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    Uitslagen raw 2 juli
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    Posted in: Raw
    WWE Monday Night RAW Supershow Results 7/2/12
    By Marc Middleton
    Jul 2, 2012 - 11:10:02 PM

    - Tonight's WWE RAW Supershow opens up with the normal intro video. We get a video package with highlights of John Cena vs. Chris Jericho and Big Show's interference from last week's show.

    - We're live from Laredo, Texas as Michael Cole welcomes us to episode 997 of RAW. They hype tonight's General Manager Teddy Long and his main event - CM Punk and John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan and Chris Jericho. The Money in the Bank briefcase hangs above the ring as John Cena's music hits and out he comes.

    Cena talks about last week. He says he thanked Jericho and thanked Big Show. Cena says Jericho was right about him needing to prepare for Money in the Bank. Jericho was right about anything happening in the match. Cena says he got a crash course education in that when Big Show attacked. Cena says he now knows what exactly will happen at Money in the Bank - he needs to be prepared for anything. Cena says two things will happen at MITB - Big Show will lose at Money in the Bank and he will grab the contract, cash in the contract and become the next WWE Champion. Daniel Bryan comes out interrupting and he's chanting "YES!" the whole way to the ring.

    Bryan says he didn't even realize Cena was out there. Bryan says Cena is irrelevant to him. Bryan says he is going to defeat CM Punk at Money in the Bank and become the new WWE Champion. Bryan says if Cena manages to get the briefcase, then his relevance will be as the first Superstar to ever cash in his contract and lose. Cena says he can think of one person who disagrees with Cena. CM Punk appears and heads to the ring. Punk says a lot more than one person disagrees with Bryan and he gets the fans to chant.

    Punk dances around the ring chanting yes. Bryan begs for one person to have an original thought and not steal his. Punk brings up AJ Lee being the special referee for their Money in the Bank WWE Title match. Punk says Bryan's ex is going to count his shoulders to the mat. Punk says if Cena wins Money in the Bank, it comes down to just them... Chris Jericho's music interrupts and out he comes. Jericho comes out and says Punk is still a wannabe. Jericho mocks Punk for copying his ideas and Punk calls him Bon Jovi. Jericho and Bryan have words. Jericho cuts him off with a big "shut the hell up." He welcomes us all to RAW is Jericho. Jericho says nobody in the ring will ever, ever be the same again, after tonight. Jericho says he invented Money in the Bank so he's going to win it. Jericho is interrupted by Kane and out he comes.

    Kane comes out and grabs Jericho's mic. He's interrupted by Big Show's music and now here he comes to the ring. Cena readies for a fight but is attacked from behind by Bryan. Jericho and Kane go at it while Punk drops Bryan with a kick. Punk goes down and Kane takes Jericho down in the corner. Show comes in and goes at it with Cena. Show grabs for a chokeslam but Kane makes the save. Show fights Kane off and headbutts him. Everyone is laid out except Big Show. Show leaves everyone laying and walks up the ramp. We go to commercial.

    Cody Rhodes, David Otunga, Titus O'Neil and Darren Young vs. Christian, Santino Marella, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston

    Back from the break and out comes AW with Titus O'Neil and Darren Young as Cody Rhodes waits in the ring with David Otunga. The WWE Tag Team Champions R-Truth and Kofi Kingston are out next with Intercontinental Champion Christian and United States Champion Santino Marella. Christian starts out with Young and they go at it back and forth. Christian with a missile dropkick for 2 before tagging in Truth.

    Kofi comes in. He ends up taking out Titus on the floor but gets floored by Young. Both teams square off at ringside as we go back to commercial.

    Back from the break and Cody is in control of Kofi. AW is miced up at ringside and we hear him rooting his team on. Titus comes in and slams Kofi hard for a 2 count. Kofi comes back with a dropkick and takes Titus down. Santino and Otunga come in at the same time and go at it. Santino with a stunner and a 2 count as Young and O'Neil break the pin. The tag champs come in and take them out. AW tells Young and Titus to stop. He walks them up the ramp and they leave the match. Otunga and Santino go at it. Otunga tries for a tag but Cody drops off the apron and also walks out of the match. Brodus Clay's music hits and out he comes with Naomi and Cameron. Otunga goes to the floor but gets attacked by Christian and then the tag champs. Otunga meets Clay on the floor. Clay rolls him back in the ring. Otunga turns around to the Cobra from Santino for the win.

    Winners: Christian, Santino Marella, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston

    - After the match, Christian lays out Otunga with Killswitch. Clay gets his revenge on Otunga and nails a big splash. Naomi, Cameron and some kids come in the ring to dance with everyone else as we go to replays.

    - Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez walk up on Teddy Long backstage. Del Rio talks about the World Heavyweight Title shot he earned months ago after WrestleMania. Teddy says Del Rio doesn't deserve anything in his opinion but the Board of Directors have named him the #1 contender. He will face Sheamus at Money in the Bank. Teddy says that was their decision but he has other plans for tonight. Del Rio is in a match and it's up next. We go to commercial.

    Alberto Del Rio vs. Sin Cara

    Back fro the break and Ricardo Rodriguez begins the introduction of Alberto Del Rio. Out next comes his opponent, Teddy Long. Cara runs to the ring but Del Rio takes him out when he tries to enter with a knee to the head. Del Rio unloads on Cara and beats him out to the floor. The bell hasn't rang yet as Del Rio applies the cross armbreaker. Cara taps out on the floor but Del Rio won't break the hold. Officials try to break the hold but Del Rio finally lets go. The crowd chants something in Spanish at Del Rio as officials tend to Cara.

    - AJ is backstage when Daniel Bryan walks up. He confesses that he's always cared about her. Bryan says he was just frustrated with himself for messing things up and he didn't know how to react. Bryan says he's sorry and hands her a rose. AJ says she's sure it has nothing to do with the fact that she's special referee. She says Bryan doesn't care about her and never has. AJ says she can't wait to win her match tonight and then run into the arms of the man who everyone sees as her soul mate. She bites off the rose and spits it out before walking off.

    - Paul Heyman is shown preparing to speak live via satellite. Back to commercial.

