Acne of puistjes, je wil er van af! Op deze blog vind U Alles over jeugdpuistjes met tips en
tricks om je puisten te bestrijden met speciale acne-behandelingen of
medicijnen. Zijn er onderwerpen over puistjes die nog ontbreken? De redactie
hoe kom je van acne af video how to get rid of acne
Acne of ook wel puistjes, is een overmatige talgproductie en ontsteking van de talgklieren na verstopping van de opening. Vooral in gezicht, nek en hals. Acne treedt meestal op tussen 12-25 jaar. Aard, ernst en omvang van de verschijnselen van acne verschillen sterk van persoon tot persoon.
Acne is a very common skin disorder that most young people get in early puberty. It is caused by inflammation of the small oil glands (sebaceous glands) that surround the fine hairs on the face and chest.
The severity of acne increases and, typically, reaches its peak around the ages of 17 to 19. For most people, acne tends to go away by the time they reach their mid-20s; however, very sensitive people may continue to have the disorder until they reach their 40s.
Hormonal changes related to pregnancy or menstrual periods can also cause or contribute to acne. This is also the case with environmental irritants such as pollution, intense heat, humidity or cold.