Fiver is a great place to get some writing gigs! Not only do you make a cool five dollars but you get an even bigger prize: The opportunity to market yourself and get references and leads for bigger jobs!
... am sure you have heard of fiver blister in the past. Whether or not anyone refer to it as herpes or fiver blister, you probably refer to a number of ...
Fivers World is proud to announce that their ...
A new stunt designed to illustrate the extent of many Briton's unwillingness to improve their financial situation has shown very few consumers on the streets of London and Manchester were willing to capitalise on the offer of a free five ...
So, is it really worth spending Five bucks on Fiverr? Yes, in my opinion there is real value to be gained there. This is reflected in the positive feedback that can be seen on the site.
For five years, DirectBuy Club has been offering consumers in the greater East St. Louis area a new way to save on home improvement projects, furnishings, and accessories.
For five years, DirectBuy Club has been offering consumers in the greater Greenville area a new way to save on home improvement projects, furnishings and accessories.
Analytical Book Review of Watership Down by Richard Adams.
The fifth wheel trailer is designed to be affixed and towed by a pickup truck equipped with a special hitch in the truck bed. These two-level units provide the maximum amount of living space per given trailer length.
The shrewd bettor will take advantage of free bets to tie in a guaranteed profit, but having done so will not return and throw that money away on a whim. When this exercise is repeated at all those books that offer a similar incentive the ...
“Why Do You Really Want To Write?” Now there’s a question and a half! Have you ever sat down and really thought about this question? It’s so important to realise your underlying reason for writing. If you don’t, you will only be operating ...
A very typical intensive week of many dramatic events regarding Chinese Medicine and spa politics, between treatments. Practiced by a specialist of Chinese Medicine working in the Spa of an American Cruise ship touring the Caribbean ...
Prophecy tends to be the art or science of predicting events in advance, hence knowing in advance what the future will be or is likely to be. However, the art and the science of prophecy can be drastically in opposition to each other in ...
Who doesn't want free money? Who doesn't enjoy savings? An intriguing experiment showed quite the opposite. The environment and circumstances surrounding the experiment may have had a bearing on the result but still makes a fascinating ...
Fiver blisters are generated by the Herpes virus ... no more shameful than having a large open fiver blister on your own lip.
... want to know about bonecancer then you have to understand what cancer is. Our body is ... grow and divide to create new cells. Cancer is a condition where these cells loose control ...
The bonecancer is a disease which can occur and can cause impacts in a variety of ways. The bonecancer is thus classified according to the part of occurrence and the ways of occurrence.
Very few times, bonecancers are caused due to mutations in genes. However, the exact causes of bonecancer are unknown. One can link various risk factors to the disease.
Bonecancers are rare forms of cancer that can affect any bone in the body. Two types of bonecancer are multiple myeloma and bone sarcomas.
Bonecancer is of two types. One is the primary bonecancer and the other one is the secondary bonecancer. There are various things that are responsible for the beginning of bonecancer.
A bonecancer is an abnormal growth of cells within the bone that have became cancerous. Bonecancer may be classified as primary cancer originated in the bone, and secondary cancer originated from elsewhere.
Bonecancer is a type of cancer that can occur in children and adults, although the trend is more common in children and adolescents. Bonecancer are grouped based on the source of the cancer
... cancerous cells may affect the bones. They are called primary and secondary bonecancer respectively. The primary type of bonecancer is bonecancertype of cancer which ...
... most fatal diseases and the fact that cancer can occur at any age and can ...
BoneCancer is found in around 2000 people every year in United States only, and according to the doctors the number is growing every day. The saddest part is that it is found to occur mainly in the children.
Hospitals providing bonecancer surgery in India are world renowned for it quality treatment and advanced technology and it is popularly known for its care and treatment.
Bonecancer is caused by a problem with the cells that make bone. More than 2,000 people are diagnosed in the United States each year with a bone tumor.
