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    marketing on line knowledge

    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.5 Sales Copy Tips That’ll Boost Your Conversions


    Most people think they can write anything on their website and get sales. This is simply not the case. You need sales copy that is going to get people’s attention, get them reading all the way to the order button, and yank out their wallet and buy.

    This blog post will reveal 5 secrets to writing sales copy that can boost your conversions.

    1) Pretend you are taking to your prospect at a bar or restaurant.

    One way to make sure your sales copy is customer-centric is to pretend you are talking to your prospect at a bar or restaurant. What happens is you will start to write like you talk and in a conversational manner. After all, a sales letter is simply a face-to-face sales pitch in disguise.

    2) Use short sentences and small words.

    Most people read at a sixth-grade level. Therefore you do not want to insert large words into your sales letter as your prospect could get lost in your copy!

    3) Give it to someone in your market to read.

    One of the best things you can do is give your sales copy to a person in your target market. If they come back to you and just say, “That’s nice”, then you need to rewrite the ad.

    But if they read the sales letter and ask you, “Where can I get that!” then your sales copy should work!

    4) Get right to the point.

    You are not writing a novel or short story. You need to get right to the point in your letter if you are going to pull people in.

    One way you can do this is by  using the famous copywriter Gary Halbert’s introduction he used to implement all the time.  It goes like this:

    If you’ve ever wanted to lose weight, then this will be the most important message you’ll ever read!

    See how this get’s right to the point? You can easily modify the above for your own market.

    5) Keep your target audience in mind.

    Your typical buyer is going to have many distractions. They could be at home with 24 different pop-ups on their computer and Twitter notifications. That’s why your advertisement has to cut straight through that to get their attention.

    So implement all 5 of these tips for better copy!

    Keep Selling!


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    29-04-2011 om 00:00 geschreven door marketingonline  

    0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (1 Stemmen)
    Categorie:Top Tips
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Twitter, twitter profile tips 4 Twitter Tips That Could Boost Your Social Media Traffic And Brand


    Everyone knows Twitter has become the hottest thing online regarding social media networks.  I gave you several mistakes you shouldn’t perform if you’re going to market yourself online using social media.

    In this post I’m going to give you several tips that could help you boost your presence online using Twitter. Several things are etiquette tips, others are just general marketing strategies you can use.

    1) Have a good profile

    The profile should have your REAL photo and a good profile description. The best ones are ones that are customer-oriented (“I want to show YOU how to make more money online”) instead of talk about themselves.

    2) Take them to a landing page with an opt-in form

    When people click on the URL to go to your site, you really need to have some sort of opt-in mechanism there so people can get on your list. Offer a free report, free ecourse, or audio for signing up to a newsletter.

    This way you can build your list and make more money.

    3) Don’t tweet 50 times a day

    This is more of an etiquette issue for me, as I usually only tweet 2-3 times a day. Some people go overboard and tweet ruthlessly which can cause your audience to tune your out because they cannot keep up with your tweets! Ultimately test out what works in your market.

    4) Mix up personal, helpful, and promotional tweets

    If you reveal bits and pieces of yourself when you’re tweeting then your target audience could start bonding with you more.

    For example if you’re a golf fanatic, then you’ll automatically bond with golfers. The more you reveal about yourself the more you’ll eventually connect with people in your target audience since you’re bound to reveal something almost everyone in your target audience will bond with.

    In conclusion, Twitter is one of the best social media platforms you can use to create aa strong social media profile. However, you need to use it wisely if you’re going to get benefit from it.

    Live, Love, Laugh!


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    29-04-2011 om 00:00 geschreven door marketingonline  

    0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
    Categorie:Twitter Tips
    Tags:Category Category: Twitter Tags Tags: social media tips, Twitter, twitter profile tips 4 Twitter Tips That Could Boost Your Social Media Traffic And Brand
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Twitter Tips: What Does Your Twitter Profile Say About You?

    One of the hottest trends in internet marketing has been the advent of Twitter. All kinds of marketers have jumped on the Twitter bandwagon and published all kinds of products that teach marketers how to monetize this social media juggernaut.

    However, some people really miss the boat when it comes to their Twitter profile.  Here are several ways you can boost your Twitter presence and get more followers.

    Get a nice Twitter background!

    The days of having a plain-Jane twitter background are over.  If you are serious about your business you need a good Twitter background.

    You can easily hire someone off one of the freelance sites like Scriptlance.com and Elance.com to create a nice Twitter background.

    You should have at least your photo on the background so people can know who you are. Further you should have the following:

    1) Your name

    2) Your website

    3) Your Facebook page (if you don’t have one get one)

    4) A brief summary of who you are and what you do. This doesn’t have to be long.  Think about people who come to your profile for the first time. They want to know more about you

    5) Your LinkedIn Profile page. If you are not familiar with Linkedin you can go and check it out here: www.linkedin.com

    Have a good Bio!

    Most people’s bio’s are really bad.  You need to have a really good bio that has a link to your website. Think of it as another way people can get to know you and follow you.

