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    Partial Source: PWInsider

    Sources say that Michael Cole has some major heat on him right now from within WWE. The feeling is that he isn't taking his job seriously anymore and officials aren't happy with some of his "stupid" comments made on TV lately. They also feel that he is no longer putting the company first.

    There may be another shuffling of announcers soon as Jerry Lawler being attacked on RAW Monday night and Matt Striker filling in for him was done so WWE could test the waters to see how the different announcers work together. Vince is said to be very high on Matt Striker at the moment.

    Word is that several people who had been trying out for the new WWE announcer spot were contacted this past week and thanked for applying but were told that someone else had been hired.

    18-11-2009 om 17:15 geschreven door jefken  

    0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
    » Reageer (0)
    Report: Rey Mysterio & Mickie James Injured

    Rey Mysterio has a knee injury right now, and is expected to take time off soon. This may cause the program with Batista to be rushed.

    Mickie James may have injured her leg on Saturday night in Dublin, but it likely isn't serious.

    17-11-2009 om 23:27 geschreven door jefken  

    0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 2/5 - (5 Stemmen)
    » Reageer (0)
    Update Brock Lesnar

    Yesterday, Dana White told the Associated Press that Brock Lesnar is recovering from a bacterial infection in his intestinal tract. White is still encouraging Lesnar to check into the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota for further treatment.

    WCCO-TV, which is the CBS affiliate in Minneapolis, adds that Brock Lesnar is suffering from diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is a disease which is usually found in the large intestine. It forms large pouches on the outside of the colon, which then becomes inflamed. Treatment for diverticulitis usually involves no solid food, only being fed through an IV and an aggressive antibiotic treatment. Also, in severe cases, surgery can be required to remove the infected area of the colon. Surgery is usually avoided, unless it is a severe case, which Lesnar's appears to be.

    Dana White once again said that he does not know if Lesnar would fight again.

    17-11-2009 om 23:27 geschreven door jefken  

    0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
    » Reageer (0)

    Event: TNA Turning Point Pay-Per-View
    Airdate: Sunday, November 15th, 2009 (Pay-Per-View)
    Location: Universal Studios Soundstage 21 in Orlando, FL
    Results by

    TNA Turning Point Opener:

    We get a video package highlighting the changes that have happened recently, namely AJ Styles becoming champion and Hulk Hogan joining the company. We get some hype for Daniels/Joe/Styles II, Angle/Wolfe, and Team 3D/Homicide and Matt Morgan.

    Mike Tenay and Taz welcome us to the show and immediately begin hyping Wolfe/Angle and the main event of the night. The X-Division looks to kick us off tonight.

    X Division Championship Match
    The Amazing Red (c) vs. Homicide

    The crowd gets behind Red at the start of the match, and Red scored a quick kick to Homicide's midsection, but quickly falls to a shoulder block. Red hits an arm drag and a quick dropkick and Homicide bails to the floor, where he's caught with a hurricarana from the apron from Red. Red rolls Homidice back into the ring and hits a quick cross bode for a two count.

    Red hits a monkey flip but Homicide lands on his feet. Red hits a hurricarana, but Homicide recovers quickly and hits a nasty lariat. Homicide bits at Red's face, but Red fights out of a belly to back suplex and hits a couple of kicks before a sliding clothesline. Red falls victim to a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker from Homicide that's good for a two count. Homicide ties Red up in the ropes but he breaks before the five count.

    Homicide hits a spinning back elbow and uses his boot to choke Red, again taking advantage of the five count. Homicide hits a neckbreaker and goes for the pin but Red kicks out again. Red starts to fight back with a couple of right hands but Homicide puts him right down with a big right of his own. Homicide locks in a modified bow and arrow, but Red doesn't look like he's quitting.

    Homicide breaks the hold and goes to bite at Red's ear. Homicide pounds on Red in the corner before putting him on the top turnbuckle. Homicide grabs Red around the throat before climbing to the top. Red fights out and sends Homicide to the mat and he jumps off with an arm drag. Red hits a dropkick in the corner before connecting with an explosive DDT, but it's still only good for two.

    Red comes off the second rope with a nasty move tageting the head, but again it's only good for two. Red goes for a couple of kicks but Homicide counters with a dragon screw and follows it up with a Bronx driver that's only good for two. Homicide goes for the gringo killer but Red sneaks out. Homicide catapults him into the corner and goes for an ace crusher, but Red fights out and hits a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Red goes up top and hits a standing moonsault, but Homicide catches him with a cutter on the way down, Homicide goes for the cover but Red kicks out.

    Homicide puts Red on the top turnbuckle and goes for a top rope hurricarana, but Red holds on, and connects with the Code Red. Red pins Homicide for the three count.

    Winner and STILL TNA X-Division Champion: Amazing Red

    Tenay and Taz discuss the implications for tonight's match between Desmond Wolfe and Kurt Angle. Taz says he thinks Wolfe has been playing mind games with Angle, and you don't see that much. Tenay shifts the topic to the Triple Threat Main Event, and the events surrounding the past few weeks.

    TNA Knockouts Tag Match
    All Titles on the Line
    The Beautiful People vs. Sarita & Taylor Wilde (c) & ODB (c)

    Wilde and Sky start things off but it's not long before the faces are using quick tags to work over Sky, but Sky is able to make the tag to Rayne. Rayne quickly falls victim to a shoulder block from ODB, and Sarita tags in. Sarita tries for a couple of quick near falls before hitting an arm drag and taker Rayne down with a back elbow. The Tag champs use some teamwork with a back suplex on top of Rayne. Wilde uses a step up arm drag, but Von Erich is in with a clothesline that takes down Wilde.

    TBP use a double team Russian leg sweep to take down Wilde before Sky hits a snap mare and a quick running knee. Sky sends Wilde into the corner where she tags in Lacy, who gets a ton of 'you can't wrestle' chants and immediately tags out to Sky. Velvet Sky's bare ass is completely exposed here. It's like a mini-porn. Jesus. We have 14 photos at the link at the bottom of this report. Sky locks in a modified octopus and bites at Wilde's hand, but Wilde is able to fight back and take Sky down. ODB gets the tag and comes in to clean house.

    ODB hits a fallaway slam on Sky but Von Erich breaks up the pin. TBP clear up the ring and are alone in the ring with ODB. ODB is able to fight back against all three though with a couple of ax handle smashes. ODB comes out of nowhere with a big slam on Rayne and pins her for the three count.

    Winners and STILL TNA Knockouts and Knockouts Tag Team Champions: ODB, and Taylor Wilde and Sarita


    Jeremy Borash is backstage with Desmond Wolfe. Wolfe says it all started with a handshake, but Wolfe made his point with a fist. He says that Angle will never forget his name because the Wolfe will devour every scrap that remains. Wolfe says that he more than has the number of Kurt Angle, but he wants more. Wolfe says that he's gracious and accommodating, because he'll give Angle what he wants. He says he's studied Angle, but Angle doesn't know the first thing about him. Tonight in Wolfe 101, Desmond will end the career of Kurt Angle.

