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    Tales from the Woods
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    Busy shedule today so I rode out early in the morning. The sun was out and I could enjoy temperatures around 25 degrees C on average accompanied by a mild southern wind. I rode out for what I like to call a Middle Lap, a medium distance lap. Over Bierbeek to Meldert and then turning right towards La Bruyere. Riding up to the N240 and then switching to the N91 past Nodebais and into Hamme Mille. A left here and the loop was closed over Nethen, Sint Joris Weert, the Zoete Waters and Vaalbeek. Nice relaxed ride with a good tempo.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 45K and 255 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h33mins


    01-08-2012, 11:47 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Last ride of the month July and I wanted to get over the 1800K mark so I set out for a longish ride. Starting out over the Zoete Waters, Sint Joris Weert and Nethen I made my way up and down into Pecrot. Onwards to Florival and Archennes where I suffered the terrible state of the road until I came in Grez where things brightened up. The weather was overcast but dry and rather warm with an average temperature of 23 degrees C. I chose to wear a longsleeved jersey, not being sure if it would stay dry. From Grez I climbed past Biez and Heze to Longueville. Past Longueville I turned left to reach Roux-Miroir. A short stretch on the N91 and then to the right at the ferme de Happeau for a stretch of narrow backroads. Back on the N91 and then taking a right turn to reach the road to La Bruyere. Taking the long way to Beauvechain and then up and down to Opvelp. Here I took a left turn towards Bierbeek. On to the Haasrode Industrie terrain and then to the Expressweg which took me nicely back to Blanden.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 61K and 390 heightmeters (Garmin) in 2h07mins


    31-07-2012, 20:33 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    First day back at work today, so I did not feel like doing much too much when I got home. There was a good breeze blowing from the west and it looked like it would rain . I settled on a little lap, just stretching the legs and trying to keep the chain on the big ring. This went surprisingly well, despite the wind trying to stop me when I rode on the long climb out of Opvelp towards Beauvechain. The sun came out and I soon regretted putting on a shirt with long sleeves. But a little later the sun was hiding behind clouds again and the temperature dropped a couple of degrees, made worse by the cool breeze. The lap was my standard little lap, starting over Haasrode and Bierbeek, then Opvelp, Beauvechain and Hamme Mille and closing up through Nethen, Sint Joris Weert and the Zoete Waters and Vaalbeek.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 33K and 215 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h10mins


    30-07-2012, 19:54 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Temperatures are back in normal regions, and the wind is also back. I wanted to do an easy ride today so I started out towards Heverlee and Egenhoven, then following the Sint Jansberg steenweg all the way to Overijse . Climbing up towards Maleizen and then taking a left towards Rosieres and then dropping into Bierges. Climbing out of the Lasne valley and before long I was riding into the Dyle valley in Wavre. Long climb out of that one and following the Chaussee de Huy for a while until I took another left taking me into Dion-Le-Val.
    A sharp right and I was on the steep climb up to the Golf de Bercuit. 14% and even a bit more at places. Down into Grez-Doiceau and then riding towards Hamme Mille along the N25. Fromm Hamme Mille I took my normal finishing loop over Nethen, Sint Joris Weert, the Zoete Waters and Vaalbeek into Blanden. Had a good relaxing ride.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 67.5K and 565 heightmeters (Garmin) in 2h28mins


    29-07-2012, 13:30 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Another hot day forecast so I started out early to beat the heat. Or at least tried to, because it heated up pretty fast when I started out towards Hoegaarden . Riding onwards along Outgaarden, Goetsenhoven, Ezemaal and Neerwinden I caught up on the Lf6 just before Neerhespen. Following that bikepath until I came to the N80 just before Kerkom bij Sint Truiden. I could have gone further but the heat was getting to me and I still needed to ride all the way back. Turning around and the wind  - the little wind there was - was blowing in my face which cooled me down just enough to make the heat more comfortable. Riding back following the Lf6 this time over Velm, Neerwinden , Ezemaal and then just before Goetsenhoven taking a detour along the N64 and then taking a right towards Outgaarden. From Hoegaarden I took my usual way back home riding through Oorbeek, Kumtich, Willebringen, Opvelp and Bremt towards the Haasrode Industrie terrain. I was glad to be on the Expressway and close to Blanden after almost 4 hours with an average outside temperature of 30 degrees C. My effort was in the recovery regions because I noticed my average heartrate was only 107 bpm throughout this ride.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 102.5K and 685 heightmeters (Garmin) in 3h55mins


