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    Tales from the Woods
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    This morning saw brighter skies with the sun peeping through the clouds and no rain since last night. The wind was also a bit subdued but still noticeable. I had a day off from work so decided on a longer ride. Starting out over Bierbeek, Meldert and then onwards to Hoegaarden. Down the cobbles and then making my way onto the Ravel for a couple of kilometers before taking a sharp right turn towards Saint Remy Geest. Nice power interval training on the steep climb up to the church and the cobbles didn't make it any easier. More cobbles still on my way to Melin. The sun was shining now and the bright colors made the wind feel less annoying. On the plateau it was blowing in my face but before long I could hide into the valley of the Pietrebais. Had a little stop for a snack next to the Eglise Saint Laurent and took some pictures while I was there.


    Onwards to Cocrou and Grez and then crossing over into Archennes and Florival. Avoiding the steep climb out of Pecrot I took a left towards Sint Agatha Rode instead. From here I rode to Neerijse and then followed the N253 all the way to Egenhoven. Turning right into the Gaston Geens laan and then past Arenberg for a right turn again that would take me into Oud-Heverlee. The Zoete Waters were next and before long I was into Vaalbeek and Blanden, completing a good solid LSD ride.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 75.5K and 610 heightmeters (Garmin) in 3h28mins


    23-01-2012, 15:08 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Yesterday it was wet and windy and I decided to do a long walk instead of taking a bike out. I did a fine and muddy loop in Meerdael Forest. I came upon a relatively new sculpture by the hands of Ad Wouters. This is a collection of 2 sets of giant mushrooms situated on top of the Hercules Salon, not far from Nethen and the Kluis.


    I had a fine workout with 12.6km in 2h10 and was curious how my legs would feel today.

    This morning saw me taking the Obed, with the road wheels of the Hilset, for an easy ride . Or at least, that was the plan. There was quite a bit of wind blowing from the west and this would bother me during the first half of the ride. I rode to Egenhoven and then followed the Sint Jansberg Steenweg all the way to Overijse . Even a little bit further as I climbed up towards Maleizen, taking a left and descending along the Bergstraat into Tombeek. Now the wind was blowing in my favor and it felt good to be pushed gently forward. From Tombeek to Terlanen and then up to Ottenburg. From Ottenburg it was mainly downhill again into Sint Agatha Rode and Sint Joris Weert. From Weert to the Zoete Waters and Vaalbeek and I was nearly home. The average temperature was 6 degrees C during this ride but it felt colder due to the wind and the occasional raindrops .

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 52.5K and 435 heightmeters (Garmin) in 2h26mins


    22-01-2012, 13:01 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Time for a proper mountainbike ride. Took half a day off from work and around 11.30AM I started on the trails of the Meerdael Bloso routes. I started with the Red until it met the Blue. Continuing on the Blue I could notice a strong cold wind blowing from the south. With an average temperature of 2 degrees C the chill factor was close to freezing, even in the relative shelter of the forest. When I arrived near Nethen I decided to warm up by doing some extra climbing. I noticed a lot of fallen trees on some of my favorite tracks there. Lets hope the forestry clears them soon because some cannot be contoured and have to be tackled with the bike in hand. The trails were mostly hard and frozen but here and there it was more muddy and when I was climbing int the fields coming out of Bierbeek it was slippery so care had to be taken not to topple over. The strong wind was now blowing full in my face which made this the toughest bit of the ride. I was glad the forest closed around me and I was more or less sheltered from the wind, once again. I was just 5 minutes in when it started to rain lightly. Talking of  timing, that must be excellent timing.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 41.5K and 610 heightmeters (Garmin) in 2h30mins