    - Back from the break and we see footage of Triple H laying out Paul Heyman at No Way Out. We go live via satellite to Paul Heyman. Heyman announces that Lesnar has made a decision regarding Triple H's SummerSlam challenge. Heyman says Lesnar will deliver it straight to Triple H's face at the 1,000th RAW. Heyman goes on and says if Lesnar accepts, he will end Triple H's in-ring career. Heyman says if Lesnar accepts, it won't be a match - it will be a mercy killing.

    - Just announced for tonight - Kane vs. Big Show in a No DQ match. Also, Sheamus and AJ Lee vs. Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero. Back to commercial.

    Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler vs. AJ Lee and Sheamus

    Back from the break and Vickie Guerrero introduces herself as the Queen Diva. She introduces Dolph Ziggler next and out he comes. AJ Lee is out next followed by the World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus.

    Vickie and AJ try to scrap but it gets broken out. Sheamus starts out with Ziggler and they lock up. Sheamus takes him down but they trade holds. Sheamus runs into an uppercut and gets dropkicked for a 1 count. Ziggler with right hands before working on the arm of Sheamus. Ziggler ducks a clothesline but gets dropped on his face. Sheamus runs over Ziggler with a forearm for a 2 count. Ziggler kicks out Sheamus' leg and kicks him in the face. Ziggler comes back in with a big tornado DDT for another 2 count. Ziggler with a headlock now.

    Sheamus fights out and knocks Ziggler out of the air. Sheamus nails White Noise and readies for a Brogue Kick but Ziggler tags in Vickie and avoids it. Sheamus is forced to tag in AJ but first he knocks Ziggler out of the ring with a Brogue Kick. AJ comes in and kicks Vickie before hitting her with Shining Wizard for the win.

    Winners: AJ Lee and Sheamus

    - After the match, AJ runs around chanting "yes" and runs right up the ramp to the back. We get replays and then go backstage to AJ. She's looking for CM Punk and walks up on him on the phone. He tells her to hang on and she gets mad for a second. Punk hangs up and says he was on the phone with his sister. She asks if he saw the match. He says no because he was on the phone and didn't know she had a match. She's now upset that he wasn't paying attention to her. AJ walks off upset and Punk shrugs his shoulders. Back to commercial.

    - Back from the commercial and Heath Slater is in the ring. We see a video of his recent run-ins with WWE Legend. Slater says that's not funny and he's not a clown. Out comes WWE Legend (?) Doink the Clown.

    Heath Slater vs. Doink the Clown

    The bell rings and they lock up. Doink smacks Slater and he gets mad. Slater turns it around and beats Doink down. They go back and forth until Slater hits his big neckbreaker for the win out of nowhere.

    Winner: Heath Slater

    - After the match, the music hits and out comes Diamond Dallas Page! DDP gets a big pop and does the "BANG!" The fans chant his name as Slater mocks him. DDP pulls Slater in for a hug but lays him out with a big Diamond Cutter. DDP slaps hands with the fans and leaves to another pop.

    - We get the trailer for No Holds Barred.

    - Kane and Big Show are walking backstage as we go back to commercial.

    - Back from the break and we get a video of John Cena and Alicia Fox visiting troops at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center last week.

    No DQ Match: Kane vs. Big Show

    Kane is out first for the next match. Big Show comes out and hits the ring ready to fight. He backs Kane in the corner with body shots and a big chop. Kane fights back with right hands and a headlock. Show knocks Kane down with a big shoulder. Kane ends up dropping Show's neck over the top rope but Show knocks him off the apron and into the barrier. Show works Kane over on the floor now. Show for a big boot but Kane moves and his leg gets hung up on the barrier. Kane fights back now until Show whips him into the ring post.

    Kane goes for a chokeslam on the floor but Show fights it off. Show drops Kane with a big kick. Show rolls Kane back in the ring and grabs a steel chair. Kane fights back as Show enters the ring. Kane hits a big DDT and covers for 2. Kane goes up to the top but Show moves and he goes down. Kane grabs the chair but Show spears it into him. Show clutches his shoulder but chokeslams Kane on the chair for the win.

    Winner: Big Show

    - Teddy Long runs into Eve Torres backstage. She starts kissing up and he tells her to save the drama. Teddy puts a big name tag on her, laughs and walks off. Eve tears it up and walks up on AJ, who is still upset. Eve says she's been really busy lately, taking a play out of her book. Eve tells her to leave the mind games to grown ups and go do what little girls do best - sit in the corner and cry. AJ says Eve will do anything for attention. AJ asks what Eve is going to do now that John Laurinaitis is gone, who is she going to brown-nose next. AJ says she's going to show Eve and everyone else how to get attention. She walks off and Eve shakes her head. Back to commercial.

    Tyson Kidd vs. Tensai

    Back from the break and Tyson Kidd waits in the ring as Tensai comes out with Sakamoto. The bell rings and Tensai backs Tyson in the corner and unloads on him. Out of nowhere Kidd rolls Tensai up for the quick win.

    Winner: Tyson Kidd

    - After the match, Tensai takes out his frustrations and beats up Sakamoto in the ring. Tensai tosses him out to the floor as the crowd boos. Tensai goes out after him and continues the assault as we go to a replay of the match.

    - Chris Jericho is backstage when Daniel Bryan walks up. Bryan hopes he isn't wearing his stupid light jacket to the ring. Jericho puts down Bryan's yes jacket and his beard. Bryan chants "yes" as Jericho tells him to never ever say that again. Jericho chants "ever again" as Bryan chants "yes." We see Punk and Cena getting ready before going back to commercial.

    - Tyson Kidd is backstage when Josh Matthews walks in for comment on his victory. Kidd says he's on top of the world but Tensai attacks from behind. Tensai throws Kidd into the lockers and leaves him lay.

    Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk and John Cena

    We go to the ring and out comes Chris Jericho followed by Daniel Bryan for the main event. WWE Champion CM Punk is out next followed by his partner John Cena. Punk starts things off with Bryan.

    They go at it and Bryan drops Punk with a shoulder. Punk comes back with arm drags and an uppercut. Punk with chops in the corner and a suplex for 2. Cena comes in and unloads on Bryan. Cena with the bulldog but Jericho tags in. Jericho gets dumped on the floor as Cena and Punk stand tall. Back to commercial.

    Back from the break and Jericho has Cena in a headlock. Cena fights out but Jericho cuts him off. Cena rolls out of the way and Jericho misses a Lionsault next. Bryan tags in and stops Cena from tagging. Bryan takes Cena back into the corner and beats him down with kicks. Bryan runs and connects with a dropkick for another 2 count. Bryan tags in Jericho and they double team Cena. Jericho takes over now and keeps Cena from tagging.