    27-07-2012, 14:31 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Got an early start today because the forecast called for hot weather. Making my way to Hoegaarden over Bierbeek, Opvelp and Meldert and after some 19K I was on the ravel 2 which connects Hoegaarden with Namur. Riding though Jodoigne and Eghezee and then dropping into the valley to reach Saint Marc  and Saint Servais. 56.5K and around 2 hours out. Turning around an facing the 7K long climb back to get out of the Meuse valley. The wind was blowing slightly against me but with the sun gaining force the little breeze was very welcome. Back through Eghezee and Jodoigne to reach Hoegaarden. Riding back I took another loop, first riding up to the Goudberg geosite and then into Oorbeek and up to Kumtich. From Kumtich the wind was blowing in my favor when I rode to Willebringen and Neervelp. Up to the Bierbeek globe and then back home following the Expressweg from Haasrode Industrie. A nice long ride with a minimum of effort, judging on the average heartrate of 112bpm, and due to the fact that I was home around 12.30 I also had a manageable 26 degrees average temperature during this ride. The long stretches of shrubberies next to the Ravel offer good protection against the sun and the wind if need be.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 119K and 620 heightmeters (Garmin) in 4h17mins


    26-07-2012, 14:05 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    My first idea for today was to take a days' rest but when I saw another beautiful sunny day developing I could not resist riding out. I took it easy and focussed on low gears and active recovery for the legs. A quick dash around incorporating Bierbeek, Meldert, La Bruyere, Pietrebais and then taking a right towards Nodebais and onwards to Beauvechain. Some F16 were doing calisthenics in the air above the 1st Wing Airforce base and their booming noises accompanied me past Opvelp and to Bierbeek. From Bierbeek I rode towards the Haasrode Industrie Terrain for a loop and then I set forth to Heverlee Park to return from Heverlee to Blanden along the Naamsesteenweg. The sun made it hot out there but there was also a slight breeze from what seemed to be north-northeasterly directions.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 52K and 330 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h56mins


    25-07-2012, 14:58 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Another bright and sunny day and I rode out for an easy recovery ride. Riding towards Bonlez over Sint Joris Weert, Nethen, Pecrot, Archennes and Grez-Doiceau. In Bonlez I took a stretch of the Ottinoise towards Ottignies but just before entering Mont-Saint-Guibert I took a 180 degree turn and rode back towards Chaumont Gistoux. The hilly terrain here pushed me into the lower gears and since I did not want to put too much pressure on my legs the average speed was a mild 25kph so far. Into and out of Longueville and I set towards Incourt and Dongelberg. Came upon Roger L. and Johan H. who were also doing a road ride and we stopped a while to catch up on the latest goings-on. Onwards past Dongelberg towards Jodoigne were I took the Ravel 2 towards Hoegaarden. I followed the Ravel on the other side of the Stationstraat until I reached Bost where I had to search a bit to find my way back to Hoegaarden. Riding up to the Marollenkapel in Sint Katharina Houtem I took a break overlooking the sun-drenched landscapes.


    Riding onwards to Oorbeek, Kumtich  and Willebringen , past Neervelp and towards Bremt where I climbed towards the Bierbeek water tower. Fast downhill into Bierbeek  whence I rode towards the Haasrode Industrie Park where I did a couple of laps before finishing with a stretch along the Expressweg into Blanden, getting a nice 100K with an average heartrate of only 113bpm, well into recovery ranges.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 101K and 745 heightmeters (Garmin) in 3h52mins


    24-07-2012, 15:02 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Even though I begin to feel the fatigue setting in from the past week, the good weather drew me out for a long ride. Since I did not want to stress my body too much I opted for a fairly flat ride, first riding towards the Leuvense Vaart and then following this body of water until past Mechelen, where a short intermediate stretch brought me to the Zennegat where I followed  the river Zenne until I came to Boom. Here I took a little break, to photograph the US Sherman tank, which was obviously being prepared for a new coat of paint.