This article describes about getting low cost bonecancer surgery in India
Article on bonecancer which outlines the disease, guides the reader through the various types of bone tumors and describes the signs and symptoms, treatments and survival rates.
A malignant tumor of the bone is also known as bonecancer. The normal bone tissues are destroyed. There are two types of bonecancer, benign cancer and malignant cancer. The benign cancer is a very common form of bonecancer.
Democracy is a form of government in which all citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Ideally, this includes equal (and more or less direct) participation in the proposal, development and passage of ...
Efter the resolution of European Commission, the Council of Finance Ministers of the EU consented to the formation of a handful of super-national financial regulators with the intent to control common risks, the banking houses, insurance ...
Advertisement is a communication whose purpose is to inform potential customers about products and services and how to use and obtain them. Every major medium is used to deliver these messages, including: television, radio, movies, ...
There have been widespread pronouncements regarding the need for African states to up the ante regarding integration of their economies. Despite the existence of a large number of regional blocs (with widespread overlaps) in Africa, the ...
Nowadays, the terms ‘word formation’ does not have a clear cut, universally accepted usage. It is sometimes referred to all processes connected with changing the form of the word by, for example, affixation, which is a matter of morphology ...
Offshore investment accounts simply refer to investment strategies that capitalize on investment opportunities that are located outside the United States or other country of residence of the investment client.
The vast, semi-arid grasslands of the southern Great Plains could be dominated by hunters and warriors on horseback.
It does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve it by citing reliable sources. Tagged since February 2009. It may need to be wikified to meet Wikipedia's quality standards
The mobile elbow results from using the mobile for long hours. Called the 'cubital tunnel syndrome', it is also called cell phone elbow'. The problem occurs when the ulnar nerve, which runs across the elbow, down to the ring and little ...
The summary of this article is to draw attention to some of the most conserved parts of nature in Europe. The Valley Nefcerka is one of them. A possible destruction around this valley may be very harmful for nature. Some people and ...
A quick start on Hinduism, its basic scriptures and Gods are included.
Names The names of the Hudson River make a complicated story. It was called Muh-he-kun-ne-tuk, the Great Mohegan, by the Iroquois, or as the Lenape Native Americans called it in Unami
The problem with earthquakes is the time span between them. Generations may go by before a major one hits again. People become lax, building codes relaxed and disaster strikes. The Core of the earth is like a boiling pot, with heat rising ...
History Main article: timeline of underwater technology Original Aqualung SCUBA set The first commercially successful scuba sets were the Aqualung open-circuit units developed by Emile
Plot Every penguin sings a unique song called a "heartsong" to attract a mate. If the female likes the male and his song, and if it completes the female's song, the two penguins mate
Dr.David answers questions from the public submitted on-line to a NASA website (, and over the past two years the Nibiru-2012 doomsday has become the dominant topic people ask about. Many are curious about things they ...
An article of what cause sweating after drinking water and some advice on what could cause this condition.
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is a 90-minute DVD and a 200-page book which is a transcription of the DVD with additional content. The Secret claims to reveals for the first time all the pieces to achieve success. The Secret may include ...
History Empire State Building U.S. National Register of Historic Places U.S. National Historic Landmark NYC Landmark Location: 350 Fifth Avenue New York
King Kong loved his woman, but Fay Wray was too small for him to have sex with. In Hollywood, the movie King King (1933) was known as `The Monkey Picture`, which is interesting when we consider that many scientists believe AIDS originated ...
The Big Bang theory and the theory of Evolution are, as we all know, theories that attempt explanations as to the origin of humans, among other species, on planet Earth. If, in spite of over a century of funded research and prestigious ...
Have you ever thought of where does trainingcareer may lead? Generally, plenty of careers do follow a structured path. However, for training professionals, their trainingcareer tends to follow only a very specific routine.
... passion should be converted into a career only after carefully considering the minute details. ...
If you love working with dogs, a dog trainingcareer may be just right for you. Dogs all the way from puppies to older dogs, need training, and their owners usually don't know how to train them.
