- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Hoe je met zoekopdrachten op Twitter klanten kunt vinden video Tags:Hoe je met zoekopdrachten op Twitter klanten kunt vinden video
Twitter tutorial meer volgers tips and trics
Twitter is niet meer weg te denken uit de maatschappij. En niet
zonder reden natuurlijk. Het medium is snel, de berichten zijn kort en
bondig en het nieuws staat eerder op Twitter dan dat het op het journaal
is te zien.
Hoe ga je om met Twitter
je gaat twitteren, bedenk dan goed hoe je het in gaat zetten. Als je
dit later wijzigt, kan het raar overkomen. Maak bijvoorbeeld de afweging
of je in het Nederlands of in het Engels gaat twitteren. De Engelse
taal biedt qua doelgroep - potentiële volgers - meer potentie, maar de
Nederlandse taal is toegankelijker. Deze keuze hangt ook af van hoe je
twitter gebruikt: persoonlijk of zakelijk? Natuurlijk sluit het een het
ander niet direct uit, maar als je persoonlijk twittert ben je voor
minder mensen interessant. In dit artikel gaan we ervan uit dat je
Twitter in zakelijke vorm gebruikt. Daarmee bedoel ik niet dat je een
bedrijfsaccount of prive account hebt, maar of je Tweets verspreid als
'goedemorgen', 'lekker gegeten vanavond' of 'gaan we vanavond nog naar
de kroeg' afgezet tegen Tweets met nuttige zakelijke informatie.
Bijvoorbeeld een interessant nieuwsartikel.
Meer volgers op Twitter?
moet het aantal volgers geen doel op zich worden. Maar het is wel
interessant en motiverend om te zien dat je Twitter-energie wordt
beloond. Bijvoorbeeld in de vorm van volgers. Een aantal praktische
tips, om te zorgen voor meer volgers.
E-mail handtekening
ook je Twitter link op in je e-mail handtekening! Ga er niet van uit
dat mensen zelf actief op zoek gaan naar jou op Twitter!
Je website
Op steeds meer websites zie je het al: volg ons op Twitter! Ideaal en het kost weinig moeite voor de bezoeker om je te volgen!
Twitter heb je 160 tekens om uit te leggen wie je bent en wat je doet.
Volzinnen komen daar niet vaak voor, vooral vanwege het zoekmachine
aspect. Gebruik deze beperkte ruimte om jezelf of je vak zo bondig
mogelijk te beschrijven!
Integreer Twitter!
Met Twitter
vertel je iedereen wat je doet, bezig houdt of waar je bent. Hoewel je
daar natuurlijk mee op moet passen, is het doel om informatie te delen.
Integreer daarom je Twitter account op bijvoorbeeld LinkedIn, je eigen
website of hyves.
Mobiel Twitteren
Installeer een Twitter
applicatie op je mobiele telefoon / smartphone. Je zult zien dat je meer
gebruik zult maken van Twitter. Regelmatig (nuttig) posten maakt je
account interessanter om te volgen.
Er zijn
vreselijk veel Twitter apps beschikbaar. Een veelvoud aan apps zorgt
ervoor dat Twitter overal beschikbaar is. Online gebruik ik
PowerTwitter, mobiel gebruik ik Panoramic MoTweets, op mijn PC thuis
staat TweetDeck geïntstalleerd en bovendien heb ik een Twitter app
toegevoegd in mijn iGoogle account. Zo ben ik nooit ver van een tweet,
wanneer ik iets interessants te melden heb!
# Geef een thema
een hekje # voor een keyword te plaatsen, geef je een thema mee aan je
Tweets. Hierdoor zal je onder de aandacht komen van een groep
Twitteraars die geïnteresseerd is in dat keyword.
populaire tag in Nederland is de #durftevragen. Hier worden de meest
uiteenlopende vragen de wereld in geschoten. Zoek interessante vragen
uit en beantwoord die. Ook dit kan de nodige volgers opleveren, mits het
goed wordt ingezet.
Volg bekende/populaire Twitteraars
populaire Twitteraars te volgen, breng je jezelf ook onder de aandacht
van anderen. Dit biedt bovendien nieuwe mogelijkheden, zoals ook in de
volgende tip te zien is.
