Rescueing animals in Spain
How they life & I theirs ;)

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  • Kidneys are fine
  • Work so much work it is
  • Another visit from the neurosurgeon
  • Working hard again
  • So what now?
  • Surprise
  • Blessed is the day
  • Off day
  • Hope
  • The Ball
  • Who's the boss ?
  • Yes training training training
  • Rehab
  • Home alone
  • Day 13: Stiches out
  • Day 12
  • Update on Cheyenne
  • What ? WHY ?
  • Day 10: first sign of...
  • Day 9: Tail just moved
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.The story of Mausie in short.
    Earlier in November I saw this picture on Facebook on a post of Sharon V.-J...

    A puppy with a shockcollar on and a muzzle and 1 drop of blood on the table of a vetspractice.

    My body started shiffering as it is even doing now when I' m writing this.

    As I am very sentitive and use my intuition I could hear how this littlen was terrified: No, She did not cry for help, she just didn 't want to go on this way and had given up.

    I read the story and found out the vet wanted 700 € for the OP or she would be killed as the dog did not have a known owner and cityhall does not have a refuge, so strays get euthanized.

    And when that vet refused to take the shockcollar off... I was unstoppable... I would get that puppy out of there.

    So I offered my help to Sharon (who had saved and taken the puppy from under a bush) and the next day Addi and I drove to Pedreguer to get her (Thx Fay).
    I collected the pup and drove her to my vetclinic in Mutxamel where she was examinated and x- rayed. 

    My clinic offers special prices for rescued animals so for less than half Mausie would get her OP 

     Over the weekend I spent  time with her and on Monday she was operated on, an OP which was more complicated than expected... the femur had been broken for a while.

    A day later Mausie was allowed to go home with us so she did.

    Life was not easy... this little girl was terrified of everything, obviously did not have any inprenting or socialisation, she did not like humans and would try to hide just anywhere.

    It was obvious that this case was going to be a lot harder than expected.

    At first we did not find a fosterhome, later on the vet did not want her to be moved from my care as he was afraid it would go wrong and that our place was the best possible place for the puppy.

    And then she got sick... fever for days and days, and then she started coffing and lots more. Fear of distemper, then Kennelcough,... we have seen it all... and even spent many hours in our self improvised little sauna so she would be able to breath better and caugh less.

    Photonic Therapy, honey and Essential oils got her through together  with the best possible personal treatment of myself who was bound home or with her 24h a day.

    Luckily she came through the awdeal and I started looking out for an adoptive family.

    For reasons I will not go into it did not work out.

    In the end it was meant to be so as this little girl is really not a dog you can just drop of with anybody.

    She still does not like humans, she is even fraid of humans and would bite others if you try to pick her up. You can' t raise your voice or even look at her or she runs away.

    I have seen terrible and difficult cases in the past but I have always been able to get through and make them be happy again and sociable.

    Mausie now trusts me more often than not but learns most from my pack of rescued dogs, they deserve all the credit for where Mausie is now.

    And for the rest their is balance of love and consequent behaviourapart from so much more. The stability she has now is the best for her.


    Healthwise we do have a problem... she is not using the leg at all and that for several weeks now...

    The vet wanted to wait the longest time possible but agreed with me yesterday... we have to take the external fixation off and find out what is going on:

    We do not know yet what we will find and what the vet will have to do.

    According to the X-ray of last Friday the bones are not yet healed enough to be without support.

    And further on Mausie will be needing rehabilitation too and I do not know how long it will take for her to be fit again.

    My main concern is to save her leg, please...

    So people, we need help please, sponsors or donations for Mausie and others rescues.

    Please share our website and please visit the page how to help us.

    Paypal of our registered charity:

    30-12-2014, 22:49 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.No please...

    I don t believe it... it just rained, rained RAINED !!!!
    Well it was NOT supposed to rain today, NOT at all.

    OK, I ll start over again...

    We had a big storm during the night and with damages... damages our Insurancepolicy does not cover...

    The metal roof that protects the hay and alfalfa was partly blown away, a part of the solarsysteem got loose and were severely damaged, some fencing got damaged, the chickenhouse was lifted and blown away, electricity needed repairs, leak in the watersystem of the horses,... Must I go on ???

    During the day I could only manage to fix the leak at the horses drinkwatersystem, the electricity and was not afraid as only colder dry weather was expected... and I gave the chickens their house back... the rest of the day the wind just blew too damn hard...

    Dry weather you said ? Yep dry weather !!!

    And it just RAINED !!!!!! It R A I N E D !!!

    The little food I got left for the rescue horses will now we wet.... nooooooooooooooo  I do not need more problems !!!!

    28-12-2014, 21:36 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Christmaspressie for the puppy
    Mauwsie with her new friend.... a Mouse...
    Christmaspressie from Eva as the Charity has no money for these things...
    A friend and a bed close to mom...

    26-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.And from the horses...
    the same 

    26-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Happy Holidays
    to all of you !!!

    25-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.For Him !!!

    For him...yes for him I will always come home and be home at night !
    No more travels, no more operations,...
    He needs me & I need him...
    We keep each other alive !


    Who would have thought this the day I saved you in the mountains and let you go to you adoptive family in the Netherlands, to only have to fly to you the next day to get you back because you were no longer wanted...
    Och Boomer... please keep fighting the bad guys in your body !

    23-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Sorry
    I m sorry that I did not put any update this week, but things were really crazy here with personal, work and animalstuff growing over my head. I will try to give an update here tonight and tomorrow

    21-12-2014, 21:09 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Never forget

    ... this

    19-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Sitting in the sun

    ... with Mauwsie so she would dry up quicker... madam decided to fall into the swimmingpool.
    Luckily my intuition Always tells me when there is something wrong with my rescues and I have learned to listen to that I turned round (was in the outdoorkitchen) and saw her on the side of the pool and just ran to here and got her out.
    Every day she gets more mobile and everyday I have to take more measures to make the ranch puppyproof...
    Those last 4 days we have had so much going on...please !!!!!

    — looking for peace & tranquility at Whispering Ranch.

    18-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Balou the cat
    It s been a while since I got some decent pictures of Bqlou the rescuecqt so here you have it;

    17-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Showing off her Christmasgift
    Yep she received a new one... to be honest, the other one really needs to get in the wash and as it is too cold now, she needed a second one so Eva bought her another one

    Some pictures from the rescue dogs of the ranch

    Yep, she is Always watching, luckily she does start sleeping now... In the beginning she was alert 24h/24h...

    What is wrong in this picture ?

    17-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Breaking my heart

    I had a hospital appointment today...but Boomer did not want me to go. I had to !!!

    So Mauwsie and Chey went to the neighbour and Boomer stayed inside with Tom and Gipsy;

    Of course I had my camera on.

    As I felt how Boomer was stressing I called home and asked the helper to open the house and let the dogs out...

    When I came home everybody was ok but on the video I could see how Boomer had been howling for me.

    We have some serious anxiety to treat here

    Mauwsie on the other hand was having a good day today: see for your self

    16-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Little girl is changing
    Little girl is changing...this was taken on 13/12/2014

    15-12-2014, 10:29 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.What a day
    First we welcomed a new pool.... yep the paddockx had receiverd just a bit too much water 

    The horses liked this weather and wanted to go out and play, so Cuba decided to open the gate and take his mates with him

    As it was wet outside it was a good moment to stay inside and get some work done.

    And as it was cold and wet I decided to lit the open fire... for the 2nd time this year. I did not realize there was a big lighter lying close by... and yes I made a big mistake... about half an hour after lighting the fire, while all where sleeping in their sofa's and I was working on the pc there was a big bang that made everything tremble.
    All the dogs jumped around and I could only grab my chest to see if I had been shot or what...


    I had no idea of what had happened untill I saw the debriss of the firelighter.


    It took me some time to calm Boomer down... he wanted me to torch him

    Sometime later I heard noice at the house... well not only the dogs had a fright...the horses too and fences where pushed over by them

    At 22.00 I could go out in the bad weather to bring the horses back to their paddock and make temporaly repairs.


