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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Custom Twitter Backgrounds

    The Twitter Design Experts is the industry leader when it comes to Twitter design. It's all we do! We've designed custom backgrounds for over 300 exceptionally satisfied clients. Leverage the power of your Twitter account with an affordable, high-quality custom Twitter background from our expert team. Take a look at our portfolio and testimonials and see exactly why we're the one and only choice for custom Twitter backgrounds.

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    Custom Twitter Backgrounds

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    19-02-2011 om 06:52 geschreven door twitter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Twitter Blog Nieuws News



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    Twitter Blog Nieuws News


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    Custom Twitter Backgrounds

    The Twitter Design Experts is the industry leader when it comes to Twitter design. It's all we do! We've designed custom backgrounds for over 300 exceptionally satisfied clients. Leverage the power of your Twitter account with an affordable, high-quality custom Twitter background from our expert team. Take a look at our portfolio and testimonials and see exactly why we're the one and only choice for custom Twitter backgrounds.


    "Great company and exceptional work."
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    "The process of designing my custom Twitter Background was satisfying from beginning to end." - Jerry Ford

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    "This looks fabulous!" - Darlene Cullen



    Custom Twitter Backgrounds


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    03-02-2011 om 00:00 geschreven door twitter  

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    About deze blog is de marktplaats van Nederland! Met meer dan 235.000 gebruikers en 17.000 (en groeiend aantal) bezoeken per dag de grootste website voor zelfstandige ZZP-ers/ondernemers en werkzoekenden..

    03-02-2011 om 00:00 geschreven door twitter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Twitter Basics

    Custom Twitter Backgrounds

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    What is Twitter?

    Twitter is an information network. Millions of people, organizations, and businesses use it to discover and share new information.

    Learn the Basics

    On Twitter, anyone can read, write and share messages of up to 140 characters. These messages, or Tweets, are public and available to anyone interested in them. Twitter users subscribe to your messages by following your account. Followers receive every one of your messages in their timeline, a feed of all the accounts they have subscribed to.

    When you combine messages that are quick to write, easy to read, public, opt-in, and accessible anywhere, you have a powerful, real-time way of communicating.

    What does Twitter do for businesses?

    As a business, you can use Twitter to quickly share information, gather market intelligence and insights, and build relationships with people who care about your company. Often, there is already a conversation about your business happening on Twitter.

    Start participating!


    Twitter users have developed short-form syntax to make the most of 140 characters. Here are the fundamentals.

    • Mention

      Once you've signed up and chosen a Twitter username, you and others can mention an account in your Tweets by preceding it with the @ symbol, eg: "Glad your shipment arrived @!"
    • Retweet

      When you see a Tweet by another user that you want to share, click Retweet below it to forward it to your followers instantly.
    • Message

      If you want to privately Tweet to a particular user who's already following you, start your Tweet with DM or D to direct-message them, eg: "DM @ what is your order number?"
    • Hashtag

      Users often prepend # to words in their Tweets to categorize them for others eg: "Check out our new products for the Fall: #fallsale" Think of hashtags as the theme of your Tweet. Users can then click on a hashtag to see other similarly-themed tweets and find yours in search.

    Best Practices

    Build your following, reputation, and customer's trust with these simple practices:

    1. Share. Share photos and behind the scenes info about your business. Even better, give a glimpse of developing projects and events. Users come to Twitter to get and share the latest, so give it to them!
    2. Listen. Regularly monitor the comments about your company, brand, and products.
    3. Ask. Ask questions of your followers to glean valuable insights and show that you are listening.
    4. Respond. Respond to compliments and feedback in real time
    5. Reward. Tweet updates about special offers, discounts and time-sensitive deals.
    6. Demonstrate wider leadership and know-how. Reference articles and links about the bigger picture as it relates to your business.
    7. Champion your stakeholders. Retweet and reply publicly to great tweets posted by your followers and customers.
    8. Establish the right voice. Twitter users tend to prefer a direct, genuine, and of course, a likable tone from your business, but think about your voice as you Tweet. How do you want your business to appear to the Twitter community?

    Twitter on the Go

    Making the most of Twitter is greatly facilitated with mobile phones. Whether you want to Tweet, or simply encourage your customers to read your Tweets, here are some features that can help.

    Fast Follow

    This is a simple way for people to get information they care about in real-time, a way to follow an account from a phone without signing up. For example: users can text 'follow twitter' to 40404 and receive Tweets from @ sent to their phone. Promoting this feature in a storefront window or a website is a great way to stay engaged with your customers, regardless if they're on Twitter or not.

    Read more about Fast Follow and international short codes.


    From a computer, or from a phone, Twitter users can elect to receive text message updates when your account Tweets. Mobile notifications can be a great way to promote exclusive content or coupons, among other promotions. If someone has signed up to be notified of your Tweets, whenever you tweet, they'll get it as an SMS message on their phone.

    Pro Tip: Tell your customers to click the phone icon next to the Following button on your profile on to receive your company's tweets on their phone.

    Tweet from anywhere

    Tweeting on the go will help you stay connected to your followers wherever you are. Applications that we have made include official clients for the Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows, and Blackberry phones. There are also numerous great applications to help you upload pictures and video, such as TwitPic, YFrog, Plixi, Flickr, and YouTube.

    03-02-2011 om 00:00 geschreven door twitter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Free Registration Twitter Socialoomph for more followers and much more

    Free Registration Twitter  Socialoomph for more followers and much more


    16-12-2010 om 00:00 geschreven door twitter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Twiends for more followers

    Want to know more about twiends?

    Get twitter followers, facebook fans and website visitors!

    Twiends is the number one tool for growing your online following.

    You can...

    • Get twitter followers and friends
    • Get facebook page likes
    • Get website visitors
    • Select a country focus and interests
    • Choose how quickly you want to grow
    • Get important notifications
    • View our active support forums

    How does it work?

    Twiends provides introductions to people looking for friends and followers. We use a fair credit system to create the incentive for you to check someone out. When you follow someone you earn credits from them, and vica versa when they follow you. You can decide how many credits you want to offer per follow, and when you run out you remain on the list so people can still follow you if they like. We focusing on making the introduction, and you focus on deciding who you want to be friends with in the long run. Despite our name, we are not a "get followers fast" site or a follower train. You get to choose who you friend and they get to do the same. In saying that though, you will find that a lot people will follow you because you are on the site. Our focus is community building.

    What is a credit?

    You offer credits to others as an incentive for them to follow you. They can then use the credit to do the same. It is purely a mechanism for encouraging people to check each other out, and it works.

    I don't want to follow others, I just want others to follow me.

    That's perfectly fine. You can list yourself on the site absolutely free. People will probably still check you out. You can also get credits through other means, such as referring friends or blogging about the site.

    I don't want credits, I just want to make some new friends.

    That's perfectly fine too. You can find and follow some new friends on the site without listing yourself too. By delisting yourself on your settings page you can still find and follow some interesting people without being listed yourself.

    Can I purchase credits?

    You can do that on the "credits" page when you're logged in.  All purchases are handled securely through PayPal. The credits purchased will appear in your account immediately.

    Why can't I set my offer to 1 credit?

    The minimum offer is 2 credits, but the site automatically deducts one credit during each follow. That's why offers always appear one credit lower than you set them. If you set it to 2, it will appear as 1. If you set it to 6, it will appear as 5. Deducting one credit during each follow is a very important part of the credit mechanism. It allows us to reintroduce those credits into the system in other ways, such as giving them to new users or to users who refer other users or blog about the site. It creates a better "flow" of credits on the site that encourages a lot of following. If we didn't do this then the credits in the system would inflate, and the incentive to follow others would diminish over time. We would also not be able to offer incentives for referrals and other community growing activities. All of this we have found out through extensive testing and analysis.

    Why are some people offering 0 credits?

