pick up on the Overijse BLOSO trails. The roads were still covered with snow which suited me fine. In the Weertse Dreef the tracks made by the few cars that had passed were icy. But in the fresh snow between them there I had no problem keeping up a good pace. Like I said I picked up on the Green BLOSO near Sint Agatha Rode and noticed that there was a little bit more snow than at home. Care had to be taken on some of the downhills because of the frozen ruts under the snow. Some downhills were very difficult as well and the one near Huldenberg I had to walk a distance. Not forgetting to take some pictures to make all those who stayed at home a little jealous.

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    Switching on the Blue near Overijse I decided to give the Red Bloso a miss. It is the more difficult of the three, with some one downhill behind Ottenburg I would rather not do in these conditions. Moreover I was looking to be home for the start of the Tervuren cyclocross. So when I neared Ottenburg I turned towards Sint Agatha Rode and rode the last 10K on the road. Nevertheless I had a fine ride, cold but still very enjoyable. BR>
    Ride Stats 47K and 500/555 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h54mins. -3 degrees average temp.


    03-01-2010, 19:37 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    It froze -5 last night so things looked pretty good offroad. I decided to do an exploratory ride, making my way towards Tervuren and back. The trails were fine when I left around 11am. Temperature was still below zero and I made good progress through the fields between Korbeek Dyle and Duisburg. There was still some old snow in the hollow road, secluded from the sun and frozen solid it has withstood for 2 weeks now. In Tervuren I rode past the site where the Cyclocross will take place tomorrow. There was still a lot of work to be done, and the course itself was closed . So I looped around the park, checking out the Colonial Museum and making my way back into the park from the other side. Then I took to the offroad tracks again, following the lines on my GPS towards Duisburg and on towards the Ganspoel and Huldenberg.

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    The steep climb behind the soccer field was quite a challenge with some patches of ice making tyre placement very important. I rode onwards towards the Smeysberg and over it . Dropping down into Sint Agatha Rode. Here I decided to cross the moors towards Pecrot. Sadly this proved to be a wrong choice. The top soil was no longer freezing and riding through and over all the puddles made me pick up a lot of mud. Damn, this would mean cleaning the bike afterwards. But for now it meant I couldn't shift on the small ring in front, due to the derailleur being clogged by mud. I had to stop twice to manually put the chain on the ring. The steepness of the climbs into Beaumont and later in the Meerdael Forest didn't allow me to stay on the middle ring. I did a last loop in Meerdael before returning home. Quite pleased with my ride even though it took me 15 minutes to clean the bike to a more or less presentable state.

    Ride Stats : 52K and 560/650 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h59mins


    02-01-2010, 17:11 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Yesterday it was thursday, today it is friday, yesterday it was cold, grey and windy, today it is even colder and still grey and windy. Yesterday it was 2009 and today it is 2010. Except for the number in the year nothing much changes. But still it is another year and another chance at doing things right - or not.
    Set out over exactly the same roads as yesterday, except for when I came to Hamme Mille I decided to add another couple of K's looping over Nethen and Sint Joris Weert. Returning through the Weertse Dreef. It was snowing very lightky throughout my entire ride and the bridge over the Naamsesteenweg was slippery when I rode over it. The average temperature was -1 degree, one degree colder than yesterday evening. The forecast calls for more freezing temperatures so with a little luck the offroad trails will get a little dried out with the frost.


    Ride Stats : 36.5K and 260/300 heightmeters in 1h39mins. -1 degrees C average temp.


    01-01-2010, 16:59 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Chilling out at work today, doing things I don't normally find time for during the hectic year. When I got home I urged to get on my bike for one last time before the year 2009 ended. It had been raining yesterday evening and tuesday evening so I was eager. Did an easy ride , relaxing and getting used to zero degrees C again after a few days of positive temperatures.

    The year has been good to me bike-wise. I didn't get my usual 10.000K - stranding at 9676K instead - but I got well over a 100.000 heightmeters. I might have gotten a lot more if I had gone to the Ardennes just a couple of times more often. Next year I hope to go abroad , perhaps do some marathon in France or Germany. I'm not getting any younger and when I have the opportunity I feel I should take it. A week in the Vosges is also on my wish list. I just need to kick myself into gear and just go.
    To all my readers, I wish you and those you hold dear and love, a very happy , sunny and healthy 2010. May whatever gods you worship bring you all their blessings. Gor now, just keep it safe and hope to see you soon in 2010.