    18-01-2012, 15:05 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Another cold night followed by a clear and sunny, but cold, day. In the evening I rode out with the Obed for a little stroll into Meerdael Forest. I did not want to take the singletrails because I suspected them to be a mix of harder frozen tracks - which is good - and muddy patches where the sun could reach the forest floor. I was correct because even though most of the trails had stiffened up substantially these last couple of days, there where places, even on the bigger trails, where the puddles were not frozen and there was some mud. I took the Red Bloso in the opposite direction and after reaching the point where it touches the Blue, I followed that Blue Bloso in the direction of Vaalbeek. I had decided to make it a relatively short ride so I turned home after some 20K to make it a nice short relaxing ride. With an average temperature of 0 degrees C it was not too cold either, at least not with the right thermal protection.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 22K and 215 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h14mins


    17-01-2012, 19:10 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    First freezing temperatures this year and the first time the land was white with frost. I rode out with the Obed for an easy ride. I started out along the Red Road Bloso taking me over Vaalbeek, Sint Joris Weert, Sint Agatha Rode and Ottenburg into Terlanen. Here I decided to veer away from the Red and ride towards Maleizen, taking the climb along the Terlanen church into the plains. There was no wind to speak of and the sun was welcome to provide some warmth on my face. I rode all the way to Maleizen and then took a sharp right down towards Overijse. Following the N253 until I arrived in Huldenberg where I rode up the Smeysberg crest, took a left and zoomed down the Smeysberg again. Another climb took me back on the crest which I followed towards Loonbeek. From here I took the N253 again until Egenhoven, where I took a right along the Gaston Geens laan into the Arenberg Wetenschapspark . Right again nto Heverlee and then along the Naamsesteenweg back towards Blanden. The average temperature during this ride was 1 degree C and the little wind that was blowing came from the East.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 56K and 530 heightmeters (Garmin) in 2h41mins


    15-01-2012, 14:15 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Close to freezing this morning so I had to wear an extra layer of clothing to feel comfortable. The weather was dry and clear, with only a slight breeze blowing from the northwest. I took the Obed out for a ride that I have been done many times before. Riding into Bierbeek and picking up on the Ludo Dierckxsens trail. The markings are barely visible but I have memorized the track. From Bierbeek it leads me to Opvelp, turning right and through Beauvechain and La Bruyere I reach the outskirts of Pietrebais. Here I take a double left for a little loop before crossing the Chaussee de Namur and riding into Roux-Miroir. From Roux the road takes me to Sart-Risbart and ultimately to Chaumont-Gistoux and Gistoux. Some steep climbing here and there and riding out of Bonlez another long climb awaits me.


    Crossing the Chaussee de Huy I drop into Dion Le Mont. Before long I cross the N243 again on my way to Dion-Le-Val and Doiceau. The Chaussee de Wavre is my next crossing and I am now close to Archennes. From here I quickly reach Florival and take a left towards Ottenburg. Into Sint Agatha Rode and here I decide to leave the LD trail and add another loop. Riding towards Neerijse and there taking the Sint Jansbergsteenweg through Korbeek Dyle towards Egenhoven. From Egenhoven I take a right into Arenberg and then make my way through Oud-Heverlee towards the Zoete Waters. By now my legs are beginning the kilometers but I'm nearly home. A good ride, in clement weather and at an easy pace. With an average temperature of 4 degrees C this is the first ride in sub-5 degrees temperatures. Maybe we will some winter at last?

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 81K and 660 heightmeters (Garmin) in 3h43mins


    14-01-2012, 15:27 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Another night-ride on the Obed since the Hilset is still waiting for its replacement 32-tooth XTR M960 chainring. That got ordered today chez Filip Sport, so should arrive somewhere in the beginning of next week.
    The weather was clement with an average temperature of 9 degrees C and almost no wind. A little wind but not something nearly as bad as last week. I decided to do the haasrode tour, connecting Bierbeek-Willebringen-Kumtich-Hoksem-Oorbeek-L'Ecluse-La Bruyere and leaving at Beauvechain to make my way towards Opvelp and Bierbeek. I could feel yesterdays' ride in my legs so I took it easy, with a low average heartrate of 112bpm throughout the ride. 