    What a day

    15-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Freaking out
    As you know I like to be positive... I do not like to see anymore torture pictures or videos on Facebook or what so ever.

    I want to share the good, hoping others will take an example and do good too;

    But I also promised 5 years ago when starting this blog is that I would say the good things and the bad...

    Now little Mauwsie has been a little terror last night.

    We went outside with all the dogs and she decided you could walk on the swimmingpol

    I had no time to think, I just saw her walk on the summerplastic... 1 2 3 steps and then stopped, it moved under here and luckily she turned round and walk off it.

    You can t imagine how my heartbeat was going... Owwwwwwwww  my MAUWSIE

    Now that she finally is getting better, she is also a lot more active... a real pup with all the dangers !!! I need 2 more pairs of eyes !!!

    14-12-2014, 23:31 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Smelly girl

    Finally after being with us for almost 3 weeks I was allowed and able to do something with the puppy... WASH her !!!!!!!!
    And finally I can hold her now without getting nausea from the bad smell she had on her...

    Mommy where are we going ?

    Mommy what are you up to ?

    Mommyyyyyy    !!!!!!!

    14-12-2014, 22:27 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.5 years already out of the hell of Catral


    5 years ago, at this very minute I brought home 9 foals and yearlings from the hell in Catral (Murcia).

    In the next few days I will post about each one of them:

    If you want to read the start of the story in Dutch click right on 2009:

    If you would like to read the story in English, click on this blog:

    13-12-2014, 21:41 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Happy troopers
    Somebody must not have closed that gate very well... and when 1 horse gets in.... you must let the others in too.
    Full uncut version:

    13-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Little hidingqueen
    OK as I said before, i believe in "Always look on the bright side of life" (no matter how bad it is in reality) and so I try to be as positif as I can and not Always tell all the drama that happends here.

    But I need to tell this story... if only already for Mauwsies future adopter: So...

    Yes Mauwsie likes to hide, or no, I need to say it differently... Mauwsie can be so scared sometimes that she goes and hides.

    This is not funny but SAD ! and just shows what she must have been living in those first few months of her life.

    She hides in my house when she hears something she doesn't know or when she hears strange voices outside, but what she did yesterday scared the shit out of me:

    So as I said in the other message, I went to the vet's yesterday.

    First I brought Boomer in (he needed his monthly blood and urine check as he is suffering fron chronic renal failiure) and then went back to get Mauwsie out of the car: Mauwsie, Mauwsie, come on:


    Mauwsie ?


    MAUWSIE ????

    The car was empty, she was not in the front at the foot of the passengers seat, not on my side either, and not in the back.

    My pulse was going quicker and quicker:  HELP she dispappeared

    This can t be, no it can't Eva , think !!! ...the car was locked, she could not get out.

    Has she been stolen ? Oh no Mauwsie.... M A U W S I E E E E E


    Front door open again, nothing. Back door open again... NOTHING !!!!

    And then...then I saw her little face sticking out from under the furtest back seat with little scary eyes... no, no don't take me out of here, she said.

    I tried to explain to her that we needed to go to the vet so he could take her pain away but she put her legs straight and refused to get from under the seat.

    Can you imagine ? poor puppy. But she had to go, so I took her from under and brought her in the clinic

    Yes I still like to hide now and again

    PS... she is happy now I did so as the abscess was opened and our little mouse has had a much better day today

    12-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Not up to much
    Mauwsie kept getting that pain back every now and again and really was not interested in going out.

    The torchsessions take the pain away but if the pain comes back we need to know the origin to be able to treat it...

    So we went back to the vet, and yes that abscess is still playing up, so Juan had to open the wound a bit and press it out.

    Yep Mauwsie wanted to bite him...but didn' t ... it was just a warning

    Meanwhile at home she sleeps a lot in someone else bed... or parades outside in her green vest

    11-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Vetcheck
    So we went to the vets yesterday for controls and everything is going "ok" except for a little abscess on the knee.

    As we want to be prepared Mauwsie got her Rabiesinjection and her chip. Yes the little girl has her passport now.

    And to make up for that big needle and as it was getting quite cold at night Eva went to buy her a few things for going out on the evening and early morningwalks;

    2 of them were too small though, so we will exchange them.

    And as you can see, little missie is getting closer to other rescuedog Cheyenne

    10-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Ow help...

    So say this is your soulmate ? The man of your life ?
    To me he looks CRAZY !!!!

    Don t worry, he was just being himself...happy :

    10-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Thank you ... from Faith (Mauwsie)

    a message from the heart to thank all of you who saw the appeal of Sharon or Brenda to find some sponsors for financial help for the femur operation of little Faith, the puppy Sharon Vigar- Jones found in the streets of Pedreguer.

    So Thank you Marian jane Simms
    Thank you Hazel Richard
    Thank you Nicola Tebbutt
    Thank you Carla Parrish
    Thank you Maria Hendricks
    Thank you V Pickering
    Thank you Eddie Spells
    Thank you Nelia Palsgraaf
    Thank you Elaine Susan Hibbert
    Thank you Y. Smit
    Thank you Sharon Vigar-Jones (groupdonation but I don t know from whom)
    Thank you incognito

    Thank you all for your gift !

    We had enough in the end to cover the OP and following problems in the last few weeks.

    I must also say a BIG thank you to Hospital Veterinario JG in Mutxamel who kept the bills lower then we could imagine. Although I ve been there a dozen times so to speak since the OP, they never charged me the visits or time or checking her out for echo s etc. I only had to pay for the extra med's.

    We even had a bit left to get her her pasport & chip today and rabies injection, so whoever will adopt this little girl, she will be able to travel abroad on Januari 2.

    PS. I will show the bills to Sharon


    09-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Because she is happy... for a minute or 2
    Just a moment of happinesssssss



    08-12-2014, 22:03 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Remember Charlie
    Remember 6 month old American Stafford puppy Charlie that I saved in October from being shot

    Well Charlie has found his perfect family and has been adopted... he lives in Belgium now, and has a girlfriend woehoeeeee !!!!!

    Thank you Pieter & Silke for adopting Charlie.What a great "sinterklaas"gift for Diesel

     And a BIG thanks TOO to Lyssa and Richard from the   Second Chance Staffords and Pitbulls JOEHOEEEE

    08-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Last damp session ?
    Her last damp session of today and I think the last one anywayssss.... yes Mauwsie is really beter !!!!! Yeahhhhh

    07-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Help...breathe...
    She got her last damp session at 01.30 am: and the first this morning at 10 am. Help where you can !!!

    06-12-2014, 21:27 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.5 years ago...
    I saw these rescues horses for the first time...

    Can you recognize who they are ?


    Scroll on the right back to 12/2009 to see how this blog started.

    For the Englishreaders go to and scroll to 12/2009 to read the story



    05-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.As I said before
    It still is too quick and not profound enough

    05-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.The video says it all
    A little view on her day yesterday... during the afternoon the coughing became worse just as her heartrate

    05-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.The rescue horses

    today looking a bit dirty after rolling in the mud after all the rain we got...

    More pictures in the album on their page:

    04-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.A little cough
    What began with a little cough a few days ago has gotten worse, here a little moment of yesterday.


    Overnight it has even got a lot  LOT worse and we hardly slept.

    Doctorsorders: As of last night Mauwsie is not allowed to leave the house anymore, no more puppysitting at the neighbours, no nothing, meaning also I can not leave the house either as I refuse to leave her alone.

    That is were it was so good that I could bring Mauwsie to my neighbours for an hour or 2 every day: meanwhile she would get to know more good people and I could do outside whatever needed to be done or go to the fysio or getting stuff for her....

    This morning this situation already lead to problems so I had to leave her in the bench, closed this time while I would help the trimmer treat our rescuehorse Punkie who has frogcanker.

