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fall out boy

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Fall Out Boy soundcheck

A special WalMart Soundcheck DVD will be available on December 4th in stores featuring 5 performances and an exclusive interview. Or, you can save your money for a rainy day and watch the whole thing here

Pete interview

by Shallon of FOE.



FALL OUT BOY star PETE WENTZ cannot understand why people label his band's music "emo" - because he considers songs by rappers like KANYE WEST and LIL' WAYNE to be better suited to the genre.
Wentz admits he is a fan of hip-hop music, but would reclassify certain rappers' work as "emo" - emotional rock - because some tracks are more heartfelt than those of Fall Out Boy. He tells rap magazine XXL, "The most emo music that's come out over the last year has been rap - everything from the new Jay-(Z) record to Kanye. Lil' Wayne is pretty much emo. Everyone who kinda delves in deep enough (is emo)."


Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving with your families!

Pete talks about bullying online

What are you thankful for?

I Crystal CashDolla am thankful for Petes nudes leaking.........totes jk! for my wonderful friends/fam. that I have & my lovely bands: Fletch, Panima, A Romance Thesis, The Countdown, & The Stript. And for everything FOB and Paramore has done for me.

I Crystal Marina am thankful for my amazing friends & family. Music & for everyone who visits the site and supports Pete because without you FOB would not be where there at today.

And Crystal and I are thankful for eachother being friends well were more then friends were like sisters and would do anything for eachother.

Pete jams to Bon Jovi

More can be seen if you hit menu on the video and Pete kinda taking off his shirt if you like that kinda thing.

All credit goes to owners.

24-11-2007 om 21:37 geschreven door fall out boy loverke  

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FOBR Journal

happy thanksgiving to those of you that are addicted to turkey- whatever to the rest of us who never would have sent blankets with smallpox in them around as gifts.

tour has been great outside of a few of us being sick and having a broken foot.

just wanted to put the word out on the streets/the internet. there is no pete wentz sex tape in existence. about a year and a half ago i took part in an indie gore/horror short film as a favor to my friend nathan- called goodnight moon. either way im not into being an actor or having a sex tape either sooooooooo, hopefully u can deal with it....

see you soon.

goodnight moon screencaps

I have added some screencaps from goodnight moon.

seventeen scan

I added one scan from Seventeen (DEC/JAN issue) magazine of the 2007 style stars readers choice awards and Hottest Hottie was Pete Wentz.

Clandestine MADNESS!

Lyke omgz you guyz! Clandestine will be taking part in black Friday this year. That means, if you go to the Clandestine Industries store (located at 952 W. Newport Chicago, IL 60657) this friday 11/23 between the hours of 12pm & 6pm there will be a special rack with everything on it 50% off. HOLLLLA! Shop till you drop kiddies.

source: friendsorenemies.com

goodnight moon (short film)

I had to remove the download link due to copyright infringement.

You can purchase goodnight moon. here

Happy Holidays from Fall Out Boy & Doug!


Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson leaving Stereo Club in New York City on November 14, 2007

credit: ashlee-star.com & ashleenicolesimpson.net :)

24-11-2007 om 21:35 geschreven door fall out boy loverke  

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Fall Out Boy on "The Sauce"




Concert photos!

Photo's from The Young Wild Things Tour New York, NY  - November 14th 2007

Ps: I know there are a few emails you guys have sent in with your concert photos. I haven't forgot about them. I will post them a.s.a.p =)

Pete Wentz on New Panic LP

Click here to watch Pete Wentz talk about the new Panic! songs he's heard so far, his favorite new lyrics and how he's watched the band grow up and evolve.

goodnight moon photos

here are some screencaps and two photos of Pete on set.
I will try and get more screen caps from the film later.

goodnight moon

a short film starring Pete Wentz

here is the trailer.

ps: you can purchase the short film here
and i just watched it, and thought it was really good! It contains some nudity so please ask your parents permission before purchasing it


livenation.com has posted some live performances of Fall Out Boy from The Honda Civic Tour! You can check out
each performance by clicking on the link.


