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    Uitslagen the Royal Rumble

    - Tonight's WWE Royal Rumble pay-per-view opens with a Road to WrestleMania video package with the usual highlights.

    ECW Title Match: Ezekiel Jackson vs. Christian

    The ECW Champion Christian makes his way out to the ring first to a nice pop. Out next is the challenger, Ezekiel Jackson with William Regal. Both men lock up and Christian is quickly shoved away by Jackson. Christian ducks another lock up attempt, but Jackson is quick to regain the advantage with a belly to back slam. Christian is up and he slaps Jackson across the face. Jackson chases Christian to the outside, but back in the ring, Jackson is caught by surprise with a couple of quick fists, a dropkick, and a springboard plancha from Christian. Christian rolls Jakcson back into the ring, ducks a couple of clotheslines and hits another slap, but Jackson responds with a slam.

    Jackson hits Christian with a couple of big blows to the back, and he sends Christian into the corner twice, but Christian comes out and even attempts the killswitch. Jackson fights it off and tries for a gorilla press but Christian fights out, knocks Jackson into the ropes, and stands on his back, choking him. Christian slaps Jackson a third time, but when he goes to the second rope, Jackson pulls his feet out from under him and sends him to the outside. Regal tries to get involved, but the ref sees it and ejects him from the ringside area.

    Jackson slams Christian into the steel ring steps and rolls him back into the ring. Jackson goes for the pin but Christian kicks out at two. Jackson wrenches away at Christian's neck. Jackson picks him up, from a seated position and choke slams him. Jackson hits a delayed vertical suplex, but again it's only good for two. Jackson bends Christian around the ropes and clubs away at his chest before bringing him back into the ring and working over Christian's back. Christian comes up with a springboard sunset flip out of nowhere, but Jackson plucks up Christian and plants him with a double hand choke slam. Jackson locks in a camel clutch but Christian fights out.

    Christian slaps Jackson three times, but Jackson comes back with a clothesline to the back of the head, that's good for a two count. Jackson locks in a weird modified full nelson, but Christian is able to get to his feet. Jackson sits Christian on the top rope and he goes for a superplex, but Christian fights out of it, and kicks Jackson in the face, following up with a flying shoulder block.

    Christian side steps a charging Jackson, who connects with the turnbuckle. Christian connects with a missile dropkick and he tries for the killswitch, but Jackson fights out again. Christian hits a reverse DDT, and he goes to the top, trying for a splash, but Jackson moves. Jackson connects with a huge lariat, but Christian won't stay down. Christian tries for the killswitch again, but Jackson counters into a backbreaker, but it's still only good enough for two. Christian dodges a charging Jackson again, and hits a kick to the face. Christian hits a tornado DDT, but Jackson is still able to kick out.

    Christian goes for the killswitch yet again, but Jackson counters out. Christian locks in a sleeper, but Jackson muscles him into powerslam position and slams him into the corner twice, but going for the third, Christian connects with the killswitch out of nowhere. Christian rolls over Jackson, and this one is over.

    Winner: Christian

    - We go backstage with Teddy Long and Tiffany. He congratulates her on the ECW Title match when Cryme Tyme walk in. They say only one of them is allowed in the Rumble match this year and ask for Long's help. They want him to give them someone's spot in the Rumble match. Teddy says he can't. They say they talked someone into giving them their other spot and in comes The Great Khali. Khali doesn't seem sure about this. Ranjin Singh comes in and says Khali says no dice, home slice. Teddy says Cryme Tyme look like fools with their "pants on the ground." This leads to everyone singing the pants on the ground song. The Miz walks in and says 5 years now, nobody will remember what they're doing but they will remember him winning his first Royal Rumble. Teddy announces that also tonight, The Miz will defend his US Title against MVP. Next.

    - We go backstage with Randy Orton. Cody Rhodes walks up and says what Orton said last week, didn't just go over his head. Cody tells Orton he's there for him. Cody says he wishes he could say the same thing for Ted DiBiase. Cody says Ted hasn't been the same since The Marine 2 came out. Cody says all Ted is talking about is winning the Rumble match and then going to WrestleMania to beat Orton for the WWE Title. This pisses Orton off. Cody walks off, leaving Orton in deep thought.

    WWE United States Title Match: MVP vs. The Miz

    Out next for this late addition is WWE's United States Champion The Miz. His opponent, MVP, is out next to a nice pop. They enter the ring and we get ready to go.