    Ride Stats : 29K and 230/270 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h17mins


    31-12-2009, 18:18 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Grey and windy morning, and with temperatures around 4 degrees and intermittent rain showers I didn't feel like doing much. So I decided to ride to Leuven to check out where I would be working from the 22nd of january onwards. My employer has seen fit to move those who live closer to Leuven than to Mechelen, and who agree to be moved, to their Leuven offices. For me this is obviously good news since it means that instead of having to ride 70K each day to work, I will only have to ride around 16K. Which also means that I can consider going by bike, or bus, instead of taking my car.


    Having checked out the premises I didn't feel like sticking around long in Leuven so I rode back over Heverlee and the Zoet Waters. From time to time the wind blew rain and sleet into my face so I was quite happy to arrive at home. A quick wash of the bike to remove the salt and dirt and I could enjoy a nice hot bath.

    Ride Stats : 26.5K and 185/210 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h18mins


    27-12-2009, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    This morning saw the further disappearance of the snow but also some ice on the roads. I left around 11am for what turned out to be a nice long slow distance ride. First I made my way towards Grez-Doiceau and there I picked in on the markings of the old Maleizen road trip. These took me towards Bonlez, Chaumont and further on towards Corbais and Mont Saint Guibert. Looping back over Ottignies LLN, Limal and Bierges where I did a 29% slope, and then onwards to Tombeek and Terlanen. From here I rode back towards Sint Joris Weert and the Zoete Waters to close a fine loop. The roads were wet with salt and on most of the bikepaths there were big patches of ice. So I stayed on the roads as much as possible. During this ride I passed the 100.000 heightmeters mark for this year. A fact of which I am very pleased and also proud. Obviously another goal, 10.000K this year, will probably not be achieved but I consider the heightmeters a more valid marker of my kind of riding anyway.


    Ride Stats : 72K and 650/730 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 3h21mins


    26-12-2009, 17:16 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    The last couple of days saw the snow melting little by little, leaving the offroad a murky and slippery place, to avoid if possible. The main roads were getting dryer and dryer, and saltier and saltier as well. The bike paths were still mostly covered in snow .
    Wanting to ride out I chose for an easy road ride, which seemed like the best option in these conditions. I had to ride on the road, but the other traffic didn't mind. Cars veered well away, understanding why I was on the road, and not on the snow and ice-ridden bikepaths. The weather was cold and the last rays of the evening sun accompanied me as I rode towards Bierbeek and Neervelp. From there I headed towards Opvelp and Meldert, turning towards La Bruyeres and the Beauvechain. From here I looped back over Nethen, Sint Joris Weert and the Zoete Waters. In all I had a pleasant ride. The average temperature was just 2 degrees C so it felt not too cold.


    The girl? She is Brittany Murphy, a young US actress who passed away at the age of 32 on December 20th from what looks to be a medication overdose. I first saw her performing in 'Don't Say a Word' and she left quite an impression on me. I remember this quote if hers, which has a sour taste now that she died :

    "Everybody has difficult years , but a lot of times the difficult years end up being the greatest years of your whole entire life , if you survive them"

    Sadly she didn't survive this year..

    Ride Stats : 45.5K and 390/420 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h6mins


    24-12-2009, 18:36 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Snowy Blue and Red Meerdael BLOSO ride
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    Yesterday saw another couple of hours of snowfall to add around 5 cm to the already thick carpet. The temperature was -2 degrees when I rode out and almost immediately I noticed the snow was not of the same quality as it was last saturday. It was 8 degrees warmer and the snow was a lot stickier. I decided to try to do the Blue and Red Meerdael BLOSO trails. Riding in the snow demands a lot of attention. You can either try to ride in the virgin snow, which is good but you have to beware of what lies beneath it. Or you can ride on the tracks laid down by jeeps, tractors and cars. Which is nice as long as your wheels are on those tracks. If you stray next to them, the difference in traction makes your wheels whoosh away. Very quick reactions are needed. In short, concentration needs to be high. Especially the downhill towards Nethen was very tricky, with its deep ruts and gullies. There was one biker trail I could more or less follow but even then I had to stop a couple of times because I got caught in a deep gully or my wheel just moved sideways. The uphills were easier, but also sometimes more difficult because of the deep snow. I stopped frequently to take some pictures. In the fields between Valduc and Bierbeek the snow was blown up by the wind and it was difficult negotiating the snow-dunes. Even in the tractor trails, my wheels just sank into the snow forcing me to a standstill and I had to walk some short sections. Near the end of the ride it began to snow a little bit, and it seems there is a lot of clouds over France which are heading our way. So it could be that the snow could last for a couple of days longer.