    It is a good idea if you have an opt-in mechanism on your site. That way you can start building your list from your Twitter followers.

    These tips alone will really boost your Twitter profile so you can start getting more followers. Believe it or not there are people who will click on your profile when browsing who is following them.

    Live, Love, Laugh!



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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.5 Signs Of A Good Market That Could Make You Money


    One of the biggest mistakes most beginning marketers make is choosing the wrong market. They have a hobby or interest they want to pursue but when they launch their product, they don’t make any money.

    In my previous blog post we touched on the importance of search volume in Google and what those numbers really mean regarding whether or not people are going to actually pull out their wallet and buy something.

    In this post, we are going to cover the 5 traits of a strong market. The best part is it only takes a couple hours or so to research all this to determine if your market is viable.

    1) Are there real people selling real products in your market?

    Find this out by going to Google and typing in the keyword for your niche. You should be seeing a lot of Google Adwords on the right hand side of the page. This is a sign that there is a good market–as most people are paying good money to advertise on Google.

    2) Are there affiliate programs in your market?

    Another technique to determine if there are buyers in your market is to type in your keyword followed by the word “affiliate”.  This should bring up affiliate programs in your marketplace–a sure sign that money is to be made in your market.

    3) Are there books on your subject being sold on Amazon.com?

    Do a simple search on Amazon to determine if there are books in your niche. Better yet, go to your local bookstore.  Are there a lot of them or only 1 or 2?  This could be a sign that the market might not be as strong as you think.

    4) Are there periodicals in your market?

    An almost slam-dunk way to determine if there are buyers in your market is to determine if there are magazines or periodicals in your marketplace. The fact that people are willing to pay money to have a periodical sent to their door is a sure sign that market is ready to buy!

    5) Are there advertisements in these periodicals?

    When you look in magazines, is it full of direct response advertising? If this is the case, you will want to make note of that–as a sure sign of a vibrant market is seeing direct response advertising in offline periodicals.

    Now not all markets are going to fulfill this criteria. However, if you have an idea and you come up blank in all of the above for your market, you better choose a new one!

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Are You Implementing These 5 Google Adwords Tips?


    Google Adwords can be intimidating to some people.  But like anything else in marketing, you can easily master it if you know certain tricks to working with this critical pay-per-click search engine.

    Here are 5 things you need to keep in mind with creating your Google Adwords ads:

    1) Are you entering into the conversation going on in your customer’s head?

    Frequently when people write Adwords ads, they do not spend a lot of time analyzing where their customer is coming from when they enter their search term. For example, some keywords are obvious “buying” keywords and others are just general “searching” keywords.

    Generally, the more specific the keyword, the greater the chances that visitor is going to buy from you.  And the ad copy needs to match.

    2) Are you bidding on longer phrases, e.g. “how do I stop chewing on my fingernails?”

    Frequently, the keywords you should be using might not appear in your favorite keyword tool.  Long-tail keywords are those you’ll need to think of when you’re brainstorming what your target market would type into a  search engine.

    3)  Are you trying to “beat your control” by rotating at least 2 ads?

    This is critical to constantly ratcheting your conversions higher and higher. You never want to only run 1 ad, as the advertisement that’s going to double your conversions could be on the top of your mind.

    4) Are you reading your ads out loud to yourself to see if they have a good flow?

    A good ad is conversational and should not sound “awkward” when you read it out loud.  Fine tune any advertisement that doesn’t read right when you read it to someone out loud.

    5) Are you always keeping a close eye on what your competitiors are doing?

    You need to be constantly monitoring your competition, as they could bid higher than you, or change their ad–thus jumping higher than you on the page. All of this can happen in the matter of minutes and you need to be abreast of your competition at all times if you’re going to survive the PPC game.

    Those were 5 tips you need to be implementing in your Google Adwords campaigns. Tomorrow I am going to reveal 5 more so stay tuned!

    Live, Love, Laugh!



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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.5 More Google Adwords Tips That Could Skyrocket Your Profits


    We went over 5 Google Adwords ad-writing tips that could boost your conversions. They are what any person who is fluent in Adwords should be familiar with.

    Now we are going to cover 5 more tips that could boost your profits with Google Adwords. So let’s get started!

    1) Are you taking full advantage of the space Google gives you in each line?

    In general, the more you tell, the more you sell. You do not want to shortchange yourself by not filling in the entire space Google gives you to sell the click.  So make sure you utilize all the space Google gives you.

    2) Are you listing the benefits first?

    Many times people will put the features of a product first.  This is not the way to do it.  You need to put the benefits first as people want to know what the product is going to DO for them. There are exceptions to this rule, but there aren’t many.

    3) Is your display URL relevant to what your searchers are looking for?

    Your display URL is also a piece of copy.  If you have an obscure URL, it’s not going to connect with the audience. Try sending your traffic to a domain like, “www.datingsecrets.com” so that people will know what they are clicking on when they see your ad.

    4) Are you testing capital vs. lowercase letters to see what gets the best clickthrough rate?

