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    Uitslagen hell in a cell

    Event: WWE Hell In A Cell Pay-Per-View
    Airdate: Sunday, October 2nd, 2011 (Pay-Per-View)
    Location: The Cajundome In New Orleans, LA
    Results by WZRONLINE.COM

    WWE Hell in a Cell Opener:

    We open the show with a video package that highlights the theme of tonight's event, as well as some of the main feuds heading into the PPV.

    The pyro hits and Michael Cole welcomes us to the PPV. The entrance set looks great with a cell surrounding the ramp and a cool set up of video screens. Cole immediately hypes that there will be four title matches taking place tonight. He'll be broadcasting with JR and Booker T tonight.

    Christian vs. Sheamus

    Christian's music hits, and it looks like he'll be starting things off tonight. Christian gets a decent reaction from the crowd, who look ready to start things off on a good note tonight.

    Miz and R-Truth are shown walking up to the front row in the crowd with tickets in hand. Good old John Lauranitis is out and he climbs over the barricade to confront Miz and Truth. Miz and Truth show off their tickets and sit down but Ace calls for security. Security comes along and are quick to rush Miz and Truth out even though the crowd chants 'let them stay'.

    Sheamus is out next and he gets a decent pop, but Truth and Miz kind of stole his thunder just a bit.

    Christian is cautious to get back into the ring once Sheamus is in. The bell rings and we're ready to start things off. Both men lock up and Sheamus backs Christian right into the corner. Sheamus breaks and Christian bails to the apron. Christian gets back into the ring and ducks another lock up with a go behind. Sheamus hits an elbow, goes behind Christian, and takes him to the mat with a waistlock. Christian is slow to get up. We get another lock up and Sheamus takes Christian over with a side headlock. Christian gets to his feet and Sheamus takes him over again.

    Christian backs Sheamus into the ropes and forces a break, then slaps Sheamus. Sheamus takes Christian down to the mat, then lets him up only to his a big clothesline. Sheamus tries to tie Christian up in the ropes but Christian hits Sheamus with an elbow to the eye. Sheamus chases Christian around the ring and comes back in to another slap. Sheamus takes Christian right back down to the mat. Christian goes to the outside and hits Sheamus but catches a punch of his own. Sheamus hits Christian across the chest with several clubbing blows to the chest, then brings him into the ring the hard way, scoring a near fall. Christian is able to catch a charging Sheamus with a kick, but when he jumps off the ropes, Sheamus catches him and hits a fall away slam. Sheamus goes up top, but Christian pushes him off to the outside.

    Christian goes to the outside and beats on Sheamus before bringing him back into the ring and continuing the assault with right hands. Christian chokes Sheamus against the top rope before being forced to break. Sheamus comes back with a couple of rights of his own, but Christian punches back, then hits a back elbow from the second rope before climbing on Sheamus' back and locking in a sleeper. Sheamus drops to his behind and Christian breaks the hold.

    Sheamus slams Christian to the mat hard and goes for an elbow drop but he misses. Christian chokes Sheamus with his boot before laying in with a couple of right hands and kicks to the stomach. Christian avoids a couple of swings from Sheamus and continues with punches and kicks. Christian poses for the crowd to a lot of head. Christian picks Sheamus up and Sheamus begins to fight back with big right hands, but he runs right into a knee to the gut, and then a dropkick from Christian. Christian goes for a pin but only gets one.

    Sheamus just won't quit and he clubs away at Christian with big right hands across Christian's back, knocking him down to the mat. Sheamus hits a clothesline, then another then runs into boots in the corner from Christian, but comes right back with a tilt-a-whirl slam for a two count. Sheamus tries for a urunage, but Christian fights out of it. Sheamus goes for a gorilla press but Christian fights out again. Christian tries for the killswitch but Sheamus fights out. Christian goes to the apron and drops the back of Sheamus' neck across the top rope. Sheamus comes right back with a urunage backbreaker for another two count.

    Christian comes back with a series of rights to the face, but when he goes for the top, Sheamus stops him. Sheamus tries for a superplex, but Christian fights him off and drops to the mat. Christian kicks Sheamus with both feet to the face, then connects with a tornado DDT from a seated position on the top rope. Christian crawls for the cover but doesn't even get one. Christian waits for Sheamus to get to his feet and goes for the kill switch again. Sheamus fights it off and clotheslines Christian in the corner before hitting a knee lift to Christian's face. Sheamus goes out to the apron and Christian grabs on to Sheamus' leg, forcing him back into the ring. Christian fights Sheamus but Sheamus fights right back. Sheamus pulls himself up to the top turnbuckle and comes off with a big shoulderblock from the top.

    Sheamus tries for the bicycle kick but Christian drops to the mat. Sheamus goes to the apron and ends up being kicked to the floor. Christian tries for a baseball slide but Sheamus catches him by the feet and drops him to the floor hard. Christian tries to kick Sheamus into the ring post but Sheamus stops himself. Christian is able to connect with a spear on the floor, but Sheamus makes it into the ring at an 8 count. As soon as he gets into the ring, Christian hits Sheamus with another spear and goes for the pin, but he only gets two. Christian goes to the top and tries for a flying head butt, but Sheamus moves. Sheamus tries for the Celtic cross but Christian drops down and tries for the kill switch. Sheamus fights it off and Christian tries for the spear but eats the corner ring post. Sheamus hits the bicycle kick and pins Christian for the three count.

    Winner: Sheamus


    Matt Striker is backstage with Mark Henry. Henry tells Striker to shut up. He makes fun of Striker, and says it doesn't matter where in the world he faces Randy Orton. Whether it's Hell in a Call, or a back alley, Randy Orton is going to join the Hall of Pain.

    Sin Cara (Blue Outfit) vs. Sin Cara (Black Outfit)

    Sin Cara, the original, makes his way out to the ring for this match. Dark Sin Cara (from here on out for this match referred to as dCara), makes his way out and points at Cara. He makes his way down to the ring, doing the same jump into the ring with the same pyro to boot.

    The bell rings and the stupid lighting goes into effect and we're ready to kick things off in this match. We get a lock up and dCara takes Cara to the mat, tying up his legs and standing on his back, posing before stretching him with a bow and arrow hold. Cara fights out of it and the two chain wrestle for a bit before Cara arm drags dCara away. dCara knocks Cara to the mat and takes him over with another arm drag.

    Cara tries to get the crowd behind him before we get a test of strength. dCara knocks Cara to the mat, and the two employ some impressive gymnastics to flip over each other. dCara connects with a hurricarana, and Cara comes right back with one of his own. We get another stand off between the two Cara's. dCara kicks Cara in the gut and hits him with a couple of clubbing blows to the back, but Cara comes right back with a springboard hurricarana and an awesome armdrag that sends dCara to the outside. Cara follows with a giant plancha that takes dCara out.

    Cara hits a baseball slide while dCara tries to get back into the ring. Cara goes for an asai moonsault, but dCara moves and Cara connects with the ground. dCara sends Cara back into the ring and follows with a big senton that sets up a near fall. dCara locks in a rear chin lock. Cara struggles, but he's able to make it back up to his feet and fights out of the hold. He goes for a back handspring something, but he's met with a dropkick to the back from dCara. dCara goes for the pin but gets two, so he gets up and kicks Cara in the kidneys before sending him into the corner and hitting a big chop. Cara goes out to the apron, so dCara hits him with a big forearm to send him to the floor before diving over the top rope to the floor on top of Cara.

    dCara brings Cara back into the ing and pins him for a two count. dCara connects with a backbreaker, and the crowd does not seem to be into this match at all, they are dead silent. dCara locks in another rear chin lock and when Cara fights up he just clubs him across the back. dCara goes for a belly to back suplex but Cara reverses out and lands on his feet. Both men go for a cross body and both connect, falling to the mat. The crowd is getting a boring chant started. Cara tries to flip over dCara but ends up stepping on his back. dCara is sent to the outside, so Cara goes to the top rope and leaps off with a neat sideways dive on top of dCara. Cara brings things back into the ring and tries for a couple of pins but he can't keep dCara down. Cara hits a superkick, but dCara comes right back with a powerbomb for two.

    dCara goes to the top but he's stopped by Cara. Cara connects with a huge arm drag from the top rope that sends dCara almost entirely to the other side of the ring. dCara back body drops Cara to the apron and he's caught with a huge kick. Cara goes to the top and tries for something but dCara moves and Cara rolls through. Cara is able to connect with the code red, and he pins dCara for a three count.

    Winner: Sin Cara (the original)


    CM Punk is shown backstage taping his wrists. David Otunga walks in. Punk asks if he's got ambulances to be chasing. Otunga asks Punk where he went to school again? Otunga says he's representing all the WWE superstars and he wants to talk to Punk. Punk says he doesn't need anyone representing him. Punk makes fun of Otunga and says he hates lawyers before telling him to 'vanish'.