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    Ride Stats : 41.5K and 475/545 heightmeters in 3h29mins. 0 degrees C average temp


    21-12-2009, 17:50 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Minus 12.7 degrees C this morning and when I rode out around 11am it still was -10 degrees. The snow was around 10 to 15 cm thick and I decided on a leasurely stroll through Meerdael Forest. The snow quality was good for riding , it was dry and hard. A lot easier to ride through than my last snowy ride, in the beginning of January this year. I stopped frequently to take some pictures, gradually becoming more confident and upping the speed as I rode along. More snow is forecast this weekend so there may be other opportunities for some short rides like this one. I leave you wit a couple of pictures to get you in the mood to go out and enjoy the snow too.

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    Ride Stats : 17,5K and 175/205 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h24mins. -9 degrees C average temp


    19-12-2009, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Cold and dry today with just a whisp of flurry snow when I left for a nightride in the forest this evening. The Lupine shining brightly and with warm clothes to brave the cold. I did a loop focussing on climbs , taking good care in the downhils. They were very tricky. The visibility was good, with some darker patches meaning ice , but the main trouble were the frozen traces, criscrossing and unforgiving when your wheel gets caught in them. The wall of the ruts are like concrete, tipping you over if you hit them unaware. Even the sandy patches were feeling frozen solid. The leaves were crackling under my Big Jims when I braced myself for another downhill, very concentrated and sometimes just throwing the bike from one side of the trail to the other to avoid the ruts and other pitfalls. The climbs that followed were a moment of relief, nice steady pace and just taking care the bike didn't stall . The worse bits were where the horses hooves' had made a mess of the track, stopping you dead cold of your speed was too low. I managed to find a fair amount of climbs and after about 2 hours I was nearly back home. The cold didn't bother me much during the ride, once I got settled into my pace I was fine.

    Ride Stats : 31K and 465/500 heightmeters in 2h05mins. -2 degrees C average temp


    16-12-2009, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Last night temperatures dropped considerably below zero for the first time this winter. I had a day off from work so decided to take my chances and try an offroad ride again. The Litespeed was equipped with a new Middleburn 36 tooth middle chainring, a new chain and a new XTR 12/34 cassette in the back. Shifting went smoothly but I had to get used to the Middleburn not gripping the chain quite as well as TA chainrings, when shifting from the 26 upwards. It needs just that little split second of holding back the power when shifting, otherwise it wouldn't lift the chain.
    The forest was cold when I entered it.  I saw -2 degrees C on my Polar and had an average temperature of -1 degree C throughout the ride. But as I had guessed, the mud was mostly gone. The overnight freeze had taken care of that. The earth was stiff and the puddles were still frozen up. So that made for a great surface to ride on. I set out on the Meerdael BLOSO's. Starting with the blue from Blanden in the opposite direction.

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    At the crossing with the Red Bloso I took the Red but this time in the right direction. I added a few extra loops here and there just to check out some trails and add a couple of extra climbs. During the first half hour I needed to get used to the cold temperature but after that I felt just fine. I had chosen exactly the right amount of clothing and my mitts and waterproof socks with inner socks protected my extremities from the cold. Obviously I wore a windproof bonnet under my helmet.

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    The ride went fine, I took a picture of the tallest tree in the forest, from out in the Valduc plains, and passed close by that tree a while later to take another picture of it, and its twin brother that broke in two during a storm. I call them the Twin Towers. They are situated not far from the Dikke Eik, another leviathan in Meerdael Forest.
    After completing the Red I continued along the Blue, again in its opposite direction. I added a couple of climbs in the Nethen region to keep my inner fire well and truely burning. After a very intense section I switched over to the Green BLOSO in Heverleebos to finish in a more relaxed pace and with less height differences. When I arrived home, it was already getting below zero again, another cold night awaits us.

