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    Tales from the Woods
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Vlaanderen Fietsroute .. Again
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    I just wanted to do a slow recovery ride today , so I again opted for the Vlaanderen Fietsroute LF6. This time I rode out for 2 hours -  just 42K not far from St Truiden I guess - and then turned back along the same route. A bit more sunshine then I counted on but the wind kept it fresh nevertheless. I felt pretty tired when I got home but my average heartbeat of 101 bpm was proof that I stayed in the recovery range most of the time.

    Ride Stats : 84K and 630 heightmeters in 4h04mins


    18-07-2007, 15:02 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Championships
    Took a recovery ride along Hoegaarden, Jodoigne, Dongelberg, Longueville and Grez-Doiceau today. Lots of wind but temps around 25 degrees made the ride yet pretty enjoyable. It had rained considerably last evening so I will wait a few days before going offroad again.

    Ride Stats : 72K and 495 heightmeters in 3h15mins


    Yesterday and today I helped my club prepare the Belgian CrossCountry Championships which will take place this weekend in the Bois des Reves at Ottignies Louvain-la-Neuve. The circuit is most demanding and will surely reward the most complete mountainbikers with the National Title. The track is 6.25km long and has 280 heightmeters in it. That means that the Elite riders - who have to do 7 laps - will cover some 43K and a stunning 1960 heightmeters. The height profile of one lap can be found HERE, and THIS is a map of the circuit done with Google Earth. All relevant information can be found HERE. I will be around Saturday and Sunday, as a signaleur at the top of a long climb - called "la Piste de Ski". This place is also ideal for me to be taking some pictures. Hope to see you there.

    17-07-2007, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Accro Bike-Beat the Heat
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    5.58am. Rise and shine, give the cat his insulin injection and prepare to head out for a tour around one of my favorite training rides : the Accro Bike. This ride starts in Grez-Doiceau and I have two versions - a 42K and a 52K one. Today I decided to do the 52K version and do it in the reverse direction. This is a very good exercise in remembering a trail. You have to know it by heart to be able to ride it in the reverse direction without hesitation. I know this trail by heart, I have done it so many times and each time again I am amazed at its beauty and deceiving toughness. It is a steady connection of climbs and descents, one after the other. The 42K version has some 650 heightmeters and the 52K version around 800. I started early to avoid the heat. I am still wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants, and even though this is not that much hotter than short sleeved stuff, it helps when the temps are cool. When I left it was a marvelous 16 degrees C and during the ride temps would rise to about 29 degrees. My average temperature was 21 degrees though, because near 11am the sun was hiding behind the clouds and lots of the trails pass through cool and lush forests. Some of the little tracks were overgrown but with my long pants I was immune to the nettles and prickly thorns. The smell when riding along the freshly cut and harvested grain fields was making me reminiscent of my youth, when we used to play in the haystacks. The corn was gently whispering in the wind and I felt great to be able to be out here and ride. All the while I did not forget to check my legs for horseflies because even though I wear long pants, they can bite through them if need be. But since I have been applying some DEET before leaving I have not been bothered. Yet it doesn't hurt to be vigilant.

    Some of you might think I'm a bit crazy doing all this stuff to avoid being bitten but I know why I'm doing this, don't worry. A couple of years ago I was bitten by horseflies twice within a fortnight and the second time the allergic reaction was a lot more violent than the first time. The doctor prescribed me an EPI-pen which I had to take along . The third bite in a row might send me into anaphylaxis and an Epi-pen is the only thing that can save my life when out in the field. Since I have been bitten twice this year - albeit that the first one was without much harm - I am not taking any chances thank you !
    Anyway, the trails were great today and when I arrived home just before noon I felt tired but very satisfied. I had a narrow escape with a dog near the end of my ride - I think the poor bugger is half deaf now from my screaming and yelling  - and I nearly turned around to have a go at its owner . There are 'dogs on a leash' signs everywhere so I figure that if I am attacked by some runaway mongrel it is my good right to protect myself and if I get a hold of its collar I will see its tongue turn blue before I let go. Pity I can't do the same with the owner - because that is where the blame really lies.