Grand Theft Autumn

Sugar we're going down

A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me"

This Ain't A Scene, It's an Arms Race

Thnks Fr Th Mmrs

The Take Over, The Breaks Over

Dance, Dance

Ashlee or Pete? Let the Fans Decide

Fall Out Boy star Pete Wentz was happy to play second fiddle to girlfriend Ashlee Simpson as they enjoyed a night out in NYC. Far from being mobbed by adoring fans, Pete laughed as Ashlee was asked to sign autographs and he was ignored like he was her assistant. You'll be famous one day, Pete.

watch the paprazzi video here

source: INF daily

24-11-2007 om 21:33 geschreven door fall out boy loverke  

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On Stage during the takeover

New Candids!

Candids of Pete and Ashlee arriving to a hotel in NYC - November 13th 2007

credit: ashleenicolesimpson.net

Photos from "The Sauce"

Fall Out Boy visits "The Sauce" - November 14th 2007

New photos!

Photo's from The 2nd Anniversary of Stereo - November 14th 2007

Pete Wentz & Gym Class Heroes video

we caught up with Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy along with his buddies — and current tourmates — Gym Class Heroes last week at our big RS Live party in New York. Things started wholesomely enough, but then Wentz started to talk about how hard it is to get some privacy on the tour bus, and things went downhill from there.

Video 1 Video 2

source: rollingstone.com

is Ashlee welcome in FOB?

Ashlee Simpson seems to be on Fall Out Boy singer Pete Wentz's arm wherever he goes, and we're wondering what effect that is having on the group as a whole? It's just not very 'rock n' roll' to have your frontman taking his girlfriend to gigs, photoshoots and even on the tour bus. While we think they make a cute couple, we're just worried that Ashlee is almost becoming a member of the band, and that she might start demanding to have a say in the direction they take artistically. We're not sure that's completely healthy. What do you think?

you can watch a paparazzi video of Pete and Ashlee here

source: INF daily

worth seeing

Patrick "I Belive I Can Fly" @ AK Karaoke
What's better than hearing Patrick cover a song by a dude who likes to pee on 14 yr olds? NOTHING, that's what.

This was last night at Angels & Kings, it was almost too much fun to handle. I chatted with Jet and Mayday Parade and caught up with Patrick and Pete and finally met Ashlee.

Enjoy the video, check out P and A giggling in the background

source: friendsorenemies.com

24-11-2007 om 21:29 geschreven door fall out boy loverke  

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old photoshoot

Added many photos from an old Fall Out Boy photoshoot taken by James Looker - January 2006

New Event Photos!
Posted on November 13, 2007 by Crystal Marina

Pete attending The 2007 CosmoGIRL! Born to Lead Awards - November 13th 2007

Ashlee Simpson Mothers Injured Pete Wentz

Pete Wentz is getting some loving care from girlfriend Ashlee Simpson as he nurses his broken foot back to health.

"When I'm being hard-headed and I don't want to elevate it, she says, 'No, put it on the pillow!" he told PEOPLE at his bar, Angels and Kings, in New York's East Village. "When I try to get in the shower by myself and am going to end up falling on the hotel room floor, she's good at stopping me."

And while Wentz, 28, judged the "Vive le Karaoke" contest, sponsored by Hilfiger Denim and Nylon Magazine, he lamented his choice in foot braces – a black "rocker boot."

"I jumped off a ten-foot stack [of speakers] ... and I broke my foot," the Fall Out Boy bassist explained. Doctors told him he could either wear a "rocker boot" for six weeks or a "hard cast for three weeks."

"The rocker boot sounded really enticing," Wentz admitted, "But I didn't realize that it does not rock at all."

During the competition, Wentz gave celebrity photographer Jamie McCarthy high marks for his karaoke – 8 out of 10 for his "rock moves" and for "not using the photos where I look like I have a fat face."

He also mentioned that in Japan, where he first "embraced karaoke," he performed Metallica and Bon Jovi. "People go into it with no ego there. When somebody comes in and is really good, it is kind of a bummer. If you're crummy, just go for it," said Wentz. Simpson – by his side all night – chimed in that, if she were to take the stage, she would perform "Janis Joplin."

source: people.com

new candids

I have added two photos of Pete and Ashlee leaving Angels and Kings - Nov 12th 2007

credit: ashlee-star.com

New photos!

Pete and Ashlee Simpson attend vive le karaoke at Angels and Kings - November 12th 2007

scream until your lungs give out..

hear Pete's scream: upclose and personal.

New Photos!