    Turning around I managed to catch another cyclist and together we rode a couple of kilometers in the direction of Heffen, alternating the lead. He took the bridge so I was alone and I rode back along the same way whence I had come. Riding past Battel and Mechelen, the Leuvense Vaart led me straight towards Leuven. Around Kampenhout I was overtaken by another cyclist. I took his wheel and again I could alternate the lead . We made good speed until he took a left and I was alone again. Passing through Kessel Lo and taking the Tiensesteenweg until I took a right turn on the Expressweg . I rode a couple of laps in the Industrieterrain of Haasrode to make sure I would make the 100K mark today. The weather was splendid with temperatures around 25 degrees C and a mild wind from westerly directions.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 102K and 220 heightmeters (Garmin) in 3h30mins


    23-07-2012, 14:29 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Today saw the sun out again. I wanted to do a recovery ride so I set out towards Hoegaarden and then onwards to Goetsenhoven, Ezemaal and Neerwinden . The temperature was around 18 degrees when I started, but it looked like the sun would make it warmer very soon.
    I wanted to check out a couple of cars I saw in Neerwinden whilst I was riding the Kroeme Toer earlier this week. They were still there so I could take some pictures and move on.


    When I reached the War memorial site at Neerhespen I turned the Vortex around an rode back towards Hoegaarden along the traces of the Kroeme Toer. From Hoegaarden I took another track towards Oorbeek, Hoksem and Kumtich. Willebringen, Opvelp and Neervelp were next. The wind was blowing faintly from the North-Northeast again and it did not bother me too much today. From Neervelp I took a left towards Bremt. Bierbeek, Haasrode Industrie and then Heverlee Park and returning following the Naamsesteenweg into Blanden completed this easy recovery ride with an average heartrate of 112bpm. The average temperature was a mild 23 degrees C, looks like the summer has arrived at last.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 82K and 565 heightmeters (Garmin) in 2h56mins


    22-07-2012, 14:47 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    The plan today was to ride up to Bonlez. Getting there involved riding over the Zoete Waters, Sint Joris Weert, Pecrot, Archennes and past Grez. In all just short of 25K. I had the track of the 2012 Ottintoise in my Garmin 705 and I picked in on this organised ride just past Bonlez. I did  its easternmost loop, which involved more than a couple very steep, but thankfully also short - hills. I had to get out of the saddles a couple of times which meant the slope was nearing 14-15 degrees. I rode up to the point where the track almost crosses itself and then rode back towards Bonlez. Looks like this Ottintoise is quite a hilly ride, I hope to explore it further in the near future. It starts in Ottignies and is 86K long with almost a 1000 heightmeters.
    Arriving back in Bonlez I decided to loop towards Grez, taking a right and starting the long climb through Heze towards Longueville. Passing  through Incourt and Dongelberg I followed the smaller track through Lathuy and then crossing the N240 I arrived in Melin. From here I rode on towards Sart-Melin and then arriving at the N240 again I followed this until I could take a right and plunge towards La Bruyere. The wind came from North-North Easterly directions but it did not bother me much. Passing through La Bruyere and then onwards to Meldert and Opvelp. Here I took a left towards Beauvechain. Through Tourinnes and Hamme Mille and before long I was back in Nethen. From here I closed my loop over Sint Joris Weert, the Zoete Waters and Vaalbeek. Quite a good ride and even though my average was low in the hilly sections in the beginning and on the Ottintoise I managed to crank it up in the end. The average temperature turned out to be 21 degrees C and with the sun peeping through the cloud cover from time to time it was quite pleasant weather for cycling.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 112K and 900 heightmeters (Garmin) in 4h03mins


