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    Tales from the Woods
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    Hey ho, its 2012. The last year according to some so lets make the most of it. The weather this morning was pretty much the same as yesterday. Warm - 12 degrees on average - windy and a little bit of drizzle. I wanted to do an easy recovery ride so I set out along the Weertsedreef towards Sint Joris Weert. From there I took a left in the direction of Nethen and rode onwards through Hamme Mille and Tourinnes la Grosse to reach Beauvechain. Left again to Opvelp and there another left took me to Bierbeek. Into Blanden I decided to add a little loop through Heverleebos, coming back along the Naamsesteenweg .

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 36K and 255 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h37mins


    01-01-2012, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    The world looked like a dirty, smelly wet rag this morning. It was drizzling and there was a mild wind blowing from the southeast. It was warm though with an average temperature of 9 degrees C throughout the ride.
    I rode off with the Hilset for this last ride of 2011. First I passed by the Caserne de Hemptinne in Heverlee, which saw the passing of the Fidea Classic cyclocross yesterday. The volunteers where still taking down the various paraphernalia of the event and the big tent was still there. Toi Toi toilets were being hoisted on a big truck. I checked out the vehicles on display at the Caserne entrance and obviously recognized them all, having done my military duties as a member of the 2nd Regiment Gidsen. The Leopard I was my workhorse. The Heverlee caserne is now home to the 1ste Jagers Te Paard.


    From Heverlee I rode on passing Arenberg and Egenhoven on my way to Leefdaal, Vossem and Tervuren. Around the ponds of Tervuren with the drizzle being blown straight in my face by the wind. I paused for a watery picture of the Tervuren Museum.


    From Tervuren I turned left and had the wind at my back for a - welcome - change. Through Eizer and into Huldenberg I rode. The middle ring on the Hilset has a dent in it , I need to have this looked at. The long climb out of Huldenberg was done on the small ring. To Sint Agatha Rode next and then passing Sint Joris Weert for a final loop through Nethen and Hamme Mille before arriving back in Blanden.

    The past year has been a strange one. First there were medical troubles which kept me occupied in January and most of February. Cause was a kidney stone that took some time passing through and had to be removed chirurgically in the end and the subsequent recovery and loss of form.
    Then I had me setup a road bike  - shock, horror - but his proved to be a great move because it not only allowed me to ride a bike through the summer but as it turned out I quite liked this bike and I got an amazing 8000K out of it between the months of May and September.
    Downside is that the Merlin has not been used that much this year. Once the horseflies are around I do no longer desire to go offroad. The risk of being bitten is too high and wearing longsleeved shorts and long trousers is no fun in the warmer months. Next year I intend to take the Merlin to the Ardennes more often in the late spring and the early autumn. 
    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 54K and 460 heightmeters (Garmin) in 2h35mins


    31-12-2011, 15:37 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    It was 3 degrees colder and there was some wind blowing from the southwest so I decided to stay in the forest again. I took the Obed out and started for another session of big loops along major forest roads in Mollendaal Forest. The trails had dried out a little more since yesterday which was nice because that way I can keep the bike  - and myself - clean. It was a complete nightride with only the first couple of kilometers without my Lupine Tesla. Near the end of the ride I could feel a little drizzle starting so I was glad to be out of the forest in time.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 27K and 315 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h26mins


    28-12-2011, 19:17 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    The weather looked great with temperatures around 9 degrees C and it did not rain for the complete day. So I decided to enter Mollendaal Forest for a couple of laps along the broader forest roads. Taking the Hilset out I started on the first climb when I heard a 'PANGG' and upon stopping and checking my rear wheel I noticed one of the radial spokes had broken. Nothing else to do but to ride home and get another bike to finish this ride.

