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    An alternative chess engine tournament
    Welcome to CountryChess!

    In the first stage, chess engines of the same country will play a double round-robin tournament. The winner of each country competition meets other country winners in qualifying matches or in the Champions League, according to its place on the country ranking list. Top ranked countries will be represented by 2, 3 or even 4 engines in the Champions League.

    About me:
    My name is Geert. I live in Belgium and I am visually impaired. My chess elorating is about 1850 elo. I prefer to update an easy blog, friendly for a blind user. The purpose is to organize tournaments and to share the games and results. I don't like wasting time on unaccessible webdesign programs. So don't expect a perfect lay-out, but let's hope it is good enough though!

    Please, check the Live game page
    for live broadcasting of the CountryChess games.


    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Qualify round 3 play-offs: standings after second leg
    CountryChess 02 Qualify 3 play-offs
    Halle, 2013.02.09 - 2013.02.24

    Player Score SB Fr De Ch BB ch Pe Li Am Ne Mu Pa Mu Gr Ni Bi Be
    1: Fruit 2.3.3f Test Beta 23.5 / 30 304.25 XX == 00 =1 == 1= 01 11 11 11 11 1= 11 11 11 11
    2: Delfi 5.4 23.0 / 30 309.75 == XX 1= == 1= 01 =1 11 == 11 1= 01 11 11 11 11
    3: Chronos 1.9.9 64-bit 22.5 / 30 293.75 11 0= XX =0 =0 1= 1= == 1= 11 11 1= 11 11 11 11
    4: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit 20.0 / 30 270.75 =0 == =1 XX 1= 01 10 11 1= 10 == =1 == 1= 11 11
    5: cheng3 1.07 JA 19.5 / 30 260.50 == 0= =1 0= XX 11 01 10 1= 01 11 10 01 1= 11 11
    6: Petir 4.999999 18.0 / 30 221.00 0= 10 0= 10 00 XX 1= 01 10 0= 11 11 1= 1= 11 11
    7: LittleThought v1.052 17.0 / 30 219.00 10 =0 0= 01 10 0= XX 00 11 =1 1= 1= 1= == 1= 11
    8: Amyan 1.72 16.5 / 30 201.00 00 00 == 00 01 10 11 XX 0= 11 =1 =1 =0 11 11 =1
    9: Nebula 1.5 16.5 / 30 193.00 00 == 0= 0= 0= 01 00 1= XX =1 =0 1= 11 11 11 11
    10: Murka 2 x64 UCI 13.5 / 30 150.25 00 00 00 01 10 1= =0 00 =0 XX 10 11 10 == 11 11
    11: Pawny 0.3.1 (x64) 12.5 / 30 135.50 00 0= 00 == 00 00 0= =0 =1 01 XX 01 01 1= 11 11
    12: Muse 0.899b 10.5 / 30 141.00 0= 10 0= =0 01 00 0= =0 0= 00 10 XX == 01 01 1=
    13: Green Light Chess 3.01.22 10.5 / 30 134.75 00 00 00 == 10 0= 0= =1 00 01 10 == XX 10 01 10
    14: Nimzo 8 10.0 / 30 99.50 00 00 00 0= 0= 0= == 00 00 == 0= 10 01 XX 11 11
    15: Bismark v. 1.4 4.5 / 30 33.50 00 00 00 00 00 00 0= 00 00 00 00 10 10 00 XX 11
    16: Bestia 0.90 2.0 / 30 24.00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 =0 00 00 00 0= 01 00 00 XX

    Fruit en Delfi gain access to the 4th qualify round.