While a lot of people will become dog trainingcareers because it's something that a lot of people do, there are others who actually do it because they love dogs and feel that this is a career that they want to pursue.
... her pet to be trained with some tricks? Today, there are animal careertraining centers available almost everywhere. Learn More about animal careertraining!
So, you want to make training a career. Where do you go to and how do you get there?
One benefit of being a dog trainer is that you can work at your own time and you have complete freedom. And what is best, with more than 60 millions owned dogs there is a serious opportunity to make lot of money in this great market. This, ...
Online marketing is a very dynamic industry. To become a good professional you should really work. Choose the best training from a reputed institute.
If you love sports and love working out, why not spend your whole day in the gym (and get paid for it)? Through an athletic trainer career, you'll be able to do just that.
As you progress in your Finance career should you specialise in a specific industry sector or should you move across sectors to become a generalist? What are the training implications for each path?
Medical assistant training can give you the skills and experience to confidently explore numerous health care employment opportunities.
If you wish to be a TAFE trainer, the TAE40110 online course is right for you. Generally, the online course equips individuals to be capable of designing and delivering conduct and training assessments in different workplace settings
This week I am going to guide you through the process of creating monthly inflow of revenue that is reliable and will last all through any slow periods that you may have experienced in the past. In fact, the slow periods of before will be ...
If becoming a professional personal trainer sounds like the profession for you; let Johnny Fitness walk you along the path of personal trainer enlightenment. Check out this article which describes in detail the steps one must take to ...
The Personal Training industry is literally exploding (25% growth in last 5 years) and is a great industry to make build a career in. Just make sure you have the 3 key ingredients for ultimate success.
Fever is the elevation of body temperature. There are many homeremedies for fever which are simple to follow and easy to use.
... range, is termed as fever. Striking both adults and children, common fever is characterized by a decline ...
Sore throat is a common problem found in every home. It may occur due to a number of causes that are listed in this article.
Kidney stones are formed due to presence of solid substances in the urine. Read this article to know some of the homeremedies to treat kidney stones.
Vaginal infections are very common in a woman's life. When pathogenic organisms like bacteria, fungi, parasites or viruses thrive and multiply, vaginal infections crop up.
Fever is an elevation in body temperature. It's ... and viruses that could harm our body. Fever is our strongest weapon in the fight ...
... few homeremedies I've tried have been very helpful when I or my family is going through a fever ... sick and especially if you're having a fever. Drinking plenty of water and orange juice ...
Fever can be caused by some serious diseases like pneumonia, malaria, infection, flu, cold, cancer etc. Try natural remedies for fever given in this article and get relief naturally.
Adult ear infections may cause concern or annoyance for many people. Our advice on the causes, symptoms and remedies for this condition will hopefully put your mind easily and quickly put you recover.
Fever blisters usually appear on the lips or in the outer edges of your mouth. It looks like tiny red blisters.
The occurrence of fever blisters is due to the infection of a virus, known as herpes simplex virus type 1. These sores are typically found on the face, including the lips, mouth, and chin.
Fiver blisters condition is commonly known as cold sore. Homeremedies for fiver blister are capable to get rid of this virus.
Fever blisters also known as cold sores are caused by herpes simplex virus 1. There are many homeremedies for fever blisters which can be easily implemented at home.
Fever Blisters usually happen when someone has recently caught fever or cold and has suffered from it for a long time. This infection is actually contagious, and can be transferred from an infected person to a other person quite easily.
Fever refers to a condition of the body in which the temperature goes beyond the normal. It is also characterized by disturbance in the normal functioning of the system
... subconscious. But there it was - The Black Teletubby of Death.
... looked like a house off the children's programme Teletubbies. The main reason behind the uproar was ...
... has been quite well-liked is the Teletubbies program. However, this program is not aired ... , you are going to have to discover a Teletubbies video or
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, WWF Wrestling figures, Teletubbies and Furbies: a look at some of the toys which won the Toy of the Year title in the 1990s
It's just a little something about growing up, and everything that comes after it! The law of nature and of course, the magic of growing up, encased in every word of this article. Well, have a nice day, and I do hope you enjoy growing up! ...