    Endomondo track

    Got on the Litespeed Obed and I quickly returned into the forest for the first of 3 big loops that described a nice figure 8 along the Weertstraat and with the Milsebaan as a common point in the middle. The trails were as good as dry, there was only a bit of mud on the section leading towards the cabin on the highest point of the trail. I had a good workout with a nice average speed, even in the complete darkness.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 28K and 335 heightmeters (Garmin) in 1h27mins


    27-12-2011, 19:03 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    This second Christmas day wasn't really shaping up to be any brighter than Christmas itself. Warm, sure , but a soft drizzle was falling and would keep on falling throughout the entire ride. Not that I am complaining, after all, one can dress for the occasion, but I would prefer winter to really begin now. Colder, dry and if possible with a little snow - not too much - to spice up the riding.
    I decided on a road ride with the Hilset, which, with its fat 2.25 Big Jim tyres and XTR cassette was well equipped to get me through an easy long distance ride.
    My Gore-Tex Jacket and Pearl Izumi Amfib  thights made me soon forget the drizzle. Only problem was with the glasses where a fine mist would manifest itself. No use cleaning it with the back of my glove. But other than that, great circumstances for a long ride in winter.
    I made a big loop, starting over Bierbeek, Neervelp and Willebringen with the wind nicely blowing in my back. From Willebringen I rode towards Kumtich and then down into Oorbeek. I was nearing Hoegaarden which would constitute my farthest eastern point today. Turning towards L'Ecluse and La Bruyere next, the wind was now my foe. It was not too violent but nevertheless quite noticeable. When I passed the entrance of the 1st Wing caserne I paused to take a picture of the F16 that has been suspended on display there.


    The long climb up to the N240 and then left towards the N91 and Hamme Mille. But not before I rode through Nodebais and all the way to Mille for another little loop. Into Hamme Mille next and crossing the N25 I set towards Nethen and further on to SInt Joris Weert before taking a right and have the wind blow in my favor again. In Nethen I could not resist riding up the Bruyere du Wez and take a quick downhill down the Tienne Vincent. The legs felt good, even with yesterdays' long forest walk in them.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 66K and 500/545 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 3h02mins


    26-12-2011, 17:31 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    The night saw a lot of rain and a strong northwesterly wind. When the morning came things cleared out and it looked good for a ride. I put some 2.25 inch Big Jims on Mavic Crossmax I (in the rear )  and II (at the front) wheels and also put an XTR 12-34 cassette in the back. My idea was to ride into Mollendaalbos and check out the state of the trails. Well, I knew pretty soon what the state was.


    Except for the bigger forest roads the tracks were a mess. Mud and a lot of water on my favorite singletrails. So I decided to leave the forest and concentrate on riding the open fields. The wind was still blowing hard but for now I was safe. I set towards the east and things rolled well. Here and there I had to negociate big puddles and at one place a real mudhole. Arriving near Hoegaarden I decided this was as far east as I would go today so I turned towards Sint Katelijne Hautem for a passage of the 2 chapels. When I rode west it became obvious that the ride back would be a challenge. The wind was indeed still blowing hard and when I worked my way towards Kumtich and Willebringen I tried to take advantage of every nook and cranny in the terrain to recuperate from the icy hand that was pushing in my face. Mind you, the temperature wasn't that bad, with 7 degrees C on average but the windchill was a major factor on the ride back home. When I arrived in Bierbeek I only had 6K to go and things were looking brighter. But it wasn't until I was nearly home that I could turn left and escape the wind.
    Nevertheless I had a good ride, with a nice distance. I need to clean the Hilset because every creaks and crunches. The chain is as dry as sand and the gears are grinding. The battering of the mud followed by a long passage on dry roads dried out my drivetrain very effectively.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 50.5K and 650 heightmeters (Garmin) in 2h30mins


    24-12-2011, 16:34 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Got home late from work but because the temperature was still up near 10 degrees and it was dry I decided to ride out with the Hilset. In the beginning I had some light drizzle as I rode towards Bierbeek, Meldert and then turned towards La Bruyere. Unfortunately, the wind was still very notice-able but it was warm and rather pleasant out there. From La Bruyere I rode onwards towards Pietrebais. Cocrou was next and when I rode though Grez I decided I wanted to do some more kilometers than I started out to do. So I rode into Archennes, Florival and then took a left for the climb to Ottenburg. When I arrived in Ottenburg I could at last enjoy the wind in my back. Blazing towards Sint Agatha Rode and then into Sint Joris Weert. I finished off over the Zoete Waters, Vaalbeek and then did another loop following the Naamsesteenweg to La Chasse and then bacl into Blanden.
    I had a great time in the darkness , the clement temperatures and mostly dry conditions made me enjoy being out there this evening.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 60.5K and 420/455 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h51mins