@ Reageer
Reageer, bij voorkeur
een zinnige reactie naar een invloedrijk persoon. Een vraag is ook goed
overigens. Dit is een uitstekende manier om te zorgen voor followers.
Zorg voor unieke content en nieuws
zijn erg effectief wanneer het gaat om gevolgd worden. Maar, hoe zorg
je voor retweets? Dat kan onder andere door te zorgen voor nieuws en
unieke content. Als je interessant bent en je tweets weerspiegelen dat,
dan zal dat op de lange termijn in ieder geval het nodige resultaat
Schrijf eens een nuttige blog of een
gastblog op een website. Wanneer je zorgt voor goede content (opnieuw)
dan heb je best kans dat een bericht wordt geplaatst. Natuurlijk mag een
vermelding van je Twitter account daar niet ontbreken!
Keuze: Zakelijk of persoonlijk?
Een regelmatig opdoemende vraag is: gebruik ik mijn bedrijfsnaam (en identiteit) of mijn persoonlijke naam en identiteit?
het een sluit het ander niet uit. Mijn mening is echter dat ik zaken
doe met een persoon, en pas op de tweede plaats met een bedrijf. Het is
voor mij interessanter om te zien wat die persoon doet, dan wat het
bedrijf doet. Zeker als er ook vakkennis wordt gedeeld door de persoon
die ik volg.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:wat is twitter Tags:Twitter International Journal
Waarom zou je een twitter achtergrond willen?
Waarom zou je een twitter achtergrond willen?
Redenen waarom je een achtergrond gaat gebruiken.
Personalisatie en expressie: Het is een kans om jezelf te uiten en te vertellen wie je bent. Ben je een kunstenaar, muzikant, een blogger of een kok? Hou je van het strand? Een passende achtergrond kan de mensen vertellen wie je bent.
Contact informatie: Het is een makkelijke manier om additionele informatie toe te voegen. Informatie die je niet kwijt kunt in je 160 karakters bio.
Personal branding: Het plaatsen van contact informatie, je gezicht (foto) of additionele informatie in je achtergrond is vrij normaal. Het helpt potentiële volgers te begrijpen wat je doet en waarom ze je zouden moeten volgen.
Creativiteit: Twitter geeft je de mogelijkheid om over de grenzen van je eigen talent heen te gaan, boven jezelf uit te stijgen.
Een aantal voorbeelden van twitter achtergronden
Als je op zoek bent naar inspiratie voor je twitter achtergrond, dan heb ik hier een aantal voorbeelden. Al deze achtergronden zijn uniek, inspirerend en dragen bij aan de branding van je merk en/of bedrijf. Er zijn duizenden goede voorbeelden van twitter achtergronden, check daarom ook even deze zeer uitgebreide lijsten.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 5/5 - (1 Stemmen) Categorie:Achtergronden Tags:Waarom zou je een twitter achtergrond willen?
Zeven twitter achtergrond hulpmiddelen.
Zeven twitter achtergrond hulpmiddelen.
Wat is een artikel over twitter zonder een aantal nuttige twitter apps? Een aantal van deze hulpmiddelen bieden kant-en-klare achtergronden. Hier zijn een aantal:
MyTweetSpace: een van de eenvoudigste manieren om een twitter achtergrond te maken. Je kunt met de tekst spelen, plaatjes toevoegen en nog veel meer om je eigen twitter achtergrond te maken. Je kunt zelfs via twitter inloggen, en MyTweetSpace automatisch je achtergrond laten bijhouden.
TweetStyle: zij bieden gratis achtergrond templates aan, twitter achtergronden en een aantal nuttige posts over dit onderwerp.
Free Twitter Designer: een handige applicatie die de mogelijkheid biedt om de plaatjes te bewerken, om zo een twitter achtergrond te maken.
TwitBacks: nog een hulpmiddel om achtergronden te maken voor twitter. Veel opties en de mogelijkheid om aan de linkerkant een kolom te maken.
TwitterGallery: een galerij van achtergronden op basis van kleur en categorie. Zeer eenvoudig te installeren; op de ‘install’ knop klikken, inloggen bij twitter en klaar is Kees, of Piet of…
Peekr: een twidget. Als je wilt weten hoe de achtergrond er in z’n geheel uitziet, dan is Peekr iets voor jou.