    TNA Tag Team Championship Match
    British Invasion (c) vs. Motor City Machine Guns (c) vs. Beer Money

    Storm starts things off quickly jumping Magnus, and taking him down with a series of forearms. Magnus fights out and ends up being tagged by Shelley. Storm tags out to Rodde and the two men lock up. Roode takes Shelley down with a shoulder block but Shelly comes back with a drop toe hold and a quick arm drag. Roode takes Shelley down with a backbreaker and both men chop away at each other in the middle of the ring. Shelley brings Roode to the outside where Sabin uses the time to kick Roode in the chest. Shelley tags in Sabin who comes in with a slingshot senton.

    Williams makes a blind tag on Roode but he almost gets pinned by Sabin. Sabin catches Williams with a stiff kick to the chest before tagging in Shelley for a double team on Williams before hitting a dual kick to the chest and back of Magnus. Shelley slams Williams to the mat and buries his knee into William's back pulling back on his arms. Shelley tags back out to Sabin who comes in but falls victim to distraction from Magnus and a spinning back elbow from Williams. Williams tags in Magnus and BI hit a double team wraparound neckbreaker.

    Sabin hits an enzugiri out of nowhere and Storm is able to make the blind tag. Storm comes in and takes down Magnus with a uranage. BMI hit a double suplex on Williams and get the crowd hyped up. Storm puts Williams in a tree of woe and sends Magnus in after him. The Guns come in, grab Magnus' legs and use his groin as a battering ram against Williams' head. BMI and MCMG work together with some double-double team maneuvers. Sabin tries to slingshot himself over the top rope ontop of Williams but he moves and Sabin eats the floor. BMI work over BI with a catapult DDT on Magnus and a spinning neckbreaker on Williams.

    Storm hits an enzugiri to Williams, but Eric Young comes out and attacks Storm from behind. Hebner sends Young to the back but Nash comes out from behind and takes the belt. Nash hits Storm from behind and walks back to the back with the Global belt in his hand. Roode, back in the ring is being worked over by BI and looks confused. Magnus picks up Roode and slams him down with leverage from Williams. Magnus pins Roode and the ref counts to three.

    Winners and STILL TNA Tag Team Champions:The British Invasion

    We get a video update from Impact showing the return of Raven. Tenay sells Raven's attack on Foley saying that he'd been sent to the hospital, but Foley will be in the Impact Zone on Monday for tapings. Tenay sends in backstage to JB who is standing by with Nash.


    Nash cracks a couple of jokes, before he says the he did this for a reason, and it's between him and Hulk. He says that Hulk knows and is in on this and everyone will find out, if it's OK with Hulk, on Thursday.

    6 Sides of Steel Match
    Awesome Kong vs. Tara

    Kong slams Tara into the corner right off the bat but Tara fights her way out. Tara and Kong trade blows and Tara slides under Kong. Kong tries to hit a drop down splash but Tara moves. Kong tries for a spinning back fist but Tara ducks and Kong connects with the cage. Tara immediately goes to work on Kong's hand, before trying to escape the cage. Kong catches Tara and plants her with an electric chair drop.

    Kong goes up in the corner but she gets caught by Tara. Kong sends her back to the mat and follows with an amazing missile dropkick. Kong goes for the pin but Tara kicks out at two. Kong slams Tara's head into a couple of the turnbuckles before pressing her face against the cage and slamming into her from behind with a big splash. Kong picks up Tara by the legs and sends her into the cage with a big swing type maneuver before choking her against the cage.

    Kong chops away at Tara, sending her to the mat where she ends up being stomped at. Kong brings Tara to he feet only to take her back down with a head butt. Kong brings Tara up with a suplex only to slam her body against the cage and plant her with a front suplex instead. Kong tries for it again but Tara counters with a DDT. Tara fights back with big right hands and she slams Kong's face into several sides of the cage before following up with a superkick. Tara takes Kong off her feet with a dropkick and she hits a standing moonsault for a near fall.

    Tara makes her way up to the top rope and Kong follows up. Tara slams Kong's head against the cage and both women end up being crotched on the top rope. Tara and Kong duke it out on the top rope with Kong getting the upper hand. Tara tries for the Widow's peak out of the corner but Kong fights out. Tara connects with a huge powerbomb, but again it's only good for two. Tara climbs all the way to the top of the cage, but she stops at the top and looks back. Tara jumps off the top of the cage with a huge cross body and she pins Kong for the three. A very emotional Tara starts celebrating immediately.

    Winner: Tara

    Lauren is out to interview Tara on the ramp. Tara said she did what she said she was going to do, and she's going to come after ODB. Tara says that she will be the next Knockout's Champion.

    - We get a video package highlighting the new relationship between TNA and Hulk Hogan.

    Six Man Tag Team Match
    Team 3D & Rhino vs. Matt Morgan, Hernandez & D'Angelo Dinero

    Hernandez and D-Von start things out for their respective teams. Dinero ends up distracting Hernandez and D-Von attacks from behind, causing immediate dissension between Pope and Morgan. D-Von pounds on Hernandez for a bit, but he ends up being knocked down by a huge shoulder block. Dinero makes the blind tag, causing even more dissension, but he's quick to act, mounting a series of offensive moves and leaping with a shoulder block. Brother Ray makes the tag into the ring and Pope spits in his face. Ray shoves him down into the corner and Dinero takes him down with a double leg take down. Dinero pounds on him for a bit and Ray has to bail to the floor.

    Ray makes it back into the floor and mounts a bit of a comeback, hitting a big elbow and following it up with a chop. Ray hits a series of right bhands before going for a bionic elbow. Pope ducks it and bitch slaps Ray, sending him into the ropes, where Pope slides down Ray's back. Ray comes out of nowhere with a Bubba bomb and tags in Rhino, who quickly goes to work on Dinero.

    Dinero is able to make the tag to Morgan who comes in and hangs Rhino up on the top rope with a big leg drop. Rhino goes for a straight boot to the side of the head and Morgan hits a big chop. Rhino avoids a splash in the corner and hits one of his own but he quickly falls victim to a big clothesline. All six men are in the ring, and Dinero ends up falling victim to a reverse 3D after knocking Hernandez out of the way.

    D-Von is able to pound down on Dinero in the corner for a bit before tagging in Rhino, who comes in and continues working over Pope. Rhine sends Dinero down with a snap mare and tags in Brother Ray who goes to work with a bear hug. Pope fights out, but Ray is able to hit a big back body drop and take down Morgan and Hernandez. Ray tags in D-Von who comes in and hits a big splash, but it's only good for a two count. D-Von locks in a rear chin lock, but Dinero i able to fight back to his feet, out of the hold, and scores a near fall. Pope ends up falling victim to a lariat, and D-Von tags in Rhino.

