
..welkom ! ..welkom ! ..welkom !

~ Gesticht àls Gesticht ter Voorkoming v/d Maatschappelijke Randdebiliteit ~

~ HÉT "progressief" Orgaan Der "Hangmatsocialisten" ~
Gesticht àls Gesticht ter Voorkoming v/d Maatschappelijke & Politieke Randdebiliteit

Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.De Vlaamse budgetmeters of de goelags in de huiskamer
Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen begin van het jaar juichte gans Vlaanderen de installatie van budgetmeters voor aardgas toe...hoe sociaal waren we toch in Vlaanderen....

Eandis begint met plaatsing van budgetmeters aardgas woensdag 01 jul 2009

Het energiebedrijf Eandis is gestart met het plaatsen van budgetmeters voor aardgas. Die zal worden gebruikt bij gezinnen die problemen hebben met de betaling van hun energierekening. Daarbij betalen de klanten met een oplaadbare meterkaart. Omdat daarbij betaald wordt voor het gas wordt gebruikt, vallen de tussentijdse facturen en de jaarlijkse eindafrekening weg. Eandis zegt te hopen dat gezinnen die het financieel niet breed hebben, door de budgetmeter veel bewuster gaan omspringen met energie. Er is wel een noodkrediet van € 70 voorzien vooraleer de gastoevoer daadwerkelijk wordt afgesneden. Dat is volgens Eandis voldoende om tijdens de wintermaanden nog negen dagen gas te hebben. Volgens het energiebedrijf komen 20.000 gasklanten in aanmerking voor de plaatsing van een budgetmeter. (MH)

Vandaag komt de harde waarheid aan het licht...

Geen geld, geen gas, geen verwarming

  • maandag 14 december 2009

  • Auteur: Veerle Beel
Freya Van den Bossche. fvv

Freya Van den Bossche. fvv

© Frederiek Vande Velde

BRUSSEL - Gasbudgetmeters, die sinds oktober bij enkele duizenden gezinnen zijn geplaatst, bieden geen noodrantsoen. Wie zijn betaalkaart niet kan opladen, zit nu in de kou.

Van onze redactrice

Budgetmeters voor elektriciteit bestaan al heel lang. Zo'n budgetmeter werkt met een betaalkaart die je eerst moet opladen: je betaalt dus vooraf. Als je niet meer kunt opladen, val je terug op een noodkrediet en als ook dat is opgebruikt, valt een gezin terug op een minimumvoorziening van 10ampère elektriciteit. Comfortabel is dat niet, maar helemaal zonder elektriciteit val je dus nooit.

Sinds 1 september installeerde netbeheerder Eandis ook aardgasbudgetmeters bij gezinnen met betalingsproblemen. Zowat 3.000 al. Vlaamse organisaties tegen armoede reageerden positief toen de Vlaamse regering in juli aankondigde dat die meters er zouden komen. Want sinds de elektriciteitsbudgetmeters er staan, bij tienduizenden gezinnen, worden er minder mensen afgesloten. Dankzij de budgetmeter krijgen sommigen hun schulden onder controle. Dat effect werd ook verhoopt bij de aardgasmeters.

In de praktijk rijst een groot probleem: de meters bieden wel een krediet van 70euro voor wie zijn kaart niet heeft opgeladen, maar geen 'noodrantsoen' als ook dat krediet is opgebruikt. Wie niet kan betalen, krijgt dan helemaal niets. 'Dat betekent dat sommige gezinnen die hun huis verwarmen met aardgas, nu in de kou zitten', zegt Mieke Clymans van Samenlevingsopbouw Antwerpen. 'Om nog te zwijgen over de vele gezinnen die voor hun warm water afhankelijk zijn van aardgas of die erop koken.'

Clymans wijst erop dat gezinnen bij wie de aardgasmeters worden geplaatst, vaak in de minst kwaliteitsvolle en dus meest energieverslindende huizen wonen. 'Zelfs wie heel zuinig omspringt met energie, heeft in zulke woningen tijdens een koude winter al snel 300euro en méér per maand nodig om de gasbudgetmeter te laten opladen. Dat is voor die gezinnen een onrealistisch hoog bedrag.'

In principe moeten de betrokken gezinnen hun aardgasbudgetmeter het hele jaar door met kleinere bedragen opladen, zodat ze in de winter genoeg hebben wanneer hun gasverbruik piekt. Dat is de theorie, want de eerste budgetmeters zijn pas ingevoerd na de zomer. Veel tijd voor het opbouwen van een reserve was er niet.

Eandis en de Vlaamse minister van Energie, Freya Van den Bossche (SP.A), erkennen dat er daardoor problemen ontstaan, zegt Joris Vandenbroucke, woordvoerder van de minister. 'We zullen samen met Eandis kijken hoe we de invoering van die budgetmeters kunnen verzachten.'

'Een noodrantsoen is niet mogelijk, omdat het gevaarlijk is om gas te leveren onder lage druk. We denken veeleer aan een betere begeleiding van de mensen bij wie zo'n meter wordt geplaatst, en aan medewerking van OCMW's. Er zijn ook kansarme gezinnen die niet genoeg geld hebben om stookolie in te slaan wanneer het koud wordt. Dat is vergelijkbaar: die kunnen van het OCMW een voorschot met een afbetalingsplan krijgen. We hebben de invoering van de budgetmeters decretaal opgelegd aan Eandis, maar we hebben ook gezegd dat we van nabij zouden opvolgen hoe het loopt. Die belofte willen we nakomen.'

maar gelukkig werd er snel een oplossing gevonden lees aandachtig mee...

Oplossing gevonden voor aardgasbudgetmeter

  • maandag 14 december 2009
  • Bron: Belga
  • Auteur: wdp

BRUSSEL - De Vlaamse minister van Energie, Freya Van den Bossche, en netwerkbeheerder Eandis hebben een vergelijk gevonden om te voorkomen dat 3.000 gezinnen in de problemen zouden geraken omdat ze hun gasbudgetmeter niet kunnen opladen. Eandis zal prioritair budgetmeters installeren bij de gezinnen die reeds afgesloten zijn, aldus de woordvoerder van de minister.

Dit weekend raakte bekend dat de aardgasbudgetmeters 3.000 gezinnen in de kou dreigen te zetten omdat ze zonder gas vallen als ze hun betaalkaart uit geldgebrek niet kunnen opladen.
Eandis installeert aardgasbudgetmeters bij de gezinnen met betalingsproblemen. Maar tussen 1 december en 1 maart mag het aardgas niet worden afgesloten. Het is de bedoeling dat de gezinnen een buffer aanleggen om de winter door te geraken, maar mensen die nu een meter krijgen, hebben dit niet kunnen doen, aldus de woordvoerder van de minister.
Daarom werd afgesproken dat Eandis prioritair gasbudgetmeters zal installeren bij de gezinnen die reeds afgesloten zijn. De netwerkbeheerder kan maandelijks zo’n 1.000 meters plaatsen, wat betekent dat het tot in de lente zal duren voor de 3.000 à 3.500 afgesloten gezinnen van een meter voorzien zijn.
De gezinnen die wegens betalingsproblemen een aardgasbudgetmeter moeten krijgen, hebben zo voldoende tijd om een buffer aan te leggen om de volgende winter het hoofd te kunnen bieden, aldus nog de woordvoerder. Hij wijst er ook op dat de ocmw’s via de Vereniging van Vlaamse Steden en Gemeenten (VVSG) geïnformeerd werden over het systeem van de aardbudgetmeter.

Dus zitten er weer een paar duizend mensen in de kou want dit is dus GEEN oplossing alleen in een krantentitel is dit een oplossing en geeft dat moet je dus even inleven in een gezin dat afgesloten is en nu op de wachtlijst staat voàor een budgetmeter...Het is min 3 buiten....en het gas mag zogezegd niet worden afgesloten...leg dat nu maar even uit ...
en we betwijfelen of dit systeem om een buffer aan te leggen werkt...als je amper rond komt met een inkomen onder de armoedegrens zien wij niemand een buffertje aanleggen om tegen de winter wat te kunnen verwarmen. Trouwens je legt een aardig buffertje aan en dan stijgen plots de prijzen...hop weg buffertje....dit is geen goed systeem punt uit. Trouwens in Brussel bestaat het systeem van de budgetmeter niet of we zouden daar spreken van een regelrechte genocide tijdens een koude winter...

In het Brusselse Hoofdstedelijke Gewest waren op 31 december 200711.656 stroombegrenzers actief. Bij geen enkel gezin werd de stroombegrenzer uitgeschakeld of de gasaansluiting afgesloten. 24.990 gezinnen genoten van het specifiek sociaal tarief voor elektriciteit (5% van huishoudelijke leveringspunten) en 11.391 van het specifiek sociaal tarief voor gas (3% van de huishoudelijke leveringspunten). (Bron: BRUGEL (2008), Rapport over de uitvoering van zijn verplichtingen, over de evolutie van de gewestelijke elektriciteits- en gasmarkt en de naleving van de openbaredienstverplichtingen door de distributienetbeheerder en de leveranciers, in het bijzonder in het domein van de rechten van de huishoudelijke gebruikers voor het jaar 2007).

14-12-2009 om 21:05 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Een uitgesproken "Grr#!!♪♫@||#♫♪☻"-Kitokojungle-Opinie !!
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Grandpa Jones
Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen Omdat we hier in Belgistan een grote voorkeur hebben voor senioren kunnen wij niet achter blijven. Maar wij hebben een boon voor muzikale oudjes die grappig zijn wat§ van onze politieke oudjes niet kan gezegd worden...

Wij stellen jullie voor aan Grandpa Jones zaliger:

14-12-2009 om 20:31 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Een uitgesproken "Grr#!!♪♫@||#♫♪☻"-Kitokojungle-Opinie !!
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Aux bords de la Senne....deel 2
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Haha, er begint klaarheid te komen in de drekhistorie van het Brussels zuiveringsstation. Naar het schijnt zou de directie van Aquiris dan toch de bevoegde instanties hebben verwittigd dat er problemen waren. Deze problemen waren zogezegd begonnen eind november en uiteindelijk zou de discussie dus draaien rond het probleem van de financiering van een bijkomende zandfilter. Wij hebben toch een paar vraagjes. Indien het probleem van teveel zand zich inderdaad voordoet, hoe komt het dan dat het zich nu pas, na twee jaar activiteit voordoet? Loopt de Zenne plots via een nieuwe zandlaag? Bij ons weten is de Zenne op haar Brussels traject volledig overdekt en het zou ons dus ten zeerste verbazen dat de Zenne plots een andere bedding heeft ingenomen tussen het zuiveringsstation Brussel Zuid dat op de grens tussen Anderlecht en Vorst ligt en Brussel Noord op grondgebied van Haren en waarvan dus het overgrootste gedeelte overwelfd is dus gekanaliseerd.