    Ride Stats : 81K and 1055 heightmeters in 4h51mins



    15-07-2007, 12:56 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Another leaf has been turned. I had promised myself a birthday ride in Gelderland, going around the Oosterschelde over the Neeltje Jans Complex towards Schouwen Duiveland and back over the Zeelandbrug, but this morning I did not feel very well rested and my legs felt bad after yesterdays' hill training. So I decided to do a pannekoek ride along the Leuvense Vaart, going all the way to Mechelen and back. Temperature was great early in the morning although it got kinda hot towards midday. With some clouds and wind blowing from the side and slightly behind on the return trip things were not that bad though . I had a good ride and my legs did not protest too much.  I hope the weather doesn't stay this hot, but from the forecast it looks like from tuesday temps will be back in the comfortable 20-25 degree range.

    Ride Stats : 70K and 150 heightmeters in 2h53mins


    14-07-2007, 13:21 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Ah, at last I was going to ride in the Bois des Reves again. This is an amusement parc near Ottignies Louvain-La-Neuve where they have a permanent mountainbike trail, some 3K long and sporting a whopping 80 heightmeters. That may seem like nothing much until you ride it. It's on the side of a hill and the track is taking you up and down that hill several times , with some nice lacets, roots and steps everywhere. It takes a good rider to make this lap without setting foot to the ground. It was slightly drizzling when I set off for my first big lap. I usually combine the "Circuit VTT" - which is marked  - with a trail going all the way around the parc, consisting of a big climb starting out on the bikers trail towards Louvain-La-Neuve, then taking to the right climbing all the way up to the top of the forest, two times right again  followed by a very fast descent on a forest road .
    That way, MY lap is 5K long and yields me 130 heightmeters. With the 2007 Belgian XC Championships taking place here in 2 weeks, there were a lot of bikers on the circuit. Some youngsters from my club were having some kind of orientation exercise and they were all over the place. I also saw  Sebastien Carabin and Morgane Van Lierde who were practising on part of the Championship circuit. From what I've seen of the circuit , it will be very technical, with at least one major downhill - no, I did NOT ride it - going almost straight down the slope. I hope the Croix Rouge will be well staffed because this could prove to be a dangerous spot. The thing with Bois des Reves is, there is not a moments' rest. Your heart rate is going up and down like a yo-yo, you are either on a steep climb or on a technical descent , always on some narrow singletrack. That will be another major point for the Championship. Passing others riders will be a tricky affair, since the trails are narrow and always ondulating up and down, with not much room for error. Of course , only part of the circuit is open now, since the other half is in an area of the parc that is normally forbidden for bikers. I met Laurent Saublens and he told me that the final lap will be some 5K and 280 heightmeters. The track will be fully marked for reconnaisance purposes from wednesday July 18th. .
    So I lapped 8 rounds of MY lap, which yielded me just over a 1000 heightmeters. The tracks were moist which made the downhills tricky, but manageable. I felt tired but very happy having done a good technical and climbing training.

    Ride Stats : 40.5K and 1055 heightmeters in 3h01mins


    13-07-2007, 14:33 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    No biking today. Instead I went out to play with my newest aquisition, a (second-hand mind you) 300mm F2.8 Nikkor AF-I lens. I first set off to spot some planes at nearby Beauvechain military airport but there were none to be seen, at least not in the air. So I set out for the Zoete Waters Ponds and took a nice series (well - I like them ) of some goose splashing and spraying.