    WWE Tag Team Championship Match
    Air Boom (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger (w/Vickie)

    The bell rings, and it looks like Kofi and Swagger will be kicking things off for their respective teams. Both men lock up and Swagger locks in a head lock, pushing Kingston into the ropes. Swagger's forced to break. Kofi locks in a head lock but Swagger pushes him off and knocks him down with a shoulder block. Kingston is able to take Swagger down to the mat and he hits him with a big European uppercut before tagging out to Bourne who comes in hitting a double stomp on Swagger. Swagger slams Bourne to the mat and tags in Ziggler. Bourne is able to come up with a couple of quick lether kicks to Ziggler's legs that stop him in him tracks before tagging out to Kofi who comes in and hits a big splash in the corner.

    Bourne tags back in and the two hit a cool double team hurricarana. Ziggler is able to make the tag to Swagger who comes in and buries his shoulder into Bourne's midsection repeatedly. Swagger goes for the cover but he can't get three. Swagger tags out to Ziggler, who comes in and puts the boots to Bourne before hitting snap mare and big elbow drop for another two count. Ziggler goes for something in the corner but Bourne ducks and Ziggler connects face first with the turnbuckle. Kofi tags in and goes to hit the ropes but Swagger pulls them apart and Kingston falls to the floor while the ref is distracted. Ziggler follows out and slams Kofi's head into the apron before sending him back into the ring and trying for a pin. Kingston kicks out so Swagger locks in a modified crossface.

    Ziggler continues taking it to Kofi with a neckbreaker that's good for another two count. Ziggler and Swagger continue to bend the rules, using ref distraction to sneak in a couple of cheap shots. Kingston tries to fight back with right hands, but Swagger tags back into the ring and begins stomping at Kofi's midsection. Kofi won't die and he swings wildly at Swagger, but Swagger clamps on a front face lock, taking Kofi down to a knee. Kofi stuggles to make his way toward his cover and Bourne stretches, but Swagger shoves Kofi back and taunts Bourne, allowing Ziggler to lay in a couple of boots with the distraction. Swagger drops Kingston with a belly to back suplex that's good for another two count.

    Ziggler tags back in and pounds on Kingston in the corner. Ziggler pulls Kingston out and hits a snap mare before smiling at Bourne and taking his time. Ziggler goes for an elbow drop and connects, getting another two count. Ziggler tags out to Swagger who almost lets Kingston get to his corner, but locks in the ankle lock instead. Kingston rolls through and Swagger catches Kingston on his shoulder. Kingston is able to counter into a DDT, and both men are down.

    Both men make the tag and Bourne kicks away at Ziggler before going to to the top and coming off with the double knees to the shoulders which is good for another two count. Ziggler tries for the rocker dropper but Bourne avoids it and hits a standing moonsault. Swagger comes in and locks in an ankle lock but Kingston comes in from the top rope diving on Swagger. Ziggler is able to connect with the Zig Zag on Kofi. Swagger tags back in and goes to the top rope. Ziggler places Bourne in Swagger's arms, but Bourne counters into a hurricarana, holding on to Swagger's legs for the pin, while Kingston pulls Ziggler from the ring. Bourne gets the three count and the win.

    Winners and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston

    Hell in a Cell Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
    Mark Henry (c) vs. Randy Orton

    The cell is shown being lowered toward the ring, and Michael Cole begins hyping up the World Heavyweight Championship match that will be taking place next. This lead us right into a video package that highlights the events that have led up to this match between Henry and Orton.

    Mark Henry is the first man to make his way out to the ring, and he gets a bit of heat as he makes his way down the entrance ramp. Cole mentions that this is the 22nd Hell in a Cell match, and the first for Mark Henry.

    Henry waits in the ring for a bit before Orton's music hits, and it's always easy to forget just how freaking HUGE the cell is.

    Orton makes his way out to a huge pop and makes his way straight down to the cell. The ref on the outside locks the door behind Orton when he makes his way into the ring, and Orton makes his way to the turnubckles, posing for he fans in attendance.

    We get formal ring introductions for both men, and we're finally ready to begin this match.

    The bell rings and Orton charges Henry, hitting him with knees and rights to the face. Orton clubs across Henry's back and kicks away at him while Henry flees to the outside. Orton follows and tries to slam Henry face first into the cage but Henry prevents it. Henry shoulders Orton and goes to ram him face first into the cage but Orton falls to his feet and slams Henry into the cage instead. Orton is actually able to knock Henry to his back with a big clothesline. Orton bring Henry back into the ring and stomps away at him hard before hitting a big knee drop.

    Orton goes for his rope assisted DDT, but Henry fights him off and sends him face first into the turnbuckle instead. Both men go to the floor, and Henry grabs Orton's arm, pulling it hard against the ring post, causing Orton to scream in pain. Orton is able to pull back, sending Henry into the ring post. Orton goes up to the apron and kicks down at Henry who is on the floor. Orton jumps off toward Henry but Henry catches him and slams him into one cage wall, then another, then into the ring post.

    Henry picks Orton up to his feet and rolls him back into the ring. Orton tries to fight back, but Henry lifts Orton up over his shoulder and hits a running powerslam. Henry goes for the cover but he's only able to get a two count. Henry picks Orton back up to his feet and hits a head butt that sends Orton out to the floor. Henry follows and lays in with big right hands. Orton tries to fights back but Henry is too strong, picking Orton up over his shoulder and powerslamming him on the arena floor.

    Henry goes over toward the ring steps, pulling the top two off and tossing them aside. Henry pulls Orton up to his feet and walks him over toward the steps still remaining in the corner, slamming him face first into the cell wall on the way. Henry picks up the top two steps he threw to the side earlier and he chucks them hard at Orton, standing in the corner. Orton gets out of the way and the steps crash down hard to the floor.

    Orton tries to fight back, but Henry shoulders him again, running him head first into the cell wall. Henry screams in Orton's face 'welcome to MY Hell'. Henry smashes Orton's face against the cage, pushing hard. Henry lets go and Orton quickly makes his way back into the ring. Henry follows and he's caught with a couple of quick boots from Orton, but when Orton tries to whip Henry across the ring, Henry sends Orton into the corner and splashes before hitting a big splash to a laid out Orton, scoring a two count. Henry clubs away across Orton's back before picking him up and slamming him down over his knee.

    Henry hits Orton with another backbreaker, but it's still not enough to keep Orton down for a three count. Orton gets to his feet and Henry is quick to lock in the bear hug, attempting to wear Orton down even further. Orton head butts Henry, so Henry picks up Orton and slams him back into the turnbuckle. Henry stands on Orton's chest with both feet, squishing his lungs. Henry launches Orton across the ring and into the corner hard. Henry locks in another bear hug.

    Henry wears Orton down to the point that Orton is down to his knees. Orton will not give up though, as he gets back to his feet and begins punching away at Henry's head. Henry hits a nasty head butt and tosses Orton to the outside. Henry follows out to the floor slowly. Henry takes Orton over to the ring steps, picking Orton up. Henry tries for the World's strongest slam, but Orton grabs on to the cell wall and kicks away at Henry, stunning him. Orton DDT's Henry on the ring steps, then waits for him to get up so he can send him head first into the ring post. Orton sends him head first into another ring post before things move back into the ring. Orton connects with a Thesz press before laying in with a series of right hands on Henry.

    Orton connects with a perfect dropkick that takes Henry out to the apron. Orton brings Henry back into the ring with his rope assisted DDT. Orton drops down to the mat and begins to psych himself up. Orton waits for Henry to get to his feet and he connects with the RKO. Orton goes for the pin, but Henry kicks out at two!!!

    Orton looks shocked, and upset. Orton gets back up to his feet and looks around calculatingly. Orton backs up into the corner and waits for Henry to get into position. Orton goes for the punt, but Henry stops him cold by catching him with the World's strongest slam, putting Orton down for the three count.

    Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Mark Henry

    After the match, The Cell is quickly picked up and Henry is given his title. Henry makes the ref raise his hand before leaving the ring and making his way to the back. Henry stops when he gets out of the ring and he goes under the ring, grabbing a chair. Henry brings the chair back into the ring and connects with another World's strongest slam on Orton. Henry goes to the corner and grabs the chair he's brought into the ring with him. Henry wraps the chair around Orton's ankle and drags him toward the corner. Henry climbs up to the second rope, but when he leaps off Orton is able to move, avoiding Henry crashing to the mat. Orton takes the chair off of his ankle and buries it in Henry's gut before slamming it across the Champion's back. Henry bails to the outside, but Orton follows him up the ramp, hitting him in the back, and chest, dropping the champ to his knees. Orton lays in with another across the back. Orton goes for another, but Henry kicks at Orton and stops him from hitting him again. Henry gets to his feet and jogs off toward the back. Orton is furious as he slams the chair down to the ground.


