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    Corruptie_troef Medische Corruptie binnen Justitie.
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Corruptie_troef ! Rechter Marleen Zegers & Ludo Jonckheer Medische Corruptie in Justitie.

    Iedereen zou dit relaas moeten lezen. Een arbeidsongeval is snel gebeurd en de BELGISCHE RECHTBANK bij medische kwesties is compleet verzadigd van de corruptie. 
    Het is een vast kinderachtig stramien dat door de Rechtbank wordt toegepast waarbij ook de Rechters betrokken zijn. Samen genieten ze van de miserie van het slachtoffer. Niets is laffer dan iemand de grond in boren die al neerligt, maar je hebt dan ook niet te maken met eerbare mensen.
    Lees wat mij is overkomen: bij medische kwesties is voor de Rechtbank niets zo winstgevend als een werkongevallenslachtoffer met zware restletsels die voor hun Rechtbank komt.. k-tjing k-tjing ... de Rechtbank houdt zich aan deze zaken "RECHT".

    hoe gaat men te werk: Meestal wordt door de Belgische Rechtbank een Gerechtsdeskundige aangesteld die ook al eerder voor verzekeringsbelangen optrad en dan ben je pas een vogel voor de kat. Na een ongeval kom je in het ziekenhuis terecht en zoals in mijn geval was DOKTER MATTON het van dag één al likkebaardend eens met de dokter van de verzekering. In het ziekenhuis sprak men algauw over de 'dikke enveloppen (ASSUBEL - JOCKHEER) voor dokter Matton (?)
    Ik bevond mij plots, en ik spreek niet over mijn bijna dodelijk ongeval, in een levensgevaarlijke situatie maar ik was toen nog naïef. hierbij hun tacktiek:
    1) De geplande operatie ging ineens niet meer door want dan zou er al een bepaalde graad invaliditeit zijn en dat was voor de verzekering uitgesloten.
    2) Mijn letsel "epidurale bloeding" en "één van de scherven zit in de epidurale ruimte" werd niet vermeld bij de opgelopen letsels want dat kon de verzekering niet toelaten. 
    3) Mogelijks liet ik het leven door deze mishandeling maar dat is voor de verzekering niet erg want dat is immers de goedkoopste oplossing.
    4) Indien er zich bij overleven dan zware restletsels voordoen dan ontkennen ze die door te verwijzen naar de valse documenten van hun gabber DOKTER MATTON
    4) Er werden ook meerdere versies van hetzelfde document opgesteld op vraag van het Gerechtsdeskundige vriendje van de verzekering.
    5) Naar de Rechtbank gaan? SLUITEND BEWIJS-GERECHTIGHEID-RECHTSPRAAK ? Deze Rechters behartigen enkel de verzekeringsbelangen.

    18 jaar procederen en ik wou al niet overdrijven:
    Bij medische kwesties moet er toch ook één RECHT-sprekende Rechter of in het slechtste geval één SEMI-RECHT-sprekende Rechter te vinden zijn ? noppes !


    1) Rechter Marleen Zegers en dokter Jonckheer verzekering hebben samen meegewerkt aan een boek wat resulteerde in een uiterst "vruchtbare" samenwerking. 

    2) Rechter Marleen Zegers had een cruciaal document van vastgestelde schriftvervalsing van dokter Matton in haar dossier zitten.

    3) Dokter Jonckheer verzekering en dokter Matton hebben samen de vervalsing vanaf dag één opgestart en zijn vriendjes.

    4) Rechter Marleen Zegers dekt dokter Matton de verzekeringsgabber in door zijn schriftvervalsing weg te moffelen en de verzekering zelf moet ook 0% betalen.

    CRUCIAAL: waar baseerde Rechter Marleen Zegers eigenlijk haar vonnis op ?