Twilk: hiermee kun je de profiel foto’s van je volgers als achtergrond gebruiken. Des te meer je communiceert met één van je volgers, des te prominenter de plek wordt waar de profiel foto van hem/haar wordt geplaatst.
Twitter en Google en zeker de combinatie daarvan zijn in staat heel wat zaken boven tafel te krijgen
Er zijn niet veel mensen die hun e-mailadres (of telefoonnummer) openbaar op Twitter zetten in hun bio bijvoorbeeld. Maar toch kun je met enkele slimme trucs vaak dat adres achterhalen. handig als je een bepaalde tweep een DM wilt sturen, maar dat die tweep je niet terugvolgt. Dan zou dat dus onmogelijk zijn. Tenzij je gebruik maakt van onderstaande truc, dan bestaat de kans dat je dat e-mailadres of dat telefoonnummer toch kunt vinden…
De eerste mogelijkheid die je kunt proberen is via Twitters eigen Advanced Search. De eerlijkheid gebiedt me te zeggen dat ik dat onderdeel zelf ook nog nooit gezien had. Maar je kunt er komen via de tekstlink op de ‘normale’ search.twitter.com. Dus niet via de normale search die je bovenin Twitter.com vindt.
Daarin kun je veel gerichter zoeken door slechts in bepaalde velden te zoeken:
Dus zou je bijvoorbeeld zoeken naar mijn mailadres. Daartoe zou je ‘Words’ in het onderdeel ‘This exact Phrase’ “mail me” in moeten vullen en bij’People’ Hermaniak. Bij taal kies ik ‘Dutch’. Helaas werkt dat bij mij niet, ik deel mijn mailadres niet zo openbaar. Maar gelukkig ken ik iemand die dat wel (ooit) gedaan heeft. Dus als ik zijn gegevens invul krijg ik helaas ook geen resultaat. Dat komt omdat Twitter Search slechts twee weken terug zoekt.
Daarom over naar de andere optie. Google heeft namelijk iets dat Google Cache heet. En in die cache worden alle websites, en dus ook individuele tweets, opgeslagen. In theorie zou je dus veel verder terug kunnen zoeken.
Dus op naar Google Advanced Search (om de resulaten goed te kunnen afbakenen) en ongeveer dezelfde handelingen verrichten:
Het enige waar je hier rekening mee moet houden is dat je bij het zoekdomein de Twitter account pagina meegeeft. En het resultaat geeft inderdaad een mailadres!
Om een telefoonnummer te vinden moet je natuurlijk de tekst e-mail me vervangen door call me.
We leren hier twee dingen van: Twitter en Google en zeker de combinatie daarvan zijn in staat heel wat zaken boven tafel te krijgen waar je je voordeel mee kunt doen. Maar anderzijds geldt ook: Twitter en Google en zeker de combinatie daarvan zijn in staat heel wat zaken boven water te krijgen. Ook als je dat liever niet zou willen. Wees dus altijd voorzichtig welke informatie je deelt. Het feit dat dat bij mij niet lukt komt omdat ik mijn mailadres (privé iig) alleen deel via DM’s. Maar als je me echt wilt mailen, mijn mailadres (publiek) staat gewoon op de over… pagina van deze site.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Trucs Tags:Twitter en Google en zeker de combinatie daarvan zijn in staat heel wat zaken boven tafel te krijgen
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Tags:Follow your interests. Discover your world.
Twinthesis De sonificatie van Twitter ,zo klinkt twitter
Hoe zou Twitter eigenlijk klinken? De Britse student en ontwikkelaar Sam Harman ging op zoek naar het antwoord en ontwierp ‘Twinthesis‘ een applicatie voor de Mac. Deze synthesizer met 6 modules maakt het mogelijk om tweets te vertalen in geluid, iets wat Harman de ‘sonificatie van Twitter’ noemt. De student deed geen half werk en publiceerde zelfs een wetenschappelijk rapport over z’n vinding.
An introductory guide to effectively using Twitter to grow your business! The field of social media marketing is exciting, cutting-edge, and...open to almost anything! Twitter's style of quick remarks lends itself to a carefree, conversational tone, ripe for passing along a plug, sharing a suggestion, or referencing a recommendation.
This fun and friendly book is an excellent first step for gaining insight on how to effectively use one of the most popular social media tools to expand the success of a business. In addition to covering the basics of Twitter, this easy-to-understand guide quickly moves on to techniques for incorporating a Twitter strategy into your marketing mix, combining new and old media, building your network, using Twitter tools, and measuring your success.