    CC02 qualify3 play-off.pgn (1.3 MB)   

    Categorie:3 Qualifying matches
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Qualify round 3 play-offs: standings after first leg
    CountryChess 02 Qualify 3 play-offs
    Halle, 2013.02.09 - 2013.02.16

    Player Score SB C F D B P L c M A N G M P N B B
    1: Chronos 1.9.9 64-bit 12.5 / 15 82.75 X 1 0 = 1 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
    2: Fruit 2.3.3f Test Beta 11.5 / 15 71.00 0 X = = 1 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
    3: Delfi 5.4 11.0 / 15 74.75 1 = X = 0 = 1 1 1 = 1 0 1 1 1 1
    4: BBChess 1.3b 64-bit 11.0 / 15 74.25 = = = X 0 1 1 1 1 1 = = = 1 1 1
    5: Petir 4.999999 10.0 / 15 61.00 0 0 1 1 X 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
    6: LittleThought v1.052 9.5 / 15 57.75 0 1 = 0 0 X 1 = 0 1 1 1 1 = 1 1
    7: cheng3 1.07 JA 9.0 / 15 53.50 = = 0 0 1 0 X 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
    8: Murka 2 x64 UCI 8.5 / 15 47.50 0 0 0 0 1 = 1 X 0 = 1 1 1 = 1 1
    9: Amyan 1.72 7.5 / 15 48.75 = 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 X 0 = = = 1 1 =
    10: Nebula 1.5 7.5 / 15 37.00 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 = 1 X 1 1 = 1 1 1
    11: Green Light Chess 3.01.22 5.5 / 15 29.50 0 0 0 = 0 0 1 0 = 0 X = 1 1 0 1
    12: Muse 0.899b 4.5 / 15 28.00 0 0 1 = 0 0 0 0 = 0 = X 1 0 0 1
    13: Pawny 0.3.1 (x64) 4.5 / 15 20.50 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 = = 0 0 X 1 1 1
    14: Nimzo 8 4.0 / 15 17.00 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 0 0 1 0 X 1 1
    15: Bismark v. 1.4 3.0 / 15 10.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 X 1
    16: Bestia 0.90 0.5 / 15 3.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 X
    120 games: +49 =22 -49

    Categorie:3 Qualifying matches
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Qualify round 3: play-off tournament
    CountryChess 02 Qualify round 3,

    Listing of Players
     N     Name                            Ratin Coun
      1    Fruit 2.3.3F                    2751  FRA 
      2    Chronos 1.9.9 64-Bit            2636  ARG 
      3    Delfi 5.4 2Cpu                  2616  ITA 
      4    Cheng3 1.07 64-Bit Ja           2578  CZE 
      5    Petir 4.999999                  2567  INA 
      6    Bbchess 1.3B 64-Bit 6Cpu        2541  SLO 
      7    Nebula 1.5 64-Bit 6Cpu          2535  SRB 
      8    Murka 2.0 64-Bit                2533  BLR 
      9    Amyan 1.72 Kc                   2510  CHI 
     10    Green Light Chess 3.00.22       2507  ENG 
     11    Littlethought 1.052 64-Bit 2Cpu 2477  AUS 
     12    Nimzo 8                         2449  AUT 
     13    Pawny 0.3.1 64-Bit              2447  BUL 
     14    Bestia 0.90                     2400  UKR 
     15    Bismark 1.4                     2400  ISR 
     16    Muse 0.899B                     2362  SUI 

    Engines ranked 1-2 enter the 4th qualify round.

    Categorie:3 Qualifying matches
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.New country ranking list after CC02 qualify round 3
    Country Ranking List