    21-07-2012, 15:34 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Very windy weather and the possibility of showers was making me decide to do an easy recovery ride today. Starting out over the Zoete Waters and Sint Joris Weert towards Nethen, Hamme Mille and Nodebais. The wind was tugging on me and its gusty character made it dangerous between the houses. Riding up to Beauvechain and then taking a left in the direction of Opvelp and Neervelp. The fun was over when I turned left again and faced the wind straight in my face whilst I battled my way into Bremt. Having some shelter behind the E40 I crisscrossed through Bierbeek and arriving at the Industrie Park in Haasrode I could not resist doing a local loop. Unfortunately one of the clouds decided to let go when I made my way towards Heverlee Park. Not a full blast shower but I got wet nevertheless. Fortunately it was over soon and when I arrived in Heverlee at least the rain was gone. Only the wet roads made the ride a little treacherous now. Soon I was riding along the Naamsesteenweg into Blanden. My average heartrate was nicely in the recovery regions with 112bpm and the average temperature of 20 degrees made it - all things considered - a very enjoyable little ride.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 44.5K and 305 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h40mins


    19-07-2012, 13:28 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    The weather looked a lot better today. More sunshine and also temperatures above 20 degrees. It had been a while. When the Tour de France finished I set out for a recovery ride. The wind was a major factor, it was strong and gusty and blew from the west-southwest. The start was easy with me heading towards Hoegaarden and there turning on the Ravel 2. When I reached Jodoigne I turned right and felt the wind for the first time straight in my face. Making my way towards Dongelberg I took it easy - after all this was supposed to be a recovery ride - and upon reaching the N91 I took a right again for a long straight line leading me to Pietrebais. The wind came from my left and was strong enough to try to topple me over. So I had to grab the bull by the horns and anticipate by riding half a metre from the side of the road. When I reached Pietrebais I tooka left towards La Bruyere and here I could make good speed. I overtook another biker and we took turns taking the lead. But all of a sudden he couldn't keep up the pace and dropped back. I was riding 40kph at the time but the wind was blowing from the side as I headed onwards to Meldert. Here the trouble began again as I set out towards Opvelp and Bierbeek. The wind was strong and pushing from left forwards. Riding on to reach the Expressweg I took a left towards Blanden and had to battle to make the long slope on the big ring. But I survived and was pleased with the average pace of this right. I did not expect it to be so high, especially since my average heartrate was only 118bpm . Well into recovery territory.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 65K and 415 heightmeters (Garmin) in 2h15mins


    18-07-2012, 20:55 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    The weather forecast for today was clouded in the AM, and after noon it would dry out and the sun might break through the clouds occasionally. I left around 1PM and set out to do the 100K version of the Truval Kroemen Toer, an organised ride that starts southeast of Sint Truiden and come up to Bierbeek. There is also a 135K version. The track I had dates from the first version of this ride in 2008.
    The wind was blowing hard from the west and in the first half of this ride , it more or less was to my advantage. I followed the GPS trail and passed through a lot of Linters, next to Zoutleeuw and then came to the starting point just past Gorsem and entering Sint Truiden. From here things would become less easy since the wind was now my enemy.
    Paasing through Wilderen and making my way to Halle Booienhoven, I eventuallt came on known territory as I followed the road from Dormaal to Neerlanden. Neerwinden and then Goetsenhoven passed as I battled it out with the fierce wind. When I came close to Outgaerden and Hoegaarden I relaxed a bit, I was nearing Meldert and from there onwards the wind would be blowing from the right whilst I made my way towards Opvelp and Bierbeek. For a last stretch to make it an even 100K I rode to the Industrieterrain of Haasrode and then rode towards Blanden along the Expressweg. It was a good ride and I was amazed at my average speed which was quite high for such a windy ride all on my own.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 102.5K and 595 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h34mins


    17-07-2012, 17:40 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    This morning saw the sun out, so I was fast to get on my bike and try to get a ride in. forecast rain around noon so I had to be fast to keep it dry. Starting out along the Kroeme Toer from a couple of years ago, over Haasrode, Bierbeek, Willebringen and then riding towards Kumtich. I came upon Roger L, who was fiddling with his pedal cleats - he does this all the time, has a hard time finding the correct position on his bike - and we rode together for a while. I saw some menacing clouds over the western horizon but Roger assured me that there was too much wind and it would not rain. Yeah right. When he stopped again to fiddle with his shoes I bid him au revoir and rode on from Meldert towards La Bruyere , braving a strong headwind. In Beauvechain I took a left towards Tourinnes and Hamme Mille. Entering Nethen my luck ran out and it started to rain, softly at first but before long I had to stop and don my Assos windbreaker to keep myself dry. Obviously the road became wet and dangerous very fast. Riding over Sint Joris Weert and the Zoete Waters, barely able to see where I was riding with my glasses getting wet and dampy, I was glad to have the wind in my back for the last stretch towards Vaalbeek and Blanden. When I got home I took 15 minutes out to clean my bike. At least I got a 50K ride in, I hate to think about the distance I might have ridden when the weather would have been "normal" for a Belgian summer. I have the feeling I already lost 500K due to this rainy weather the last 2 weeks. Damn.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 50K and 335 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h49mins


