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    Dat is de basis. Mensen merken het als je niet oké voelt in je kleren.
    Je kiest bijvoorbeeld voor de 'lolita'-look terwijl je eerder een sportief type bent?
    Dan voel je je waarschijnlijk 'verkleed'.
    Denk dus bij het kiezen van kleren niet alleen aan modetrends,
    maar vooral aan je eigen comfort!

    2. Analyseer je gardrobe.

    Haal al je kleren uit de kast en leg je favorieten bij elkaar.
    Dit zijn je basiskleren. Houd hun vorm, stof, kleur...
    in gedachten als je de volgende keer gaat winkelen.
    Miskopen behoren tot het verleden!

    3. Durf!

    Je hebt geen levenslang contract getekend met je look!
    Je uiterlijk word namelijk gevormd door je persoonlijkheid en
    als die zich ontwikkeld, verandert ook je look. Aarzel dus niet om
    te veranderen en te proberen. Let wel op: koop alleen outfits waarin
    je je écht op je gemak voelt. Anders belanden ze al gauw onder in je kast!

    4. Speel met details...

    De eenvoudigste outfit kan er volledig anders gaan uitzien dankzij een accessoire.
    Zit je krap bij kas, investeer dan in sjaaltjes, ceintuurs,
    broches, badges... Daarmee kun je eindeloos varieëren.
    Ben je creatief, dan kun je kleding uniek maken met stroken kant,
    boordjes, knopen, enz.
    Jouw hoogsteigen ontwerpen!

    15-04-2010 om 07:48 geschreven door modenieuws  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.schoonheid tips
    1 Met een eenvoudige schoonheidsmaskertje krijg je een zachte huid.
    Meng twee gepureerde abrikozen en een beetje olijfolie door elkaar.
    Verdeel het smeerseltje over je gezicht en laat het een kwartiertje intrekken.
    Blijf intussen liggen, zodat je niet de hele boel eronder kliedert!

    2 Citroensap is super voor je haren.
    Tijdens het wassen doe ik er altijd een paar druppeltjes op,
    glanzen dat mijn haar doet!

    3 Superkiller voor puistjes:
    schil een avocado, pers een halve citroen uit en voeg wat water toe.
    Pureer alles fijn en smeer het mengsel op je gezicht.
    Was het masker na 10 minuten met water af.

    4 Als ik mijn tanden niet kan poetsen, kauw ik op suikervrije kauwgom.
    Die stimuleert de speekselproductie.
    En laat speeksel nu net een soort van zelfreiniger voor de tanden zijn!

    5 Voor de kringen onder mijn ogen kenden wij een supertruc:
    leg natte ijskoude theezakjes of de achterkant van een flink gekoelde lepel
    op je ogen, heerlijk!

    6 Om 's ochtends in vorm te komen, rek ik me flink uit.
    Ik probeer mijn voeten en armen heel lang te maken.
    Daarna drink ik een groot glas water,
    spring uit bed en voel me pico bello!

    15-04-2010 om 07:47 geschreven door modenieuws  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.geen gestress

    1. Wiebel met je voeten.

    Volgens voetreflexologie is je hele lichaam verbonden met je voeten.
    Door die te ontspannen,
    relax je je hele lichaam.

    2. Gooi met iets.

    Door iets met een krachtige zwaai weg te gooien,
    ontladen alle opgekropte emoties zich.
    Dit wil niet zeggen dat je het favoriete servies van je moeder
    een gruzelementen mag gooien.
    Pak enkele lege blikjes en mik ze met kracht in PMD-zak.
    Of gooi een tennisbal zo hard mogelijk tegen de muur.

    3. Zing!

    Om te kunnen zingen, moet je lichaam ontspannen zijn.
    Door luidop mee te brullen met de hitlijsten,
    verplicht je je lichaam om dat te doen.

    4. Laat water lopen.

    Het geluid van lopend water heeft iets rustgevends.
    Draai de kraan open en luister aandachtig naar het geluid.
    Al de muizenissen in je hoofd zullen wegstromen.

    15-04-2010 om 07:46 geschreven door modenieuws  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.wees niet verlegen

    1. Ontspan!

    Twee minuten buikademhaling en
    je op hol geslagen hart kalmeert als bij toverslag.
    Proberen, meid!

    2. Stel je moeilijke situaties voor.

    Ga na in welke situaties je het moeilijk hebt.
    Wanneer je een spreekbeurt moet houden?
    Of een onbekende iets moet vragen?
    Som ze op en je weet in welke omstandigheden je het moeilijk krijgt.
    Daarna zul je die situaties beter de baas kunnen.

    3. Stel jezelf voor een uitdaging.

    Leg de lat niet te hoog: een kleine inspanning volstaat.
    Zeg bijvoorbeeld een klasgenote gedag terwijl je haar recht in de ogen kijkt.
    De dag erna begroet je twee meisjes op die manier,
    enz. Zulke kleine overwinningen vormen een prima opkikker voor je zelfvertrouwen!

    4. Vergelijk jezelf niet met anderen.

    Er zullen nu eenmaal altijd mooiere of intelligentere meiden dan jij zijn
    maar ook minder sympathieke...
    Het probleem is dat jij denkt dat ze beter zijn.
    Daardoor haal je jezelf omlaag. Is dat écht nodig?

    5. Aanvaard complimenten.

    Geef toe: zodra je een complimentje krijgt,
    minimaliseer je je prestatie of je verontschuldigt je,
    alsof je het niet verdiende!
    Zeg voortaan gewoon 'dank u!'.

    6. Dumpen die verlegenheid!

    Teken ze, verfrommel het papier en gooi het in de vuilnisbak!
    Een symbolische daad om je verlegenheid te overwinnen.

    7. Stop met jezelf iets wijs te maken.

    Verlegen mensen zijn heel vindingrijk!
    Je weet het zeker: Tom ziet jouw absoluut niet zitten.
    Hoe weet je dat?
    Je bent ervan overtuigd, dat is alles.
    Ook al bewijst niets in zijn gedrag dat hij negatief over je denkt.
    Op die manier interpreteer jij de handelingen van anderen in je nadeel.
    Zo crieër je zelf verkeerde ideeën...

    8. Ga de confrontatie aan met mensen die je intimideren.

    Hoe? Beeld je in dat ze zich in een belachelijke situatie bevinden,
    bijvoorbeeld in een zwempak op de Noordpool.
    Je voelt je meteen minder geïntimideerd door zulke 'sterke' personen.

    9. Noteer wat je wilde zeggen.

    Je vindt het te moeilijk om jezelf uit te drukken?
    Schrijf het op! Zo kweek je geleidelijk meer zelfvertrouwen.

    15-04-2010 om 07:44 geschreven door modenieuws  

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    Tags:verlegenheids tips
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.lachen is gezond

    1. Heel gezond!

    Ongelooflijk, maar lachen verzacht pijn.
    Het bewijs? Artsen gebruiken lachtherapie om de pijn van hun patiënten te verminderen.
    Een ander voordeel: lachen verhoogt het aantal witte bloedlichaampjes,
    die je lichaam beschermen en helpen strijden tegen virussen.
    Vaarwel verkoudheid!
    En omdat lachen ontspant, zul je ook beter slapen!

    2. Je maakt makkelijker vrienden.

    Uitleg is overbodig:
    iedereen begrijpt de universele taal van de lach.
    Doe de test: lachende, sprankelijke ogen trekken de aandacht van meer dan 1 knorrig gezicht.
    Je weet nu wat je te doen staat als je nieuwe contacten wil leggen...

