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    Tales from the Woods
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    Fall is slowly settling on the land and the amount of daylight is diminishing. When I started around 5.30PM I knew I only had a little more than an hour of daylight left. I started with the Moots YBB and first did a big lap riding all the way to the Heverleebos Arboretum to search Ignatius, the Ad Wouters sculpture that had eluded me so far. I found it this time and was glad I did. Now all the sculptures of the "Pad van Ad" are found. I rode back towards Vaalbeek and finished my ride with a long lap into Kouterbos and Meerdael Forest. Riding home along the Langedaal I was in time to watch the sun settle behind the forest horizon. The pace was good today, of course only riding for an hour allowed me to ride faster without fear for the legs to become saturated. My average heartrate was a cool 106bpm and the average speed was nearing 24kph. Not bad.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 24.5K and 200 heightmeters (Garmin) in 01h02mins


    01-10-2014, 19:36 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Today the weather forecast called for dry weather in the AM, with some light rain starting around noon. I decided to go for a longer ride on the Moots Psychlo-X. Riding over Sint Joris Weert, Terlanen and Tombeek towards Maleizen, I cam to Hoeilaart where I entered the Sonian Forest along a cobbly climb. Following the NERO route for a while and then the western edge of the Forest I arrived in Sint-Genesius-Rode.
    The trails where great and the Moots performed well. I stopped for a couple of pictures by the Forestry Monument, remembering fallen Foresters in the First World War.

    20140929_105720_DxO 20140929_110623_DxO 20140929_110637_DxO

    Back through the Sonian Forest towards Jezus-Eik and Tervuren, where I passed the ponds on my way to Vossem. I followed the borders of the River Voer along twisty singletrails until I reached Bertem, where the singletrail ended. From Bertem to Egenhoven and then into Heverlee bos and its Arboretum, where I searched - in vain- for Ignatius, one of the Ad Wouters sculptures. Back home along the Prosperdreef to conclude a nice long ride with a fair amount of heightmeters in it.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 70K and 615 heightmeters (Garmin) in 02h57mins


    29-09-2014, 13:40 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Going for a short but sweet ride today. The Path of Ad. Ad is Ad Wouters, a sculptor who has sculpted several figures out of living and dead trees, scattered throughout Meerdael Forest and Heverlee Forest. The complete path is around 26K and it comprises some very challenging trails. The path also goes by the Dikke Eik and Dikke Beuk, two of the largest trees in this forest.  I felt fine today and my legs were up to the task. Due to the fair amount of climbing I took it easy and enjoyed the early morning freshness of the forest. The sun came out during the ride but the temperature remained a chilly 13 degrees on average.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 26.5K and 300 heightmeters (Garmin) in 01h21mins


    28-09-2014, 11:17 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Today was a day with a lot of clouds. The temperature was hovering around 16 degrees C when I rode out with the Moots Psychlo-X for a mixed ride. Starting over Sint Joris Weert, Nethen and Pecrot I came into Dion and then rode to Wavre. Up towards Overijse and then from Hoegaarden along the boards of the river Yse towards Korbeek Dyle. From here I took the Green Bloso in reverse until I reached the Heverleebos. I stopped by the Neanderthaler for a couple of pictures.


    Onwards through Heverleebos to the Prosperdreef and into Blanden. Was a good ride, the third in as many days.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 55.5K and 445 heightmeters (Garmin) in 02h22mins


    26-09-2014, 14:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Could not sit still today so I chose to do a mountainbike ride in the early afternoon. Following more or less the perimeter around Meerdael Forest and trying to relax my riding style in order to make the ride not too heavy on the muscles. There was a spot of mud here and there and I did take some smaller trails but overall the ride went very well. The legs felt surprisingly good and I could maintain a good tempo throughout the entire ride.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 38.5K and 380 heightmeters (Garmin) in 01h54min30secs


    25-09-2014, 16:06 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    The forecast for today spoke of light rain and drizzle starting around noon so I rode out around 9.30 AM to be sure to keep it dry. I rode out with the Psychlo-X once again, keen on making some kilometers. The wind was blowing from the southwest and whilst I was riding through Hamme Mille towards Jodoigne I had it coming from my right. Took a detour over Lathuy to ride towards Dongelberg. Checking the castle gate I noticed it was open. This was a chance to slip into the castle grounds and make a quick snapshot of the castle before I was noticed.