How big is your market? What do people want? Do you even know? When did you last sit down with your customer hat on?
All about the toys which captured the toy industry's (and children's) imagination in the first decade of the new millennium
So what's your plan for Halloween? Is your family going to have a theme? Are all the kids going to have matching costumes? These are all insignificant questions. The REAL question is are YOU going to dress up? Yes, you heard me right. I ...
... must have Christmas toys like Furbys or Teletubbies? Well every year it seems as if ...
Do you have loads of great stories about your time travelling or on holiday? Well believe it or not, there are plenty of travel magazines that happily pay good money for well written and interesting stories such as these! By enrolling on a ...
... , to travelling around the world with the Teletubbies, girls have a fascination with toys of various ...
The selection of games for children is very good. You and your children will find games to study women the alphabet, numbers, shapes and colors, the type of game and games for children, coloring, stories and many other games and activities ...
Water is an indispensable substance for human beings. It is as important as air. It composes tissues of the human body, adjusts the body temperature, promotes the metabolism of all systems, and carries nutrition and waster in the body. ...
It follows the adventures of 3 young folks who are pulled into "Cyberspace" to battle The Hacker (voiced by Christopher Lloyd), to preserve him from taking about "Cyberspace". Every episode also functions a stay segment in which the lesson ...
No birthday is complete without a sweet, delectable cake. As cakes are the main focus of birthday parties, choosing an amazing birthday cake in the flavor you like does become a bit of a problem.
... provide a selection criterion, the functions offered by SSL/VPNs have to be evaluated against two key ...
Multi factor authentication is the way to ensure security to your system.
... has announced availability of the Juniper Networks MAG Series Junos Pulse Gateways, built ... , deliver mobile, remote network access with Juniper's market-leading SSLVPN and local access with Unified Access ...
Mobile Internet era of the most terrible problem is security, that prediction is now becoming a reality. Today, the mobile terminal has become a steal personal privacy, corporate secrets behind the goal. Although a variety of mobile phones ...
Similar to a PIX or ASA, the new routers use license keys and a universal image to determine the available features. This new licensing scheme shows a clear difference between the version of IOS installed and the feature set installed.
A latest launch from Nokia promises good features competiting with other smartphones. Will it win the race with other smartphones in competition you decide by checking out this review.
Do you think a router or firewall makes you safe from hackers? Not necessarily. Do you think they won’t attack you because your business is so small? Don’t count on it. Hackers might grab your IP (Broadband address “IP”) to hack others, ...
The latest mobile phone developed helps you not only in making calls but they can also help you with your business. One of these features includes the Siri intelligent assistant.
In order to assess the WAN optimization/acceleration feasibility. Evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of each vendors must be taken into consideraion. Focussing on functions and features provided by each manufacturer in order to ...
... certification test solution to help you become Juniper Networks certified professional. This certification preparation guide ...
... online training experts create all of the Juniper Networks JN0-532 dumps products available through ...
The 2010 Cadillac DeVille is known as the DTS in most parts of the world, and like most large luxury cars the '10 DTS is relatively heavy.
... vacuum cleaner ? I don't know about the best rated but I resembling the smaller Dyson that rolls ... amazingly. I think it would be dirt devil. any dirt devil later for years! "> I had a cleaning business ...
... Heart Rate Monitor out nearby? I need to buy a heart rate monitor that calculates my Heart Rate, my ...
... a basic Halloween costume and each youthful and aged can put on it. It has developed ... attractive witch costume ranks within the top rated 10 of most common Halloween ...
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This article focuses mainly on various rappers who have sold their souls to the Devil in exchange for the fame the and money they have, showing great evidence like them saying it themselves and much more.
1. Protection of wives against cervical cancer. Researchers have noted that the wives of circumcised men have less risk of getting cervical cancer than the wives of uncircumcised men.2. Protection against cancer of the penis: the studies ...