    Josh Matthews is backstage with Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio says he shouldn't be in this brutal, barbaric match. He not an animal or criminal. But when an animal is trapped, that's when he becomes more dangerous, and that's what Del Rio will do tonight. Tonight, people will see a side of Del Rio they didn't know existed, and he's coming back from Hell with the WWE Title.

    In the Arena:

    Cody Rhodes makes his way out to the ring with his bag holders in tow. Cody grabs the mic and he says he knows there are many around the world that are watching tonight with their bags on their heads, trying to cover themselves. He says we haven't even reached Halloween yet, and he wouldn't allow many of the people here on his street. He says if you don't accept a bag you should be euthanized. Rhodes says just like the current Intercontinental title should be put to rest. Rhodes dumps his title into a brown paper bag and then asks to be handed the velvet bag. Rhodes reaches into the bag and pulls out a classic IC title belt, with a white strap.

    Rhodes says this belt was worn by men like Bret Hart, Ricky Steamboat, Randy Savage, and even Steve Austin, but he'll wear the belt with even more pride and honor than any of those men, and he'll take on all comers. Rhodes is interrupted by Lauranitis, who comes out and introduces himself to the crowd. Ace says that Rhodes will be defending his belt right now as per the orders of Triple H, and his opponent is introduced as John Morrison.

    Intercontinental Championship
    Cody Rhodes (c) vs. John Morrison

    It looks like Rhodes will be forced to defend his title in a suit. The bell rings and Morrison catches Rhodes with a roll up for two. Morrison takes Rhodes down for another pin and another kick out. Morrison takes Rhodes over with a side headlock, and Rhodes fights out of it. Rhodes goes for a dropkick but he misses and falls to the mat. Morrison locks in another side head lock.

    Rhodes fights out only to eat a big shoulderblock that sends him to the floor. Morrison hits a big baseball slide that sends Rhodes down hard. Rhodes goes to the outside and tries to leave but Morrison brings him back toward the ring. Rhodes hangs on to the ring post and tries to get himself counted out but Morrison forces him back into the ring. Rhodes is able to come back hitting a front suplex before kicking Morrison in the head and taking him down to the mat. Rhodes wraps Morrison's arm around his head and wrenches away at his neck.

    Morrison slowly makes his way back to his feet and catches a big punch to the face and kick to the gut for his troubles. Rhodes tries for the Alabama Slammer, but Morrison counters into a roll up for two. Rhodes turns to work on Morrison's legs, locking in a figure four leg lock. Morrison is able to struggle over to the ropes to force Rhodes to break the hold. Rhodes hits Morrison with a big right to the side of the face, then another, before hitting a knee drop to the side of Morrison's face.

    Morrison gets back to his feet and forces Rhodes into the corner, wearing him down with punches and elbows to the face. Morrison hits his neat flipping slam which is good for a two count. Morrison goes for starship pain but Rhodes holds on to Morrison's leg to prevent it. Morrison is able to connect with a Pele kick but he misses a big kick and Rhodes is able to roll Morrison up and steal the three count.

    Winner and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Cody Rhodes


    Triple H is shown backstage on the phone. Ace comes in and says they have a problem. Hunter says he doesn't appreciate Lauranitis making the matches. Ace has Hunter follow him and Truth and Miz are shown backstage being held off. It looks like they've taken out Bourne and Kingston. Hunter says he told Lauranitis to get cops and says it better not happen again.

    Divas Championship Match
    Kelly Kelly (c) vs. Beth Phoenix

    The bell rings and these ladies are ready to go. Kelly confronts Beth and tattoos her with a couple of quick forearms before taking her down to the mat with two Thesz presses and a couple of series of punches. Kelly gets her feet up to kick away a charging Beth in the corner, then leaps off on to Phoenix for a quick two count. Kelly tries for a hurricarana, but Beth stops her and drops her down over her knee. Beth takes the first to Kelly before going for the pin and getting a two count. Beth shoulders Kelly and slams her into the corner, locking her into a tree of woe. Phoenix charges in with a dropkick to the face before rubbing her boot into Kelly's face. Beth locks in a dragon sleeper.

    Kelly is able to fight to her feet and out of the hold but Beth puts her right back down to the mat and drives her elbow down into Kelly's spine before spanking her. Kelly tries to come back with forearms to Beth's face, but Beth hits another back breaker and stretches Kelly across her knee, putting on the pressure to wear the champion down. Kelly is able to battle out of it, and surprise Beth with a roll up but Beth kicks out at two. Beth lays her knee into the side of Kelly's head, knocking her away. Beth picks Kelly up and suplexes her by dropping her across the ropes and then down to the mat. Beth goes for the pin but only gets two. Beth goes for a powerbomb, but Kelly counters into a hurricarana, holding on for a pin and two count. Beth fights out and takes Kelly right down to the mat, pounding away.

    Beth kicks at Kelly before choking her in the ropes, but when she jumps into the ropes Kelly moves and Beth crashes into the ropes. Kelly hits a neckbreaker but it's not enough to keep Beth down for three. Both women go for roll ups but neither get it. Beth tries for the glam slam but Kelly avoids it by flipping out. Kelly tries for a backslide but Phoenix traps her in the corner. Kelly is able to come back by repeatedly slamming Beth's head into the turnbuckle. Kelly hits a back handspring elbow in the corner, before going up to the top and slamming Beth down face first into the mat. Kelly goes for the pin but Beth kicks out at two.

    Natalya and Eve get into it on the outside and Natalya slams Eve into the barricade. Kelly goes for the rocker dropper, but Beth counters, slamming Kelly into the ropes and kicking her in the gut. Beth locks on a submission and Natalya gloats on the mic while Kelly screams. Kelly gets to the ropes to force a break, but Beth distracts the ref and Natalya slams the mic into Kelly's face. Beth hits the glam slam and pins Kelly, getting the three count.

    Winner and NEW WWE Diva's Champion: Beth Phoenix

    Phoenix cries and holds up her title as she celebrates with Natalya.

    - The events leading to the WWE Championship are shown.

    WWE Championship
    Triple Threat Hell in a Cell Match
    John Cena (c) vs. CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio

    Ricardo Rodreigez is introduced first, and Del Rio's personal ring announcer makes the introductions for the first challenger who makes his way down to the ring. Del Rio makes his way into the arena to a poor reaction in a beautiful silver Mercedes convertible.

    CM Punk is the next man to make his way out to the Cell, and he gets a huge chant from the crowd before his music hits, and a decent pop as soon as the opening chords are played.

    The Champion is the last man to make his way out to the ring, and he gets a mixed reaction, although it's still a huge reaction either way.

    We get formal ring introductions for all three men, and this time Del Rio doesn't balk about being introduced by Justin Roberts. After much grandstanding, it looks like it's finally time to begin tonight's main event.

    The door is shown being locked, and the bell rings and this one is off. Punk chases Del Rio out of the ring immediately and stalks him around the ring. Del Rio gets in the ring only to be chased right back out by Cena. Cena goes to the outside so Del Rio rolls right back in.

    Punk and Cena are able to corner Del Rio, and they work him over in the corner with punches, kicks and big blows to the side of the head until Punk tries to catch Cena with a roll up for a two count out of nowhere. Punk and Cena stare each other down, Punk ducks a clothesline and Cena tries for the AA. Punk fights out and tries for the G2S, but Cena fights out. Cena tries for the STF, but Punk sends Cena to the outside instead. Del Rio tries to attack Punk from behind but ends up falling to the outside. Cena shoulders Del Rio and Punk dives out through the ropes on top of both men sending them into the side of the cell. Punk takes Del Rio back into the ring and gets a quick two count.

    Punk goes to the outside and grabs a chair, sending it into the ring, but he's attackes from behind by Cena. Punk avoids being sent into the ring steps, but Del Rio shoves him hard into the cell wall. Del Rio and Cena take things back into the ring where Del Rio gets the better of Cena. Del Rio grabs another chair and wedges it in the corner, but Cena hits a couple of shoulder blocks, belly to back suplex, and five knuckle shuffle to Del Rio. Cena can't connect with the AA though, and Punk is in, hitting a neckbreaker/DDT combo on Cena and Del Rio before tossing Del Rio to the outside. Punk's back is scraped up and bleeding. Punk goes to the outside and under the ring to grab a table that he begins to set up on the outside.

    Punk charges Cena on the ring apron and hits a running knee, but when he teases the bull dog through the table, Cena shoves Punk hard off the apron and into the cell wall. Cena makes his way back into the ring where he's promptly attacked by Del Rio with the steel chair. Del Rio sets up the chair in the middle of the ring before he sets down Cena in it with a hard belly to back suplex. The chair crumples slowly under the weight of Cena. Del Rio buries his knee in Cena's jaw and pushes against the champ hard. Del Rio seats Cena on the top turnbuckle and pulls him back into a tree of woe, stomping and choking away at Cena.