    The reason you see 0 credit offers in the system is because those users have run out of credits and can no longer offer any, so they show as 0 until they get more credits. Generally people will stop following them because of this, which encourages them to log in and participate as well.

    Do you offer a VIP option?

    Yes, although it may work slightly differently than you're used to. Anybody that purchases credits on the site is marked as a VIP. This VIP status will last from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the package purchased.

    If I follow someone twice will I get the credits twice?

    No, I'm afraid not. That would be a little unfair on the person offering you the credits. You only get the credits once. Also, if you do a lot of following and unfollowing you risk having your account suspended by Twitter.

    What happens if my account is suspended by Twitter?

    As part of our terms of service you may only use with a fully active Twitter account. Suspended accounts will not be allowed to use the service. We take twitter's terms of service very seriously, please read our ethics page.

    What does the service cost me?

    Nothing. It's free..! You do have the option to purchase credits if you like, but everything is essentially free.

    Why does it say I can't follow someone?

    There are a few reasons why this can happen. The most common reason is when someone protects their updates. When this happens you will get the credits for following them the first time, but will not start following them until they approve you. You might also have followed the person outside of Once you've tried to follow them once they shouldn't show up in the list again.

    What is aggressive unfollowing?

    This is when someone follows a lot of people in the list and then unfollows them shortly thereafter. It's obviously something that our users don't like as they lose credits and don't get a new follower. When people churn the list they are effectively taking credits from others without giving anything in return. works on a system of mutual introduction. It's a trust system that says, I'll give you credits if you follow me for a reasonable amount of time and check me out. People that just churn the list are not even giving their new friends a chance. Our systems monitor for aggressive follower churning and when certain thresholds are hit you may not find any new friends to follow.

    Are you forcing me to follow others?

    Of course not. This is not the goal of The guideline I put in place is that you follow someone for at least a week to see if you like what they tweet about. If you find them offensive or spammy then you can of course unfollow them immediately. Over time you can decide who you want to be long-term friends with. We want our introductions to mean something, and we want you to honestly check out your new friends before unfollowing them.

    How can I close my account

    You can close your account on the settings page. You can also de-list yourself without closing your account on the settings page.

    How long does it take before I get my featured user slot.

    It usually takes a couple of days before you get your turn. Sometimes it can take a little longer if there's a long waiting list. Feel free to email me if you want to find out how long the wait is.

    Can you give me more information about the service?

    For sure. I have an information feed that provides extra information about how to get the most out of the site. Subscribe to the feed..

    What is your feed?

    The feed is a free service I offer. I provide useful information on it for getting more followers and growing your community.

    Your Privacy

    We use your personal information to provide the services you've requested (i.e. to process your order). We may also use this information for auditing, research and analysis to operate and improve our technologies and services. We will not pass your details on to any third parties.


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    07-12-2010 om 05:14 geschreven door twitter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.16 rules

    16 rules

    Get and stay out of your comfort zone.

    I believe that not much happens of any significance when we're in our comfort zone. I hear people say, "But I'm concerned about security." My response to that is simple: "Security is for cadavers."
    Never give up.

    Almost nothing works the first time it's attempted. Just because what you're doing does not seem to be working, doesn't mean it won't work. It just means that it might not work the way you're doing it. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it, and you wouldn't have an opportunity.
    When you're ready to quit, you're closer than you think.

    There's an old Chinese saying that I just love, and I believe it is so true. It goes like this: "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
    With regard to whatever worries you, not only accept the worst thing that could happen, but make it a point to quantify what the worst thing could be.

    Very seldom will the worst consequence be anywhere near as bad as a cloud of "undefined consequences." My father would tell me early on, when I was struggling and losing my shirt trying to get Parsons Technology going, "Well, Robert, if it doesn't work, they can't eat you."
    Focus on what you want to have happen.

    Remember that old saying, "As you think, so shall you be."
    Take things a day at a time.

    No matter how difficult your situation is, you can get through it if you don't look too far into the future, and focus on the present moment. You can get through anything one day at a time.
    Always be moving forward.

    Never stop investing. Never stop improving. Never stop doing something new. The moment you stop improving your organization, it starts to die. Make it your goal to be better each and every day, in some small way. Remember the Japanese concept of Kaizen. Small daily improvements eventually result in huge advantages.
    Be quick to decide.

    Remember what General George S. Patton said: "A good plan violently executed today is far and away better than a perfect plan tomorrow."
    Measure everything of significance.

    I swear this is true. Anything that is measured and watched, improves.
    Anything that is not managed will deteriorate.

    If you want to uncover problems you don't know about, take a few moments and look closely at the areas you haven't examined for a while. I guarantee you problems will be there.
    Pay attention to your competitors, but pay more attention to what you're doing.

    When you look at your competitors, remember that everything looks perfect at a distance. Even the planet Earth, if you get far enough into space, looks like a peaceful place.
    Never let anybody push you around.

    In our society, with our laws and even playing field, you have just as much right to what you're doing as anyone else, provided that what you're doing is legal.
    Never expect life to be fair.

    Life isn't fair. You make your own breaks. You'll be doing good if the only meaning fair has to you, is something that you pay when you get on a bus (i.e., fare).
    Solve your own problems.

    You'll find that by coming up with your own solutions, you'll develop a competitive edge. Masura Ibuka, the co-founder of SONY, said it best: "You never succeed in technology, business, or anything by following the others." There's also an old Asian saying that I remind myself of frequently. It goes like this: "A wise man keeps his own counsel."
    Don't take yourself too seriously.

    Lighten up. Often, at least half of what we accomplish is due to luck. None of us are in control as much as we like to think we are.
    There's always a reason to smile.

    Find it. After all, you're really lucky just to be alive. Life is short. More and more, I agree with my little brother. He always reminds me: "We're not here for a long time, we're here for a good time!"

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    03-12-2010 om 00:00 geschreven door twitter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt tool measures your twitter influence


    What is is a social media tool that measures your influence across the Web.

    For how Klout is calculated and how it measures your Twitter ranking, see below.

    The Klout Score gives a snapshot as to the popularity/influence of a user on Twitter.

    Class of tool: Brand Monitoring

    What makes it different? It is unique in its niche, of Twitter influence monitoring.

    Popularity: Alexa site ranking: 18,391 (worldwide traffic rank) with 308 sites linking in.

    Who is using? Every major and even slightly important Twitter user.

    Ease of use: Its just as simple as signing into your Twitter account.

    Time to setup: A couple of minutes.

    Time to maintain: None, once the account is setup. You might want to periodically check in and see if your rating is growing, or otherwise.

    What you need to know: Integrates with Hootsuite, a Twitter client. Helps in evaluating who to follow and who can be dropped (or unfollowed).

    Bottom line: The Klout Score is on a scale of 0 to 100 with 100 being the most influential. Your Klout is calculated with a combination of more than 25 variables. It analyzes the content of your tweets, who reads them and how they react to them.

    Once your account is setup, you'll be able to see a huge amount of statistics on your account, and thus your influence.

    Some of the available stats, aside from the Klout Score:

    • Reach
    • Demand
    • Engagement
    • Velocity
    • Content Stats (over the past 30 days)
    • Influence (growth or shrinkage over time)

    The major categories that affect your Klout Score are:

    1. True Reach
      • Reach: considers content quality and spread across Twitter
      • Demand: amount of people followed to reach current level of followers and reciprocation

      These variables are run though an analytics program to create the Klout Score.

      The result is a number, and also a placement on the influence graph, with 4 quadrants. Each quadrant is identified with a distinctive:

    2. Connector: Respected opinions and judgment among your sphere of influence. When you talk (or tweet) people listen.
    3. Persona: Either you are a famous person, or your very good at marketing yourself online. Its more than having a huge follower list - its about having a responsive audience.
    4. Casual: Twitter is not that important to your business. You gave it a try, and didn't go how you imagined. Maybe you're just getting started, or you just use Twitter as a news feed. Either way your tweets aren't affecting too many peoples lives.
    5. Climber: Going up? Your influence is gaining traction, and beginning to affect a larger crowd. The one drawback is that many spammers also fall into this category - with a large following, but without any one listening to them.