    3. Lachen verdrijft stress.

    Een minuut lachen staat gelijk aan 45 minuten volledige ontspanning.
    Tijdens die ene minuut ontspannen je spieren en verdwijnen je spanningen.

    4. Lachen = je goed voelen.

    Om jezelf kunnen lachen bewijst dat je evenwichtig bent.
    Neem jezelf dus niet altijd zo ernstig!

    Twee lachoefeningen.

    50 jaar geleden lachten de mensen 20 minuten per dag,
    vandaag is dat nog maar 6 minuten!
    Verhoog die lachminuten en organiseer samen met je familie of
    vriendinnen een lachsessie:
    * Adem diep in. Adem de lucht met stoten uit, waarbij je de klanken 'ho, ho, ha, ha, ha' uitstoot.
    Je spieren ontspannen zich en het gelach barst los!
    * Begroet elkaar niet met woorden maar met gelach.

    15-04-2010 om 07:40 geschreven door modenieuws  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.leer te kalmeren
    Controleer je woede.
    5 trucs om jezelf te kalmeren.

    1. Praat... zonder je op te winden.

    Makkelijk gezegt,
    maar meestal heb je jezelf niet meer onder controle als je woedend bent.
    En je flapt er zonder na te denken iets uit.
    Na afloop kun je je tong wel afbijten.
    Om te voorkomen dat beledigingen over je lippen glippen,
    knijp je je handen tot vuisten of klem je je tanden op elkaar.
    Adem diep in voor je begint te praten.

    2. Maak een ommetje.

    Kook je vanbinnen?
    Je vreest dat je gewelddadig zult worden?
    Loop een eindje om of zonder je af in je kamer om je woede onder controle te krijgen.

    3. Voorkom een uitbarsting.

    Soms beseffen de anderen niet dat je op het punt staat te ontploffen.
    Waarschuw hen voordat de situatie ontspoort.

    4. Dim de klank.

    Tijdens een woede-uitbarsting schreeuw en brul je nu eenmaal.
    Probeer je stem te laten zakken zodra je dat merkt.
    De anderen zullen hetzelfde doen en jullie zullen makkelijker met elkaar kunnen praten.

    5. Reageer je af door te sporten.

    Stress op school,
    piekeren, enz
    Maken je vaak gevoeliger.
    Ben je licht ontvlambaar,
    reageer die 'negatieve energie' dan af door te sporten.
    Dat is veel gezonder!

    Een ontploffing doet je goed!

    Daarmee stel je je grenzen en dwing je respect af.
    Als je jezelf bedwingt,
    knaagt de woede aan je.
    Leer dus om woest te zijn...zonder geweld!

    15-04-2010 om 07:39 geschreven door modenieuws  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.wees lief
    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen http://blogimages.bloggen.be/modenieuws/732252-42615bfc1890a3e2c3c1efee970c6e96.jpg

    1. Wees lief.

    Wees lief tegen iedereen,
    ook tegen mensen die je eigenlijk helemaal niet cool vindt.

    2. Persoonlijk.

    Als je aan nieuwe mensen wordt voorgesteld,
    probeer dan hun naam te onthouden.
    Stel nadien persoonlijke vragen,
    zo laat je zien dat je écht luistert en dat wordt op prijs gesteld.

    3. Wees jezelf.

    Alleen wanneer je helemaal jezelf bent,
    kan je populair zijn. Anderen zien meteen dat je faket.

    4. Wees positief.

    Zeur en klaag niet de hele tijd.
    Dat maakt je onpopulair.
    Wees positief, ook als niet alles gaat als gepland.
    Durf lachen met jezelf en je eigen stommiteiten.

    5. Belofte maakt schuld.

    Als je iets belooft, hou je dan aan die belofte.
    Als je niet zeker bent of je iets kan of mag doen,
    zeg dat dan eerlijk.
    Als je iets belooft dat je niet waar kan maken,
    zal je vriendin zich in de steek gelaten voelen.

    Wat vind je van dit bericht?
    Geef een score onderaan dit bericht en/of laat iets achter in ons gastenboek.

    15-04-2010 om 07:38 geschreven door modenieuws  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.mooie haren
    4 tips voor een mooi kapsel !

    1. Kam je haren tweemaal per dag.

    Daardoor verwijder je stof en vuil. Weg ermee!
    Je haren kunnen weer ademen.
    Reinig regelmatig je borstel en kam.

    2. Gebruik een doeltreffende shampoo.

    Wist je dat het woord 'shampoo' van indiaanse oorsprong is en 'masseren' betekent?
    Oké, zachtjes aan de slag dus!
    Even met de borstel erdoorheen,
    daarna wat  water, een sheutje shampoo en je bent vertrokken:
    kneed met vlakke handen zachtjes je hoofdhuid.
    Spoel zorgvuldig alle shampoo weg om te voorkomen dat je haar zijn glans verliest.
    Hoe vaak je je haren moet wassen?
    Dat hangt ervan af.
    Als je in de stad woont en vaak buiten bent, worden je haren vlugger vies.
    Bedankt, luchtvervuiling!
    Gebruik shampoo voor normaal of veelvuldig gebruik.
    In de puberteit hebben haren de neiging om vettiger te worden.

    3. Voorzichtig drogen.

    De ideale manier?
    Aan de lucht drogen.
    Dep het haar met een handdoek zo droog mogelijk.
    Zonder te wrijven!
    Gebruik je föhn, stel die dan in op 'lauwe' stand.

    4. Geef je haren lucht!

    Je verliest dagelijks ongeveer 100 haren.
    Geen paniek dus als je nieuwe trui 'gedecoreerd' is met enkele exemplaren.
    Gebruik geen haaraccessoires die je haren afknellen,
    beschadigen of breken.

    15-04-2010 om 07:36 geschreven door modenieuws  

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    Tijdschriften over Gezondheid

    In Nederland is het vaak lastig tijdschriften over gezondheid te vinden, en als je er al tegenkomt zijn ze erg duur.Wij bieden je nu de mogelijkheid je direct te abonneren op je favoriete magazine! Geen gedoe meer om steeds naar de winkel te gaan. Als je onderstaand een abo afsluit betaal je veel minder dan voor losse nummers die je in de winkel koopt.

    Voorbeeld: betaal je normaal voor losse nummers van ACSM's Health and Fitness Journal +/- € 27,00 per stuk, een jaarabonnement van 6 nummers kost hier slechts €82,50. Daar heb je dus meer dan 2 nr's extra voor en dit zonder dat je naar de winkel hoeft!

    Wil je een magazine eerst checken? Bij sommige kan je eerst een proefnummer aanvragen, ook is het mogelijk een abo aan een vriend kado te doen. Verder kun je ook aangeven of je een nummer met "priority" wilt ontvangen, je hebt hem dan al in de bus binnen 7 dagen nadat het uitkomt in de States.

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    31-03-2010 om 18:55 geschreven door modenieuws  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.all about fatt burning

    John Goodmann fatt burner secrets


    Fat Burners?


    In this report I use the term to represent a very broad list for a variety of
    herbs, vitamins, amino acids, and hormones that in various ways will assist you in being more productive at losing weight.

    Some diets and products will claim you can lose 10 pounds or more a week.
    Even if their claim is true about their product, you will not lose 10 pounds of FAT. You may lose 1 pound of FAT, 1 pound of muscle and 8 pounds of water weight. Or even worse your fad diet will not provide enough calories sending your metabolism into a nose dive (very bad) and your body will start feeding upon itself. You will lose muscle (and weight) as your body scavenges for sources of protein and fuel.
    Please read product claims carefully. Almost all products say their results also include a proper nutritional program with exercise. Your body does not want to give up fat.