    Miz tries to hide behind the ref at the beginning of the match, but he quickly comes out with a couple of kicks. MVP is quick to come back though with a flying lariat that's good for a near fall. MVP hits a suplex and floats over into a cover for a one. MVP sends MIz into the corner, but when he follows in he eats a boot. MVP retaliates with a back body drop. Miz tries to leave the ring, but MVP hits a belly to back suplex instead. Miz bails to the floor, but MVP follows him out, hits him, and body slams him into the barricade. MVP rolls Miz back into the ring, but he ends up being kicked out to the apron, and Miz knocks him off into the announce table.

    Miz sends MVP back into the ring and he works over MVP with a couple of stomps and a leg drop. Miz backs MVP up into the corner and drives his shoulder into MVP's midsection before just pounding him down. Miz hits his corner clothesline, and he goes to the top rope, where he hits a double ax handle that's good for a near fall. Miz locks in a rear chin lock and he takes MVP down to the mat.

    MVP eventually fights back up to his feet and out of the submission, and hits Miz with a couple of right hands before launching him in the air and down to the mat. MVP drives Miz's face into his knee and he hits the ballin' elbow. MVP tries for the playmaker, but Miz fights it off, only to walk into a Yakuza kick that's good for a two count. Miz rolls out to the apron and when MVP follows, he gets hung up on the top rope. Miz tries to catch MVP off guard, but MVP retaliates with a pounce.

    MVP goes for the Playmaker's boot but Miz ducks, Miz goes for the SCF, but MVP fights out. MVP catches Miz with a series of roll ups, but Miz continually kicks out. Miz locks in a small package out of nowhere, and he gets the three count.

    Winner: The Miz

    - After the match, The Miz taunts MVP who is down. MVP comes out of nowhere with the Playmaker and drops Miz. MVP gets boo'd as he goes to the back.

    - We go backstage with Big Show and Chris Jericho. Show says Jericho must be jealous over the chemistry he has with The Miz. Jericho puts down Miz and says Miz is using Show for his own personal agenda. Show says yea, kind of like Jericho did. Jericho says they were the greatest tag team ever. Show says if it comes down to them three tonight, he's throwing both of them out of the Rumble. Show walks off. R-Truth walks up and says he will throw Jericho out if Show doesn't. Jericho says Truth will have to go through Big Show first. Truth says Jericho is on his own tonight because it's every man for himself. Jericho says he will main event WrestleMania and walks off.

    - We see Randy Orton walking backstage when Ted DiBiase walks up. Ted says Cody has been talking lately about winning the Rumble match tonight and facing Sheamus at WrestleMania. Ted tells Orton he has his back tonight. Orton says he's about to beat Sheamus for the WWE Title and doesn't need anyone's help.

    WWE Title Match: Randy Orton vs. Sheamus

    The WWE Champion Sheamus comes out first for tonight's WWE Title match. Out next is the challenger, Randy Orton, who stares down Sheamus as he approaches the ring. The WWE Title is held up as we get ready to begin.

    Both men stare each other down at the outset of the match. Sheamus pumps himself up, to the crowds disproval, this crowd is solidly behind Orton. Orton locks in a headlock, but Sheamus is quick to fight out, but Orton connects with a beautiful dropkick. Orton and Sheamus stare each other down again. Another lock up and Sheamus backs Orton into the ropes, but Orton turns it around. Sheamus shoves Orton, but Orton comes back with a European uppercut, it's not enough though as Sheamus comes back and works on Orton's arm.

    Orton goes to the outside and Sheamus follows, slamming Orton into the barricade and slamming Orton's arm into the ring steps. Sheamus sends Orton back into the ring, and continues to work over Orton's arm, wrenching away. Sheamus picks Orton up into powerslam position, but Orton works out of it and goes for a chop block. Orton immediately goes to work on Sheamus' knee, stomping away at the leg.

    Orton wrenches away at Sheamus' leg and ankle, making Sheamus squirm. Sheamus tries to kick him off, but Randy just wrenches harder. Sheamus kicks again and this time it's enough to stop Orton. Sheamus sends Orton shoulder first into the ring post, and then does it again.

    Sheamus buries his shoulder in Orton's midsection twice, but when he goes for a third, Orton gets his knee up. Orton kicks Sheamus in the knee, and goes right back to work, stomping at Sheamus' wrist. Orton drags Sheamus' legs to the apron, and slams them down, and then into the ring post. Orton clubs at Sheamus' chest and Sheamus falls to the floor.

