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Angelic Championship Wrestling
July 21, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We are backstage inside the President’s office. The President is not present, but Ashley Massaro and Rebel are. Ashley is asking Rebel what happened between her and Barbi Hayden in the past, and what Barbi was ranting about last week. She says there does not need to be any rivalries inside the management, there are enough already on the roster. Whatever is going on, they need to talk it out. Rebel reassures Ashley there is or better will be no problem anymore, especially when Barbi will win the Cadillac title later on. Ashley responds but that will be in disfavour of Kiera. Rebel says no one will mind as she leaves the office and Ashley is unsure about that ... Meanwhile Tessa Blanchard enters the office. She tells Ashley she overheard their conversation and is pushing Ashley to get to the bottom of all this. Furthermore, they need to help out Gabi who is being manipulated by management, and the truth needs to come out. Ashley agrees but says it is not as simple as it seems. Tessa offers her help as they shake hands ...

Stephanie Wiand and Lisa Morretti welcome us to this week’s Angelic Championship Wrestling show. They say they have a huge main event tonight as Santana Garrett takes on the Angelic Champion Katarina for the title ! But let’s kick off with some Cadillac Championship action !

Barbi Hayden (w/Ray Lyn) vs. Kiera Hogan (c) (w/Lindsay Snow and Gabi Castrovinci)
Singles Match
Cadillac Championship

Barbi and Ray Lyn make their way down to the ring, glamming up the place. Then, the Cadillac Champion makes her entrance, flanked with the PA Lindsay Snow and Gabi Castrovinci. Sarah Russi makes the official introductions. This will be Kiera’s second title defence in 42 days.

The bell rings, and Kiera slaps her right in the face. Barbi quickly picks her up and slams her into the corner before stomping her. Kiera turns her around and stomps her. Barbi quickly boots her down and tackles her before punching away at her. Kiera quickly escapes the ring.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Kiera applying a surfboard stretch. During the commercial break, Kiera snapped Barbi’s arm off the bottom rope. Kiera transitions into a hammerlock, but Barbi fights up. Kiera quickly takes her down by wrenching the arm for a two count. Kiera continues to try to dislocate the shoulder of Barbi. Kiera stands on her and steps on her head. Barbi gets up and sweeps the feet. Barbi gets her on the apron and snaps her off the middle rope. Barbi connects with some forearms before giving her a flapjack into the turnbuckle. Barbi takes her down with a back elbow before trying for a scoop slam, but her arm is too hurt. Barbi elbows her back and comes off the second rope with a flying back elbow. Barbi hits a snap back suplex before going to the middle rope for an elbow drop. Kiera quickly rolls out of the ring. Barbi follows her out, and Lindsay stands in her way. Kiera connects with a cheap shot to take her down. Kiera gets her in the ring. Ray Lyn attacks Lindsay. Lindsay escapes a toss into the ring post and dropkicks Ray Lyn into the LED apron. Kiera catches Barbi with an inside cradle, but she kicks out. Kiera quickly follows up with a Fired Up for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Kiera Hogan wins by Pinfall and remains Cadillac Champion

Barbi is out of her mind and a huge confrontation between Barbi-Ray Lyn and Kiera-Lindsay-Gabi is about to take place. Rebel and Ashley Massaro come running in breakin them up saying they do not need to do this. We are all friends and part of the management. We will discuss this inside the office ... Everyone backs up a little but still some tension in the air ...

The commentators hype up tonight’s main event between challenger Santana Garrett and defender Katarina.

Back inside the office, everyone is present, even Nick. Barbi is ranting on about how Lindsay made sure she lost the match. Lindsay says it was Ray Lyn who cheap shotted her. Barbi does not care she says and she is getting tired of always being ripped off. She says this has taken long enough and threatens Rebel by saying she is going to reveal everything that is going on, she turns to Kiera and repeats “everything” ! Both Rebel as Kiera are uncomfortable about this and Ashley tries to calm everyone down. Nick joins in and asks Barbi what she means by that. Barbi is about to speak, but Ashley cuts her off saying we will find a way out of this ... No one seems really happy ...

Back inside the squared circle ... Deonna Purrazzo has challenged Veda Scott to a Gold Rush match ...

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Veda Scott (GR)
Singles Match
Gold Rush

Now that Shanna, the former Gold Rush holder is out of the picture, Deonna finds she deserves the opportunity as she got screwed at Stairway to Heaven.

The bell rings, and they lock up. Deonna drives her into the corner and gives a clean break. Veda takes her down with a snapmare and kicks her in the back. Veda then applies an arm bar. Deonna fights up and scoop slams her into the ropes. Deonna punches away at her before slamming her onto the apron. Deonna chokes her on the middle rope before connecting with a clothesline. Deonna applies a full nelson. Veda fights up, so Deonna sends her into the ropes. Veda puts the brakes on and connects with an overhead kick. Veda boots her back and connects with a forearm. Veda dropkicks her in the head and punches her in the corner. Veda gets on the shoulders, but Deonna counters into a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Deonna sends her into the ropes and hits a back suplex backbreaker for a two count. Deonna goes to the second rope, but Veda kicks her off to the floor. Veda catches her with a baseball slide before viciously kicking her in the face from the apron. Veda then dropkicks her into the barricade. Both Angels are having difficulties getting back inside the ring. Veda gets back inside just in time ! Deonna does not ... The referee counts 10.