    Jericho blocks an Attitude Adjustment and drops him with a DDT for a 2 count. Jericho goes on but misses a dropkick in the corner as Cena moves. Punk finally comes in and takes out Bryan with a clothesline and dropkick. Punk with a neckbreaker now. Punk hits the high knee but Bryan counters the bulldog. Punk with a powerslam for 2. Punk locks in the Anaconda Vice but Jericho breaks it. Cena comes in and takes out Jericho to the floor. They fight up the ramp and to the back with Cena in control. Punk and Bryan go at it back and forth now. Bryan drops Punk with a kick to the head. Punk gets to his knees but Bryan drops him with another kick and covers for 2. They go to the top and Punk nails a big superplex. Bryan kicks out at 2.

    AJ's music hits and out she comes skipping around the ring. Bryan and Punk go at it trading shots. She looks upset that nobody is paying attention. She gets on the apron and they still don't give her any attention. They collide in mid-air and go down at the same time. AJ goes under the ring and brings out a table. AJ sets the table up at ringside and slowly walks up the ring steps. AJ climbs up to the top to jump down through the table. Bryan gets up and begs her not to. Punk climbs up top with her and tells her to get down. She grabs him and kisses him. AJ pushes Punk down onto Bryan and they both crash through the table. She looks down from the top turnbuckle and laughs at them. AJ chants "yes" as we go to replays of what just happened. RAW goes off the air with AJ smiling from the top.


    03-07-2012 om 12:26 geschreven door jefken  

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    A Surprising WWE Release - Full Details

    A Surprising WWE Release - Full Details
    Posted by Andy Steven on 07/02/2012 at 09:38 PM

    Former WWE star Armando Estrada had apparently been under WWE contract for the past year but was never used. He issued the following statement tonight:

    "Espérate ... Espérate ... Espérate ...

    Everybody, listen to me!

    I would like to take this opportunity to let everyone in the wrestling world know that on 6/27/12, I was released from my contract with WWE.

    What's that you say??? OH, you didn't know (Road Dogg) I was under contract to WWE? Apparently, a lot of people (including members of creative) were not privy to that information. I have been "working" with World Wrestling Entertainment for almost 18 months. I was only used once during that time period, making a brief cameo as Tyson Kidd's manager in May of last year. I was told I did a great job and to be patient. I have been patient for quite some time now while sitting at home "waiting for the call".

    It's not fun, trust me. Numerous creative ideas/scenarios were submitted during my tenure and unfortunately nothing materialized for me. And although my talents were not utilized this time around, should I decide to return to WWE in the future, I firmly believe that door will be open. Timing is everything, not just in showbiz, but in life. Thank you to everyone in WWE!

    For those promoters that would like to utilize my talents, believe me when I say, I am the MOST ENTERTAINING individual to step foot into the wrestling industry in the last decade (toot-toot)! If you would like to book me for wrestling shows, autograph signings/appearances, please do so at (serious inquiries only). I will show up on time, in shape, and ready to perform for your audience.

    You can also follow me on Twitter @RealArmandoHaHa. Thanks for your time....Oh yeah, 1 last thing. My name es ARMANDO ALEJANDRO ESTRRRADA and I will be making an #Impact soon.........HA-HA! "

    03-07-2012 om 11:59 geschreven door jefken  

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    TNA Wrestler Shannon Moore Officially Announces His Departure From TNA

    TNA Wrestler Shannon Moore Officially Announces His Departure From TNA

    Shannon Moore, who had taken a leave of absence from the company earlier in the year, announced tonight via Twitter that he had requested and been granted his release from TNA.



    Just want to let you all know I asked for my release from TNA and they granted me my release. Wanted you all to hear it from me. Thanks all

    03-07-2012 om 11:47 geschreven door jefken  

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    Christian Talks About Sprain Ankle Injury

    Christian Talks About Sprain Ankle Injury
    Posted by Steve Carrier on 07/02/2012 at 04:03 PM

    Christian recently spoke with Corpus-Christi Caller about the severity of his ankle sprain suffered earlier this year which caused him to miss WrestleMania and a few months of action.

    "After talking with a couple different doctors, they said that on a scale of 1-10 of the severity of the sprain, it was a 10. It was as bad as it could have possibly been," Christian told the Corpus-Christi Caller newspaper promoting Tuesday's live Smackdown taping. "It was a little bit frustrating to say the least, but it's just one of those things where you got to get through it."

    Christian also mentioned that he would like to get back into the World Title status.

    "I've always viewed the Intercontinental Champion as the next guy in line to step up. I was fortunate enough to be the champion twice. Winning that title again would be great."


    02-07-2012 om 22:40 geschreven door jefken  

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    News From Extreme Rising; Saturn Injured & More

    News From Extreme Rising; Saturn Injured & More
    Posted by Andy Steven on 07/01/2012 at 05:40 PM

    - Saturday's Extreme Rising show drew 800 – 900 fans in Philadelphia. The promotion is said to be very happy with it considering the negative reaction to Extreme Reunion.

    - The next scheduled events for the promotion will be on the weekend of September 21 in Pittsburgh, PA and Cleveland, Ohio. The promotion plans to return to the Northeast in November if those go well.

    - Former WWE Superstar Perry Saturn suffered a stinger early in his match with Papadon. Saturn was unable to feel his left arm for a while, forcing them to work around it. Papadon did great in the eyes of management for the weekend.

    02-07-2012 om 22:30 geschreven door jefken  

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    Impact Wrestling Quarter Hour Ratings For June 28, 2012
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    Impact Wrestling Quarter Hour Ratings For June 28, 2012


    First Hour Break Down

    Q1: Impact opened with a 0.89 rating, which was essentially the same as the previous two weeks. The segment included Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson in a BFG Series match, video packages, and half of a commercial.

    Q2: Impact slipped slightly to a 0.87 rating for Austin Aries's and Bobby Roode's mid-ring confrontation, plus one-and-a-half commercials. The Q2 rating was above and below the previous two weeks.

    Q3: Impact dropped to a show-low 0.80 rating for the randomly-introduced X Division qualifying match between Sonjay Dutt and Rubix, one commercial, and the Gut Check deliberations segment with Taz, Snow, and Prichard. This was the lowest-rated Q3 of the summer run and lowest-rated quarter-hour of the summer outside of the first week in the new timeslot.