    Orton brings Sheamus back into the ring, and he kicks at Sheamus' midsection. Sheamus fights back though, and hits a single arm DDT out of nowhere that's good for a near fall. Sheamus locks in an arm bar and digs his knee into Orton's ear.

    Orton fights out of the submission, getting to his feet and punching Sheamus' kidney, but Sheamus switches it up, locking Orton's wrist behind his head. Orton fights out, and he and Sheamus trade punches, with Orton getting yays, and Sheamus getting boos. Sheamus hits a uranage backbreaker on Orton, but it's not enough for a three count.

    Sheamus picks Orton up and he goes for his finisher, but Orton fights out, kicks Sheamus in the knee and sends him to the outside. Sheamus makes it to the apron at 7, but Orton quickly goes for, and hits his rope assisted DDT. Orton goes for the pin but Sheamus is able to grab the rope and force the ref to stop the count. Orton gets in position for the punt, but Sheamus rolls to the outside to prevent it. Orton gives chase, and he clubs Sheamus with a big European uppercut, but Sheamus sends him into the ring post twice. Sheamus rolls Orton back into the ring, but Cody Rhodes jumps the security rail out of nowhere and he hits Sheamus. Orton connects with the RKO and he goes for the pin, but the ref calls for the bell on account of DQ.

    Winner by DQ: Sheamus

    - After the match, Cody is apologizing to Orton as he steps into the ring. The crowd starts chanting RKO. Cody is so sorry, he says. Orton drops Cody with a big right hand. Orton starts slamming Cody's head into the mat. Ted DiBiase rushes the ring and pulls Orton off Cody and tries calming him down. Ted tends to Cody but Orton turns him around and lays him out with a right hand too. Orton yells at them both in the corner and stomps on Cody. Sheamus gets up behind Orton and Legacy sees this. Orton turns around to a huge kick to the face from Sheamus and goes down. The WWE Champion exits the ring and heads to the back. Ted and Cody finally leave the ring also with Orton still laid out from Sheamus' kick. We go to replays.

    - We go to a video showing the events leading up to tonight's match between Mickie James and Michelle McCool.

    WWE Women's Title Match: Mickie James vs. Michelle McCool

    Out first for tonight's next match is the WWE Women's Champion Michelle McCool. The crowd boo's Michelle as she takes the mic. She says the people came to see her tonight. Michelle says unfortunately Mickie is no where to be seen tonight because if she was anywhere close to the arena, you couldn't miss her. McCool says she must be at the hot dog stand again. Michelle says Mickie must have forfeited the match. Music hits and out comes Layla dressed as a large Mickie James. As Layla gets to the ring, the real Mickie's music hits and out she comes. She rushes Layla and lays her out at ringside. The bell rings and here we go.

    Mickie comes in and hits her DDT finisher quickly for McCool to take the match and the belt in a squash.

    Winner and New WWE Women's Champion: Mickie James

    - After the match, Mickie drops Layla on top of McCool. The other Divas, Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim, Maria, Melina, Eve and others come out with a big sheet cake. They hold McCool and Layla down while Mickie slams the cake in their faces. Mickie celebrates some more as Layla and McCool scream.

    - We go to a video package showing events leading up to tonight's World Heavyweight Title match between The Undertaker and Rey Mysterio.

    World Heavyweight Title Match: Rey Mysterio vs. The Undertaker

    The pyro explodes and out comes Rey Mysterio to a nice pop. Next the bells toll and out comes The Undertaker to defend his World Heavyweight Title. Taker makes his grand entrance and we get ready to begin.

    Mysterio tries to use his quickness early on, kicking at Taker's leg, and getting in some quick strikes, but Taker grabs Mysterio by the throat, and simply throws him over the top rope and to the floor.

    On his way back into the ring, Mysterio catches Taker with a quick shoulder and some more quick striker, but when he goes for a springboard move, Taker simply punches him in the face and Mysterio crashes to the floor. Taker follows him out and sets him up on the apron, clubbing away at his chest. Taker goes for the leg drop, Mysterio moves but Taker lands on his feet and clubs Mysterio. Taker sets Mysterio up on the bottom rope and hits the leg drop instead.

    Taker goes for a chokeslam, but Mysterio turns it into a hurricarana and he tries for a 619 but Taker catches him. Taker tries for the tombstone, but Rey fights out of it. Mysterio goes for a springboard cross body, but he ends up eating Taker's boot. Mysterio rolls to the floor and Taker follows.