    Anyways, I was in for another big surprise this morning... well we did know Mauwsie most propably would have parasites as all puppies do, but to see TENIAS in her stoollllll, was not funny because this meant BIG bad business.
    As you can see she has what we call here "TENIAS" and are dangerous for all my other rescues.
    So Juan, the vet, told me to give Milbemax...

    OK fine,and How am I going to get that as I can t leave her alone so long, can t take her with me, can t bring her to the neighbours, and my friends living closeby being on Holiday abroad.
    Yes the disadvantage of living reclude in the hills, far from everything and not being the kind of person for asking help.

    Anyways, I went to my neighbours and luckily Tony proposed to come to my place and babysit on Mauwsie... THANK YOU TONY !!!!!

    So in a recordspeed I drove to Mutxamel, got all the medication and drove back...

    Ow yes... In case you did not know... TENIAS is highly contagious so I have had to buy Milbemax for all the rescuedogs and to protect them from getting it from Mauwsie...

    Yep if you want to rescue and help others, you must be prepared that it won t be easy

    But to be honest... I am happy when she will be OK, I m quite sure she has not got distemper as the fever is lower.

    Still could be Kennel Cough (incubation till 10 days and she started a few days back so could have brought it with her from the other place) or something else I am dedicated to fight for this little girl. I do hope the right person who wants to adopt her will contact me very soon.

    Goodnight everybody... I need to get a bite to eat now !


    PS. If you want to see what the worms look like, let me now ... Yes I have taken pictures as I do that all the time to have a reference bank of what is happening to them

    03-12-2014, 20:48 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.In short...

    So I ve spoken to Sharon Vigar-Jones and can update now for all of you following the story of Mauwsie...

    About yesterday:

    In short:

    Good news:
    we went to the clinic and
    *the stiches are already out
    *new RX looking well
    *we gathered enough money to pay the vetbill and get her defleet and fet with good puppyfood

    Bad news: Mauwsie has laryngitis and is having a tough time.

    Longer version:
    So we went to the vet and the stiches are already out...WHAT ? Yep only 1 week were they inside, thanks to the power of the torch. A few new X-rays were taken and all is looking well

    Bad news: Mauwsie has laryngitis and is having a tough time. Doctors orders is staying inside, no more moves, not even to the neighbours. That means I also have to cancel all my appointments... not very handy... I wonder how other people do this ?

    But s all for Mauwsie, we just don t know how strong she still is, probably never was vaccinated, did she get any antistuff of her mom ??? We just don t know.

    For the healing of the leg: 2 more weeks of "no moving" around at all. Removal of the pins after January 1 and untill then the surgeon does not want her to go to another family. Yeahhhh right...or should I say HELP !!! this was not planned

    03-12-2014, 20:13 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Visiting neighbour Tony
    Before the bad news...

    02-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Patience & consequent behaviour helps !
    Just see for yourself...

    02-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.She likes the car !
    Yep she does

    01-12-2014, 23:27 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.A day at home
    All is going ok... Mauwsie is getting better. She has not had any important high fevers anymore so I am confident there is no risk of distemper.

    The diarrhea, due to the use of Duphalac to help her liver, is better as I have lowered the amount of Duphalac so that problem is solved too.

    Just remains a little cough that will be checked out tomorrowmorning

    Fot the rest the pictures say it all.

    She gets her daily medication and she loves the torchsessions.

    1 less good thing though... the little girl is starting to bound with my pack and myself... my neighbour told me she started to hawl and cry after leaving her at their house for the daily visite.

    It s time to start finding the perfect adoptive family for her before long.

    Yep suddenly she was there in my bathroom... An opportunity to learn something new
    At the neighbours

    A little torching of the wound, standard- and tingpoints

    And then time to go to bed


    She has not met the horses in person yet, but she will...soon 

    01-12-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Coming home after the vetcourse
    More info in the morning... she is doing better now but not out of the Woods yet and is having heavy diarrhea right now and got some stomach pain, but we can handle that... I just don t want any high fever or sneazing please

    30-11-2014, 22:43 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Confidence growing
    She is a little special lady and her confidence is growing every day...

    Hey what are you doing in my bed ?.... oeps

    ok ok I'm going

    30-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    We had a very difficult night...

    On one side because in the end you do worry so you don t sleep as deep as otherwise

    On the other hand because she called me several times at 1.50 at 2.54 at 6.13... in the end we just stayed up.

    And then of course it rained and stormed and we had soooo much rain overnight

    Pictures and all the rest of the story have to wait till after midnight, till after I get back from the vetcourse.
    Do not worry, she is with me and was at the hospital area surrounded  while I am on second floor in the congresarea, so she is never alone.

    She was seen by the top vet and according to the sympthoms it could be.... Distemper (fever, convulsions, and more) but he did an Echo too of her heart and liver etc and it could be a liver problem too so we stay positive and start with Duphalac 2x a day.

    As you know this is not my dog but I helped another person Sharon who took this animal from the street. I have 17 rescued animals at home.

    I will do everything I can but I need your help ... if we all chip in obe way or the other.

    I have not paid the bill from the OP yet as the promised help did not all arrive yet.

    If Faith, Mauwsie has Distemper all my rescues are at risk, eventhough they have been vaccinated when the were a puppy. I will die myself if any of them all get sick or die because of this.

    Sorry have to back to the vetscongress now, staying positive and taking Mauwsie with me

    PS VEt not impressed Mauwsie tried to bite him... Me very happy though Mauwsie getting more confident... she wagged her tail again today when I picked her up after the morningsession at the congres. 


    29-11-2014, 23:37 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Update Saturday night
    Here quick some pictures of today.

    I really need to get some rest as I still have another day tomorrow at the vetcongres on Hematology & Oncology

    So this morning we could not get out because the heavy rainfall had brought lots of mud to the gate, the electricity was out and the gate blocked


    Of course I had to slip too and fall straight forward

    Our little Mauwsie was not impressed... WHere are we going now ?   Not a happy face at all

    And at alast a picture at the vets... totally relaxed in my arms

    She has had fever come up and go down several times but I have not heard her sneese myself, so now we are listening every second.

    At the same time she has started with the Duphalac for her liver...

    Now let s hope it is not Distemper... let s hope it for her sake, as well as for my other rescues sake.

    Goodnight everybody !  

    29-11-2014, 23:35 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Ow my.....


    I just had the shock of the year...

    Am I uploading the news of the day on this blog with Mauwsie lying on my lap.

    Suddenly she started having little convulsions ... first I thought she was dreaming lively (bad dream) but then I realised she was not.

    As soon as it stopped, she did not move anymore and laid there quietly lifelessly... I cald her name, nothing. I lifted her skin in the neck, nothing. I did not see her breath anymore. Then i lifted her head up and when I let it loose it just fell down (in my other hand of course). So I gave her a shake to get her conscieus back.

    Damn that was really frightening.
    Of course I informed the chief of the clinic straight away. Now, no more stress for tonight and leaving her in peace to sleep.

    Tomorrow morning first stop at the vetsclinic having her totally checked out, just to be on the safe side.

    Edit: this was a day of a very big UP, her tail waggling for the first time while walking with the other dogs, and the biggest DOWN, frightning me like this... I want NO MORE of these days !!!

    28-11-2014, 23:12 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Little Mauwsie
    Recap of little Mauwsies day:

    So after breakfast... as it was raining outside I took some time to sit with her in the sofa (help I do not know how long that has been)


    On the way to the vet, we went with Addi for a coffee so Mauwsie would get a bit socialized with other people, noices etc.

    At noon we had an appointment at the vetclinic; Fever checked, bandage changed, movement of the leg checked out...

    After her lunch (she eats 3x a day) she did a siësta and then went of to the neighbours
    while I went to the fysio.

    28-11-2014, 22:52 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Update 27/11 on Faith- Mauwsie (little mouse)
    Last night the fever came up again...  40,30 so we went back to the icepackings in between the legs and under the ingle.