    Q4: Impact rebounded to a first-hour-high 0.91 rating for the first-half of Samoa Joe vs. Bully Ray, plus two commercials. The trend continues of the audience slowly starting to tune in at the end of the first hour in the new timeslot. However, the segment was the lowest-rated Q4 of the summer series outside of the first week.

    Second Hour Break Down

    Q5: Impact leaped to a 1.07 rating in the standard Impact timeslot for the second-half of Joe vs. Ray, Joseph Park's post-match challenge to Bully for a match, Claire and Dixie Carter in the hallway, Kaz in Hogan's office, and one full commercial. This was up from last week's Q5 rating, but below the previous two weeks.

    Q6: Impact dipped to a 1.00 rating for Madison and Garett backstage, Brooke & Tessmacher & Gail Kim backstage, Rashad Cameron vs. Scorpio Sky in the ring for a X Division qualifier, one commercial, and Hogan backstage with James Storm and Jeff Hardy. This was the lowest-rated Q6 of the summer run outside of the first week.

    Q7: Impact increased slightly to a 1.03 rating for the Gut Check segment involving Taeler Hendrix and Joey Ryan, one commercial, and ring intros for the main event. The Q7 rating was above and below the previous two weeks.

    Q8: Impact jumped to a 1.16 rating for the Tag Title main event and one commercial. There was also Daniels's "big reveal" in the final minute of the show following the match. This was the highest-rated Q8 of the summer run, highest-rated quarter-hour for any quarter-hour during the summer run, and highest-rated final segment of an Impact show since February 23.


    02-07-2012 om 22:13 geschreven door jefken  

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    Velvet Sky Comments On The Release Of Angelina Love

    Velvet Sky Comments On The Release Of Angelina Love

    TNA Knockout Velvet Sky posted the following comment on her twitter account regarding the release of her former tag team partner Angelina Love’s from TNA:
    “Such a damn shame!! So much left to do there! I know you’re gonna move on to big things bud, good luck and as always I love u!!”

    02-07-2012 om 22:10 geschreven door jefken  

    0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 2/5 - (4 Stemmen)
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    Angelina Love Announces Departure From TNA

    Angelina Love Announces Departure From TNA

    5 time TNA Knockouts Champion, Angelina Love, has revealed on her offical twitter page that she asked and was granted her release from TNA Impact Wrestling. You can read the tweet below.

    "To all my wonderful fans, just want to let you know I have been granted my release from TNA. It was completely amicable parting of ways and I want to thank TNA and all of its employees for the wonderful journey I've had there over the years. Now I'm on to the next amazing chapter of my life! If you are looking to book me please contact John at Thank you"

    02-07-2012 om 22:08 geschreven door jefken  

    0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 5/5 - (1 Stemmen)
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    TNA Hardcore Justice 2012 Poster Revealed

    TNA Hardcore Justice 2012 Poster Revealed


    02-07-2012 om 22:07 geschreven door jefken  

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    The Miz's New Look

    - WWE Studios is finishing shooting scenes for "The Marine: Homefront" in Vancouver this week. The star of the film, The Miz, has a new look for the movie and is expected to return to WWE television in the coming weeks.

    01-07-2012 om 15:58 geschreven door jefken  

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    Extreme Rising: Reby Sky, Sabu Returns and More

    Extreme Rising: Reby Sky, Sabu Returns and More
    Posted by Steve Carrier on 06/30/2012 at 10:23 AM

    - Sabu returned to the ring in front of about 200 fans at last night's Extreme Rising event in Queens, New York. Sabu defeated Papadon in the opener.

    More newsworthy notes from Extreme Rising:

    * The show went along much better than the first Extreme Reunion event.

    * Former WWE star Sylvester Turkay was in attendance. He didn't wrestle but filmed scenes for a Zombie vs. Wrestler movie that Shane Douglas also appears in.

    * Taya Parker from the Rock of Love reality show was acting as a ring girl.

    * Matt Hardy's girlfriend Reby Sky came out and talked about the women who paved the way for her to be here - women like Beulah McGillicutty and Francine. As she left, former TNA star Homicide came out and they had words. She slapped him which led to him laying her out with an Ace Crusher. Matt Hardy came out for the save.

    * Shane Douglas cut a long promo and at the end, talked about how he was bringing Lucha Libre back. He introduced Pescadilla, Super Crazy's nephew and Bestia 666, the son of Damian 666. They wrestled and Bestia got the win.

    * Matt Hardy worked the main event, defeating Jerry Lynn. They both put each other over on the mic after the match.

    * Extreme Rising runs tonight in Philadelphia with Lynn vs. Hardy vs. Homicide in the main event. Other names appearing include Sandman, Sabu, The Gangstas, Balls Mahoney, Blue Meanie and more.

    01-07-2012 om 15:55 geschreven door jefken  

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    Uitslagen smackdown 29 juni
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    WWE Smackdown Results 6/29/12
    By LOP
    Jun 30, 2012 - 12:52:58 AM

    Report by Richard Trionfo &

    The announcers talk about the World Title Match tonight and they mention that AJ won’t get involved because of her interaction with the people surrounding the WWE Title. We see footage from the Triple Threat Match from Raw when Daniel Bryan got the victory after AJ’s distraction.

    We see footage from the Divas Battle Royal from Monday night that was won by AJ.

    Match Number One: AJ Lee versus Layla in a Non Title Match

    They shake hands before the match starts. They lock up and Layla with a side head lock and take down. AJ with a head scissors but Layla escapes. They lock up again and AJ with a side head lock take down. Layla with a front face lock and a near fall. Layla with a kick to the midsection and side head lock. AJ with forearms to the ribs but Layla with a shoulder tackle and then she blows a kiss to AJ. Layla with a rollup for a near fall.

    Layla with a wrist lock but AJ with forearms. AJ with a drop toe hold and drop kick to Layla. AJ with a running forearm into the corner and she gets a near fall. Layla with a back heel kick and then Layla hits a double jump cross body for a near fall.

    Layla takes AJ to the mat by the hair and gets a near fall. AJ with a knee but Layla with a kick. AJ with a spinning back round kick.

    Daniel Bryan’s music plays and he starts to Yes his way to the ring. AJ gets distracted while Daniel does his lap around the ring. Layla with a rollup for the three count.