    Rhino pounds on Pope for a bit before sending him to the floor. Ray hits him with a big elbow drop from the ring apron before sending Dinero back in the ring. Rhino goes for the pin but Dinero is able to kick out. Rhino tags in Ray who comes in and gloats before going for a senton. Pope rolls out of the way and Ray eats canvas. Morgan and Rhino come in and Morgan eats a series of right hands.

    Morgan hits rapid fire elbows on Rhino before following it up with a splash and a side slam, but D-Von is able to break up the pin attempt. Hernandez tags in and hits a slingshot double clothesline on D-Von and Rhino before cleaning house on the veterans. Super Mex gets the crowd amped up before leaping over the top rope and wiping out all three of his opponents.

    Back in the ring Hernandez hits a big splash on Rhino, but Rhino is able to kick out. Ray attacks from behind and 3D goes for the what's up headbutt, but Pope breaks it up. Ray walks into a chokeslam from Morgan, but Morgan is sent to the outside by Rhino. Dinero takes Rhino down with a big powerbomb and Hernandez goes for the cover but he gets two. Pope pulls down his knee pads but he gets pulled crotch first into the ring post. D-Von comes in with a chair and hits Hernanndez while the ref's back is turned. Rhino hits a spear, and pins Hernandez for the three count.

    Winners: Team 3D and Rhino


    Lauren is backstage with Scott Steiner. Apparently the match has been upgraded to a falls count anywhere anything goes match. Steiner says that it's not his fault Lashley can't control his woman. He says that Krystal found out that Lashley was all show and no go, but that Steiner can go. Steiner says that he's going to take Lashley home and pin him one, two, three in the front yard, before pinning his wife. Steiner says that Krystal Lashley will be a big winner tonight.

    No DQ Falls Count Anywhere Match
    Bobby Lashley vs. Scott Steiner

    Steiner is out first, followed by Lashley and the two men start out fighting on the ramp. Lashley sends Steiner into the steel chairs set up in the ramp side aream. Lashley hits Steiner with a chair before sending him into the ring. Lashley follows in and pounds away at Steiner in the corner.

    Lashley hits a running lariat in the corner before following it up with a shoulder block. Lashley hits a big suplex, but he can only hold Steiner down for a two count. Lashley hits a big spinebuster and goes for another splash in the corner but Lashley is able to get a boot up. Lashley is quick to recover and he hits a t-bone suplex before he clotheslines Steiner over the top rope.

    Steiner hits a low blow followed by two more before trying for a quick pin. Lashley kicks out at two so Steiner sends him into the guardrail and hits him with a chair. Steiner goes for another pin, but Lashley is able to kick out at two. Steiner sends Lashley back into the ring where he executes a nice belly-to-belly suplex.

    Steiner launches Lashles across the ring with three straight suplexes, but it's still not enough to keep Lashley down for a three count. Steiner picks Lashley up and puts him on the top turnbuckle. Steiner climbs up and tries for the Frankensteiner, that doesn't really end up that well. Steiner goes for the pin but Lashley is still able to kick out. Steiner picks Lashley up and slams him striaght down before climbing to the top tunbuckle. Lashley catches Steiner and drops him into the ropes with a press slam. Lashley slams Steiner head first into the announce table and wails away on him.

    Steiner and Lashley go to the backstage area and cameras are struggling to keep up. Steiner is busted open when cameras get back to them and Lashley hits Steiner with a trash can before sending him into a guardrail. Lashley suplexes Steiner through a table and he tries for a pin but Steiner kicks out. Lashley picks up a 2x4 and just whacks Steiner with it a couple of times. Lashley tries for a spear but Steiner moves out of the way and Lashley ends up crashing through some ply-wood. Steiner wraps an extension cord around Lashley's neck and chokes him out. Steiner pins Lashley but he still won't stay down.

    Steiner and Lashley fight their way back out to the ringside area. Steiner climbs up into the Spanish announce booth where he starts to take apart the steel scaffolding. Steiner takes down a lead pipe and uses it to hit Lashley. Steiner pins Lashley and the ref counts to three.

    Winner: Scott Steiner


    JB is backstage with Kurt Angle who immediately interrupts him. Angle says that Wolfe is trying to take out the biggest badass in TNA, but no one makes their reputation on his behalf. Angle says it's one on one in just a couple of minutes. Angles says he doesn't need to know Wolfe to beat him, because he's the best wrestler in the world, and that's real.

    Challenge Match
    Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe

    Angle immediately backs Wolfe up into the corner, but he quickly breaks clean. Wolfe and Angle trade wristlocks and Wolfe takes Angle down with a shoulder block, but quickly falls victim to a hip toss and a couple of arm drags. Angle locks in a hammerlock, but Wolfe fights out and locks in one of his own with a facelock for good measure.

    Angle and Wolfe continue to trade submission holds. Angle's forehead ends up on the rope and Wolfe uses it as an opportunity to kick the rope and disorient Angle. Wolfe uses this time to his advantage, working over Angle's hand, but he's quickly taken down with a boot and suplex.

    Angle hits Wolfe with a European uppercut before burying his shoulder in Wolfe's midsection, but when Angle goes for a shoulder block in the corner Wolfe is able to avoid it and Angle's shoulder connects with the ring post. Wolfe continues to work over Angle's arm, just using every opportunity to stomp or tear at Kurt's arm.

    Wolfe locks in a sick arm submission, but Angle fights out and tries for the ankle lock. Wolfe is able to avoid the hold, and he hits a big running European uppercut. Wolfe hits Angle with a forearm and he tries for another uppercut, but Angle hits him with a belly to belly suplex instead. Angle follows up with a trio of running clotheslines before connecting with a flying forearm.

    Angle ducks a clothesline from Wolfe and hits six big German suplexes in a row. Angle tries for the Angle slam, but Wolfe counters with an arm drag. Wolfe connects with a vicious lariat, but Angle is able to kick out of the pinfall attempt. Wolfe puts Angle on the top rope and he goes for the tower of London, but Angle is able to fight out and hit an Angle slam. Angle goes for the pin but Wolfe kicks out. Wolfe wrenches Angle's arm and locks in the London dungeon, but Angle is able to fight out and immediately lock in the ankle lock. Wolfe fights out of it and locks in an figurefour arm bar, but Angle rolls through and locks in another ankle lock. Wolfe tries for the ropes but Angle pulls him back to the center. Wolfe is finally able to make it to the ropes to break the hold.

    Wolfe is able to set Angle up in the corner again and this time he connects with the tower of London, but Angle is able to kick out at two. Desmond goes for a clothesline, but Angle connects with one of his own instead. Angle goes for a moonsault, but Wolfe rolls out of the way and locks in the London dungeon. Angle is able to back up into the ropes to break the hold.