    This morning she only had 39.3 which is acceptable. As part of the treatment we need to have her blood flow well in the body so about 10x a day I have her do a little walk. It helps her body and at the same time it helps her to get to know new things
    Isn't she looking better already ?  
    Having a look at the horses

     Faith also had a visitor this morning. Addi who helpt me to bring Faith from Pedreguer came to visit her.  
    For these pics and more pictures, please go to our Facebookpage Whispering Ranch

    27-11-2014, 16:37 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.3rd night in a row
    For the 3rd night in a row sitting in the sofa with rescue puppy Faith Mausie who having a fever again at night.
    She sure knows how to touch me as I had not spent an evening in a sofa in over a year or 2;)
    It is good though...let it all out little girl. All the bad dreams and bad memories.
    You are safe here with us

    27-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    she is getting better... and she is a real introvert. Thanks to our intuitive communication relation I know exactly what her limits are and what is bothering/troubling her.. For those who do not practise this... you will see at the white of her eyes when she feels scared or unsecure for example.

    As part of the therapy we decided that she would go each day for an hour or two to my neighbours Tony & Lin Bray, so the litlle mousie would make lots of positive interactions with humans.

    Once home again she dared to go in Boomers new orthopedic bed... but just for a minute though.

    She preferred the security of her bench (with the door open of course !!! )

    26-11-2014, 20:25 geschreven door Whisper  
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    We were at the vetclinic again this morning with this little mousie as her fever came up again hitting the 40 s.

    Just to be on the safe side, although I knew she could have these fevers, due to the infestation of parasites.

    Regarding the remarks on FB : To explain it as simple as I can, parasites attack the immunesystem of the body and that is one of the reasons why we have to deworm/deparasite our animal on a regular basis.

    As an example: a puppy is deparasited before we vaccinate it as parasites cause a lower immunesystem and so we want the animal to be free of parasites and have a stronger immunesystem before you vaccinate it which would also lower the immunesystem.

    The same is here, before any operation you want the animal to have the best and strongest immunesystem, and therefor your vets want you to deworm your animals on a regular basis.

    Sometimes, like in this case there is no time to wait till the animal is topfit again : in this case repairing that leg was more urgent than all the rest as the bones start the healingproces immediately and you don t have the time to deworm and then wait for another week for the immunesystem to recuperate.

    Sometimes you HAVE to make a CHOICE : in this case there was no choice... As the other vet where she was first did not deworm her or do anything for that matter: The OP simply had to be done a.s.a.p. and therefor I made the decision to have that OP already on Monday although that day the old owner still would have had a say.

    This dog is getting al the necessary help and much more... she is not a single moment alone, I have done several veterinarion courses, I am a qualified photonic practitioner and I have certificates as a dogtrainer and -dogpsycho. I therefor cover both situations: the physical and the mental. 

    When the fever comes up she gets some ice wrapped in between the legs and under the ingle.

    She received antibioticshots of Synulox yesterday and today apart from other medication

    26-11-2014, 18:47 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Hi, all is ok again.

    She started a fever last night so I checked and she had 39.8.

    Called the vetclinic to see what she had gotten as injections so I could see what we could do.

    As she already had had all she needed, we went my way... meaning torching the little mouse the standardspoints which include the point that releases aspirine in the body.

    Apart from that I took a cold gel-icepack that I wrapped well and put in between her legs...

    and that is how we spent some time on the sofa untill the fever went down.

    During the night I realized that I need to be there for her for a longer time eventhough I am not home this w.e.

    I will find a way to make this work, even take her with me to the vetcourse this w.e.

    That will also give us more time to find the right fosterer, the right adoptant and now it just leaves us with finding the rest of the money to pay the vetbill.

    More info around 12.00 as I am off to the vetclinic with her !


    26-11-2014, 09:49 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.YES driving away from Hospital Veterinario JG with Hope !!!
    I went to the vets for this girlie today...

    She was washed with dry shampoo to get her a bit cleaner and less smellier. Then she got another treatment against flees

    Then we went for a walk and once again I could see how she would try to hide under a car...damn that girl is so damn scared of the world surrounding her
    Even in the car she would try to hide but then she saw me, yes me and that gave her some confidence

    25-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Puppy is at the Whispering Rescue Ranch to recover
    I don t know what to say really. It has been a long time since I have been so disgusted

    At the hospital when let loose she would go into a corner to hide.
    When you go to walk her, she tries to hide under the cars.
    When you let her loose in the garden she only wants 1 thing... Hide away so nobody would find her.

    She knows  only 1 thing very well, and that is to make herself as small as possible in a hiding place.

    I have had some sad cases here, but this almost breaks my heart as she is only 4.5 months old.

    Here she is lying in an open bench as she feels safe there. The door is open so she can get out when she wants to get out.

    I went to visit my neighbour with her and the other WRR dogs so she would find out that there are more good people in this world.

    Boomer was not impressed  Where is that stranger ?
    Cheyenne was OK with sharing Tony s attention
    Boomer was not
    Hey are we going home ?
    At home...Tommy connecting with puppy
    Tonight I had to go to the physio ...of course I did not want puppy to be alone at home so she went to my neighbours yo learn and find out that there are still good humans in this world...young and old

    25-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Faith-Hope: 24/11
    Today I was a t the vetclinic at 11 am. I saw the same scenario as yesterday and the day before... still very afraid when you arrive, but adapting quickly.
    Since Friday I have still not heard her bark 1... a shockcollar in the past ???? You must be kidding (Getting angry again). I torched the little lady to prepare her for the OP an what would happen and meanwhile spent some undemanded time with her.
    Just before 1 pm it was her turn: the catheder was put in and with propofol she went to sleep.
    While opening the leg Juan could see this was not a recent broken femur and he had quite some work to clean both parts up and to make a perfect fit.
    Of course he made the correct surgical decision as this is a pup with bones that still are growing.
    Thanks to the use of the correct products, Hope did not have any problems to wake up slowly from the aneastesia.
    At 3 pm she was totally awake and trying to stand up.
    I torched her once again against pains and to stimulate cell regeneration.
    After a brief stop ver at home to put the rescuehorses in the paddocks before dark, I went back to the clinic till 8 pm.
    The girl is doing fine and she has made a click in her head... tonight she realised we are here to help here and she should not be afraid.
    I have made the decision to take her home tomorrow.
    For once nobody has offered yet a fosterhome

    Secondly she really needs more care than normal during these forst days as the OP was heavier than normal.
    I think she has the best of the best with me 5hahahahahahah) as I can treat her with the torch and take those pains away and stimulate healing.
    She has to go to her fosterhome on Friday though as I am away at a congress next weekend during the day.
    More on this girl tomorrow

    24-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Waking up:

    24-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Faith-Hope: 23/11/2014:

    She is doing OK ! Aitor said she is starting to show her character.
    She is a little afraid of many things but adapts really quick.
    I did not find any more flees, so the treatment has done it's work.
    While Aitor and I were treating & cleaning the scin around her nails (which was black) she did not really like it and gave a small puppy bite (just a touch, no biting) to Aitor and kisses on my hand to me, hahahahahahahaa.
    I torched her again today as she just loves it.
    I took some video and am uploading it. Enjoy a few pictures meanwhile

    23-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Faith- Hope: And here is the video of today:
    The video of today:

    23-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    We were at a fair yesterday to try and sell the famous Figs marmelade with vanilla, we had aromabeads with essential oils with us and all the Mosjies that Mosjie-Mosjie had donated to us.
    AT the same time Eva made publicity about the Photonic Therapy and gave some torchsessions to the needy

    23-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    So after the fair in Calpe Addi Verschuuren and I went to see Faith (Mausie) again at the clinic 4 some undemanded time and to torch her with the Photonic Therapy.
    Nuria, the vet from Hospital Veterinario JG was saying she was just a beautiful dog, so kind and calm...everybody loves her there
    They were shocked to hear the story about the shockcollar and very angry.

    Of course I will go back to her tomorrow and will spend more time with her

    You can find more pictures in the album…

    She will be operated on on Monday and we still are looking for a temporary home as of Tuesday for her to recuperate and take it easy so the healing can continue.