    Del Rio charges Cena but Cena pulls himself up and Del Rio crashes into the ring post hard. Cena rights himself on the turnbuckle, but Punk shakes the ropes and Cena crotches himself. Punk hits a Russian leg sweep on Del Rio for another two count. Punk hits a falcon arrow and goes for the pin on Del Rio, but he still only gets two. Punk eats a clothesline from Del Rio which is good for another near fall. Del Rio locks in a rear chin lock on Punk.

    Punk is able to fight up to his feet and Cena sneakily climbs up to the top rope. Cena launches himself off the top and hits a rocker dropper from the top on Del Rio, taking Punk down in the process. Cena tries for a pin on both men but he's unable to get the three count on either. Cena gets to his feet and shoulders Del Rio, but Del Rio drops to his feet and connects with a back stabber. Punk kicks Del Rio in the face and Del Rio falls out of the ring, only to turn around and be taken out in turn by Cena.

    Ricardo fans Del Rio on the outside while Punk and Cena square off in the middle of the ring. Punk looks for the G2S, but Del Rio is in with a chair that he uses to hit both men across the back. Del Rio lays waste to both men with the chair before setting it on Cena's chest and stomping down, then laying Punk on top of Cena and the chair. Del Rio goes to the top and leaps off with a huge senton on top of both men. Del Rio tries to pin but Punk and Cena but neither man stays down for three.

    Punk avoids the arm breaker from Del Rio and back body drops him to the outside. Cena is able to connect with the AA on Punk, but when he goes for the pin it's broken up by Del Rio. Del Rio is able to lock in the arm breaker on Cena after an enzugiri, but it's broken up by Punk. Punk connects with the G2S on Cena, but he's pulled out of the ring during the pin by Del Rio who slams him into the cage wall, then the ring steps. Del Rio grabs a chair and throws it right into Punk's knee before choking him with his boot.

    Back in the ring Cena surprises Del Rio with a roll up, but Del Rio kicks out at two and sends Cena to the outside with a hard kick. Del Rio follows to the outside and sends Cena hard into the ring steps, then the cell wall. Del Rio goes back to the chair, which he grabs and brings down hard on Cena's legs.

    Back in the ring Punk is able to take it to Del Rio with a couple of clotheslines, and a big body slam. Punk goes out to the ring apron and slowly makes his way up to the top turnbuckle. Punk ascends, and leaps off the top with a giant elbow drop. Punk goes for the pin, but Del Rio is able to kick out at two. Cena makes his way into the ring with a couple of shoulder blocks to Punk, then a belly to back suplex. Punk comes right back with a big kick and a body slam. Punk goes right back out to the apron and goes back up to the top. Del Rio is able to push Punk from the top and Punk falls to the outside through the table he set up earlier.

    Del Rio turns to Cena, but he's caught in the STF. Ricardo steals the key from the ref and tries to hit Cena with a pipe but Cena stops him and hits the AA, sending him from the cell. When Cena turns around he's hit with the pipe by Del Rio, who sends Cena from the cell. Del Rio locks the cell door, locking Cena out of the match. Del Rio turns his attention to Punk, sending him back into the ring.

    Del Rio hits a German suplex, bridging into a pin, but Punk kicks out at two. Del Rio goes for another German, but Punk reverses into a roll up for two. Punk goes to the top, but Del Rio connects with a nasty enzugiri that's good for another two count. Cena is shown slowly getting to his feet on the outside. Del Rio tries for the arm breaker but Punk pushes Del Rio off and into the corner. Punk lays in with a couple of big kicks and takes Del Rio down with a huge leg lariat.

    Punk hits the high knee in the corner and follows up with the bulldog on Del Rio. Punk goes to the apron and brings himself back into the match with a huge springboard clothesline for another near fall. Cena is shown on the outside struggling to force the cage door open. Del Rio goes to the floor where he's able to grab the steel pipe which he uses to whack Punk across the face. Del Rio taunts Cena on the floor. Back in the ring, Punk tries for the G2S, but Del Rio fights out of it, and hits Punk in the head with the pipe. Del Rio pins Punk and gets the three count.

    Winner and NEW WWE Champion: Alberto Del Rio

    After the match, as soon as the cell is picked up a bit Cena makes his way in to attack Del Rio. A couple of hooded guys are in and it's Miz and Truth who attack everyone including the officials while the cage is lowered. The entire locker room and Triple H are out and they're trying to rip down the cage while Truth and Miz continue to attack everyone locked in the cage with them.

    Everyone is crowded around doing whatever they can to get into the cage when finally someone makes his way down with bolt cutters. As soon as security make their way into the ring, Miz and R-Truth drop to their knees and put their hands behind their backs. Miz and Truth are cuffed.

    Miz and Truth are escorted out of the cage and by the entire locker room. Hunter attacks both of them, hitting them with repeated rights and lefts. Triples H shoves away Lauranitis before being forced off of Miz and Truth. Hunter is held back but he's still struggling to get at both Miz and Truth. The PPV ends in confusion as Miz and Truth are led away and Hunter is held back with the entire locker room looking on.









    03-10-2011 om 23:23 geschreven door jefken  

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    Great Khali announced as injured

    Great Khali announced as injured
    Posted by Roscoe De Soto on 10/03/2011 at 09:30 AM

    WWE has written The Great Khali off TV following the stretcher job after an attack from World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry on last Friday’s SmackDown. They posted the following on their website last night:

    “ has learned that The Great Khali has suffered a fractured fibula following a brutal attack by World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry on SmackDown Friday night.

    Dr. Michael Sampson confirmed the devastating injury to The Punjabi Giant and that the fracture was very similar to the injuries suffered by both Big Show and Kane at the hands of The World’s Strongest Champion.

    The injury occurred moments after Mark Henry impressively secured a victory against The Great Khali following the World’s Strongest Slam. Wrapping a steel chair around the Punjabi Superstar’s leg, Henry ascended the ropes and brought all of his weight down on his opponent’s leg. Writhing in pain and unable to stand on his own, the fallen giant was tended to by medical technicians and taken out of the arena on a cart.”

    03-10-2011 om 23:13 geschreven door jefken  

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    Updated Card For TNA's Bound For Glory 2011

    Updated Card For TNA's Bound For Glory 2011

    Posted Image

    History will be made as Hulk Hogan, Sting, Rob Van Dam, AJ Styles, Kurt Angle and more headline TNA Entertainment's biggest pay-per-view-event of 2011 in Philadelphia...and you're invited! “Bound For Glory,” presented by Direct Auto Insurance, will be held live at the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Penn. on Sunday, Oct. 16, 2011 starting at 8 p.m. ET and airing worldwide exclusively on Pay-Per-View, and select movie theaters nationwide.

    Tickets for “Bound For Glory” are on sale now at the Liacouras Center box office or CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE ONLINE

    Bound For Glory will also air LIVE at select movie theaters nationwide on October 16 - CLICK HERE FOR LOCATIONS

    Watch Bound For Glory ONLINE in HD around the world at - CLICK HERE FOR INFO

    Visit the official Bound For Glory website at

    Before the Pay-Per-View event, “Fan InterAction” gives fans a once in a lifetime chance to get up close and personal with their favorite TNA Superstars for pictures, autographs, special interview sessions and much more. “Bound For Glory Fan InterAction 2011” will take place Saturday, October 15. For a full list of “IMPACT WRESTLING” superstars participating as well as ticket information visit:
    Fans can also purchase the Bound for Glory Ultimate Fan Xperience for $199 at, which includes access to TNA Fan InterAction, plus a special VIP-only entrance to “Bound for Glory” (ticket for the PPV must be purchased separately)


    TNA World Heavyweight Championship
    Bobby Roode vs. Kurt Angle ©

    Posted Image

    The Immortal Battles The Icon
    Hulk Hogan fights Sting

    Posted Image

    Full Metal Mayhem
    Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn

    Posted Image

    Challenge Match
    Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray

    X Division Championship
    Austin Aries © vs. Brian Kendrick

    Posted Image

    World Tag Team Championship
    Mexican America © vs. Ink Inc

    Posted Image

    Knockouts Championship
    Winter © vs. Mickie James vs. Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne

    Posted Image

    03-10-2011 om 23:06 geschreven door jefken  

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    Uitslagen smackdown 30 oktober
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    •World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry def. The Great Khali
    •Jack Swagger def. WWE Tag Team Champion Evan Bourne
    •Sin Cara def. Heath Slater
    •Divas Champion Kelly Kelly def. Natalya
    •Sheamus def. Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes by (Disqualification) (Intercontinental Title Match)
    •Zack Ryder def. JTG
    •Randy Orton vs. Christian (Double Count-out)

    SmackDown Results: Orton's massive RKO served as a prelude to "Hell"
    By: Michael Burdick September 30, 2011
    Tags: SmackDown, SmackDown: September 30, 2011
    ST. LOUIS – Randy Orton delivered a devastating RKO to World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry, gaining valuable momentum as he prepared to challenge The World’s Strongest Man in the Devil's Playground at WWE Hell in a Cell.
    Randy Orton vs. Christian ended in a Double Count-out (WATCH | PHOTOS)
    As soon as the heat grew too hot for Christian in an intense showdown with longtime adversary Randy Orton, he looked to make an early exit. WWE’s Apex Predator aggressively pursued the retreating Superstar up the ramp, igniting an onslaught that resulted in a double count-out. Though the bell sounded, the action was far from over. 