    Wolfe goes for the tower of London again but Angle fights back, so Wolfe goes for a superplex. Angle fights out again and sends Wolfe crashing to the mat. Angle connects with a big frog splash, but Wolfe kicks out at two, and somehow Earl Hebner ends up getting hurt. Angle teaser a tombstone, but Wolfe counters into tombstone position himself. Angle is able to lock in and ankle lock and Wolfe is able to fight out again, but Angle locks in a side triangle choke that causes Wolfe to tap out.

    Winner: Kurt Angle


    JB is backstage with Samoa Joe. Joe says that he didn't cause a problem between Daniels and AJ, he only showed them the truth. Joe says that when you put the fate of who you are in the hands of another, you end up getting screwed. Joe says nobody has sent both other men to the hospital more than him, and tonight, he only needs to beat one of them, and that's exactly what he intends to do.

    The events leading to the TNA Championship Match are shown.

    TNA Championship Match
    AJ Styles (c) vs. Samoa Joe vs. Daniels

    JB does the formal ring introductions for all three men. In a nice throwback, streamers are thrown for all three men. AJ Styles of course gets the most, as well as the warmest reception from the crowd.

    Daniels takes a shot at AJ right off the bat and he and Joe square off. AJ is in, cleaning house on both men, taking Daniels down with a shoulder block before burying his knee into Joe's midsection and hitting a big flying forearm. AJ decks Daniels with a huge forearm, but he falls victim to a big splash/enzugiri combo from Joe. Joe chops AJ's back before kicking his check but he gets hit with a leg lariat by Daniels. Daniels and AJ chain wrestle for a bit, but AJ misses one dropkick, only to get right back up and hit another on Daniels, then another on Joe.

    AJ locks in a side headlock, but Daniels makes his way back to his feet. AJ kicks off of Joe and sends Daniels back to the ground. Daniels fights out again, but Joe distracts Styles and Daniels connects with an STO. Joe comes in and goes to work with rapid fire blows in the corner before punting AJ in the ribs and hitting a running high knee on Daniels. Joe kicks away at Daniels' leg before rolling into a leg bar. AJ breaks it up with a knee drop.

    AJ and Joe square off and AJ tries for a suplex but Joe won't budge. Joe tries for one of his own, but AJ comes back down and uses the leverage to suplex Joe. AJ hits an elbow to the back of Joe's head and he locks in an inverted indian death lock with a chin bridge, but Daniels is able to break it up. Daniels catches Styles with a drop toe hold a drives his knee into the back of Styles' head. Daniels hits a neckbreaker and locks in a rear chin lock. Daniels catches Joe with a low dropkick which he follows up by slamming AJ on Joe. Daniels locks in a combination Boston crab/camel clutch on AJ and Joe respectively but Joe bites Daniels' fingers. Joe connects with a urunage on Daniels before hitting a face wash on both Styles and Daniels.

    Joe hits a dropkick on Styles that sends him to the outside while also hitting a senton on Daniels. Joe tries to follow out with a suicide dive, but AJ meets him with a kick to the head. Daniels and AJ square off in the ring and AJ connects with a big suplex. AJ slingshots himself out to the ring apron but Joe kicks his legs out from under him. This gives Daniels an opportunity to dive out on top of Joe. Daniels chops Joe on the floor and he goes for the split leg moonsault but AJ catches hit legs and Joe chops his chest. Joe locks in a rear naked choke and AJ launches himself over the ropes with a twisting body press on top of both men.

    AJ tries for the cover on Joe but Joe kicks out at two. AJ connects with a snap head scissors. AJ sends Daniels down and uses him as a platform to launch himself into Joe. AJ then connects with a springboard hurricarana, that's good for a near fall. Daniels is able to catch both men in the corner with chops. Daniels monkey flips Styles into Joe, who powerbombs him back into Daniels. Joe hits another powerbomb and floats over into a Boston crab, then an STF.

    AJ is able to make it to the ropes to break the hold but he's caught with a big powerslam. Daniels is back in but he falls victim to a big back elbow from Joe. Daniels locks in a Dragon sleeper and drives AJ down on top of him with a urunage. Daniels tries for the pin on both men, but both men kick out at two. Daniels connects with a running knee on Styles in the corner before hitting a DVD that's good for a near fall.

    AJ counters a suplex from Daniels into a suplex/neckbreaker type move. Joe and AJ trade blows, with Joe taking AJ down with a big kick. Joe tries for the same kick on Daniels, but Daniels ducks and hits an enzugiri to take down Joe. Styles is up and he connects with a Pele and all three men are down.

    AJ cleans house on both of his opponents, taking both men down. AJ sends Daniels to the floor with a back body drop before coming back into the ring with a springboard forearm on Joe. AJ goes for the pin but Joe kicks out. AJ connects with a hurricarana, but again Joe is able to kick out of a pin attempt. Styles hits a moonsault into an inverted DDT on Joe before catching Daniels in the same position off a springboard. Daniels rolls through and hits the last rites but Joe breaks up a pin. Daniels hits a huge German suplex on Joe.

    Joe crotches Daniels on the top rope and connects with the muscle buster but AJ is able to make it in to break up the pin. AJ and Joe trade leverage for a pin with Joe only able to score a one count. AJ catches Joe with a spin kick. Styles teases the Styles clash but Daniels hits a step up enzugiri. AJ tries for the last rights again but both men end up countering out of each others holds. AJ and Styles tease each others finishers, but Joe breaks it up before either can happen. Joe connects with a double clothesline before sending his opponents into each other. Stlyes and Daniels come back with a high low attack on Joe.

    Daniels and Styles fight out on the ring apron up to the top turnbuckle, both trying for a superplex. Joe comes in to break things up sending AJ to the floor with a chop. Joe teases another muscle buster on Daniels but Daniels fights out, hits an STO, and follows it up with a BME on Joe. Styles comes in out of nowhere with a springboard 450 splash on the back of Daniels who is covering Joe. Styles pins Joe and the ref counts to three.

    Winner and STILL TNA World Champion: AJ Stlyes

    17-11-2009 om 23:27 geschreven door jefken  

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    Webmatch: Amazing Red vs. Jay Lethal
    Webmatch: Amazing Red vs. Jay Lethal

    16-11-2009 om 20:24 geschreven door jefken  

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    Webmatch: Kip James vs. Big Rob

    Webmatch: Kip James vs. Big Rob

    16-11-2009 om 20:24 geschreven door jefken  

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    TNA Turning Point Dark Match, Backstage Visitors

    Hulk Hogan is already in Australia for is tour, which is why he was not in attendance at the TNA Turning Point PPV.

    At the TNA house show in Wayne, New Jersey, Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins, former ROH champion Xavier and former WCW star Gorgeous George were in attendance.

    The dark match before the Turning Point PPV saw Hamada defeat Alissa Flash.

    16-11-2009 om 20:02 geschreven door jefken  

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    D'Angelo Dinero tekent langdurig contract bij TNA

    Former WWE star signs long-term deal with TNA

    On her Twitter page, Dixie Carter announced that TNA have signed D'Angelo Dinero to a long-term deal with the company.