Bovendien lijken er helemaal geen problemen te bestaan met zand in Brussel Zuid dat reeds in werking trad in 2000. Rarara en als we wat googelen op waterzuivering Brussel Zuid dan belanden we op

en wat lezen we daar? Dat er ook afvalwater van het Vlaams Gewest wordt gezuiverd en dat er dus een participatie is van het Vlaams Gewest zowel in de financiering van Brussel Zuid al in ons probleemgeval Brussel Noord.

In Brussel Zuid participeerde het Vlaams Gewest voor 11,72% en in Brussel Noors zelfs voor 15,70%.

En als we de Vlaamse regering en de hiervoor bevoegde minister ons aller “Schouwvlieg” moeten geloven kunnen zij alleen maar lijdzaam toekijken hoe de arme Vlaamse visjes uitgeroeid worden door de kak van de Brusselaars.

Ofwel zijn wij dus inderdaad randdebielen want een participatie van 15,70% in de investeringskosten die in totaal 360 miljoen eurootjes hebben gekost (zonder andere infrastructuurwerken) dat is toch nog altijd meer dan 56 miljoen Vlaamse euroos zonder dat daar enige inspraak tegenover staat dat gaat ons verstand ver te boven.

Dus rond dit punt hadden we graag wat klaarheid gekregen vanuit de Vlaamsche polletiek want klagen en zagen lijkt ons geen goed idee in dergelijk dossier.

Wat lezen we verder in de kranten van vandaag?

Vervuiling Zenne was te voorkomen

  • maandag 14 december 2009
  • Auteur: Pieter Lesaffer

BRUSSEL - De massale vissterfte in de Zenne is een gevolg van het conflict tussen de Brusselse regering en de uitbater van het waterzuiveringsstation Brussel-Noord.

Van onze redacteur

Het grootste waterzuiveringsstation van ons land ligt volledig stil. Daardoor stroomt het afvalwater van 1,1 miljoen Brusselaars ongezuiverd de Zenne in, en vervuilt het ook de Rupel en de Schelde. De Zenne dreigt weer het open riool te worden dat ze was voor het zuiveringsstation twee jaar geleden openging (DS 12 december).

De milieuvervuiling is volgens de Bond Beter Leefmilieu (BBL) sinds vorige dinsdag bezig. Maar het probleem is al veel vroeger begonnen. Dat bevestigt Aquiris, de uitbater van het waterzuiveringsstation. ‘We zijn op 25 november gestopt met pompen aan de rechteroever. De Brusselse watermaatschappij en het Brussels Gewest zijn op dat moment onmiddellijk op de hoogte gebracht', aldus de publiekprivate maatschappij, en ze voegt eraan toe: ‘Op 8 december (vorige dinsdag, red.) werd ook het pompen aan de linkeroever stilgelegd. Zoals eerder werden ook nu de autoriteiten onmiddellijk op de hoogte gesteld.' Verder onthoudt de maatschappij zich van enig verder commentaar, en wacht de ‘crisisvergadering' vandaag met het Brussels Gewest af.

De Brusselse gewestminister voor Leefmilieu, Evelyne Huytebroeck (Ecolo), zit deze vergadering vandaag voor. Zij brengt ook inspecteurs van de Brusselse watermaatschappij mee, die het station controleren. Met andere woorden, er zijn bijna drie weken verstreken tussen de eerste afvalwaterlozing en de reactie van de bevoegde minister. Voorlopig wil Huytebroeck daar geen reactie of commentaar op geven.

De Vlaamse minister van Leefmilieu, Joke Schauvliege (CD&V), die vandaag naar de internationale klimaattop in Kopenhagen vertrekt, kijkt intussen boos toe. Zij kan de sterk dalende waterkwaliteit op Vlaams grondgebied alleen maar opmeten.

De vraag waarom Aquiris de installatie heeft stilgelegd, is nog onduidelijk. Vast staat dat er een probleem is met zand in het waterzuiveringsstation. Na de feestelijke opening twee jaar geleden heeft Aquiris vastgesteld dat het binnenstromende zand de installatie aantastte. ‘Al enkele maanden is er een welles-nietesspelletje bezig over wie een extra zandfilter moet betalen', zegt Els Ampe, fractieleidster voor Open VLD in het Brussels Parlement. ‘Aquiris vindt dat het Gewest die extra kost op zich moet nemen, en minister Huytebroeck vindt dat de bouwheer van de installatie, het Franse moederbedrijf Veolia, dat moet betalen. Uiteindelijk is het station stilgelegd om de verdere aantasting door het zand te vermijden.' Vandaag geeft de groene minister zelf tekst en uitleg.

De opmerking dat Schouwvlieg intussen alleen maar kan opmeten hebben we hierboven al wat gerelativeerd. Als dat inderdaad zo is dan zou men best de afspraken met Aquiris en het Brussels Gewest even onder de loep nemen want dan stelt zich daar een huizenhoog probleem met ons Vlaams belastingsgeld….en dat moeten de voorgangers van ons huidige Joke Schouwvlieg dan maar eens komen uitleggen.

Maar er is meer. Wij publiceerden hiervoor de zogenaamde waarden die Veolia zichzelf heeft opgelegd. Als we die aandachtig lezen dan mogen we daar een grote zin voor verantwoordelijkheid naar milieu en burger uit besluiten tenzij we weer mogen als randdebielen bestempeld worden.

Uit bovenstaand artikel blijkt dat er een aantal maanden geleden zandproblemen opdoken. Wat doe je dan als je al deze mooie waarden naleeft? Discussiëren over wie betaalt de bijkomende en dus levensnoodzakelijk bijkomende filter? Ok, tot daar toe, maar inmiddels beheer je, op basis van het alom gekende principe van de “goede huisvader” je installatie die je contractueel moet uitbaten. En wat doet een goeie huisvader dus? Discussiëren en dan plots de pompjes afzetten? Men moet met onze visie niet akkoord gaan, maar volgens ons plaats je dan best die bijkomende filter als je goed weet dat anders de ganse installatie om zeep wordt geholpen en dat je alles moet stilleggen met de gevolgen die we nu zien…Een groep als Veolia beschikt immers over de nodige kredietlijnen om dit te financieren en vervolgens de juridische procedure op te starten om eventueel hun sollen te recupereren of niet? Als ze dat niet zelf kunnen dan zegt men maar best onmiddellijk het contract op want als we het resultaat zien van dergelijke uitbating vrezen we dat de schadevergoedingen vele malen hoger zullen uitvallen dan de prijs van de bijkomende investering. Hallo Olland, hebben jullie de hint begrepen? Want jullie hebben toch ook milieuschade ginds?

Benieuwd wat onze Brusselse groene tante nu te vertellen zal hebben????????Maar veel goeds verwachten we hier niet van natuurlijk maar we worden graag verrast in de goeie zin. Zullen wij vanavond ontgoocheld of blij onder onze dekentjes mogen kruipen. Nog eventjes afwachten….

14-12-2009 om 19:43 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Een uitgesproken "Grr#!!♪♫@||#♫♪☻"-Kitokojungle-Opinie !!
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Timi Yuro
Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen een steengoeie zangeres en hier vrijwel onbekend Timi Yuro

13-12-2009 om 22:50 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 5/5 - (1 Stemmen)
Categorie:Een uitgesproken "Grr#!!♪♫@||#♫♪☻"-Kitokojungle-Opinie !!
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Aux bords de la Senne...deel 1
je stuurt als land van een halve zakdoek groot een delegatie van 120 specialisten naar de milieutop in Kopenhagen. Kwestie van indruk te maken op dwergen als China, de VS en andere dwergstaten. tijdens de top loost dan één van de grootste zuiveringsstations van Noordelijk Europa ongestoord en vooral ongezuiverd het rioolwater van de hoofdstad van Europa die toevallig op je grondgebied ligt. Hoe geloofwaardig ben je dan nog met je 120 delegatieleden? Vooral als je dan nog dit niet onbelangrijk nieuwtje moet vernemen van de milieuorganisaties en zelfs niet eens van de privédirectie van het betrokken zuiveringsstation zelf. De lozing was vermoedelijk al 4dagen aan de gang zonder dat daar maar één witte kraag met bijhorend dasje het nodig heeft gevonden een officiële instantie hiervan op de hoogte te brengen...Gevolg massale vervuiling van de Zenne, Rupel en Schelde tot in Nederland...moet kunnen...
Als je als particulier of als klein bedrijfje één liter frituurolie in de riool kiepert heb je zeker en vast weten twintig milieuambtenaren op je dak...maar het rioolwater van meer dan één miljoen mensen ongezuiverd lozen gedurende 4 dagen kan hier dus ongestraft tot er wat milieujongens en meisjes dit aan de grote klok hangen. Wij dachten nochtans dat de Vlaamse milieumaatschappij of andere Vlaamse groene instanties constant de waterzuiverheid in het oog hielden...gezeik dus...vier dagen miljoenen liters drek lozen en geen enkel alarmpje...raar toch ?
Mogen we een kleine suggestie doen? Wel ontsla op staande voet de huidige bandietenbende die zich directie durft te noemen van dit privézuiveringsstation wegen grove nalatigheid en totale incompetentie. Punt. Dat er technische problemen zijn, ok, kunnen we inkomen. Dat het boeltje stilvalt, ok kunnen we inkomen...maart dat je lekker niks ja we willen het eerst wel onderzocht zien worden want de timing viel natuurlijk erg slecht met die hoogmis in Kopenhagen. Misschien verwittigden ze wel maar bleef men liever doof ...kan ook maar voor ons moeten de verantwoordelijken zo vlug mogelijk de laan uit liefst ingestreken met pek en veren...
In elk geval is die enorme delegatie toch wel erg belachelijk. Iedereen doet maar alsof we hier met de halve bevolking bezig zijn met ons milieu terwijl we de verzamelde drollen en bijhorend vocht van onze hoofdstad rustig de Schelde in laten dobberen omdat er te veel zand in het afvalwater zit....tja misschien te veel nierstenen, waarom niet?