    The Klout Score is not only a measure of how your marketing is doing - its also helps promote your profile and tweets right now. The better the score, the better chance of being found, being followed, and having a hearing ear. is similar to Technorati, in that it provides a ranking, and as a result, popular accounts get rewarded in the search rankings.

    If you're on Twitter, you better get on Klout.

    03-12-2010 om 00:00 geschreven door twitter  

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    Categorie:Tools,social media tool that measures your influence across the Web
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Nieuwsmedia twitter

    Follow nieuwsmedia on Twitter

    04-11-2010 om 02:29 geschreven door twitter  

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    Tags:Nieuwsmedia twitter
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.GratisTwitter curcus voor beginners
    eel tijd heb ik?

    Als je aan Twitter begint gaat het tijd kosten. Een account beginnen en tweeten kan  probleemloos een uur per week maar wil je het goed doen, en een strategisch doel halen, dan ga je al gauw vier tot acht uur per week twitteren want je zult vanzelf allerlei interessante bronnen van kennis ontdekken.

    Er zijn  tools die in twee weken 2.000 nieuwe volgers bezorgen  maar de kwaliteit van die volgers is bedenkelijk. De vraag is  tot welke duidelijke meetbare verbetering  je investeringen in dergelijke tools moet  leiden?

    Luisteren blijft ook na de startfase een belangrijk onderdeel van Twitter . Social media zijn geschikt om de bewegingen van een grote groep te volgen en tegelijkertijd de tweet details van individuen.

    Bedrijf of persoon?

    Elke invulling is  mogelijk. De PVD heeft een Twitter account met een redactie van meerdere personen. De afzender van een tweet wordt duidelijk gemaakt door een kleine toevoeging achter de tweet. Bijvoorbeeld '^L' staat voor Leonardo

    Dell Computers  heeft meer dan 36 verschillende Twitter accounts voor verschillende doelgroepen.

    Privé of zakelijk?

    Het hangt af van je doel.  Aan politici wordt geadviseerd om rond de 30 procent privéberichten uit te komen. Voor hen is het belangrijk om 'de mens achter de politcus  te laten zien.

    Stap 1: Account inrichten

    Vul je Bio compleet in en vertel in 160 karakters wie je bent en wat je te bieden hebt. Maak het 'keyword rich': mensen vinden je op de termen die je gebruikt. Vul locatie en de website in en gebruik een duidelijke afbeelding. De achtergrond kun je aanpassen en biedt een uitstekende kans om iets te communiceren dat je doel ondersteunt zoals een link naar LinkedIn  of het aanmelden voor een nieuwsbrief.

    Stap 2:

    Open een account op en kort alle URLs  in tweets waardoor je kortere links krijgt en statistieken over hoeveel mensen op de link hebben geklikt.

    Stap 3: Luister

    Niemand leest alle tweets van de mensen die ze volgen. Maak zoekopdrachten om gericht te lezen naar wat er wordt getweet over de onderwerpen  die interessant zijn  zoals bedrijfsnaam, productnaam, namen en vaktermen.

    Stap 4: Reageer

    Retweet berichten die jij interessant vindt  en geef je volgers interessante informatie. Stuur een passend welkomstbericht aan nieuwe volgers; laat zien dat je openstaat voor contact.

    Reageer je terug want op die manier ondersteun je een conversatie en word je een deelnemer aan de social media wereld. Reageer op berichten door op reply te klikken.  Dan begint jouw antwoord  met @accountnaam.  Iedereen kan het  lezen maar degene aan wie je het richt vindt jouw bericht ook in de menubalk op zijn homepage terug. Bekijk ook regelmatig de berichten die je zelf op deze manier ontvangt.

    DMV  een Direct message kan verder niemand het bericht zien. Kies  bij je instellingen om een direct message via je e-mail te ontvangen. Je kunt alleen directe berichten sturen aan mensen die je volgt en op die manier staan de communicatielijnen open.

    Stap 5: Promoot

    Meld jezelf aan bij, en, socialoomph. Vermeld overal je Twitter adres. Plaats een "Follow us on Twitter" button op je website homepage, contactpagina en in je nieuwsbrief. Zet deze op Hyves, Facebook,LinkedIn en de reacties die je geeft op andere sites. Neem het adres op in Powerpointpresentaties en e-mailhandtekening, maar ook visitekaartjes en ander promotiemateriaal

    Ga een paar maanden tweets posten en laat zien wat je interessant vindt, dat geeft een beeld aan onbekende Twitteraars en van wat ze kunnen verwachten. Ze zullen geen account dat  niets of alleen privézaken tweet.

    Wat tweet  je?

    Als je  waardevolle  berichten post  worden dat er vanzelf twee of meer per dag en zullen mensen je vinden en gaan volgen. Om de aandacht van meer mensen te krijgen moet je het gedeeltelijk hebben van vrienden die het aan vrienden verder tweeten. Als mensen jouw berichten retweeten bouw jij je netwerk uit en daarom moeten je berichten interessant zijn voor jouw doelgroep. Hoe je tweets zo kort mogelijk want anderen moeten de ruimte hebben om iets toe te voegen als ze jouw bericht willen retweeten.

    Geef in tweets nuttige informatie: een aankondiging maar ook de link na afloop en nuttige content. Zorg dat mensen je blijven volgen door te geven wat ze verwachten en vragen.


    Met  een   (hashtag) vind iedereen die zoekt op #bloggen/twitter het bericht, Kijk welke hastags relevant zijn en gebruik ze in de conversatie  zodat je onder de aandacht komt van potentiële volgers) die hetzelfde thema interessant vinden. Je kunt ook #Amsterdam toevoegen als je een evenement in Amsterdam organiseeert.

    Follow anderen

    Als je account  aantrekkelijk en compleet is kun je verder gaan uitbouwen. Volg bronnen die belangrijk zijn voor jou, en voor wie jij belangrijk zou moeten zijn, klanten, leveranciers,  media, bloggers, columnisten en ook je concurrenten.

    Gebrui de zoekfunctie van twitter  om gelijkgestemden te vinden en volg mensen die interessante informatie delen. Retweet, reply and join the conversation.

    Follow nog veel meer anderen

    Via kun je  een groot aantal mensen volgen die dezelfde interesses hebben. Door duizend mensen te volgen groeit gemiddeld een account in een dag met 250 volgers.

     Followen is dus redelijk vrijblijvend, en  normaler dan op Facebook of LinkedIn maar twitter heeft grenzen gesteld aan deze manier van werken om spam te voorkomen en kan je  niet meer dan 2.000 mensen followen als je  'followerratio' niet  in orde is.
    (kijk op )

    Check: 10 Killer Tips to increase Twitter Followers (Binary Head)


    Gebruik de kanalen die je heb en zoek je doelgroep en prikkel deze  op een originele manier.

    Automatiseer en organiseer

    Je kunt gericht zoeken en dat automatiseren of een tweede Twitteraccount openen om te luisteren.

    Creer lists, zoals  bv  ‘twittergbronnen’, en  bekijk deze in Twitter zodat je alleen de tweets ziet van de mensen die je om hun interesse volgt.

    Via ontvang ik aan het eind van iedere dag een e-mail met de tweets van deze lists.

    Automatiseer -

    Als je steeds dezelfde welkomstberichten verstuurt  wordt  dat veel werk dus automatiseer dat  via

    Voor veel nieuwe volgers is het nuttig om te wijzen op de LinkedIn groep, de meeste mensen reageren positief, dus bedank je followers!

    Gebruik  een gratis  management tool als om tweets in te plannen en meer accounts te beheren of  Tweetdeck, maar die werkt minder prettig. Je kunt  tweets automatisch laten herhalen en  je kunt ook meteen je profielen op Facebook en LinkedIn bijhouden.