    "Right before I walked in to watch the pay-per-view just now, The Pope and I signed his new long term deal," Carter wrote. "He is the real deal."

    For those wondering, Dinero worked as Elijah Burke in WWE. While in TNA, he has worked under "The Pope" character with live crowds responding well to his early work thus far.

    16-11-2009 om 19:51 geschreven door jefken  

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    RVD talks about a possible WWE return
    RVD_2Belts_2.jpg RVD_2Belts_2.jpg image by ok_killer_go

    RVD talks about a possible WWE return

    In an interview with The UK Sun, Rob Van Dam talked about joining TNA or possibly returning to WWE.

    "TNA wrestle pretty much only in Florida, where my mom and dad live and is easy on the travel. Plus I'd be able to promote all my personal projects...very blatantly probably. But in WWE, just because there is so much more exposure and prestige involved, it probably makes up for a lot of what would be advantageous in TNA. Nobody ever considers that WWE would offer the same schedule as TNA do, but let's see if they want RVD badly enough. Anything could happen."

    RVD then talked about how he was burned out at the end of his WWE run:

    "So when my contract was up, I had an exit. I didn't quit, I finished my job and said: 'I'm done. Thank you for the opportunity. I'll come back when, and if, I feel the desire.' So far it's been two and a half years and I'm nowhere near ready to go back to full-time wrestling."

    16-11-2009 om 19:46 geschreven door jefken  

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    UFC Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar er niet goed aan toe

    As noted earlier this morning here on the website, UFC Heavyweight Champion, Brock Lesnar, is in worse shape than initially expected.

    Lesnar's UFC 106 fight against Shane Carwin was postponed to UFC 108 on October 27th due to Lesnar contracting mononucleosis. Yesterday, UFC President Dana White told reporters at the UFC 105 post-fight press conference tha a new date for the Lesnar/Carwin fight will have to wait - Lesnar appears to have more than just mononucleosis and the outlook is pretty dire.

    "He's in a hospital up in North Dakota somewhere right now," said White. "He went to Canada and some bad stuff happened to him, so we've got to figure it out.

    "He doesn't want to talk about it publicly, but he's in bad shape. He's not well and he's not going to be getting well anytime soon."

    It is unknown at this time what Lesnar's additional illness is but Dana says it's not "aids or cancer".

    16-11-2009 om 19:34 geschreven door jefken  

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    Here is the promotional poster for WWE's upcomming PPV, the 1st ever Tables, Ladders and Chairs themed PPV, "TLC." The top matches on the card are set to be under TLC rules.

    16-11-2009 om 19:30 geschreven door jefken  

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    - TNA confirmed today in a press release that the Feast or Fired match will return for the December 20th Final Resolution pay-per-view from Orlando, Florida.

    16-11-2009 om 19:27 geschreven door jefken  

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    - Dixie Carter noted on Twitter that Daffney will return to the TNA ring at the live events in Wayne, New Jersey and Scranton, Pennsylvania.

    16-11-2009 om 19:24 geschreven door jefken  

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    Hoga, wil verschillende mensen naar tna halen.

    The New York Daily News has published comments that Hulk Hogan made to a fan at a recent book signing regarding his vision for TNA Wrestling. Hogan said that he hopes to bring in Steve Austin, Randy Savage, Rob Van Dam, and the Nasty Boys tag team to TNA. He also wants to start a new Monday Night War against WWE.

    "I wish to talk to Rob Van Dam, who is considering returning to the ring, and convince him to join TNA," Hogan said. "Plus I'm also wishing to contact ex-Nasty Boy Brian Knobbs, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Macho Man Randy Savage."

    The newspaper reports that Hogan is pushing for TNA programming on Monday nights, which was one rumored around the time it was announced Hogan and Eric Bischoff are partnering with TNA.

    Hogan says he "considered for months" guest-hosting Monday's Raw from Madison Square Garden before he "sealed the deal" with TNA.

    14-11-2009 om 23:30 geschreven door jefken  

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    Uitslagen Smackdown 13 november
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    World Heavyweight Champion Undertaker def. Unified Tag Team Champion Chris Jericho
    Beth Phoenix def. local athlete
    Intercontinental Champion John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler – double count out - Intercontinental Championship Match
    Drew McIntyre vs. Finlay – double disqualification
    Natalya def. Mickie James
    CM Punk def. R-Truth

    SHEFFIELD, England – Jolly Old England was transformed into a ferocious festival of aggressive assaults as the knights and rogues of SmackDown clashed just nine days before Survivor Series.

    World Heavyweight Champion Undertaker def. Unified Tag Team Champion Chris Jericho (PHOTOS | WATCH)
    For the first time ever, the self-proclaimed “best at what he does” went one-on-one with The Phenom. And in the climatic finish of an absolutely brutal battle that kept the United Kingdom on the edge of their seats from the start, Undertaker ultimately reigned supreme with the dreaded Hell’s Gate. When Jericho’s partner-in-gold, Big Show, attacked after the bell, the double-team drew the Big Red wrath of The Deadman’s brother, Kane.

    As a result, Mr. McMahon revealed that next week, Jericho and The Big Show will face the reunited Brothers of Destruction. (WATCH)

    What effect will the monumental main event have on the Survivor Series Triple Threat Match just 48-hours later? (Match preview)

    Survivor Series Contract Signing between Rey Mysterio and Batista turns volatile (PHOTOS | WATCH)
    Batista demanded that in addition to the standard Survivor Series match contract, Rey Mysterio must sign a “Hold Harmless Agreement,” preventing legal action against The Animal for anything he might do to his former comrade-in-arms when they meet at the Nov. 22 pay-per-view. After reluctantly signing it, The Ultimate Underdog proceeded to flip the signing table over onto Batista, adding insult to injury as he stepped onto it while making his exit. (Match preview)

    Intercontinental Champion John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler ended in a double count-out (PHOTOS | WATCH)
    Blinded by the pure intensity of battle, Dolph Ziggler hurled both himself and The Guru of Greatness off the top turnbuckle and out onto the floor. The impact of the fall assured than neither Superstar would be able to answer the official’s count.

    The WWE Universe later learned that Morrison and Ziggler will return to settle things next week during a 2-out-of-3 Falls Match, with The Friday night Delight’s prestigious Intercontinental Championship once again on the line.

    Who will walk into their Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match with the gold around their waist? (Match preview)

    CM Punk def. R-Truth (PHOTOS | WATCH)
    One week after a fast count by aggravated WWE official Scott Armstrong cost CM Punk his match against R-Truth, The Straightedge Superstar overcame the rapping Superstar with a little help from his surroundings. As R-Truth was escaping the GTS and attempting a counter pinfall, The Second City Saint suddenly dropped down upon him, clutching the ropes to secure his three-count, just outside the official’s view.