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Biography Early years Childhood Sherrilyn Kenyon was born in Columbus, Georgia while her father was stationed at Ft. Benning, GA
To be a success in life is something God expects from each one of us. A day will come when we will give an account to Him, not only about salvation, but more exactly about what we did with our "new life in Christ". Success is not an option ...
An unusual perspective on current End Times events as predicted in the Book of Revelation, including the Secret Rapture and the Tribulation.
Muslims are sufferring the onslaught of the world.Here are some jewish ways of leading the world politics from last many centuries.Here we have collected some informations on the jewish ways in the past.We describe here some facts ...
Training camps have started this past week and the exhibition schedule will soon be in full swing. Here is how the teams in the NHL's eastern conference shape up heading into the 2008-09 season
Jesus is my Savior, my Redeemer and my Jubilee!! Thank God, I can rejoice with Job and David and all the saints and say, "For I know that my Redeemer lives!" (Job 19:25)
A vegivore is a person who craves or has a special fondness for vegetables. This need not be because the person has an aversion to eating meat but solely due to an intense craving for vegetables. To a vegivore, meat products may only seem ...
... weeks or days? Consider having candy favors at your party. Candy favors make an excellent gift ... see many types of favors and party bags, but candy favors are always a big hit with ... can you find ideas for candy favors? Ideas are every where and IÂ’ll identify 5 ideas you can use ...
Planning a party is something that most people will encounter at some point in their lives, and you want the party to be special. Most of the people I know and encounter through my website are trying to keep costs down.
For many adults Halloween is no longer a kid holiday but one of their favorite holidays. If youÂ’re a business owner who also has a love for Halloween, then one great way to celebrate is by offering Halloween Bags.
... amount of candies that is certainly eaten globally you're talking about bulk candies of just ... wholesale candies. You might think candy bars, hard candies, soft candies, chewy candies, brittle candies and other kinds of candies with ...
... attends, wedding guests should get a little favor bag to...
Giving out wedding favors has been traditionally done for the bride and groom to thank all who came into their wedding. It is also a good gesture to show appreciation to those who brought gifts and helped plan the wedding, though thank you ...
... visiting guest like memorabilia, simple organza favor bags filled with special
... surely like the goodie bag offered in them. Kids' party favors ideas, therefore, should be cheerful ...
... always, "what's in the party bag?" This is a small bag given by the party host as ... paper bags are from a party supply store, and are filled with cheap penny store candies and ...
... around giving candy out at Halloween, take a look at some of our Halloween treat ideas that ... it's time we stop giving so much candy to kids.
When retailers decide to add bulk candy to their stock, they often don't realize how many choices come along with that. Here are a few of the best bulk candy dispensers for your displays.
Wedding favour bags are available in an array of colours, ... you have decided to use wedding favour bags, this article will help you to decide ...
... your special day is with a wedding candy buffet. A candy buffet presents your wedding guests with an ...
How to choose a gift bag?Anyone who recently attended the wedding will tell you detail included in the planning of these professional activities
Candies are a great wedding favor idea. These are memorable enough in their sweetness ... as much as other possible wedding favors. Candies are also practical favors for weddings which ...
“How Do I Love Thee?” by ElizabethBarrettBrowning was written in 1845 while she was being courted by the English poet, Robert Browning. The poem is also titled Sonnet XLIII from Sonnets From the Portuguese.
The most amazing story of God's love and the power of miracles you may ever encounter. Learn how Ken Gaub was literally called by God and a woman's life was spared in the process. Required reading for anyone looking for evidence of the ...
... academic as well as commercial world. Jerry Browning is one of the most talented wordsmiths ...
While there are some legitimate reasons and circumstances for having a secret wedding, many famous historical couples have chosen secret marriages for political or religious reasons. Here are seven historical marriages made by fairly ...
–"Existence consist in the interplay of a plurality of elements whose true nature is indescribable and whose source is un- known. Combinations of these elements instantaneously flash into existence and instantaneously disappear, to be ...