    Organiseer -

    Met een RSS  (van nieuwsberichten, Flickr, Slideshare of andere bron kun je  automatisch op Twitter berichten zetten  via

    • Omdat wereldwijd zoeken veel vervuiling oplevert kijk je of je zoektermen moet uitsluiten voor schonere resultaten.
    • Maak een online dashboard op en verzamel  de RSS feeds van alle searches die je hebt aangemaakt in Twitter en Google Alerts en ook die van interessante blogs.
    •  Lees de Complete artikelen over Twitter op onze blog TwitterMarketingfacts                   
    • Gebruik Google Analytics om te kijken hoeveel bezoekers via Twitter op je site  of blog  komen. .
    • TIP Gebruik om je groei in de gaten te houden en te vergelijken met anderen.
    • Je vindt op twittercounter ook aardige grafieken, buttons en widgets.
    • Na een jaar zijn ook en  interessant om te analyseren.

    Twitter is nuttig

    Twitter is  het meest laagdrempelige medium op dit moment. Je ziet niet voor niets steeds meer service initiatieven via Twitter ontstaan.      

    Twitter is het meest ideale medium voor snelle en korte updates.

    Op elk willekeurig moment kun je met twee muiskliks een interessant artikel aanraden aan je volgers.

    Afhankelijk van de (kwaliteit van  links verwelkomen  genereert  twitter doogaans drie keer zoveel traffic dan een nieuwsbrief .

    Pionieren mag, ook als je de tering naar de nering moet zetten.  

    Share the knowledge! .

    Bekijk ook onderstande sites voor meer volgers en betere conversies

    Managing Multiple Twitter Accounts? Click Here!

    Get Your Twitter Productivity Tools Here

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    Improve Your Productivity On Twitter. Learn How.

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    04-11-2010 om 02:16 geschreven door twitter  

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    Categorie:wat is twitter
    Tags:GratisTwitter curcus voor beginners
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Pimp Your Background for the New Twitter

    The new Twitter homepage is  more like a stand-alone application, and offers support for multimedia, keyboard shortcuts, and easy access to various types of content.

    The new design  has different dimensions and treats backgrounds in a slightly different way. The result is that a carefully customized Twitter background that looked fantastic on the old Twitter, may not work so well with the new design. In many cases, the best solution is to create a new color scheme or background design to fit into the new parameters.

    As more and more users are gaining access to the new Twitter, we thought it would be a good time to revisit the area of Twitter customizations. Fortunately, Twitter now offers some fantastic theming tools to make the process less of a chore, and we’ve created some Photoshop (PSD) files mapped to the dimensions of the new Twitter to help give you a head start.

    Plan Your Layout

    The new Twitter utilizes a fluid layout, meaning that the browser window or screen resolution can impact the width of some of the columns, as well as how much of the background image is visible.

    Check out this image that we created to show off the layout of the new Twitter. Although resized to fit this blog post, this screenshot was originally taken at a resolution of about 1440 pixels wide.

    There are a few points you need to keep in mind when designing or altering your Twitter background to fit into the new site:

    • The new design has a constant top toolbar that is 40 pixels tall and spans the entire length of the web page. For most designs, this shouldn’t interfere with any of your elements, but be aware that this bar is always there. Also note that there is a 20 pixel tall space between the toolbar and the start of the two columns.
    • The spacing to the right and left of the columns is fluid and will vary based on the resolution and size of the browser window. The spacing is also significantly reduced from the previous design. As an example, in a 1280×800 browsing window, in the old design, there were approximately 251 pixels on each side of the Twitter columns. On the new design, that is reduced to 112 and 113 pixels respectively.
    • The Twitter sidebar on the right is now semi-opaque. The opacity is about 75%, which means that depending on what color you choose and the color or style of your background image, that can impact readability.
    • The timeline column on the left is always 540 pixels in width, but the sidebar can vary. After a certain resolution (about 1130 pixels), it becomes fixed at 500 pixels wide, but on smaller screens or in smaller browser windows, it can be as small as 380 pixels.
    • Because of the way the columns are now laid out, background images should probably only be tiled if they are patterns or seamless. Larger images are much better off transitioning to a solid color rather than repeating.

    Use the Built-in Twitter Theme Tool

    The  Themeleon tool from COLOURlovers has been updated for the new Twitter. You can access the tool by either going directly to the site or by selecting Themeleon from the sidebar in the Designsection of the Twitter settings page.

    You can login to Twitter in the app and customize your colors and backgrounds on the fly. The great thing about the tool is that until you hit “save,” none of the changes take effect. Think of this as a great way to test out color combinations and various motifs.

    COLOURlovers has provided a number of quality pre-built themes using backgrounds and designated color palettes, but you can upload your own background image and set your own color schemes. You can also browse the very large collection of COLOURlovers patterns and tiled background images. One of our favorite features of this tool is that if you use one of the pre-built patterns, you can apply a color scheme that will also change the color setup of that pattern.

    COLOURlovers also has a ton of color palettes to choose from and to play with. If you’re already a COLOURlovers member, you can access your own palettes or palettes you follow or have marked as “loved.” It’s a free community, and given the difficulty in actually discovering new color palettes in the theme creator, we recommend signing up so you can favorite your own schemes.

    Find Your  Palette

    COLOUR lovers is a great resource for color fans, but there are tons of other great resources on the web to get the perfect color combination.

    • Color Hunter  offers palettes based on photographs uploaded on the site. You can search through palettes and upload your own photograph to find the perfect palette.
    •  has a great listing of user-generated color palettes and you can also test your combinations out to see how well they work together.
    • PHOTOCOPA  from COLOURlovers  helps pick out the colors that are in an image. What’s great about this tool is that you can not only upload a photo, but you can also link or search for a photo from Flickr. Find your colors and create your palette, you can save it in your COLOURlovers library, which can then be accessed in the Themeleon tool.

    Test Your Resolution

    Because the new Twitter layout is fluid, how things look can vary based on the size of your browsing window. It’s a good idea to test how your background or color scheme looks at different screen sizes.

    Fortunately, there are free extensions available for all the major browsers that make resizing your browser window a snap.

    • Firesizer for Firefox is a simple add-on that shows up in the bottom status bar of the FirefoxFirefox browser. Not only does it show you the current dimensions of your browser window,  right-clicking the resolution lets you select a pre-defined browser size. Your window will be resized as soon as you select your choice. You can customize the extension to add your own pre-set sizes.
    • ResizeMe for Safari lets you quickly change the size of your browser window. It works as a toolbar button and clicking the button can either auto-change the size to a selection of your choice or give you the option to select various sizes.
    • Window Resizer for Chrome shows up in Chrome toolbar. Clicking the button lets you select from a dropdown list of various browser sizes or device types.  It’s got a great interface and is really easy to use.
    Test Photoshop

    Lots of designers like to manipulate their backgrounds or color schemes in Photoshop or other image editing programs.

    While there are plenty of PSD files created for the old Twitter layout, we had a hard time finding any good PSDs for the new Twitter.

    Created  PSD files. They are in resolutions of 1024×768, 1280×800, 1440×900, 1600×1200, 1920×1080 and 1920×1200.

     The guides and layers are all editable so you can customize these files for your own uses.

    You can download files at

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    08-10-2010 om 03:46 geschreven door twitter  

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    Categorie:Uitzicht Design
    Tags:Pimp Your Background for the New Twitter,Themeleon,Color Hunter
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business

    You can say Twitter is  a stupid application, that no business gets done there, but there are too many of us (including me) that can disagree and point out business value. I’m not going to address the naysayers much with this. Instead, I’m going to offer 50 thoughts for people looking to use Twitter for business. And by “business,” I mean anything from a solo act to a huge enterprise customer.