    De 'GEVOELENS' die DOKTER JONCKHEER van de verzekering had betreffende mijn letsels was voor deze Rechter DOORSLAGGEVEND bewijs.
    Zij had helemaal geen op academisch niveau opgestelde documenten nodig van integere specialisten als bijvoorbeeld Prof Dr Zegers de Beyl van de ULB in Brussel.
    Ze heeft gewoon netjes als een kontlikker haar verzekeringsvriendje dokter Jonckheer en zijn vriendjes naar de mond gepraat. 

    hoe noemt men eigenlijk iemand die zichzelf voor commerciële doeleinden verkoopt ?
    Bepaal zelf: een Rechter die 0% invaliditeit uitspreekt voor letsels als een gebroken nek C2 met scherf in de epidurale ruimte (epidurale bloeding)- myoclonieën - nog steeds een plaat met bouten in de voorarm- een knie waarvan de knieschijf bloot lag- een enkel operatie- gebroken tenen die nooit meer plooien
    en daarbovenop: ik moet de verzekeraar ook alles terugbetalen wat ze ooit in een ver verleden hebben betaald.
    denkt u dat deze Rechter van de dankbare verzekering enkel een schouderklopje kreeg ? ze hebben samen lekker winst gemaakt aan mijn bijna dodelijk ongeval.

    RECHTER MARLEEN ZEGERS: full length (hahaha)
    zij zei op de dag van de pleidooien:
    Om het in de sfeer van het cadeau-seizoen te zeggen : amai die was snel ingepakt

    De slogan: 'DURF GERUST MET ALLIANCE AAN JE ZIJ' is alvast duidelijk haar levensmotto

    Met de nodige bravoure stond ze erop mij zélf de doodsteek te geven, toch betwijfel ik sterk of iedereen bij Justitie dit zal toejuichen, volgens mij benadrukt ze met haar 'ongeloofwaardige- fysiek onmogelijke- overkill - uitspraak' nu juist de corruptie binnen Justitie.

    Er staat haar ongetwijfeld een uiterst prettige kerst te wachten maar de euforie van lekker trots zijn op haar eigen gebrek aan integriteit en haar ontbreken van enig normbesef zal snel leiden tot geforceerde onderdanigheid aan de betrokken verzekeraar. ze heeft haar zwakte om "mensen te ruïneren en zelf de dankbaarheid te incasseren" getoond en deze verzekeraar zal vanaf nu van haar smullen. MARIONET MARLEEN.                                                    

    Het is schrijnend maar ook een beetje lachwekkend als ik me voor ogen probeer te halen hoe ze wel niet om dit mogelijk te maken met opengehouden handjes en plat op de buik de bff van de verzekeraar wou worden. 
    OEI, haar vriendje de overjaarse paradeknol van de verzekeraar: DOKTER JONCKHEER heeft concurrentie, zijn vriendin Marleen Zegers heeft hem overtroeft, ze gaat nog lager dan zijn beste vriend de corrupte GERECHTSDESKUNDIGE LIESSENS en diens papegaai Gerechtspsychiater Chris Dillen. 
    Amai, een echt killerkwartet.

    Om dit te ondersteunen: deze Rechter doet mij zelfs heel sterk denken aan GERECHTSPSYCHIATER CHRIS DILLEN: hij besprak als psychiater ook met de natte vinger vanachter zijn bureau de complexe materie van het ontstaan van myocloniën terwijl dit nu, ook bij hem, net zijn incompetentie en boerenmanieren extra in de verf zette
    Herinner u de uitzending van PANORAMA van mei 2016.
    grappig toch hoe DILLEN van arrogant afgleed naar verward om daarna in een narcistische woedeaanval te belanden.

    mijn Gerechtelijk avontuur was soms ook een beetje als naar de zoo gaan: hoogst opmerkelijk hoe een corrupt iemand met armen en benen begint te zwaaien wanneer hun ware aard met sluitend bewijs wordt blootgelegd. Ik verwijs hierbij graag naar A. RISKE. straf toch, dan doen ze net of ze gekrenkt zijn in hun "eer" ?? 
    Wat deze Rechter wel op haar palmares kan zetten is het feit dat er voor deze verzekeraar nu geen grenzen meer zijn om te doen wat ze willen met slachtoffers waarvan zware blijvende letsels niet te ontkennen zijn. Niet alleen de verzekeraar maar ook JUSTITIE heeft immers een zware imago opdoffer gehad met het op onnozele manier moeten indekken en wegmoffelen van mijn sluitend bewijs en ook daarbij, toekomstige slachtoffers zijn nu gewaarschuwd en mondiger
    Hoe graag ook de verzekeraar, zoals ze in de volksmond zeggen, over lijken gaat, toekomstige slachtoffers moeten niet direct vrezen om 'oeps' plots op de operatietafel te sterven zodat ze geen keet kunnen gaan schoppen als hun dossier (gegarandeerd) vervalst wordt want er moeten natuurlijk ook nog veel patiëntjes (lees dealtjes) bij de Rechtbank passeren, ah ja.