* Examines how Twitter's style for character-count caps and real-time posting allows for unique marketing opportunities
* Analyzes several real-world examples of successful strategies for marketing on Twitter
* Discusses ideas for promoting brands on Twitter, building a following, communicating better with followers, and driving traffic to a Web site* Shares the top Twitter applications So get chirping and put Twitter to work for your marketing needs today!
Social media marketing is not social media networking. Most people are familiar with online social networking, but that is only the beginning when it comes to marketing online.
Social media marketing is how you allow potential prospects to find you. Once that happens, you will use social media networking to build relationships with those prospects who may ultimately become customers or join you in your business.
You have to promote yourself in order to build relationships. This means that you need to be preparing your profiles on social networks that you intend to use, where you will reach your target market.
In the beginning this can be just simply creating your profile and building your presence, allowing people to get to know you, as well as what you have to offer. This doesnt mean that you absolutely must be an expert.
Promoting yourself also does not mean that you must come off as its all about me. It is about just being yourself. Enhance your profiles and blogs with pictures, videos, favorite quotes and posts about what you enjoy. Allow people to get to know YOU.
You can and should offer something of value, even if it is just entertaining, educational, or enlightening. Dont start with spamming about your biz-op or product!
Some people may perceive promoting themselves as something which should be reserved to those who are already successful, or good looking. But this is not true.
You are going to attract people to you for being open and forthright, for building trust. Some people do not even have a profile picture posted, whats up with that! Most people are beautiful and exude confidence when they just smile!
The last thing you want to do is appear to be a salesperson, pushing some product or opportunity, for two reasons. First, no one likes to be sold, and you will turn off any prospects when you start off with your pitch. Secondly, you will sound like so many others that do this, that youll be completely ignored for being an armature.
If you are interested in marketing using social media, then you want to grow your network in your target market to the extent that it will be possible for potential prospects to find you. Then, once you begin to provide valuable content, they will hopefully return, and even propagate your posts.
But these things take some time, however, given the initial investment in creating that content and building your networks, the payoff will last as long as the market is solvent.
Identify Your Target Market The first thing is to determine your target market. This is crucial to both building your content as well as your network in which you will want to market. It is with that in mind that you will want to select the social networks and groups that you will be participating in.
Different social networks will enable you in many cases to be more targeted toward one audience or demographic. Forums and groups are often very specific niche groups It is in these networks and groups that you must create your online presence. Begin defining your strategy.
Dont over extend yourself in the beginning. Select only 2 or 3 networks or groups to work with until you are well established and things are going smoothly. Use the targeted keywords in your profile, join related groups and forums, etc.
Create Your Content You will want to be creating some content which will be of value to your target market. This will be your blog or web page that will also lead to your sales funnel, whether that is a retail product, or an exchange of personal information (name, email and phone number) for something of value that you have to offer (a typical of a capture or squeeze page).
If you have a blog or web page which provides information about your service, make sure that it has content that is Educational, Entertaining, or Enlightening, or all of the above. It should be engaging enough in the onset to maintain your readers interest. Update your content by adding new posts at least once or twice a week to keep it up to date (Google will appreciate this and reward your increased SEO with higher rankings, i.e. placement on search results pages).
Some of your content may be from forum posts or articles that you publish in online groups. The content can be re-used or copied to your blog, in its original form or expanded upon. It may even be links to others content.
Link Your Content to Your Networking Profiles Build links from your social networking profiles that point to your blog or web page (your central hub). These links could be directly to the sales funnel, but should mostly be to elements of content within your central hub that will provide the type of value that you intend to offer as part of your marketing process. These are the elements that, when syndicated by your network, will increase your SEO and provide value to your target market.
When you have the framework and initial content prepared for your central hub, increase your personal network in to the thousands by connecting with people in that market. Begin by just making initial contacts and eventually making friends.
Utilizing groups is a good way to connect with people in your niche. Connect with other members, comment on their posts , provide good content, and make yourself known. Thank anyone for comments and input on your posts as well. The group members will eventually take notice of you and explore your links if they are interested.
Your Goal is Trust
Only after you have gained the trust of your audience, will they consider doing business with you, or giving you their personal information to receive more of what you have to offer. It begins with personal interaction, and ends with trust.