    Ride Stats : 61.5K and 670/755 heightmeters in 3h47mins. -1 degree C average temp


    14-12-2009, 16:52 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Today the weather forecast called for overclouded but dry skies. The wind had turned to the North and temps were averaging 4 degrees C. Frisky but what a joy not to have to take a rain coat on a ride. Instead I wore my old Blancs Gilets Thermo jacket and a brand-new Assos Roubaix tight. This tight costs an arm and a leg but I know from experience that they are the nec plus ultra in bike wear. I have been biking with a Roubaix for about 4 years now and it was time a add another one to the collection. This one uses the last technology in chamois and cold protection. I was not disappointed. It fitted like a glove, gently pressing where pressure is needed and the stitchings are on places where they don't hurt. This tight is comfortable when you sit down on a bike, and stretches when you stand up. A bikers' tight. The material is absolutely wind-tight and resistant to rain. Good product and well worth its steep price.
    I set out with the intention of biking towards the western edge of the Sonian Forest, ride past the Middenhut and see from there how I would return. Northern wind meant I had a gentle hand pushing me along during the first part of my ride. I rode over Korbeek Dyle and Duisburg, disappearing into the Sonian Forest . In Jezus Eik I crossed the E411 and rode on towards the Welleriekende Chapel. From there its one straight line following the Bundersdreef until the end of the Forest. I paused to take some pictures of the 2 Stooges, but unfortunately they didn't pass my quality control. Always difficult to take pictures with the self-timer.

    DSC01046 DSC01049

    I rode on towards the Middenhut and took the Sint Michielsdreef back towards the east. After crossing the Rue Dubois again I arribed at the Tumulidreef from where I followed the Hoeilaart Bloso for a while until I reached the connection towards Hoeilaart near Groenendaal station. I began to feel the wind now and decided to incorporate a couple of climbs . Making my way towards Maleizen I rode into the direction of Wavre and then took to the right dropping down towards the Lac de Genval. Nice little climb back up towards Rosieres. From here I connected towards Terlanen. Another climb towards Ottenburg and then down towards Florival. A couple of climbs in Pecrot and by now I began to feel the fatigue in my legs. I didn't have anything to eat nor drink during the ride so I was basically burning fatty tissues. A last loop over Nethen and Hamme Mille brought me home again, very satisfied with my ride.

    Ride Stats : 82,5K and 830/935 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 3h52mins


    12-12-2009, 18:06 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Dry at last
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    The weather is changing. Today the wind turned from west to northwest and it was as good as dry during the whole day. When I rode out in the evening there were a few scattered drops falling from menacing black skies but nothing to worry me. I did an easy loop over Heverlee, Oud-Heverlee, the Zoete Waters and Sint Joris Weert towards Nethen and onwards to Hamme Mille. From there I rode towards Nodebais and Tourinnes and then to Beauvechain. Here I turned into the wind for a long stretch towards Opvelp and Neervelp. From here it was uphill towards the watertower of Bierbeek. Turned to the right for another loop taking me alongside the E40 towards Haasrode and onwards to Blanden. I had cleaned the bike a bit yesterday and it was running very smoothly.

    Ride Stats : 46.5K and 350/400 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h7mins


    11-12-2009, 18:48 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Drizzle drazzle
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    When I left home it was raining, some drizzly rain that would last for the entire ride, sometimes less intense, sometimes more intense. Dangerous to ride in those conditions on the roads, even with more than appropriate lights on the front and back of the bike. My glasses would get wet, and the street lights and the lights of cars would blind me, sometimes I was just riding into a black hole. When I only had my own light to shine on a darker road, I was fine. Also, the car drivers are very busy with the rest of the traffic and the rain, and sometimes notice the little biker just in time. I did a small loop starting out through the Weertse Dreef, then connecting with Nethen, where I did an extra climb, towards Hamme Mille. Uphill towards Nodebais, looping to Tourinnes from there, a little loop in Tourinnes and then back towards Hamme Mille and Nethen again. In Nethen I did another extra climb and then rode back towards Sint Joris Weert and the Zoete Waters. I was pleased to arrive home since the last 15 minutes the rain was really intensifying.

    Ride Stats : 40K and 365/485 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h54mins


    09-12-2009, 20:01 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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