    Last update: CC02 Qualify round 3

    Rank Country CC01 CC02 Total
    1 Italy 10.400 625 11.025
    2 Israel 9.950 500 10.450
    3 England 9.400 525 9.925
    4 Belgium 9.100 500 9.600
    5 Slovakia 8.500 500 9.000
    6 Netherlands 7.875 883 8.758
    7 Germany 7.812 500 8.312
    8 Iran 7.600 500 8.100
    9 USA 6.000 1.000 7.000
    10 Philippines 6.700 0 6.700
    11 Canada 5.283 600 5.883
    12 Ukraine 5.750 25 5.775
    13 France 4.525 775 5.300
    14 Russia 3.650 1.025 4.675
    15 Norway 2.875 975 3.850
    16 Slovenia 3.525 200 3.725
    17 Spain 1.150 2.000 3.150
    18 Sweden 2.200 850 3.050
    19 Argentina 2.200 575 2.775
    20 Denmark 825 1.900 2.725
    21 United Nations 400 2.250 2.650
    22 Ethiopia 400 2.150 2.550
    23 Finland 1.350 700 2.050
    24 Poland 200 1.750 1.950
    25 Chile 1.550 400 1.950
    26 Bulgaria 500 1.400 1.900
    27 Indonesia 600 1.300 1.900
    28 Australia 850 1.050 1.900
    29 Serbia 0 1.850 1.850
    30 Czech republic 550 1.250 1.800
    31 Austria 750 800 1.550
    32 Croatia 50 1.300 1.350
    33 Switserland 0 1.200 1.200
    34 New Zealand 800 300 1.100
    35 Belarus 400 600 1.000
    36 Hungary 500 50 550
    37 Greece 500 0 500
    38 Hongkong 0 400 400
    39 India 200 150 350
    40 Vietnam 0 150 150
    41 Brazil 50 100 150
    42 Montenegro 150 0 150
    43 South-Africa 0 0 0

    Categorie:6 Country ranking
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Qualify round 3: results
    CountryChess 03 Qualify round 3


    1 Alfil 13.1 64-Bit 6Cpu ESP 2604 8-4 Nimzo 8 AUT 2449
    2 Dirty 05Sep2012 64-Bit UN 2613 11-1 Muse 0.899B SUI 2362
    3 Stockfish 2.3.1 64-Bit 6Cpu Ja NOR 3038 11.5-0.5 Murka 2.0 64-Bit BLR 2533
    4 Fruit 2.3.3F FRA 2751 4.5-7.5 Gaviota 0.86 64-Bit 6Cpu ARG 2400
    5 Frenzee 3.5.19 64-Bit DEN 2662 8-4 Amyan 1.72 Kc CHI 2510
    6 Chronos 1.9.9 64-Bit ARG 2636 4-8 Glaurung 2.2 64-Bit 6Cpu Ja NOR 2400
    7 Crafty 23.5 64-Bit 6Cpu Ja USA 2752 10-2 Bbchess 1.3b 64-bit 6Cpu SLO 2541
    8 Quazar 0.4 64-Bit RUS 2624 10-2 Pawny 0.3.1 64-Bit BUL 2447
    9 Bugchess2 1.9 64-Bit 6Cpu FRA 2752 11-1 Green Light Chess 3.00.22 ENG 2507
    10 Thinker 5.4Di 64-Bit 4Cpu CAN 2850 12-0 Bismark 1.4 ISR 2400
    11 Cheng3 1.07 64-Bit Ja CZE 2578 3.5-8.5 Cuckoochess 1.12 64-Bit Ja SWE 2514
    12 Delfi 5.4 2Cpu ITA 2616 5-7 Sloppy 0.2.3 64-Bit Ja FIN 2564
    13 Rodent 0.18 64-bit Ja POL 2570 7-5 Petir 4.999999 INA 2567
    14 Scorpio 2.7.5 64-Bit 6Cpu Ja ETH 2719 10.5-1.5 Nebula 1.5 64-Bit 6Cpu SRB 2535
    15 Bobcat 3.25 64-Bit 4Cpu NED 2774 11.5-0.5 Bestia 0.90 UKR 2400
    16 Bison 9.11 64-Bit RUS 2675 10.5-1.5 Littlethought 1.052 64-Bit 2Cpu AUS 2477

    The winners enter the 4th (last) qualify round. The beaten engines will participate in a play-off tournament. Engines ranked 1-2 of the play-off tournament gain access to the 4th qualify round.

    CC02 qualify3.pgn (983.2 KB)   

    Categorie:3 Qualifying matches

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