    22-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.A puppy worth fighting for
    The story of a puppy worth fighting for... more info will follow soon.
    Main thing is that thx to everybody who helped, she is now safe with me at Hospital Veterinario JG.
    I will give daily updates and will treat her daily too.

    21-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Another great example ! Do good, it is so fullfilling
    If you ever wondered... yes this story is really true and it can be so fullfilling to help others even in the smallest way. If everybody would give a little, our world would be such a beautiful place to live in ! Enjoy this video !

    20-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    So how about you ?

    19-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.The good, only share the good people do on FB
    This is what I want to share... only the good what people do ! Only the good ! and I hope this will stimulate others to do GOOD , every time again ! Do good, help the needy, you too can save lifes !!!! Come on and let's make our world a better place for all ... Help me, together we are strong !

    19-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    We will be there too !!!

    15-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Found this one so funny I had to share it hihi

    09-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Yes I m updating again !!! Hold your horses

    Ja ik ben eindl weer aan het bijschrijven, dus geduld :)

    08-11-2014, 21:05 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Missing holding & cuddling you my love heart emoticon heart emoticon

    07-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Don' t

    07-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Hair from Claire
    Received the first pack of doghair from the Netherlands

    05-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    I m really getting into this... so Boomer is getting his first acupuncturesession and torchsession with the objective into getting his kidneyfailure under control

    05-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    I woke up early this morning and needed to get up, I had to...
    Not as usual I opened my front door first instead of letting the dogs out first at the back...
    Opening the door I was just in time to see Chikiboy come to my direction, so I quickly started filming (I always have a mobile on me) and saw Chikiboy go down.
    This is the most severe colic he has had in years...


    I quickly drove down with my Photonic Therapy torch, observed him a moment and started torching him the colic points, bowls started to make noice again but something did not feel right to me.

    The whole story will follow later today... main thing is that he is ok for now !

    02-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Had some neighbours & friends over for lunch today

    02-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Still a lot to do but getting there

    01-11-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    31-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    And another bloodcheck...

    28-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    But leave my vegetables alone !!!


    27-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Brownie on the move
    Brownie has left the rehabilitation center in Evrage and has gone to live with Caroline Hindrickx.

    I sincerely hope she will become his perfect partner


    26-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    We had a very busy morning... a last training with Charlie, a last playingsession, a last cuddlingsession, going past the vets as mama Chick was not fine again, then off to the airport with Charlie, then back to the vets...

    Charlie was torched before boarding so he should be fine and calm.
    Whishing you a good life !!!!

    24-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Life can be hard...
    But only people can be cruel.

    Today I had more than my fair share of human cruelty and when I tought it had reached the limit, somebody just tried to push me over the top of the mountain to fall down...

    Tears are falling down... but that is just for a moment...
    to let all the stress come out of my body.

    And tomorrow morning I will get up again and will bring Charlie (aka Thor) to the airport for him to continue his new life and continue to be happy as he was the last week

    Animals... the only ones who are sincere at all times.
    I love you xx

    23-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Time to take the stitches out of Cubanito s leg & as the vet did not come by, I just do it myself, hahaha

    22-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    When am I going to stop doing stupid things ?

    Luckily the torch stops any bleeding anywhere

    21-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    We had a visitor in the cellar... a 130 cm one... wowwww

    21-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Check up for Charlie, aka Thor
    He did not know his name and I did not want him to remember his past each time that he would here the name "Thor".

    So I renamed him Charlie and from day 1 he has responded well on that.

    Today we went back to the vetclinic for a check up after the castration.
    He is such a lovely boy !!! gentle, soft and ignorant.

    I have my hands full in teaching him the basics, apart from the cuddles.

    20-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Update on Thor

    So... so far all is going well.
    Thor is settled in at my neighbours and I m going over 3-4 times a day to play a bit, train a bit and have some undemanded time.
    Thor is a quick learner and got to play with a rescuedog Cheyenne today.

    So far, a part from all the many hours occupied with his case, I have paid the ticket to fly over to the Netherlands on Friday and all his vetbills (bloodcheck, castration,...) from my own personal pockets as our non-profit organisation WRR never had any help untill "hopefully" today.

    So if you want to help, even with just a few cents, there are welcome to the WRR account you can see below !
     Thx from us and Thor 

    Who took my balls ?

    Don t leave me
    I'm scared

    19-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Soooooo we have been up since 5.30 am. and only did 1 thing today...
    trying to move mountains 4 THOR

    So what s new ?

    *We have been to the vet who gave him all the vaccinations to regularize his pasport (they had forgotten some stamps)
    *We went to my vet, Hospital Veterinario JG: Thor had a healthcheck (& checking of his balls and had blood taken to check on Leishmaniose, Erhlichia etc...
    *I ve been searching, writing, calling all over to find him a human to fly to the Netherlands... and WE SUCCEEDED !!!!
    Thanks everybody who helped !!!

    Tomorrow I m going back to the vets to have Thor castrated, and don t worry ...I will be with him before, during and after the OP

    He will them move close to me for the next week, but more info on that surprise tomorrow

    17-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    THOR is leaving his balcony VERY SOON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Talking with dozens for hours every single day...has paid off !

    After nights of chatting with "Second Chance Staffords and Pitbulls" they have found a temporary spot for him joehoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee happy happy happy !

    You have no idea how much energy has gone into this, but all what counts is Thors future and above all for him to have a FUTURE !!!! That's why I do what I do.

    I have never asked anything before although we are a non-profitorganization, after 20 months our bankaccount still shows 0 € entry as I have it hard to ask anything from anybody:
    But if somebody wants to help us cover the costs of Thor (vetcheck, bloodcheck, castration, flight, etc...)... it is welcome on the number mentionned on the picture

    Whispering Rescue Ranch NIF G54714951

    17-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Nope we did not give all these antibiotics...
    We used the Photonic Therapy of course

    13-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.A dog to be shot
    I was contacted to help save a American Staffordshire pup of 6 months which otherwise was going to be shot and killed.

    I went to meet the dog and do tests with him...all great, still a pup, not ruined yet.


    The next day I drove back to see how he was living and yes indeed... Thor lives on the balcony of an appartement, 24 h/day

    Here and then I asked him intuitivily to stay calm and be patient !

    I will get you out of there Thor I promise !!!

    Onces home I went on Fb and told the story... I hope someone will help us !


    12-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    We had a strange encounter today... I invited some people over from "Volvo Ocean Race" (the sailing competition) for lunch ...
    When they arrived they said... normally you would bring a bottle of wine or so when you are invited, but we thought you could use some gravelllllllll

    YES we do !!!!!

    Pssst...they were so blown away from my lunch I got even more gravellllllll later this afternoon

    Tack Fredrik !!

    12-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    R.I.P. Guapo...
    Just found my Guapo dead, no marks on her
    At least you had a great time at my place...

    Going to the vets now to do a section and find out what killed I have a feeling...

    Yep as I said before...not my week, in fact not our week at all, month or year...

    11-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    So Cubanito got stitched up, but I got such a bang and hurt my back and head so hard that Addi had to bring me to E.R.

    10-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    This little guy looked as if he had drowned in the watercupreservoir of  "mama" chicken. Nevertheless as I know that sometime the impossible is possible...I took him out, put him on a stone and started talking to him. Come on, you can do it, Yes you can ! Come on, at least try !!!
    About half a minute later ( with me still watching him and talking to him) it was as if he woke up from a deep sleep. Slowly but steadily he tried to move his body. In about 2 minutes he had moved from the stone into the gravel.

    The miracle of the day...Always makes me happy to be there, even for the smallest of all !!!

    08-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    got hurt somehow 
    And needed stitches  

    08-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Bloodcheck & ecography... why are his Kidneys deterionating... STOP !!!