    This is important. Sometimes having capital letters can boost conversions–and sometimes they cannot. You never know until you test what is going to convert the highest.

    5) Are you playing to your hunches?

    Sometimes when you’re in the shower and playing with the kids, you could be thinking of new ad copy for your Adwords to test.  Always be thinking of new ideas during your idle time–it could mean boosting your clickthrough rate for your Adwords ads.

    So make sure you implement these Adwords ad-writing secrets into your marketing arsenal.  You could conquer Google Adwords and bring more income to your business!

    Keep Selling!


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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.3 Things About Your Typical Prospect You Need To Know

    One of the biggest mistakes most Internet marketers make is they don’t realize what is going through their prospect’s mind when they are surfing online. You have to really delve into what your prospect is thinking about at the time they come to your website when you’re trying to make money online.

    This blog post will give you a good profile of the typical prospect. Keep this in mind when you are writing your ad copy.

    1. Your prospect has tons of distractions!

    When your prospect is online, they are experiencing a lot of distractions. Among these distractions includes endless pop-up windows, e-mail notifications, and instant message alerts.

    In other words, there is a lot of chaos going on online when your prospect comes to your website. They have tons of distractions and your sales message has to cut through all that in order to get their attention.

    2. Your prospect has a lot of problems going on in their life.

    Today, people are being bombarded with all kinds of challenges. This includes financial, health, and future concerns. Most people work in jobs they hate and basically do not go out and meet interesting people or go to interesting places.

    Your website has to be the most exciting message they have read all day. Assuming you target that prospect’s hot buttons, you will be able to get their attention, and perhaps turn them into a customer.

    But none of that will work if you do not realize your target prospect has a lot of problems going on in their lives and are constantly distracted.

    3. Your prospect is being bombarded with advertising messages constantly.

    We live in an over-advertised society. There are advertising messages attacking us via billboards, television, radio, and storefronts. It is literally impossible to escape this.

    You have to realize this when you create your advertising and website. Your prospect has probably been pitched tons of times before they see your website. So you have to make sure that the advertising message on your website cuts through all the noise in your prospect’s life.

    So keep these three tips in mind as you construct your website. Knowing what your average target prospect is going through, and what you’re up against, will help you create a website that will grab your prospect by the lapels and force them to read your ad.

    Live, Love, Laugh!


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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Facebook advertising How To Determine Your Competitors In Google Adwords

    When you’re advertising with Google Adwords, you need to pay extremely close attention to your competition.  It is possible that you could start advertising on this popular advertising medium and be shocked at the expense of the costs per click.

    So here are a couple ways you can determine what you’re up against before you launch your first campaign. This will give you a huge advantage and enable you to adjust your strategy if the clicks are too high.

    1) Type in your main keyword into Google.

    Simple enough right? What you need to do is count the number of competitors you have for that keyword. It could range between 6 and 66.

    You see, in order to be on the first page of Google, you need to be within the top 1 to 8 or 11 best ads on the page.

    Regarding what is considered “best”–Google will take into account your bid price, clickthrough rate, and quality score. So it’s not neccessarily the highest bid that wins out when it comes to Google Adwords.

    2) Go to www.spyfu.com and estimate what everyone is bidding on your site.

    This is a really neat technique you can use to see what everyone else is paying per click for your target keyword.

    This website will also let you know who is bidding on these keywords.

    Keep in mind this is only an estimate. You will not know for certain until you start bidding on your own campaigns.

    If you find that the click costs are too high, you will need to use less competitive keywords. You can do this by going to www.wordtracker.com and choosing keywords that are targeted for your niche–but are lower in compeition.

    You can also change your offer, add a couple of upsells, and tweak your copy so you get more conversions. You see, Google Adwords is all about constantly testing and tweaking–but once you find the right combination you’re golden!

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.4 Facebook Advertising Secrets You Should Know


    It is no secret that Facebook is becoming more popular online. And with the advent of their pay-per-click advertising engine, one can get a lot of traffic by advertising on Facebook.

    Here are 4 things you need to remember when advertising on Facebook. Remember that these are general guidelines–ultimately you will need to test these for yourself and determine what works for you and your marketplace.

    1) Don’t measure your success of your campaigns based on direct sales.

    Facebook is a long-term strategies, so you should determine your success based on “likes” and comments on your Facebook Page. Eventually these people will buy from you, but you will need to build the relationship first.

    2) Always test images with your Facebook ads.

    According to Shoemoney.com, the third largest Facebook advertiser, 70% of the success of your advertisement will depend on your image. You will want to test different images based on your niche.

    Among the best images to test are “action” images showing the benefit customers are going to get from using your product. For example, if you are selling a weight-loss product, you would show a healthy person working out.

    3) Don’t send direct traffic to a “money” page.

    It is best to send traffic to a page that contains a name and email address field one can enter in order to receive a free report. Direct selling is tough on Facebook and one way to approach it is to use Facebook as a list-building tool you can use to follow up with your prospects.

    4) If you are doing local advertising, always put the location in the headline.