    Winner: Layla

    After the match, AJ stares at Bryan and then she attacks Layla from behind. AJ punches Layla and the referee has to separate them.

    AJ looks at Bryan and the crowd is Yesing. Daniel tells her to calm down. He says that it is not so fun when someone distracts you in the middle of a match. Unlike AJ, he is not out here because he craves attention. He is out here because he has something very important to discuss.

    He says that he has to talk with Vickie Guerrero and he wants AJ to hear it too. Bryan tells Vickie that he is not leaving the ring until he gets what he wants. Bryan says that he will hold this show hostage if he has to.

    Bryan says that Vickie has left him no choice. Bryan starts to chant ‘Yes’. AJ starts to chant ‘Yes’ when Bryan stops.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a Raw 1000 Memorable Moment and Triple H talks about Mike Tyson’s appearance on Raw when DX got in Tyson’s face in March 1998 and it was revealed that Tyson was wearing a DX shirt.

    Meanwhile, back in the ring, Bryan and AJ are having a Yes duel.

    Vickie Guerrero comes out and she excuse mes her way to the ring.

    Vickie says that she doesn’t know what Daniel wants but the people are sick of him repeating the same annoying catchphrase. Vickie yells Excuse Me.

    Bryan says that he needed to make a point because he defeated both Kane and CM Punk in the same match on Raw. He is the new number one contender for the WWE Championship. Bryan says that he needed to show everyone that both Raw and Smackdown will revolve around him.

    Bryan says that he wanted to applaud Vickie for what she did by giving him a title match. Bryan says that management style makes him want to see Vickie run both shows on a permanent basis.

    Bryan says that if that is the case, Vickie will be the GM and Bryan will be the champion. They will need to work together, hand in hand. Assuming that happens, he has an idea for Vickie to take to the Board of Directors for the WWE Championship match at Money in the Bank. He wants AJ banned from ringside.

    Vickie starts to talk and Bryan interrupts and says that she is a liability, she is unstable, she is a menace, he refuses to lose his opportunity because of AJ.

    Vickie says that she is not as bad as AJ. She does not forget what AJ did on Raw. Vickie comments on the Tweet that AJ posted. Vickie says that she is sick of being called grandma by AJ.

    Bryan reminds Vickie that this is not about her, but about him.

    Vickie mentions the poll that was on about the role that AJ should have for the match at Money in the Bank. The options were guest timekeeper, guest referee, guest ring announcer, or guest commentator.

    Vickie says that the Board of Directors listened to the poll results and AJ will be the guest referee.

    AJ starts chanting yes as she leaves the ring.

    Daniel says that this is not fair but Vickie says that this is what the Board wants.

    Bryan starts to chant No and he leaves the ring.

    Vickie says that she wants to thank the Board of Directors for their work. She says that over the next two weeks, there will be qualifying matches for the World Title Money in the Bank Match. This match will be open to anyone.

    Damien Sandow makes his way to the ring for his match against Zack Ryder. Sandow begs everyone’s indulgence for a moment. He reminds us that he is here not only to help the WWE Universe, but he is here to help his opponent. The WWE’s official ambassador of ignorance, mediocrity, and stupidity. He says that Zack is no different than the crowd. He ensures that the unwashed masses will have a World Champion who will shepherd them to the enlightenment that they so desperately yearn for.

    Match Number Two: Zack Ryder versus Damien Sandow in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

    They lock up and Ryder with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Ryder with a flying forearm and flapjack for a near fall. Sandow backs into the corner and he kicks Ryder in the knee and sends Ryder into the turnbuckles and he kicks Ryder. Sandow rubs Ryder’s face in the mat and kicks him again.

    Sandow with a side Russian leg sweep and Sandow rolls to his feet and he hits a flourish elbow drop. Sandow with a full nelson and he sends Ryder’s head into the turnbuckles. Ryder drives Sandow’s face into the mat and then he connects with an elbow. Sandow runs into knees from Ryder. Ryder with a missile drop kick and he gets a near fall.

    Ryder with a punch and he sets for the Broski Boot and connects. Ryder sets for the Rough Ryder but Sandow hot shots Ryder onto the ropes and then hits the Cross arm neck breaker for the three count.

    Winner: Damien Sandow

    After the match, Sandow does his victory cartwheel.

    Michael Cole mentions that Charlie Sheen will be the Social Media Ambassador for the 1000th episode of Raw.

    Daniel Bryan is walking in the back and he knocks on the Divas locker room door because he wants to talk to AJ.

    Kaitlyn comes out and she says that AJ is not inside. Bryan wants to know where she is and Kaitlyn says that Bryan should try to get on AJ’s good side because AJ is a little mentally unstable, but he didn’t hear that from Kaitlyn.

    We go to commercial.

    Match Number Three: Tyson Kidd versus Jack Swagger in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

    Kidd with a waist lock and Swagger with a standing switch and waist lock take down. Kidd with a victory roll for a near fall. Swagger sends Kidd over the top rope but Kidd lands on the apron and Kidd with a slingshot rollup for a near fall. Kidd with a baseball slide and then he goes to the apron while Swagger returns to the ring.

    Swagger with a wheelbarrow suplex for a near fall. Swagger with a punch and knees in the corner. Swagger with an arm wringer and he takes Kidd to the mat again and Swagger with a leg drop to the arm for a near fall. Swagger with an arm bar to Kidd. Swagger with a forearm to the shoulder and Kidd with a rollup for a near fall. Kidd has a kick blocked and Swagger with a splash into the corner.

    Swagger with a biel across the ring and then Swagger with the double jump Swagger Bomb for a near fall. Swagger with an arm bar but Kidd with kicks and a DDT. Kidd with kicks to the leg followed by a jumping back heel kick. Kidd with a back heel kick and drop kick to the head for a near fall.

    Kidd with a punch but Swagger with an Irish whip. Swagger runs into an elbow. Swagger applies an ankle lock but Kidd uses the ropes to escape. Kidd with an enzuigiri to a charging Swagger and then Kidd goes up top and hits a blockbuster for the three count.

    Winner: Tyson Kidd

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a look at the way that we got the Triple Threat Match for the World Title tonight.

