
Since October 27,
1 title defense

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Since October 6, 2023

1 title defense

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Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Marti Belle vs. Katarina

Quick match results

Deonna Purrazo succesfully defends the Cadillac Championship against Shanna for the second time in 35 days

Barbi Hayden defeats Gabi Castrovinci

Katarina defeats Marti Belle

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Blanchard vs. Garrett

Amber O'Neal is challenging Santana Garrett for her Angelic Championship, but because of her injury she is proposing Barbi Hayden as challenger. The President says she already had two title opportunities and it should be someone else. He is putting Leva Bates, who has never had a title shot and has been Cadillac Champion in the past, to have the Gold Rush and to be cashed in in two weeks. Santana agrees to it but Amber and the Glam Slam Fam are unahppy.

The Sinister Sweethearts vs. Rebel and Lindsay Snow. Lindsay has the pinfall and the victory is for her and Rebel. There has been some miscommunication between the two in the match though …

Shanna is back from injury and challenges Deonna Purrazzo for her Cadillac title. Veda Scott joins but says she has no right to ask for it and she wants a match with her to determine who will challenge Deonna.

Veda Scott vs. Shanna, whoever wins will challenge Deonna's Cadillac title. Veda uses underhanded tactics but Shanna gets the pinfall and the win. Veda is unhappy and calls for the Spoiled Brats who come out but seem more occupied in their fingernails than attacking Shanna ...

Rebel asks The President when he will grant her a Angelic Championship match, being his girl. Nick gives an evasive answer and Rebel seems disappointed.

Marti Belle congratulates Santana Garrett on her title victory two weeks ago. From the back, Mercedes Martinez attacks Marti.

Tessa Blanchard vs. Santana Garrett, in a non-title match. Santana gets the win. Leva Bates comes out and attacks Tessa, due to her long-time rivalry. Santana tries to help Tessa out but Leva warns her and teases her as she points out to the Angelic title, which she will challenge for in two weeks ...

Kraven is inside the President's office and demands indeminsation … Nick says she has to wait some more but she is unhappy with the answer and destroys the office …

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.10.20.2017 - Katarina vs. Santana Garrett (c) for the Angelic Championship

President Nick Graves congratulates Santana Garrett on her win as new Angelic Champion. Amber O'neal comes out and threatens Santana. Katarina, the former Angelic Champion comes out to and Santana grants her a championship rematch tonight in the main event.

The Spoiled Brats are mocking Veda Scott's lessons.

The Tag Team Championship is on the line as Las Sicarias fight the current champs BaleSpin. BaleSpin succesfuly defends their titles for the third time in 140 days.

Barbi Hayden complaining to Ray Lyn backstage about how she is not getting any good matches.

Santana being congratulated backstage by the other talent on her Angelic Championship title. Mercedes Martinez comes by and they have a heated confrontation.

Leva Bates takes on Tessa Blanchard (w/Gabi Castrovinci). Leva is able to defeat her and taunts Tessa, reopening an old wound.

Rebel and Ashley Massaro talking about how things are working out for Management lately, but Kraven interrupts and wants indemnisation for the false accusation in the Snow Abduction case.

The main event, Angelic Championship rematch, Katarina takes on Santana Garrett. Santana is able to succesfully defend her newly won title for the first time in one week. They get both attacked by Barbi Hayden and Ray Lyn, and Amber O'neal comes out, revealing she has ordered them to attack the main eventers ...

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.10.13.2017 - Santana Garrett vs. Katarina (c) for the Angelic Championship

Angelic Championship Wrestling
October 13, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We are inside the President’s office. Mercedes Martinez is inside and is talking to him. She tells him he needs to think about the next Gold Rush, now that the Angelic title is on the line tonight in the main event. He says she is completely right because that title should be competed for over and over as it is the pinnacle of this promotion. He tells her to hold on to that thought and that he will consider including her in the next Gold Rush match up as it will probably not be just a singles match bur more to come ...

Stephanie Wiand and Lisa Morretti welcome us to tonight’s ACW show. Our main event will be for the Angelic Championship as Santana Garrett challenges the greatest of all time, Katarina ! But first, let’s kick off with a grudge match, which will be contested for the first time ever in ACW inside a ... steel cage ! Rebel and Kiera Hogan collide next !

-Commercial Break-

Kiera Hogan vs. Rebel (w/Lindsay Snow)
Cage Match

The steel cage is already in place and Kiera makes her way down to the ring. She seems confident as she will take on Rebel inside the steel structure. Next out Rebel comes, accompanied by Lindsay Snow. This match came about in a weird way, as Rebel and Kiera were unmasked as being Lindsay’s abductors ...