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 55.5K and 440 heightmeters (Garmin) in 2h38mins


    11-01-2012, 20:54 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Hehe, 8 degrees C, no wind and some light drizzle. Ideal circumstances for a long ride. So I set out at dusk with no clear idea of where I should go to. Started out over Egenhoven and then up the plateau towards Leefdaal. From Leefdaal I rode towards Tervuren and then onwards to Overijse. Along the Frans Verbeekstraat into Hoeilaart which marked the westernmost point of my ride. From Hoeilaart I rode to Maleizen and here I decided to loop to Rosieres and then to Wavre and Ottenburg. The conditions were great and I felt OK so I continued to Sint Agatha Rode and then into Sint Joris Weert. Over the Zoete Waters and through Vaalbeek I closed my loop with an astonishing 70K on my counters. Not bad for a weekday evening ride.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 70.5K and 535 heightmeters (Garmin) in 3h16mins


    10-01-2012, 21:23 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    An easy relaxing ride today, starting off along the Tiensesteenweg towards Tienen. On the big roundabout I took a right and then right again to reach Hoegaarden. From Hoegaarden I set sail - against the wind now - in the direction of Meldert. Decided to take a left here and rode through Beauvechain and Tourinnes-la-grosse towards Hamme Mille and Nethen. Sint Joris Weert was nex and I followed the Waversebaan to the Zoete Waters where I took a right turn again towards Vaalbeek and Blanden.
    The weather was OK, an average temperature of 7 degrees C , a lot less windy than yesterday and only a couple of raindrops when I rode through Beauvechain.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 57K and 360 heightmeters (Garmin) in 2h37mins


    08-01-2012, 14:23 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Due to the mechanical failure on the middle ring on the Hilset BBW , I had to take the Litespeed Obed today. I mounted the road wheels with the 12/25 cassette and the Schwalbe Marathon Supreme tyres and got underway. It had rained this morning so the roads were a little wet at the start of my ride. I rode through Meerdaal Forest along the Weertse Dreef and then made my way through Weert, Nethen, Archennes, Grez and Bonlez towards Chaumont-Gistoux. Here I took the big road to Perwez and along this road I began to feel the first signs of the wind blowing from the northwest. It was in my back now on the high plains and I could enjoy it until I turned left into Maleves. Sainte-Marie and Wastines were next and I turned into the Rue d'Enfer to follow smaller tarmac roads into the field. Bad idea, as it turned out, one of the roads had turned into a real canal, with 10cm water in it and I had no other option but to follow it for the next kilometer or so. I looked on my GPS and saw that I only could turn to the right and then left again to reach Opprebais. Into Opprebais I passed the windmill which has lost one of its arms to the winter storms. I got the wind now full in my face and my speed dropped to a meager 11kph on the long climb into the plains. Luckily I could turn to the right towards Incourt for a little bit of a breather. But in Incourt I turned left and into the wind again for a long haul towards Longueville. I had decided to grin and bear it and in Longueville I rode onwards through Heze and back into Grez. Turning left and I was on my was to Pietrebais. Onwards to La Bruyere and Beauvechain with the wind blowing hard from the left . Opvelp was next and then I turned into the wind again to reach Bierbeek. From here I was more or less sheltered by houses but this also meant that the wind could really play tricks on me by disappearing and the appearing again in full force to try and topple me over. My strenght was now beginning to fade and I was glad to reach Haasrode for the last couple of kilometers into Blanden. It was a good long ride but made very tough by the wind. The Obed performed great, the extra bonus of front suspension meant it was nicer on my neck and shoulder muscles than the BBW. The average temperature was an amazing 8 degrees C. Not bad for this time of the year.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 80K and 650 heightmeters (Garmin) in 3h50mins