    23-12-2011, 21:26 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Dry and relatively warm when I rode out. I rode towards Grez-Doiceau to enter my Competition Licence request chez the Club Presidente. Another year coming up and I want a UCI licence in order to be insured and also to be able to enter races should I feel the need to do so.  Passing through Nethen, Pecrot and Archennes on my way I decided to do a bigger loop than I initially set out for. The conditions were good and I felt OK. Riding from Pietrebais towards La Bruyere I could feel a couple of raindrops falling and before long it was raining mildly. Fortunately after I passed La Bruyere the rain stopped. Into L'Ecluse and then onwards to Meldert, Opvelp and Bierbeek. From Bierbeek I rode towards the Haasrode Industrie and there it started raining again, this time a bit harder than before. But I was almost home and the last bit against the wind was the toughest part of the ride. Into Blanden and then the rain subsided again so I arrived home in the dry.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 60.5K and 395/455 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h53mins


    20-12-2011, 20:33 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Temperature was a mild 4 degrees C when I set out for a short loop. Starting along the Naamsesteenweg I rode to Hamme Mille. There I took a left in the direction of Tourinnes and rode on to Beauvechain. The wind was blowing in my back - more or less - and even though it was cold it was still dry. Turning left again and riding through Opvelp towards Neervelp I could see the occasional snow drop passing through my lightbeam.  Another left turn and whilst I was riding along the E40 towards Bremt and further on towards Haasrode Industrie it started snowing. The wind was in my face as I set towards Blanden and the cold snow dropped the temperature to around 1 degree C. I feared the roads would become icy but I was lucky, they became wet but I did not feel any wheel slippage. The last stretch home led me along the Prosperdreef and the Diewegstraat towards the edge of Meerdael Forest.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 32K and 205/245 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h37mins


    19-12-2011, 19:49 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    This morning saw very variable weather. From time to time it cleared out and at other times snow flurries scoured the land. The temperature was just above freezing when I rode out, well-clad in several layers of thermal clothing topped off with a Gore-Tex jacket. My feet were warm in a double layer of Assos stockings and my hands were also protected by 2 layers of gloves. I was Pre-Pa-Red.
    I set out towards Heverlee and Egenhoven, watching the clouds move hurriedly across the horizon. It snowed lightly when I left but before long the snow became wet and cold rain before petering out. Optimistically I set towards Bertem and followed the N3 until I took a left towards Leefdaal. From Leefdaal I climbed up on the plateau and from there I could see a dark cloud with snow veils beneath it moving parallel to me. To my right another cloud was threatening with a promise of snow. I decided to take a right and follow the Sint Jansberg Steenweg towards Huldenberg and until I reached Overijse, all went well. Climbing out of Overijse along the N4 towards Wavre I noticed the cloud had almost reached me. Soon I would get my come-uppance. And indeed, when I rode into Ottenburg the snow came, cold and with gusts of wind from my left which made it colder still. Only one thing to do. Grin and bear it. I clenched my teeth and rode towards Sint Agatha Rode. Good thing I mounted my fenders yesterday, even with them I could still feel my legs getting sprayed by the wheels. And that spray was cold. 
    Into Sint Joris Weert and I could see the cloud was disappearing, and some lighter skies were upon me. From the moment the wet snow stopped I felt warmer and this gave me a new impetus to add another loop over the Zoete Waters instead of taking the Weertse Dreef which is a little shorter. Also, when I reached the Zoete Waters and turned towards Vaalbeek, the wind at last was blowing in my back. A glorious moment I can tell you. Just another little loop towards the Sapellenbos and I was home. 
    A couple of reminders to myself. Next time when there is rain or snow forecast, wear the sealskinz socks and the waterproof Pearl Izumi  Amfib tights. Keeping that dry and comfy feeling in these kinds of conditions is half the battle won.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 57K and 410/485 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h47mins


    18-12-2011, 14:01 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    After a week that saw a lot of rain, wind and generally adverse conditions to ride a bike in, it snowed last night and this morning a modest white carpet was gracing the fields. Around 10AM the sun came through and I decided to risk riding out. It was only 2 degrees C and it drizzled cold icy pellets when I started. I saw a big black cloud over Brabant Walloon so I decided to ride in another direction. From Bierbeek, over Bremt and Willebringen I rode towards Vertrijk and the N3. Crossing the N3 and riding further north towards Kerkom and Binkom. From Binkom I rode towards the east and Lubbeek. The clouds were gone now and the wind had dropped as well so I decided to add some more kilometers by riding towards the N2 and follow that towards Leuven. Here I rode north again along the Leuvense Ring until I reached the Tervuursepoort where I rode along the Groeneveld towards Campus Arenberg and Heverlee. Another loop was possible so I rode through Oud-Heverlee and passed the Zoete Waters on my way to Sint Joris Weert where I took the Weertse Dreef towards the N25. I stopped on the bridge spanning that road to take a picture with some left-over snow from last night. It had rained since so most of it was gone by now.