I have added two photos from the outtakes at the MTVU woodie awards.

credit: lastnightsparty.com

24-11-2007 om 21:27 geschreven door fall out boy loverke  

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African Well Fund Auction

The African Well Fund is excited to announce the third annual Got Water? Virtual Auction for Africa. Beginning November 12th, a variety of donated items will be available for bidding on African Well Fund’s eBay auction page (here) with 100 percent of all proceeds from the auction being used to fund water projects in Africa. The auction runs through November 18th.

During the auction, all of the items for bid will be listed on AWF’s MissionFish eBay page which can be accessed through the African Well Fund homepage (www.africanwellfund.org). This year’s auction features celebrity-autographed water bottles from Bono of U2, Travis Barker of Blink-182 and +44, Barry Manilow, Anti-Flag and Criss Angel, as well as other items autographed by Duran Duran,Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy, Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine and Audioslave, and tennis legend Ivan Lendl, in addition to many other donated items.

You can view/bid on an autograph copy of Pete's book "a boy with the thorn in his side" here

Fever nightclub

I have added photos from fever nightclub in Atlanta - November 3rd 2007

Fall Out Boy on Fuse!

Fall Out Boy will be appearing on The Sauce on Wednesday, November 14th. The Sauce airs weekdays at 6:00pm

mtvU woodie awards - polaroids

I have added polaroids from the MTVU woodie awards

mtvU woodie awards!

I have added photos of Fall Out Boy attending the MTVU woodie awards!

Concert Photos!

I have added photos from the young wild things tour - November 3rd 2007

Ashlee's Big Bauble

For the second time in four months, speculation is mounting that Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz may soon vow to stay together until death -- career or otherwise -- do they part.

The latest round of nuptial nattering comes from FOXNews.com, with a spy claiming the remodeled popster was "absolutely glowing" while showing off a "big diamond" ring at a Los Angeles soiree a couple of weeks back.

"Friends kept coming up to her and deliberately looking at the ring before hugging and congratulating her," tattles the conclusion-leaping mole. "There was definitely something very special going on."

What's more, Simpson, 23, and Wentz, 28, supposedly "couldn't keep their eyes off each other" at the party, although perhaps they were just making sure their eyeliner wasn't smudged and their flat-ironed coifs stayed perfectly straight.

"Ashlee is pretty convinced Pete is the one," a Simpson confidante reveals to FOXNews. "I am sure she is ready to move into the next stage of the relationship as soon as the time is right."

When contacted about the ring rumblings, Ashlee's spokesman told MSN Entertainment, "We do not comment on our clients' personal lives."

Back in July, however, her rep insisted to Us Weekly that rumors the Fall Out Boy bassist had popped the question before he hit the stage for Live Earth were "absolutely not true."

What's more, just before that first round of engagement whispers surfaced, Wentz assured In Touch, "No wedding bells for me in the future," although he did concede, "I have never met somebody who makes me feel the way she makes me feel."

source: msn.com

24-11-2007 om 21:25 geschreven door fall out boy loverke  

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Buzznet post again 

Hes been posting like crazy.

Photos of Travis McCoy from Gym Class Heroes art only sold at the Clandestine store in Chicago.

View Here

Pete Loves ONTD

Or he's just being nice.

and its 3 am i have no life today.

she said "I didn't want my picture taken and he told me if I was putting him on this site I had to be in it too. Too bad I have an editing tool! "

lmao loves it.

Come Hang!

Pete will be hanging out at Sam Ash in Manhattan to sign autographs on Monday, November 12 from 5:00-6:00 PM. If you purchase his Squier Signature P-Bass you get to skip to the front of the line! Here's the address:
Sam Ash Music
155 West 48th Street
New York City, NY 10036-1523

Can't make it out to Manhattan on monday? You can still enter to WIN a Pete Wentz Signature Precision Bass autographed by each member of FOB courtesy of Fall Out Boy and Motorola by clicking here

q100 photos

I have added photos of Fall Out Boy from the Q100 show yesterday.

A Wentz X-mas!

Send Pete your x-mas messages to him in our X-mas book for Pete. click the banner for details!


Fall Out Boy's premier sound master K Razzle Dazzle and I put together a cover of the theme song for Metalocalypse (by Brendan Small). We did it out of bus boredom and love the show. 1 part Guitar, 1 part Garage band, all hilarious.

you can hear it here

source: Joe's buzznet

bacckstage photos

I have added photos from the Metro Club [backstage] - Feb 14th 2007

24-11-2007 om 21:23 geschreven door fall out boy loverke  

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Rollingstone scans

I have added scans from Rolling stone magazine, thanks to Reece!