    07-01-2012, 16:34 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Started around dusk for an easy ride that first took me through Vaalbeek towards the Zoete Waters. When I started to cross the Waversebaan I heard a loud crack and my chain derailed. I shifted on the big ring and noticed that something had happened to my middle ring. In teh dark I couldn't exactly see what happened but it wouldn't hold the chain. So I had to complete the rest of the ride on my big ring. I rode on through Sint Joris Weert up to Wolfshagen and then left into Sint Agatha Rode. Each hill was a challenge and I had to get out of the saddle frequently to keep the bike going. I heard strange noises coming from my chainset so a bit further I stopped to check the damage. To my horror a part of my middle ring was missing. I rode on towards Sint Joris Weert again and decided to ride towards Nethen and return over Hamme Mille. When I got home I could see the damage . What I think happened? I had noticed my middle ring seemed to have a dent in it. There are 2 bolts missing so I figure I either sheared them off - not much chance, I am not that strong - or they worked themselves loose, causing the middle ring to move from left to right, making it vulnerable. The bolts must have fallen out, and with only 2 bolts remaining that would explain why the middle ring cracked on the opposite side.. I have to admit I never checked them since the rings where mounted 2 or 3 years ago. Anyways, now I need a new middle ring and new bolts. Upon checking the others they also were far from fast. Here are a couple of pictures.


    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 27.5K and 195 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h14mins


    06-01-2012, 20:05 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Had a day off from work today and after a winter storm yesterday , today announced itself to be a lot calmer, and also - and mainly - dry and not too cold. 6 degrees C on average on an early january ride, it has been a while since we had it so good. Only downside is that the offroad is drawn under the heavy rains. So it is best to remain on the road. I started out through the Weertse Dreef and rode through Sint Agatha Rode, Ottenburg and Wavre on my way to Dion and Louvranges. Taking what must easily be one of the worse cobbled roads in this neightborhood I was glad to turn left and have the wind in my back on my descent towards Dion Le Mont, but soon I took a right again and had a nice climb on my way to Gistoux. From Gistoux I followed the road to Perwez until I reached the roundabout where I took a left again towards Sart-Risbart. Left again and braving the wind to reach Chaumont. From there I dropped into the valley where the wind didn't bother me too much.
    Through Bonlez and up the ridge to drop down again into Morsain. Grez was next and I climbed into Bossut before riding down into Hamme Mille. Here I took a left towards Nethen and Sint Joris Weert before reaching the Zoete Waters where I took a right and had the wind in my back again for the final stretch through Vaalbeek into Blanden.
    A very nice distance and a good solid LSD ride early in the year. A good stretching session was necessary after the ride.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 71K and 720 heightmeters (Garmin) in 3h20mins


    04-01-2012, 14:35 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    After a windy and wet first half of the day, it cleared out in the afternoon, whilst also becoming a bit colder. Still I averaged 6 degrees C when I cam back in from my ride. I did not want to venture too far today, with the wind still blowing and not a chance to ride in the forest due to wet and muddy trails. Instead I opted for some local loops in Blanden and Haasrode with the Hilset. Starting around dusk I settled on doing 4 bigger loops and finishing off with 5 1km loops to make it an even 30K.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 30K and 295 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h25mins


    02-01-2012, 20:01 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Hey ho, its 2012. The last year according to some so lets make the most of it. The weather this morning was pretty much the same as yesterday. Warm - 12 degrees on average - windy and a little bit of drizzle. I wanted to do an easy recovery ride so I set out along the Weertsedreef towards Sint Joris Weert. From there I took a left in the direction of Nethen and rode onwards through Hamme Mille and Tourinnes la Grosse to reach Beauvechain. Left again to Opvelp and there another left took me to Bierbeek. Into Blanden I decided to add a little loop through Heverleebos, coming back along the Naamsesteenweg .