    Facebook allows you to target a certain geographical area. This is perfect if you are a local business, or want to target prospects in a certain area. A good rule of thumb is to make sure you always place the location in the headline.

    So if you are selling a teeth whitening dental service in Detroit, you would say, “Teeth Whitening Detroit” in your headline. This will get the attention of your prospects in that area.

    Again, all of these are general guidelines–you will have to test these in your market. But these are good guidelines for most businesses out there, and you should test these if you are going to get started with Facebook.

    Keep Selling!



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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.5 Ways To Build Trust On Your Website

    It’s one thing to have a “pretty” website. However, it’s another thing to have a site that builds trust in the prospect.

    Here are 5 elements you should have on your website that builds trust.  These tips would work great for a homepage-style website that’s the face of a company.

    1) Testimonials

    People only buy from vendors they trust. If you have proof that other people have obtained the benefits they are looking for through your product/service.  Having plenty of testimonials on your site can boost credibility.

    2) Case Studies

    These are testimonials that are more involved and go into more detail. Case studies are in general more credible since they include more information regarding how the prospect obtained the desired benefits.

    3) A Phone Number

    Most websites do not have phone contact information. Just having a phone number people can call builds credibility since most people consider a “real” business to have a phone number. These days, you can get an online phone number for very cheap through Skype and other online services.

    4) “About Me” Page

    The more you tell about yourself the more you’ll sell. Like I mentioned before, people only buy from people they trust and they want to know if you are qualified to help them with their problem or desire.

    5) Links To Your Blog And Social Media Accounts

    Having a blog and social media accounts via Twitter and Facebook shows you are active in your niche and aren’t just a “fly-by-night” operation.  It also gives people another way to keep up with you as well.

    Trust and credibility is extremely important now more than ever–especially in today’s competitive marketplace. These tips could boost your conversions if you implement them on your website!

    Live, Love, Laugh!


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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Swipe Files: The Ultimate Copywriting Shortcut


    Many new internet marketers come into the industry with great product ideas, a targeted audience, and are ready to start making money.

    The only problem is there is one skill that is necessary to master if you are going to make money online. And that’s writing great sales copy.

    Now I know not everyone can pay 5 figures for a great copywriter to write their sales copy for them. However, I am going to share with you a great strategy to write a very good sales letter that could rake in some sales.

    What you need to do is start collecting a swipe file of winning letters in your niche. These are basically advertisements you know have worked that you can use to get ideas for your own copy.

    For example, if you are in the golf niche, you can go to golf magazines, look online, and find advertisements you see again and again.

    Nine times out of 10 that advertisement is working well and you can easily add this to your swipe file of advertisements.

    The best swipe files come from sites whose traffic is predominately paid traffic. For example, if you see the same Google Adwords ads over and over again over the span of several weeks…along with other paid traffic techniques such as banner advertising and Facebook, you can bet they are making money with that advertisement.

    Further, you can get on mailing lists of offline direct marketers.  Go to their sites, buy a product of theirs, join their mailing list, and see what kind of offers they send you.  If you see the same offer over and over again, it’s a good assumption that sales letter is converting well.

    So what do you do when you get these swipe files? Use them to generate ideas for your own ads!

    For example, if you like the way a certain letter closed the sale, you can use a different version for your own letter. Just be careful not to copy the letter verbatim. You are swiping ideas…not copy.

    There is nothing wrong with this. Copywriters have a swipe file they use for idea generators for their own copy. And you should start building up your swipe file so you can get ideas for your own promotions.

    Live, Love, Laugh!


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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.How To Use Surveys To Find What Your Target Market Wants


    One very important tool to use in your marketing is surveys.  This is an excellent way to determine what your target market wants.

    Let’s say you want to sell a golf product.  Yet you do not know what your market wants to know in the product. They might want to know how to hit longer drives or sink more putts. You are unsure.

    So there is only one thing you can do: ASK Them!

    There are 2 services you can use for this. The first one is askdatabase.com.  This is a service that allows you to create simple survey pages…with readymade templates and a database to store your information.

    You can also use surveymonkey.com. This is another excellent service as well. Of course, you can always just create a simple form on your website as well and have all the responses go to your email.

    One simple thing you can do is ask just one question. The best format to do this is to ask the following:

    “What is the most important thing that is holding you back from (insert benefit they want)?”

    So for example, if you were selling a golf product, the question would be:

    “What is the most important thing that is holding you back from playing better golf?”

    The key is to get at least 30-50 responses. So if you have a good list you can send it out to your customers. Or you can drive traffic to the page through pay-per-click advertising and other traffic-driving methods.  This is a good number to get so you can get enough responses to make a decision regarding how to set up your product.

    All you have to do is look at the responses and take a look at the issue that is mentioned the most. For example, for the golf product, you might get a lot of responses regarding how to drive the golf ball better.  This will give you a hint regarding how to create  your next product!

    The one common sin in marketing is trying to sell something the market doesn’t want. Driving traffic to a survey page boosts the chances you are creating a product that is going to get some sales since the market is telling you what they want!