Trust can be made over time, but broken in short order if you abuse the privilege of someones attention. Dont waste your work accomplished in building your network by spamming people, posting your business proposition on their personal profile page or by filling their inbox with unsolicited product and opportunity information!
Enjoy the benefit of getting to know so many people that you may never have had the chance to know before without the advent of social media and online social networking. The world is continually getting smaller, and we can only enrich one anothers lives by simply knowing each other!
And always remember that you are unique and therefore have much to offer - Be yourself, everyone else is taken. Oscar Wilde
Twitter Tutorials for Twitter Newbies * Twitter in Plain English 2:25 * How to sign up for Twitter 2:02 * How to customize your Twitter profile 2:32 * Understanding Twitter etiquette 1:57 * Sharing pictures on Twitter 2:28 * Twitter Tutorial – Getting Started 5:53
This is one of my best twitter tips. On this blog post Ill explain you how to get more twitter followers in short time.
All this blog post is based on my own personal experience and on what I have read about twitter.
The best way I know how to get more twitter followers is by mass following and unfollowing.
When I want to get twitter followers first thing which I do is
posting some interesting tweets (that contain some usefull and
interesting tips, tricks and links) on my twitter profile (this way my
twitter profile will draw more peoples attention).
It is also important to fill out your twitter profiles bio section
(you can see this field on the right side of your twitter profile which
describes what your twitter account is about). You had better put there
some info about your twitter account or about you. Some researches
proove that if you have filled out your twitter profiles bio section
number of people who will follow you back is much much greater then if
you leave this field blank.
On this web link you can read one blog post (containing some of my
best twitter tips) which prooves that twitter profiles which have bio
section filled out will attract 8 times as many twitter followers as one
without bio section filled out:
Another very important thing is putting on your twitter profile some
custom image. I usually use red colored images (instead of the default
image, because it is much more noticeable then when that is in some
other colors, and it will draw more peoples attention according to some
researches done in 60′s or 70′s).
Some internet marketers even suggest using custom twitter background
image instead of default one this way your twitter profile will look
more professional.
Then I find some other twitter profiles whose topic or subject is
related to the subject of my twitter profile and which has at least
several 10,000′s of followers (those twitter profiles are getting new
followers quickly, and this way you will avoid following the same people
You can find those twitter profiles on many twitter directories. The
best places where you can find those people are twitter directories
like: wefollow.com, tweetfind.com, twitr.org, twellow.com,
justtweetit.com, twitdir.com, geofollow.com and many others.
You can search and find those people under relevant categories. You
had better find people who have a lot of followers (at least several
10,000′s twitter followers).
If you want to get targeted followers (people who are interested in
what you have to offer or are trying to promote) the best way is to
find some twitter profile with the same subject like your twitter
profile, and to follow his followers.
One day you should follow some 500 people (or his followers) on
twitter, and then after 48 hours or every other day you should first
follow (reciprocate) all those that began following you and then
unfollow all those that do not follow you, and then again follow another
500 people on twitter and repeat this process every other day. Im not
recommending following more people on twitter (more then 500) in order
not to get your twitter account suspended, as some people had
experienced this.
You can also find those people if you already have at least few
1000′s of followers by logging with your twitter profile username and
password into this service: MyTweeple.com, and by searching through your
followers (you do this by clicking on link Your Followers and by
sorting them clicking on drop down menu in which you can sort them by
number of followers; you can also see how many followers all your
followers have and if their twitter profile is related to your twitter
Im doing this myself every other day, and this way I get around 3000
followers every month. On one of my twitter profiles in few months I
got over 10,000 followers using this method.
Another very important thing to remember is that after following you
should wait around 48 hours and then repeat this process, for your
twitter account might get suspended. It is also very important not to
unfollow people right after following them, for the reason that there
are some people whose twitter accounts got suspended for this reason.
Also very important thing is to post tweets about some interesting
things on twitter (which contain some secrets, tips and other usefull
and interesting) this way you will attract more twitter followers.
Especially those tweets on the top (the several latest tweets) should be
very usefull and interesting. More interesting your twitter profile is
more people will follow you back. After following some 500 people on
twitter in the next two days I get around 200 people following me
There is one awsome automated twitter tool which can help you to
automate this job (mass following/unfollowing). This twitter tool is
called TwittAdder.