    What effect will Punk’s victory have on the momentum of Team Kingston vs. Team Orton at Survivor Series? (Match preview)

    Natalya def. Mickie James (PHOTOS | WATCH)
    Thanks to the treacherous actions of Women’s Champion Michelle McCool and Layla, Natalya triumphed over Mickie James. Just as it looked as if Mickie was gaining the upper hand over The Hart Dynasty Diva, the devious duo appeared, proceeding to destroy Mickie’s ring attire. Natalya used the distraction to lock in the excruciating Sharpshooter, giving her opponent no choice but to submit.

    How will things continue to heat up as Team Mickie prepares to face Team Michelle at Survivor Series? (Match preview)

    Drew McIntyre vs. Finlay ended in a double disqualification (PHOTOS | WATCH)
    Two weeks after McIntyre viciously attacked Finlay before the bell, the Superstar that Mr. McMahon personally signed to SmackDown continued his rampage through Friday nights. After the official stopped his return match with Finlay because neither Superstar would separate at his command, The Belfast Brawler attempted to call on his fateful shillelagh. However, McIntyre quickly countered with an effective kick, delivering a menacing shillelagh assault of his own.

    Could McIntyre’s aggression be the difference when Team Morrison meets Team Miz at Survivor Series? (Match preview)

    Beth Phoenix def. Local Athlete (PHOTOS | WATCH)
    For the third week in a row, “The Fabulous Firebird” decimated a local competitor, showing the full measure of her dominance before finishing off her unlucky prey with the earth-shattering Glam Slam.

    Will The Glamazon’s superiority lead Team Michelle to definitive success against Team Mickie at Survivor Series? (Match preview) 

    14-11-2009 om 23:29 geschreven door jefken  

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    Jethro Holliday Released By TNA

    In addition to former Knockout Sojo Bolt being released by TNA, Jethro Holliday (former WWE star Trevor Murdoch) has also been removed from the "Roster" page over on

    14-11-2009 om 23:11 geschreven door jefken  

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    TNA officials have approached former WWE Champion John Bradshaw Layfield about joining the organization, but he's said to not be interested. We'll keep you posted here on the website.

    14-11-2009 om 22:59 geschreven door jefken  

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    WWE Wanted a Top Indy Star

    Indy wrestler Davey Richards (who wrestles for Ring of Honor and other indy promotions) has a new blog up on his official MySpace noting that there is some possible interest his way from WWE. "This year many have said I've had more great matches then anyone, vs. KENTA, vs. Danielson, vs. SHINGO, vs. Omega, vs. Strong, ect. Even WWE has come knocking. But no one understands why, it's not for attention I do this, it's not for money, it's not for notoriety. It's for my beliefs, my morals, my creed. I am a man who belives hard work must be rewarded and laziness must be punished. I've simply walked away from places before who I feel have not shared this moral with me."

    14-11-2009 om 22:51 geschreven door jefken  

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    Update Suicide
    IMG_8647.jpg TNA X Division Champion Suicide image by fishbulb-suplex
    As reported earlier, Frankie Kazarian asked for his release from Total Nonstop Action Wrestling at the last set of iMPACT! tapings in Orlando. The former X Division champion is reportedly unhappy playing the character known as Suicide and many say he's been complaining a lot in the locker room as of late about the way he's being used. Management initially accepted his request for his release from the company, but AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels talked him out of leaving, so no paperwork was drawn up.

    Many felt Kazarian was making a big mistake by asking for his release since he's already burned a bridge with World Wrestling Entertainment by refusing to cut his hair Very Happy when he was under contract to them in 2005. He subsequently asked for his release a few days later.

    14-11-2009 om 22:49 geschreven door jefken  

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    Uitslagen tna impact 11 november
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    TNA Impact 11/12/09
    From Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida
    Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz

    We start off with a look back at the announcement of the announcement that Hulk Hogan signed with TNA. Then we see the owner’s meeting with the wrestlers.

    Mick Foley is with Super Dave Osborne in his office and Mick talks about Dave’s show. Dave mentions that Mick Foley will be on the show on December 1st. Dave says that he doesn’t want to over plug his show. Mick mentions he has a book coming out in 2010 so he needs to be equal on the plugging tasks. Foley says that Dave gets to book one match because Foley only got one sketch on Dave’s show. Mick says that it cannot be a title match and if Knockouts are involved, they have to be dressed appropriately. Mick wants to talk to Jeremy. Foley tells Jeremy to keep an eye on Dave.

    Lethal enters and he looks for Hogan and he mentions his Legend’s challenge. Lethal talks about Dave’s role on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Lethal says that he wants to know who his opponent is.

    Jeremy asks Dave if he follows his tweets and Dave says that he prefers to talk to people.

    Mick Foley comes out and he joins Mike and Taz at the announce table. Mike and Taz mention that Foley was not aware of the Hogan partnership with TNA. Foley says that he did not get the e-mail in a timely fashion.

    Match Number One: Dr. Stevie with Daffney versus Abyss

    Abyss with a boot to a charging Stevie for a near fall. Abyss misses a charge into the corner but Stevie misses a charge of his own and Abyss gets a near fall with a rollup. Abyss gets Stevie up for Shock Treatment but Stevie gets out of the hold and then he clips Abyss’ knee and connects with elbow drops and a leg drop for a near fall. Stevie with an elbow drop for a near fall. Stevie with a Steviekick for a near fall. Stevie yells at Abyss. Abyss grabs Stevie by the throat but Stevie with a kick. Abyss hits the Black Hole Slam but the lights go out.

    The lights go back on and both men are down. Stevie rolls over and he gets the three count.
    Winner: Dr. Stevie

    After the match, Daffney gives a chair to Stevie. Foley leaves the announce table and he punches Stevie. Foley checks on Abyss and then he goes after Stevie. Foley gets the chair and the lights go out again. There is a flash in the ring and there is a fireball.

    The lights go back on and Raven is in the ring and he hits the Evenflow DDT. Security checks on Foley after the fireball while Raven, Stevie, and Daffney pose in the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Raven, Stevie, and Daffney are in the back with Jeremy Borash. Stevie asks Abyss what he didn’t understand. Stevie says that he is here to stay forever in TNA. It was Abyss who wanted to bring the pain. Raven says that the last time Foley got between him and one of his playmates, Terry Funk caught on fire. Now Foley had to burn. Raven says that it is good to be back with Abyss to reminisce about war stories. Raven says that they are going to have so much fun playing in the sandbox. Raven says that there are differences between him and Abyss.

    Mike and Taz continue to talk about the Hogan signing and they wonder how the signing will affect Sting. Next week, Sting will be interviewed about Hulk Hogan.

    We have a Sting and Hogan video package.