    maar allee, RECHTER MARLEEN ZEGERS is nu de evenknie van RECHTER BENIEST, dat ze er maar trots op is

    de mand met rotte appels moet nu toch stilaan overlopen, is het voor de verzekeraar echt nog goedkoper om deze hele mand in dienst te houden in plaats van de slachtoffers te vergoeden ?

    als klein voorbeeld verwijs ik hier graag naar de immer gewillige PROCUREUR C. ROOSEN die als een pitbull DOKTER MATTON verdedigde. 
    zij dekte de vastgestelde schriftvervalsing van dokter Matton in met de stelling dat hij 'PER ONGELUK' schriftvervalsing had gepleegd. 
    Ze zei dat hij het zo verschrikkelijk druk had maar toch anno 21ste eeuw niet een kopie van het bestaande document van 1998 wou nemen maar er expliciet voor koos het bestaande document met de hand over te schrijven en dit speciaal voor gebruik in de medicolegale expertise bij GERECHTSDESKUNDIGE RISKE en verdorie, had hij er nu net niet een fictieve zin bijgezet waarmee de verzekeraar in een later stadium mogelijks aan hun aansprakelijkheid zouden kunnen ontsnappen.

    het vervalste document hoefde voor deze PROCUREUR helemaal NIET uit de expertise gehaald te worden want anders zou de verzekeraar haar medewerking natuurlijk ook niet gewaardeerd hebben. 

    de hele opzet is in feite lachwekkend kinderachtig: ik kom later nog terug op alle weggemoffelde - verdwenen - verdraaide documenten -documenten waarvan meerdere versies bestaan al naargelang waarvoor ze moesten dienen- verhoren die nooit hebben plaatsgevonden - een verhoor zonder pv nummer - mijn verdwenen medisch dossier- een document dat bevestigd dat in clubs als de ROTARY beslist wordt welke patiënt naar wie gestuurd word en wat er moet vermeld of gemanipuleerd worden, en nog veel meer. ook voeg ik een vermelding toe over de persoon die de Belgische Staat verdedigde bij het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens, ik weet wel dat laster en prietpraat het enige is dat de Belgische Staat kon aanwenden ter verdediging, nergens dus ook maar één vermelding van een officieel document,want tja die beantwoorden niet aan de verzekeringsversie: dat was dus Belgiës beste ? zwak - heel zwak.

    wordt vervolgd

    02-12-2017 om 00:00 geschreven door ALAIN HEYRMAN  

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    Tags:Marleen Zegers, H.Beniest, Ludo Jonckheer, Corruptie, medische corruptie,justitie,
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    In bewerking....