Waterzuivering Brussel ligt stil

  • zaterdag 12 december 2009

  • Auteur: Jan Desloover
Sinds kort zwommen er opnieuw vissen in de Zenne. Milieuorganisaties vrezen dat die niet zullen overleven nu het afvalwater weer ongezuiverd in de rivier terechtkomt. Photo News

Sinds kort zwommen er opnieuw vissen in de Zenne. Milieuorganisaties vrezen dat die niet zullen overleven nu het afvalwater weer ongezuiverd in de rivier terechtkomt. Photo News

© Photo News

BRUSSEL - Het afvalwater van ruim een miljoen Brusselaars wordt sinds 8 december ongezuiverd in de Zenne, de Rupel en de Schelde geloosd. ‘Catastrofaal', zegt de Bond Beter Leefmilieu.

Van onze redacteur

Terwijl de wereld zich in Kopenhagen beraadt over maatregelen om de opwarming van de aarde tegen te gaan, voltrekt zich in en rond onze hoofdstad een kleine milieuramp. Sinds dinsdag stroomt het afvalwater van ruim een miljoen Brusselaars ongefilterd in de Zenne, en vandaaruit in de Rupel en de Schelde.

Reden is het stilleggen van het zuiveringsstation Brussel-Noord, dat in handen is van het Frans-Belgische consortium Aquiris. In een bijzonder vage mededeling die de groep dinsdag uitstuurde naar de Brusselse overheid en die vrijdag bij de Bond Beter Leefmilieu (BBL) belandde, stelt de groep alleen dat het station werd stilgelegd ‘om de installatie te beschermen en het personeel niet bloot te stellen aan onaanvaardbare risico's'. Bij Aquiris en de bevoegde Brusselse minister, Evelyne Huytebroeck (Ecolo), was gisteravond niemand bereikbaar voor commentaar.

De gevolgen van de tijdelijke sluiting zijn nu al merkbaar. De Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij voerde intussen metingen uit in Zenne, Rupel en Schelde. ‘De waterkwaliteit is er dramatisch verslechterd', zegt de woordvoerster, Mie Van de Kerckhove. Voor de Brusselse huishoudens heeft dat niet direct gevolgen, maar voor de visbestanden in die rivieren is de sluiting van het station rampzalig. In 2007, het jaar waarin het station in gebruik werd genomen, was de Zenne een stinkende, gitzwarte en vooral dode rivier. Sindsdien is er geleidelijk een klein visbestand gegroeid. ‘Maar het is zo goed als zeker dat het sinds dinsdag al helemaal uitgeroeid is', zegt Wim Van Gils van de BBL. Ook in de Rupel en de Schelde is er nu al sprake van sterfte. ‘Het is te hopen dat zoveel mogelijk vissen op tijd weggeraakt zijn.'

De Vlaamse minister van Leefmilieu, Joke Schauvliege (CD&V), vraagt haar Brusselse collega Huytebroeck snel in te grijpen. ‘We hebben haar een brief gestuurd waarin we erop aandringen dat er snel gehandeld wordt', aldus haar woordvoerder, Patrick Verstuyft.

Het is afwachten wat er precies aan de hand is met het zuiveringsstation, maar volgens de VMM en de BBL zal het sowieso minstens verschillende weken duren vooraleer de toestand genormaliseerd is.

‘En als ze de bacteriën die gebruikt worden voor de zuivering, hebben laten wegvloeien, spreken we over maanden', zegt Mie Van de Kerckhove.

De Brusselse regering wees het contract voor de bouw van het waterzuiveringsstation Brussel-Noord, een van de grootste in Europa, in 2001 toe aan Aquiris. Het consortium kreeg ook de exploitatierechten voor een periode van twintig jaar.

Jaarlijks betaalt Brussel 51 miljoen euro aan Aquiris. Omdat er ook gemeenten uit de Vlaamse Rand bediend worden, draagt het Vlaams Gewest 15,7 procent van de kosten bij.

Brussel-Noord is goed voor twee derde van het afvalwater van de Brusselse agglomeratie. Het andere derde wordt sinds augustus 2000 verwerkt in het zuiveringsstation Brussel-Zuid, dat 360.000
inwoners bedient.

Nieuwsgierig als we zijn willen we meer weten over de firma die dit zuiveringsstation uitbaat AQUIRIS! Wie is dat? Een eerste aanduiding vinden we op hun eigen promotiepraatje van voor het begin van de werken toen deze jongen de aanbesteding binnenrijfden:〈=nl

Het station van Brussel-Noord

Het afvalwater van het Noordelijke bekken en dat van Woluwe zal worden behandeld door het station van Brussel-Noord, met een grotere capaciteit (1.100.000 inwoners - equivalent). Het ontwerp, de bouw en de exploitatie gedurende 20 jaar van het station werden het voorwerp van een offerteaanvraag en de opdracht toevertrouwd aan AQUIRIS, een ondernemingsgroep onder leiding van Veolia Water, wereldleider in waterbehandeling. Dit station zal operationeel zijn in de herfst 2006.

een onderdeel dus van Veolia Water, aha eens wat neuzen....en wat blijkt? Deze firma klopt zichzelf op de borst als zijnde één van de grootste en meest performante spelers op het gebied van waterzuivering. Hun eigendunk gaat zelfs verder want ze hebben eigen bedrijfswaarden. En bedrijfswaarden daar klopt ons hartje altijd wat sneller van want we zijn tuk op deze dingen en dus citeren we ze graag voor onze lezertjes. Dus de pipo's die vier dagen lang zonder een hond ervan op de hoogte te brengen het afvalwater van Brussel en omgeving ongezuiverd loosden zeggen dat ze volgende waarden hoog in hun besmeurde vaandel voeren:

Our Values

Veolia Water shares the values of Veolia Environnement, world leader in environmental solutions.

The Five Values of Veolia Environnement

Customer focus

Our ability to listen carefully and professionally and anticipate and adapt to client needs reflects our commitment to building solid, lasting relationships.


We are aware of the impact our everyday actions have in improving the living conditions of people worldwide. We never forget how our business affects our employees and society as a whole and base our actions on our understanding of the general public interest.

Our managers are expected to take full responsibility for the decisions they make in carrying out their duties and managing their teams.


Our creative research and innovative technologies combine to ensure that we are continuously improving our environmental solutions, now and for the future. Improving quality of service and value for our customers is a priority, reflected in our constant willingness to explore new scientific frontiers.


Our financial performance is the result of financial discipline at every level across the globe. It ensures that the company will continue to create value for all stakeholders and guarantees our long-term growth.

Team Work

Team work is a crucial element in the way Veolia Environnement works worldwide. Working together and pooling knowledge and experience ensures that every success is a shared victory.

Sustainable development and Emergency assistance

Veolia Water is committed to sustainable development as well as protecting the environment at the core of its operations as a specialist in water management.

Veolia Water assumes its social responsibilities and uses its expertise to provide emergency humanitarian and development assistance via Veoliaforce, an operational partnership whereby employees can volunteer their time and expertise

Beste politici, pak die hufters op hun eigen gelul! Laat ze bewijzen dat ze inderdaad die waarden naleven! Lozen die troep!

Wat vinden we nog over Veolia Water? Op de zelfde site:

In November 2005 Veolia Environnement brought together its four Divisions under one common name - Veolia.

This move, along with a new logo, reflects the will of the entire Group to build overall consistency between its divisions and to raise the company's profile.

Having already synergized its research and training resources, this development by Veolia Environnement affirms the commitment of its 270,000 employees around the values of its services.

In France, Compagnie Générale des Eaux became Veolia Eau. The main subsidiaries abroad took the name Veolia to which was added the word "Water" in the language of each particular country such as Veolia Voda in the Czech Republic and Veolia Wasser in Germany.

Compagnie Générale des Eaux

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Compagnie Générale des Eaux (GDE) is now called Veolia Water and is part of Veolia Environnement. It was at one time part of Vivendi.


On December 14, 1853, a water company named Compagnie Générale des Eaux (CGE) was created by an Imperial decree of Napoleon III. In 1854, CGE obtained a concession in order to supply water to the public in Lyon, serving in this capacity for over a hundred years. In 1861, it obtained a 50-year concession with the City of Paris.

For more than a century, Compagnie Générale des Eaux remained largely focused on the water sector. However, following the appointment of Guy Dejouany as CEO in 1976, CGE extended its activities into other sectors with a series of takeovers. Beginning in 1980, CGE began diversifying its operations from water into waste management, energy, transport services, and construction and property. It acquired the Compagnie Générale d'Entreprises Automobiles (CGEA), specialized in industrial vehicles, which was later divided into two branches: Connex and Onyx Environnement. CGE then acquired the Compagnie Générale de Chauffe, and later the Montenay group. The Energy Services division these companies became part of, was later (1998) renamed Dalkia.

In 1983, CGE helped to found Canal+, the first Pay-TV channel in France, and in the 1990s, they began expanding into telecommunications and mass media, especially after Jean-Marie Messier succeeded Guy Dejouany on June 27, 1996. In 1996, CGE created Cegetel to take advantage of the 1998 deregulation of the French telecommunications market, accelerating the move into the media sector which would culminate in the 2000 demerger into Vivendi Universal and Vivendi Environnement (Veolia).

In 1998, Compagnie Générale des Eaux changed its name to Vivendi


Vivendi SA is voortgekomen uit de fusie tussen het Franse water- en mediaimperium Vivendi, dat onder andere het televisienetwerk Canal+ bezat en het Canadese The Seagram Company, destijds eigenaar van de filmmaatschappij Universal Studios. Nadat Vivendi begin 2000 het merendeel van de aandelen in Seagram op had gekocht, werd het Canadese concern gestript en werd de oorspronkelijke waterdivisie van Vivendi verkocht (tegenwoordig Veolia Environnement). In juni 2000 werd de fusie voltooid en ontstond "Vivendi Universal".