    First Steps

  • Build an account and immediate start using Twitter Search to listen for your name, your competitor’s names, words that relate to your space.
  • Add a picture . We want to see you.
  • Talk to people about THEIR interests, too. 
  • Point out interesting things in your space.
  • Share links to neat things in your community.
  • Don’t get stuck in the apology loop. Be helpful instead. 
  • Pimp your stuff. Your fans will love it. Others will tune out.
  • Promote your employees’ outside-of-work stories. 
  • Throw in a few humans.
  • Talk about non-business, too.

  •   What to Tweet ?

  • Instead of answering the question, “What are you doing?”, answer  “What has your attention?”
  • Have more than one twitterer at the company. People can quit. People take vacations. It’s nice to have a variety.
  • When promoting a  post, ask a question or explain what’s coming next, instead of just dumping a link.
  • Ask lots of questions. Twitter is GREAT for getting opinions.
  • Follow interesting people. If you find someone who tweets interesting things, see who she follows, and follow her.
  • Tweet about other people’s stuff. 
  • When you DO talk about your stuff, make it useful. Give advice, blog posts, pictures, etc.
  • Share the human side of your company. If you’re bothering to tweet, it means you believe social media has value for human connections. Point  to pictures and personal  human things.
  • Don’t toot your own horn too much. (Man, I can’t believe I’m saying this. I do it all the time. – Side note: I’ve gotta stop tooting my own horn).
  • Or, if you do, try to balance it out... by promoting the heck out of others, too.

  • Some Sanity For You

  • Really, You cannot and don’t have to read every tweet.
  • You don’t have to reply to every @ tweet directed to you (try to reply to some, but don’t feel guilty).
  • Use direct messages for 1-to-1 conversations if you feel there’s no value to Twitter at large to hear the conversation
  • Use services like Twitter Search to make sure you see if someone’s talking about you. Try to participate where it makes sense.
  • 3rd party clients like Tweetdeck and Twhirl make it a lot easier to manage Twitter.
  • If you tweet the day while your coworkers are busy, you’re going to hear about it.
  • If you’re representing clients and billing hours, and tweeting all the time, you might hear about it.
  • Learn quickly to use the URL shortening tools like TinyURL and all the variants. It helps tidy up the tweets.
  • If someone says you’re using twitter wrong, forget it. It’s an opt out society. .
  • Commenting on others’ tweets, and retweeting what others have posted is a great way to build a large community.

  • The Negatives People Will Throw At You

  • Twitter takes up time.
  • Twitter takes you away from other productive work.
  • Without a strategy, it’s just typing.
  • There are other ways to do this.
  • Twitter doesn’t replace customer service’s
  • Twitter is buggy and not enterprise-ready.
  • Twitter is just for nerds.
  • Twitter’s only a few million people. 
  • Twitter doesn’t replace  email marketing.
  • Twitter opens the company up to more criticism and gripin

  • Some Positives to Throw Back

  • Twitter helps one organize great, instant meetups (tweetups).
  • Twitter works swell as an opinion poll.
  • Twitter can help direct people’s attention to good things.
  • Twitter at events helps people build an instant “backchannel.”
  • Twitter breaks news faster than other sources, often (especially if the news impacts online denizens).
  • Twitter gives businesses a glimpse at what status messaging can do for an organization. Remember presence in the 1990s?
  • Twitter brings great minds together, and gives you daily opportunities to learn (if you look for it, and/or if you follow the right folks).
  • Twitter gives your critics a forum, but that means you can study them.
  • Twitter helps with business development, if your prospects are online (mine are).
  • Twitter can augment customer service. (but see above)

  • The Free Twitter Guide

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    08-10-2010 om 03:07 geschreven door twitter  

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    Twitter tips for your company

    What 'tweeting' can do for business, here are the keys to using Twitter.

    For those who don't know: Twitter's a micro-blogging site that allows users to communicate with each other in 140 characters or less. Think of each "tweet" as a text or instant message -- not really directed at anyone but visible to everyone. And those who want to follow particular people's tweets can simply subscribe to their feed for real-time updates.

    But don't mistake it for a fluke: In the last year, Twitter traffic has multiplied almost 15 times over, with more than 37.3 million unique global visitors in May, according to comScore. And as tweeting becomes hotter, companies feel more pressure to join the social-networking tool in order to stay competitive. But many are struggling to understand Twitter culture and, as a result, their tweets can come off as desperate or inadvertently turn away potential customers.

    So to help you avoid any Twitter faux pas and maximize your tweeting potential, here are five rules for using this social networking tool that'll keep your company ahead of the competition.

    1. It's a two-way conversation

    Well, don't let that persona take over your Twitter feed. Remember to listen. Too many businesses are just blasting out press releases over and over again -- or worse, have an automated tweeting system and wind up ignoring communication from their followers.

    That's the worst mistake you can make on Twitter,  "It's like these companies are standing out on a mountaintop with a megaphone broadcasting how wonderful they are, but Twitter is an intercom, not a megaphone."

    Uuse Twitter regularly, and consider assigning a specific person to tweet on a daily basis. This way, companies can follow users who mention their business, engage users through direct messages, and actually build relationships with followers, rather than inundate them with information.

    2. Your Twitter and company voice should sound the same

    Twitter may be a casual medium, but that doesn't mean your company has to be casual about it. Businesses should do what makes the most sense for their brands, experts say.

    The key? Make sure that your Twitter voice reflects your company culture,

    Twitter is all about transparency, so it's important to be authentic when you tweet so that your company's personality -- whatever it is -- comes through clearly. Comm likens the Twitter experience to a water-cooler conversation: Being relatable and fun is crucial, but staying true to your company's core values matters most.

    3. Tweet to attract and retain customers

    Twitter can boost customer service to a new level,  In a recent correspondence with a customer on Twitter, Comcast tweeted the same questions a representative would ask on a technical support hotline and received answers via Twitter. But instead of leaving the customer on hold for hours, Comcast was able to identify the problem immediately and send out a technician.

    Consumers are impressed -- and often surprised -- by a company that openly and directly addresses customer-service problems. Twitter allows businesses, big and small, to take that extra step whether it's about complaints or simple product queries. For example, Take Zettler Hardware, the oldest hardware store in Columbus, Ohio, which fields questions on common plumbing problems on Twitter, often responding to photos uploaded on Twitter (Twitpics), and replies with recommendations for replacement parts and repair strategies.

    This kind of instant and robust customer service builds loyalty that's hard to come by through traditional methods, says Rodney Rumford, co-founder of TweetPhoto. "The biggest sin," he says, "is being silent."

    4. Twitter's just the first step

    While Twitter should be part of any savvy company's daily marketing, it's only the beginning of a successful social-networking strategy. "Twitter is a way to get your foot in the door," Rumford says. "It's the start to building a relationship."

    For business-to-business companies, Twitter's a great way to network. 

    Tweeting, can easily lead to formal business meetings -- and eventually, company growth.

    5. Have fun and be creative

    The very nature of Twitter --  attracts users with a short-attention span, so the best tweets keep users coming back. Interactivity can be a great way to do that: Auntie Anne's and Dairy Queen ask customers about their favorite pretzel dips or Blizzard flavors through tweets, while at Home Depot (HD), confused shoppers can tweet for help as they search the aisles for particular products.

    Twitter's GPS function can also point businesses in the right direction. Cupcake Stop, a New York cupcake truck company, tweets its location to customers as it moves throughout Manhattan, and Union Pacific (UNP) lets fans track a historic steam engine road-trip across America.

    The experts agree there's no right way to use Twitter, but with these strategies, you won't tweet the wrong way. Time to start the conversation.

    Twitter Gids The Free Twitter Guide to your success

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    08-10-2010 om 00:00 geschreven door twitter  

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    Categorie:make $$$ Twitter
    Tags:Twitter tips for your company
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Haal meer uit twitter
    Voor sommigen is het naast eten en slapen een soort eerste levensbehoefte, voor anderen een ware nachtmerrie… Microbloggen of zoals het bij een van de bekendste services heet: Twitteren.