Match Result : Veda Scott wins by Count Out and retains the Gold Rush

Backstage, Barbi is holding up Rebel. She threatens her to reveal everything about the Snow abduction to the President. Rebel begs her not to. Barbi says she will need an incentive to not reveal it. She asks another title match. Rebel agrees immediately and says of course you will get a new Cadillac title match. Barbi laughs and says that’s not what she ment. She needs more incentive ... she was talking about the Angelic Championship ... as she leaves ... Rebel seems really embarrassed ...

The announcers welcome us back as we are about to get ready for the Angelic Championship match !

Santana Garrett vs. Katarina (c)
Singles Match
Angelic Championship

Santana Garrett makes her way down to the ring to another huge reception by the fans ! She is greeting them. Then, the Angelic Champion Katarina makes her entrance, still alone as Shelly Martinez is still injured due to Amber’s attack at Stairway to Heaven. Sarah Russi makes the official in-ring introductions. This will be Katarina’s eighth title defense in 210 days, making her the longest-reigning AND most defending Angelic Champion in ACW history. For Santana, it will be the second time she is challenging Katarina in her reign.

Before the match they even shake hands as they agreed to work together against Amber O’neal who is crossing both of them. There is some reluctance from Santana’s side and a weird smile on Katarina’s face.

The bell rings, and they slowly walk around the ring before locking up. Katarina applies a side headlock, but Santana whips her off and goes for a shoulder block, but Katarina doesn’t go down. Santana tries again, but Katarina doesn’t go down. Santana slaps her, so Katarina shoulder blocks her out of the ring. Santana angrily gets on the apron, so Katarina punches her off. Santana tries again, and Katarina once again punches her down.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Santana elbow Katarina in the corner and follow up with an overhead kick for a near fall. Santana punches her back to the corner and jabs away at her. Santana punches away at her before Katarina desperately rolls her up for a two count. Santana pops up and connects with a back elbow for a two count. Santana applies a neck vice and cinches it in. Katarina takes some time before fighting up. Santana quickly takes control and connects with a snap suplex for a near fall. Santana goes back to the neck vice, but Katarina fights up and connects with a pair of clotheslines. Santana reverses a whip and counters a clothesline into a uranaga attempt, but Katarina elbows out. Katarina finally hits the leaping clothesline for a two count. Katarina starts up the clubbing blows in the corner. Katarina then floors her with a big boot. Katarina sets up for a Strange Occurrences, but Santana rolls out of the ring. Katarina goes outside and tries for a Frenzy DDT, but Santana clotheslines her down. Katarina then comes back with a desperation clothesline on the floor. They’re both down heading into the final commercial break of the night.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the final break of the show to see Santana talking trash to Katarina. Santana head-butts her, but Katarina fires back with some head-butts of her own. Santana goes for a Rainbow Kick, but Katarina slides off and connects with a Frenzy DDT for a near fall. Katarina tries for a Strange Occurrences, but Santana counters into an inverted atomic drop before hitting a big boot and a senton splash for a near fall. Santana tries for a uranaga, but Katarina fights it. Santana fights her and tries again, but Katarina counters into an arm drag before connecting with a Strange Occurrences for a near fall!

Both angels are down when Amber O’neal’s music hits ! Amber comes out with her right elbow taped up. Amber pulls Santana out of the ring and stands over her. Amber then turns her attention toward Katarina inside the ring. Katarina looks enraged. Katarina punches her while she gets in the ring. Katarina kicks her back and punches her around ringside. Amber comes back by sending her into the barricade and throwing her through the middle rope back into the ring. The referee is throwing this match out !

Match Result : No Contest due to outside interference

Santana gets back on her feet as does Katarina. They both start circling around Amber who is being cornered inside the ring. Katarina takes the first shot, then Santana and they seem to be working quite well against a common enemy ...Finally Katarina gets out of the ring and grabs a steel chair. For Santana this is going too far and she asks Katarina not to do it. But Katarina doesn’t mind and hits the steel chair flat on Amber’s back ! Amber is motionless as Santana is not happy with this outcome ... both because of the no contest and Katarina beating up Amber that hard ...

Thanks for watching this week’s Angelic Championship Wrestling show ! See you nect week !

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Amanda Rodriguez
Amber O'neal
Aria Blake
Brittany Blake
Christina Von Eerie
Eva Marie
Ivelisse Velez
Katarina Leigh
KC Spinelli
Lindsay Snow
Marti Belle
Melina Perez
Ray Cray
Sonya Strong
Talia Madison
Tenille Dashwood
Tessa Blanchard
Vanessa Kraven
Veda Scott

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