    16-07-2012, 14:11 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    After 2 days of rain, in which I only found the courage to go out and do a walk in the forest, today saw the possibility of a road ride looming at the horizon. The day started with rain and remained showery until late in the afternoon when things dried out sufficiently for me to take a risk and ride out. 2 days of frustration gave me surprisingly good legs. I was afraid the 18 and 10K forest walks would have bothered my legs but I did not feel any effect on my biking. I started out over Heverlee to Egenhoven where I injected myself on the Sint Jansberg steenweg until I reached Neerijse. Here I took a left towards Wolfshagen and then left again to reach Sint Joris Weert. From Sint Joris Weert I followed my little lap over Nethen, Hamme Mille, Tourinnes, Beauvechain , Opvelp and Bierbeek. Passing the hour with more than 30K on my GPS gave me a good feeling. I rode through Bierbeek and set towards the Industrieterrain of Haasrode. Into Heverlee Park and then back towards Blanden along the Naamsesteenweg. A couple of local cooldown laps brought the distance just over 50K. Very pleased with this ride.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 51K and 325 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h40mins


    15-07-2012, 20:11 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Lots of wind this morning and also some light showers. When the sun set through, I did not ride out because I wanted to follow the Tour de France stage in the Alps. When they were finished it was past 6pm and so I set out for a long ride in the late afternoon. Temperatures were around 19 degrees C and the wind was fading throughout the ride. Near the end I could feel a couple of raindrops. The ride consisted of a big loop - following a track I found on It started out by riding through Vaalbeek and along the Zoete Waters to Korbeek Dyle. Here it turned left following the Sint Jansberg Steenweg until I reached Neerijse. Riding along the Wolfshagen and then taking a left towards Sint Agatha Rode. From here I rode towards Florival and Archennes on my way to Grez Doiceau. From Grez a long climb took me past Heze towards Longueville. In Incourt I took a right towards Opprebais and then through Maleves-Sainte-Marie-Wastinnes on the way to Thorembais. Riding towards Perwez but just before entering that city the track veered to the left to cross the N91 and reach Mont-Saint-Andre and Bomal. Onwards to the north now and before long I was in Jauchelette and crossing the N29. In and out of Dongelberg - with a climb that hurt - and then to Lathuy and after crossing the N240 I arrived in Melin. Through Gobertange and now it was time for some cobbles. A first stretch riding into Saint-Remy-Geest and then a second stretch when I left Saint-Marie-Geest to ride into Zetrud-Lumay. Hoegaarden was next and the long climb that took me out of it was another attack on my muscles. The track now finished riding through Meldert, Opvelp, Bierbeek and then through Haasrode when the first raindrops started to fall. Good timing because I only had a couple of K to go before reaching Blanden.
    A very nice track with a lot of macadam and some cobbles so be warned if you want to ride it, be prepared for a good massage.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 86K and 685 heightmeters (Garmin) in 3h06mins


