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This is provided for informational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for evaluation and treatment by a healthcare professional. This self-assessment information does not capture identifiable information in any manner. <p>Your browser does not support iframes. Please see the tool at</p>
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Social media provides a unique opportunity to engage the public on critical public health issues such as H1N1 (Swine) flu. To encourage information sharing, collaboration, and interactivity, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have developed the tools listed below.
Available widgets
A widget is an application that displays the featured content directly on personalized home pages, blogs, and other sites. After embedding the widget using the code provided, no maintenance is required. and CDC will update the content automatically.
Social networks have become an increasingly important part of the online experience and are used daily by millions of people. By posting information about H1N1 flu on social networks, makes it much easier for people to share this critical information with friends, family, coworkers and acquaintances.
Online video helps disseminate timely information and key messages about the H1N1 flu in an engaging format. Providing on-demand videos on our YouTube channels allows people to watch video as their schedule permits and to easily share and embed these videos on personalized home pages, blogs, and other sites.
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, an easy way to stay updated on news and information that are important to you and reduce the time it takes to browse or search for new information on Web sites. Subscribe to these RSS feeds for ongoing news related to the H1N1 flu outbreak and seasonal flu.
Podcasts and other audio files can be listened to directly on a computer or downloaded for use on a mobile device. Making news and information about H1N1 portable helps increase convenience and expands the audience.
CDC experts are guest blogging on WebMD's Focus on Flu
Public Health Matters from the CDC's National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (CDC)
Electronic greeting cards, or eCards, are a great way to keep your friends, family and coworkers informed. Send them tips for staying healthy and avoiding the flu by washing their hands.
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