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 36K and 255 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h37mins


    01-01-2012, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    The world looked like a dirty, smelly wet rag this morning. It was drizzling and there was a mild wind blowing from the southeast. It was warm though with an average temperature of 9 degrees C throughout the ride.
    I rode off with the Hilset for this last ride of 2011. First I passed by the Caserne de Hemptinne in Heverlee, which saw the passing of the Fidea Classic cyclocross yesterday. The volunteers where still taking down the various paraphernalia of the event and the big tent was still there. Toi Toi toilets were being hoisted on a big truck. I checked out the vehicles on display at the Caserne entrance and obviously recognized them all, having done my military duties as a member of the 2nd Regiment Gidsen. The Leopard I was my workhorse. The Heverlee caserne is now home to the 1ste Jagers Te Paard.


    From Heverlee I rode on passing Arenberg and Egenhoven on my way to Leefdaal, Vossem and Tervuren. Around the ponds of Tervuren with the drizzle being blown straight in my face by the wind. I paused for a watery picture of the Tervuren Museum.


    From Tervuren I turned left and had the wind at my back for a - welcome - change. Through Eizer and into Huldenberg I rode. The middle ring on the Hilset has a dent in it , I need to have this looked at. The long climb out of Huldenberg was done on the small ring. To Sint Agatha Rode next and then passing Sint Joris Weert for a final loop through Nethen and Hamme Mille before arriving back in Blanden.

    The past year has been a strange one. First there were medical troubles which kept me occupied in January and most of February. Cause was a kidney stone that took some time passing through and had to be removed chirurgically in the end and the subsequent recovery and loss of form.
    Then I had me setup a road bike  - shock, horror - but his proved to be a great move because it not only allowed me to ride a bike through the summer but as it turned out I quite liked this bike and I got an amazing 8000K out of it between the months of May and September.
    Downside is that the Merlin has not been used that much this year. Once the horseflies are around I do no longer desire to go offroad. The risk of being bitten is too high and wearing longsleeved shorts and long trousers is no fun in the warmer months. Next year I intend to take the Merlin to the Ardennes more often in the late spring and the early autumn. 
    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 54K and 460 heightmeters (Garmin) in 2h35mins


    31-12-2011, 15:37 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    It was 3 degrees colder and there was some wind blowing from the southwest so I decided to stay in the forest again. I took the Obed out and started for another session of big loops along major forest roads in Mollendaal Forest. The trails had dried out a little more since yesterday which was nice because that way I can keep the bike  - and myself - clean. It was a complete nightride with only the first couple of kilometers without my Lupine Tesla. Near the end of the ride I could feel a little drizzle starting so I was glad to be out of the forest in time.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 27K and 315 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h26mins


    28-12-2011, 19:17 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    The weather looked great with temperatures around 9 degrees C and it did not rain for the complete day. So I decided to enter Mollendaal Forest for a couple of laps along the broader forest roads. Taking the Hilset out I started on the first climb when I heard a 'PANGG' and upon stopping and checking my rear wheel I noticed one of the radial spokes had broken. Nothing else to do but to ride home and get another bike to finish this ride.

    Endomondo track

    Got on the Litespeed Obed and I quickly returned into the forest for the first of 3 big loops that described a nice figure 8 along the Weertstraat and with the Milsebaan as a common point in the middle. The trails were as good as dry, there was only a bit of mud on the section leading towards the cabin on the highest point of the trail. I had a good workout with a nice average speed, even in the complete darkness.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 28K and 335 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h27mins