    Toch kan Twitter veel effectiever gebruikt worden dan je in eerste instantie zou zeggen.

    De mensen van common craft leggen het begrip Twitter in het volgende filmpje zeer duidelijk uit:


    Uiteraard zijn er de standaard commando’s voor Twitter zoals; @ <username> <text> en d <username> <text> om te reageren op iemand of een direct privé bericht te sturen. Maar de volgende functies zijn ook zeker de moeite waard. Bij de meeste tips volstaat het om het commando in twitter te versturen maar voor sommige dingen moet je even het menu in.

    get <username>

    Geeft de laatste update van de gebruiker (wiens naam je achter get geplaatst hebt) weer.

    nudge <username>

    Stuurt een gebruiker een melding dat er weer getwitterd dient te worden (via een sms bericht).

    track <username>/<woord>

    Blijf op de hoogte als er iemand twittert over een bepaald woord of een gebruikersnaam. Handig om te volgen wat er over een bepaald onderwerp (zoals je eigen naam/bedrijf/website) getwitterd wordt.


    Het tracks commando geeft je een keurig overzicht van woorden die je aan het volgen bent.

    untrack <username>/<woord>

    Met untrack <username> of untrack <woord> zet je het volgen van en woord of gebruikersnaam weer uit.

    @ Replies

    Ga naar Settings, Notices. En kies bij @ Replies voor ‘all @ replies’ zo ontvang je alle replies op je tweeds ook al volg je die gene zelf (nog) niet. Zo zie je wie er op jou reageert die nog niet in je ‘follow’ lijst staat. De ideale manier om meer interessante mensen te ontmoeten die het volgen waard zijn (en ik vraag me eigenlijk af waarom dit standaard niet zo ingesteld staat).


    Indien je updates op je mobiel ontvangt kan je via Settings, Notices, Sleep instellen wanneer je slaapt en geen updates wil ontvangen. Wel zo handig als je een beetje een druk twitter netwerk hebt met mensen in andere tijdzones. Overigens moet je uiteraard wel zelf je tijdzone (+1) ingesteld hebben want anders weet twitter niet wanneer je slaapt en wordt je nog elke nacht wakker gesmst.

    fav <username>

    Als je iemands laatste bericht erg goed vond kan je deze tweed als favoriet markeren door het fav <username> commando te verzenden.

    Twitter terminologie

    Voor de mensen die onbekend zijn met het fenomeen microbloggen en twitter hier een deel van de terminologie.

    Twitterer – Gebruiker van Twitter

    Tweet(s) – bericht(en) op Twitter.

    Twittering – Een bericht naar Twitter sturen.

    Tweeple – Twittergebruikers (ook wel twitteraars in het Nederlands).

    Twitosphere – Gemeenschap van twitterers.

    Followers - Twitteraars die ‘geabonneerd’ zijn op de tweeds van een andere gebruiker, en dus zijn tweeds volgen.

    Mistweet – Eigenlijk een vergissing, Twitter bericht (tweet dus) die je liever niet had verzonden. Door het beperkt aantal karakters per tweet (een maximum van 140) wil er nog wel eens door onduidelijk taalgebruik of het weglaten van woorden iets niet zo handig overkomen, een mistweet dus.

    Twoosh – De perfecte, precies 140 karakters tellende, tweet.

    Twitterbait – Twitter gebruikers die met het @ (reply) commando op populaire gebruikers tweets reageren in de hoop hierdoor zelf meer followers te krijgen omdat zijn/haar naam in de reacties van de populaire gebruiker terug te zien is door zijn followers.

    Twoops – Ooit een privé-smsje naar de verkeerde gestuurd? Dit is hetzelfde alleen heb je nu het privé smsje naar Twitter verstuurt. Meteen de reden om via bijvoorbeeld jTwitter op je telefoon te twitteren.

    Twitterlooing – Twitteren vanaf de wc

    Tweeterboxes – Twitteraars die te veel Twitteren

    Twitterazzi - De bende mensen die schrijven op Twitter.

    Twitterhea – Een onstopbare stroom van bijna informatie loze tweets.

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    06-10-2010 om 02:14 geschreven door twitter  

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    Categorie:tips en advies
    Tags:Haal meer uit twitter,Twitter terminologie Voor de mensen die onbekend zijn met het fenomeen microbloggen en twitter hier een deel van de terminologie. Twitterer – Gebruiker van Twitter Tweet(s) – bericht(en) op Twitter. Twittering – Een bericht naar
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Spoedcursus: Wat is Twitter?

    Spoedcursus: Wat is Twitter?


    Wat is Twitter?

    Twitter is een ‘microblogdienst’, een combinatie van sms, weblog en chat. De gebruikers van Twitter delen hun leven delen met anderen door berichten van 140 tekens op internet te zetten. Korte berichtjes met tekst en links naar artikelen, foto’s en video’s.

    De gebruikers kunnen behalve zelf berichten plaatsen, ook automatisch de berichten van anderen volgen. Je meldt jezelf aan als ‘volger’ van iemand en dan verschijnen zijn berichten automatisch op je scherm. Jouw volgers zien dus ook automatisch wat jij op Twitter schrijft.

    Hoe begin ik?

    Je gaat naar, klikt op ‘join’ en kiest een gebruikersnaam.  Je krijgt dan je eigen pagina waarop al je berichten (tweets) chronologisch (van nieuw naar oud) onder elkaar staan Als je in het vervolg inlogt zie je op alle berichten van de mensen die je volgt onder elkaar staan.

    Wie moet ik volgen?

    Als nieuweling kan het lastig zijn om te bepalen wie je volgt. Ga op zoek naar bekenden, interessante website en interessante mensen. Kijk wie ze volgen, of wie hen volgt. Wees niet bang om te veel mensen toe te voegen: er zijn handige programmaatjes waarmee je kan bepalen van wie je alles wil lezen en van wie niet, bovendien kan je altijd weer stoppen met het volgen, door op de knop ‘unfollow’ te drukken.

    Obama op internetEr zijn een paar zeer bekende Twitteraars die door veel mensen gevolgd worden. Denk aan minister Maxime Verhagen, internetjournalist Francisco van Jole en ook president Barack Obama.

    Apestaartje en hekje?

    Als je een bericht schrijft over een andere Twitteraar dan refereer je aan hem door een @ voor zijn naam te schrijven  Hierdoor wordt die naam automatisch een link naar de Twitterpagina van die persoon.

    Als je een bericht specifiek aan een Twitteraar wil sturen, dan start je het bericht met een @ en de naam. Bedenk wel dat iedereen dit bericht kan lezen!

    Je kan ook een bericht sturen dat alleen door de geadresseerde gelezen kan worden: een ‘direct message’. Je begint dan het bericht met een D, spatie en dan de naam (bijv: D Fietstwit).


    Naast t @ wordt ook het # veel gebruikt. Een woord met een hekje ervoor is een ‘hashtag’, het onderwerp van de tweet. Dat maakt het makkelijker om de zoekfunctie van Twitter te gebruiken.

    Tenslotte kan een bericht met RT beginnen, wat staat voor ‘re-tweet’. Het is heel gebruikelijk om een interessant bericht van een ander te re-tweeten. Hierdoor wordt belangrijke informatie razendsnel bekend bij een grote groep twitteraars. Vooral die snelheid maakt Twitter populair als nieuwsbron.

    Waarmee kan ik Twitteren?

    Er zijn inmiddels heel wat programma’s, apps en tooltjes waarmee je kan twitteren. Niet alleen voor je computer, maar ook voor je mobiele telefoon. Zie bij categorie op deze blog in het linkermenu. 


    De programma’s die je voor je PC kan downloaden zijn vaak uitgebreider. Zo kan je met TweetDeck de mensen die je volgt opdelen in groepen. Daardoor wordt het makkelijker om mensen die je écht interessant vindt goed te volgen en de rest maar met een half oog. Met TweetDeck kan je ook in een tag-cloud (foto) zien waar op dit moment veel over getwitterd wordt.