    09-02-2022 om 14:04 geschreven door ALAIN HEYRMAN  

    0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 5/5 - (1 Stemmen)
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    Dear journalist, I am Alain Heyrman from a small village (Beveren Waas) in Belgium and I want to inform you about decades of insurance corruption in our Belgian Court system under the watchful eye of our Government.The whole world knows Belgium for its terroristic incidents - the strikes - the fact that our members of Parliament want to retire at the age of 55 but they want the Belgian citizens to work until the age of 67 so their early luxurious pension is at least always guaranteed etc. But the truth about Belgium is even worse. I am one of the many victims of a very lucrative business that situates itself within our department of Justice and our Government. I compare this violation against several basic human rights with the practices of Doctor Brandt during the Second World War. Belgian citizens who suffer non curable injuries due to an accident are fair game in Belgium. When insurance companies are involved the patients are guaranteed merchandise which the Belgian Court trades for the best offer and our Government turns a blind eye.It concerns pure intellectual dishonesty. It is NOT a medical discussion. I know that medical discussions always lead to questioning objectivity vs conflict of interest, but that is not the point here. It concerns deliberate forgery and manipulation of the content of official documents. Belgium is exceptionally good in faking. To the outside world our Government profiles our Country as respectable and civilized but that is a smoke screen. Belgium claims to have numerous organizations to protect their citizens but these exist only for a very particular reason. For instance, none of the organizations are neutral: When a Belgian citizen claims his rights to be violated by a governmental institution; he is send from one to another organization which is typical the Belgian way to start the umbrella game in supporting and backing up the violating party. Together they create the illusion to stand strong in an effort to cover up their paper- thin lucrative conspiracies. I have contacted every Belgian organization possible and they all claim to be “not authorized”, how convenient. What happened to me: In 1998 (35 years old) I became the victim of a serious car accident on my way to work. My injuries: I broke my neck C2 (hangman fracture) fragments were pushing against the spinal cord, I had an epidural bleeding, due to these injuries I suffer from myoclonieën (involuntary muscle spasms) I still have a metal plate in my forearm, I suffered a shoulder-knee and ankle injury and a broken toe. I was young and had suffered life-threatening injuries: From that day the hunt was on …. I refused to leave it be and took step after step to expose these scandalous practices and they are still fighting back with the only means they know best: total destruction through corruption supported by the Belgian Court and Government. The outcome: about 6 investigating judges (onderzoeksrechters) and 18 years further: the Belgian Courts decision = 0% invalidity On my own I wrote a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights at Strasbourg. My complaint was admissible and in 2012 the state was notified and paid me the amount set by the European Court. Arrest ECHR 25694-06 Heyrman vs Belgium Although every judgment of the European Court has to result in immediate action taken by the state to avoid the reoccurrence of the violation(s) Belgium just perseveres (18 years up till now) I thought a lawyer like SVEN MARY would expose the corruption of our Belgian Court but it was quite the opposite, I couldn’t sleep a wink when he was my lawyer: He didn’t want me to appeal – he often wasn’t even present in Court so I had to defend myself- he let CASSATION pass due to a so called new element, an element that was already mentioned earlier before the Court …… In Belgium insurance is mandatory. For the insurance companies involved these cases can easily be 100% win- win situations. When a serious accident happens they can rely on the Belgian Court to appoint one of their buyable experts who will forge the patients’ medical file so they often have to compensate not one single eurocent and corrupt judges like H. BENIEST push the forgeries through. Together they are a well-organized and experienced cover up machine. The list with buyable Court experts is long, very long. The problem is that these Court experts often work for the insurance companies involved. These insurance companies know that invincibility is within reach when they can OWN these unscrupulous untouchable Court experts who are part of an independent pillar of our state and therefore have the ability to forge official documents on demand and unpunished. With benefits they encourage and persuade the Court experts to become their allies: in no time these sworn Court puppets lose all sense of integrity and humanity.There is also the fact that these insurance companies make millions of profit with their insurance branch. How much of this profit is gained directly from these corrupt activities.To our Belgian Court and government corruption is not punishable for organizations that offer “opportunities” or “possibilities” due to their financial strength. We victims have organized ourselves