    06-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    I miss you mamie...I miss you lots these days...
    Happy birthday to where ever you are in universe

    06-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Wow... happy, happy, happy,
    Cambrigde general language test and got 100%
    Looking good if i want to enroll in the Cambridge University next year...

    02-10-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    OK ok I know... mud everywhere, but I don t care today because the field need the water desperately !!!

    nce I could get out, I went to collect what I had bought for the rescues

    30-09-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Family isn't always blood. It's the ones in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who just want you to be happy, and who LOVE you no matter what and for you this feels completely mutual.
    This is Family !

    27-09-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Rain in Spain ?
    Wow...out of the blue...LOTS of rain coming tomorrow...33l/m2
    Serious ???

    21-09-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.The dogs
    The 4 rescuedogs of the Whispering Ranch... Boomer, Tommy le Pasha, Cheyenne Viho & Gipsy H'Okee.

    Thx 4 the pic Addi Verschuuren

    18-09-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Hot, Hot - Warm, warm
    I don t believe it... I DON ' T
    We 're having it HOT here in Alicante... tomorrow even 36 in the shadow... so +50 in the sun as of 11 am...
    While in Belgium and Holland they are putting the heating on because of the cold, the rain, the ......

    25-08-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Collected this after a marketday, went home, washed it all, divited it and went to bring it to those who could use it well...

    06-08-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    And with the next load to Mutxamel, San Juan, ... 
    And it's all done... I think i was able to give about 300 meals away... last case given to a center in Jijona.
    Will make a global photo when I find out how to do that

    31-07-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Today I give away...
    I hate WASTE !!!!!
    So today I did not only take what was left at the market 4 my rescuechicks but also 4 the hungry humans I will find and know.
    If only I had help and a big kitchen I would cook up a delicious "ratatouille" and drive around to give it to the hungry.
    Let s see what i can come up with...
    Any ideas ?

    The first 5 family & 4 single packs are ready to go, so I m leaving 4 Jijona now.
    Taking also some basil from my garden and Aloe Vera leaves...
    Food is Free and should be shared with all ! This is my "Today I give away"

    30-07-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    A lesson ?

    29-07-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen Lees maar:

    29-07-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    I lost 1 of the baby swallows today that fell out of the nest and did not land on the safe area...
    So I moved some furniture now so that I will definitely save the others if they will fall...

    22-07-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    So today I started a new "today I give away" project...teaching some youngsters what it is they need to know about animals and horses in particular...
    Jefferson Ivan Tenezaca Abad had been waiting 4 this for some time was the day... day nr 1... What is a horse ? How to meet a horse, how to clean a horse, how to torch a horse, what to feed a horse, the horsenalities with Linda Parelli, the expressions of a horse, natural horsemanship, etc...etc...

    21-07-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    En ook de tweede worp van deze zomer groeit goed...

    20-07-2014, 00:36 geschreven door Whisper  
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    And no matters what happends... others should never suffer from it....

    Dus weeral woensdag vandaag en dus naar de markt in El Campello om na de markt de vuilbakken en de vloer te doorzoeken  vr groenteresten voor de kippies...

    En zondag hebben we weer 2 kipjes gekregen, ook een zwarte nu hahaha

    09-07-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    No matter what goes on !
    So as I had to go to Alicante yesterday to get my new identification card at the Consulate...
    Naturally I took some food with me 4 the "metal"artist (food) and his dog (food, dentalsticks, lekkelies .) ...) (of course the dog even got mooooore wink-emoticon...
    and Addi Verschuuren and I bought both an ashtray made out of a can...

    No matter what goes on !
    En gisteren moest ik dus naar Alicante om mijn nieuwe identiteitskaart op te halen op het consulaat...
    Uiteraard nam ik eten mee voor iemand in nood...


    09-07-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Wie heeft er een merrie met jong veulen die dit eten kan gebruiken ?  
    2 1/2 zakken ontvangen van Karin L.... om uit te delen... Gratis natuurlijk !!!!!

    06-07-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    On Wednesday, my rescuechickens & -rabbit get to go to the restaurant...

    Yep on Wednesday I go to clean out after the market is over in El Campello...

    es it was not easy the first time... go and ask for leftovers or go and check the bins... but hey...they throw it away but my rescues would love I do it for them my kiddies !!!

    02-07-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Op woensdag mogen de rescuekippen en rescuekonijn gaan eten in het restaurant.
    Yep dan ga ik immers de vloeren afzoeken na de markt in El Campello

    De eerste keer was niet simpel zo tussen het afval zoeken !!!
    maar ik vind er zo veel waarmee de kids blij dus, dus waarom niet...

    02-07-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Wie kan helpen ?
    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen Wie van mijn Photonic Therapy gebruikers/studenten/therapeuten woont in de buurt van Amersfoort ( Nederland) om er een hond te torchen ?


    29-06-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Back home the Whispering Ranch after a great Photonic Therapy workshop weekend in Belgium...
    Even brought my mom with me home...
    Time to set her free...yeahhhh...that was her last wish...
    op de Whispering Ranch na een hele fijne Photonic Therapy workshop weekend in België...
    Heb mam ook met me mee gebracht...
    Tijd om haar vrij te laten...yeahhhh...dat was wat ze wenste...

    22-06-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Weer wat foto's van de kerels
    ontvangen van Juliette... Geniet mee 


    15-06-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Besef dit even...en verander je leven 

    08-06-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Op bezoek bij Wendy
    Naast de gebruikelijke dagtaak met Willy Wendy en haar paardjes vandaag gaan bezoeken in Aguas de Busot

    04-06-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Coming & going
    Saying goodbye to Willy van Amerongen (mom of the rescues Filly, Dina, Yuka(Nubi) and hostmama of my rescuehorse Preston...

    and waiting for Juliette Kwaaitaal, mom of my rescuehorse Altanero and hostmama of my rescuehorse Brownie...

    03-06-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Time to go !
    Saying goodbye to Willy van Amerongen (mom of the rescues Filly, Dina, Yuka(Nubi) and hostmama of my rescuehorse Preston...
    and waiting for Juliette Kwaaitaal, mom of my rescuehorse Altanero and hostmama of my rescuehorse Brownie...

    03-06-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Joehoeeeeeeeeeeeeee it 's raining after x-months without a drop:::

    30-05-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    One last hug in the sofa...and off we go to Centro Veterinario JG ...

    May we find proof of the origin of what I think is making him sick...

    27-05-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Un artista con su perro al Principio de la Rambla en Alicante !

    Quien le ayuda tambien ?

    23-05-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Yep deze spreuk zegt genoeg

    22-05-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    23h53...finally had the time to eat a cracker for breakfast today, let's forget lunch or super...
    Not good Eva, you should take more care of yourself !!!

    — feeling tired.

    21-05-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Just do can do wonders

    18-05-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    WIth Boomer at he vets... poor boy has a stomach dilatation... under high supervision now...

    17-05-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    het is het niet waard

    13-05-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Foto s van de w.s. van afgelopen weekend:

    Meer foto s zijn terug te vinden op :

    12-05-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Boomer is doing fine ! The culprit of him not being able to walk anymore

    was found in seconds after cutting his foot further open...

    Thanks to my vet only using Propofol as aneasthesia, Boomer woke up after 15 minutes and we were already home an hour later.

    Happy he is fine now, but I hate it sometimes when I'm right...

    Main thing is...he is just fine now and I thank
    Centro Veterinario JG and Juan for coming in on a Sunday morning at 7.30 a.m. to help Boomer !

    Boomer before the OP:
    Boomer this morning 1 hour after the intervention & Photonic Therapy session...

    What was in his leg.... ?
    What a strange picture, isn t it ?   

    04-05-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Hey neighbours Tony Bray & Lin Bray... get ready...home delivery in about 10 minutes... the "arroz" a la Whispering Ranch is almost ready.  Just need a few more minutes to cook...

    04-05-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Boomer will undergo surgery tomorrow Sunday at 7.30 am...
    Luckily he has a great vet and a great vetclinic with Centro Veterinario JG!