    and, turning around, he splashed even more..
      ..and then, he came swimming a little bit closer to me, as if asking : "Hey dude, did you get that or do I have to do it one more time? "
      Well, I got him allright. The light was poor with the overcast sky so I only got 1/250 to 1/320th shutter speed with the lens fully open. It might look easy to get these shots but I can assure you it's not. This goose is at around 5 to 6 metres from me and it doesn't sit still for a second. So you need to be patient and then it's a combination of skill - pushing the trigger at the right moment- and (a lot of) luck. I like the effect of the water droplets, some are sharp, some blurry, giving a nice suggestion of the speed with which they are being hurled around. The camera/lens combo weighs around 5kg so I mounted them on a Monopod to be more stable. Here is a pic of what the combination looks like.
      Looks heavy doesn't it. I can assure you it is. Oh well, I hope to be out on my bike again tomorrow, riding my car to the Bois des Reves and do some laps on the very technical and hilly MTB trail in that forest. The weather forecast looks good with even some warmer weather forecast for the weekend.

    12-07-2007, 20:22 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Some light drizzle this morning did not stop me from going out. In fact, I like the weather as it is, not too hot and relatively dry. I wanted to do a recovery ride so I rode out along the Vlaanderen Fietsroute Lf6 which passes through Meerdael. This is an A to B route so the plan is to follow it for however long you fancy, turn around and follow it back home again. I decided to turn at the 1h30 mark, just past Goetsenhoven. There were still some clouds heavy enough to spill a little rain but I never had to stop for shelter or even wear a Gore Tex raincoat. Legs felt fine considering the heavy load they had to endure these last few days.

    Ride Stats : 65.5K and 530 heightmeters in 3h02mins


    11-07-2007, 14:40 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Another fine day to go out, so I couldn't resist. Decided to go into Heverleebos and Meerdaelwoud and do some of the more technical bits there. I was more or less following the BLOSO trails but incorporating some other trails as I rode along. I had a fine ride with some nice tricky downhills and a few of Meerdaels' finest uphills. Not too many though because today is supposed to be a rest day. But the legs felt good and the weather was just right for a 2-hour stint on the bike. I think I will go to Bois des Reves this week and I am also considering the Longest Uphill/Downhill in Theux for the weekend. It's been a while and I need to check out some trails to make the loop even more interesting.

    Ride Stats : 37K and 415 heightmeters in 2h08mins


    10-07-2007, 13:50 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Another ride that turned out a bit longer than expected. Still, leaving at 9.30am the sun was shining and although there were some clouds, I had no rain during the ride. So the weather was good. I followed some Yellow "Bloso like" markings on the streets, having no clue where they would lead me . At a 80/110 split I took the 80 loop , still wondering where it would take me. Too bad it only just skimmed the Brabant Walloon border into Pietrebais and Grez Doiceau , returning quite quickly toward less hilly regions. Not that I minded because I originally set out to do a recovery ride, and hills are not exactly helpful if you want to keep the heartrate and the intensity low. I followed the trail all the way into Zaventem and Sterrebeek and then I decided to call it a day and loop back over Moorsel and Vossem towards Leefdaal. I followed the very nice hardpack trail next to the little river Voer all the way into Bertem. From there I looped over Korbeek Dyle and the Zoet Waters back home. Nice little ride and my average heartbeat of 109bpm indicates that this was exactly what I wanted, an easy recovery ride.

    Ride Stats : 81K and 490 heightmeters in 3h41mins


    09-07-2007, 14:08 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Another fine day and I set off around 11am for a ride that would take me along the path of the Ludo Dierckxsens organised ride. In Dion I strayed from that path to climb up to the golf course and then drop into Grez. Another loop took me towards Bossut, Nethen and into the Weertse Dreef back home. 3 days of almost 3 hours riding a day begin to take their toll. My legs are tired and I'm glad I have the ReSkin patches. But even though I feel tired I also feel elated to be back on the bike in a more or less regular manner. I didn't dare go back into the forest yet but I hope to be able to do so next week.