Love poems have long been a way for men and women to express their feelings for one another in a unique and romantic way. They range from structured, formal works such as those by William Shakespeare to free verse works by modern greats ...
Because of his works, Hawthorne became one of the leading writers of his time, one who explored ideas of individual responsibility, the importance of creative expression and man's relationship to the natural world. In addition, he wrote ...
A 19th Century American author, Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote the Gothic romance The Scarlet Letter in 1850, a novel that achieved much critical acclaim. Hawthorne set many of his works in New England, specifically in a Puritanical 17th ...
We feature free Pisces horoscopes from the best astrology websites, hand-picked from the best astrologers online. Our directory is filled with free reviews and direct links to free Pisces horoscopes, astrology forecasts and predictions. ...
Hurt comes in many forms. Some instances come at us like an arrow from the bow; we see it coming but cannot avoid the hit fast enough. Other forms of hurtfulness build up little by little. Each day another slight, another insult, another ...
There's nothing at all like young really like, I'm convinced you agree. Adorable boyfriends rates and romantic appreciate quotes are truly crucial to a young person's expertise - in truth, crucial to every single and every last an ...
Poetry and word inspirations and ideas to give your wedding invitations the personal touch you want
Heartbreak can be a really sad phase in your life. The most important thing in the healing process is to learn how to move on. Although it might sound impossible but time do heal the bad feelings. Here is a nice collection of Heartbreak ...
It is impossible to read the poems of the great masters and not want the love they chronicle so eloquently; love so powerful, how could it be touched by mere mortals? The passion of lovers bodies entwined frozen for all eternity within the ...
Relationships are hard to come by, and most of the time, it's hard to keep. With all the twenty-first century stressors that we go through, we need the right tools in making our committed relationships work for the better. One of the time- ...
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- Bijvoorbeeld:
u wil een blog maken over de actualiteit. Dan kan u bvb. dagelijks een bericht plaatsen met uw mening over iets uit de actualiteit. Bvb. over een bepaalde ramp, ongeval, uitspraak, voorval,... U geeft bvb. in de titel het onderwerp waarover u het gaat hebben en in het bericht plaatst u uw mening over dat onderwerp. Zo kan u bvb. meedelen dat de media voor de zoveelste keer het fout heeft, of waarom ze nu dat weer in de actualiteit brengen,... Of u kan ook meer diepgaande artikels plaatsen en meer informatie over een bepaald onderwerp opzoeken en dit op uw blog plaatsen. Indien u over meerdere zaken iets wil zeggen op die dag, plaatst u deze als afzonderlijke berichten, zo is dit het meest duidelijk voor uw bezoekers.
- Bijvoorbeeld: u wil een blog maken als dagboek. Dagelijks maakt u een bericht aan met wat u er wenst in te plaatsen, zoals u anders in een dagboek zou plaatsen. Dit kan zijn over wat u vandaag hebt gedaan, wat u vandaag heeft gehoord, wat u van plan bent, enz. Maak een titel en typ het bericht. Zo kunnen bezoekers dagelijks naar uw blog komen om uw laatste nieuwe bericht te lezen en mee uw dagboek te lezen.
- Bijvoorbeeld: u wil een blog maken met plaatselijk nieuws. Met uw eigen blog kan u zo zelfs journalist zijn. U kan op uw blog het plaatselijk nieuws vertellen. Telkens u iets nieuw hebt, plaats u een bericht: u geeft een titel op en typt wat u weet over het nieuws. Dit kan zijn over een feest in de buurt, een verkeersongeval in de streek, een nieuwe baan die men gaat aanleggen, een nieuwe regeling, verkiezingen, een staking, een nieuwe winkel, enz. Afhankelijk van het nieuws plaatst u iedere keer een nieuw bericht. Indien u veel nieuws heeft, kan u zo dagelijks vele berichten plaatsen met wat u te weten bent gekomen over uw regio. Zorg ervoor dat u telkens een nieuw bericht ingeeft per onderwerp, en niet zaken samen plaatst. Indien u wat minder nieuws kan bijeen sprokkelen is uiteraard 1 bericht per dag of 2 berichten per week ook goed. Probeer op een regelmatige basis een berichtje te plaatsen, zo komen uw bezoekers telkens terug.