Op 20 april 2006 kondigde Vivendi Universal aan dat het concern voortaan bekend zal staan onder de oude naam, "Vivendi"[2]. Er werd tevens een nieuwe bedrijfsstijl en -logo gepresenteerd.

Dus Veolia Environment is afgesplitst....

En heeft een eigen webstekje: waar we deze giller vonden zogezegd uitgesproken door de grote baas:

“In an uncertain world, our company creates more real and lasting value than many others.”

Henri Proglio,
Chairman and CEO of Veolia Environnement.

wij liggen dubbel van de slappe lach...lozen die jongens!

13-12-2009 om 00:00 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

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Categorie:Een uitgesproken "Grr#!!♪♫@||#♫♪☻"-Kitokojungle-Opinie !!
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Johnny Ray
Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen Vandaag gaan we terug naar het lichtere entertainment met
Johnny Ray
en let op "het oortje" dat reeds in 1956 leek te bestaan...

12-12-2009 om 22:59 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

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Categorie:Een uitgesproken "Grr#!!♪♫@||#♫♪☻"-Kitokojungle-Opinie !!
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt brief aan het Nobelprijscomité
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An Open Letter to the Nobel Committee

On Obama's Peace Prize

On December 10, you will award the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize to President Barack Obama, citing “his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people.” We the undersigned are distressed that President Obama, so close upon his receipt of this honor, has opted to escalate the U.S. war in Afghanistan with the deployment of 30,000 additional troops. We regret that he could not be guided by the example of a previous Nobel Peace Laureate, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who identified his peace prize as “profound recognition that nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral question of our time -- the need for man [sic] to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to violence and oppression.”

President Obama has insisted that his troop escalation is a necessary response to dangerous instability in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but we reject the notion that military action will advance the region’s stability, or our own national security. In his peace prize acceptance speech, Dr. King observed that “Civilization and violence are antithetical concepts…man [sic] must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation.” As people committed to end the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, we are filled with remorse by this new decision of our president, for it will not bring peace.

Declaring his opposition to the Vietnam War, Dr. King insisted that “no one who has any concern for the integrity and life of America today can ignore the present war…We must continue to raise our voices and our lives if our nation persists in its perverse ways… We are at the moment when our lives must be placed on the line if our nation is to survive its own folly. Every man [sic] of humane convictions must decide on the protest that best suits his convictions, but we must all protest.”

We pledge ourselves to mobilize our constituencies in the spirit of Dr. King’s nonviolent and committed example. His prophetic words will guide us as we assemble in the halls of Congress, in local offices of elected representatives, and in the streets of our cities and towns, protesting every proposal that will continue funding war. We will actively and publicly oppose the war funding which President Obama will soon seek from Congress and re-commit ourselves to the protracted struggle against U.S. war-making in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We assume that the Nobel Committee chose to award President Obama the peace prize in full awareness of the vision offered by Dr. King’s acceptance speech. We also understand that the Nobel committee may now regret that decision in light of recent developments, as we believe that the committee should be reluctant to present an Orwellian message equating peace with war. When introducing the President, the Committee should, at the very least, exhibit a level of compassion and humility by drawing attention to this distressing ambiguity.

We will do all we can to ensure that popular pressure will soon bring President Obama to an acceptance of the duties which this prize, and even more his electoral mandate to be a figure of change, impose upon him. He must end the catastrophic policies of occupation and war that have caused so much destruction, so many deaths and displacements, and so much injury to our own democratic traditions.

This prize is not a meaningless honor. We pledge, ourselves obeying its call to nonviolent action, to make our President worthy of it.

Jack Amoureux- Board of Directors, Military Families Speak Out
Medea Benjamin- Co-Founder, Global Exchange
Frida Berrigan – Witness Against Torture
Elaine Brower- World Can’t Wait
Leslie Cagan- Co-Founder, United for Peace and Justice
Bob Cooke-Regional Coordinator, Pax Christi USA, Pax Christi Metro, DC and Baltimore
Tom Cornell- Catholic Peace Fellowship
Matt Daloisio – War Resisters League
Marie Dennis – Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
Laurie Dobson, Director, End US Wars
Mike Ferner- President, Veterans for Peace
Joy First- Convener, National Campaign for Non-Violent Resistance
Sara Flounders – International Action Center
Diana Gibson, Christian Peace Witness
Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb- Shomer Shalom Network for Jewish Nonviolence
David Hartsough- Peaceworkers, San Francisco
Mike Hearington- Georgia Peace & Justice Coalition
Kimber J. Heinz- Organizing Coordinator, War Resisters League
Mark Johnson- Director, Fellowship of Reconciliation
Kathy Kelly- Co-coordinator, Voices for Creative Non-Violence
Leslie Kielson – United for Peace and Justice
Malachy Kilbride- National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance
Kevin Martin- Executive Director-Peace Action and Peace Action Education Fund
Linda LeTendre – Saratoga [New York] Peace Alliance
Michael McPhearson- Veterens for Peace
Gael Murphy – Co-Founder, Code Pink
Sheila Musaji – The American Muslim
Michael Nagler- Founder, Metta Center for Nonviolence
Max Obuszewski- Pledge of Resistance Baltimore and Baltimore Nonviolence Center
Pete Perry- Peace of the Action
Dave Robinson, Executive Director, Pax Christi
David Swanson-
Terry Rockefeller – Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
Samina Sundas – Founding Executive Director, The American Muslim Voice
Nancy Tsou- Coordinator, Rockland Coalition for Peace and Justice
Diane Turco- Cape Codders for Peace and Justice
Marge Van Cleef – Womens International League for Peace and Freedom
Jose Vasquez, Executive Director, Iraq Veterans Against the War
Craig Wiesner- Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice
Scott Wright, Pax Christi Metro DC - Baltimore
Kevin Zeese- Executive Director, Voters for Peace

Along with delivering this open letter to the Nobel Peace Committee, activists will present it at a rally in Lafayette Square, Washington, D.C. on Saturday, December 12th, 11 – 4, www.

12-12-2009 om 22:46 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

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Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.KERMIT als Iraans revolutionair zanger
De Iraanse studenten gooien zelfs onzer allerbeste vriend Kermit in de strijd tegen de Ayatollah's...

11-12-2009 om 21:47 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

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Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.WE ARE ALL MAJIDS


December 9, 2009, 3:01 pm

Iran’s State Media Mocks Arrested Student Leader Pictured in Women’s Clothing

Majid TavakoliFars News Agency One of the photographs of Iranian student leader Majid Tavakoli dressed as a woman published by Iran’s official media outlets this week.

Two days after student protests across Iran demonstrated that the dispute over June’s presidential election is not over, Iranian bloggers responded with fury to reports by the country’s state-supported media that a prominent student leader had been dressed as a woman when he was arrested on Monday in Tehran.

On Tuesday, Iran’s Fars News Agency — which is affiliated with the powerful Revolutionary Guards Corps — published a report claiming that the student activist, Majid Tavakoli, was disguised as a woman when he was detained after addressing a demonstration on the campus of Amir Kabir University in Tehran on Monday.

To illustrate its story, Fars published 5 photographs of Mr. Tavakoli covered by the type of cloak women are compelled to wear in the Islamic Republic, along with this image of him addressing the crowd before his arrest:

Majid TavakoliMajid Tavakoli speaking at Amir Kabir University in Tehran on Monday.

This image of Mr. Tavakoli speaking seems to be genuine since it closely matches video of his speech that was uploaded to YouTube. But after the images of Mr. Tavakoli in the cloak were published, an Iranian Web site, Human Rights Activists in Iran, disputed their veracity, reporting that “Intelligence agents have been trying to falsify the circumstances around Majid Tavakoli’s arrest. Eyewitnesses have denied all the news published by pro-Ahmadinejad media.”

The blogger Mojtaba Samienejad charged that the student leader had not been in disguise when he was detained and suggested that he had been forced into those clothes by the authorities after his arrest.

Human Rights Activists in Iran also reported that “agents severely beat and injured Majid during the arrest. The amount of violence and brutality used in the arrest shocked passer[s]-by.” One witness to the arrest told the human rights group, “All the pictures published by the state media are false and a clear use of immoral means against student and civil activists in Iran.”

The Fars report explicitly connected this narrative, of Mr. Tavakoli supposedly attempting to flee the university dressed as a woman, with the story of another Iranian leader who was said to have employed that technique to escape the country. Fars made prominent mention of the old allegation that Iran’s first president after the 1979 revolution, Abolhassan Bani-Sadr, was disguised as a woman when he left Tehran in 1981 after falling out with the country’s Islamic leadership.

Two photographs of Iranian leaders unpopular with the country’s Islamic rulers. Both may be fake.Fars News Agency Two photographs of Iranian leaders unpopular with the country’s Islamic rulers. Both may be fake.

Fars even paired one of the images of Mr. Tavakoli with a photograph of Mr. Bani-Sadr that may have been manipulated in the days before Photoshop to make it look as if he was wearing a headscarf. A contemporary report by The New York Times, published on August 2, 1981, suggested that the story of how Mr. Bani-Sadr disguised himself for his flight into exile in France may have been embellished to embarrass him by hard-liners who put hairiness next to godliness:

The former president, who had been in hiding for six weeks, left behind his familiar mustache. He retained his eyebrows, contrary to allegations from Tehran that he had shaved them and departed “disguised as a woman.”

(Mr. Bani-Sadr is now something of a blogger himself, having published his thoughts on the protest movement on the Huffington Post earlier this year.)

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei parodyPersian Arash/Facebook A digital parody of the photograph of Majid Tavakoli featuring the face of Iran’s supreme leader.

Iranian bloggers who support the opposition struck back with anger and comedy on Wednesday. Writing on Twitter, the journalist Omid Habibinia suggested that the images of Mr. Tavakoli might have been created with Photoshop to humiliate him, and pointed to a parody of the image posted on Facebook that has been digitally altered to picture Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, wearing the clothes instead. In an echo of the regime’s tale of Mr. Bani-Sadr’s escape from the country after losing power, Mr. Habibinia seemed to suggest that Ayatollah Khamenei may himself soon need a disguise to flee Iran.