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.5 Ways You Can Repurpose Content Online


    5 Ways You Can Repurpose Content Online


    One of the best parts about the internet is there are many ways you can distribute content online. Most of the time, you can take a blog post or article and repurpose it over and over again.

    Here are 5 ways you can repurpose a simple 500-word article.

    1) Create a video and post it on Youtube.com

    No, you do not have to be a professional cinematographer.  If you have a webcam or a flip camera, then you’re all set. Just take your article and create a 1-4 minute video out of the content and post it on Youtube.

    2) Record the audio and create a podcast.

    Podcasting is becoming very popular. You can easily take your article and essentially read it into your computer to create a podcast version. All you need is a simple microphone and you’re all set.

    3) Create a “mindmap” and post it on Flickr.com

    You can also take the simple article and, with slight modifications, create a mindmap or process map and post it on Flickr.  There are over 5 billion images on Flickr and you can get a lot of traffic on this site.

    4) Create a slideshow and post it on Slideshare.com

    This is becoming a very popular slide and presentation-sharing medium. You can even present the slideshow on Youtube.com.

    5) Create a more “concentrated” version on Squidoo.com

    You can take one concept you mentioned in your article and create a Squidoo lens on it. In general, it is a good idea not to publish the same article twice on the internet. Google will only index one version of the article, so it is better to create another related article and publish on the internet.  It’s just  a matter of taking an existing article and using it for ideas for other articles.

    Live, Love, Laugh!


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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.twitter booster tools gratis

    Free Registration Twitter Boost   Socialoomph Twitter Booster


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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.E book marketplace

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    Most  Sold E books

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Closing words of wisdom

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    Closing Words of Wisdom


    So folks, I am glad you like my book. I appreciate and respect your goals, dreams and ambition to achieve what you want in life. If you find yourself struggling it is probably because you have not made a decision on where to proceed next.

    Perhaps you haven’t decided to start on just one niche and for some reason you are overwhelmed. Well, not some reason, it’s the very same reason I told you to start out on one thing and master that before you proceed forward. I told you to do what you love because we don’t need more junk in the world cluttering our cyberspace. I said to do what you love more importantly, for your progress and happiness.  



    It really doesn’t matter what you choose to market online as long as you have a healthy interest in the subject to where you can wake up every morning and project it to the rest of the world. You have to want to talk about it, write about it, place ads about it, create content for it, etc… You have to be excited about it! 



    I am excited about your progress and am honored to be able to show you what I know. I want you to have a healthy start in marketing your products online. I don’t want you to think you can get rich quick because that will really hurt you.  



    You can gain wealth very easily when you sell your products and services online but you must do “The Knowledge”!



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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Free & Easy Blog Directories to Submit Your Blog

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    31 Flavors ▫ The Top Free & Easy Blog Directories to Submit Your Blog 


    If you have your blog up and current with fresh content and are looking for more free ways to market your blog or website, this is your next step. All this stuff is very labor intensive at first so I am making this list for you to easily click down one-by-one and register your blog. The best thing about using my list is I actually went through and verified them personally to make sure they are indeed “free” and easy. I scoured many listing services and tried many more that were frustrating and/ or charge a fee. Some of the fees are worthwhile and not very high but for all intents and purposes of my book, we want it to be free if we can get it. “Easy” is important too since you’ll want to just crack this list out in one or two settings. We can’t waste time on this stuff unnecessarily when we are trying to run a business but, it is very important nonetheless to get it done. Blogs are the cornerstone of web traffic in that they encompass a huge amount of data that is categorized and distributed on the web.  


    Once it’s out there it’s out there so, make it good and keep it rolling current. Try to keep your blog fresh and highlight your book or any service you may be providing in each blog post. Make it interesting too. If you have a cycle shop, put video of your guys working on bikes in your blog. If you have an online weight loss plan, show pictures of before and after. That is purely basic stuff but you get the point. Make it spicy! Make it look good but don’t get crazy. Stay within your ability and budget. 


    Now of course you have my list below and you should get started on that immediately after you have a blog running strong. Some blog directories approve right away and some take about 24 hours. Some take months to list your blog. Some ask for a reciprocal link and some don’t even give you the choice or offer it. You just want to feel it out at first with my list and then you will understand how it works. It’s quite simple after you do a couple in a row and keep your notes on hand making revisions to improve your next submission. Don’t be hard on yourself, just do it and make some mistakes and improve along the way.  


    What Will You Be Asked For?

    Ok so now you are about to submit your blog to the blog directories I painstakingly reviewed for your easy and free submission. What you will input: 



    Title is self-explanatory, just type in the name of your blog or website. Not your website address. 



    This where you enter your website address. Most likely you will be submitting your blog so give it that address. For example, like my blog: http://www.onlinemarketingknowledge.com/blog/ or use the domain you were assigned with WordPress if you decide to go that route and not buy your own domain yet. All in good time so just do what you think you can do and take it step-by-step.  