With this automated twitter tool you can unfollow all those that dont
follow you with one single click and also with one click to follow
someone elses followers, and save your time and effort. This tool also
has many other usefull features that can help you in your twitter
business and with your twitter profiles. CLICK HERE to find out more about this automated twitter tool
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:More followers Tags:How to get more twitter followers,Twitter Followers, Twitter Tips and tagged: Tweeting, Tweets, Twitter, Twitter Followers, Twitter Tips
Twitter is about humor
Twitter Tales: Our Users, Their Stories
How do you use Twitter? We asked dozens of our users that exact
question. What resulted from their responses is a series of quirky and
inspiring articles. We call them Twitter Tales.
Frankly, @thebloggess
was hesitant to even sign up for Twittereven perhaps a bit hostile
toward the idea that in addition to blogging she should somehow produce
"tweets." What were these tweets? What did they do? Was it inappropriate
to tweet in public? Would it stop her even if it was? Was the entire
world watching?
The Bloggess Comes to Twitter
A number of her friends attempted to convince @thebloggess
to join by showing her tweets talking about her blog postswhat better
way to encourage her to join than to show that other people were talking
about her behind her e-back, after allbut she remained resistant.
Ultimately, in 2008, a friend opened an account in her name and
threatened to tweet in her place. Concessions were begrudgingly made and
@thebloggess started her Twitter journey.
Her goal was both simple and terrifying: "If I am going to do this,
I am going to entertain myself." Her Twitter account would become the
"behind the scenes" commentary to her blog. It would also become an
irreverent, rebellious, oddly wig-filled, and utterly hilarious
documentation of an otherwise normal(ish) life.
The Highlight Reel
Highlights of @thebloggess' two-year tweet rampage include three awesome events:
As part of a campaign to bring silliness back into the world, @thebloggess
tweeted about her adventures at a sandwich shop where she put the name
"wolverines!" on her order, thereby making an employee have to shout out
"Wolverines!" when her food was ready. The idea caught on like
wildfire, and a few blog posts and a few hundred tweets (not all by her)
later, #wolverines was a trending topic on Twitter.
After a surprise nomination in the "government" category in the Shorty Awards that was later rescinded due to @thebloggess
not actually being in the government, she tweeted her outrage and was
officially appointed the "Czar of Nothingness" in Martindale, Texas, so
she would be eligible for another Shorty Award in government. However,
due to the unfortunate technicality of her not having been in government
at all prior to the nomination, she won't be eligible until next year.
After an argument with her husband that led to him stating that he
would only be impressed by her Twitter presence if she was "famous
enough to get William Shatner to come over for dinner," @thebloggess
embarked (with the full, joyous support of her followers) on a Twitter
campaign to get William Shatner to come to her house to "save her
William Shatner, perhaps perplexed by the preponderance of
messages, blocked her; this led to another, even more widespread
campaign to get Shatner to unblock @thebloggess. He did, though he's yet to come over for dinner.
The group of followers who supported her efforts became known as the "Bloggess Army" and went on to start another account, @thegoodbloggess, that helps individuals who are in a tough place in life.
Viva la Twitter!
As her voice evolved on Twitter, @thebloggess always focused on tweets that are fun for everyone
(though especially her). This has included posting photos, videos, and
retweeting other users she found amusing to her stream. She also has
used Twitter as a personal support tree, noting
mid-conference-inspired-possible-anxiety-attack that "I love Twitter.
I'm still alone but no longer lonely. #mom2summit."
After a 2009 anxiety attack left her alone in a hotel room and
unable to physically be around another person, she reached out via
Twitter and, thousands of replies later, was awed at the level of
connection she'd achieved.
Despite her initial resistance to Twitter, @thebloggess
found much more than just an extension of her blog or a wider audience
on Twitter. She found a group of wry misfits to connect with, a
"bloggess army" to help other people with, and a unique way to share her life with her followers and friends.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:tales Tags:Twitter is about humor
Twitter information throughout workday commute
Twitter Tales: Our Users, Their Stories
How do you use Twitter? We asked dozens of our users that exact
question. What resulted from their responses is a series of quirky and
inspiring articles. We call them Twitter Tales.