    When Orton attempted to execute another brutal post-match assault on his disgruntled opponent, Cody Rhodes emerged, inciting a double-team attack on the nine-time World Champion. That brought Sheamus charging to the ring, Brogue Kicking the Intercontinental Champion all the way to Sunday before chasing his WWE Hell in a Cell opponent Christian into the crowd. (MATCH PREVIEW)

    With the war-torn Orton laying on the canvas, World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry steadily stomped his way to the ring. Avoiding Orton’s RKO, the massive Superstar blasted him with the World’s Strongest Slam. However, when Henry was climbing back into the ring after grabbing a steel chair – presumably ready to induct Orton into his Hall of Pain – The Viper struck, hitting The World’s Strongest Champion with an earth-shattering RKO that sent him crashing to the canvas!

    Will Randy Orton reclaim the World Title from Mark Henry this Sunday at WWE Hell in Cell? (MATCH PREVIEW)
    Zack Ryder def. JTG (WATCH | PHOTOS)
    Four days after emerging victorious over Vickie Guerrero’s stable of Superstars in a Six-Man Tag Team Match on the Raw SuperShow, self-professed “Internet Champion” Zack Ryder scored an impressive win over JTG with an explosive “Rough Ryder” leg lariat. Woo woo woo!
    Sheamus def. Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes by Disqualification in an Intercontinental Title Match (WATCH | PHOTOS)
    After costing Sheamus the Intercontinental Title in a 10-Man Battle Royal on Raw, the cunning Christian again struck at the heart of The Celtic Warrior’s bid for glory, attacking The Great White as he was putting Cody Rhodes away with the Celtic Cross. Though Sheamus would walk away with a win over the champion by disqualification, it would be without Rhodes’ illustrious title in his grasp.
    John Laurinaitis held a controversial meeting (WATCH)
    WWE's Executive Vice President of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis raised the collective suspicion of the WWE Universe when he met with several unhappy WWE Superstars during SmackDown. Later, he came face-to-face with WWE COO Triple H, insisting that his loyalties remained with him. (WATCH)
    Divas Champion Kelly Kelly def. Natalya (WATCH | PHOTOS)
    With Beth Phoenix on commentary, Kelly Kelly used her considerable athletic ability to overcome the formidable Natalya. Moments later, The Glamazon attacked the Divas Champion from behind, setting up her third-generation cohort to lock the blonde bombshell in an excruciating submission maneuver. As Kelly Kelly screamed in pain, The Fabulous Firebird made it clear to the WWE Universe that she planned to take the “Butterfly Title” away from the “undeserving Barbie doll” this Sunday at WWE Hell in a Cell. (MATCH PREVIEW)
    Sin Cara def. Heath Slater (WATCH | PHOTOS)
    Flying from the top rope, one of WWE's two Sin Caras defeated Heath Slater. Immediately after the match, however, the second Sin Cara appeared on the TitanTron. Ripping off his blue mask to reveal a black and silver one underneath, he made the shocking claim that the masked Superstar in the ring had once stolen his identity! He then declared that their showdown this Sunday at WWE Hell in a Cell will decide who has the right to be called Sin Cara. (MATCH PREVIEW)
    Jack Swagger def. WWE Tag Team Champion Evan Bourne (WATCH | PHOTOS)
    The disorder created by Vickie Guerrero and United States Champion Dolph Ziggler at ringside gave Jack Swagger a clear advantage over Evan Bourne – even with his fellow WWE Tag Team Champion Kofi Kingston at his partner's side. With the referee caught up in the bedlam, The Queen of Cougardom pushed Bourne from the top rope as he was attempting the Shooting Star Press, allowing her All-American American client to cinch in the dreaded ankle lock for the victory.

    World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry def. The Great Khali (WATCH | PHOTOS)
    After a tense moment during an interview with Booker T, World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry informed the WWE Universe that he will not just defeat Randy Orton at WWE Hell in a Cell this Sunday, but would also end his career. (MATCH PREVIEW) 

    Henry then put the exclamation point on his bold statement, triumphing over The Great Khali in dominant fashion with The World’s Strongest Slam. After the bell, the carnage continued, as Henry officially inducted The Punjabi Nightmare into his Hall of Pain. Trapping the giant’s leg in a chair, the massive champion dropped himself off the turnbuckle with enough force to send Khali away on a stretcher.


    30th Sept 2011 - SD Full_chunk_1 door desiweekly

    30th Sept 2011 - SD Full_chunk_2 door desiweekly

    30th Sept 2011 - SD Full_chunk_3 door desiweekly

    30th Sept 2011 - SD Full_chunk_4 door desiweekly

    30th Sept 2011 - SD Full_chunk_5 door desiweekly

    30th Sept 2011 - SD Full_chunk_6 door desiweekly

    01-10-2011 om 15:01 geschreven door jefken  

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    Gail Kim gone from wwe?

    -- WWE removed Gail Kim's bio from their company website Friday, which would indicate that she has officially parted ways with the organization.

    On August 5, Gail Kim announced on Twitter that she quit the promotion following a brief appearance on the August 1 Raw. She later indicated that WWE did not grant her release, instead forcing her to stay with the promotion for the remainder of her contract.

    Kim wrote the following on Twitter this afternoon regarding the website edit: "Yeah I guess they're slow. Cuffs shouldve been off last week."

    01-10-2011 om 14:56 geschreven door jefken  

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    " Del Rio Not Ready To Be Champion"

    Austin Says Del Rio Not Ready To Be Champion
    Posted by Dave Mitchell on 09/30/2011 at 12:56 PM

    During an interview with Patrick Lennon of the UK's Daily Star, WWE Hall of Famer "Stone Cold" Steve Austin had some criticism for Alberto Del Rio - saying he's not ready to be WWE champion just yet.

    "Well I don’t think Del Rio is ready to carry that belt. It’s ok for a short period of time, give him his first mini title run and try to groom him. He’s still got another year or two to go before he learns the US system.

    He’s a good looking kid and I know he’s been around Mexico and MMA."

    Despite the fact that many WWE fans are sick of John Cena as the face of WWE, Steve Austin says Cena is the most polished performer in WWE and right man for the job.

    “When I look at that company right now, John Cena is the guy who anchors it all. Some people get mad because they feel like WWE shove it down your throat, but he’s the main guy! Whether you love to hate him or you love to love him - you gotta respect him.

    “I have a lot of respect for John - he’s been carrying the company for several years and he comes into work every day with a smile on his face and does all the promotional work and never complains."

    Austin put over John Cena's track record of great matches and says he's probably got several more years in him on top:

    “I tell you John Cena has had some great matches with some great guys - sometimes his body of work gets overlooked, the guy has proven himself over and over again. I call a spade a spade and John has done a tremendous job and he’s got a few years left yet. He’ll keep riding that lightening bolt."

    For more from Stone Cold Steve Austin's interview, check out

    01-10-2011 om 14:54 geschreven door jefken  

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    TNA Turning Point 2011 Poster Revealed

    TNA Turning Point 2011 Poster Revealed

    Posted Image

    01-10-2011 om 14:48 geschreven door jefken  

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    New IMPACT WRESTLING Wallpapers Available

    New IMPACT WRESTLING Wallpapers Available

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    You can now download exclusive IMPACT WRESTLING Superstar wallpapers for your computer! To download the wallpapers, click on your screen size/resolution. Then, right click and save the wallpaper to your computer. More Superstar Wallpapers are coming soon!

    Don't forget to watch your favorite IMPACT WRESTLING Superstars every Thursday night at 9/8c on SpikeTV - two hours of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling!

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    01-10-2011 om 14:46 geschreven door jefken  

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    uitslagen WWE Superstars 29 september
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    Report by Misha Taylor.

    Dark Match: Titus O'Neil and Percy Watson (sans glasses) def. Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks.