- I will have better scans later on today!

new buzznet update

bedtime- goodnight stars, goodnight moon.
you have piano pupils that hum in the night when my head tumbles along
paddle by our troubles
leave them in the wake
imagine me when im not a blur

life is a rut. death might bounce us out.


the dknyjeans/clandestine hoody. ive been waiting for my size forever. this hoody feels like when i used to watch linus clutch his blanket on peanuts. the inside is like so amazing it makes me want to take a nape every time i put it on. cut and sew batheart on the front. im pretty sure this is sold out most places but if you get a chance try one on. i am sleeping in it tonight.

New Photos!

I have added photos from the young wild things tour - November 1st 2007


November 02, 2007
so as many of you know i broke two bones in my foot a couple of days ago in new orleans. i think the universe owed me one- so ill take it. they gave me an option to have a hard cast for three weeks or the “rocker” boot for six. a hard cast probably would have ended tour so we opted for the rocker boot so we can keep the show on the road. unfortunately the rocker boot does not allow for much rocking. haha. more updates soon.

until then travis told me some bloggers have been posting a song that tyga did for him.. i guess alot of people are wondering what tyga even does- well you can check it out here: www.neonghosts.blogspot.com- i am trying to download it and get it over on tygas myspace too.

see you soon.

if you run into me, sign my cast.

Why we love FOE video

Those of you lucky enough to be at the YWT have been watching this air every night.

We thought it was time to share it with everyone on the internets, so take an eetsy beetsy momento to watch this amazingly well done little short, and remind yourself why we LOVE friendsorenemies.com


Concert Photos!

I have added photos from the young wild things tour - October 31st 2007

New photos!

I have added a new photoshoot of Fall Out Boy taken by Jason McCormack (september 2007)

24-11-2007 om 21:20 geschreven door fall out boy loverke  

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new buzznet update

Pete has updated his buzznet with four new photos! Check them out here

People's 100 sexy men

Pete will be in People magazine's 100 sexy men of 2007

source: people.com

Concert photos!

I have added photos from the young wild things tour taken by: Eva G - October 31st 2007

Concert photos!

I have added photos from the young wild things tour taken by: mikayla davis - October 31st 2007

new candids!

I have added photos of Pete and Ashlee sighting at cameo - November 1st 2007

Buzznet update!

Pete has updated his buzznet with two new photos. Check them out here

oh my...

You would have never have guessed what Seth and Tom from the Band The Higher dressed up as for Halloween! Click here to find out!

24-11-2007 om 21:18 geschreven door fall out boy loverke  

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Concert photos!

I have added photos from the young wild things tour - October 31st 2007

Belvedere Vodka Halloween...
Posted on November 1, 2007 by Crystal Marina

I have added photos from Belvedere Vodka Halloween with Pete Wentz & Travis McCoy at Cameo - October 31st 2007

More VoodDoo photos!

I have added more photos from the Voodoo music experience day 3 - Oct 28th 2007!

Happy Halloween!

Have a fun night, and stay safe!

Invisible World

Video of D'Fused - Fall Out Boy - Invisible World

download/stream the video here

FOBR Journal 

hey cub scouts and brownies.

how are you. tour has been a whirlwind so far.
cant catch up on sleep or time or anything.
but the shows have been amazing.
hope you guys have been having a good time- let us know if there is anything youd like to see or songs you would like to hear as we wont be on tour in the u.s. for a long time after this.

ever noticed how cheesy tv has gotten? how many more bad "fall in love with me" reality shows can there be?

things that ar better than t.v. right now: bob dylan, new cobra starship record, the jungle book, kafka, the little mermaid, new say anything record, new weakerthans record, the office, darjeeling, into the wild, trying to steal stuff from graceland, the dog.....

will check in again soon. secret shows soon.

Voodoo Music Experience

I have added two photos from the Voodoo Music experience day 3 - Oct 28th 2007
hope to add more soon!

24-11-2007 om 21:13 geschreven door fall out boy loverke  

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    Rondvraag / Poll
    wie vind iji de knapste van de fall out boy?
    pete wentz
    patrick stump
    andy hurley
    joe trohman
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