This is one of my best twitter tips. On this blog post Ill explain you how to get more twitter followers in short time.
All this blog post is based on my own personal experience and on what I have read about twitter.
The best way I know how to get more twitter followers is by mass following and unfollowing.
When I want to get twitter followers first thing which I do is
posting some interesting tweets (that contain some usefull and
interesting tips, tricks and links) on my twitter profile (this way my
twitter profile will draw more peoples attention).
It is also important to fill out your twitter profiles bio section
(you can see this field on the right side of your twitter profile which
describes what your twitter account is about). You had better put there
some info about your twitter account or about you. Some researches
proove that if you have filled out your twitter profiles bio section
number of people who will follow you back is much much greater then if
you leave this field blank.
On this web link you can read one blog post (containing some of my
best twitter tips) which prooves that twitter profiles which have bio
section filled out will attract 8 times as many twitter followers as one
without bio section filled out:
Another very important thing is putting on your twitter profile some
custom image. I usually use red colored images (instead of the default
image, because it is much more noticeable then when that is in some
other colors, and it will draw more peoples attention according to some
researches done in 60′s or 70′s).
Some internet marketers even suggest using custom twitter background
image instead of default one this way your twitter profile will look
more professional.
Then I find some other twitter profiles whose topic or subject is
related to the subject of my twitter profile and which has at least
several 10,000′s of followers (those twitter profiles are getting new
followers quickly, and this way you will avoid following the same people
You can find those twitter profiles on many twitter directories. The
best places where you can find those people are twitter directories
like:,,,,,, and many others.
You can search and find those people under relevant categories. You
had better find people who have a lot of followers (at least several
10,000′s twitter followers).
If you want to get targeted followers (people who are interested in
what you have to offer or are trying to promote) the best way is to
find some twitter profile with the same subject like your twitter
profile, and to follow his followers.
One day you should follow some 500 people (or his followers) on
twitter, and then after 48 hours or every other day you should first
follow (reciprocate) all those that began following you and then
unfollow all those that do not follow you, and then again follow another
500 people on twitter and repeat this process every other day. Im not
recommending following more people on twitter (more then 500) in order
not to get your twitter account suspended, as some people had
experienced this.
You can also find those people if you already have at least few
1000′s of followers by logging with your twitter profile username and
password into this service:, and by searching through your
followers (you do this by clicking on link Your Followers and by
sorting them clicking on drop down menu in which you can sort them by
number of followers; you can also see how many followers all your
followers have and if their twitter profile is related to your twitter
Im doing this myself every other day, and this way I get around 3000
followers every month. On one of my twitter profiles in few months I
got over 10,000 followers using this method.
Another very important thing to remember is that after following you
should wait around 48 hours and then repeat this process, for your
twitter account might get suspended. It is also very important not to
unfollow people right after following them, for the reason that there
are some people whose twitter accounts got suspended for this reason.
Also very important thing is to post tweets about some interesting
things on twitter (which contain some secrets, tips and other usefull
and interesting) this way you will attract more twitter followers.
Especially those tweets on the top (the several latest tweets) should be
very usefull and interesting. More interesting your twitter profile is
more people will follow you back. After following some 500 people on
twitter in the next two days I get around 200 people following me
There is one awsome automated twitter tool which can help you to
automate this job (mass following/unfollowing). This twitter tool is
called TwittAdder.
With this automated twitter tool you can unfollow all those that dont
follow you with one single click and also with one click to follow
someone elses followers, and save your time and effort. This tool also
has many other usefull features that can help you in your twitter
business and with your twitter profiles. CLICK HERE to find out more about this automated twitter tool