on a website and our number grows weekly. The website is called: stop misbruik verzekeringen. We have also been on television: on the site you can watch the episode of “PANORAMA” of the Belgian network “CANVAS” (dd 21 05 2015). For the experts appointed by the Belgian Court it is a game: the younger the patient - the more severe the injuries - the more to gain. By the time the experts are through with them: the patients can often no longer even pay their necessary medication and treatments, some of us even got homeless even though they were the victims to begin with. The experts involved literally walk over corpses without hesitation. For years on end the corrupt experts experienced these situations as most agreeable because the completely destroyed patients weren’t likely to file a complaint. We were able to obtain evidence in writing (of one of the victims) that the medical consultants of the insurance companies + the court Physicians arrange deals whilst dining in KNOKKE. The letter confirms that the most important information about the patients’ condition never must be mentioned and always has to be put integral in the attachments. It confirms also that the patient (whose medical condition got worse) most certainly must NOT be examined again because otherwise they would have to pay him more. CRUCIAL Under the guidance of the insurance company the buyable experts consult each other about: 1) the content of their medicolegale experts report 2) the choosing of the sub experts who have to back up the forgery. This is crucial in case of a judicial complaint because the experts and sub experts reports are the only recommended documents for the Belgian Court to support and cover up forgery. For decades it is the same scenario: if even questions are asked the Belgian Court hides behind the experts and sub experts: all these SWORN people state the same! … one day you find the job of your life …. Explanation: Court expert LIESSENS elaborate mentions doctors / specialists / authorities and their conclusions in his experts report but when you take the actual doctors/experts/authorities documents you immediately see that the content does not correspond with what this Court expert has written down. Two small examples: the word Posttraumatic becomes in the Court experts report: psychological the statement injurie present becomes in the Court experts report: injurie NOT present etc. ….. Nevertheless I praise myself as one of the lucky ones because I could survive. Realistically: Everyone knows the cheapest solution in case of an accident. In this context: I reported several times the possibility of a suspicious dead used directly by one of the accomplices to forge my medical file and not one single question was ever asked by the Belgian Court. The last time in 2015 in Court: one of the judges smiled and stated: “you can always go to the European Court if you want”. Though he was surprised that I already had filed an admissible complaint he in fact couldn’t care less. The Government pays what the European Court instructs and they just proceed like snobs without integrity. DO YOU BELIEVE: judges that handle these cases on a daily basis for over 20 years and not one of them even once thought: strange, every day of every year every victim of both genders has exactly the same diagnoses though their accident circumstances - their injuries- their age -their job- their lifestyle- are infinitely different! Our latest action: we wrote to the minister of Justice KOEN GEENS and asked him to use his positive injunction right (positief injunctierecht) into ordering an investigation. The minister promised an investigation but then I received a letter from the substitute PROCURATOR GENERAL (procureur generaal) C. ROOSEN. This confirms that it is not the intention of the minister of Justice to put an end to the corruption. The opinion of C. ROOSEN doesn’t matter; it is biased and useless because she NEVER even looked at the evidence and the file: due to the fact that it wasn’t present at Ghent. Despite the clearness in my letter to KOEN GEENS about that point, he still contacts her. It obviously wasn’t her sense of JUSTICE that got her the procurator job. My experience is that she only has to function as blind parrot for her corrupt colleagues. Our Government has indeed a very deviance approach to “the right person for the right job” CONCLUSION: concerning medical corruption: to lodge an appeal (beroep aantekenen) in Belgium is not an effective remedy (daadwerkelijk rechtsmiddel). It is an organization to keep corruption covered up. For decades, the verdict in these cases is always the same and determined upfront: It’s like my lawyer Sven Mary confirmed me in writing: don’t appeal because it will be 99.99% the same verdict. Quite a few months ago the Director General (DIRECTEUR GENERAAL) of the High Council for Justice (HOGE RAAD VOOR DE JUSTITIE) wrote me a letter in asking me to state the irregularities of the experts in writing, so that he could investigate. On 18-08-2016 I received an email in which he stated that there is nothing wrong: all is legal and correct ; again the umbrella game… In fact I didn’t expect it to be otherwise; In Belgium these powerful functions are always strategically given to people that are easy to manipulate. Justice in Belgium is even a banana republic unworthy. How did it come to an 18 year battle with our department of Justice? 