    What is Thermogenesis?

    Elimination of excess calories by generating heat.

    How can I increase thermogenesis within my body?

    Exercise every day

    Increase lean muscle mass (You don't have to become a body builder to do this. Even light training with weights can build some muscle.)

    Proper Nutrition (Keep your metabolism revved up by eating less food more often.)

    Agents, ingredients (herbs, vitamins, etc.) that increase thermogenesis.

    Some of the listed agents work through thermogenesis. Others work by affecting various levels of the conversion of food or body fat to energy such as insuring proper insulinfunction , helping the liver process fats or stimulating a sluggish thyroid.

    Please use any thermogenic agents with caution, always starting with low dosages to test your body for any unusual reactions. Some of these agents (like ephedrine) the body can quickly develop a tolerance to if you take them on a regular basis. So the same dosage will be less effective. Do not keep raising the dosage! Take a break, allow your body to empty itself of the chemical by cycling off of the agent. Typically take a break every 3 to 4 weeks, staying off for about a week then resume the on off cycle. Or, only take the agent every other day.

    Another effective method to keep from building a tolerance to an ingredient would be to  find different fat burners that you have found effective for your body type and then take them on alternate days.

    Please consult a doctor before consuming any herb or drug particularly if you have a
    special condition concerning diabetes, pregnancy, thyroid, kidney etc. or if you are on any prescribed medication. Some of these agents can raise blood pressure or cause thinning of the blood and many other effects to the body.

    I urge you to seek comparative advice on these ingredients so you will be a betterinformed consumer. Be cautious of commercial sites that rave about the benefits of ingredients and then link you to a product that contains those ingredients.


    Research further at sites offering neutral or non-commercial advice before purchasing.

    The information found in this report is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition. Please research further and consult with qualified Nutritionist, Doctors or other weight loss professionals.

    Full List of Ingredients

    All of the ingredients listed below may not be useful for weight loss but you will see them promoted as weight loss agents.

    Details of each agent listed below follows later.

    5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)
    Apple Cider Vinegar
    B vitamins
    Coleus Forskolii
    Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
    Corosolic Acid (banaba leaf)
    Dioscorea villosa
    Green Tea (polyphenols)
    HMB (beta Hydroxy-Methyl-Butyrate)
    Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA)
    Momordica Charantia (bitter melon)
    Morinda citrifolia (Noni)
    Theobromine (listed under Cocoa Bean)
    Theophylline (listed under Cocoa Bean)
    Yohimbine Hydrochloride

    Some agents listed do not have repeated solid, unbiased human studies that clearly point to its abilities to help you lose weight. Many ingredients are accepted "on faith" that they work or have shown limited effects in the laboratory but these studies have not been applied to humans.

    You will easily see in the charts and graphs I have provided for you, three main
    ingredients listed over and over. These three ingredients are Ephedrine, Caffeine and

    Aspirin. You may see these ingredients referred to as "the stack" or "E/C/A stack". It is  well accepted that these three agents work the best and the reason they are always  combined (or stacked together) are because they help each other work better.


    When one ingredient helps another ingredient work better this relationship is considered synergistic.

    One other ingredient has been found to extend the abilities of a number of agents or work in a synergistic fashion. It is called Naringin. You may begin to see this ingredient appear in more and more formulas but for right now it is only found in a few.


    Naringin is mainly found in grapefruit juice and it is the ingredient that imparts the bitter flavor.

    Some brands of grapefruit juice are using methods to reduce naringin therefore making their juice taste sweeter. Naringin increases the effectiveness of caffeine. Please use caution in drinking grapefruit juice and consuming prescription drugs because naringin has been shown to alter some drug's effectiveness.
    One Huge Problem (This will save you money)

    Brown Fat

    There are 2 main types of fat, white fat and brown fat.

    Some companies claim certain ingredients will help release the energy stored in brown fat. While there are some animal studies to back this claim up there is one huge problem. Humans have little to zero brown fat in their bodies! Brown fat is found exclusively in animals and mainly in animals that utilize hibernation. Do not fall for claims made on this basis!



    This is the isolated active ingredient in fenugreek seeds that
    actually works. It may help regulate insulin insuring more energy gets to cells and gets used.

    Do not look for fenugreek seeds in products because you would have to take very
    large dosages to get the benefits.

    This product is presently fairly expensive and there are other ingredients that perform about the same function and cost less. With the active ingredient you only need about 250 mg per dose.

    5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) Griffonia simplicifolia used more for affecting mood
    disorders than weight loss as a mild appetite suppressant. The studies for this
    controversial agent in relieving depression are mixed at best and zero for weight loss.


    It is not recommended since there are so many other agents that do a better job. Our bodies make 5-HTP from the amino acid L-Tryptophan but taking supplements does not increase 5-HTP.

    Apple Cider Vinegar in liquid or pill form there is zero evidence this does anything for you relating to weight loss. Go to the store and buy some for under a dollar and season your food with it.


    If an apple cider vinegar product works for reducing fat then it is because of other fat burning ingredients included in many of the products. Aspirin Salicin, White or Purple Willow Bark, Acetyl-Salicylic Acid .


    When combined  with ephedrine and caffeine, aspirin taken 3 times a day in dosages of approximately 300 mg helps to form the most potent fat burner available. Doctors now recommend for certain people regular treatments of low dosages, up to 100 mg, of aspirin for other ailments other than weight loss.

    Regular aspirin can contain 100-400+ mg depending on strength. Constant use of high doses of aspirin may cause internal bleeding.

    There are plenty of good products that do not contain aspirin.

    B Vitamins most all the B Vitamins assist in the processing of energy. A dietary
    deficiency is not likely unless you are following a strict fad diet that is limiting in variety of foods and multivitamins or B complexes certainly supply enough. Additional supplementation does not tend to assist in the extra burning of calories. dosages per day;

    B1 (Thiamin) 1.5 mg, B2 (Riboflavin) 1.7 mg, B5 (Pantothenic Acid) around 5 mg, B8 (Folic Acid) 400 mcg, B12 (Cobalamin) 6 mcg, B3 (Niacin) 20 mg, B6 (Pyridoxine) 2mg, Certain groups of individuals may be at higher risk for lacking one or more of the B vitamins. Pregnant women need extra B8, vegetarians and the elderly may need extra B12 etc. but a good diet that involves a variety of foods plus a basic multivitamin should insure you get more than the RDA. Although these vitamins are very important and you do not want to be deficient in them; Weight loss claims from fat burning supplements  that say you need their product because it contains any of the B vitamins is unwarranted as long as you eat properly and take a multivitamin.

    Caffeine Guarana, Guarna Extract, Guarana Seed, Kola Nut, Bissey Nut, Paullinia
    Cupana, Mate, Yerba Mate, Guaranine. Caffeine can be found in many sources and you can easily substitue with a cup of coffee, tea or even green tea. One of the benefits of taking caffeine in pill form is no additional calories associated with sugars usually used to sweeten drinks. Acts mainly as a nervous system stimulant and mild appetite suppressant.


    Combined with ephedrine, it makes the best fat burner stack known. 200
    mg 3 times a day.


    Caffeine Comparison

    The amount of caffeine in some common beverages is as follows:

    Coffee, brewed - 40 to 180 mg. per cup
    Coffee, instant - 30 to 120 mg. per cup
    Cola and other soft drinks, containing caffeine - 36 to 90 mg. per 12 ozTea, brewed American - 20 to 90 mg. per cup
    Tea, brewed imported - 25 to 110 mg. per cup

    Tea, instant - 28 mg. per cup
    The product Vivarin contains 200 mg of caffeine
    Capsaicin Cayenne, Capsicum Capsaicin is the compound that makes peppers hot.