    Vickie and Dolph are in the office and Dolph wonders why Vickie isn’t doing more to help him. Vickie says that she is being watched by the Board of Directors. Dolph wants Vickie to ban the Brogue Kick and Cross Arm Breaker. Vickie asks what this means for her and Dolph yells at Vickie for making it all about her. He tells her to do something for him after six years of stealing the show. Vickie slaps Dolph and it calms him down. Dolph just wants Vickie with him when he wins the World Title.

    Match Number Four: Santino Marella and Christian versus Cody Rhodes and David Otunga in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

    Rhodes and Marella start things off and Cody with a hammer lock. Santino with elbows and he works on the arm and connects with a shoulder in the corner. Christian tags in and punches Cody and then he works on the arm. Christian with a punch to Rhodes and then Cody with a knee to the midsection and a gourdbuster for a near fall.

    Otunga tags in and he kicks Christian and slams him followed by a low shoulder tackle and he gets a near fall. Otunga chokes Christian in the ropes and then Rhodes kicks Christian when the referee was not looking. Cody tags in and snap mares Christian and applies a side head lock and body scissors. Christian with an Irish whip and he runs into a boot from Cody. Cody goes to the turnbuckles and Christian with a punch to the midsection.

    Otunga tags in and Christian kicks him away to tag in Santino. Santino with a forearm and then he does a split and hip toss followed by a diving head butt. Santino reaches into his gear and sets up the cobra and hits Otunga but Cody pulls him out of the ring. Cody punches Santino when the referee was not looking.

    Cody tags in and avoids the cobra and connects with a back heel kick and gets a near fall. Cody with a jackknife cover and then he removes the sock puppet and throws it away. Cody chokes Santino in the ropes and then Otunga tags in and kicks Santino. Otunga with a back elbow and he poses and then he pulls a Steiner and does a flex elbow drop but only goes for the cover and gets a near fall.

    Otunga with a rear chin lock and his knee in Santino’s back. Santino with a Saito suplex and both men are down. Christian and Cody tag in and Christian with punches and a running forearm. Cody with an elbow but Christian with a flapjack and he goes to the turnbuckles for a flying back elbow.

    Cody with a kick but Christian with a shoulder from the apron and Christian drops Cody’s back across the top rope. Cody avoids the Killswitch but he cannot avoid an inverted DDT. Otunga grabs the leg and that allows Cody to connect with a running double sledge. Otunga tags in but David punches Cody by accident. Santino sends Cody to the floor but Otunga takes care of Santino. Otunga turns around and he is met with the spear from Christian for the three count.

    Winners: Santino Marella and Christian

    Sheamus in the interview area and Matt Striker asks Sheamus if he is worried about losing the title without being pinned. Sheamus says that he didn’t become World Champion by being worried. He might lose tonight. He could also retain the title at Money in the Bank but get ambushed by the winner of the Money in the Bank match. He could also walk outside and get hit by a car driven by Lindsay Lohan.

    He didn’t spend his life worrying about what ifs. Alberto Del Rio thinks that he is better than everyone because he is rich. Dolph thinks that he is better than everyone because . . . he is Dolph Ziggler. Sheamus says that he can prove that he is better than both men by winning.

    Sheamus says that he doesn’t worry, he just kicks arse.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and AJ is in the back saying her role in the WWE Title Match at Money in the Bank out loud and she appears to like the sound of it. Daniel Bryan comes up behind and says that he has been looking for her. He apologizes for distracting AJ and costing her the match. He says that he is looking out for her best interest. He says that he has a doctor friend who can help her. He says that friends try to help each other. Daniel asks AJ if he can give her his number. AJ looks at Daniel and says Yes and then she repeats herself and skips away.

    Match Number Five: Dan Barone and Brendan Burke versus Ryback

    Ryback waits for Barone to charge at him and he sends him into the air. Burke tries to run away but Ryback cuts him off on the floor and hits a big boot to the chest. Ryback pulls Barone to the floor. Burke with a few kicks that have no effect. Barone climbs on his back and Ryback with the over the shoulder boulder holder. Ryback with a power bomb to Burke and then he takes care of Barone with a clothesline. Ryback with the double muscle buster for the three count.

    Winner: Ryback

    Aksana and Antonio Cesaro are kissing and Teddy Long stops by. Teddy says that he doesn’t harbor any hard feelings towards them about their relationship. Teddy tells them that he will be the General Manager next week.

    Aksana starts to suck up to Teddy but Teddy says that he can see clearly. Not only do they deserve each other, they need each other. On Tuesday night, Aksana and Antonio will be in a mixed tag match against Layla and Great Khali.

    Match Number Six: Justin Gabriel versus Tensai with Sakamoto in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

    Gabriel with forearms to Tensai but he does not move the big man. Tensai with a shoulder and then he pushes Gabriel over the top rope to the floor. Gabriel with forearms and then he goes up top but Tensai with an uppercut and then he connects with elbow drops and then he punches Gabriel in the back of the head. Tensai with a butterfly suplex and he gets a near fall.

    Tensai rubs his forearm across Gabriel’s face. Tensai with a bear hug but Gabriel with a jawbreaker. Gabriel tries for a sunset flip but Tensai picks him up. Gabriel with a series of kicks but Tensai stays on his feet. Tensai runs into a boot. Gabriel with a springboard drop kick and Tensai is knocked to his feet.

    Gabriel with a springboard moonsault but Tensai kicks out. Gabriel with a kick to the chest and back but Tensai catches Gabriel off the turnbuckles and hits the choke slam followed by a back senton for the three count.

    Winner: Tensai

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Alberto Del Rio says that even though he has to be in a Triple Threat Match in this horrible town . . . a place with nothing, at the end of the night, he will be the new World Champion. Del Rio says that these people don’t know anything about greatness. He says that he will be victorious because . . .

    Vickie excuses herself and she tells Alberto that he will not win tonight. The crowning jewel of her week as General Manager is that she gets to introduce the next World Champion, Dolph Ziggler.

    Match Number Seven: Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez versus Dolph Ziggler versus Sheamus for the World Heavyweight Title

    Sheamus with a boot to Ziggler and then he goes after Del Rio. Sheamus sends Ziggler into the corner and then he does the same to Del Rio. Sheamus sends Ziggler to the floor and Del Rio attacks Sheamus from behind and chokes him. Del Rio with boots when Sheamus charges into the corner. Sheamus with a fireman’s carry slam on Del Rio for a near fall.