1) Doctor Matton of the hospital in Beveren and doctor Jonckheer of the insurance company are the instigators. They are the textbook example of what the Hippocratic Oath means to a lot of doctors when money is involved. The eager doctor MATTON changed his planned intern fixation into a conservative treatment in order to create some space for the insurance company to get away with it. Therefore Matton adjusted his documents to fit the insurance company treatment. For instance: epidural bleeding and involuntary muscle spasms (myoclonieën) were left out of his medical documents. Matton always stated that my injuries would all disappear by itself. My true injuries were confirmed later when the x- rays of Matton needed to be revised, but the harm was done. forgery of doctor MATTON was established during his judicial hearing: 1) he didn’t mention my injurie in his medical document from 1998 2) he forges his document in 2002 by adding that my injury was not present 3) he admits during his judicial hearing (gerechtelijk verhoor) that my injury was definitely present MATTON had put my life deliberately in danger: In consultation with insurance doctor Jonckheer he forced me into resuming work only months after my accident; in the period that even the corrupt Court experts stated that I was 100% unable to work. Due to this forced resume I had an additional accident- a fall from the stairs. When the ambulance entered the hospital MATTON was already on the telephone with the insurance company after which he stated his diagnose ‘wrong movement – back to work’. MATTON knew that I had suffered a drop shock due to the injuries he concealed, nevertheless he sends me again back to work: Free interpretation: NOT DEAD – WE TRY AGAIN TOMORROW INTERESTING: the experts appointed by the Belgian Court never mention my additional accident, strange though: knowing that it was their puppeteer the insurance company who warned MATTON that the ambulance was on the way. Meanwhile: My medical file is disappeared in the hospital (Matton) again I have to take action ….. 2) OUR FIRST ACTION: the order of physicians: a fart in a windstorm When the liaison between doctor MATTON and doctor JONCKHEER of the insurance company got preposterously inhuman I wrote a complaint to the order of physicians I didn’t need to specify my complaint, I didn’t need to apply evidence: the order of physicians stated they would conduct an internal investigation: what in fact meant that the doctor of the insurance company had to bring in the incriminating evidence against himself. 3) Appointed by the Belgian Court: POLICE COURT A. RISKE: the queen of the attachments and melodrama a) Every single document that does not fit into the insurance vision= document integral in the attachments. Not one word of the findings mentioned in her medicolegale experts report. It is like the so called BELGIAN CITIZENS RIGHT to formulate comments about inconsistencies in the experts report = integral in the never looked at attachments. RISKE CONTRADICTS HERSELF When I ask her why many documents are not used in her experts report she stated: I mention the receiving of the documents so = USED When I ask her why she used the experts report of dr LIESSENS of the LABOR COURT she stated: I mention the receiving of the document so = NOT USED b) RISKE wants to intimidate and provoke. She knows what the outcome of her experts report needs to be but has no documents to support the insurance vision and therefore she always tries to provoke to get the patient angry and then falsely state: obviously the diagnose is psychological. When the bait didn’t work she started to say that she was threatened! Al people present can verify that I only stated: “If you don’t write the truth in your experts report I will use every legal possibility to unmask your forgery “. I do understand of course that in that perspective she felt threatened. TO DEFINE THE LACK OF INTEGRITY AND THE ARROGANCE OF THE BELGIAN COURT: The representative for Belgium defending the state at the European Court of Human Rights specifically used the fictive statement of ‘threats to the Court expert’ to defend Belgium. Only the experts’ and sub-experts fabricated fairytale was mentioned, not one single word of one original official document was mentioned to defend the state: for the obvious reason off course that every single original official document exposes the truth and therefore also the forgers. Can our Government fall any deeper just for the handouts of the insurance company? 4) Appointed by the Belgian Court: LABOR COURT Jean Luc LIESSENS: after decades of forging he seems to have lost all touch with reality a) Although numerous doctors refer to my injury: involuntary muscle spasms (myoclonieën); LIESSENS states in his medico legal expertise report that not one of the doctors refers to my injury. He himself adjusts in fact the content of the official documents into the insurance version. b) On to more than 20 official medical documents LIESSENS adds himself that my injury: involuntary muscle spasms (myoclonieën) were not present. He adds it even to documents about my ankle etc. c) He juggles with dates and proves himself to be a very dangerous man: - he states that I resumed work in May-June 1999 - He states that I was 100% unable to work until September 1999 - then he states that my second fracture (torn-fracture) is not healed even in 2003 