    Ride Stats : 68K and 525 heightmeters in 2h59mins


    08-07-2007, 14:37 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    I wanted to ride to the Bois des Reves today. Initially I was going to take my mountain bike over there, but when I woke up I felt more tired than expected. So I took my "road" mountain bike (no suspension and 12-23 road cassette in the back) instead. Upon arriving at the Bois I did a tour around the estate, which was just feasible with the 23 in the back and set off towards Maleizen to complete a nice Long Slow Distance ride. Legs felt tired when I started, marginally better in the belly of the ride and they began to protest near the end. I got another hilly ride in and the wind was not as bad as yesterday but still bad enough to demand shifting to a lower gear when riding against it. Near the end of the ride, on the Maleizen-Terlanen ridge it blew in my back pushing me towards 35kph on the flat sections.

    Ride Stats : 77K and 615 heightmeters in 3h30mins


    07-07-2007, 14:23 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    At last it stayed dry for most of the day, the sun was peering through the clouds from time to time which allowed the temperature to rise to the 20 degrees C mark. The wind was blowing fiercely from the west with some heavy gusts from time to time. I tried to avoid it as much as possible by keeping in areas with protection from forests or houses. When I arrived in Tervuren I saw a lot of fallen branches lying around in the Forest de Soignes  and even though the forest was generally quiet from time to time a howl went through it as the wind picked up. My legs felt good although a bit tired from yesterdays ride. I focussed on making a lot of rpm's and also incorporated as much hills as possible. No power stuff, just a good pace without pushing hard. I was surprised at the amount of heightmeters when I got home, but it was a pleasant surprise. Halfway through the ride the wind was blowing in my back which made some of the hills a real breeze.

    Ride Stats : 61K and 570 heightmeters in 2h43mins


    06-07-2007, 19:28 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Another 4 days lost to recover from an ailment. I took the last of the Medrol today and the allergic reaction has been effaced quite effectively from my skin. I was yearning for a bike but when I got home menacing skies and fierce winds made me decide to do a ride on the rollers. My heartrate was more elevated than usual but my legs still felt strong which gave me hope for the future.

    Ride Stats : 22.5K in 1h02mins


    05-07-2007, 19:24 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Aargh.. this morning I looked like the polkadot jersey in the Tour de France, red spots all over my body , arms and legs. I even found red spots in the palms of my hands.. I ran to the doctor and she said it was a violent allergic reaction. Since antihistamines don't seem to work she prescribed me corticoids - Medrol containing prednisolone to be exact - which I have to take for the next 6 days. She also explicitely forbade me to ride the 100K tomorrow.  Damn.
    This month has not been very kind to me. It started great though ; with a marvelous trip to the Vosges which I enjoyed very much and the delivery of my new car. Then things took a turn for the worse when I was bitten by that horsefly. Allergic reaction and a lymphatic infection resulting in 8 days of heavy antibiotics and now this allergic skin reaction to god knows what.
    People might think I am overreacting but from my perspective - I am very rarely ill, I can't remember my last cold - these last few weeks have been hell. I was not 'ill' in the technical sense - no fever, didn't have to stay in bed, only some diarrhoea at the start - but the inability to ride my bike or do anything vaguely related to sports leaves me feeling like a cripple.
    Today I just took that last ride of the month to pass the 50000 heightmeters mark and I could indeed feel that my pulse was higher than normal so Doc must be right about not overdoing it the next couple of days. The weather forecast calls for unstable weather which suits me fine. Sweating made my skin itch and I had to take a bath in lukewarm water to minimize the reaction of the spots to the warmth.