    Taker catches Mysterio with a big blow, another, and a third. Taker breaks the count, and he tries for a big boot, but Mysterio ducks and Taker ends up hung up on the ring post. Mysterio heads back into the ring and connects with a baseball slide to Taker's leg while it's still hung up. Taker falls to the floor, and when he gets to his feet, Rey tries for a hurricarana. Taker catches him and tries for the Last Ride, but Mysterio climbs up on the apron and hits an asai moonsault to take down Taker.

    Taker gets to his feet and catches Mysterio by the throat before slamming him back into the barricade. Back in the ring Taker goes for the cover but Mysterio is able to kick out. Taker goes to work on Mysterio's arm, hoisting him up in the air, and slamming him down across the top rope. Taker chokes Mysterio, breaking at a 3 count, and Mysterio crawls to the corner. Taker starts to work over Mysterio with measured blows in the corner.

    Taker connects with a side slam, but Mysterio is still able to kick out at two. Mysterio goes to work with a couple of quick kicks, but another right hand puts him right back down on the canvas. Mysterio catches Taker with a jawbreaker, and a low dropkick to the face. Mysterio hits a springboard leg drop, and goes for the cover, but Taker kicks out at two. Taker makes his way to his feet and catches Mysterio with a huge lariat. Taker is bleeding from the nose and mouth pretty bad. Taker goes for the Last Ride, but Mysterio fights out and Taker ends up in the ropes. Mysterio connects with a 619 and a springboard dropkick to the back. Mysterio hits another 619, but when he goes for the springboard senton, Taker catches him and hits a huge stalling Last Ride. He pins Mysterio, and this one is in the books.

    Winner: The Undertaker

    - We go backstage where Shawn Michaels is. Kane walks up and tells HBK his obsession with his brother is ridiculous. Kane points out he's eliminated more stars in one match than anyone. Kane walks off and in comes Triple H. He wishes Shawn good luck tonight. HBK apologizes and says he hopes the best man wins out there. DX shake hands and Triple H goes to walk off. Shawn grips his hand and says Undertaker and him are meant to be. Triple H says he knows this, which is why he knows Shawn will find another way for the match besides winning tonight.

    Royal Rumble Match

    We go to the ring after a video package where Justin Roberts is going over the rules for tonight's main event. Superstars will come in every 90 seconds with the winner earning a title shot at WrestleMania. The first Superstar out is Dolph Ziggler. His opponent to start the match out with is going to be Evan Bourne. Bourne and Ziggler face off and both look up to the WrestleMania sign hanging in the arena before going at it.

    Bourne catches Ziggle with a coulpe of kicks and a hurricarana before connecting with a heel kick to Ziggler's jaw. Ziggler almost knocks Bourne out with a dropkick, but Bourne fights him off and stays in the ring. Bourne launches himself up off of Ziggler and connects with the double knees to Ziggler's chest. Bourne knocks Ziggler to the apron, but he makes it back into the ring. Ziggler connects with the Zig Zag out of nowhere, and he throws Bourne to the apron, but Bourne kicks Ziggler and comes back in the ring with a Shooting Star Press, the buzzer rings and number three is CM Punk with Sarita.

    Punk goes after both Bourne and Ziggler and he immediately eliminates both.

    Punk grabs the mic and thanks the crowd for joining him for the most historic moment the Straight Edge Society has seen. 29 other men will either be eliminated or saved. The clock counts down and number four is JTG.

    JTG goes right to work on CM Punk, but when he charges Punk in the corner, he finds himself eliminated.

    Punk gets right back on the mic and says not everyone can win the Rumble, just like not everyone can be saved. Not everyone has his dedication. And tonight he'll be the first straight edge Rumble winner. The clock counts down again and this time it's the Great Khali.

    Punk tries to save Khali, telling him he can make him greater. Punk says he can see the pain in Khali's eyes and he needs to be saved. He asks Khali to raise his right hand and accept straight edge into his life, but Khali hits a chop and locks in the vice. The clock counts down again and the next entrant is Beth Phoenix.

    Khali immediately picks up Beth and puts her over the rope and directs her to the back. Beth kisses Khali and drags him over the top rope, while remaining on the apron. She turns around and goes right to work on Punk, trying to eliminate him. Punk connects with the G2S on Phoenix.

    The clock counts down again and the next man in is Zack Ryder. Punk eliminates Phoenix.

    Punk says that Ryder has potential, but he double crosses Ryder and hits him with the mic. Punk sends Ryder over the top rope and eliminates another person. Punk asks who's next, and says that whoever it is he's better than them, because he's better than everyone there today. The next entrant in is Triple H.