    This is the description of your website where you usually have about 250 to 500 words to describe your site. Make it keyword rich and snappy. If you are not clear yet on the keywords go back to the Perry Marshall AdWord cheat sheet. In reality you want to keep your keyword list below twelve keywords after you research the best ones for your business. When you submit your blog you will be limited to about six so you should have them listed in priority when you submit.  



    This is where you type in your keywords and they usually ask that they be separated by commas. 



    This is like your description again but you really want it to be packed full with keywords. Blow it out with relevant keywords. 



    Name or your pen name if you have one. 



    Need to give them your email of course. 



    Usually you get one category and one sub-category. Very important you target the right category or a category where you think the readers will be receptive to your service or book. Get creative but not too crazy where you have grandmas reading Maxim ads or something silly like that. 


    RSS URL 

    Go to your blog page and click the RSS link. Take the website location and copy it over to this area of the blog submission form. It will look similar to Online Marketing Knowledge’s RSS feed: http://onlinemarketingknowledge.com/blog/?feed=rss2 


    Reciprocal Links 

    Reciprocal links are links you take from the blog directory and post to your blogs blogroll link areas. If you are now using a web editor you can make a links page with some content on it to keep the page fresh and not appear automated in any way. 


    Then You Take a Link from Them 


    If you decided to do the reciprocal link with the blog directory you will need to post their link to your link page or in the blogroll links of your blog page. You just copy and paste the code they have for you in the box below where it says ‘Text Link’ or ‘Button Link’. One will just be the name of the directory linking to the site and the other is a graphic button linking to the same site. It’s up to you, makes little difference. 


    When you are really into it and want to expand your blog listings further than this flavorful and free blog directory list below, you can search for more. You want to search for keywords like: 

                                            Blog Directory Link 

                                            Submit Blog 

                                            Submit Link 

                                            Submit Your URL 

                                            Submit Your Blog 

                                            Suggest a Site 

                                            Suggest Link 

                                            Suggest Listing 


    What We Have All Been Waiting For: 31 Blog Directory Flavors!


    Rollover each directory name and click to enter the submit link page. 



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    This is a very good list to work from. Just keep in mind your work will pay off within the year but not immediately which is why I say to get on that task ASAP.  

    The good thing about doing this stuff is you learn more everyday just by going through the motions. So if you feel down about your lack of knowledge, don’t be. Just get used to it as it will get easier and become more part of your instinct after awhile.  

    After you consider yourself a successful online marketer you will still learn something new everyday. That’s good too! That means it’s a world wide web for sure, always expanding and increasing the online marketing earnings potential.





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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Make money on Twitter

    Free Registration Twitter Boost   Socialoomph Twitter Booster


    Make Money with Twitter !


    I pulled my Twitter page down because I had too many followers. It got out of control fast. This is very easy to do but takes a little time to set up at first. I will give you quick pointers on what to do but, this will be short and sweet so as to avoid any confusion and not to make it seem more difficult than it is.  

    Keep in mind as you become more familiar with the routine that you can use other services as well. These just happen to be the best and easiest ways to accomplish the goal of automating your Twitter account to make money and gain friends. No work is required after you initially set it up. Its very good stuff and it’s totally free so take advantage!                


    1.    Set up a Gmail email account at www.Gmail.com

    2. Set up a Twitter Account at www.Twitter.com.  


    3. After you have a Gmail account, type in the Google search box ‘Google Alerts’ and then go to Google Alerts and login again or stay logged in to Gmail. The login is the same if you are not logged in to Gmail already. Actually, all of your Google tools will be in that Gmail account so you can login with your Gmail address from now on.  


    4. Set up your Google Alerts; go to www.google.com/alerts. Just look around and you will see where they prompt you to ‘Click to Manage Your Alerts’. Go straight there and create a new alert from there. I say that because you want to make a feed and they don’t prompt you to make a feed on the first page so you have to go back and change it to feed anyway. Might as well chop that step off and go straight to the ‘Manage Alerts Page’ at www.google.com/alerts/manage. You want to do a ‘New Alert’ and you will see the button on the page. First thing is to enter the text for what news alerts you want to see. You want to select ‘Comprehensive’ at first to get the hang of it and select ‘Feed’ instead of ‘Email’. Then click the ‘Create Alert’ button. You can do as many as you like. Just do three for this exercise and move on. Check it out and see what comes up after a day and tweak it for what you really want. You will know how to proceed after you do this entire automation procedure. 


    5. Now go to Social Oomph . It’s a simple free service that will help you with  Twitter  and get more followers.  Give it some time and come back to it later if you want to see what the results were. You can always follow and unfollow so for now, crank it up to get as many followers in a short time .  


    6. Ok now, this step seems a little strange but it really isn’t once you see how Twitter works. Everything has to be smaller and shorter with Twitter. Each message is limited to 160 characters like a mobile device would be. You will need to make any links you post with your Google Alerts feeds shorter. Also, if you are posting your website address and it is longer than 20 characters you will need to shorten that as well. So to do this; go to www.bit.ly and make an account with them. After you register get your API #. This is like a password so keep it safe. Copy this API code to Word or Notepad on your computer and remember your login name for www.bit.ly; you will need this in the last step. Also, don’t worry about your website address being shortened, they only set up another shorter address that directs to your existing website; nothing invasive. 