Many Bay Area commuters know how it feels to stand for
hours on a Caltrain platform wondering where in Gods name their train
is. The train system, which is the main mode of public transportation
from San Francisco to Silicon Valley, is notorious among riders for its
lack of communication about delays caused by mechanical problems or
accidents. Getting any real-time information was nearly impossible. That
is, until Ravi Pina created the Twitter account, @Caltrain.
Tired of delays
Ive been a Caltrain commuter since I moved here in 2006, says
the techy 32-year-old who travels daily to work in Silicon Valley from
San Francisco. Like many other riders, Ravi quickly grew tired of
unpredictable delays. Coming home was a particular pain-point,
especially in 2007 with a spike in delays sometimes up to two hours or
more. Something had to be done.
When Ravi started tweeting from @Caltrain,
his idea for the account was simple: technology-equipped riders could
send an email from their phone or computer to a special address Ravi
managed. The first 140 characters of the emails subject line would be
broadcast from @Caltrain
as a Tweet to all of the accounts Twitter subscribers. Im a huge
nerd, Ravi adds. So, I have resources available to me to create this
system. The barrier of entry for me was low. I thought, make it simple
send an email to one account, figure out how to limit abuse.
It worked. Ravi initially asked coworkers to test the system,
submitting real-time messages about delays affecting the trains they
were currently riding or waiting for. Riders up the line could catch the
Tweets, ask questions, and submit their own updates. I make no
assertions that this is an official service account. The philosophy I
had was to provide an easy solution to the community that could help
them help each other, says Ravi. I wanted to see where the community
would take it.
Information throughout workday commute
With over 4,000 followers and more than 400 approved contributors,
the account has clearly taken off. For some, its become an invaluable
source of information throughout their workday commute. Rider response
has been all spectrums of positive, everything from this is cool! to
thanks for the great service to people who use it religiously. For
some, the service has become part of their way of life. They are so
grateful, Ravi says.
Ravi adds that his mornings are now much less stressful. When he
wakes up to his phone vibrating off the dresser with SMS messages from
the @Caltrain
account, he hits snooze on his alarm clock and drives to work or takes a
later train. Reflecting Twitters own belief in communication and the
open exchange of information, he adds, Theres a huge value in the
aspect of community in this and having that constant and reliable feed
of relevant data. Anyone willing to embrace this is one step ahead of
the curve in terms of communication.
Ironically, official Caltrain employees have fully embraced @Caltrain
and the updates its riders contribute. But, theyve yet to reach out to
Ravi and create or maintain something like it themselves. If Caltrain
ever said, Look, we want to officially do this now, they definitely
could, Ravi laughs. Until then, stranded riders can text Follow
Caltrain to 40404 and immediately become a part of the community.
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Twitter is Sweet
Twitter Tales: Our Users, Their Stories
How do you use Twitter? We asked dozens of our users that exact
question. What resulted from their responses is a series of quirky and
inspiring articles. We call them Twitter Tales.
The woman behind @cakespy's
cute and quirky Twitter commentary is just as sweet as you'd imagine.
In fact, her lifes mission is to make the world a sweeter place
through art and baked goods. How is she accomplishing this goal?
Through her artwork, her passion for local bakeries, and her Twitter
A writer, illustrator, and small business owner with a penchant for
baked goods, Jessie Oleary spends her time creating artwork inspired by
cupcakes, cakes, pies, and the like, and seeks out sugary inspiration
wherever she goes. She sells her work out of a small shop (CakeSpy Shop)
that she opened this year in Seattle, which grew from a website she'd
built. I actually noticed that Twitter is one of the most powerful
tools in generating traffic to my online store, says Jessie, who was
more than happy to leave her day job in full-time pursuit of desserts
and art. I can promote, engage with people, and have fun.
I actually noticed that Twitter is one of the
most powerful tools in generating traffic to my online store. I can
promote, engage with people, and have fun."
Using Twitter as her primary marketing tool, Jessie has mastered the
art of creating clever, entertaining updates and understands how to make
Twitter work for her. I think that people see through it and get tired
of it really quickly when all you do is push your product, she
explains. It's often more interesting to give them some of the
backstory via Twitter in addition to updating them about relevant news
and products."