    Some people can ingest large quantities without adverse gastrointestinal side effects
    (heartburn). Basically any hot spicy food that causes you to sweat is having a
    thermogenic effect on your body. Effective dosage can be high, up to 3 grams per day and can cause heartburn in some individuals.

    Chromium Chromium Picolinate, Chromium Citrate, Chromium Chloride, Chromium
    Polynicotinate. These are all different forms of the same mineral but the body is better at absorbing some than others. There is a big fight between the two camps of those who say chromium picolinate is better and those who say chromium polynicotinate is mor eabsorbable.

    This mineral helps insulin at regulating blood sugar. The two most popular forms are picolinate and polynicotinate. Recommended dosage per day is 120 mcg.

    Some fat burner supplements supply as much as 200 mcg and I have seen recommended dosages (for hard training weight lifters) as high as 400 mcg.

    Although higher than the recommended serving of chromium may not increase weight loss, it is thought that many people are deficient in this trace mineral. Therefore people who are overweight (or diabetic) may not be getting the full effects of the insulin regulating abilities of this nutrient. A simple multivitamin should help insure you get enough and buying supplements that supply more may be just a waste of money.

    You may also get chromium from Brewer’s Yeast, a source rich in this nutrient often
    used by vegetarians since it also supplies B12, copper and iron. One ounce of brewer's yeast can supply an easily absorbable 100-200 mcg.

    Cocoa Bean Chocolate

    The ancient magical drink really does contain numerous active compounds that may act as potent fat burners. Do not run out and buy a bunch of chocolate at the store. Once processed and mixed with milk and sugar it will do you no good except to put on fat and maybe help give you a feeling of satisfaction. But here is a breakdown of 4 active ingredients that when isolated and standardized for proper potency may prove effective.

    Phenylethylamine (PEA) This is the ingredient that makes you feel good. By
    promoting a sense of well being, happiness and satisfaction it can help eliminate binge eating or eating due to depression. Remember our bodies are very smart and when depressed many people turn to chocolate possibly to stimulate that feeling of well being.

    The only problem is store bought chocolate promotes fat storage. This ingredient may be found in some brands just to bring on feelings of satisfaction to help eliminate over eating. It does not directly promote fat loss.

    Theobromine Affects humans much like caffeine by acting as a stimulant and
    mild diuretic. Amounts can vary greatly in different chocolates and beans so the
    ingredient needs to be standardized.

    Theophylline Can stimulate the central nervous system, increase heart rate.
    Considered a potent stimulant that may cause jitters and other negative side effects much like ephedrine. So people who are sensitive to stimulants of this type may need to avoid it.

    The last two ingredients, Theobromine and Theophylline, are somewhat new and may begin to appear in more and more fat burner mixes. Knowledge of their actual fat burner abilities is limited at this point.


    Coleus Forskolii Makandi


    The root of this mint plant contains forskolin, a compound found naturally in the body that can affect many aspects of metabolism. Supplementing with forskolin may be a good thing although I do not believe there is solid human evidence for it. It is increasingly appearing in more products. If you want to supplement with it look for standardized extracts of 10-20% forskolin, about 100-300 mg per day.

    Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) there is plenty of fantastic positive data in animal
    studies but in human studies the results have been mixed on weight loss. Recently, I have been reading very good results from newer human studies from reputable resources.


    You may benefit the most from this agent the more overweight you are but if the results in the animal studies transfer at all to humans, then this is a great supplement. CLA also appears to target fat loss in the stomach area. CLA, a naturally occurring fatty acid, is obtained in your diet mainly through beef and dairy products.

    Although in supplements it is mainly derived from vegetable oils. Be sure to look for the brand name Tonalin for quality CLA products. The right dosage of CLA is unclear but it appears an average diet would not supply enough (maybe 1-gram). About 3-6 grams daily should be an appropriate amount.

    Corosolic Acid Banaba Leaf, Glucosol, Regulin. Helps to regulate blood sugar and
    insulin. May reduce cravings for carbohydrates and sweets resulting in weight loss over an extended period of time. You will probably see this ingredient listed more often as banaba leaf in diet teas but the two company brand names producing the chemical form are Glucosol and Regulin. 16-48 mg per day divided with meals.
    Creatine This supplement is highly effective. But it does not directly help you to lose

    Creatine is necessary (we need about 2 grams per day) in our muscles to process energy. This supplement is proven, in many studies, to help you build additional muscle if you are working out with weights. Additional muscle helps you to burn more calories therefore you will burn additional fat. There is no need to take this supplement unless you are going to lift weights.


    It also does not increase duration-oriented exercise like aerobic activities. Do not take it just to try and burn extra calories. Creatine is found  in meat and fish and you normally get about a gram in an 8 ounce steak. Dosage 2 g per day.

    Dioscorea villosa Mexican/Wild Yam may have some benefit in regulating blood sugar but no good evidence exist to support this. More likely useful in helping women during the menstrual cycle but there are better ingredients for this.
    Ephedrine Ephedra, Ma Huang, Sida Cordifolia. Laws in some states and Canada limit
    the drug ephedrine. You can also find ephedrine in some over-the-counter medications such as asthma bronchial dilators (both inhalants and pill form) and in decongestants.

    I took all of these products to alleviate ( M's allergies and mild asthma for years
    before M  became truly aware of the active ingredients. It is considered to be one of the most effective thermogenic agents, it stimulates the nervous system and can raise blood pressure. Recommended dosage for a healthy adult of ephedrine is no more than 100 mg in a 24-hr period. Almost all reputable products deliver no more than 20 mg of ephedrine in a single serving as recommended.

    Fenugreek Typically used in seasoning foods fenugreek is also known for its ability to affect blood sugar and reduce appetite. The only draw back is large quantities are
    required to obtain results making it unlikely to be used for such purposes. The seeds also act like the popular chitosan and absorb fats. Consumption of 15-20 grams per day is effective in controlling blood sugar, while higher levels (up to 100 grams) may be needed  to effectively suppress appetite for weight loss purposes. It is unlikely that any supplement on the market would supply these quantities.

    The active ingredient in fenugreek seeds that is actually useful has been isolated and is called 4-hydroxyisoleucine (see 4-hydroxyisoleucine listed above for details)
    Green Tea polyphenol, catechins The active compounds in green tea are the polyphenols of which various catechins make up the largest portion. There is some pretty good evidence that green tea has a direct effect on weight loss. Look for extracts standardized
    to at least 60% polyphenols 125-500 mg per day. This equals approx. 4-10 cups of green tea. Guarana (see caffeine) Guarana seeds contains twice as much caffeine as coffee beans so companies use it as a cheaper source of caffeine.

    Guggul gum guggul, guggulu, guggulsterones, guggulipids, from the mukul myrrh tree If you take this make sure your supplement says guggulipids as gum guggul and guggulu ay contain unwanted impurities. Presently there is not enough lab evidence to suggest this supplement is warranted for weight loss but further studies are being made.

    It has been used in India in Ayruvedic medicine for many years to stimulate thyroid production.

    If you have low thyroid output you may benefit from this chemical. Guggulsterones are becoming increasingly popular in body building supplements to encourage every ounce of fat loss possible. Dosage is 200-800 mg daily.

    Gymnema Sylvestre Gurmarbooti, gurmar, periploca of the woods, meshasringi Helps to regulate blood sugar and insulin. May reduce cravings for carbohydrates and sweets resulting in weight loss over an extended period of time. Known as the "sugar destroyer" is may also reduce the taste of sweetness on your tongue.