According to a report by the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, Mr. Tavakoli has been in and out of jail since 2007 and took part in a hunger strike earlier this year while being detained in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison. Human Rights Activists in Iran reports that he was subjected to torture during his previous detention.

According to Scott Lucas, an expert on American and British foreign policy at the University of Birmingham who has followed events in Iran closely for the blog “Enduring America,” Mr. Tavakoli’s last entry on Facebook, posted on Saturday, read:

Only two more days [to Monday's demonstrations]. I have spent ten exhausting days on the road with more than 100 hours of driving and now I have to leave for Tehran. Looking at my mother’s tearful eyes and father’s anxious glances and despite all the difficulties only the true wish for freedom can maintain my drive and steadfastness. And so once again I welcome and accept all the dangers, standing next to my friends with whom I am honoured and proud to be on 16 Azar shoulder to shoulder we will shout against tyranny. For Freedom.

Iranian bloggers also pointed to what they said was evidence that student protests continued on Wednesday in Iran. According to both the blogger Mehdi Saharkhiz and Omid Habibinia, this video was shot on Wednesday at Sharif University in Tehran, during a protest against the arrest of students demonstrators earlier this week:

en een communiqué via Youtube:

Iran: Part of speech for which Majid Tavakoli was arrested

dicembre 10 2009 No Commented

Today 16 Azar (7 December) .. it is OUR day .. STUDENTS day .. the most historic day of resistence by students against tyranny… a day dedicated to freedom seeking .. Today is a day to stand together against and yell on tyranny
(students chanting Death to Dictator … Death to Dictator…)

My voice does not reach all of you … if you could squeeze more …
There are friends who on behalf of you want speak up to all dictators and autocrats of this country loud and clear. Meaning that we no longer accept tyranny

(students applauding … students chanting “student will die but will not accept humiliation”)
We shall speak thoroughly but first of all it is our duty, for the sake of 5/6 months of hard efforts by our people, for the sake of all this oppression .. all these tortures and and sexual abuse in prisons .. and all these issues .. it is our prime duty to gather once again in front of the entrace gates of the university and once again show our unity and solidarity …..
Thank Neguin for translation from Persian

Iran Unrest Persists in Universities

Rooz, Translation by Reza Fiyouzat, Revolutionary Flowerpot Society


December 10, 2009

Translation of a report from the website, Rooz. See the original here. (right photo: Majid Tavakoli)

Unrest Persists in Universities
In reaction to the arrests and fabrications against Tavakoli
By Saamnaak Agha'ie (Rooz Online; Dec. 10, 2009)

In the aftermath of the arrest of Majid Tavakoli, member of Islamic Association, in Polytechnique University (Amir Kabir), and the reports by government owned media regarding his arrest 'while dressed as a woman', the universities still have a tense atmosphere and the protests against the government continue.

According to received reports, in addition to protests in Tehran's universities, yesterday also saw student gatherings in state and private universities in Mashhad, Qhazvin, Karaj, Esfahan and Shiraz. Yesterday's university student protests in several different cities followed the lie mongering by the government, and publication on websites connected to the security-intelligence forces of photos related to Majid Tavakoli, a well known student activist. Yesterday's continued [nationwide] student protests were also held in undivided solidarity with that student activist.

In this relation, the Islamic Association of the Polytechnique University, in a statement, emphasized: "Not only Majid Tavakoli, but all students in the dungeons of tyranny, are the pride of the student movement, whether they be dressed in women's clothing or men's."

Majid Tavakoli and a Speech
Majid Tavakoli, who was arrested in the assault by the security forces and the basijis on the Student Day ceremonies in Polytechnique University, is among well known student activists that in recent years has also been imprisoned [...] and has [already] suffered through a fifteen-month sentence under torture. On this year's Student Day/16 Azar, he attended the ceremonies at Polytechnique along with hundreds of other protesting students, and gave a speech for some minutes. In his speech, which was met with great enthusiasm among students, this student activist, pointing to the recent events after the elections, and pointing to the crackdown and all the spilled blood and the rapes in prisons, he emphasized the importance of students' resistance and struggle alongside the people and against the ruling despotism.

[Majid Tavakoli], in another part of his speech reminded that the Student Day is the day of shouting at tyranny, and, addressing the students, said: "In honoring and respecting a people who have risen with peaceful protests against oppression and the blood-letting, and who have today come to our support, it is our duty to be present at the gates of the university and to thank the people present in front of the university, and to strengthen our unity with the people."

Defending Imprisoned Students
Student sources believe that Tavakoli's arrest and the [lie mongering] campaign by websites supporting the coup regime was mainly due to his spirited and moving speech at the students' gathering. Yesterday, after Majid Tavakoli's arrest, [state owned] Fars News Agency initially published a photo of Tavakoli, claiming that he was arrested while dressed as a woman and trying to escape from the university.

In response to the fabrications against an arrested fellow affiliate, the Islamic Association of the Polytechnique University, in a harsh statement said: "Those who cannot stand the freedom seeking surge of the Amir Kabir students, much like in the past, scheme to destroy the dignities of free people. But, they should know that freedom belongs to those people who put themselves in danger for freedom. And in truth, Majid Tavakoli ... is such a free soul, who is always in the hearts of, and subject of talk among, the Amir Kabir University students. Iranian dictatorship must be very angry with Majid Tavakoli's words and criticisms regarding the current dictatorship in the country, since they find themselves being like the king whose nakedness has been revealed by the students. And now, hapless and helpless in understanding the students' clear slogans, they show their revenge and hatred by persecuting Majid Tavakoli. The widespread and glorious resistance of the students across the country has gotten the inept despots so confused that they could not find anything else to do other than to put some fake clothes on Tavakoli and publish the pictures. Little do they know that Majid Tavakoli has been, is and will be the pride of the students' movement, be he dressed in women's clothing or men's."

Widespread Arrests in Mashhad University
Yesterday's student protests in universities in several cities in the country were accompanied with widespread arrests. The gathering at the Ferdowsi University in Mashhad [in the northeast], protesting against the continued arrests of students on December 7th/Student Day, was for the second time faced with an assault by the security forces and the Basijis, resulting in physical beatings by security forces and arrests of at least 70 students in that university.

One of the students, in an interview with Rooz (, said: "This gathering was held with more than 2,000 university students attending, in front of the amphitheater's doors. Students were protesting, holding green flags and symbols, raising slogans like, "Ahoy, irreverent Karroubi, break the big statue-god" (Karroubi-e bot-shekan, bott-e bozorg-o beshkan!), and "Death to dictator!" when a group of some forty Basijis started attacking the students."

The student then continued: "When the Basijis faced resistance and the students fought back, and when the cultural deputy of the university's warnings were ineffective in ending the gathering, a large number of security forces entered the area of the gathering and along with the Basijis proceeded to assault and arrest the students."

In closing, the student pointed to the later release of some of the 70 arrested students, some hours later, and said: "But, in particular, the fate of some 13 -- who are among the more active students of the university -- remains unknown. A large number of students have announced in a statement that, in case the detained are not immediately released, they will continue to assemble and protest tomorrow as well."

Increase in the Number of Arrested Students
While the students in universities in Tehran, Shiraz, Esfahan, and may other cities in the country are determined to continue their protests in universities, news sources are reporting a rise in the numbers of arrested students in the last two days. The increase in the reports of arrested students takes place in a situation that, according to law enforcement officials, in Tehran alone more than 200 students were arrested on 16 Azar/Dec. 7. Until now, no reliable figures have been published regarding detained students in cities such as Tabriz, Hamedan, Ahvaz, Esfahan and Karaj.

In Shiraz, with the arrests of two more students, Sa'id Aganji and Razieh Ja'fari, the number of arrested students in the last two days now stands at 8. Amir Kabir Newsletter, writing about this, said: "On 16 Azar/Student Day, six students activists in Shiraz were arrested, with the following names: Seyed Mohammad Mohsen Moussavi, Sobhan Heydari, Najmaa Ranjbar, Seyed Mohammad Hosseini, Sa'id Lotfi, and Masood Mahdavi-far. In all, since 13 Aban/Nov. 4, more than 30 dissident students have been arrested in Shiraz, about whose fates and conditions no news has been available until now."

In Tehran also, with the continuation of the protests and the arrests of the Student Day, news and human rights sources yesterday reported at least 8 more arrests in the last two days: Farzad Kalb'ali, Taher Dehkhar-Qharnian, Navid Soltanpoor, Mojtaba Hashemi, Niloofar Esbati, Bardia Najaar, Mehdi Belkhari and Meisam Hosseini.

Additionally, local sources in Kurdistan also published the names of 15 students arrested in Tehran and the provinces: Ahmad Esma'ili, Amanj Rahimi, Abdollah Arefi, Pakhshan Azizi, Leyla Mohammadi, Sarveh Veisi, Hazhar Yusefi, Amjad Kordnejad, Nasser Ahmadi, Abas Kaka'ie, Ali-Reza Moradi and Sajad Moradi, are among the students arrested in Tehran University. Also, Edris Moloody in Baaneh, and Sohrab Karami in Gharveh were detained and sent to prison.

:: Article nr. 60935 sent on 11-dec-2009 10:56 ECT

We are all Majids

11-12-2009 om 21:18 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

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Categorie:Een uitgesproken "Grr#!!♪♫@||#♫♪☻"-Kitokojungle-Opinie !!
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Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen Hoog tijd voor een verdienstelijke Belgische groep:

Big Bayou Bandits

10-12-2009 om 23:47 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

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Categorie:Een uitgesproken "Grr#!!♪♫@||#♫♪☻"-Kitokojungle-Opinie !!
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt onuitwisbare christelijke invloed
Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen Terwijl er verhitte debatten gevoerd worden over het al dan niet toelaten van minaretten en kruisbeelden en er druk gedaan wordt over de verworvenheden van het christendom in onze westerse wereld, kunnen we niet nalaten een klein steentje bij te dragen. Vooral dan over de onuitwisbare indruk die een zekere vorm van christendom bij bepaalde mensen heeft nagelaten zonder dit te willen veralgemenen. Maar enkel op voorwaarde dat de tegenstanders van de islam ook niet zouden veralgemenen.