    03-05-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    De trimmer is geweest bij Brownie.

    Zoals je op de foto's voor vertrek uit de Ranch in Belgie kon zien 

    waren zijn hoeven al lang toe aan een trimbeurt. En zodus belde Juliette vorige week direct naar de trimmer die ook Altanero's voetjes doet om langs te komen.

    Vandaag was het zo ver: Juliette schreef me daarnet: Hoefsmid is geweest, hoeven zien er stukken beter uit! Het duurt nog wel een paar keer voordat ze de juiste vorm hebben maar het begin is er...hij was erg braaf en zijn hoeven zijn verder in goede conditie

    Meneertje is duidelijk rotverwend door Jule... zelfs doordeweeks krijgt ie nu al strikjes

    Psst dank je lieve Juliette voor de goede zorgen ! Brownie zal Rani zeker missen, maar gelukkig ben jij er voor hem ;)

    Met al jouw goede zorgen en die van Eric komt het zekers goed !

    23-04-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    En ja hoor...hij wordt weeral geborsteld en krijgt volop aandacht... En dan lees ik op Juliettes FB dat ze verliefd is... ow help !!!!

    20-04-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Het loop prima in Nederland...Brownie en Altanero staan samen op de wei ;)
    Eerst nog effe ruiken en beleefd kennis maken... 
    Ben jij het echt Brownie ?

    En dan lekker grazen...
    Nog wat lopen en spelen in de paddock

    En ook nog eens lekker geborsteld worden...wat een bofkont is hij

    17-04-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Hey wie ben jij ook alweer ?
    Tijd om elkaar terug te ontmoeten...Brownie meet Altanero...

     Iemand een zandmondje ?
    Wie is die knapperd daar voor me ?

    En terwijl zij daar genieten werd ik geroepen door een kikker om hulp... even buiten de voordeur zag ik in de goot hoe een slang de kikker probeerde te verorberen. 
    Snel zocht ik een middel om de slang te kunnen dwingen de mond open te doen, wat ik gelukkig ook vond. Een beetje druk in de nek en slangeman deed mondje open...kikker kon vluchten en ik bracht de slang naar een leeg 2000 l vat in afawachting van diens vrijlating...

    Tot rust kwam ik met onzen Guapo die elke dag meer woordjes leert...

    14-04-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Brownie on the move!
    Vanochtend is mijn vriendin Juliette, baasje van rescue Altanero, samen met haar papa, Brownie  gaan ophalen in de 2 Lazy 7 Ranch in Nieuwmoer.

    En amper een uurtje later kon ie zijn nieuwe vriendjes al ontmoeten...en een oude bekende ;)

    Het foto album is te vinden op de FB pagina

    13-04-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Brownie verlaat morgen de Ranch  in Belgie.
    Dit zijn Rani's laatste foto's van vandaag.
    Meer foto's vind je terug op onze FB pagina.
    Bedankt Rani voor alles dat je voor en met Brownie hebt gedaan. xxx

    12-04-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Addi, bedankt voor de mooie foto's !

    Voor de overige 30 foto's , ga naar

    08-04-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Jawel het ging een hele tijd goed...tot...

    08-04-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Al vroeg begonnen werken bij de paardjes vanmorgen...weer een omheining laatste

    En Tony kwam me helpen mest op te ruimen...het is immers mijn verjaardag vandaag en dus wat hulp extra ;)

    Natuurlijke ook Aston weer geborsteld:
    Om 10u40 hadden we al 45° in de zon... Echt niet normaal !

    Dan kwam m'n lieve vriendin Addi op bezoek met wel heel bijzondere cadeautjes...Wat vind je trouwens van het etiket van deze fles ???  Mooi hé ;)
    Effe gevlogen met onze vriend...

    en ook de W.R.R. paardjes gefilmd:
    En dan lekker gezond gelunched met Addi... en al snel was het 6 uur later...

    06-04-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Enkele momenten met Aston

    03-04-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Cuba is erg kwaad... en reageert zich op Punkie af

    02-04-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Nee dit is geen grap maar Guapo de "van de paella gered konijn"...onze allernieuwste rescue

    01-04-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Aston heeft serieus aantrek...ook vandaag weeral bezoek van iemand die hoopt dat ik Aston met hem laat vertrekken... Echt NIET !!!!

    31-03-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Het is blijkbaar kijken er al 4 me aan als ik buiten kom ;)

    28-03-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Aston asked me today..."Why ? Why can't I be with the others ? You know you can trust me..."

    "Yes Aston, I know I can trust you... but not everybody likes you soo much as I do "

    So, as he told me he was missing the extra cuddling with his... horsyfriends, as I can't cuddle with him all day long... (or Chikiboy and Cubanito would be too jealous)...

    So I took the security fence away... Wanted to do it yesterday but with the storms I couldn"t...

    And what did we see ...Have a look yourself ...

    27-03-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Stormy weather in Jijona...
    We had some stormy weather over here at the ranch... and a whirlwind that lifted & move stuff for many meters.
    It was so bad I found the fencing broken in the morning.

    On my way down I found Punkie and Cuba looking ok at first sight but Punkie was very scared...

    Then I saw the wound ...
    Later in the car I saw the film of what happened really...and it all fits perfectly...Punkie jumped the fence, but as this one is too high he touched it with his leg...

    25-03-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Special delivery
    Aangezien er geen hooi werd meegegeven vanuit Belgie om Aston langszaam te laten overschakelen hier en ik enkel een habbekrats had kunnen krijgen van iemand anders, is er vandaag een speciale levering voor Aston gekomen met goed gedroogde alfalfa...

    25-03-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Jep...daar staat ie weeral naar me te kijken... zie die oogjes maar schijnen

    Lekker spelen met de bal die ik voor hem kocht in Belgie (en 1 vr de anderen...)

    En hij heeft zijn lievelingseten snel gevonden...geen hooi, geen ballo, geen avena, maar ALFALFA !!!

    En 's middags al de eerste bezoekers  

    23-03-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Aankomst v Aston
    Met vele uren vertraging is Aston vanavond aangekomen op de Whispering Rescue Ranch, in Jijona. Meer info op hun FBpagina

    22-03-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Tired

    I am completely exhausted... but the second temporary fencing is almost done. Never thought this would be necessary... But I listen when people advise me wink-emoticon
    Aston IV will arrive in Barcelona around 23 h where he will have a rest in the stables at the airport till tomorrow morning.
    Then his last voyage will continue till Jijona, Alicante...

    To be honest...I think he will be very surprised to find out he came back to the place where he was very happy a few years ago.

    I thank everybody who did good or the best for him and thereby I mean Willy van Amerongen, Rasta Eddy & Marieke Molenaar, Yvonne in Hazerswoude, & Two lazy seven Ranch !
    I won't mention the bad ones... those you can find on the blog of the rescue horses wink-emoticon

    Aston...just another 15 hours and you will see your friends back as well as your not so friendly horsy friends... But I am convinced it will work out wink-emoticon
    It has to !

    heart-emoticon heart-emoticon to all my rescues

    21-03-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Aston is onderweg naar zijnen definitieven thuis
    Het is zo ver. Aston is vanavond opgehaald in de Two Lazy Seven Ranch en reist nu naar zijn toekomstige thuis.
    Zaterdag komt ie aan... een heel comité zal hem staan opwachten en uiteraard hoop ik dat de reis vlot zal verlopen.

    Meer foto's op

    20-03-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Doc
    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen I was in doubt about what to do...
    Do I listen to the little white man on the left (see pic) and run, or should I ring the bell on the right and go inside...?
    A dear friend said to me: "... Hazle caso al Medico..." so I listened and went inside. All done & over with !
    Don't want to see any hospital or any doctor anymore this year !!! Being sick once a year is more than enough for me !

    06-03-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Bijna klaar
    Ik ben bijna klaar met m'n zware studie als DA assistente en kan daarna weer volop dit blog bijvullen.


    Tot binnenkort !!!