    Je kan ook een add-on aan je Firefox toevoegen, bijvoorbeeld TwitterFox, waarmee je tijdens het surfen op de hoogte wordt gehouden wat mensen Twitteren.

    Nog meer handige toepassingen?

    Er zijn 1001 websites en programmaatjes waarmee je het onderste uit de Twitter-kan haalt. Een paar voorbeelden: zoek naar steekwoorden met search.twitter, om berichten met deze zoekwoorden automatisch te laten verversen ga je naar Twitterfall, of TweetGrid.


    URL’s kleiner maken (anders zijn die 140 tekens snel op) doe je met tinyurl. Snel foto’s toevoegen, gebruik Twitpic. En zo zijn er nog veel meer tools, maar die ontdek je snel genoeg.

    Waarom ?

    Je kan vrij eenvoudig met mensen in contact komen. En je kan snel op de hoogte zijn van het laatste nieuws. Je netwerk zit vast aan oneindig veel andere netwerken, waardoor echt interessante nieuwtjes zich razendsnel verspreiden. Vervolgens zoek je op dat onderwerp, volgt (tijdelijk) mensen die daar wat over te melden hebben en je waant je ter plekke.

    Wilt U meer volgers? en een gratis account( uw twitter)  eenvoudig bij te houden? 

    Met de onder staande toepasing Social Oomph kunt u de welkomstboodschap aan nieuwe volgers instellen, mensen automatisch volgen en unfollowen  en statistieken bijhouden en nog veel meer..waarmee u steeds meer volgers krijgt.Managing Multiple Twitter Accounts? Kijk Hier!

    Managing Multiple Twitter Accounts?Social Oomp Kijk hier !


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    06-10-2010 om 00:00 geschreven door twitter  

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    Tags:Spoedcursus: Wat is Twitter?
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Twitter in 8 Stappen

    Twitter in 8 stappen


    Nog even in resume: Twitter is een microblogtool die draait om de vraag "Wat ben je aan het doen?". Doel van Twitter is het verzamelen van een netwerk followers en following. Followers lezen jouw berichten (tweets), van following lees jij de tweets eveneens. Mooist is natuurlijk wanneer 2 mensen elkaar volgen; op dat moment ontstaat er mogelijkheid tot conversatie. 

    In Nederland zijn  miljoenen op internet actief. En het komt er op neer dat deze mensen een stroom aan berichten produceren. Berichten met interessante en minder interessante wetenswaardigheden. Zo worden er sites, tips en info uitgewisseld, leeft men met elkaar mee in barre en blije tijden, deelt men unieke informatie zoals nieuws, actualiteiten, vacatures en stages. Bespreekt men live wat er op TV is of wat er op een congres gebeurt.

    Mocht je steeds hebben uitgesteld je in Twitter te verdiepen: dit is hét moment. Na aandacht voor Twitter in diverse "oude media" is Twitter namelijk hard op weg  de mainstream te worden.

    Voor je besluit tot  Twitter  is het slim om je te realiseren dat Twitter véél kan opleveren. Mits je ook véél investeert. Véél in de zin van: waardevolle informatie, contacten, kennis, maar ook diensten. Zo zijn er verhalen van mensen die via hun tweeps liefdes, banen en stages verkregen. Maar ook gadgets, gratis overnachtingen, appartementen en camera's werden via Twitter van eigenaar gewisseld. Klinkt leuk. Maar daar moet je wel iets voor doen. Om de waarde van Twitter optimaal te benutten zul je zelf veel tijd en aandacht in je Twitter netwerk moeten steken!

    Start met twitter met volgende 8 stappen:

    1. Upload een avatar - Je avatar is misschien wel het belangrijkste onderdeel van je Twitter identiteit. Het is immers de 1e indruk die het 'm doet. Goede indruk achterlaten doe je dan ook allereerst met behulp van een goede pasfoto.

    2. Schrijf een bio - ook hiervoor geldt: de 1e indruk is goud waard. Beschrijf in 160 tekens wie je bent, wat je doet en over welke interesses je (wellicht) zult twitteren

    3. Voeg een link toe - naar je persoonlijk blog, je linked-in pagina of, als het echt niet anders kan, je Hyves of facebook profiel.

    4. Post je eerste tweet. Of 2. Of 3. Of 10. Of 25. Het is niet erg dat niemand je volgt, men leest je tweets ook om te besluiten of je interessant bent.

    5. Ga op zoek naar vrienden. Voel vooral geen schroom. Het is juist de bedoeling dat je mensen toevoegt. Ook wanneer je deze mensen totaal niet kent. Begin met het toevoegen van ca. 25 mensen die je om wat voor reden dan ook interessant lijken.

    6. Ga conversatie aan. Stel jezelf voor, duik in een gesprek, lees mee met wat er getweet wordt.

    7. Blijf mensen toevoegen. Aan de hand van de conversatie vind je vanzelf de mensen die bij je passen. Via via gaat het snelst. Volg je een interessant gesprek? Voeg gerust de mensen toe die meepraten maar niet in jouw lijstje staan. Voel evenmin schroom om de mensen toch niet interessant blijken te verwijderen

    8. Maar vooral: Twitter door. Een bekende twitteraar zei ooit, pas als je 100 dagen 100 mensen actief hebt gevolgd ervaar je de kracht van Twitter. Starten met Twitter vergt een stukje doorzettingsvermogen.  Maar levert je uiteindelijk alle  geleverde energie in tienvoud weer op.

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    06-10-2010 om 00:00 geschreven door twitter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Create Hundreds of Free Leads Every Week
    Creating Followers and Leads

    Now to the fun part, generating leads from your Twitter account and other social medias.  Every social media is about building a relationship with others.  In the case of Twitter you have what they call Tweets to communicate with others.  A tweet is a message that you send to all of your followers.  It can be about anything.  In your case you want to provide value to your followers.  You want to show your leadership and your brand has great value so people are interested in following you.  How do you create value?

    There are many ways in internet marketing to provide value to your followers.  The first one is to post some quotes. You can find all kind of quotes at qoutes twitter on all kinds of subjects. There are thousands of articles written on the subject of internet marketing that will provide value to your followers.

    You can go to  to find what you need.  The same goes for video marketing and Youtube, there are thousands of videos you could publish on your Twitter account that would provide great value to your followers. Once you copied the URL use  to shorten the URL. Remember that you only have 144 characters on twitter for each tweet.  If you are an experience marketer, you certainly could post some marketing tips of your own.  The object here is to post content that will have value for your followers.

    You want to post about 10-15 tweets a day.  Spread them out over the course of the entire 24 hours.  Remember that you may be a sleep where you are but somebody else is wide awake because it is noon where he/she is. Depending on how many followers you have, you can place 1 ad for every 5 tweets.  The more followers you have the more ads you can place but do not go over 1 add for every 3 tweets. Ads will be one way to create leads for your business but the main reason to tweet is to build relationships.

    Now most people are not in front of a computer 24/7. So in order to send tweets every 1-2 hours you will need to schedule your tweets using a website like . This is a free service you can use to schedule your tweets.

    Twitter has what they call Retweet and Follow Friday. These are 2 great ways to build relationships.  A retweet is when someone sends your Tweet to their followers.  Every time someone does that, it will appear under Retweet box.  Be sure to thank them for the retweet.  A response I would use is “thank you for the RT, much appreciated. How are you today?” This way I know this person will respond to me the next time they are on. His/her response will be something like “I am great thanks, how about you?”  At that point go look at their profile and see if they are a possible candidate to be in your business.