    Certain medications, including antidepressants (St. John’s wort) and salicylates (white willow and aspirin) can enhance the blood sugar-lowering effects of gymnema sylvestre, whereas certain stimulants such as ephedra (Ma Huang) may reduce its effectiveness.


    Dosage uncertain but 400 mg per day helped diabetics and so those who are simply overweight should require less.

    Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) Garcinia Cambogia, Citrin, CitriMax This popular weight
    loss ingredient actually does not have enough evidence to support it being used as the main ingredient.

    There is some evidence it may block conversion of simple sugars into fats but does not work directly on dietary fats. HCA may be limited to working as an appetite suppressant and weight loss aid mainly if you are consuming large quantities of carbohydrates (mainly simple sugars like bread, potatoes, candy etc.)

    One other case against it is the high dosages used in the studies are considerably less than what is  offered in a lot of commercial products. Dosages to look for are a minimum of 750 mg of Garcinia Cambogia standardized to contain at least 50% HCA 3 times per day. 

    HMB (beta Hydroxy-Methyl-Butyrate) Like creatine listed above this supplement is safe and proven for muscle recovery. So indirectly it can help you lose fat but mainly if you are going to be exercising.


    HMB helps to keep your muscles from breaking down during exercise (both short duration and endurance exercise). There are some indications it does help metabolize fat. Dosage is about 1 gram per day while not working out and 3 grams per day during intensive workouts.


    L carnitine

    L-Carnitine is an amino acid easily produced from a variety of other common nutrients (lysine, methionine, vitamin C, iron, niacin and vitamin B6) within the body. L-Carnitine is needed to release energy from fat. In situations of high energy needs the body can become temporarily deficient. There is no evidence that larger doses help with additional fat loss and the body produces all it needs. Even strict vegetarian diets or extremely low calorie diets do not tend to lack in L-Carnitine. You can be assured of getting plenty by taking an amino acid complex or consuming plenty of protein. If you wish you can supplement with 2-6 grams per day.

    Acetyl-L-Carnitine  is very similar and some people suggest more  effective.Although you are not likely to notice any difference the recommended dosage is lower, 500-750 mg per day.

    Lipotropics in general, are substances that prevent an abnormal accumulation of fat in the liver (fat disolvers). Besides improving fat metabolism, lipotropics will also aid in the metabolism of fat-soluble nutrients and aid the liver in its other metabolic functions such as the processing of hormones, estrogen, sulfa drugs, glucose, and glycogen.

    The average person should get plenty through their diet and there is no real evidence that additional supplementation increases weight loss but if you wish to supplement, find a good multivitamin/B vitamin complex that supplies these nutrients.


    There should be no need to waste money buying special "lipotropic" products for weight loss. 4 lipotropics listed below:

    Choline aids in emulsifying cholesterol so that it doesn't settle on arterial walls.
    Lecithin or Phosphatidylcholine is the best way to supplement although the body can
    make choline from the amino acid methionine. The average diet supplies the RDA
    dosage per day approx 400-900 mg. Additional supplementation should not be required unless you are an athlete then you may want to look at 1-5 grams per day.
    Betaine (TMG) (trimethylglycine) Methyl groups can deactivate harmful substances in the body and convert them to helpful substances.

    Both betaine citrate and betaine aspartate are good supplements to look for. Betaine is not an essential nutrient, and thus no deficiency state exists.

    Inositol metabolizes fats and cholesterol and aids in transporting fat in the blood
    system. Thus it is an aid in the redistribution of body fat. No real deficiency state exists although in clinical treatments doctors have prescribed high dosages of 1 gram or more.

    Methionine is an amino acid that reduces fat and aids in lowering cholesterol. It
    can be substituted for choline, which aids in reducing liver fat. Methionine seems to act as a catalyst for choline and inositol thus speeding up their function. It is an essential amino acid and requirements vary according to body weight, approximately 800–1,000 mg of methionine per day.


    An amount easily obtained by most diets.

    Momordica Charantia Karela, bitter melon, bitter gourd, carilla plant, wild cucumber,
    African cucumber, Kuguazi is a common vegetable eaten by many throughout the world, Bitter Melon grows on a vine, is cousin of the squash and hates cold weather. The vine resembles that of the tomato. Instead of round red fruit, however, the bitter melon has green cucumber shaped fruit. It's called "bitter" for taste, "melon" for looks.

    There is some evidence to suggest bitter melon works to stabilize insulin or lower blood sugars.


    It is presently unclear as to which chemicals or combination of chemicals in this plant are responsible for it's actions. Further studies are being conducted. Dosage very uncertain possibly between 5-100 ml per day.

    Morinda citrifolia (Noni) typically known as Noni Juice in a variety of forms. Do not
    waste your money on products that promote this as the main ingredient for weight
    loss. There is no evidence that suggests it will help you lose weight.
    Naringin may not directly affect weight loss but it will extend the affect of other
    ingredients like caffeine. Essentially making the agent more potent. Naringin also has been shown to affect many prescription drugs. Please use caution with this ingredient.

    Dosage of 50-200 mg per day.

    NADH nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide this compound is required for the metabolic
    process of energy production. It is found in meat and poultry and may increase energy levels through supplementation. Although not as expensive as pyruvate it can cost $2-15 dollars per day for the recommended dosages of approx. 2-15 mg per day.

    Pyruvate usually combined with calcium but also combined with sodium, potassium or magnesium to stabilize the compound. There is little doubt that this supplement works for weight loss. The main problem is cost. Most studies used large quantities 25-40 grams per day and most supplements sold commercially only supply about 250-1500 mg per day (a huge difference).


    There is no evidence to support these small, commercial dosages are beneficial to weight loss. There have been a couple of studies that used lower dosages around 6-10 grams a day with positive results when combined with exercise. Prices may change but just to supply your body with 20 grams of pyruvate a day would cost on average around $16.00 dollars. Even if the lower dosage of 10 grams  a day was effective it would still cost you around $8.00 dollars a day for this single supplement. If you can afford the price and stand the possible gastrointestinal side effects of gas, bloating and diarrhea such large dosages may cause, then by all means help yourself.

    Ribose can assist with energy production and can become depleted during long bouts of exercise over periods of days. Supplementation should not be necessary for the average  exercising individual but the athlete who exercises hard nearly every day may benefit.

    Dosage per day 3-10 grams.

    Synephrine Citrus Aurantium, Bitter Orange, green orange, sour orange, Zhi Shi. It is a mild stimulant and appetite suppressant though the scientific data on humans is poor to limited. Synephrine is chemically similar to ephedrine but may not have the negative central nervous effects of ephedra or caffeine, so it may be a good alternative to those seeking thermogenesis without ephedrine although it may not be as effective. Synephrine may raise blood pressure. Dosages to look for are approximately 200-600 mg of citrus aurantium that have been standardized to contain 3-6% synephrine or about 4-20 mg of synephrine.


    Taurine is a conditionally essential amino acid meaning there are certain times of mental and physical stress when the body does not produce enough. As the second most abundant amino acid in the body it plays a large variety of rolls. There are no solid studies backing claims of increased energy or muscle increase from supplementation.


    It has been found that sometimes, strict vegetarians and diabetics can be lacking in taurine, which is mostly found in red meat, dairy, fish and poultry. Energy drinks may have between 50 and 100 mg and various clinical studies have used 500mg up to 6 grams.