December 4-6, 2009

Catholic Priest Sex Abuse

The Rape of Irish Children


The publication on November 26th of the report by Judge Yvonne Murphy into how the Irish State handled allegations of child sex abuse by priests in the Dublin diocese prompted widespread calls for action against both bishops and State officials. But so far, no sign.

The report found that hundreds of allegations against scores of priests over a 30-year period had been covered up by successive archbishops of Dublin and ignored - even when evidence was handed to them - by the gardai (police). The report found that senior gardai routinely referred complaints to the Church and allowed the Church to conduct investigations or not, and to take action or not. Not was the Church’s consistent preference.
The allegations ranged from “touching up” to “ordinary” rape to stuffing a crucifix into a child’s vagina.

The report detailed: one priest admitting sexually abusing more than 100 children; another confessing that he had abused on average once a fortnight during a 25-year stint; one complaint made against a priest which had been ignored, allowing the abuser to violate at least six other children; one case in which gardai took 20 years to decide on a prosecution.

Murphy reported regular “inappropriate contacts” between the civil authorities and the Archdiocese. “A number of very senior members of the gardaí, including the Commissioner (Patrick Costigan) [the State’s top policeman in the early 1960s] clearly regarded priests as being outside their remit.”

The report concludes: “The welfare of the children, which should have been the first priority, was not even a factor to be considered.”

Whether the report will lead to change even in the long term may be doubted. Even now, the Vatican will likely be pondering the latest dispatches from the Irish battle-front and pursing its lips with satisfaction that it hasn’t taken a serious hit.

Hard pounding, Your Holiness, but we’re coming through in good shape.

This confidence of the outcome has been most clearly expressed in the continuance of the cover-up even after the report’s publication. More brazen than ever, the conspirators are hiding in clear sight.

There’s scarcely a bishop in the 26 Irish dioceses who hasn’t issued a statement in the past fortnight explaining how dismayed/distressed/shocked/bewildered he’s been to discover the extent of the depravity perpetrated by priests and the failure of some of his fellow bishops to alert the civil authorities. Some of the more plausible performers have been wheeled out to widen their eyes for the cameras in displays of wonderment....“I cannot begin to understand the mentality...” They still take the people for fools.

Complaints of clerical abuse of children in Ireland have been in the public arena for at least 25 years. Occasionally, flurries of allegations have resulted in spates of publicity. But these tended to be short-lived. The local bishop might even apologise in the local paper. The response of the Northern as well as the Southern Irish State ranged from the inadequate to the inert. But you could bet the Lenten Collection that the Church itself was paying attention throughout, tracking every complaint, monitoring reaction, clucking with satisfaction that the faith of the people remained strong and resistant to any radical conclusion.

Now they ask the people to believe that they didn’t have an inkling of the full extent of the criminality until very recently. They never discreetly enquired of one another during prayer breaks at their conclaves at Maynooth or All Hallows, How’s that business with Fr. So-and-so going? Any more word about that wee girl from such-and-such? Is the mother in that other case still on-side?

Pull the other one, your Lordships, it’s got church-bells on.

The Church’s enmeshment with the State helps explain this confidence. On December 1st, Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Brian Cowan claimed in parliament that the Vatican had “acted in good faith” in refusing to cooperate with Judge Murphy. The authorities in Rome and their representative in Ireland, the Papal Nuncio, had refused even to answer letters from Murphy asking for access to their files on abuse allegations.

A State which had genuine concern for its children would have responded to the report by taking decisive action to remove the Catholic bishops as patrons of primary schools. Three thousand of 3,200 primaries in the Republic have bishops as patrons - with the power to hire and fire and complete control over the school’s “ethos”. No less appropriate category of men could be imagined to have such power over the moral formation of children. But not a single member of parliament - not one! - has urged the Government to take this obvious action.

Control of education is at the heart of the matter. A ferocious determination to secure the right to train the consciousness of the next generation dictated the Catholic hierarchy’s attitude to the emerging Irish State in the early years of the last century. Give us your children and we’ll give you our backing against the British and help shore up your State. The State was born in the embrace of the Church and hasn’t fully recovered from its origins

In the North, the Church did its dirty deal with the anti-Catholic Unionists. Control of the education of the children of Catholic parents in return for a commitment to keep the Catholics as docile as possible. The arrangement lasted at least into the 1980s, when the Northern bishops told the British government that if it proceeded with a plan to integrate teacher training the Church would be unable to restrain the anger of the faithful. That is, Lay a finger on our control of teacher training and we’ll stop condemning the IRA from the pulpit. And it worked.

Not that the IRA - now transmogrified into Sinn Fein - has proven any more useful that the other useless parties to the raped children of Ireland.

Consider a case from the North: A priest is transferred from the South into a Derry parish. The night before he arrives, the priests in the parochial house are visited by an emissary from the bishop who tells them to “keep an eye” on their new colleague, and specifically to ensure that he is not left alone with children. Over the next few months, despite two curates taking turns to follow him around, he rapes two little girls. The family of one of the girls informs the bishop. He ignores them. They then write to the Cardinal, the most senior Churchman on the island, describing the assault on their daughter in heart-rending terms and the shattering effect both on her and the family. The Cardinal acknowledges the letter, expresses sympathy - and assures the family that he will remember them in his prayers. The rapist is moved out of the parish and hidden in a monastery in the South. When he is traced there and exposed, the bishop lies in public that the Church had earlier informed the civil authorities of the allegations. The priest is eventually jailed.

The bishop concerned has been among those seen on television in the past fortnight explaining that the situation in his diocese regarding the handling of allegations of child sex abuse has always been tickedy-boo.


10-12-2009 om 23:41 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

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Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen een laatste Britse rockabillyband:

The Polecats

09-12-2009 om 21:06 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

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Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Free Majid Tavakoli
Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen Terwijl we in Belgistan de voordelen mogen smaken van een soort klassejustitie die frauderende miljardairs bijna tot staatshelden uitroept gaat het leven in Teheran zijn gewone gang. Gewone gang wil zeggen: de studenten zetten hun protesten verder en de milities jagen op alles wat van ver of van dichtbij op een student lijkt. Jullie kunnen de beelden bekijken op een Iraanse blog die alle beelden tracht te verzamelen. Spijtig voor ons is de commentaar in hun eigen taal en die kunnen we tot nader order niet vertalen...

jullie zien hier een voorbeeld van studentenjacht en als je de link aanklikt zit je meteen goed:

Nog een ander interessant nieuwtje:

Majid Tavakoli Brutally Beaten and Injured During Arrest ضرب و جرح شدید مجید توکلی هنگام بازداشت و گزارشات جعلی رسانه‌های دولت

December 9, 2009

Majid Tavakoli

December 08, 2009

The detained student activist who was violently arrested by intelligence agents yesterday is facing torture.

HRA-The Prisoners’ Rights Unit of HRA reports that Majid Tavakoli was arrested yesterday as he and his friends were leaving Amir Kabir University via its Hafez Street gate. The arresting agents were waiting for him in a white minivan without a license plate and an unmarked Peugeot 405 sedan.

The agents severely beat and injured Majid during the arrest. The amount of violence and brutality used in the arrest shocked passer-bys.

Eyewitnesses told HRA that a group of students accompanied Majid on his way out after he gave a speech at the Student’s Day ceremony at Amir Kabir University. Majid, who was wearing a dark jacket at the time of his speech, changed to a beige jacket with the help of students and people who were present. He then left the university via its Hafez street gate and headed to College intersection, along with a few other activists.

At the College intersection (Enghelab ave. & Hafez str.) he and his 4 friends were intercepted by a white minivan and a Peugeot 405. He was dragged violently into the car.

An eyewitness who is an expelled Amir Kabir university student told the HRA that, “All the pictures published by the state media are false and a clear use of immoral means against student and civil activists in Iran.”

Reports suggest that Majid Tavakoli was first taken to a detention center on Nejatollahi Street, where he was tortured by intelligence agents, who then took him to an unknown location. Intelligence agents have been trying to falsify the circumstances around Majid Tavakoli’s arrest. Eyewitnesses have denied all the news published by pro-Ahmadinejad media.

The violence exercised during the arrest, as well as the coverage given by the media close to intelligence milieus, has become a cause for extreme concern about the fate of Majid Tavakoli.

Majid Tavakoli was once held for 15 months, accused of publishing false articles, but he was acquitted of the charges 2 years ago. He exposed 70 cases of tortures to which he had been subjected during his detention.

He was arrested a second time during a memorial for Bazargan (IRI’s first Prime Minister) and held for 115 days in solitary at ward 209 of Evin. He was recently released on heavy bail.

Hier kunnen we Majid Tavakoli bezig horen en zien voor zijn arrestatie

12/09/09 Bookmark and Share
Iranian Student Activists Condemn Arrest of Their Pee

Source: Radio Zamaneh

Majid Tavakoli

Islamic Association of Amir Kabir University Students condemned the arrest of Majid Tavakoli and expressed their full support for him despite state efforts to ridicule him.

State media published images of Majid Tavakoli claiming that he was trying to escape the campus "dressed as a woman." Amir Kabir student association claims these reports merely reveal the "dictatorship's fury" against Majid Tavakoli for his criticism of "oppression."

The statement issued by the Amir Kabir Student Association says: "The grand and widespread protests of resistant students all across the country have frazzled the lowly oppressors so they have no other recourse than dressing up Majid Tavakoli in disguise."

They maintain that Majid Tavakoli is the "pride of the student movement" and the resistance of students "be it dressed in female or male clothing" will persist until the establishment of democracy.

December 7 protests at Amirkabir University

Reportedly on December 7, Majid Tavakoli was beaten in the vicinity of the University, arrested and taken to an unknown location.

He was also arrested two years ago in the course of student protests and was released after 115 days in prison.

He was also imprisoned with two other peers for 15 months on another occasion accused of "propaganda against the system, offending the sacred and publishing falsehoods."

09-12-2009 om 20:57 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

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  • AOFle08/12/2009 à 17:24

Marchés : la confusion s'accroît


(AOF) - Le moral des investisseurs est en berne, pénalisé par une succession de mauvaises nouvelles. Aucune région du globe n'est épargnée. Au Moyen-Orient, la crise à Dubaï ne s'éteint pas aussi rapidement qu'escompté. La Bourse de l'émirat a chuté de 6,12% à un plus bas de 21 semaines tandis que sa voisine d'Abou Dhabi a abandonné 3,36% pour terminer à son plus bas niveau depuis 31 semaines. Les opérateurs attendent des éclaircissements concernant la restructuration du conglomérat public Dubai Word, qui a sollicité un moratoire de six mois sur le remboursement de 26 milliards de dollars de dettes.