    12-07-2012, 22:35 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Weather was cloudy and it rained when I woke up. Damn, I had counted on doing a longer ride today. Summer is not happening which is sad because this really is the time of year I have the time and opportunity to ride out for 4-5 hours on the road.
    Oh well , I would have to settle for a shorter ride. Around 10AM it cleared out and a look on the website made me optimistic I would be able to get a 2 hour ride in without getting my feet wet.
    Starting out over Bierbeek and Meldert and then turning into the gusty southewesterly wind as I struggled to make my way towards L'Ecluse and La Bruyere. Here I turned right again towards Beauvechain. Keeping it on the big ring I took a left and rode through Tourinnes and then made a loop over Nodebais and Hamme Mille. In downtown Hamme Mille I took a right turn towards Tourinnes again. Enjoying the wind in my back for the first time I could make good speed towards Beauvechain. I noticed some darker clouds were appearing over the horizon as I sped up the clong climb out of Beauvechain towards Opvelp.  My legs felt good which made it all the more painful not to be able to ride a little longer. But the wind was taking its toll as I turned into it on my way from Opvelp to Bierbeek and Haasrode. I made a loop towards the Industrie terrain to be able to ride in over the Expressweg towards Blanden. That proved to be a real toughie and I had to push real hard against the wind. Keeping the chain on the big plateau on the front made this a good power training. I was surprised my average speed was nearly 29kph. It didn't feel that quick. I also broke a couple of records on some of the climbs. Must have been because I was in a hurry to be home before it started to rain. As I'm writing this the clouds look very menacing but so far it has remained dry. The wind is still strong though and it looks like it will rain eventually.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 51K and 340 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h46mins


    11-07-2012, 13:41 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Forecast for today looked a bit grim, but at least no rain until late in the afternoon. Still it was mostly clouded and a chilly 16 degrees C - for July - when I rode out. There was a stiff breeze blowing from the southwest and the first couple of K went well with the wind in my back. I wore a longsleeved jersey and very light shades. Following the Kroeme Toer from Bierbeek onwards brought me on a long stretch of cobbles but the bike coped surprsingly well. Still I was glad to be on tarmac again whilst I was sent into Beauvechain and then towards Meldert. Onwards to Sint Katharina Houtem and then into Hoegaarden where I opted to follow the Ravel 2 until I reached Jodoigne. Here I took a right turn and greeted the wind which was now full in my face. It would remain there for quite some time whilst I rode towards Dongelberg, crossing the N91 into Incourt and riding on the plains towards Longueville. A hard stretch with the wind blowing against me. From Longueville the ride went downhill through Heze and into Grez-Doiceau. The wind was blowing 3/4 in my back now and after crossing the N25 I set towards Archennes and Ottenburg. Long climb into a valley where the wind again was blowing against me. In Ottenburg the road towards Wavre was blocked so I had to ride into Terlanen and then towards Tombeek to reach the N4 which I took into Overijse. Now I would enjoy the wind in my back fro quite some time whilst I sped along the Sint Jansberg steenweg through Huldenberg, Loonbeek and Neerijse towards Egenhoven. From Egenhoven I took a double right towards Oud-heverlee and the Zoete Waters. Through Vaalbeek and Blanden and then back towards Heverlee for a last loop though the Industrieterrein to arrive at the Expressweg which I took to the southwest again. The last stretch was tough again but despite the wind I managed to ride a best time on the 100K. Not bad for a man riding alone and battling it out with the wind. I am quite pleased with that effort.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 103K and 750 heightmeters (Garmin) in 3h34mins


    09-07-2012, 22:17 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Perwez
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    Weather was sunny this morning, so it looked OK to start on a longer ride. I met up with Johan H. and we started out on a fast ride riding first towards Hoegaarden to inject ourselves on the Ravel 2 . Past Jodoigne and Ramillies with a strong southern wind blowing in our faces. Past Ramillies I took a right turn on the Ravel towards Perwez. From Perwez another right turn brought us on our way to Maleves-Sainte-Marie-Wastinnes and Opprebais. This time the wind was in our favor and the speed went up way past 40kph. A right turn towards Incourt, crossing the N91 to ride through Dongelberg. Past Dongelberg we took a left towards Lathuy and then crossing the N240 we rode into Melin. From here another left took us back to the N240 which we followed for a short distance before taking a right turn to ride past the 1st Wing and La Bruyere towards Meldert. In Meldert we sped along through Opvelp and Bierbeek. A last loop brought us to the Expressweg which we followed into Blanden, completing a 91.5K ride with an average of nearly 30kph. Not bad and a very solid training lap. If the wind would have been a bit less insistent the ride would have been less intense, but to be fair, the wind also helped us along when we were having it in our backs.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 91.5K and 535 heightmeters (Garmin) in 3h06mins


    07-07-2012, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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