    Riding on towards Jodoigne and then taking the long cobble road towards Saint-Remy-Geest. Taking a right towards Saint-Jean-Geest where I injected myself onto the Ravel towards Hoegaarden. A little bit of off-road to reach Klein Overlaar - no problem with the Psychlo-X - and then I was riding upwards to the Goudberg geosite. To the north now towards Oorbeek and Kumtich. Here I took a left turn and had the wind against me as I made my way towards Willebringen. From Willebringen I drove to Neervelp and Bremt. Over Bierbeek into the Meerdael Forest for a stretch of forest road that took me to the Naamsesteenweg. Following that into Blanden I had a good solid ride under my belt. Average heartrate under 100bpm so no stress for my heart.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 58.5K and 490 heightmeters (Garmin) in 02h27mins


    24-09-2014, 13:00 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Two days without cycling, due to heavy rains on the sunday morning. But I did 2 forest walks, 12.6 and 13.9K respectively and I did feel those in my legs when I took the Psychlo-X out around 10AM today for a mixed ride. There was a strong NW wind and the temperature had dropped to 16 degrees - 10 degrees less compared to last week. That did not bother me much but the wind did play with me during the trip towards the north. When I rode back south I stll could feel it tugging from the side and occasionally blow straight in my face. But I took it easy and enjoyed the moments when the wind pushed me along. Coming back over Lovenjoel and Bierbeek I rode into Meerdael Forest for a last couple of kilometers on tarmac before following the Naamsesteenweg into Blanden.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 52K and 380 heightmeters (Garmin) in 02h07mins


    22-09-2014, 13:15 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Mollendaal & Meerdael Trails
    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen It had rained a bit last evening so that meant that the trails were perfect today. The dust was gone and there were no muddy sections. Just moist trails. I got the YBB out for a spin on my Mollendaal Trails route. Superb singletracks and narrow trails, interspersed with some broader tracks and at the end even some tarmac. Legs felt good and my heartrate was nice and low. After the Mollendaal section I decided to add a loop on the Meerdael Trails and did one lap , ending with a loop over Vaalbeek and the Prosperdreef. 

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 36K and 345 heightmeters (Garmin) in 01h42mins


    19-09-2014, 20:27 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    With 27 degrees it was way too hot to be comfortable but I rode out nevertheless, still clad in long shorts and sleeves. September is normally the end of the horsefly season but with the temperatures still so high I was not taking any chances, lest there still be some specimen on the prowl for my blood.
    I did 4 long laps of nearly 9km with a nice amount of heightmeters. Rode at an easy pace I could maintain throughout the entire ride. My last lap was the fastest, not by much, but still it indicates that I spread my effort well.

    Ride Stats : 41K and 305 heightmeters (Garmin) in 01h52mins


    17-09-2014, 20:28 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    I wanted to do some fast laps on my Meerdael trails so I took out the Psychlo-X instead of the YBB. Warming up sufficiently and also reconnoitering the condition of the trails I did a fast lap of the medium distance, followed by a cooling down lap and then I did a fast lap of the shortest loop. My heartrate went up to 143 which is a lot considering my recent condition but all went well and I could complete the lap with a new personal record. I did the same on the medium distance. After that I did some cooling down laps but the speed was still high enough to make this a very fast offroad ride. Legs felt good .

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 29.5K and 185 heightmeters (Garmin) in 01h25mins


    15-09-2014, 19:57 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    It was misty and only 15 degrees C when I rode out with the Moots Psychlo-X around 10am. The plan was to ride over Korbeek Dyle and Duisburg into the Sonian Forest. There was a light drizzle and the fog was rolling over the rivers Dyle and Voer. Into the Kapucijnen forest and up the long easy climb towards Jezus Eik. From there I followed the highway towards the Rouge Cloitre area. Pausing at the ponds to take a couple of pictures before attacking the steep climb out of the valley.

    Along the N3 I rode into Tervuren and its' park. Back up to Duisburg and from there I rode towards the river Voer. I followed that little river along its left border where a bikepath twists and turns for several kilometers from Vossem to Bertem. In Bertem I rode upwards onto the plateau and then down into the Dyle Valley. From Arenberg I connected to Heverlee forest and the last couple of kilometers of this mixed ride where again on forest roads. Had a good ride with a relaxed 103bpm average heartrate.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 53.5K and 415 heightmeters (Garmin) in 02h16mins


    14-09-2014, 13:22 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Another fine evening with temperatures in the high 10's. I decided to ride out on the YBB, taking in some Meerdael Forest trails. I first did the long version of my Military trail, after that reconnoitering a new trail that took me into the Kouterbos and out of it again along a different climb. It is some 8.1 km long and I lapped it in around 22 minutes. Doing another lap of that and then finishing off with another Long Meerdael Military lap. This is 7k long. Amazingly this last lap was my fastest ever . Form is good and I took it relatively easy and relaxed during the first hour. Riding back through Vaalbeek and along the Prosperdreef to reach Blanden.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 37K and 275 heightmeters (Garmin) in 01h36mins