    Vanadium Vanadyl (Vanadyl Sulfate), Vanadate A trace mineral recently discovered to be essential although no RDA has been established yet. Some multivitamins may not contain it but it is thought we only need about 10 mcg per day. Your normal daily diet should supply enough, 10-30 mcg. This mineral may help metabolize carbohydrates and regulate blood glucose (vanadium mimics insulin). Vanadyl Sulfate is probably the best form and bodybuilders will consume daily dosages as high 50 mg per day, but remember  this is a trace mineral and consuming to much could lead to a toxic buildup.


    Yohimbine Hydrochloride (HCL) Yohimbe, Yohimbe Bark, Quebracho may aid in the
    direct loss of body fat. Also may prevent arteries from becoming clogged. There is more evidence that suggest it is better used for erectile dysfunction in men rather than weight loss. That is the reason why you will see yohimbine included in "male formulas" more often than just in weight loss products. May also raise blood pressure. Dosage of 1-5 mg daily.


    The Best Ingredients for Weight Loss

    The E/C/A/ stack (Ephedrine/Caffeine/Aspirin)- Combine with Naringin to extend the
    Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
    Green Tea
    Pyruvate- Effective in large dosages (but very expensive) the quantities found presently
    in products are unlikely to be useful as a fat burner.
    Corosolic Acid (banaba leaf)
    Mid-range ingredients for weight loss (some ingredients have limited or
    mixed data but may provide some assistance)
    Coleus Forskolii
    Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA)
    Theobromine and Theophylline (listed under Cocoa)
    The least effective or worthless ingredients for weight loss
    5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)
    Dioscorea villosa (Mexican/Wild Yam)
    Morinda citrifolia (Noni)
    Yohimbine Hydrochloride (HCL)
    Apple Cider Vinegar
    Pyruvate Yes, I also included it in the most effective list because it is proven to work.

    The only problem is no one I have found yet sells it in large enough doses to be of use.

    What is the best Brand?

    No single brand that I have found contains the complete mix of the best and mid-range ingredients. They each have slightly different combinations of ingredients to help set them apart.

    Many of the brand names are all highly effective and very good products but in utilizing the charts where ingredients and brands were compared in a side by side analysis.

    The first two recommendations contain Ephedrine or Ma Huang.

    They are:

    1. (TwinLabs) Ultimate Diet Fuel (The Best)

    2. (TwinLabs) Extreme Ripped Fuel (Next Best)

    There are only a few ingredient differences between these two products.

    The next recommendations are brands that contain NO Ephedrine or Ma Huang. I am
    still looking for a brand that really knocks me out with its combination of ingredients but so far I haven't found one. There are some good candidates and by mixing and matching or buying ingredients separately to fill in the gaps you might can "create" a really good one.

    1. (Health and Nutrition Systems) Carb Cutter (Gets my top vote for right now)

    2. (BioChem) Glucolean

    3. (EAS) Results Thermogenic Ephedra Free


    Weight loss ingredients in a good multivitamin or amino acid complex (or ingredients that you do not typically need to seek in supplements).

    If you are getting the RDA of the following nutrients then purchasing
    commercial weight loss products containing these nutrients is probably a waste of
    your money.

    Look for products that supply only the best weight loss ingredients you


    B Vitamins
    Vitamin A
    Vitamin C
    Vitamin E
    Amino acids L-Carnitine
    E/C/A Stack

    The E/C/A stack is a proven winner but it can be very powerful and have strong effects on the body. I think that for most people it is safe to take as long as you follow the directions and do not abuse this combination.

    As with any chemical some people are more sensitive than others and if you have not tried this combination then proceed with caution.

    The reason you will find the same approximate dosages in most fat burners is because there is a certain ratio that has been proven to be the most effective and increasing the dosage does not make it better. 20 mg of ephedrine, 200 mg of caffeine and 300 mg of aspirin per dose three times a day. There is only one brand that has the patent for the exact formula used in the clinical trials (it is called ECA Stack by NutraSport).


    Other brands mimic this formula by using the herbal equivalents. If aspirin bothers you then look for the herbal equivalent, willow bark or look for one that does not contain it. The ephedrine/caffeine stack by itself is potent.


    How to make the E/C/A stack more effective


    Take it 30 minutes before you work out so you can exercise more intensely and burn
    extra fat. Don’t take it every day. Take it every other day and on the days you don’t take it use a secondary set of ingredients that are different from the E/C/A stack. If you do take it every day be sure to take a break for one week out every month.

    Special Vitamin Section

    The following are some vitamins and minerals you want to be sure to get enough of to help fight fatigue and to keep your body supplied with the proper nutrients so you can lose weight. If you become deficient in one or more of these nutrients then feelings of tiredness can set in or your body will not be able to function properly to burn fat.

    Four Fatigue Fighters Doctors have found that many people who experience fatigue are usually deficient in one or more of these nutrients. Just being tired is no symptom  showing you lack any of these nutrients. Make sure you are getting enough sleep first and foremost.


    1. Iron

    2. Magnesium

    3. Potassium

    4. Vitamin C

    Docters have discovered that people who are overweight or on low calorie diets may lack some of the following nutrients.


    Simply because you are overweight or dieting does not guarantee you are lacking any one or more of these nutrients.

    1. Calcium
    2. Chromium
    3. Copper
    4. Iron
    5. Magnesium
    6. Vitamin A
    7. Vitamin C
    8. Vitamin E
    9. Zinc

    Carbohydrate and Fat Blockers



    Carbs are the fuel that your body prefers to use. When people go on low carb diets it
    affects their brains too. This is why you may become irritable, tired, and depressed.
    Your body craves carbs and you are going to eventually "crash and burn".

    People will binge on foods that give quick carb jolts. These carb jolts come in the form of simple carbs or simple sugars that your body can break down quickly to satisfy that  craving.

    Foods like candy, ice cream, and pizza. Your body is not stupid and knows
    where to go to get what it wants.

    Use low carb diets intelligently.

    Do not try to stay on them for extended periods. If you find low carb dieting works for you, then utilize them for maybe 2 or 3 week stretches.

    But when you go off of them continue to exert good nutritional control.

    This is why it is highly recommended for any diet to take a break one or two days a week to reward  yourself and to keep your brain and body happy.

    Two highly effective Fat and Carb Blockers are Chitosan and Phaseolamin
    Chitosan Known for years, is a marine fiber. Until recently it was required to take the product 30-60 minutes before you ate. Now new developments allow you to take it just before you eat. The brand name chitosan to look for is Liposan Ultra. It can bind 5 times more fat than regular chitosan and dissolves instantly in the stomach.
    Phaseolamin (Phaseolus vulgaris) An effective new carb blocker is derived from the
    kidney bean. One brand name to look for is Phase 2 although many products simply list the ingredient as phaseolamin (extract of northern white kidney bean). A 500 mg dose can block dozens of calories.

    Products to look for containing these ingredients:

    Carb Cutter (Health and Nutrition Systems) Does not contain Liposan Ultra but does
    have phaseolamin and several other ingredients for assisting the transportation and
    utilization of sugars.

    The next 3 Brands contain Liposan Ultra:

    OptiBlock (SlimSense)

    LipoSpa (Nutramerica)

    (Natrol) Fat Intercept and Ultra Chitosan


    What to look for in an online auction or while making any fat burner purchase?


    If you are not familiar with the brand you are buying, make sure they list the following:


    1. Ingredients

    2. Quantity of ingredients per serving

    3. Recommended serving and number of servings per day

    4. Quantity of pills per bottle


    Buyer Be Aware!


    I have seen bottles of Stacker 2 (a reputable product) on eBay that are very inexpensive.