    WWE Superstars
    Taped for September 29, 2011 (SPOILERS for International markets)

    1. Smackdown MITB winner Daniel Bryan def. Trent Barreta. Bryan needs to be on RAW or Smackdown. And not buried.

    2. NXT finalist and former Alberto Del Rio bodyguard Brodus Clay killed a guy.

    3. Divas: Bella Twins def. AJ Lee and Kaitlyn.

    4. John Morrison def. Drew McIntyre.

    30-09-2011 om 18:56 geschreven door jefken  

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    Uitslagen TNA Impact wrestling 29 september
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    Impact Wrestling Results (9/29/11) - Hogan Gives His Notice!
    Written by Alex Barie on Sep 29, 2011 - 11:04:45 PM

    Impact Wrestling Results - 9/29/2011
    From Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida
    Report by: Alex Barie of

    TNA's Impact Wrestling starts off with a video package of the feud between Kurt Angle and Bobby Roode. It shows Roode facing off against different members of Fortune, which was set up by Kurt Angle. It changes directions smoothly as Daniels refuses to face Roode, but he still wants to talk about AJ Styles. Styles comes out and they go after each other. It switches to James Storm. He comes out and represents Roode as he faced Kurt last week. That was the main event last week. It ends with Roode holding up the TNA World Title!

    The video ends and the camera shows the Impact Zone! Just then, Sting's music hits and here comes The Icon....the insane one! Sting comes on stage and the crowd goes crazy. He makes his way down the ramp and gets in the ring. He grabs a mic and begins to speak. He says he stood in the ring not too long ago and put over Kurt Angle. He believed everything he said. Since then, Hogan brainwashed Kurt. Kurt is now the mastermind as he is trying to turn Fortune against each other. Sting says he is going to foil Angle's plan though. He calls out Bobby Roode! After the fans chant, "Bobby, Bobby", the #1 contender for the TNA World Title walks down the ramp. The crowd cheers for him. Sting welcomes him in the ring. Sting tells Roode that he has done everything he has done to get to where he is. He then says that he believes Roode can beat Kurt Angle for the title at Bound for Glory. Sting says he knows he can do it. Roode has been fighting for this spot for 13 years. Sting calls Roode a championship caliber star. Bobby can't get Kurt in his head though. He needs to be focused and ready to go and he needs to show everyone that. Roode gets on the mic and states that the past few weeks have been amazing. He says all of the support from everyone is overwhelming. He is grateful for what Sting said. Roode states he has been in the business for 13 years, but Sting has been in it longer.....but he knows what Kurt is trying to do. Roode promises everyone, including himself, he will walk out the next TNA World Champion! Sting gets excited as he jumps up and down. Roode still wants to talk though. Roode wants Sting to promise him that he will take care of Hogan. If they can both take care of Kurt and Hogan, then the company will finally get back to where it belongs. Sting likes the idea of that! But, AJ Styles' music his and here he comes! He marches his way down the ramp and quickly gets in the ring.

    He gets a mic and tells Roode to take every opportunity he gets and make the best out of it. Styles hasn't had a title shot for a long he tells Roode to beat Kurt!! If he doesn't, no one will know how long it would be to get another title shot.

    Kurt Angle's music plays and here comes the champion. He gets on stage as he has a mic in his hand. He tells Styles that this is why he made the match-up for tonight, which is Roode vs. Styles. Kurt switches gears to Sting as he says that Sting will not get the company back as he says the past owner treated him miserably. He switches to AJ again and tells AJ that he knows the only thing he wants is a title shot.

    Hulk Hogan opens a door as he enters the Impact Zone. He looks around and then puts on his sunglasses as he continues walking.


    Mike Tenay and Taz are shown on camera as Austin Aries, the X-Division Champion, is sitting at

    Brian's music hits and he dances his way down to the ring.

    Jesse Sorensen vs. Kid Kash vs. Zema Ion vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Alex Shelley in a Ladder Match to determine the #1 Contender for the X-Division Title

    The match begins and everyone goes after everyone. Brian goes after Ion, which lead to the outside. Ion throws Brian back, which makes him go right into the steps or guard rail. Alex Shelley knocks his opponent out of the ring and then Alex leaves. Kid Kash and Jesse are in the ring. Jesse brings a ladder in the ring, but Kash grabs Jesse and hits a DDT right on the ladder. Kid sets up the ladder and goes to climb, but Brian comes in and knocks Kid down via. dropkick. Ion comes in and knocks Brian off the ladder and tosses him out of the ring. Ion now climbs, but Alex enters and takes Ion down and then sends him face first into the ladder. Alex then goes for a super kick, but Ion moves and Alex kicks the ladder. Alex gets pushed in the corner. Ion runs to him, but Alex lifts him up. Ion then jumps on the corner and does a great moonsault on Brian on the outside. Jesse and Kash are down on in the ring as Alex climbs the ladder. Just then, Ion jumps on the top rope and does a missile dropkick to Alex, which sends him off the ladder. Ion and Kash go after each other now. Ion sets up the ladder in the corner and gives Kash a hip toss, which makes him land back first on the ladder. Jesse goes after Ion and drives Ion face first into the ladder. Jesse is the only one in the ring now! Jesse grabs the ladder and sets it up. He climbs, but Kash comes in with a chair. He smashes it to the back of Jesse and then slams him down on the mat. Kash climbs and is almost there, but Brian comes on the corner. He jumps and knocks Kash down. As Brian climbs, so does Alex. Kash then tries to come back, but Brian grabs it quickly to pick up the win. Austin comes down the ramp and is furious over Brian winning. Winner: Brian Kendrick

    Kazarian is backstage as he states he has mixed emotions right now. He has two of his best friends facing each other. Just then, Karen's voice is heard. She comes into the room with Jeff Jarrett. Jeff tells Kazarian to get in the ring now as he has something to tell him. Jeff leaves and Karen goes up to Kaz. She tells him that he should have never messed with her.

    Hogan is walking backstage as they hype up his announcement tonight.


    Ric Flair is backstage as he is on his cell phone. He is starting to panic as the person tells him something he doesn't want to hear. He states that the person "can't be doing this". Ric is going over there right now, as he says. He goes through a door as he leaves the shot.

    Jeff Jarrett's music plays as Karen comes to the ring with him. The crowd boos. They get in the ring and Jeff calls out Kazarian and his "girl". Kaz's music hits and both march down the ring. They both get in and they are right in the face of Jeff and Karen. Jeff introduces himself and then introduces the queen to the throne: Karen. Jeff says that he was the one who brought Kaz in this company. He then brings up when Kaz left and tried the competition company, but he didn't like it, so he came back and Jeff gave him his job back. Kaz left another time, but then wanted back in and Jeff gave him his job back AGAIN. Jeff turns to Traci Brooks and completely insults her. He then says he was the one who gave Brooks her job in the company. What does she do?....she insults his wife. He is not going to stand for that. He calls both of them B%tches and Kaz had enough. They about to attack, but officials come out and separate them. Jeff says he should just fire them. He then has another idea as he would make both of their lives a living hell. Well Kazarian doesn't like it one bit and Kaz reaches to attack Jeff. The officials hold them back, but Jeff goes after Kaz now. Out of nowhere, Gunner enters and grabs Kazarian. He puts him on his shoulders and then drops him down right on his face. Kaz bounces up and then lies on the mat. It looks like Jeff already started his plan.


    The show returns and it shows a recap of last week's confrontation between Ink Inc. and Mexican America in the tattoo parlor.

    Christy Hemme is shown in the ring as she introduces the next contest. Shannon comes down with Jesse. As they walk down the ramp, Mexican America comes behind them and knocks them down. Hernandez goes after Jesse as he whips him right into the steel steps. He then hits Jesse face first in the steps. Anarquia goes after Shannon More. Sarita and Rosita are helping Anarquia out as they slap the face of Shannon. Hernandez throws Jesse in the steps again. Sarita now helps Hernandez as she stomps and kicks Jesse. Anarquia brings Shannon in the ring and puts him flat on his back. Hernandez climbs the corner and flies in the air. He lands directly on Shannon for a huge splash. Hernandez goes up another corner as Anarquia plants Jesse flat on his back in the ring. Hernandez flies in the air and does another huge splash on Jesse this time. Sarita and Rosita enter and spray paint Jesse and Shannon's back. Mexican America then stand straight up as the Mexican flag comes down from the rafters. They got their revenge!

    Bully Ray is backstage. The cameraman asks Bully if he knows what Hogan's announcement will be tonight. Bully says that is a stupid question as Hogan called Bully first when he thought of the announcement. Bully tells the camera guy to get out of the way before he slaps his face in.


    James Storm is backstage as he answers the question, "Are you mad?" He states that he isn't mad. He is happy....he is happy for Roode. They are the best tag team around and he is happy that he is going to be the world champion. He wants everyone to see how great Roode is as he will beat Kurt Angle.

    Ric Flair is right in front of Hogan as Hogan is sitting on his desk. Ric says this announcement is going to change the wrestling business forever. He tells Hogan to not to do it. Hogan says it's a done deal as he already decided. Ric says he can change his mind. He can't do it! Ric leaves the room as he can't believe this.

    A video package plays as it all starts off with the firing of Tara which was around a year ago. It then shows her coming back to TNA as a mystery motorcycle girl as she was brought in by Madison Rayne. It then shows the confrontation between Tara and Madison growing. Tara is free from Madison, and now she gets her revenge.