Les autorités de Dubaï assurent soutenir le conglomérat mais sans garantir sa dette.

Alors que la situation tarde à s'éclaircir au Moyen-Orient, le président de la Fed, Ben Bernanke, a refroidi les investisseurs hier soir en déclarant que les Etats-Unis avaient encore un long chemin à parcourir avant que la reprise soit "autonome" et signifié clairement qu'un relèvement des taux n'était pas près d'arriver.

Dans cet environnement morose, la décision de l'agence Fitch Rating de dégrader la notation de la Grèce, de A- à BBB+ avec perspective négative - le lendemain de la mise sous surveillance négative par Standard & Poor's - a fini de déstabiliser les opérateurs. Fitch a souligné les fortes inquiétudes causées par les finances publiques du pays et les incertitudes sur la reprise économique.

La Bourse d'Athènes chute de 6% tandis qu'à Paris, le CAC 40 s'apprête à clôturer sur une baisse de 1,55%. Selon certains analystes, la chute de la production de l'industrie allemande en octobre (-1,8%), dévoilée une heure avant l'annonce de Fitch, a également contribué à la baisse des marchés européens. Dopé par la remontée de l'aversion pour le risque, le dollar poursuit sa progression face à l'euro.

Attendu depuis des mois, le repli de la monnaie unique pourrait se prolonger. La Grève vient d'être dégradée, mais fortement endettés et touchés de plein fouet par la crise, l'Irlande, le Portugal et l'Espagne inquiètent également les économistes.

08-12-2009 om 22:05 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

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Categorie:Een uitgesproken "Grr#!!♪♫@||#♫♪☻"-Kitokojungle-Opinie !!
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Na de landen...we beginnen weer met Griekenland
na de bankcrisis lijken we nu regelrecht af te stevenen op de crisis van ganse landen binnen de Europese muntzone...sommige landen hebben torenhoge buitenlandse schulden, nietwaar waarde landgenoten en sommigen zijn er nog slechter aan toe dan de lege schapraaien van Leterme....
en vergeet de vorige beelden uit Griekenland zeker comhinatie van wat je hieronder leest en wat je in de beelden gezien hebt...????

Greece put on standby for debt downgrade

Fears over the solvency of Greece reached a new level on Monday night as Standard & Poors put the country's debt on notice for an imminent downgrade.

By Jamie Dunkley
Published: 9:05PM GMT 07 Dec 2009

The agency placed the country on credit watch negative, meaning it is likely to lose its A- rating within months. The country already has the lowest credit rating in the eurozone, but has come under greater scrutiny amid fears that its newly-elected government may avoid imposing significant cuts on the public finances.

The news, which coincided with a separate warning from Jean-Claude Trichet, European Central Bank president, pushed interest rates on Greek bonds to their highest levels in seven months.

In its assessment of Greece’s finances, S&P said that the govenment’s fiscal consolidation plans are “unlikely to secure a sustained reduction in fiscal deficits and the public debt burden”.

In the absence of further measures, S&P added that Greece’s general government debt burden could reach 125pc of GDP in 2010, the largest in the eurozone, or move even higher over the medium term. The next notch down from Greece’s current level would be BBB+, which is still in investment grade territory, albeit only narrowly.

Mr Trichet indicated that the moves carried out so far by the new government had not been sufficient to arrest the fiscal crisis. He said to the European parliament: “we all know the very important and courageous decisions that will have to be taken”.

Some commentators suspect that Greece is particularly vulnerable to a fiscal crisis, since, as a euro member, it does not have the luxury of being able to devalue its currency or inflate its way out of a growing fiscal burden. It must either deflate and accept slow and painful economic stagnation, or default on its debts, calling the wider euro project into question.

Following the recent crisis in Dubai, investors have become doubly sensitive to the risks of sovereign debt crises, with others warning that the UK is similarly exposed.

S&P also revised its outlook on Portugal’s sovereign-credit rating to “negative” from “stable”, blaming a deterioration in public finances.

The agency said Portugal’s public deficit could be higher than the 8pc of output foreseen this year, with its debt-to-gross domestic product ratio possibly hitting 90pc or more by 2011.

It added that trimming the budget would likely be complicated by structural weaknesses in the economy and weak competitiveness that would hamper growth. The agency said the economy was likely to show a 2.9pc contraction this year.

“The outlook reflects our view of the increased potential for a rating downgrade due to the larger deterioration in Portugal’s public finances than we previously expected, including an expected rapid increase in the debt-to-GDP ratio to more than 90 percent by 2011,” S&P credit analyst Kai Stukenbrock said in a statement.,1518,665679,00.html


Timebomb for the Euro

Greek Debt Poses a Danger to Common Currency

By Wolfgang Reuter

As economic indicators have improved, concern about the financial crisis has abated. But the next big problem could be approaching. Greece's public deficit is skyrocketing and the country may become insolvent. The effect on Europe's common currency could be dire.

Josef Ackermann, the CEO of Deutsche Bank, has given the all-clear signal many times in the past. He has repeatedly said that the worst was over, only to see the financial crisis strengthen its grip on the world economy.

Last week, however, Ackermann was singing a completely different tune. Although many indicators are once again pointing skyward, he said at a Berlin summit on the economy, Chancellor Angela Merkel, the assembled cabinet ministers, corporate CEOs and union leaders should not to be deluded. He warned emphatically that the financial situation could deteriorate once again. "A few time bombs" are still ticking, Ackermann told his audience, noting that the growing problems of highly leveraged small countries could lead to new tremors. And then, almost casually, Ackermann mentioned the problem child of the European financial world by name: Greece.

Ackermann isn't alone in his opinion. Practically unnoticed by the public, an issue has returned to the forefront in recent weeks -- one that was a cause for great concern at the height of the financial crisis but then, as optimism about the economy began to grow, was eventually forgotten: the fear of a national bankruptcy in the euro zone. And the question as to whether such a bankruptcy, should it come about, could destroy the common European currency.

Greece was always at the very top of the list of countries at risk. But now the danger appears to be more acute than ever.

Insuring Against Default

The seismographs in the trading rooms at investment banks detected the initial tremors weeks ago. Today, when the code "Greece CDS 10Yr" appears on Bloomberg terminals, a curve at the bottom of the screen points sharply upward. It reflects the price that banks are now charging to insure 10-year Greek government bonds against default.

The price of these securities has jumped dramatically since Greek Finance Minister Giorgos Papakonstantinou announced three weeks ago that his country's budget deficit would reach 12.7 percent of gross domestic product this year, instead of the 6 percent originally forecast -- and well about the 3 percent limit foreseen by European Union rules.

A second curve is the mirror image of the first. It depicts the price of government bonds from the euro-zone country. It points sharply downward.

Greece already pays almost 2 percent more in interest on its debt than Germany. In other words, at a total debt of €270 billion ($402 billion), Greece will be paying €5 billion more in annual interest than it would if it were Germany. And, with rating agencies threatening to downgrade the country's already dismal credit rating, the situation is only likely to get worse.

The finance ministers and central bankers of the euro-zone member states are as alarmed as they are helpless. "The Greek problem," says a senior administration official in Berlin, "will be an acid test for the currency union."

No Buyers Can Be Found

Greece has already accumulated a mountain of debt that will be difficult if not impossible to pay off. The government has borrowed more than 110 percent of the country's economic output over the years, and if investors lose confidence in the bonds, a meltdown could happen as early as next year.

That's when the government borrowers in Athens will be required to refinance €25 billion worth of debt -- that is, repay what they owe using funds borrowed from the financial markets. But if no buyers can be found for its securities, Greece will have no choice but to declare insolvency -- just as Mexico, Ecuador, Russia and Argentina have done in past decades.

This puts Brussels in a predicament. European Union rules preclude the 27-member bloc from lending money to member states to plug holes in their budgets or bridge deficits.

And even if there were a way to circumvent this prohibition, the consequences could be disastrous. The lack of concern over budget discipline in countries like Spain, Italy and Ireland would spread like wildfire across the entire continent. The message would be clear: Why save, if others will eventually foot the bill?

A Domino Effect

On the other hand, if Brussels left the Greeks to their own devices, the consequences would also be dire. Confidence in the euro would be shattered, and the union would face a crucial test. What good is a common currency, many would ask, if some of the member states pay their debts while others do not?

Furthermore, there is a threat of a domino effect. If one euro member falls, speculators will test the stability of other potential bankruptcy candidates. This could destroy the currency union. Because of this systemic risk, say the economists at the Swiss bank UBS, "we believe that if a country is facing a problem with debt repayment or issuance, it will be supported.

A default of a euro-group country doesn't worry the monetary policy hawks at the Bundesbank, Germany's central bank. "So what if Greece stops paying its debts?" one of the executive board members asked at a recent banquet in Frankfurt. "The euro is strong enough to take it." The real threat, he says, is if Brussels comes to the Greeks' aid. "Then the currency union will turn into an inflation union."

But it remains to be seen whether politicians can maintain such an unbending approach. The prices for Greek government bonds plunged once in the past, until then German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrück, to the horror of the Bundesbank, publicly pledged to help the Greeks if necessary. There is much to be said for the government taking exactly the same position today.

Can Bankruptcy Be Prevented?

A national bankruptcy in Greece would have a serious impact on Germany, where many banks have invested heavily in the high-yield Greek treasury bonds -- after borrowing the money to buy the bonds from the European Central Bank (ECB) or other central banks at rates of 1-2 percent. Making money doesn't get much easier -- as long as the Greeks remain solvent.

But can a Greek bankruptcy even be prevented anymore? The answer, at least initially, depends heavily on the ECB. Will the custodian of the euro continue to accept Greek bonds as collateral for short-term liquidity assistance, or will it turn down the securities in the future? Another possibility is a compromise, under which the banks would pay additional interest when they submit Greek bonds.