    The only problem is the bottle only contains 30 pills! At the recommended dosage of 2 or 3 pills, several times a day, at best these bottles will only last a week or two. Make sure they list everything you need and pay attention to everything!

    Standardized: Learn to read the label


    If you look at the label on a bottle that contains the herbal equivalent of ephedrine,
    caffeine and aspirin you may see something like the following.
    Ma Huang 250 mg (standardized to 6% ephedrine) 20 mg What does this mean?

    This means the manufacturer used the herb Ma Huang to supply  the active ingredient ephedrine rather than using the chemical drug ephedrine. The Ma Huang was manufactured so that 6% of the 250-mg is ephedrine. Or 20 mg of the 250 mg of Ma Huang is ephedrine. One problem with labels is there is no standardization for labeling supplements or herbs.

    You have to take the manufacturer’s word that it contains what it says it does. This is one reason to use reputable popular brands that have a lot to lose if it is found out they do not supply what the label says.

    If the label says 250 mg of Ma Huang and nothing else, then you have no idea how much of the active ingredient ephedrine is actually in the 250 mg. You could be getting practically no ephedrine or getting way too much to be considered safe.

    Your safest bet it to look for herbal ingredients that list the standardization of the active ingredient.

    One other way to tell if you are getting a proper dose of ephedrine is if they list the
    ingredient as an alkaloid. In other words you may see listed on the label Ephedra
    alkaloids 20 mg supplied as Ma Huang


    What is a good price to pay for a fat burner?

    Of course this can easily vary because some companies use inferior ingredients or don't even put the ingredients in. Try to stick with trusted brand names. You may pay a little more but you are more assured of accurate quality. Another factor is some ingredients are flat out more expensive to produce such as Pyruvate, CLA, 4-hydroxyisoleucine.

    Average pricing for brand name products seems to be between .20 cents and .33 cents per pill. Easily determine a good price for fat burners by first checking for ingredients you want.

    If they list a bunch of amino acids and vitamins then you probably do not want it if you already take a multivitamin/amino acid complex (more does not mean better).

    Then check for quantity (based on mg, mcg, etc.) of the ingredients per serving. If the quantity of ingredients between two nearly identical fat burners is the same then price comparison is really easy. Pay attention to their serving size. If one brand says take 2 pills 3 times a day and another brand says take 6 pills 3 times a day, you really need to double check the quantity of ingredients per serving. Next, find out the cost per pill.

    To find out the cost per pill, simply take the total quantity of pills in the bottle (30, 60, 90 etc.) and divide by the total cost. Don't forget to include shipping and handling if it applies.

    For example:

    Lets assume the ingredients are the same in the following two products.
    Product #1: $29.95 divided by 90 pills equals .33 cents per pill
    Product #2: $39.95 divided by 120 pills equals .33 cents per pill
    The two prices listed above are actually equal on a per pill basis. But lets say the first product only requires 1 pill 3 times per day to equal 500 mg and the second product requires 3 pills 3 times per day to equal 500 mg.

    Here is how to find out the cost per serving and per day.

    Product #1: .33 cents multiplied by 1 equals .33 cents per serving (1 pill) or .33 cents multiplied by 3 for .99 cents per day.

    Product #2: .33 cents multiplied by 3 equals .99 cents per serving (3 pills) or .99 cents multiplied by 3 for $2.97 per day.

    Obviously it is much cheaper to pay .99 cents per day for Product #1 as opposed to $2.97 per day for Product #2.

    How to save $399.60 dollars a year on the best fat burner

    The best fat burner presently known is the combination of ephedrine and caffeine (you can include aspirin). You can buy these two ingredients cheaply if you purchase them individually instead of buying a brand name that contains these 2 active ingredients.

    You can go into most any well stocked nutrition store such as GNC or Vitamin World
    and buy a bottle of ephedrine (Ma Huang) and you can also buy the caffeine (I use the brand Vivarin).

    Be sure to look for the proper dosage of ephedrine, which would be no more than 20 mg per serving to be safe.

    Here is the formula I used to arrive at saving $399.60 a year.

    Savings obtained by individually purchasing the active ingredients to the best fat burner presently known. Of course actual prices may vary.

    The Nutrasport product E/C/A Stack contains 3 active ingredients, ephedrine alkaloids 20 mg, caffeine 200 mg, acetylsalacylic (aspirin) 324 mg. SRP $44.50 for 120 pills 

    Serving size is 2 capsules 3 times a day. $44.50 divided by 120 equals .37 cents per pill. ($2.22 per day) ($66.60 per 30 day month) ($799.20 per 12 months).

    Of course you would not actually use the product every day for a year and Nutrasport does not recommend that you do.

    The  prices of the same individual active ingredients purchased separately.
    Stacker Pure Ephedrine pills- SRP at Powerhouse-supplements.com $11.95 for 60 pills.


    1 serving equals 20 mg of ephedrine (from Ma Huang) 3 servings per day for optimum fat burning with caffeine. $11.95 divided by 60 equals .20 cents per serving (.60 cents per day) ($18.00 per 30 day month) ($216.00 for 12 months)
    Vivarin Caffeine pills- SRP at Drugstore.com was $11.49 for 80 pills. 1 serving equals 200 mg. 3 servings per day for optimum fat burning combined with ephedrine. $11.49 divided by 80 equals .14 cents per serving (.42 cents per day) ($12.60 per 30 day month) ($151.20 for 12 months)

    Rite Aid Aspirin- SRP at Drugstore.com $2.49 for 100 pills. 1 serving equals 1 tablet at 325 mg, 3 servings per day combined with ephedrine and caffeine for optimum fat
    burning effects. $2.49 divided by 100 pills equals .03 cents per serving (.09 cents per day) (2.70 per 30 day month) ($32.40 for 12 months)


    The following chart shows cost per year if taken every day (not recommended)


    Caffeine $151.20 Nutrasport ECA
    Ephedrine $216.00
    Aspirin $ 32.40
    Total $399.60 Total Difference = 399.60

    A box of Vivarin with 80 tablets for $6.50 this equals .08 cents per pill and a bottle of Ma Huang with 90 capsules for $9.99 this equals .11 cents per pill.

    Both together would be .19 cents per pill. If I took 3 servings a day (.57 cents) this would cost $208.00 a year.

    If you want the best fat burner and want to save hundreds of dollars a year then that is what I recommend. You can also buy most of the other ingredients known for weight loss separately also.

    Ingredients like Green Tea, Capsaicin (Cayenne), Synephrine
    (Citrus Aurantium), HCA etc.

    Daily "Recipe" for maximum fat burning

    Drink plenty of water, exercise for 30 minutes and eat small nutritional meals 5 or 6
    times a day.


    Every day consume the following:


    Amino Acid complex or protein drink.

    Green Tea either as an enjoyable drink, at least 4 cups per day or in pill form

    CLA This product is not cheap and not recommended if on a budget.Other beneficial dietary fats (good fats) like Flax seed oil that contains Omega 3 fatty acids.

    Every other day consume the following:

    A product containing the E/C/A combination.

    On days you are not taking the E/C/A stack try the following:

    Substitute with a product that contains synephrine

    Capsaicin/Cayenne pillsA product affecting insulin that contains banaba leaf and/or gymnema.Possibly a product with guggulsterones for your thyroid.


    I would not recommend suddenly starting all of these products at once. If you have never consumed any of them then you do not know how your body will react. If you do become mildly ill from gas or diarrhea then you would know which product todiscontinue.Try one product for a while and if everything goes okay then add another. You did not suddenly become overweight overnight and taking some time to insure your health and lose weight in the same fashion you put it on (a little at a time) is a good thing. No reputable product exists that will magically melt dozens of pounds of fat off your body in just a few weeks. Learn good nutrition habits, exercise and you will get to where you want to be.


