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Many people don t succeed in losing enough weight with a diet and exercise alone and need some extra help with their weight loss:
Reductil, Xenical and Acomplia are prescription-only medicines approved for the treatment of obesity (overweight).
Reductil (Meridia in the US) works on certain control centers in the brain and decreases your appetite: you will sooner feel satisfied, eating less food. Reductil is taken once a day in combination with a reduced calorie diet and an exercise program.
Xenical is a fat blocker: it works by inhibiting the action of fat-digesting enzymes so that 30% of daily eaten fat passes through the intestines undigested. Xenical has to be taken with each of the three main meals. Together with a mildly low-caloric diet this will help you to reduce your weight.
Acomplia, is not availble at the moment because Sanofi temporarily suspend the marketing authorisation of Acomplia.
Only a doctor can assess if you need these medications and if they are OK for you.
There is an important criterion to help you determine how much weight you should lose: Body Mass Index or BMI: since your height and weight is related to your body fat, BMI gives an indication if you are too much overweight. If you are 100 kg and 1,80 m your BMI is 100/ 1,8x1,8= 30,9. When your BMI is 25 or less you are OK. If your BMI is over 25 you have to take action.
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