    02-03-2014, 09:23 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Geniet

    01-03-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Poesie poesie ?
    During lunch break, on my way home to feed the horses and let the dogs out....there was a cat sitting in the middle of the road, about 2 kms away from my home.
    Of course I stopped my car, got out, and called kittykitty who responded to me immediately... hmhmhm I could even pick her up and then recognized a little spot above her ear...
    Hmmm Isn't this the cat from my other neighbour (further away) who my rescuedog Boomer was accused of, of killing it a few months ago ?
    Yeah right... so easy to accuse an innocent dog.
    Showering now... don't want to give mine any bacterias or lice and don't want to take any back to the clinic this afternoon. Scrubbingtime

    Tijdens de
    lunchpauze, op weg naar huis om de paarden te voeden en de honden uit te laten, zat er een kat in het midden van de weg, op ongeveer 2 kilometer van mijn huis. 

    stopte ik mijn auto, stapte uit en riep kittykitty waarop de kat onmiddellijk reageerde ... hmhmhm
    Ik kon haar zelfs oppakken en dan herkende een plekje boven haar oor ... 

    Hmmm ... Is dit niet de kat van mijn andere buurman (verder weg) die mijn rescuedog Boomer voor enkele maanden beschuldigde van het doden van zijn kat
    Yeah right ... zo makkelijk om een onschuldige hond te beschuldigen. 
    Nu snel douchen ... wil mijn dieren geen bacteriën of luizen geven noch enige meenemen naar de kliniek deze namiddag.
    Scrubbingtime !!!

    22-02-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Week 3 opleiding DA assistente

    Wat kennen we nu ook weeral ?

    1- Beheer en toediening van medicijnen.
    2 - De belangrijkste medicijnen in een kliniek.
    3- De
    dosis van medicijnen kunnen berekenen.
    4 - Weten hoe je de hond/de kat in het ziekenhuis moet behandelen
    6 - De meest voorkomende chirurgische ziekten.
    7 - De meest voorkomende operaties.
    8 - Hoe de patiënt te behandelen na een chirurgische ingreep.
    9 - Bekend zijn met de aseptische techniek en antisepsis
    10 - Alle chirurgische instrumenten kunnen herkennen en hun functie kennen.
    11 - Alle medische apparaten van de operatieruimte kunnen herkennen en kunnen gebruiken/toepassen.
    12 - De voors en tegens van kalmerende middelen, analgesica en anesthetica (parenterale en gasvormig).
    13 - Een dier kunnen intuberen en de monitoring en controle van de verdoofde patiënt.
    14 - De geopereerde patiënt kunnen verschonen, wonden reinigen, verbanden kunnen plaatsen, etc...


    Deze week is Gipsy met me meegeweest  voor een praktijksessie.
    Ze vond de aandacht best leuk
    Zo houdt men dus een hond correct vast om bloed te kunnen afnemen

     En Boomers mest gebruikten bij het leren hoe een mestonderzoek te doen
    Meer foto's en uitleg vind je hier:

    21-02-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Fencing
    The new fence is not ready yet as we had some really stormy windy weeks and because of my "full" study vetcourse this month.
    I'm confident though that it will be finished by the end of next week sio Aston will have room with the herd here.
    Just waiting for news on the dates from the Horse transporting firms...
    De nieuwe afsluiting 
    is nog niet klaar want we hadden een aantal echt stormachtige & winderige weken en omwille van mijn "full" time studie deze maand. 
    Maar ik ben ervan overtuigd dat het wel zal worden afgewerkt tegen het einde van volgende week zodat Aston zijn plek zal hebben hier met de kudde. 
    Gewoon geduldig wachten op nieuws van het transportbedrijf...

    19-02-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Trimmer
    En we zijn weeral 10 dagen verder sedert t laatste bezoek....daar is de trimmer weer...Voor Chiki en Punkie vandaag


    17-02-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Brownie and his Valentine
    En ja ...weer leuke foto's van Rani & Brownie gezien...

    Hier een voorproefje:    

    Voor meer foto's ga naar onze Whisperer Horses pagina op FB:

    17-02-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Einde week 2
    Wat hebben we deze week geleerd ?

    - De meest voorkomende medische aandoeningen bij hond en kat 
    2 - De meest voorkomende noodgevallen
    3 - Een ernstig zieke patiënt kunnen herkennen
    4 - De bekende infectieziekten en parasitaire aandoeningen van de hond en-cat
    De bekende overdraagbare ziekten op de mens
    6 - De bekende protocollen voor interne en externe parasieten.
    7 - De bekend handling vaccins en protocollen-vacunación.
      De bekende belangrijke zoönoses.
    9 - De medische diagnostische apparatuur en beeldbehandeling.
    10 - Hoe monsters voor laboratorium verkrijgen.
    11 - Het laboratorium voor de behandeling van de verkregen (bloed, urine, huid,...)monsters.
    12 - De meest voorkomende analysetechnieken.




    Voor meer info en uitleg zie:

    14-02-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Einde week 1 opleiding
    En week 1 is voorbij... wat hebben we geleerd ?

    - De organisatie van een DAkantoor, kliniek en veterinaire ziekenhuis 
    - Klantgegevens, functies, gegevens patient: wat, hoe,waarom,...
    - De bekendste rassen van honden en katten en hun raseigenschappen en rasgebreken (genetisch)
    - De volledige anatomie en fysiologie van hond en kat
    - De vitale functies van de hond en kat kennen en kunnen vaststellen. 
    - De basiszorg van de hond en kat bij zijn eigenaar thuis. 
    - Kunnen omgaan met agressieve honden en katten. 
    - De basiswetgeving over honden en katten.

    En Cheyenne is ook meegeweest  zodat ik met haar alles kon leren tijdens de praktijkuren.

    Meer foto's vind je hier terug:

    08-02-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Trimmer
    Jorge is vandaag weer langsgeweest om Punkies voetjes te doen en Black was ook aan de beurt...ook los en zonder halster maar wel met wat te eten voor zich !


    07-02-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Werken
    En we blijven verderwereken, tussen de windstormen door: eindelijk het huis schilderen , de bijbouw (logeerkamer, ontspanningsruimte,...) krijgt ook een likje , mijn bed zoeken in soms moeilijk , maar voor mijn zadel heb ik alleszins een origineel plekje gevonden (zolang ik die lamp maar niet aanzet

    31-01-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Juliette en Altanero

    En ik mocht weer fototjes ontvangen van Juliette, die Altanero adopteerde in 2011... wat is het toch een superkoppel ;)


    Voor meer foto's:

    22-01-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Op controle
    Met Boomer en Cheyenne naar de DA kliniek geweest voor bloedcontrole

     Cheyenne heeft een nieuwe sessie glucantime nodig om de strijd tegen de Leichmaniose verder te zetten en  Boomer een behandeling tegen Erhlichia..

    21-01-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Remember
    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen Yep you bet ya !

    15-01-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Nieuw
    Ik wil niet alleen elke dag iets bijleren, ik moet het gewoon... Het is mijn drug om steeds meer te weten, te kennen , te kunnen.... en zodoende ben ik weer ingeschreven voor nieuwe cursussen !!!!!

    11-01-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Profiteurtje
    Er is er eentje in de verkeerde stal terechtgekomen...  hij weet waar het lekkers zit
    Kleinen bandiet

    10-01-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Werken
    We beginnen eraan


    De werken zijn gestart: de omheiningen van de paarden zijn aan de beurt  


    En ook de velden zijn geploegd en gezaaid... wel met 4 maanden vertraging
    En waarvoor een kachel niet dienen kan hé

    08-01-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Happy New Year !

    2014 is van start gegaan !


    01-01-2014, 09:52 geschreven door Whisper  
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Damn
    Damn...2014 begint niet goed... 1 van mijn kippen is gaan vliegen...
    En dus zitten de honden al de hele tijd binnen, anders straks geen kip meer 
     Ik ga maar zoeken ... 

    01-01-2014, 00:00 geschreven door Whisper  
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