    7. Goto SocialOomph to set up your auto message response. It’s super easy to do this and you can actually manage more than one Twitter account from here. So go ahead and register as it tells you to at the top right. Once registered, go to ‘Manage My Scheduled Tweets and Twitter Account Automation’. See the menu where it says ‘Add Account’ and click there. You will probably be prompted to do this at first anyway so, just keep that in mind next time you login. Ok, simple stuff here; first thing to do is choose ‘Twitter’ by the little fill circles. Then you will be at the ‘Add New Twitter Account’ page. Down the list one, two, three: check the ‘Auto Welcome’ box; type in a greeting; check ‘Auto Follow’; and lastly check ‘Auto Unfollow’. The rest of the boxes you can leave alone. Now hit ‘Save’ and you’re all done with that. 


    8. This last step takes the longest time but it is very important. The very reason we did four steps already was to lead us to this point. That said, don’t skip any steps. So now you login to www.TwitterFeed.com. For this you will login with the OpenID link and use your Gmail login. Now just bare in mind that Twitter Feed works great but you may experience some delays or trouble logging in at first. What I discovered is that Internet Explorer works very poorly with Twitter Feed. I used Safari instead and was overly pleased in comparison to when I used Internet Explorer. So I suggest getting a free download of Safari from www.Apple.com. So we log in to Twitter Feed with our Gmail login and then we will have to use our Twitter login as well. This is like Twollo and Tweet Later in that it will connect with your Twitter account to update it. OK now that you are logged in, go to “Create New Feed’ and click it. Click the button in step one where it says ‘Connect your Feed to your Twitter Account’ and login with your Twitter login. Ok you are at the same screen as before but you are able to enter text where it says ‘Feed’; name the Feed there. Now this is where it all comes together. Go back to your Google Alerts at www.google.com/alerts/manage and click the ‘Feed’ link under the ‘Deliver to’ column next to the feed of your choice. Don’t worry if the code scares you; it’s no big deal. Go down your code to find ‘<title>Google Alerts and see your RSS feed title as you named it. Directly below that is the feed link which will look like this:



    9. Now we go back to www.TwitterFeed.com and enter that code in the ‘RSS Feed URL’ box. Click the ‘Test RSS Feed’ button to the left and make sure it works. Then click ‘Create Feed’ to save it. Now you are at the list for all the feeds. Go to each feed and click the ‘Edit’ button. Read the ‘Update Frequency’ and ‘Post Content’ options and decide what’s best for you. I recommend checking every 30 minutes and up to 5 updates at a time. Gets the motor revving a little. Most importantly; enter your API license number and login from www.bit.ly. Check the ‘Post Link’ box and at the bottom where it has ‘Post Prefix’ and ‘Post Suffix’ enter your shortened domain link. Remember, this can be your own website address or an affiliate link, either one.  



    That is how to get free advertising with Twitter! It’s really great and you should take advantage of this immediately to gain as big a following as soon as possible. The sooner you start this, the more followers you will have, thus increasing the likelihood of making a sale.  


    It would be great for you to make some sales without spending any cash. It’s being done everyday by regular folks around the globe so you should too. Stick with this procedure and you will do very well with your Twitter accounts. 


    I’m always wishing you the best, and again just remember you deserve to have a good life. You have the power to get what you desire for you and your family, no matter how high your dreams soar.  


    Put in the work, take a step toward  by visiting

    our  Twitter Blog Knowledge next.

    Good Luck



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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Get Going Quick List

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    Get Going Quick List 



    I assume you have gone through everything you need to before you embark on a few expenses here. You have done “The Knowledge”, yes? Now keep in mind you can always go the free route as I have described in the book if you don’t want any expenses at all until you start running some profits. You will however start to feel some limitations with that, which is probably why you are looking at this ‘Get Going Quick list’. 

    I have wasted money and made mistakes before so take my advice on this one; use these guys to get started. They are the least expensive and best service for what they offer. 


    What you need to start your own website:

    (Make sure you use the links below to get the discount that comes with buying my book. You will save a good chunk of change and it’s easy to refer back to this list when you need to start your accounts.)  






    1.    You need a website address; a domain name as it referred. There are far too many new guys out there with good deals but you can get burned by them. I learned the hard way. Using Go Daddy is the best deal and best overall service. They are right on the cutting edge for new ways to market your product, including Twitter. They have a service you can use directly from your Go Daddy account to set up your Twitter account. Remember, Twitter is free, so it’s free advertising for your domain. Now also, just so you know, all you have to do to get a Go Daddy account is buy one domain name. Any name you want, and remember to use your keywords in the domain name. Always think about SEO and in the case of the domain, you want relevant keywords in your domain name, Google likes that. 