    Following the N25 into Blanden I completed this ride. My average heartrate was quite high but I blame that on the cold and the fact that I was passed my point of supercompensation, having not ridden a bike for 4 days in a row.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 61K and 430/495 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h50mins


    17-12-2011, 14:50 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Dry and not too cold this evening so i set out with the Hilset for a recovery ride. This would take me towards the Zoete Waters and then to Korbeek Dyle where I rode up to the small tarmac track on the crest towards Leefdaal. Taking a left and dropping into Neerijse I set forth to Huldenberg. Here I climbed the long way up to the Smeysberg ridge and then dropped into Terlanen. Up again and I was in Ottenburg. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and I was anxious to see the moon appear over the horizon but she kept me waiting.
    From Ottenburg I made way to Pecrot where I incorporated a couple of climbs. When I was on the steep one leading towards Nethen I noticed a red moon appearing through the trees on the horizon. At last. Down into Nethen and then to Hamme Mille for a last stretch along the Naamsesteenweg into Blanden. The moon was well up now and the red had gone, big and yellow she was now.
    Had a good recovery ride at an easy pace. My legs felt a bit painful at the start but got better once I warmed up.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 46K and 485/530 heightmeters (Pola/Garmin) in 2h23mins


    12-12-2011, 20:19 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Trying to do a relaxing ride today I set out in the Hilset. First following the Naamsesteenweg into Heverlee and then up towards the Heverlee cazerne where on December 30th a cyclocross will take place in the Fidea series. This Cyclocross will replace the Tervuren event. From Heverlee I rode along the Expressweg until I reached the N3. I decided to follow this towards Tienen.
    The temperature was around 5 degrees today but I could feel a cold win blowing from my left. I would have to reckon with that wind later on during my ride. Before Tienen I followed the orbital until I reached the N221 which I followed into Hoegaarden. From here I rode upwards towards Sint Katelijne Hauthem where I picked in on the 'Haasrode' tour.
    Stopping briefly at a memorial for a deceased community worker I set forth towards l'Ecluse and La Bruyere.


    The wind was blowing in my face now and it was cold and forced me to pedal harder than I aimed to do during this recovery ride.From La Bruyere I took a right turn towards Beauvechain and Opvelp. Here I took a left towards Bierbeek and then onwards to Haasrode. The wind was in my face again and I was glad I passed the Blanden church and at least I had a downhill in front of me.
    I have ordered a Brooks Swift Ti saddle for my Hilset. This will replace the minimalistic Tune Speedneedle which I have been using for 6 years now. The step coming  back from the Litespeed Vortex - which already has a Brooks Swift Ti saddle - to the Hilset this fall has been  a big one. I hope the Brooks will bring me some much-needed comfort because that is one of the mayor differences I experience between these two road-oriented bikes. Obviously a mountain bike is no road bike. Not even with slick tyres.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 56K and 325/365 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h43mins


    11-12-2011, 17:45 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    This morning saw temperatures of just above freezing so I waited until 10AM to ride out. I was in two minds about going offroad and I was also not sure what to do or where to ride . But just before I left the plan came to ride towards the Bois des Reves. A little forest next to Louvain La Neuve. There are some nice singletracks here and they are very steep and demanding some technical prowess to ride them well and keep the rubber side down. I decided to try and incorporate as much offroad tracks along the way towards Ottignies as I possibly could .
    Not as easy as it sounds because I had to pass around Wavre - capital of Brabant Walloon - and even though there are some nice tracks in the urban environment, I rarely am able to find them.
    The first bit was easy, into Meerdael Forest and then up towards Bossut. From Bossut I set towards Doiceau and then aimed for the Bois de Bercuit. The trails were moist with morning dew that froze over.


    I know I needed to cross the Chaussee de Huy and I remembered a nice singletrack leading into Louvrange. So I took that and it gave me some surprising sight. The steep track passed a weird-looking house.