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- Bijvoorbeeld:
u wil een blog maken met tips op. Dan maakt u telkens u een tip heeft een nieuw bericht aan. In de titel zet u waarover uw tip zal gaan. In het bericht geeft u dan de hele tip in. Probeer zo op regelmatige basis nieuwe tips toe te voegen, zodat bezoekers telkens terug komen naar uw blog. Probeer bvb. 1 keer per dag, of 2 keer per week een nieuwe tip zo toe te voegen. Indien u heel enthousiast bent, kan u natuurlijk ook meerdere tips op een dag ingeven. Let er dan op dat het meest duidelijk is indien u pér tip een nieuw bericht aanmaakt. Zo kan u dus bvb. wel 20 berichten aanmaken op een dag indien u 20 tips heeft voor uw bezoekers.
- Bijvoorbeeld:
u wil een blog maken dat uw activiteiten weerspiegelt. U bent bvb. actief in een bedrijf, vereniging of organisatie en maakt elke dag wel eens iets mee. Dan kan je al deze belevenissen op uw blog plaatsen. Het komt dan neer op een soort van dagboek. Dan kan u dagelijks, of eventueel meerdere keren per dag, een bericht plaatsen op uw blog om uw belevenissen te vertellen. Geef een titel op dat zeer kort uw belevenis beschrijft en typ daarna alles in wat u maar wenst in het bericht. Zo kunnen bezoekers dagelijks of meermaals per dag terugkomen naar uw blog om uw laatste belevenissen te lezen.
- Bijvoorbeeld: u wil een blog maken uw hobby. U kan dan op regelmatige basis, bvb. dagelijks, een bericht toevoegen op uw blog over uw hobby. Dit kan gaan dat u vandaag een nieuwe postzegel bij uw verzameling heeft, een nieuwe bierkaart, een grote vis heeft gevangen, enz. Vertel erover en misschien kan je er zelfs een foto bij plaatsen. Zo kunnen anderen die ook dezelfde hobby hebben dagelijks mee lezen. Als u bvb. zeer actief bent in uw hobby, kan u dagelijks uiteraard meerdere berichtjes plaatsen, met bvb. de laatste nieuwtjes. Zo trek je veel bezoekers aan.
Een bezoeker kan op een bericht van u een reactie plaatsen. Een bezoeker kan dus zelf géén bericht plaatsen op uw blog zelf, wel een reactie. Het verschil is dat de reactie niet komt op de beginpagina, maar enkel bij een bericht hoort. Het is dus zo dat een reactie enkel gaat over een reactie bij een bericht. Indien u bvb. een gedicht heeft geschreven, kan een reactie van een bezoeker zijn dat deze het heel mooi vond. Of bvb. indien u plaatselijk nieuws brengt, kan een reactie van een bezoeker zijn dat deze nog iets meer over de feiten weet (bvb. exacte uur van het ongeval, het juiste locatie van het evenement,...). Of bvb. indien uw blog een dagboek is, kan men reageren op het bericht van die dag, zo kan men meeleven met u, u een vraag stellen, enz. Deze functie kan u uitschakelen via "Instellingen" indien u dit niet graag heeft.
Een bezoeker kan een bepaald bericht een waardering geven. Dit is om aan te geven of men dit bericht goed vindt of niet. Het kan bvb. gaan over een bericht, hoe goed men dat vond. Het kan ook gaan over een ander bericht, bvb. een tip, die men wel of niet bruikbaar vond. Deze functie kan u uitschakelen via "Instellingen" indien u dit niet graag heeft.
Het wenst u veel succes met uw gloednieuwe blog!