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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.What unites different taiji quan styles

    The way towards health involves spirit, mind, qi and body



    Yang Chengfu:

    I hope that later students will not merely chase after the external, but will instead pursue the internal. The important fine details of boxing postures can not be obtained in the appearance of form, but must be sought in the idea that unites the whole.

    Results will be achieved in three years for people that want to protect their bodies and cultivate their nature.


    Sun Lutang

    Martial arts were created to make use of methods that involved both stillness and motion simultaneously. They sought to recover the pre natal qi.

    Taiji was invented … each movement and stillness merely follows that which is natural…the intent is focused on practicing until the qi transforms into spirit … towards six harmonies (3 internal, 3 external)



    Practice with

    1.stillness : concentrate on the exercise, use of the mind, not force

    2.Lightness: it is relaxed, but it is not, the strength is not exposed

    3.slowness: never a pause (so no fajin)

    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.What unites different taiji quan styles

    The purpose of Yang, Wu and Sun style taiji quan is focused on health and self strengthening of the individual and the nation.


    Health and self strengthening are expressed in terms of longevity in good conditions


    The martial art application is secondary but it may contribute to your health and it enables the knowledge of the other.

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    Health is the final purpose of Yang, Wu, Sun taiji quan


    Sun Jian Jun, said about her father: The reason to practice martial arts was not to fight, but to improve the health of the body. The goal is to be healthy while you live and then die quickly.


    Yang Chengfu: I wish that worthy individuals with the highest aspiration will use the book for the purpose of self-strengthening.


    The Wu style final purpose is described as: longevity and eternal spring.

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    Yang, Wu and Sun style taiji quan were immediately transmitted publicly as opposed to the older family secret transmission as used in Chen family.


    Therefore, the “originals” of these styles are well documented by the originator or first or second generation representatives sometimes with the help of “ghost writers”


    The change towards public martial arts may be related to the originators aim to strengthen China against foreign countries, which was relevant in the 1850 - 1950 period.


    The chronological order of the styles Yang, Wu, Sun is not reflected in the order of publications and the closeness with the originator:  Sun (originator) before Wu (first generation) and Yang (second generation).

    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.What unites different taiji quan styles

    Based on books from “originators” of the Yang, Wu and Sun style

    The essence and application of Taiji quan, Yang Chengfu

    Wu style Taiji quan – forms, concepts and application of the Original style, Wu Ying-hua  and Ma Yueh-liang

    A study of Taijiquan, Sun Lutang

    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Demo Aarschot

    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Demo Aarschot

    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Demo Aarschot

    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.tuureluut van taiji

    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Demo Aarschot

    TWF The Wushu Family demo aarschot 2011 Taiko drums


    TWF The Wushu Family demo aarschot 2011 judo


    TWF The Wushu Family demo aarschot 2011 taekwondo


    TWF The Wushu Family demo aarschot 2011 thai box kids


    TWF The Wushu Family demo aarschot 2011 qi gong shi ba shi iedereen


    TWF The Wushu Family demo aarschot 2011 taiji standard 8 iedereen


    TWF The Wushu Family demo aarschot 2011 wushu kids 1


    TWF The Wushu Family demo aarschot 2011 taekwondo trap


    TWF The Wushu Family demo aarschot 2011 capoeira


    TWF The Wushu Family demo aarschot 2011 taiji standard zwaard

    Jurgen Sonia Zaa Fred Jos Wim


    TWF The Wushu Family demo aarschot 2011 taiji waaier

    Zaa  Wim


    TWF The Wushu Family demo aarschot 2011 taiji stok

    Jurgen Nadine Jeanneke Isabelle Fred Jos



    TWF The Wushu Family demo aarschot 2011 taiji push hands

    Jurgen Fred



    TWF The Wushu Family demo aarschot 2011 wushu jeugd groep



    TWF The Wushu Family demo aarschot 2011 wushu jeugd individueel


    TWF The Wushu Family demo aarschot 2011 wushu jeugd groep en individueel

    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.beyond words
    allways in  the whole
    falling in that hole
    feeling small and tall
    en voie pour le neant
    le noir s'éclate en néon
    j'arrivere, mais quand

    ik ben er, maar waar?
    het is waar, noch daar
    het is donker en toch klaar.

    je suis là, même au dela

    c'est vrai, mais pas la

    c'est si opaque que clair comme l'eau de la...

    I'm there, but where?

    it is true, but not just there

    it is hard as dust and yet soft and fair

    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.spring lente printemps

    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.haiku
    ik, op weg naar niets
    waar donker oplicht, en dus,
    niet minder dan iets

    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.op weg
    où le noir s'allume en néon
    j'arriverai, mais quand
    la voie vers le neant

    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.taiji citaten
    One could indeed say that the core of protecting the body and to cultivate our nature is to accord with and protect its weakness.

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    Taijiquan is based on the taiji, bagua and the book of changes. As the changes modeled on the transformation of heaven and earth, it never goes beyond them.


    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.taiji citaten

    The important fine details of boxing postures can not be obtained in the appearance of form, but must be sought in the idea that unites the whole.

    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.taiji citaten

    13 points to be attentive  and test and verify these in practice

    1.      sink the shoulders and drop the elbows

    2.      contain the chest and pull up the back

    3.      the qi sinks to the dantian

    4.      an intangible energy lifts the crown of the head

    5.      loosen the waist and the kua (rem author: everything hips, middle, taille …)

    6.      distinguish empty and full

    7.      upper and lower follow one another

    8.      use mind intent not strength

    9.      inner and outer are united

    10.  intention and qi interact

    11.  seek stillness in movement

    12.  movement and stillness are united

    13.  proceed evenly from posture to posture

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    The most important principle in taijiquan is the value of the regularity of movements and stillness….

    Only when the height of the stance and the velocity of the hands can obtain this consistent measure  can one shed the constraints of fixed rules.

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    Li (principle) orders what is changeless in change (note author: the inherent principel of things, on their structural patterns … one investigates li in order to uncover patterns which relate to things and to discover resonance between things that make correlation and catagorization possible.

    Qi (energy) does not depart from yin and yang (note author at once matter and energy.

    Xiang (image) takes its model in from the taiji and the bagua (note author: a sensory presentation of a perceptual, imaginative or recollected experience. It is what the sages can perceive from the mysteries of the world).


    When one is able to realize  all three, then the form and function are integrated, then the form and function are integrated.

    Students should seek the xiang to nurture the qi. Given time they will come to understand the li spontaneously.


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