    Ride Stats : 34K and 240 heightmeters in 1h28mins


    30-06-2007, 17:41 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    One of my goals each year is to get a 100.000 heightmeters. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes not. When I saw that I was approaching the 50000 mark and also the end of June - thus mid-year - I decided to go for it and get me some heightmeters today. The weather was great, 15 degrees and a slight drizzle. This is great weather for climbing and it also keeps all the nasty bugs out of the air. I developed some hives overnight - possibly due to the antibiotics - and instead of going crazy with the itch I took an antihistamine pill and got on my bike. It could also be an allergic reaction to some pecan nuts I ate yesterday, I believe someone told me to watch out with pecans . Anyway, they are there, tiny red blotches covering most of my body, itching when I think about them.
    On yer bike. The rain was my ally against the insects and once in the forest I hardly noticed it. As I said, it was a light drizzle and the trails were hardly wet, except in the open spaces between trees.  I have a nice little hilltraining track in Meerdael near Nethen ,  about 2.6K long and just shy of 80 heightmeters. It starts at the bottom of the valley behind 'De Kluis', goes up the steep hill on the left, then cuts to the right, straight into a technical descent with lots of roots - which were wet today - and some drops. All the way down to camping 'La Hetraie', to the right in the sandy road and then left through the camping towards the big road from Sint Joris Weert to Nethen. Follow that road to the left - and take your time to recuperate - until on your left you take the small singletrack ascent that starts between two driveways. People who know Nethen will know the spot. Very steep climb in the beginning with some roots you have to roll over just right or you end up walking . After that it is mellowing out a bit but is still steep enough to make you work hard. At the top just go straight down the gravel road, sharp right turn at the bottom and I start again for my next lap.
    I did this lap 10 times. People who bore easily might probably be rolling their eyeballs right about now but I can assure them, this track is never boring to me. If I had the legs I would have done it 20 times. Each lap I am looking to find the perfect line, braking at just the right spot, avoid the snails, try going a little faster downhill , brake a few centimeters later and deal with front wheel slippage when you are getting tired and less concentrated. The track being moist made it a great challenge, as well during the uphill as going downhill. I thoroughly enjoyed it. At the end of those 10 laps I had 26K and 781 heightmeters. Thats a Hill Factor of 30 thank you very much.
    With this little ride there remain only 170 heightmeters to go to make it an even 50000 this month. With one day left that should be feasable.

    Ride Stats : 37K and 860 heightmeters in 2h45mins


    29-06-2007, 20:06 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Yesss , the weather was great today, 20 degrees C and a bit of wind but no rain. So I set out for a ride outside. I only had a limited time so I decided to follow the Haasrode tour up to the Goudberg Geosite in Hoegaarden and loop over the little Chapel to take the same route back towards home. I managed an average of more than 25kph the first hour, but the wind had some part in that as well. Upon returning it blew in my face a lot but I still felt strong enough to hold on to more than 24kph when I got home. It felt great to be outside again.

    Ride Stats : 51K and 445 heightmeters in 2h07mins


    28-06-2007, 17:48 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Ah, how wonderfully complex this Covenant story is. I took a huge chunk out of it again today, whilst sitting on the rollers. I first read this double trilogy  some 25 years ago , and re-reading them again now makes me enjoy the subtleties of the writing even more than when I first discovered the magical world of The Land. Stephen R. Donaldson has been compared to J.R.R. Tolkien at his best and even though Tolkien is without a shadow of a doubt in a literary league of his own, Donaldson has such a mastery of language and such an uncanny way in which to unravel his personages' deepest feelings that one cannot but being swept as through a rollercoaster of emotions whilst being plunged into the abysses and pinnacles of this literal valhalla. I cannot but thoroughly recommend it to anyone who has the openness of mind, childlike yearning for fantasy and last but not least a huge chunk of free time necessary for this kind of story. I am re-reading it because - nearly thirty years after the last Covenant book was written - Donaldson is finally coming forward with the First Book of the "Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant".
    I felt a lot better today, as if my body is being aided in its healing by the biking I did yesterday. At first I was thinking of taking a day of rest but I decided to get on my bike and just let my legs taste some more of what they have been lacking this last week. My pulse was steady and low throughout the ride which gives me good hopes for the next days.