    Hunter makes his way to the ring slowly, and Punk hypes himself up. Punk and Hunter stare each other down, and Punk tries for a right, but Hunter fights him off. Hunter connects with a knee and puts Punk back into the corner, pounding on him. Punk connects with a high knee, but Hunter fights off the bull dog and hits a spinebuster. The next entrant is Drew McIntyre.

    Hunter fights off McIntyre as soon as he gets in the ring with a high knee. Hunter tries for the pedigree on Punk, but Punk fights out. Punk tries for the G2s, but Hunter fights out and sends him out of the ring. The next entrant is Ted DiBiase.

    DiBiase is immediately taken down by Hunter, but he retaliates with a scoop slam. McIntyre and Dibiase take turns stomping on Hunter. McIntyre and Dibiase double team Hunter for a bit as the clock counts down. The next entrant is John Morrison.

    Morrison immediately goes to work on Dibiase and sets his sights on McIntyre. Morrison connects with a crazy DDT on McIntyre, but he's attacked from behind by Dibiase. Dibiase tries for the Dream Steet, but Morrison fights it off and hits a big kick. Morrison connects with Starship pain on McIntyre. The next entrant is Kane.

    Kane comes into the ring with a top rope clothesline to Hunter. Kane fights off everyone in the match, and turns his attention to DiBiase, hitting a big side slam. Kane hits a double chokeslam on McIntyre and Morrison and a big boot to Hunter. Kane tries to eliminate Dibiase, but Hunter comes in from the side to work on Kane, he gets a chokeslam for his efforts. The next entrant is Cody Rhodes.

    Rhodes immediately saves Dibiase from elimination by Kane and Legacy go to work as a team on Kane. Rhodes attacks Hunter and McIntyre, before he sends Morrison to the apron. Morrison comes back in with a springboard, but he eats a dropkick from Rhodes. Rhodes and Dibiase try to eliminate Kane, but Hunter goes to work on Rhodes. Hunter tries to eliminate Rhodes, but Cody hangs on. The next entrant is MVP. MVP is immediately taken out from behind by the Miz who hits him with the US Title.

    Morrison connects with a springboard kick to McIntyre's face. Legacy try to eliminate Triple H, but Kane goes after Legacy, saving Hunter. The next entrant is Carlito.

    Carlito comes in as a house of fire, even fighting off a double team attempt from Legacy. Carlito and Kane trade blows, with Carlito going after Kane's knee. Carlito even gets in a backstabber on Hunter, following up with another to McIntyre, and Dibiase. The next entrant is The Miz.

    Miz hits the SCF on Carlito right off the bat, but MVP is right out and he goes after Miz, both men tumble over the top rope. Both Hunter and McIntyre look to be in trouble, but Kane saves Hunter and McIntyre is able to save himself. Hunter stomps away at Carlito. The next entrant #17 is Matt Hardy.

    Hardy comes in and goes to work, but when he goes up top, he's eliminated by Kane, who just pushes him off. Kane is then eliminated by Hunter. Hunter hits a couple of spinebusters and he goes for the pedigree on Rhodes, but McIntyre connects with a chop block to stop him. #18 is Shawn Michaels.

    Carlito is eliminated and so are Rhodes and Dibiase, all at the hands of HBK. Michaels chops away at McIntyre and connects with a flying forearm. Michaels ducks a kick from Morrison and tosses him out, adding another man to his elimination tally. Morrison goes to work on HBK, but he's left alone in the ring with DX, who team up and take him over the top rope with adouble clothesline and Hunter looks like he hurt his knee. The next entrant is John Cena.

    Cena hits a double shoulderblock right off the bat. Cena hits a double five knuckle shuffle. Cena goes for the AA on HBK to send him to the outside, but Hunter makes his way up and connects with a pedigree on Cena. Hunter is up, but he eats Sweet Chin Music and goes over the top. The next entrant is Shelton Benjamin.

    Benjamin goes right to work on both HBK and John Cena, connecting with Pay Dirt on HBK. Shelton goes for the move on Cena, but he finds himself dumped over the top. The next entrant is Yoshi Tatsu. Tatsu comes in with a couple of big kicks on both Cena and HBK, but he ends up being dumped over the top, just like Benjamin. HBK chops away at Cena in the corner, but Cena is quick to retaliate with a sloppy facebuster. Cena pounds on HBK in the corner. The next entrant is Big Show.