d) When Jonckheer of the insurance (without any motivation or occasion) states to have the IDEA that my injury is psychological; it is the signal for LIESSENS to send me to sub expert COURT PSYCHIATRIST CHRIS DILLEN for a document to match the insurance IDEA because DILLEN is renowned to do anything for money. DILLEN states that all the famous neurologists with all their scientific and academically test were all wrong because he sees in an instant from behind his desk that I pretend my injurie and LIESSENS states “now we know with probability bordering on certainty that Mr. Heyrman fakes his injurie … “and the BELGIAN COURTS applauds ….” Funny though also tragic: One of us patients was not able to fill in the questionnaire of CHRIS DILLEN; so her husband filled it in for her and handed it to the COURT PSYCHIATRIST: the diagnosis of the healthy husband was also: a complete psychological basket case and a faker. When he told CHRIS DILLEN that in fact he had filled in the questionnaire, it didn’t matter... the document is considered conform to the Belgian Court and the insurance company is happy: that’s all that counts. 5) THE INVESTIGATING JUDGES 1 Van Der Sijpe He immediately understood what had happened and stated: Yet again ... due to his pension the case was handed to another investigating judge 2 Muylaert (the liar) She had the evidence of forgery in her hands but under the guise of “medical” she decided to hand the FALSE (the adjusted) documents to a commission to judge. I took three actions: a) I tried to force her into conducting a legitimate investigation by writing an additional complaint but she refused to take it on. b) I went to another investigating judge and explained the situation with evidence and he accepted the complaint and forwarded it to Muylaert. c) I wrote to the High Council for Justice (Hoge Raad voor de Justitie) and at first my complaint wasn’t admissible: the answer MUYLAERT had given to this institution was a lie to cover up her partiality. A rectification with FACTS resulted in the admissibility of my complaint. Muylaert stepped away from the case with again another lie. Good riddance I thought … 3 De Bruyckere He wanted EXTENSIVE interrogations of the accused. This resulted in interrogations of even less than ONE MINUT. We asked additional investigation and formulated a few relevant questions but our request was declined by the Bruyckere due to “not necessary to bring the truth out in the open” (?) An example of one of the interrogations: the doctor of the insurance company was notified about the content of the complaint. Het thought and thought but came to the conclusion that he had no idea what I meant. The investigating judge decided that that was convincing evidence that he was innocent. A few other IRREGULARITIES 1) RISKE has put her medico legal experts report FINAL CONCLUSIONS before the Court without the obligatory oath. The Belgian Court doesn’t care. Her experts report was never reopened to make it a legal document. 2) The accused of forgery were notified upfront of the confiscation of the medical file one file was so cleaned up that when confiscated it only existed of a picture of a computer screen with the mentioning of my name. The Belgian Court doesn’t care. After all: it was never their intention to actually look at the file. 3) Witness interrogation was declined. For instance: one witness can declare the unusual enormous amount of mail and envelops that were delivered at the instigator doctor Matton. 4) During the transfer of the file about 300 specific documents were removed from the casefile we told the procurator (PROCUREUR) and procurator general (PROCUREUR GENERAAL) about the missing documents but they didn’t care because who was really about to look at the file? Appeal (BEROEP) and cassation (CASSATIE) are in these cases just smoke screens. To the outside world it than seems we citizens have rights, that we are protected, that we get a fair trial …. OUR GOVERNMENT: FOCUS ON BELGIUM: RIDICULOUS The insurance companies involved refuse to take responsibility when a serious accident happens: they drain our social security system dry under the watchful eye of our government. We hope to attract the attention of the foreign press; we want to show other governments how Corrupt Belgium is: 1) How for instance the Belgian Court states that Matton committed forgery by accident and therefore the forgery must not be removed from the file. 2) That our Court finds documents in accordance with the law even when the obligatory oath is missing 3) that judicial hearings have no P.V. number (untraceable) 4) that judicial hearings aren’t signed and no signature is to be found in the ledgers (VERHOORBOEKEN) Link: Vrt Panorama Link: Stop Misbruik Verzekeringen!blog/c3s Kind regards Alain Heyrman

    13-04-2018 om 13:03 geschreven door ALAIN HEYRMAN  

    0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 4/5 - (6 Stemmen)
    Tags:corruptie,Marleen Zegers, valsheid en gebruik,Dr.Matton D., vervalste medische dossiers, vervalste expertises, procureur, procureur-generaal,
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    Een reportage van Wim van den Eynde en Alina Kneepkens, eindredactie Pascal Seynhaeve.

    Herhaling op vrijdag 22 mei om 18:40 en op zondag 24 mei om 19:05



    12-05-2015 om 00:00 geschreven door ALAIN HEYRMAN  

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