They both step inside the ring and the referee calls for the bell. The only ways to win this match is by Pinfall, Submission or escaping the cage.

The bell rings and Rebel immediately tries climbing out. Kiera cuts her off pulling her down. Rebel with some rights. Kiera with an exploding clothesline from the corner. Kiera tosses Rebel into the cage. Rebel hangs on and Kiera pulls her off by her foot planting her in the middle of the ring. Kiera with headbutts to Rebel. Kiera flips Rebel with force into the corner and then follows that up with a quick uppercut. Kiera catapults Rebel to the corner. Rebel again hangs on and tries to climb until Kiera cuts her off. Rebel drops down and powerbombs Kiera into the opposite corner. Rebel has Lindsay open the door and Kiera cuts her off. Rebel counters sending Kiera face first into the side of the cage. Rebel chokes Kiera in the corner with her boot. Rebel again drives Kiera face first off the side of the steel cage. Rebel yells at Kiera, “This is what you wanted huh?” Rebel is climbing up the cage as Kiera recovers, grabs Rebel and connects with a headbutt. Rebel with a jumping modified neckbreaker takedown on Kiera. Kiera side steps Rebel and bounces her face first off the side of the cage. Kiera and Rebel exchange rights. Kiera gets the better of Rebel. Kiera with repeated clotheslines. Rebel avoids a powerslam and starts climbing up the cage. Rebel is near the top as Kiera cuts her off. Rebel bounces Kiera’s head off the cage. Kiera falls back. Rebel jumps off the top rope and catches Kiera with a big knee to the head. Rebel climbs back up and is at the top. Kiera jumps up with Rebel. Kiera pulls Rebel back down to the top rope. Rebel with an elbow knocking Kiera back. Rebel jumps and Kiera plants her with a snap powerslam. Rebel counters a DDT through the ropes into a close nearfall.

-Commercial Break-

Rebel with a superkick on Kiera. Rebel is back up at the top and is over when Kiera hangs on to her by her hair! Lindsay is trying to pull Rebel down. Kiera kicks her away as Kiera brings Rebel back in connecting with a huge superplex from the top of the cage! We see Lindsay climbing up. She is knocked down when Kiera tosses Rebel into the side of the cage. Kiera with a huge overhead suplex on Rebel. Rebel counters the DDT through the ropes again and launches Kiera into the side of the cage. Rebel climbs back up and Kiera crotches her on the top rope. Kiera grabs Rebel and is finally able to execute the DDT over the top rope. Kiera kicks the gut of Rebel, hooks the arms and connects with a Fired Up ! Rebel kicks out ! Kiera backs up in the corner and misses a punt attempt. Rebel catches Kiera with a jumping kick to the head. Rebel yells at Lindsay to unlock the door. Lindsay opens it. Rebel is crawling out when Kiera cuts her off. Kiera drops Rebel over her back. The door remains open as Kiera walks over. Lindsay shuts the door. Rebel with a jumping kick. Kiera moves and Lindsay goes flying back. Rebel pushes the door open as Kiera hangs on to her. Lindsay slams the door over the head of Kiera. Lindsay opens the door and gets inside. Lindsay with a double chokeslam on Kiera. Lindsay stands over Rebel extending her arm. Lindsay grabs Kiera instead and drops her with a chokeslam. Kiera starts to crawl out when Lindsay grabs her and gives Kiera a chokeslam. Rebel with a Rebellion to Kiera ! She makes the cover ... 1... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Rebel wins by Pinfall

Lindsay keeps beating up Hogan who can’t do anything but lay still at ringside. Rebel is gloating and laughing as she lets Lindsay do the dirty work. This doesn’t seem good for Kiera, she surely will be injured after this beatdown by the hands of the PE ! This cage match has delivered all that was promised ! One for the ages !

The commentators talk about tonight’s huge main event for the Angelic title, between Santana Garrett and Katarina, as a graphic is shown.

Backstage, we see Veda Scott will the Spoiled Brats, Mila Naniki and Aria Blake. She is teaching them some moves but it doesn’t seem to go that well as the moves are too complicated and the Brats tell her she needs to start with the basics. Veda waves it away and does a goofy move, just as Las Sicarias approach them. They watch Veda stumble and fall down and they laugh at her before walking on. Veda doesn’t seem happy and The Brats are giggling. Veda turns around and snaps at them before leaving herself ...

Welcome back guys, time for our huge main event !