    Show hustles his way down to the ring where he quickly takes down Cena and takes HBK all the way to the ring apron, but HBK is back in the ring, where he almost ends up eating an AA. Michaels ends up almost falling to the floor, but he holds on, catches Show in hurricarana position, and ends up being thrown to the canvas. The next entrant is Mark Henry.

    Henry and Show face off in a stare down. Show shoves Henry and Henry throws a couple of punches. Henry tries to slam Show, but Show fights it off. Cena hits a big shoulder block on show, and another, followed by a slam from Mark Henry. Cena tries for an AA on Henry, but Cena can't follow through. #24 is Chris Masters.

    Masters goes to work right away, and he tries for the Masterlock on Show, but he finds himself launched over the top rope. Henry gets Show off the ground and almost eliminates him, but HBK comes up from behind to prevent it. #25 is R-Truth. Truth comes in and immediately eliminately Big Show and Mark Henry.

    It's just Truth, Cena and Michaels in the ring. Truth works over Michaels in the corner with a couple of kicks and right hands, and he tries to send HBK over the top, but Michaels isn't having it. The next entrant is Jack Swagger.

    Swagger comes in with a quick Vader bomb on Cena and then HBK. Swagger powerslams Truth into the corner, and then the canvas. Michaels is up and comes in with punches and chops, but he ends up eating a kick, and almost being eliminated by a lariat from Swagger. HBK is able to make it back in under the bottom rope. The next entrant is Kofi Kingston.

    Kingston comes in and goes right to Jack Swagger, taking him down and hitting the boom drop. Kofi tries to take Swagger out, but Swagger catches him. Kofi ends up taking Swagger out with a body scissors over the top rope. Kingston is almost eliminated by Truth, but in turn Truth is eliminated by Kingston for real. The next entrant is Chris Jericho.

    Jericho goes right after Cena, stomping away at him. Jericho ends up eating an AA from Cena anyway though. Michaels hits a DDT on Cena and HBK goes to the top, where he flies off with an elbow drop to Jericho. HBK tunes up the band, but instead he falls victim to Trouble in Paradise from Kingston. Cena eliminates Kingston with AA and Jericho connects with a Codebreaker on Cena. Next entrant is... Edge!

    Edge comes out to a HUMUNGOUS pop from the crowd. Edge spears Jericho, Michaels and Cena, before shoving Jericho out over the top rope. Edge plants HBK, and the takes Cena down with an Impaler DDT. The final entrant is Batista.

    Batista comes in as a house of fire, taking everyone out and planting Cena with a spinebuster, but he walks right into a spear from Edge. Edge eats an AA from Cena. It all comes down to HBK, Batista, Cena and Edge.

    Michaels is able to fight off everyone for a bit, taking out both Cena and Batista. HBK goes to the top again, this time connecting with an elbow to Cena. HBK hits an enzugiri to Batista and goes up top for an elbow drop to Batista.

    HBK connects with SCM on Cena and Batista, but he ends up clotheslined out to the apron by Edge eats a SCM on the apron, knocking him back in the ring, but Batista attacks HBK from behind and Michaels falls to the floor, being eliminated in the process.

    Michaels attacks a referee and makes his way back into the ring, where he pleads his case with another ref. In anger, Michaels hits the ref with SCM and falls to the canvas, clutching his head. Michaels finally begins to make his way to the back, looking distraught. It's down to Cena, Batista, and Edge.

    Batista kicked Cena and went for a Batista Bomb, but Cena backdropped him. Batista went for a clothesline, but Cena ducked and pulled down the top rope. Batista went over the top rope and to the floor.

    Batista is eliminated.

    Edge was measuring Cena for a spear. Cena got up slowly, seemingly knowing it was coming. Cena dodged the spear, and kicked Edge in the chest. Cena then charged Edge, but Edge sidestepped him and tossed Cena out of the ring.

    John Cena is eliminated.

    Winner: Edge

    - After the match, the pyro goes off as Edge points up at the WrestleMania 26 banner hanging in the arena. The Royal Rumble goes off the air with Edge celebrating his return and win.

    WWE: Royal Rumble 2010

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    Ik ben Boon Kenneth, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Sting.
    Ik ben een man en woon in Dworp (Belgie) en mijn beroep is .
    Ik ben geboren op 05/06/1989 en ben nu dus 35 jaar jong.
    Mijn hobby's zijn: Worstelen en films.

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    Druk op onderstaande knop om een berichtje achter te laten in mijn gastenboek

    E-mail mij

    Druk op onderstaande knop om mij te e-mailen.

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