    Looking at my GPS I saw that there was another track leading towards the E411 and judging from the tyre tracks I knew it wasn't a dead end. And indeed it was not. Making my way through the many little streets of Louvain-La-Neuve was not easy but I had a direction in mind and before long I was on the Avenue Baudouin 1er and from here I knew my way towards the little forest that waited for me.
    Dropping down a trail along the Bois de Mormont and I was at the gates of the Bois des Reves. Here I did the "loop VTT" with some extras. The v-brakes on my bike were far from strong enough to control the bike on the short steep descents and into the switchbacks. A very good arena to train your technical prowess on the bike. But care has to be taken. After all, I was quite some distance from home and I did not want to fall or hurt myself or my bike.


    Before long I decided I better head back and I left the Bois in the direction of Louvain-La-Neuve. Following the bikepath and a Adeps route I done before I made my way towards the Golf de Lauzelle and then towards Limal and Wavre.


    Passing Walibi I tried an alternative uphill towards Bierges but I had to retrace my steps because it came to a dead end. nearing Rixensart I saw another track I could take and it incorporated a trickt descent into a valley along a singletrack filled up with leaves. Under the leaves all kinds of traps were waiting. Stones, ruts, branches and the occasional dropoff kept me busy. But I enjoyed it. Into the valley of the river Lasne and onwards towards Overijse. A steep climb brought me on the Blue Overijse Bloso track and I decided to follow this down into Tombeek. I followed the Bloso until I came at the Terlanen plateau. Here I switched over to the Green for a while and then decided to ride towards the Sint-Agatha-Rode bos. In a downhill disaster struck. I took a big blow with my rear wheel. I suspect some concrete block hidden under the leaves. Before long I stood still - snakebite. I tried my Pitstop but the holes were too big. So I needed to change the inner tyre and this took a while. I pumped up the tyre and moved on. The tyre was badly seated and it looked like my rear wheel had developed a serious twist. But my brakepads weren't indicating that my wheel was out of true. Strange. I would have to look at that when I got home. I rode on into the Sint-Agatha-Rode bos and then through Sint Agatha Rode towards Sint Joris Weert. Into Meerdael Forest again for  a last stretch past the Kluis and then along the Denteneers pad back to the Weertse Dreef. Crossing that and a couple of forest tracks later I was on the Prosperdreef and nearly home. 
    A good ride with - as it turns out - a nice amount of climbing and some great tracks. Weather was fine as well. After a cold start the sun warmed me up nicely. The rear wheel turned out to be straight when I checked it after washing the bike. I put some pressure into my tyre and it popped into place. Always difficult to put enough pressure in a mountainbike tyre with a small pump along the way. I was glad my wheel was fine and also that my frame didn't suffer. It was quite a blow when I struck that stone or whatever it was. 
    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 71K and 925/1010 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 4h07min


    10-12-2011, 17:37 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Another evening, another nightride in the planning. I got the Obed out for a new trip into Mollendaalbos. The temperature was 3 degrees C warmer than yesterday (7 against 5) but there was also more wind. The wind and the moist trails made venturing into the forest a bit tricky. I decided after one loop that I would change my track and instead of a wet and rooty singletrack I incorporated a wider forest trail which also netted me a couple of extra heightmeters because I descended a little further. The rest of the trail was more or less dry enough to avoid getting mud-splashed but I did also change the loop at another point - the long descent from the Mollendaal hut towards the edge of the forest near Haasrode - because that downhill also had some puddles I wanted to avoid.
    I did 4 big laps of 8km with an average of 110 heightmeters per lap. The lap incorporates 4 climbs and as many descents. The owls were very active and together with the wind that rustled through the trees and the moon that was almost in the ides of december , the atmosphere was a little spooky. But of course my trusty Lupine Tesla 4 burned a big white beam through the darkness and got me home safe.