    2. To actually have the domain you bought published and public, you need a hosting account. Ok now, you can go with Go Daddy for your hosting service with your domain name and it is a very good way to go. If you want to get the very best deal and a very easy service with no hidden charges, FatCow is very good. I use both Go Daddy and FatCow, so I really love them both. You can buy your domain from FatCow as well as use FatCow hosting service. I would not mislead you here; they both have excellent services so just go with either one of these guys. Also, use their tutorials and go through the service offerings. They both have website creation tools for beginners where you just fill in your information. Remember however, WordPress has free blogs you can host right to your domain name. Also, don’t be afraid of this and think it’s too hard. These hosting services are always improving and making it easier to have a website of your own so, just go through their set up instructions and watch any videos they have. It’s quite easy and they both have an actual telephone number to call for customer service. Every time I called either one, it was a very good experience. If you don’t know, ask them anything you need. They want to answer your questions and be a good service to you, so you are successful. This way you will set up more websites in the future, so wear them out with questions! They want your business and you need answers so, just pick up the phone and ask. 


    3. Word Press blogs or any blogs are very important for your SEO. I like WordPress a lot for many reasons but the big reason is because they are cutting edge and are always keeping it updated. Even if you have a website built with your hosting service provider you should have a link to your blog on the front page. Remember to look at ‘Guidelines to Set up Your Website Properly’ . Remember to be on top of your keywords. 


    4. I already mentioned this but it is important to be a keyword wiz. You can easily achieve this wizardry status by referring to the free AdWords Tips. You can buy some of those systems too but, I am only saying to use his free advice and the AdWords cheat sheet. The information Perry Marshall gives away is phenomenal and if you decide to buy any of his books you will not be wasting your money. He is a very good guy so take advantage of his generosity.  


    5. If you are ready to kick it up 10 notches and utilize a free service for 30 days that will knock your socks off, go to Traffic Geyser. He has a free service like I mentioned before for 30 days and if you like it you pay a small monthly fee after the first month. You can cancel also so don’t worry, it won’t cost you anything if you don’t want it. It’s actually a very small fee in relation to what you get. Your Search Engine Optimization will be top notch when you use Traffic Geyser. Before you use the service however, make sure you have everything ready to go as I have been teaching you and go through the Traffic Geyser Free Tutorials, so you can take advantage of that free 30 days. Refer to my ‘Making Your SEO Easier, Quick list to Video, Social Bookmarks and Podcast Sites’.  


    Remember to keep focused with all your online endeavors. Don’t lose heart. If you feel downtrodden, take a break. If you feel unhappy, watch a show or take a run to pick up the endorphins a bit. You have what it takes to be what you want to be. People are on your side even if you don’t know them personally. Good businesses will be rewarded in the long run and always remember that anything worthwhile takes a good deal of effort.  


    You are on the right track and there is love, hope and prosperity out there for all who believe in themselves.  


    Believe in yourself.

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    Free Registration Twitter Boost   Socialoomph Twitter Booster


    Making Your SEO Easier…

    Quick List to Loads of Video Sites, Social Book Mark and Podcast Websites… 


    This is basically the master list to get your video out and send word to the social bookmark sites as well. If you get into Podcasts, this is very good list to work with. Look over each site to get familiarized at first and decide if it’s right for you. Some sites are more jovial and others are more business oriented. They will all help your business. Just narrow it down to make it easy on yourself at first. 

    If you are looking to take some work out of this and want to just make the video and have a service send them out for you to many different sites at once, I recommend Traffic Geyser. I believe you can still get the first month free to check it out and if you don’t think you want it after then, cancel it. The last time I checked, the fees were pretty reasonable for all the things they can do for you. At the very least, I would just go through the trial period to learn all you can. It’s great when someone formats it to make it easy to decide what your next step should be. Traffic Geyser will hold you by the hand and really step up your SEO in short order. You can do it all yourself too with what you learn in this book but it will be more of a manual effort and you may miss things at first. That’s ok though; you can make mistakes and decide what to do when you are ready. All in good time… 



    This is the master list of all the sites that are showing video. You will need to register for each one so make sure you take a look at what they offer and that it is the right fit for your ad or viral video. Some video websites are great for ads and some better for fun or viral videos. You want to explore both to understand where you will generate viewers from.  


    And again, if you want to have a great service that will automate this process for a small monthly fee, definitely sign up with Traffic Geyser. They do much more than just video automation. 


    Video Sites  










    Myspace Videos 








































    Social Bookmark Sites  

    Podcast Sites  

    Google Bookmarks 













    Podcasting Station  








    Yahoo Podcasts  



    This is really cool stuff so have some fun with it. People go to these web sites to have fun so, try to keep that in mind when you make your video. If doing the video is scaring you a bit, don’t let it. Most people have Microsoft PowerPoint on their desktops and that is all you need to get started. Make a nice PowerPoint slide show and export it to movie format. You can do all sorts of things with PowerPoint and it is pretty easy to use. Go through the Traffic Geyser free videos and just see all the cool information they have. It’s helpful even if you never sign up for the service but, definitely do the free trial. Even if you are still very concerned about spending money after the first month you can just tell them not bill you until you are ready. Go back and pay when you are ready; this way you will know what you have to do when the time is right. 



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