    Crimson is backstage as he is finally back from his injury that was caused by Samoa Joe. He walks around backstage as the camera changes to the stage.

    Madison Rayne's music hits and she comes down the ramp as the crowd boos. After she is in the ring, Tara's music plays. She rides out on her motorcycle through the fans. She enters the ring and holds one half of the TNA Knockout Tag Team Titles.

    Tara vs. Madison Rayne in the Queen's Qualifier

    They lock-up and Tara backs Madison up in the corner. Earl comes between them to break the lock-up....but when Tara does, Madison goes to Earl and puts her hands all over his shoulders. She tries to flirt her way through this match. She locks up with Tara again and Tara works on the arm of Madison. Madison gets to the ropes and Tara has to break. Madison then calls for Earl. Madison gets up and Tara applies a headlock. She keeps it locked in for quite sometime. She takes her down multiple times and then both get to their feet, but the headlock is still applied. Earl the pushes Tara to break the hold. He yells at her. Madison thanks him and then holds on to him. Tara goes to punch Madison, but Earl thought she was going after him. He ducks and Madison hits Tara instead. Madison is now in control as she whips Tara in the corner. She then plants Tara's face in the mat multiple times. Throughout this time, she flirts with him. She moves her hand smoothly over his chest and shoulders. Madison and Tara both get up and Tara goes after Madison. Earl pushes Tara away. As he yells at her, Madison kicks Earl in the backside. Earl turns and had enough. He tells Tara to get her. Earl then leans on the ropes as Tara attacks Madison. Earl turns back around as there is a pinfall, but Madison pins Tara as she puts her feet on the ropes. Earl counts and Madison gets the win. Madison leaves the ring as she crawls up the ramp while Tara is upset as she whips her title belt in the ring ropes and then stands there to ponder what just went down. Winner: Madison Rayne

    Crimson is walking backstage as he is coming to the ring next!


    Daniels is backstage as he is walking through the halls. The camera man asks where he is going. He states that he doesn't have a match, so what's the point of being there. The camera man then asks about another match between him and AJ at Bound for Glory. Daniels states it's like kicking him in the groin.....but AJ knows exactly how that feels!

    Crimson's music plays and he comes down the ring. He gets in the ring as a video shows how he was injured. He gets in the ring and calls out Samoa Joe as he wants to finish this. Samoa Joe does come out, but he stays on the stage. He tells Crimson that he is lucky because Joe allowed him to walk. He is lucky to come out to the fans to rave about his undefeated streak. The only reason why Joe allowed him is because he is Joe's b#tch. Crimson quickly leaves the ring as Joe runs down the ramp. They collide as Crimson takes down Joe on the ramp. Crimson goes after Joe more and more, but Joe gets to his feet. Crimson goes to kick Joe, but Joe grabs Crimson's leg and smashes it into the steel guard rail. His ankle was the reason why he was out, but now it looks like he could be out again. Joe brings Crimson in the ring and then applies the figure four leg lock as the pain continues through Crimson's body. Joe is not letting go. Just then, Matt Morgan's music plays and he runs and slides in the ring. Joe breaks the hold. They fight but Matt knocks Joe down. Joe is about to get up as Matt goes for his big boot, but Joe leaves just in time. Matt chases Joe up the ramp. Matt turns as Joe goes backstage. Matt goes to Crimson and extends his hand. Crimson hesitates, but then takes it as Matt helps him up. It looks like an alliance has formed to counteract the raging Samoa Joe. Matt leaves the ring as Crimson hobbles around.


    AJ Styles is backstage and says this is important for Roode. This is to see if he can face and beat Kurt Angle. If he can beat AJ, then he can beat Kurt. AJ then states that he is not going to cut any flack for Roode.

    Christy Hemme is shown in the ring as she announces the next contest. The Pope's music plays and he walks down the ramp. Money falls from the rafters with Pope's face on it. Pope goes to Devon's kids and they do a meet and greet with each other. The crowd cheers Pope on. After Pope is in the ring, Mr. Anderson's music his. He comes on stage and wants the mic to drop. It does. He introduces himself as "Mrrrrrrrrrr. Andersonnnn.........Anda-" and then goes to the ring.

    The Pope vs. Mr. Anderson

    The bell sounds and the match begins. They walk around the ring as the crowd is cheering for mostly Anderson. They lock-up and are almost even, but Anderson turns to apply an armlock. Pope then turns it for his own armlock Ken gets out of it and drops Pope down and then applies a head scissors. Pope escapees and both get up. Ken applies the headlock again. Pope sends Ken in the ropes and both go back and forth. Pope knocks Ken down with a shoulder block. They get up and Ken does an enzigiri to the back of the head. He covers Pope, but gets a two. Both get up and Pope takes control. He sends Ken outside. He goes outside and keeps the momentum. Ken tries to fight back, but Pope slams his face in the ring apron. Ken tries again as he whips Pope in the railing, but Pope stops. Pope turns around and gets closelined by Ken. Ken goes after Pope as he gets up by Devon's sons. Just then, they get in the face of Ken and then push him. Ken backs away as the referee tells him. Devon runs down and tries to set his sons straight. Ken is in the ring watching this whole thing. Just then, Bully Ray comes out from the crowd. He has a kendo stick as he hits Ken right in the back with it. Ken falls in pain as Bully slides out and runs away. Pope gets in after Devon settles his sons down. Pope covers Ken and gets the win. Winner: The Pope

    Bobby Roode is backstage. He is sitting down. He says he is thinking about the world title, but he is also thinking of AJ as he needs to be focused on AJ. He needs to beat AJ and if he does, he knows he is his very best and he will be able to fight and beat Angle for the title. Nothing and no one is going to stop Roode to catching his dream.


    Devon is backstage with Pope and his own kids. Devon is yelling at Pope. He asks him what he is doing. He says they need to be on the same page for once. Devon's sons try to talk, but he slams them down as he tells them to shut up. Devon tells Pope that everything is fine, but he wants some control. He tells Pope to not let this happen again! Devon pushes his kids to get out of the area.

    A video package plays showing the life of Bobby Roode. It has his wife and children on it. Roode has been waiting his entire life for this moment. He talks about being a dad and then goes on to talk about Bound for Glory. Roode is working hard, training every day, and waiting for October 16th. Kurt has been in his shoes once as Kurt also fought for his first world title once. Roode says he will be in the best shape in his life at the PPV. October 16th: Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Roode at Bound for Glory! Roode calls it one for the ages!

    The video ends and the camera cuts to the stage as AJ Styles' music plays. He comes on stage as sparks fly down. He gets in the ring and waits for his opponent. Bobby Roode comes out and the crowd cheers for him. They also cheered for Styles when he walked to the ring. Roode gets in the ring. Jeremy Borash is in the ring as he introduces the main event match.

    AJ Stlyes vs. Bobby Roode

    The referee calls for the bell! Here we go. Both walk around the ring and then lock-up. AJ works on the arm of Roode and then applies a headlock. Roode brings Styles down to his knee and then gets out of the hold as Roode applies the armlock. AJ gets out of it and applies a headlock on Roode again. He takes him over this time on the mat. Roode gets out of it. They stand, but AJ locks it in again and takes him down. Both get up and Roode pushes AJ chest first in the corner. Roode pushes AJ back as he is sitting on the mat. Roode goes to snap his neck, but AJ gets out of the situation. Both are up and Roode grabs AJ for a back suplex, but AJ lands on his feet as he is behind Roode. AJ pushes Roode in the ropes. He goes for a dropkick, but Roode holds on the ropes and AJ lands on his chest. It's a back and forth battle. AJ gets up and he applies another headlock. Roode gets out of it as both try for hiptoss. Roode lifts AJ up and over the ropes for the hiptoss. AJ lands on the apron and comes back in. Roode grabs AJ and drops him down right on his knee. It hurt Roode's leg as well as AJ's gut. Both get up and AJ knocks Roode back as he goes through the ropes. Both try to regroup. Roode gets on the apron. AJ goes to him. He brings him in the ring as he attacks the knee of Roode. AJ applies a great submission move of a death lock with a chin lock. AJ releases it and Roode gets up in the corner. AJ goes to him, but Roode is trying to fight back with kicks. AJ fights back with punches, but Roode now does strikes of his own. They go back and forth, but one kick knocks both of them down. Both slowly get up and Roode slams AJ down on the mat. Roode gets AJ up in the corner. He puts him on the top corner. Roode goes to climb, but AJ fights back. Roode his AJ with a hard strike and he falls off the corner. AJ lands on the apron. He goes for a springboard one and hits it successfully. He covers, but only gets a two. AJ gets him up and his a backbreaker. AJ goes to the apron again and goes for the 450 springboard splash, but Roode misses. Roode gets up and grabs AJ, but AJ gets out of it and goes for the Styles' Clash. Roode tries to lift AJ for a back body drop, but AJ turns it into a pinball, but Roode kicks out. AJ goes for a payday after both are up, but Roode side steps and AJ lands n his chest. Roode locks in the crossface and AJ taps. Both get up and they hug. AJ then tells Roode that he is ready and will be the next world champion. The match has the "Direct Impact Of the Night" as well as the match of the night. Winner: Bobby Roode

    Hulk Hogan is walking backstage as he is coming to the ring next for his industry shaking announcement!