     If they are then at that point you would send them a direct message thanking them again for the RT and you could say something like this ‘thanks again for the RT. I see you are in Real Estate, how long have you been in this line of work?” His/her response will be something like “I have been in this business for 10 years. How about you, what do you do?” These are the keywords you are looking for “What do you do?” At this point you tell them what you do and provide them with your link. Most of the time they will go look at your link and see what you do. From this point on it depends how good your offer is on your website. 

    Follow Friday is when you recommend someone to your followers telling them why they should follow them.  This is a great way to build relationships as well.  You recommend someone and the first thing they will do is to thank you for the recommendation. Once they thank you, you follow the same script as when you are conversing with a person that retweeted your tweet.

    Most tweeters have automatic direct message set up. What that means is when you start following them, they have it set-up to send you a direct message. Most will be ads but some will be a welcoming message.  Those are the people you want to build relationships with. Stay away from ads because those are fully automated accounts. Stay away from businesses as businesses will never be interested in what you are offering and stay away from logos and tweeter logos.  Send a direct message to people that are trying to build relationships

    Should you have an automatic direct message for your new followers? The answer is yes and no. If you are going to use it as a welcoming message than yes. If you want to use as a way to send an ad then no.

    You can use to set-up your auto-direct message and also set-up your account to follow automatically any new followers with socialoomph as well.

    This is certainly a lot of work, but if you use these simple, yet very effective techniques with Twitter and other social medias, you will be able to brand yourself as a person of value, as an expert then create hundreds of leads every week with good potential buyers and create an income working from home that most people on Twitter are just dreaming about.

    To your success!

    Twitter Blog Team Be

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    15-08-2010 om 23:45 geschreven door twitter  

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    Categorie:Twitter promotion
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Effective low budget internet marketing strategies
    Effective low budget internet marketing strategies

    Most entrepreneurs who are starting their home based business usually have a low budget for marketing or no budget at all. What you may not know is that the most powerful internet marketing strategies are usually low budget and sometimes free. What you need is to know where to find them and how to use them successfully.  So what are the best low budget internet marketing strategies for your home based business?

    Let’s start with the free internet marketing strategies.  Social Medias are the most popular ones and I am probably not telling you anything new here.  What you may not know is the Social Medias should not be about selling your products or services but selling you as a leader, as an expert in your field. Places like Twitter and Facebook are the most popular but you can also use Linkedin and MySpace.

    Other free internet marketing strategies would be blog marketing, forum marketing, classified, article, video, press releases, Squidoo, Hub Pages and your warm market (Friends, family members and professionals you know).  These are all great effective internet marketing strategies to market your business and your brand.

    There are several low budget internet marketing strategies that can help you build your business as well.  If you want to get more exposure from your free internet marketing. You can pay a small fee to get your article, press release, video and classifieds to be published and get a bigger exposure. These sites that will host your marketing will place you ahead of everyone not paying and therefore provide you with more exposure and more potential customers. Usually between $20 and $100 will do the trick here.

    You can use banner advertising for a low cost internet marketing strategy.  Email marketing is quite an effective internet marketing strategy. You can use some of the best sites for around $200 per 6 months and advertise directly to other entrepreneurs.  And believe it or not, you can use Pay Per Click as a low cost advertisement strategy by setting your budget to meet what you can afford. It can be done per day and per month.

    To learn where are some of the best sites to use your low cost internet marketing strategies. You can use Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines. They will place on their 1st page which one they think is the best site.

    Remember that success with your home based business is not related to how much money you have to invest in your marketing but on how much work you are willing into put in your business.  All the internet marketing strategies listed work very well. All you have to do is learn how to put them in place. This can only be done via education and testing what you learn.  If you are really committed to your success remember this. If you could doing the same thing the same way over and over and expect different results, you are insane.  Keep learning and testing and eventually success will find you.

    Don’t give up on your dreams, don’t ever give up.

    To your success

    Twitter Blog Be Team

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    15-08-2010 om 23:37 geschreven door twitter  

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    Categorie: internet marketing strategies
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.How to use forum marketing successfully?
    How to use forum marketing successfully?

    When people start their own business on a low budget, automatically entrepreneurs start with social medias like Twitter, Facebook. They will also do some article marketing, video marketing. Most entrepreneurs forget about or don’t think about Forum marketing. It does not have that “it factor” It just does not appeal to entrepreneurs but it is quite powerful if you know what you are doing. So, how to use forum marketing successfully? Let’s not waste a moment, let’s get started!

    Let’s discuss what is a forum? A forum is like a bulletin board but for the 21st century. It is a place on the internet where individuals start a discussion about what they are passionate about. It is could also be define as a internet version of a newsgroup allowing people to post messages, remarks or observations on other individuals post.

    There are many steps you should do to get started. First find a forum that is related to your niche. You can do that by using the search engine and typing something like “forum my niche” and the best ones according to the search engine will come up first. Once you found a forum you like, make sure they will allow you to post a link to your website.

    Most forums will require you to register. Use your real name when you do. Don’t use your business name. Also create a forum signature that will include your name, website address and your contact information. (Don’t include sales pitch in your signature box) Usually the good forum will have an introduction section. This is where you can talk about yourself and your business. This is not place to do a sales pitch either. Mostly what your interests are and the topic of your business.

    The most important part of forum marketing is to participate. Be active and help others. Get involved in the conversation. The more you are involved with good content, the more people will see you as an expert. As well the more you post, the more exposure your business gets. Sometime forum will have an advertisement site, use it. If not just use your signature box and the value you bring to others to do your advertisement. If you have the opportunity to become a moderator of the site, take it. Usually the moderators are seen as knowledgeable and are respected. You may even get more advertisement opportunities as well.

    Once you have done this, find another forum and do the follow the same above steps. There are many forums you can get started with. Make sure to make yourself familiar with the rules and regulations of the forum. These methods are used by thousands of people and are proven to be very successful. So learn how to use forum marketing and start getting results for your niche today.

    To your success

    Twitter Blog Be Team 

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    15-08-2010 om 23:31 geschreven door twitter  

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    Categorie: forum marketing success
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Business directories to explode your business
    How to use business directories to explode your business

    When you don’t know about something the first instinct for most people is to ignore it and go with something they are more comfortable with. This certainly applies as well when it comes to using business directories as a method of marketing for your business.

    Business directory marketing can be quite powerful when used correctly. You are dealing with only people that want to start a business, kind of hard to beat that. So, how to use business directories to explode your business? Let’s find out.

    Let’s examine exactly what is a business directory first. It is a website or a print listing of information about business opportunities divided by groups. They can be register manually or through automated software. Usually they will let you describe your business using your business name, address, phone numbers, type of service or products, number of employees etc. Some websites will allow comments or reviews. You will have the option to advertise for free or with a paid fee. Obviously with the paid option you will get more exposure. There are many business directories options. Using Google or Yahoo to research them will help you determine how they are viewed by the big search engine.

    Alright now how to you use these directories to explode your business? Obviously introducing your business to the world is the primary step. If people don’t know you exist, you will not be successful.  Depending on what you do, there are 2 different solutions for the next step.  If you are advertising your business to sell products or services then the more products you have the better it is.  If you are advertising a business opportunity, it is about what your business will do for them. How it will make their life better.

    When you have specials or promotions going on make sure to advertise them. Make everyone know what is going on. The more you put your name out there, the more people know about you.  Big corporations out there that advertise on TV knows that it will a take a viewer seeing their products 7 times on average before they make their decision to purchase. So using good copywriting, out your business in the known.

    Do some research as well on your competition. See what they are offering and if you can beat what they are offering. With all the choices available today on and offline, you have to have the best deal. Everyone is competing for that same dollar; make sure your offer is the best one.

    Using business directories as one of your marketing strategies will greatly benefit you.  Most people usually just jump in and throw their money at it. You are many steps ahead of them just by reading this article.  Learn how to use business directories to explode your business and reap the benefit that you never thought you could have.

    To your success

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    15-08-2010 om 23:28 geschreven door twitter  

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    Tags:business directories to explode your business

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