The next meeting of the ECB takes place on Dec. 17. "The subject will be on the agenda," say officials in Frankfurt. Time is of the essence.

Central bankers in the euro zone are already speculating, behind closed doors, what would happen if the Greeks started printing euros without ECB approval. There is no answer to the question, and that makes central bankers from Lisbon to Dublin even more nervous than they are already.

Massaging Budget Figures

And more mistrustful. In 2004, it was discovered, completely by accident, that Greece had only managed to qualify for entry into the currency union by massaging its budget figures. The Greeks have only complied with the Maastricht criteria once since the introduction of the euro, in 2006.

Even those figures may have been doctored. At the time, the Greeks managed to increase their official gross national product by a hefty 25 percent, partly because they included the black market and prostitution in economic output. This brought down the deficit rate -- on paper, at any rate -- to 2.9 percent.

The figures representing Greece's budget deficit are constantly being revised upward. The most recent uptick, by close to 7 percent, is a record for Europe -- and it comes in a country that was relatively unaffected by the financial crisis. This year, the Greek economy will have shrunk by only 1.2 percent, say Greek economists. Next year they expect the economy to return to grown, albeit modest.

Particularly vexing to the remaining EU countries is the fact that Greece has profited from its EU membership for decades. Year after year, net transfers from Brussels have exceeded payments moving in the opposite direction by €3 billion to €6 billion. These numbers, too, have often been suspect. At times, the land area declared for agricultural subsidies was incorrect, and sometimes approval conditions were not met.

Resolute Words

Nevertheless, EU politicians find their hands tied. "The game is over," the chairman of the euro group, Jean-Claude Juncker, declared recently, only to turn around and assure the country of his solidarity. "I don't have the slightest suspicion that Greece could go bankrupt -- anyone speculating that this will happen is deluding himself," says Juncker.

His resolute words were directed at investment bankers in London, Frankfurt and New York. They know full well that Greece is indeed on the brink of bankruptcy, but they don't know whether the EU will, as Juncker insinuated, come to the aid of member state Greece. Juncker's message, in other words, was that those speculating on a bankruptcy could be left out in the cold.

The EU has now begun a tougher approach to Greece. Three weeks ago, the government in Athens received a rebuke from Brussels, followed by another one last week. So far, however, the Greek government has shown little inclination to take any significant steps. It does intend to reduce the deficit, but only to 9.1 percent next year. This is far too little for many European foreign ministers. As the new Greek finance minister, Giorgos Papakonstantinou, recently announced, the country will need at least four years to get its deficit under control "without jeopardizing the economic recovery."

But by then the government deficit will have reached about €400 billion, or about 150 percent of GDP. Servicing that amount of debt, even at current interest rates of about 5 percent, will make up at least one third of government spending.

A London investment banker is betting on the continued decline of prices for Greek bonds in the short term, while simultaneously waiting for the right time to start buying the securities again. He jokes: "If someone has €1,000 in debt, he has a problem. If someone has €10 million in debt, his bank has a problem. And the bank, in this case, is Europe."

08-12-2009 om 21:40 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

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Green Fuel

While these useless summits are held around the planet,

has become the only country in the world to go totally Green

& we are proud of it.

08-12-2009 om 21:14 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

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Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Griekenland: Links en rechts zelfde strijd en provocaties
Al tijdens de vorige rellen in Athene doken beelden op van provocateurs langs de kant van de politie. Nooit werd er veel aandacht besteed aan dit fenomeen. Ondertussen werd de rechtse regering weggestemd en is de zogezegde linkse PASOK aan de macht gekomen en wat is er veranderd? Lees hier de getuigenis van teacher Dude en bekijk de videobeelden hieronder van december 2008 en vervolgens van gisteren...

bron: Teacher Dude (link hiernaast)

December 08, 2009

Video showing Greek police and agent provocateurs, possibly far right Chrysi Aygi working together

The video was taken by demonstraters in Hania, Crete who were marching in memory of Alexandros Grigoropoulos shot by police last December. As you can see men, dressed in garb usually associated with anarchist protesters are quite happy to stand just a few metres away from the riot police. There have been persistent rumours that some of the damage caused by protesters over the last few days has been the work of agent provocateurs who blend in with the crowd and initiate violence in order to justify police intervention.

On the other hand if there are plain clothes officers who wish to act covertly in order to pinpoint trouble makers they do not seem unduly worried about being noticed by the marchers.

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posted by teacher dude at 8:41 PM 1 comments

PR and punishment - Greek police's new zero tolerance policy

6.12.2009, originally uploaded by e_vra.

The Greek media has been full of praise of the way in which the recently elected PASOK government as handled the disturbances over the last few days. The new zero - tolerance policing policy announced by the minister for the protection of the citizen, Mihalis Chrisoidis has been credited with limiting the extent of violence, especially in Athens.

On the other hand the TV channels have gleefully lapped up images of young proesters throwing rocks and stones at the riot police and have been flooding the airways with stories of anarchist plots and police discoveries of caches of petrol boms and other rioting paraphenalia. In addition the record numbers of detentions and arrests have been presented in a positive light, sign that the police have got serious about cracking down on trouble makers.

In a sense this is a repeat of the media coverage of last years uprising when the media spent at least a week blaming Greece's worst civil disturbances ina generation on hooilgans and looters, as if the hundreds of thousands who took to the streets in proests across the nation were nothing more than rampaging football fans looking for a fight.

Once again the media coverage has almost completely ignored the thousands who demonstarted peacefully this year and focused on the scenes of violence which are presented simply as acts of mindless vandalism. Indeed the channels ahve been falling over each other to see who can condemn the protests most, blindly accepting any figure or statement issued by the police, ignoring the opinions of anyone not in a position of authority.

On the other hand the Greek language blogosphere and elsewhere on the internet there is growing resentment of the way of this and especially the way in which the violence of te police has eitther been played down or completely overlooked. Reporters, who should know better have simply decided to report the official version events and leave out any loose ends such as eyewitness accounts of those actually present.

On epersonal example involves the march on Sunday here in Thessaloniki when the police went into action almost immediately after it started. Just moments after the protest moved off the people from the anarchist block started attacking shops selling religious goods, a supermarket and banks, quickly prompting the riot police and motorcycle units to intervene. The sight of police officers on motorbikes mounting pavements and driving through crowds of people running in panic through clouds of tear gas is not one I'll forget soon.

In the general mayhem the marchers, who are nearly always organised in blocks according to political affiliation, soon scattered and mixed and that is how I ended up with about two hundred other just below the ex-ministry of Macedonia and Thrace surrounded by riot squads who fired tear gas rounds into the group and beat anyone who tried to move away from the area.

Even after it was clear that they had control of the area, officers continued to club and kick those on the ground and refused medical help to the injured. Instead they shouted insults and threats at anyone who looked at them.

I cannot vouch for the character of each and everyone there but from my knowledge of the groups that regularly take part in marches the vast majority of these people were not trouble makers or bomb throwers. They belong to student groups that abhor such tactics and believe that those who commit such acts damage their cause. They, like me just happened to be in swept up with a tide of people desperately runningaway from police with clubs firing tear gas. Like me, they did not break away from the main group knowing full well that in such a situation small groups or individuals are easy prey for police units with a grudge and a truncheon.

The media however, reported that the police had isolated and captured a group of anarchists and had confiscated a large number of petrol bombs, gas masks and clubs and that 88 people had been taken in for qustioning and 20 arrested. Despite the presence of a number of TV camera crews for over an hour I saw no footage of those inside the police cordon being asked their opinion or saying what had happened, instead just fleeting glances of people on the floor followed by pictures of the weapons supposedly confiscated. If their had indeed been such a cache present the density of the crowd and the fact that nobody was searched till hours later would have meant that those carrying such things would have had ample opportunity to get dump them out of their bags or pockets.

What we had instead was PR and punishment, the police knew that whatever version of the truth they said would be accepted without question and that the sight of them with so many prisoners would vandicate their new get tough policy, irrespctive of whether they'd actually captured anyone who'd broken the law. On the other hand those caught up in this farce would have to endure a night in the cells, possibly weeks in court explaining their case.

The same approach was also true of the events in Athens when motorcycle cops also rode their machines into crowds of demonstartors, seriously injuring a 55 year old teacher, while the footage was shown it was presented as an unfortunate accident. No mention however was made at all of the officer who after gunning his bike into people was pulled off. In a fit of rage he pulled out his pistol and chased them.

I'm not sure what exactly lies behind the new media landscape and why so few reporters have been critical of the present situation but with the Greek media feeling the effects of the country's economic crisis theose who own the private media outlets are unlikely to antagonise a government which in a position to provide a steady revenue stream in the form of ads and contracts.

08-12-2009 om 21:00 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

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Categorie:Een uitgesproken "Grr#!!♪♫@||#♫♪☻"-Kitokojungle-Opinie !!
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Freddy Fingers Lee
Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen en dan ons favoriet showbeest van de ouwe Britse rockabillygarde...Freddy Fingers Lee en we hebben het ontegensprekelijke genoegen gehad om hem ooit live te mogen meemaken ....altijd de moeite waard...en een uitstekende pianist

(one eyed) Freddy Fingers Lee

08-12-2009 om 20:35 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

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Categorie:Een uitgesproken "Grr#!!♪♫@||#♫♪☻"-Kitokojungle-Opinie !!
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.een bonusbijdrage over Crazy cavan
Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen Een mooi voorbeeld van een optreden in de jaren 80 zoals je hier ook regelmatig kon meemaken maar dan met veel meer volk
uit de Harley-milieus...

07-12-2009 om 22:03 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

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Categorie:Een uitgesproken "Grr#!!♪♫@||#♫♪☻"-Kitokojungle-Opinie !!
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Crazy Cavan
Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen Het boegbeeld van de Britse Rockabilly is zeker en vast Crazy Cavan. Samen met matchbox kwamen ze ook regelmatig naar onze gewesten en mits weer de juiste huidpigmenten en de juiste introducties kon je inderdaad ambiance opsnuiven en vooral de geur van Jack Daniels Whisky...

07-12-2009 om 21:44 geschreven door Vorser-Raadgever  

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Categorie:Een uitgesproken "Grr#!!♪♫@||#♫♪☻"-Kitokojungle-Opinie !!

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