    AJ Styles is backstage as he is holding his ribs. Roode comes next to him. He asks if AJ is alright. AJ says it is all about Roode. He continues to praise Roode. Roode says he is ready. He told everyone is ready. AJ says Roode is the next world champion. AJ says when Roode beats Kurt, he wants a shot. They hug.

    The camera shows the stage as Hulk Hogan's music starts. Hogan comes on stage and the entire crowd boos. He stands there and looks around. He walks down the ramp and gets in the ring. He begins to talk.

    He says it feels like a million pounds has lifted off his shoulders. While he was soul searching for the past couple of months, he realized that the Hulk Hogan run has been one of the best runs of all-time. Hogan says he, the guys, and the fans go back for three decades. The first time he was in the ring, he was taught respect. He was fortunate that he wrestled Andre The Giant. He talks about the past and all of the Madison Square Garden sell-outs. As he is talking, Sting is shown on camera as he is watching and listening to Hogan on a television monitor. Hogan then states that he had the opportunity to come to TNA. He brings three decades to this company. He names a few young stars that were younger. Younger stars like Roode, Styles, Daniels, and more. Hogan gave information to everyone to help them out. Sting is shown again as he says Hogan is is all acting and he should get a reward. Hogan goes on to state that he knows when enough is enough. He says it is the end of the road for him. Hogan says he didn't even tell his wife yet. He tells the fans before her. While his family separated and he had financial issues....he had the fans behind him. He had the fans and then he came to work and the guys were there for him. Hogan says he is finally finished as there are stars of the future like Storm, Kazarian and more. Hogan says next week will be his last week in the ring as he wants to invite everyone for his final, formal announcement.

    Sting is shown as he states Hogan wants to invite people, then Sting will be there. Sting says he will be right there, in the middle of the ring, with Hogan. It's going to be showtime! The show fades.

   IW 9.29.2011_chunk_1 door desiweekly IW 9.29.2011_chunk_2 door desiweekly IW 9.29.2011_chunk_3 door desiweekly IW 9.29.2011_chunk_4 door desiweekly IW 9.29.2011_chunk_5 door desiweekly IW 9.29.2011_chunk_6 door desiweekly

    30-09-2011 om 18:41 geschreven door jefken  

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    Z! True Long Island Story Episode # 33
    Z! True Long Island Story Episode # 33

    30-09-2011 om 18:26 geschreven door jefken  

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    Zack Ryder Talks About His YouTube Show

    Zack Ryder Talks About His YouTube Show
    Posted by Dave Mitchell on 09/30/2011 at 11:50 AM

    Zack Ryder was recently interviewed by Sam Roberts of and spoke about the popularity of his Z! True Long Island Story video series.

    After his former 'Edgehead' gimmick ran its course on SmackDown a few years ago, Ryder said he was getting "zero" television time and had to take matters into his own hands to get exposure. Ryder says he hated having long hair back when he was an Edgehead - and his current "Broski" character is "100% him." Ryder says whatever he's doing is working, because he's been featured on RAW in recent weeks and is getting the biggest push of his career.

    When asked about whether he's gotten heat from WWE management over his YouTube videos, Ryder said, "There wasn't any trouble, but I was definitely kind of hesitant and kind of scared. But at the same time I was like, listen, they're not doing anything with me, so if I'm going to go out, I'm going to go out swinging. All or nothing, this is my last shot. I wouldn't say it paid off, but it's finally been recognized."

    You can listen to Zack Ryder's appearance on Sam Roberts' show here:

    30-09-2011 om 18:18 geschreven door jefken  

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    Update on Matt Hardy going to rehab

    Update on Matt Hardy going to rehab
    Posted by Roscoe De Soto on 09/30/2011 at 11:25 AM

    The Pilot newspaper in North Carolina reports that Matt Hardy was released from jail after his September 14th arrest with a note of "promise to appear" because NC magistrate Charlie Smoak ordered that Hardy would only be released from custody if he underwent treatment for substance abuse, or entered rehab, which he did.

    Hardy would have been placed in jail under a $1 million bond had he not went to the WWE sponsored rehab.


    30-09-2011 om 18:13 geschreven door jefken  

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    » Reageer (0)
    A Surprising WWE Release

    Gerald Brisco's son, Wes Brisco, is gone from WWE developmental. Brisco has been working in FCW in recent months. He's already starting to take indy bookings. Many people are surprised by the release.

    30-09-2011 om 18:11 geschreven door jefken  

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    TNA Champion's Contract Expiring Soon

    TNA Champion's Contract Expiring Soon
    Posted Image

    According to, TNA Tag Champion Hernandez's contract with the company will expire soon, assuming the two sides haven't struck a new deal since the last television taping.

    30-09-2011 om 18:03 geschreven door jefken  

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    Uitslagen wcw nitro 15 Mei
    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen
    Eleven parts of Nitro from Biloxi, Mississippi on May 15th. Vampiro vs. Sting - House of Pain, M.I.A formation, Kronic vs. Shane Douglas and The Wall, The Filthy Animals vs. Terry Funk(c) - Hardcore Title, Chris Candido(c) and Tammy Sytch vs. Crowbar and Daffney - Cruiserweight Title, Ric Flair on the mic, Vince Russo exposé of Ric Flair's home life, David Flair confronts Ric Flair, Miss Elizabeth vs. Madusa - House of Pain, Scott Steiner takes on Tank Abbott and Rick Steiner, Kevin Nash vs. Mike Awesome - Ambulance match, Eric Bischoff calls out Diamond Dallas Page, Hulk Hogan vs. Billy Kidman and Horrace, Ric Flair vs. Jeff Jarrett(c) - World Heavyweight Championship.

    29-09-2011 om 23:18 geschreven door jefken  

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    WWE Release

    - WWE has released referee James Maritato (aka Little Guido/Nunzio). He is taking independent bookings (as a wrestler) through Bill Behrens, who can be reached at

    29-09-2011 om 23:08 geschreven door jefken  

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    WWE Superstar Arrested For DUI This Morning

    WWE Superstar Arrested For DUI This Morning
    Posted by Dave Mitchell on 09/29/2011 at 11:11 AM

    Florida's ABC Action news is reporting that WWE superstar Jimmy Uso was arrested for driving under the influence early Thursday morning in Tampa, FL.

    Uso, whose real name is Jonathan Fatu, was pulled over at the corner of Howard Avenue and Platt Street. He was arrested at 3:14 a.m.

    According to the arrest report, Fatu's blood alcohol level (BAC) was .180 - more than twice the legal limit (.08).

    Tampa Police say an officer "observed the defendant traveling the wrong way on Howard Avenue in a silver Mustang."


    29-09-2011 om 23:06 geschreven door jefken  

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    Ryder Ending His Online Show?

    - Zack Ryder told WWE Magazine in a new article that he would like to end his YouTube show when he gets where he wants to be on WWE TV. He said:

    "Well, I'm tired of it already, so it wouldn't surprise me if some viewers get tired of it soon. Honestly, I can only do this show for so long before the charm kinda wears off. Once I get to where I want to be on TV, then there will be no need for the show, and that's a good thing."

    29-09-2011 om 23:02 geschreven door jefken  

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    Melina Denies Report That She Tried To Invade Raw

    Melina Denies Report That She Tried To Invade Raw
    Posted by Steve Carrier on 09/27/2011 at 05:31 PM

    Former WWE Diva Melina has denied an online report claiming that she was planning to involve herself in last week's Divas Tag Team Match on Raw.

    She responded on Twitter, "Ha ha! If I was going to fly ANYWHERE I'd fly to Hawaii and have fun or Vegas. Monday I was tweeting you guys and watching the Sheen Roast.

    "It's funny that rumors are still active even when out of the WWE. It's outrageous and can be hurtful but I'm still on people's minds."

    The report alleged that Natalya received a text message from Melina—who had a ticket to the Cleveland show—asking, "If I jump KK (Kelly Kelly), you will play ball right?"

    The report adds: "Natalya presumed this was a joke, but showed it to the Divas' liaison who after alerting WWE security then asked her to ring Melina to find out exactly what she had planned. The conversation, which Natalya put on loud-speaker with several members of the lockeroom present included a rambling and possibly under the influence Melina suggesting that attacking Kelly live on Raw would get her a job back as a Diva as "Vince loves reality angles."

    The report then claims that Melina was spotted in line for the show with a ticket, but was turned away at the door

    29-09-2011 om 23:00 geschreven door jefken  

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