    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 36K and 375/475 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h06mins


    07-12-2011, 19:38 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Some rain yesterday and when I got home from work around 4PM I decided to enter the forest for a couple of laps along my Mollendaal loop. I added a bit and found an extra hill, keeping the loop completely inside the forest. The wind was pretty cold so staying in the forest seemed wiser. The tracks were moist but not overly so. Here and there a puddle slowed me down a little but on the whole it was fine. Care had to be taken on some of the rooty singletrails because a wet root spells trouble for the unaware.
    But all went well and I added a little loop riding into - and out of - Vaalbeek, passing briefly into Heverlee forest and then re-entering Meerdael Forest along the Prosperdreef. The temperature was 4 degrees C on average but I did not feel the cold.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 24.5K and 235/290 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h27mins


    06-12-2011, 19:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Red Road Bloso
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    After yesterdays' rainfall it did not seem like a good idea to go offroad so I was up early this morning to start a road ride on my Hilset BBW. There was quite a bit of wind blowing but it was dry and not too cold. I settled on the Red road Bloso that starts in Heverlee and that I happen to know by heart. I added an extra loop from Terlanen over Tombeek, up the Bergstraat towards Maleizen and then back to Terlanen. The loop is quite hilly and I made it a long slow distance ride. I was passed a couple of times by cyclists on road bikes, going a lot faster than I was, but that is the faith of someone riding on the road with a mountainbike. I might have been able to follow them , but that would require more effort than I was willing to spend. Arriving back in just a tad over 3 hours I had a solid ride under my belt.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 66K and 575/630 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 3h07mins


    04-12-2011, 13:23 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Shopify
    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen This morning saw quite some rain and only in the afternoon did it dry out. When I arrived home from work I was eager to ride out and relax my brain. The Hilset has been giving me some thought these last couple of rides. I have difficulty finding a good pace aboard it. Possibly I have been spoiled by riding the magnificent Litespeed Vortex on the road all summer and now it just doesn't feel right to ride a mountain bike on the road. I have been playing with the idea of getting me a cyclocross bike for those mixed winter rides. It would give me the speed of a road bike and the handling of a mountain bike. Sevens' Mudhoney looks like a good candidate but the pricing is pretty steep. In the same league, even a notch above the Seven,  is the Moots Psychlo X . Need to give it some more thought and look for the best options as pertains to wheel size, brake type and various other parameters.
    Meanwhile, on the Hilset , I completed todays ride in the relaxing pace. The last hour saw me using my Limicycle lights so this officially qualifies as a night ride. The total kilometers and heightmeters are coming along nicely for this year, aided by the still-clement weather so far this winter.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 40K and 265/305 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h51mins


    02-12-2011, 00:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Meldert to Jodoigne
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    Took a day off from work today and I was lucky with the weather. This last month has seen nearly no rain at all and very clement temperatures. Today was no exception, it was sunny and there was a light breeze blowing from the south-southwest. Temperatures would exceed 10 degrees C during my ride. Starting past 10AM I took the Hilset out for a spin that would bring me on semi-moist tarmac roads from Bierbeek to Meldert. The old church was standing in a dramatic poise due to the sunlight and with bells chiming and birds flying off provided a nice backdrop for a picture.


    It had rained lightly late last evening and when I arrived in Hoegaarden and took the Ravel to Jodoigne, the leaves on the track were still wet. But the sun was wout and pretty soon I was leaving Jodoigne and heading for Melin and Sart-Melin. My legs felt a little saturated but I kept the pace low and enjoyed the sunny day out. Stopping on my way to Nodebais at the little chapel in the fields, I took a picture of it shining in the sun.


    From Nodebais I rode to Hamme Mille and Nethen, finishing my ride over Sint Joris Weert, the Zoete Waters and Vaalbeek before reaching Blanden for a last loop along the Naamsesteenweg into Heverlee forest and then down the Banhagestraat into Blanden again.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 60K and 430/495 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 2h51mins


    30-11-2011, 14:31 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Mollendaal dusk follies
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    A lot of wind again this evening so I chose to ride in the forest instead. Taking the Litespeed Obed for a spin with the last half hour needing my Lupine Tesla to light up the darkening forest.
    I remained in Mollendaalbos throughout the ride, making loops and more loops, incorporating a lot of fine trails and riding up and down the slop that leads to the highest point in Meerdael Forest. I explored some trails I hadn't done for a while and most were free of brush and tree, meaning that the forestry had cleared up the remains of the heavy woodcutting that has been going on this fall.
    The temperature was a fine 7 degrees but it felt colder because a dry easterly wind sometimes managed to penetrate the forest and chill out the trails.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 31.5K and 395/435 heightmeters (Polar/Garmin) in 1h57mins


    29-11-2011, 18:25 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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