With this in mind, Jessie uses Tweets to gather feedback on art
projects shes working on, survey customers and gather ideas from
like-minded Twitter users, document her adventures sampling baked goods,
and to drive traffic to her blog and store. I seek out sweetness in
everyday life, Jessie adds. Sometimes thats literal in terms of
visiting bakeries; sometimes its figurative in terms of my art. I
report on it, and share it. And the world or at least Twitter is a
little sweeter for it.
This one time...
received a Tweet from a fan asking if she could illustrate an Andy
Warhol quote: My ideal wife would have a lot of bacon, bring it all
home, and have a TV Station besides. She jumped at the challenge,
created a masterpiece,
and used it to propel more artwork. People loved it! Jessie recalls.
I started posting weekly Andy Warhol illustrations on Twitter.
How do you use Twitter? We asked dozens of our users that exact question. What resulted from their responses is a series of quirky and inspiring articles. We call them Twitter Tales.
When Merlin Mann created his best-known Twitter account (@hotdogsladies) in early 2007, he immediately fell in love with one notorious aspect of the online service: what he calls “the happy constraint of 140 characters.” “As someone who talks about creative work all day, you learn to love constraints,” says Merlin, who's often described as "a reluctant productivity guru," infamous for his unconventional presentations on personal productivity and knowledge work.
“My friends and I try to rise to the challenge of seeing how far we can go with just those 140 characters. It ended up that it was a perfect medium for a certain kind of humor and observation,” he adds.
“It’s just the right amount of space to make a small joke, with a twist.”
As it turns out, almost 100,000 followers (and counting) think @hotdogsladies rises to the challenge in his short, clever messages. He tweets about funny things he sees on the street, posts snarky pop culture commentary, and makes hilarious and often very nerdy jokes.
“I want to tell a little story,” Merlin says of each Tweet. “I want to create a little world in there where you have to figure out what the missing piece is, and where it’s not obvious what I’m saying – like a puzzle you have to figure out.”
Merlin is straightforward about the way he uses Twitter: not as a social media platform. “I use it as a self-publishing platform. Much the same way I'd use a blog,” he explains. “For a long time, I kept a running file with jokes and ideas that I might want to someday transform into a joke for Twitter.” He publishes these short quips every day or so, and doesn’t worry much about whether his fans get it or not. “Half the people who follow me are there because they get the jokes; I suspect the the other half probably aren't even sure WHY they're there,” laughs Merlin. “Truthfully, I don’t craft stuff to be retweeted. Not a fan.”
In fact, Merlin is probably the only person on Twitter to say that, once in a while, he feels like he has too many followers. “I’ll realize I dislike that pressure of facing a big, half-interested audience. So, yeah, I'll try to get the fence-sitters to dump me,” he says with a laugh. “I’ll post something that will totally piss people off, like ‘Nice hat, Justin Bieber—do they make it for men?’ and then, in brackets, show my current number of followers. Just so everyone could track how many people I could persuade to split.”
Ironically, it’s precisely this attitude that seems to make Merlin so popular. He understands what many others seek on Twitter, and he delivers it daily. “No one really cares about my life, or your life; what they care about is being amused. Twitter is a place to have fun,” he says.
Merlin spends much of his professional life helping people find the time and attention to do their best work (check out his upcoming book Inbox Zero). “With email,” he explains, “I have no control over what people put in my inbox and no control over what my expectations are about it. But the great thing about Twitter is that you don’t have to repeatedly see anything you don’t want to see; I have 100% control over what lands in my Twitter stream.” That observation has led Merlin to develop some pretty insightful tips on how best to use Twitter. Among them is: “If they aren’t amusing you, unfollow.” Certainly, Merlin offers that exact advice to all of his own followers. Even still, the numbers just keep climbing.
His best tweets:
“If the LOST guys redid The Bible, there'd be 3 Marys, a subplot about Job's imaginary spaceship, and zero resolution on who Jesus's Dad is.”
“James Carville always looks like he's struggling to remember whether he just ate a ferret.”
"Joining a Facebook group about creative productivity is like buying a chair about jogging."
“Chili's is America's lonely ex-girlfriend. You arrive starved and confused; you leave sad and gravely clear on why things never worked out.”
“Innovation is a lot like risotto. The few who make it well just go make it; the many who can't yammer about it until you want to stab them.”
“Look: it's not journalism unless it's printed on costly paper you throw out one hour after some guy literally drives it to your door. Daily.”
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