    Ziggler hits Sheamus from behind and then Ziggler goes to the floor. Sheamus with a shoulder to Del Rio when he returns to the ring. Sheamus gets a near fall on Ziggler. Del Rio with a DDT for a near fall on Sheamus. Del Rio with knees to Sheamus’ shoulder and then he applies an arm bar.

    Sheamus punches Del Rio but Ziggler gets Sheamus out of the ring. Del Rio tries for a tilt-a-whirl back breaker but Ziggler lands on his feet and he hits a drop kick. Ziggler kicks Del Rio on the floor and then he sends Alberto’s head into the ring steps.

    Ziggler and Del Rio return to the ring and Dolph gets a near fall. Ziggler with a drop kick to send Sheamus off the apron and to the floor. Del Rio with punches followed by an Irish whip but he misses a splash into the corner. Ziggler gets a near fall. Ziggler kicks Del Rio in the corner and then he puts Alberto on the turnbuckles.

    Ziggler tries for a superplex but Del Rio stops him. They continue to fight on the turnbuckles until Del Rio falls to the floor. Sheamus gets Ziggler on his shoulders and hits an electric chair drop on Ziggler.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Del Rio with a drop kick to Sheamus’ back and Ziggler is down too. Sheamus is kicked to the floor by Del Rio. Ziggler and Del Rio go to the floor as well. Del Rio kicks Sheamus in the head and Ziggler kicks Sheamus against the ringside barrier.

    Sheamus punches Del Rio but Ziggler joins in the attack on Sheamus. Del Rio sends Sheamus over the announce table. Ziggler and Del Rio stand over Sheamus. Sheamus tries to kick Ziggler away. Del Rio sends Sheamus into the ring steps. Del Rio with a snap mare to Sheamus and Ziggler with kicks.

    Del Rio tells Ziggler to go to the turnbuckles and Del Rio covers Sheamus. Ziggler yells at Del Rio and they push each other while Sheamus pulls himself onto the turnbuckles and Sheamus hits the flying shoulder tackle on Del Rio and Ziggler. All three men are down again.

    Sheamus with double sledges and a shoulder to Del Rio. Sheamus with a knee lift to Ziggler followed by a power slam to Del Rio for a near fall. Sheamus puts Ziggler on the apron and in the ropes and it is time for the forearms across the chest. Del Rio tries for the single arm breaker but Sheamus avoids it. Sheamus misses a Brogue Kick but he does not miss the uranage back breaker. Ziggler breaks it up and he goes after Sheamus. Ziggler misses the Fameasser and Sheamus hits White Noise on Ziggler. Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick but Del Rio drops the arm on the top rope. Del Rio with an arm breaker for a near fall.

    Del Rio kicks Sheamus in the shoulder and he sets for the float over into the cross arm breaker but Sheamus escapes. Sheamus charges into the corner and his shoulder hits the post. Ziggler with a drop kick to the arm. Del Rio with a step up enzuigiri to Ziggler on the apron. Del Rio applies the cross arm breaker but Ziggler breaks it up and he hits the Fameasser on Del Rio but Del Rio kicks out.

    Ricardo gets on the apron and Ziggler sends Del Rio into Ricardo for an O’Connor Roll. Sheamus hits the Brogue kick on Ziggler and then he sends Del Rio over the top rope to the floor and he pins Ziggler.

    Winner: Sheamus


    01-07-2012 om 15:33 geschreven door jefken  

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    Updated Money in the Bank Pay-Per-View Card

    Updated Money in the Bank Pay-Per-View Card
    Posted by Steve Carrier on 06/30/2012 at 08:14 AM

    A.J. was announced as special referee for WWE champion C.M. Punk vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Title at the Money in the Bank PPV on last night's WWE Smackdown. Here is the updated MITB PPV line-up.

    - WWE champion C.M. Punk vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Title with A.J. as special referee.

    - Raw brand MITB ladder match for future WWE Title shot: John Cena vs. Chris Jericho vs. Big Show vs. Kane.

    - SD brand MITB ladder match for future World Title shot: Santino vs. Christian vs. Damien Sandow vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Tensai.

    30-06-2012 om 15:51 geschreven door jefken  

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    WWE Employee Confirms Maxine Quitting The Company

    WWE Employee Confirms Maxine Quitting The Company
    Posted by Andy Steven on 06/29/2012 at 01:04 PM

    Terry Anderson, who has worked as a seamstress and costume designer for WWE since 1989, confirmed online reports that Maxine has quit the sports entertainment organization.

    Anderson joyfully teased a WWE departure Tuesday evening via Twitter Twitter, writing, "Yes yes yes happy a certain person will no longer be with WWE."

    She was than asked whether the person in question was Randy Orton, who is currently serving a sixty-day suspension for his second violation of the Talent Wellness Program. She responded "nope." When asked of the individual again, she responded, "No worries, no one you'll miss."

    After reports surfaced online that Maxine had quit WWE, Anderson was asked if it was her. Confirming the reports, she responded, ":) yep."

    According to, Maxine quit WWE due to frustrations with "not being offered a guaranteed deal and not having the chance to prove herself on TV beyond the WWE NXT level." Her profile, however, remains on the company website and no official announcement concerning her status has been made.

    Maxine, whose real name is Karlee Perez, joined WWE as a developmental wrestler in 2009. After learning the ropes in Florida Championship Wrestling, she was promoted to NXT for the Diva-exclusive third season. She returned to the program in August and became involved in a love triangle with Derek Bateman and Johnny Curtis.

    30-06-2012 om 15:50 geschreven door jefken  

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    Breaking News: WWE Diva Quits the Company

    Breaking News: WWE Diva Quits the Company
    Posted by Steve Carrier on 06/28/2012 at 07:49 PM

    According to PWInsider, WWE Diva Maxine has quit WWE.

    The report states that Maxine was frustrated with several different things, including not being given a guaranteed deal and not being able to prove herself on TV outside of NXT. She was last seen in the Diva battle royale on Raw this week.

    Maxine first joined WWE in 2009 as a developmental talent and was in FCW until NXT's third season. She returned during Season Five as part of a triangle with Derek Bateman and Johnny Curtis.