    Match Number Two: Alissa Flash versus Traci Brooks

    They lock up and Traci with a clean break but Flash chokes Traci in the corner and kicks her arm. Flash with forearms to Traci as she works on the arm. Flash with an elbow to the arm followed by a shoulder breaker for a near fall. Flash with a Flatline and then she slams Traci’s injured arm onto the mat. Alissa with a arm bar and Traci taps.
    Winner: Alissa Flash

    After the match, Traci attacks Alissa from behind and she takes her to the floor as we hear the bleeps fly. Traci tells Alissa that she is going to kill her.

    We see boots walking into commercial.

    Match Number Three: Jay Lethal versus Jim Neidhart in a Legend’s Challenge

    They lock up and Neidhart with punches followed by a back body drop. Neidhart misses a charge into the corner and Lethal with a double sledge from the top turnbuckle. Lethal with jabs to Neidhart followed by a clothesline but Neidhart hits one as well. Lethal drops Neidhart on the top rope and gets a near fall. Lethal with a running elbow but he misses a second one. Lethal tries for a cross body and Neidhart catches him and hits a power slam for the three count.
    Winner: Jim Neidhart

    We go to footage from earlier today of Lauren’s interview with Bobby Lashley. Lashley says that Steiner did not have to bring Kristal into this and then he is interrupted by someone from production and he is told that he is needed in the truck. They show Lashley footage of Steiner saying that he is not at the Impact Zone. He says that Lashley is too aggressive. He says that the husband is the last to find out that his woman is in love with another man. Steiner says that he tried to check in but he did not have his wallet. Steiner says that he is nice enough to have Lashley’s room. Lashley heads to the hotel and we have a camera crew following Lashley as we go to commercial.

    We see Velvet, Madison, and Lacey walking in the back and we return to commercial.

    We are back and Super Dave is in the office and he is on the phone with Mick. They talk about Mick being at the hospital. Dave wants to go to the hospital but then Jeremy says that they are in charge. Dave says that he is in charge. Dave wants a match to be put together in honor of Mick. Jeremy says that the X Division is the way to go.

    Match Number Four: Lacey Von Erich, Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne, and Awesome Kong versus Tara, Sarita, ODB, and Taylor Wilde

    Madison and Tara start things off and Madison pushes Tara down but Tara pushes Madison down and then she takes Madison down and applies a front face lock and bridge. Taylor tags in and she works on the arm. Taylor with an arm drag and then she tags in Sarita. Taylor sends Sarita onto Madison. Lacey tags in and they lock up. Lacey backs Sarita into the corner and she kicks Sarita. Lacey with a kick and forearm to the back and she gets a near fall as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Velvet with a snap mare to Sarita followed by a kick to the back. Velvet misses a drop kick and Sarita hits a drop kick of her own. We see footage from the break of Velvet and Madison working over Sarita. ODB tags in and she goes after everyone. ODB with an Irish whip to Madison and then she hits a splash into the corner on Velvet and then Madison. ODB with a bronco buster to Velvet. ODB with a fallaway slam to Madison and she kips up. Lacey with a clothesline to ODB. Tara with a punch to Lacey but Kong knocks Tara down. Taylor tries for a cross body on Kong but Taylor bounces off Kong. Wilde avoids the Awesome Bomb but she cannot avoid the Implant Buster and Kong gets the three count.
    Winners: Velvet Sky, Awesome Kong, Madison Rayne, and Lacey Von Erich

    After the match, we see Kong and Tara stare each other down.

    The X Division are in the office and Dave asks them to bust their asses like they have never done so before. He wants them to donate this match to Mick Foley. He wants them to risk their lives, just like he does in his career.

    We go to commercial with comments about Hulk Hogan working with Dixie Carter.

    Kurt Angle is walking in the back as we return to commercial.

    We are back and we have footage of the Lashley/Steiner hotel confrontation. We see Lashley running down the hall and he enters his room and sees Kristal in there. Kristal says that she is okay but Bobby turns around and Steiner attacks him. Steiner hits Lashley with a lamp and then he leaves while Kristal asks for security.

    Kurt Angle comes to the ring via the Anglevator. Kurt mentions that Sunday’s match might be the most important match of his life. Over the last few months, Matt Morgan and A.J. Styles took him to the limit. Those men have reached their full potential and are almost at the level of Kurt Angle. Kurt says that he strives for competition to show who is the best. He has respect for those people. He does not have respect for a punk who comes off the street and tries to break his neck. Last week, he laid in traction for three days wondering if he had to go back to square one with his broken neck. Kurt says that Desmond went for Kurt’s weakness but two weeks later, he is back in his wrestling ring. Kurt says that Desmond has earned nothing and has proven nothing. He will end his career on Sunday.

    Desmond appears on the BrotherTron and he says that he does not want to be around Angle tonight. Desmond says that he is not here to beat Angle, he is here to end Angle’s career. Desmond says that he isn’t in TNA to be better than Angle. He is here to take Wolfe’s place. Desmond tells Kurt to bring his mangled body into the ring. Wolfe tries to attack Angle from behind but Angle avoids it and hits a European uppercut and he punches Wolfe. Wolfe leaves the ring. They fight on the floor and Angle with a European uppercut and forearms to the back. Angle with another European uppercut and then Angle gets a chair but Wolfe moves out of the way and Wolfe hits a DDT on the floor. Wolfe hits Angle with the chair as the video starts for the third time. Meanwhile, Wolfe says the third time is the charm.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Super Dave Osborne has made his way to ringside to join Mike and Taz.

    Match Number Five: Amazing Red, Chris Sabin, and Alex Shelley versus Kiyoshi, Sheik Abdul Bashir, and Homicide

    The World Elite go after their opponents as the bell rings. Homicide and Shelley are the official first men in and Homicide with a back elbow. Bashir tags in and he punches Shelley and sends him into the turnbuckles. Bashir chokes Shelley and hits a neck breaker for a near fall. Kiyoshi tags in and he connects with a forearm to the back. Shelley with a chop but Kiyoshi with chops to Shelley. Shelley with chops of his own. Kiyoshi with a snap mare and a low clothesline for a near fall. Kiyoshi runs into a boot and Shelley tries to make the tag. Kiyoshi with a jawbreaker and Homicide brings the barbed wire bat to the ring but security takes him away.

    Kiyoshi tags Bashir back in and they double team Shelley. Shelley sends Kiyoshi to the apron and then the floor. Bashir is sent into the turnbuckles. Red tags in and hits a double drop kick and a spin kick to Kiyoshi and Bashir. Red with an elbow to Bashir and a kick to Kiyoshi. Red with a spin kick off Kiyoshi’s back. Red with a satellite DDT to Kiyoshi. Red with a corkscrew plancha onto Kiyoshi. Shelley with a cross body while Sabin hits a neck breaker on Bashir for the three count.
    Winners: Amazing Red, Alex Shelley, and Chris Sabin

    Lauren is with Desmond Wolfe and she says that she has never seen anyone have Kurt Angle’s number. Desmond says that his goal is to be Kurt Angle. He has followed Kurt’s path. He says that he is here to replace Kurt Angle. He is a younger, better looking, more determined, and healthier version. He came close to ending Kurt’s career but enough to be able to finish off the job on Sunday. He says that everyone will bow to his howl. We go to commercial.