    27-12-2011, 19:03 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    This second Christmas day wasn't really shaping up to be any brighter than Christmas itself. Warm, sure , but a soft drizzle was falling and would keep on falling throughout the entire ride. Not that I am complaining, after all, one can dress for the occasion, but I would prefer winter to really begin now. Colder, dry and if possible with a little snow - not too much - to spice up the riding.
    I decided on a road ride with the Hilset, which, with its fat 2.25 Big Jim tyres and XTR cassette was well equipped to get me through an easy long distance ride.
    My Gore-Tex Jacket and Pearl Izumi Amfib  thights made me soon forget the drizzle. Only problem was with the glasses where a fine mist would manifest itself. No use cleaning it with the back of my glove. But other than that, great circumstances for a long ride in winter.
    I made a big loop, starting over Bierbeek, Neervelp and Willebringen with the wind nicely blowing in my back. From Willebringen I rode towards Kumtich and then down into Oorbeek. I was nearing Hoegaarden which would constitute my farthest eastern point today. Turning towards L'Ecluse and La Bruyere next, the wind was now my foe. It was not too violent but nevertheless quite noticeable. When I passed the entrance of the 1st Wing caserne I paused to take a picture of the F16 that has been suspended on display there.


    The long climb up to the N240 and then left towards the N91 and Hamme Mille. But not before I rode through Nodebais and all the way to Mille for another little loop. Into Hamme Mille next and crossing the N25 I set towards Nethen and further on to SInt Joris Weert before taking a right and have the wind blow in my favor again. In Nethen I could not resist riding up the Bruyere du Wez and take a quick downhill down the Tienne Vincent. The legs felt good, even with yesterdays' long forest walk in them.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 66K and 500/545 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 3h02mins


    26-12-2011, 17:31 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    The night saw a lot of rain and a strong northwesterly wind. When the morning came things cleared out and it looked good for a ride. I put some 2.25 inch Big Jims on Mavic Crossmax I (in the rear )  and II (at the front) wheels and also put an XTR 12-34 cassette in the back. My idea was to ride into Mollendaalbos and check out the state of the trails. Well, I knew pretty soon what the state was.


    Except for the bigger forest roads the tracks were a mess. Mud and a lot of water on my favorite singletrails. So I decided to leave the forest and concentrate on riding the open fields. The wind was still blowing hard but for now I was safe. I set towards the east and things rolled well. Here and there I had to negociate big puddles and at one place a real mudhole. Arriving near Hoegaarden I decided this was as far east as I would go today so I turned towards Sint Katelijne Hautem for a passage of the 2 chapels. When I rode west it became obvious that the ride back would be a challenge. The wind was indeed still blowing hard and when I worked my way towards Kumtich and Willebringen I tried to take advantage of every nook and cranny in the terrain to recuperate from the icy hand that was pushing in my face. Mind you, the temperature wasn't that bad, with 7 degrees C on average but the windchill was a major factor on the ride back home. When I arrived in Bierbeek I only had 6K to go and things were looking brighter. But it wasn't until I was nearly home that I could turn left and escape the wind.
    Nevertheless I had a good ride, with a nice distance. I need to clean the Hilset because every creaks and crunches. The chain is as dry as sand and the gears are grinding. The battering of the mud followed by a long passage on dry roads dried out my drivetrain very effectively.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 50.5K and 650 heightmeters (Garmin) in 2h30mins


    24-12-2011, 16:34 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Darkness my Friend
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    Got home late from work but because the temperature was still up near 10 degrees and it was dry I decided to ride out with the Hilset. In the beginning I had some light drizzle as I rode towards Bierbeek, Meldert and then turned towards La Bruyere. Unfortunately, the wind was still very notice-able but it was warm and rather pleasant out there. From La Bruyere I rode onwards towards Pietrebais. Cocrou was next and when I rode though Grez I decided I wanted to do some more kilometers than I started out to do. So I rode into Archennes, Florival and then took a left for the climb to Ottenburg. When I arrived in Ottenburg I could at last enjoy the wind in my back. Blazing towards Sint Agatha Rode and then into Sint Joris Weert. I finished off over the Zoete Waters, Vaalbeek and then did another loop following the Naamsesteenweg to La Chasse and then bacl into Blanden.
    I had a great time in the darkness , the clement temperatures and mostly dry conditions made me enjoy being out there this evening.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 60.5K and 420/455 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h51mins


    23-12-2011, 21:26 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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