    12-09-2014, 20:21 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    It was a little bit colder today with only 16 degrees C. But once I was warmed up it was pretty comfortable riding. No wind and the trails were great. I set out with the Moots YBB for some Meerdael trails . Did a lot of loops around the old military compound. Trying out the Langedaal trail which had dried up almost completely. Only a couple of puddles but they were easily avoided.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats 39.5K and 200 heightmeters in 01h37mins


    10-09-2014, 21:24 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    I felt yesterdays' long ride in my legs throughout the day but when I got home I decided to ride out for an exploratory ride of some trails I knew in Mollendaal forest. It had been a while since I connected them all but I had no trouble riding a consistent loop of around 22K with a lot of narrow trails and constant up and down sections. The trails were fine, with only one mud-trap and 2 trees which had fallen over the singletrack. The bike was performing great and so were my legs.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 24K and 275 heightmeters (Garmin) in 01h12mins


    08-09-2014, 20:19 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    It was misty when I rode out around 10AM with the Moots Psychlo-X. But the sun was peeping through and it promised to warm up later. Over Hamme Mille and Beauvechain towards L'Ecluse and then into Hoegaarden. I found a tricky descent with a cobble section that looked Roman. Very old and wet and sharp. So easy going. From Hoegaarden some more cobbles were waiting for my 32mm tyres when I set out towards Saint Remy Geest. Pausing near the church for some pictures and a welcome break.

    Onwards to Melin and then through Bruyere back to Beauvechain and Hamme Mille. Taking a little loop into Meerdael Forest and finishing over some more cobbles in the descent into Vaalbeek.
    Had a good ride - a long one - and I felt good. Average heartrate was good around 101bpm.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 57.5K and 425 heightmeters (Garmin) in 02h20mins


    07-09-2014, 14:19 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Meerdael Laps
    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen Was late home from work but decided to ride out nevertheless. Darkness falls around 8pm in the forest so starting just before 7pm gave me an hour. I did 2 long laps in Meerdael Forest, riding fast . The weather was fine with 20 degrees C and almost no wind. The legs felt fine and I could maintain my speed until the end of the ride. I was home in time and felt good.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 25.5K and 165 heightmeters (Garmin) in 01h02mins


    05-09-2014, 20:43 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Fine weather this evening and I went out for a ride on the Moots YBB. I am testing a new kind of chain lube with nanotechnology. A big word , lets see how it stands up in the field. More info at Dieci-9 . I did a pyramidical succession of laps today. Starting with the medium, then the large and then the extra large one. After that I did the large, medium and finished off with the small lap. In all nearly 40K of fun. The trails were dry and faster than a couple of days ago. My legs felt good and I could maintain a good average.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 41.5K and 275 heightmeters (Garmin) in 01h45mins


    03-09-2014, 20:16 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Wanted to do a ride when I got home from work. Took the Moots YBB out for a spin over Meerdael trails. 2 big laps of 9.6 kilometers followed by another lap of 8km. I felt Ok but I did not push too hard since I had been riding yesterday as well. I still managed to get a KOM (King Of the Mountain) on the 8K lap. It got dark near the end, rain clouds filling the sky. But it remained dry and I was able to finish the lap before it got too dark to see. September is here and the days are visibly shortening . Still, the september month also means the end of the horsefly era and soon I will be able to wear short sleeves when venturing into the wood.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 35.5K and 225 heightmeters (Garmin) in 01h35mins


    01-09-2014, 20:52 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Taking the PsychloX out today for a mixed ride around Leuven. Starting in Blanden I decided to do the 40K . This looked like more than enough , I had the option of adding an extra loop later if need be. Over Bierbeek, Kessel Lo and Herent the loop took me towards Winksele and Bertem. Some nice little hills put my heart and legs to the test. All went well, I could hold my speed and was wise enough not to push too hard. Past Bertem we rode towards Korbeek Dyle , the Zoete Waters and finally Vaalbeek to reach Blanden again. I decided against the extra lap because the clouds were very black and menacing and indeed, only minutes after I arrived home the skies opened up and it started to rain heavily.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 44K and 295 heightmeters (Garmin) in 01h51mins


    31-08-2014, 12:52 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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    Time for another ride. It was warm with a balmy 20 degrees C when I rode out with the Moots YBB. I did a new lap in Meerdael Forest, making a figure 8 around the military compound and towards the Keiberg. An 8K lap I did 3 times. Legs felt good and the trails were fine. Dryer than last wednesday and with less heightmeters the average pace was also higher.

    Endomondo track

    Ride Stats : 32K and 180 heightmeters (Garmin) in 01h24mins


    29-08-2014, 19:48 geschreven door Big Bad Wolf

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