    Fat Attack: A 6 Step Simple Nutrition Guide

    Good Nutrition like everything else does not have to be complicated, simple is better. Follow these simple rules for 2 to 3 months and you will be amazed at the results.

    1. Revise your Cupboard


    Simple Rule: If Man Made it Don't Eat It.

    If it is not in your house you can't eat it. Rid your kitchen of processed foods and snacks. Do not fall for marketing that claim low-fat, low-sugar, low-carbohydrate. Too many  companies manipulate labels and they are hard to figure out. Keep your cupboard simple. Chicken, tuna, vegetables (fresh, frozen and canned are fine), fresh fruits, and complex carbohydrates consisting of whole wheat, brown rice, yams, oatmeal (not the processed quick cook kind). Use plenty of herbs and spices so your meals don't get boring.

    2. Handy Gauge

    Simple Rule: Use Your Hand to Gauge How Much to Eat.
    Do not count calories, weigh food or other methods that make eating difficult. A fist or palm sized amount of lean protein along with a fist-sized amount of a complex carb (brown rice, oatmeal, and whole wheat) and fist sized serving of vegetable or fruit.

    3. Eat Less More Often.

    Simple Rule: Eat every 3 hours.
    Eating nutritious smaller meals and snacks every few hours will keep your metabolism high all day long with a steady supply of energy. Do not eat out, take all your food to work.

    4. Water Yourself

    Simple Rule: Drink twice as often as you eat.
    Water makes everything in our bodies work better. This cannot be understated. The first thing you should do every morning when you get up is drink a glass of water.

    5. Friendly Fats

    Simple Rule: Friendly Fats Fight Fat.
    Consume friendly fats (2 to 5 tbsp.) 2 times a day. Reduce bad fats found in meat,
    cheese, butter, margarine, shortening and whole milk. Eliminate fried foods and snacks. Your friendly fats are linolenic acid (omega-3) and linoleic acid (omega-6) found in fish and some nuts. The easiest and best way to consume these friendly fats is to buy Flax Seed Oil, Hemp Seed Oil or Udo's Choice Perfected Oil Blend. Do not cook with these
    oils but mix them with food you are ready to eat. You can also add CLA supplements to your diet.

    6. Nutrients

    Simple Rule: Mother Nature Provides the Best Fat Fighters
    Take a multivitamin and be sure to get plenty of Calcium through low-fat dairy sources.  Consume 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight (one chicken breast can have 40-45 grams of protein). Consume 35 grams of fiber a day (good sources are bran, brown rice, beans and green vegetables).  Nutrition and weight loss can be simple. Increase the speed of your fat loss by exercising 30 minutes a day or for 1 hour every other day.


    Please add a weight lifting routine.


    John Goodmann



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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.mooi slank tips

    Mooi Slank Tips

    Zo ziet u slanker

    De keuze van je kleding kan je slanker laten lijken, verkeerde kleding kan de kilootjes erbij optellen.

    -Kies voor de donkere kleuren als zwart, blauw, grijs of bruin voor je probleem gebieden. Felle kleuren kunnen maar niet op plaatsen waar je wil afslanken.

    Ga deze winter voor grijs. Perfect te combineren met andere kleuren, bijvoorbeeld rood.

    -Kies voor effen. Liefst boven en onder dezelfde kleur. Als je voor een patroon kiest, kies dan voor kleine afbeeldingen. Steeds werd gedacht dat horizontale strepen niet passen bij gezette dames, dunne verticale strepen zouden wel afkleden. Recent onderzoek veegt deze theorie van tafel. Horizontaal gestreepte kleding doen zelfs het omgekeerde en camoufleren extra kilo's optisch. Ook diagonale lijnen zijn een geschikte keuze. Neem geen glanzende stoffen als satijn en velours.

    -Kies kleding die past. Vrouwen die zichzelf te dik vinden, dragen vaak wijde, vormloze truien. Dat kan helemaal niet. Ook het dragen van te kleine kleding is funest. Ga voor een grotere kledingmaat. Wil je niet dat anderen dat weten? Knip de maatlabel uit je kleding.
    Zorg ervoor dat sluitingen goed passen, dat er geen openingen bij knopen ontstaan of zakken af gaan staan. Belangrijke tip: Pas altijd kleding die je wilt kopen. Ten eerste om te zien hoe en of het je staat. Verder zijn maten nooit gelijk. De ene maat 42 is de andere niet.

    -Vermijd massale, grove truien of sweatshirts.

    -Pas op met broeken of rokken met bandplooien. Rokken en broeken met een platte voorkant kleden af.

    -Kies de juiste accessoires om de aandacht van eventuele probleemgebieden af te leiden. Neem geen kleine tasjes, neem een medium sized tas. Zorg dat de tas in verhouding is met je lichaam. Zorg dat je riem en schoenen in dezelfde kleur zijn als je broek of rok. Dit laat je benen langer en slanker lijken.

    -Om je benen langer te laten lijken, kun je kiezen voor rokken die net boven de knie vallen. Laat franjes en roesjes achterwege. Extra stof geeft toont breder.

    -Donkere panty's laten je benen dunner lijken. Neem liever geen met patroontjes.

    -Kies onderkleding en kousen met extra steun. Dit geldt ook voor badkleding. Als je wat zwaarder bent, kun je beter een bikini of badpak met onzichtbare steun kiezen. Heb je grote borsten, investeer dan in een goede ondersteunende BH.

    -Als je een mouwloze jurk aan wilt en jouw bovenarmen lijken te dik, sla dan losjes een dunne sjaal om je schouders.

    - Een V-hals met verschillende laagjes kleding en kleuren, geeft een chique effect. V-halzen laten je bovenlichaam langer en slanker lijken.

    -Kleding met friemels, ruches en tierelantijntjes zijn niet de juiste keuze. Ze geven alleen meer volume aan het geheel.

    -Draag geen shirts of truien in je rok. Koop bovenkleding die net over je taille valt, maar ook niet veel langer is.

    -Neem geen strakke broeken die nauw om je heupen en dijen zitten. Kies voor een broek die comfortabel zit met rechte of iets uitlopende pijpen.

    -Voor langere dunner lijkende benen kun je een asymmetrische rok kiezen. Ook de A-lijn jurkjes zijn echt iets voor jou. Legging, stretchbroek en enkellaarsjes maken de outfit compleet. (lvl)

    Trendy Eye Patrons

    Trendy Eye Patrons

    Make Up Tips

    Ben je geen heldin in het aanbrengen van make-up? Dan zijn deze make-up patches echt iets voor jou. Je moet gewoon een soort van sticker op je oog drukken en het lijkt alsof een professional zich over je oogleden heeft ontfermd.

    Twee cosmeticabedrijven presenteren deze trend: ColorOn en Eye Majic, meldt Elle.nl. Bij de eerste fabrikant kun je kiezen uit zowel dagdagelijkse oogschaduw in trendy kleurtjes, als uit bizarre luipaard- ofcamouflagepatronen. Eye Majic houdt het iets gewoner, zij bieden 12 verschillende kleurvarianten aan.

    De patches zijn wel redelijk duur, je betaalt 10 euro voor 10 paar 'stickers'. Het is niet iets dat je elke dag zult gebruiken, maar wel ideaal als je voor een speciale gelegenheid voor de dag moet komen. Bookmark and Share

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