    We are back and do you remember last week when Dixie Carter gave her Win One for the Dixster speech? We have highlights.

    Team 3D come to the ring and they are joined by Rhino. Ray says that life is about a couple of things. It is about change and about choice. Dixie Carter said that there would be a lot of changes in TNA and the locker room would have to make the choice whether they are on board or not on board. Ray says that they are on board. Last week, he had a choice and he chose to wrap a steel chair around Matt Morgan and Hernandez’s head. He had some time to think about that choice and after thinking about it, he was glad to make that choice. For a while Rhino has been telling them that the younger talent has been trying to take out the veterans of the company. Ray tells Rhino that he is sorry that he did not believe him. He says that Rhino has had their back for the last 15 years while everyone else tries to stab them in the back. Ray tells the younger talent that is going to try to take them out, he says that will not happen. He says that they will hold the younger talent down so this does not happen. Ray wants Hernandez and Matt Morgan to come out right now.

    Hernandez and Matt Morgan come out. Matt says that isn’t the way things work any more. If he has something to say to them, they come up to talk to them. Ray insults Morgan and Hernandez. Hernandez tells them that everything that they got in TNA, they took. They took it because they can.

    Ray says that he cannot understand what Hernandez is saying. He brings up their challenge for Turning Point and wonders if they have a partner or if they are waiting for a partner to be given to them by TNA management. Matt says that they can take care of them by themselves. Devon tells them that they better hope that someone answers their call because they will be taken out.

    D’Angelo Dinero’s music plays and he comes out. He says that they have to look no further for the third man. Matt Morgan is the future. Hernandez is the future.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Matt Morgan does a public service announcement about ADHD.

    Lauren is with part of the World Elite. Lauren mentions that the British Invasion’s suspension has been lifted. If they lose or are disqualified, James Storm and Robert Roode are in the tag title match on Sunday. Magnus says that they have been discriminated against. Doug Williams says that they are a proud team and they will make sure that James Storm and Robert Roode will no longer darken a ring with the ring again. Eric Young complains about how TNA management did not live up to their suspension and he says that this is a sign of poor management. Eric Young says that he was a huge fan of Hulk Hogan’s when he was three years old.

    It is time to run through the card for Turning Point.

    We go to commercial.

    James Storm and Robert Roode make their way through the back as we return to commercial.

    Jeremy Borash is with A.J. Styles and he asks about the title match. Jeremy suggests that A.J. and Daniels are not on the same page. A.J. apologizes to Daniels because he was not the one who jumped him. A.J. says that he will not apologize for being the best. They are not on the same page because of what Joe did. A.J. mentions that he has been jumped three weeks in a row. He gave the match to Daniels because he wanted to give him a match. A.J. says that maybe Daniels wants what A.J. has worked so hard for. He says that Joe has been stirring the pot. The games will not work any more because A.J. is the best at what he does.

    Match Number Six: Brutus Magnus and Doug Williams versus James Storm and Robert Roode in a Non Title Match

    Williams and Roode start off and Roode with a shoulder tackle and clothesline. Roode with a back body drop to Magnus. Roode clotheslines Williams over the top rope while Storm clotheslines Magnus over the top rope to the floor. Williams wants to go to the back but Magnus reminds them about the stipulation. Roode with a drop toe hold to Williams and then Storm is tagged in and he works on the arm. Magnus yells at Rob to leave and get rid of the chair. Magnus trips Roode and Williams with a back elbow. Magnus is tagged in and he kicks and chokes Roode. Magnus sends Roode into the turnbuckles and tags in Williams. They do the cross arm clothesline and then they pose instead of getting the victory. Williams with a near fall and then he applies a rear chin lock. Williams pulls Roode down by the hair. Magnus tags in and Williams charges into a boot and then Roode with a double blockbuster and everyone except Storm is down. Storm tags in and he punches Magnus and Williams. Storm with a face buster and a neck breaker. Storm brings Williams in and hits a bulldog. Storm sends Magnus to the apron but Magnus with a punch. Storm with a punch and an IEDDT. Storm and Roode with a double suplex on Williams and it is time to announce their team name instead of trying to win. Roode with a clothesline while Storm hits a lungblower on Magnus but they can only get a two count. A chair is brought into the ring and Magnus wants to use it but Williams stops him. Williams and Magnus collide and Williams is sent outside the ring. Roode and Storm hit DWI for the three count.
    Winners: James Storm and Robert Roode

    Lauren stops Roode and Storm outside the ring for their comments. Roode says that on Sunday they will prove why they are the greatest TNA tag team of all time. Storm tells them sorry about their damn luck. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Matt Morgan, Hernandez, and D’Angelo Dinero are with Jeremy Borash. Hernandez says that he does not trust a man who wears sunglasses all the time. Matt says that he has been around the block and he wonders how he can trust a street pimp. Dinero says that there is a code of honor and a code of respect. When he gives his word, it is golden. If Team 3D and Rhino want a fight, he is going to team with Matt and Hernandez. At Turning Point, they are going to be pimping.

    Lauren is with Daniels and she asks Daniels about how it might be more than a wrestling match. Daniels wants to know if that is a way to talk about A.J. accusing him of attacking A.J. or having a match against A.J. after being dropped on his neck. Daniels says that they are still friends, but when the bell rings, there are no friends in the ring. If TNA supported him the way that the company supported A.J., he could have been champion. Daniels wants to know why the match is a three way on Sunday instead of a one-on-one match.

    We see footage of Joe choking out A.J. Styles after A.J.’s match last week.

    Match Number Seven: Samoa Joe versus A.J. Styles in a Non Title Match

    Styles chases after Joe on the floor and then Joe goes back to the floor. Styles continues to follow. Back in the ring, Styles with the phenomenal drop kick but Joe sends Styles into the turnbuckles. Joe with punches in the corner and then he face washes Styles. Joe with the power bomb into an STF and then he turns it into a Crippler Crossface. Styles gets to the ropes. Joe with more jabs to Styles and then he connects with more punches. Styles with punches of his own followed by a chop. Joe runs into a boot. Joe with a clothesline to A.J. for a near fall. Joe tries for another power bomb but Styles escapes and hits a spin kick. Joe avoids a Styles Clash with a back body drop. Styles avoids a clothesline and hits a pele kick. Styles goes up top but Daniels hits the ropes and Styles goes to the mat. Styles and Daniels argue and Joe smiles. Styles slaps Daniels and Joe with the choke to Styles and Styles passes out.
    Winner: Samoa Joe

    After the match, Joe holds the title belt as he stands over Styles.

    We go to credits.

    TNA Impact 12.11.09

    13-11-2009 om 22:34 geschreven door jefken  

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