    Ride Stats : 22.5K in 1h1min


    27-06-2007, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    At last I was able to get back on a bike. This last week has seen me struggling with the aftermath of the horsefly bite I suffered last tuesday. Apart from a violent allergic reaction, the wound also became infected and I had to rush to the doctor to start an antibiotics cure. 1200mg of Dalacin C a day. The shock on my intestines was great, and even though the infection in my arms' lymphatic channel disappeared like snow in the sun, I was to suffer diarrhoea, nausea, itching , stomach cramps and general uncomfortableness over the weekend. Add to that my growing restlessness due to lack of biking and you can imagine what kind of company I was to my peers. Even though after a few days I accepted the fact that I had just to grit down and bear the burden, letting things take their course.
    Then when monday came I began to feel better, my resting pulse was going back down where it should be, my core temperature was almost normal and with the help of some Enterol I got my bowel movements more or less under control.
    And today I felt strong enough to risk a short ride on the bike. Not outside, that would be too much of a burden, but on the rollers. It felt good to feel my legs remember the movement. They have had a weeks' rest so they felt good and strong. I still have to take the rest of the antibiotics up till thursday so my aerobic fitness will not be up to par but at least the strength in my legs looks to be there - still.
    One good side to all this lying down and resting is that I had ample time to finish the First Book of the Second Trilogy of the Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever Chronicles and am now tackling number two in that series - The One Tree.
    Funny enough Thomas is also stung by an insect and the venom is trying to take over the moral power over his White Gold.
    I have pre-inscribed for the Meerdael Gold Classic - a 100K mountainbike ride in and around my home forest - next sunday so that will be my first challenge after this dark period.

    Ride Stats : 22.5K in 1h00mins


    26-06-2007, 19:23 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Today I felt strong enough to get back on my bike again. My intestines have been giving me trouble since last saturday, but a sparse diet and some serious windletting saw me recover over the weekend and through yesterday. Don't know what caused it, might be something I ate or a bug that tried to settle in my digestory track. Anyway, I was fine today and the weather was great - nearly 30 degrees C and blazing sunshine coupled to a nice breeze. My legs were still feeling strong from the Vosges weekend and I set off for some climbing in the Meerdaelwoud and the Bois de Laurensart near Ottenburg. That last one has some steep climbs which made me reap the benefits of the long steep climbs in the Vosges. I nearly didn't notice them, sure they were steep but so short compared to La Bresse and environment. It was nearly a breeze today.
    I got bitten twice by some insect, once in the upper left arm and once in the left buttock. I sprayed my legs with 30% DEET before I left - since I am allergic to certain insects' bites I'm not taking any chances thank you ! - but the buggers just stab me through my clothes instead !  I have to get me some serious afterbite stuff to take along because this really is a big problem for me. The outdoors are swarming with all kinds of insects, probably due to the lack of freezing in the winter and the hot April month. When I got home the swelling was not too bad so I think I might be lucky. Whatever bit me was not on my immediate danger list. I quite enjoyed the ride , riding some very singular and overgrown trails in the Bois de Laurensart - some might be private but I'm not sure - and then the obligatory tricky downhill on the Red Overijse BLOSO followed by all the uphills I could find in the region. The breeze made it not too hot and I made sure I drank regularly. And now excuse me please.  I need to get some pasta food into me, I'm hungry like a wolf.

    Ride Stats : 41K and 535 heightmeters in 2h17mins


    19-06-2007, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Tummy
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    Well, it was dry alright this morning, albeit some menacing clouds were hanging overhead when I set out for my Meerdael Loop. I woke up with a heavy tummy, cramping from time to time, so I quickly settled to do just the first half of the loop. The little singletrails are getting smaller and smaller now that summer is approaching and the undergrowth is in full expansion. Ferns and some prickly critters are flourishing and for that reason I wore long-legged trousers. The trails were reasonably dry and I quite enjoyed my short ride.

    Ride Stats: 28K and 275 heightmeters in 1h43mins


    16-06-2007, 11:53 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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