    30-06-2012 om 15:50 geschreven door jefken  

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    Press Release: WWE NXT Now Open to General Public
    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen

    Press Release: WWE NXT Now Open to General Public
    Posted by Steve Carrier on 06/28/2012 at 03:00 PM

    Full Sail University issued the following press release:


    Don’t miss the WWE NXT throwdown inside Full Sail Live on July 12, 2012. The night will include former WWE & World Heavyweight Champion Kane and Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes. On the same night, the WWE Divas will be in the ring and we also welcome WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross to call all the action.

    As July marks our independence as a nation, we would like to honor those who have fought for our freedom. WWE and Full Sail University will be providing discounted tickets for all active and retired military personnel. Simply show your military I.D. at the box office to receive a 50% discount off the General Admission price. We encourage all audience members to proudly wear their patriotic colors and show support for our military on this night.

    Tickets – Available on a first come, first serve basis only:

    FREE for Full Sail Students with Student I.D. (Limit 2)
    $5.00 for Full Sail Staff and Active or Retired Military with valid I.D.
    $10.00 for General Admission tickets

    Tickets are only available at the Full Sail Live Box Office, 141 University Blvd., Winter Park, FL 32792

    30-06-2012 om 15:49 geschreven door jefken  

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    Uitslagen wwe superstars 28 juni
    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen Dark Match
    Brodus Clay (w/Cameron, Naomi) defeated Drew McIntyre in 2:20.
    WWE Superstars
    First Match
    The Uso Brothers defeated Hunico and Camacho in 6:15.
    Second Match
    Sin Cara defeated Antonio Cesaro (w/Aksana) via countout in 3:55.
    Third Match
    Kane defeated Heath Slater in 3:20.
    Fourth Match
    The Primetime Players (w/A.W.) defeated Primo and Epico in 4:18. 

    29-06-2012 om 23:32 geschreven door jefken  

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    *Video* Joey Ryan Invades Impact Wrestling
    *Video* Joey Ryan Invades Impact Wrestling

    29-06-2012 om 23:25 geschreven door jefken  

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    Hogan Makes A Change Regarding The BFG Series

    Hogan Makes A Change Regarding The BFG Series

    Hulk Hogan tweeted the following moments ago,


    Spoke with BFG Series guys to let them know a change. Going forward all BFG Series matches will be 15 minute time limit. HH

    29-06-2012 om 23:23 geschreven door jefken  

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    TNA Conference Call: Austin Aries Talks Main Eventing Destination X, Prestige Of X Division, More

    TNA Conference Call: Austin Aries Talks Main Eventing Destination X, Prestige Of X Division, More


    Posted Image

    TNA held a media conference call with Austin Aries on Thursday, June 28 to promote the TNA Destination X pay-per-view. The following are the highlights of the call.

    -Aries was asked about changes between his first run and his current run. He said he was able to step back and learn from his first run with the company. He said the company is giving him a chance this time around and he's letting his work speak for itself.

    -Aries was asked about auditioning for WWE Tough Enough. He said he was dealing with a talent agency and not with the company itself. He compared it to acting in that sometimes you get the part and sometimes you don't.

    -A caller was asked what made him want to go back to TNA. He said you don't always get second chances and he wanted to take advantage of that. "It was a pay day and I didn't have anything going on that week, so I figured why not I've got nothing to lose," Aries said.

    -Aries was asked whether he would prefer to work with X Division wrestlers or heavyweight wrestlers. He said he feels comfortable with anybody in the ring.

    -Regarding Impact going live, Aries said he feels everyone amps it up an extra notch because the show is live. He said he hopes it continues beyond the summer.

    -Aries was asked about wrestlers he would like to see join the roster. He mentioned Rhett Titus, Kenny King, and Grizzly Redwood. He noted that he trained Titus and Grizzly. He said they have something to offer in the ring and in the locker room.

    -A caller asked if there's a moment that stands out most to him in his TNA run this far. He said the securing his contract during his second run was a big moment. He said there were no promises and he was able to step up.

    -Aries was asked whether he feels it is important to showcase the X Division in pay-per-view and television main events more often or if he's comfortable with the current setup. He said there will always be some debate regarding whether the division is a top championship or a secondary championship. He feels the Destination X setup is a step in the right direction and he leaves those calls to the company's decision makers.

    -Aries was asked if there's anyone in particular that he would like to see become the face of the X Division now that he's stepping aside. He said he felt Chris Sabin was ready to step up and resume his singles career if it wasn't for his injury. He feels Jesse Sorensen was also on the path before he suffered his neck injury. He teased that there will be new X Division talent and names from the past returning as they head into the pay-per-view. He said he hopes someone steps up like he did.

    -It was noted that the X Division Title belt's prestige was raised during his reign. He was asked what the company can do to make sure the title remains as important. He said he feels the championship is only as important as the guy who holds it. He recalled joking recently that he rubs belt, they don't rub him. He said it's about having quality talent and competition. He said there have been injuries and departures, and the division became a little less competitive that he hoped it would be. He said there are efforts to restock it and so it's a matter of accumulating talent and letting the best guys get ahead. "I'm a big proponent of that," Aries said about giving guys the ball and seeing if they can carry it.

    -A caller asked what changed about Ring of Honor that led to him being critical of it. He said that he didn't want to get into talking about other companies on a TNA conference call, but he noted that the people who had the original passion and energy are no longer there. He said that's what separated Ring of Honor from the pack previously and he doesn't know if that exists today.

    -Aries was asked about TNA's shift to using elements of reality television. He said it's a slippery slope. He feels there are elements they can use and pull the curtain back a bit, but he said they should only want to pull the curtain back so much. "The bottom line is I don't think we want to put a product out there that looks over produced," Aries said. He said he wants to see guys sound like themselves and he feels they have the talent to pull that off.

    -Aries was asked about being vilified at times during his career. He said it's nice to get a chance to show "some people and some places" what he can do when he's given the chance. He said his second run with the company has allowed him to prove some of the things he's said. "I've always been a polarizing figure," he said. "I have a strong personality." He said he's comfortable with who he is. "If you're not stirring the pot a little bit and you're not making people nervous, then you're not doing something right."

    -Aries was asked which wrestlers influenced him. He noted that Jerry Lynn and Sean Waltman came out of the Twin Cities like he did and they were inspirations to a lot of the smaller guys. He also mentioned the Four Horsemen and the Midnight Express when he was younger, and Chris Jericho, Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Benoit as he got older. He said it was the guys who felt the most believable and had the most conviction in what they were doing.


    29-06-2012 om 23:22 geschreven door jefken  

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