Santana Garrett vs. Katarina (c) (w/Shelly Martinez)
Singles Match
Angelic Championship

First out, the challenger Santana, who the audience is cheering loudly for as she greets them. Then, the champion, Katarina, accompanied by her valet Shelly Martinez. Sarah Russi is out here to make the official announcements, stating this will be Katarina’s twelfth title defence in 294 days.

The bell rings ... Santana wants to shake hands, but Katarina just laughs at her ... They lock up, and Santana pushes her off. Katarina goes around Santana and rolls her up for a no count. Katarina wrenches the arm, and Santana comes back with a wrench of her own. Katarina twists out and kips up before taking her down and hitting a standing moonsault for a two count. Santana rolls out of the ring to recover. Santana takes her time before getting back into the ring. Santana grabs a waistlock, but Katarina hooks a side headlock. Santana whips her off and misses a pair of clotheslines. Katarina slides through the legs and gets out of a Samoan Drop. Santana pushes her off and elbows her down. Santana then clotheslines her out of the ring. Santana sends her into the barricade before setting her up on the apron for a Rainbow Kick into the ring post. Santana gets in the ring and sets up for another one, but Katarina kicks her in the face before clotheslining her out of the ring. Katarina then connects with a plancha.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Santana send Katarina into the barricade. Santana gets Katarina into the ring. During the commercial break, Santana gave Katarina a back body drop out of the ring. Santana whips her hard into the corner. Santana has swelling under her eye. Santana talks trash before starting a clubbing combination in the corner. Santana then big boots her down. Katarina counters a Rainbow Kick with a kick before hitting a reverse STO into the corner. Katarina then takes her down with a Sling Blade. Katarina hits a running forearm in the corner before connecting with a second one. Katarina goes for a suplex, but it gets countered. Katarina then dropkicks her out of the ring before taking her down with a suicide dive. Katarina springboards off the top rope into a DDT. Santana picks up a near fall. Katarina counters a clothesline with a roll up for a two count. Katarina immediately follows up with a superkick for a near fall. Katarina heads to the top rope, but Santana cuts her off. Santana goes for a Shining Star Press off the middle rope, but Katarina slides off and hits a turnbuckle powerbomb. Santana then lays her out with a Shining Star Press. Both women are down.

The referee is counting both women down, but Katarina falls out of the ring. Santana goes outside and charges her, but Katarina sends her into the steel ring steps. Katarina gets her into the ring. Santana is holding her arm. Katarina hits a blockbuster for a near fall. Katarina goes to the top rope and holds her midsection in pain before hitting a frog splash for another near fall. Katarina goes for a Frenzy DDT, but Santana moves and counters it into a huge Shining Star Press ! The crowd is ecstatic ! Santana goes for a cover as Shelly is yelling frantically ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Santana Garrett wins by Pinfall and becomes the new Angelic Champion

Santana is in the middle of the ring, crying of joy, happy to be the new Angelic Champion ! The crowd cheers for her ecstatically as she goes into the crowd and embraces them as the show fades out ...

Thanks for watching Angelic Championship Wrestling ! See you next time !

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.10.06.2017 - Kiera Hogan vs. Deonna Purrazzo (c) for the Cadillac Championship

Angelic Championship Wrestling
October 6, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We are backstage as we see Rebel and Kiera Hogan having a brawl. Kiera is set to fight Deonna Purrazzo tonight in a rematch for her lost Cadillac Championship next week. Rebel and Kiera have a heated history in the Snow Abduction case and have been fighting for the President’s love. The brawl is heated and everything goes. Security has to keep them apart. Nick comes running on looking what is going on. Kiera yells at him this is all his fault, he wanted her in the beginning and now that they could be together he chooses for Rebel, she will never forget it. Rebel goes in Nick’s arms and kisses him overwhelmingly, looking at Kiera who is frantic ...

Stephanie Wiand and Lisa Morretti welcome us to tonight’s ACW show. Last week, we saw Santana Garrett defeat Candice LeRae in order to win the Gold Rush. She will challenge Katarina next week for the Angelic Championship. Tonight’s main event will be Kiera Hogan vs. Deonna Purrazo, who won the Cadillac title last week, in a rematch. But first, let’s start with some tag team action !

Rebel and Lindsay Snow vs. The Spoiled Brats (w/Veda Scott)
Tag Team Match

Rebel and Lindsay, who are still part of Management, make their way down to the ring. Rebel is still showing wounds of her backstage fight at the beginning of the show with Kiera Hogan. Their seems to be some reluctancy working together between the two – due to the recent Snow Abduction revelations. Next out are The Spoiled Brats, Aria Blake and Mila Naniki, accompanied with Veda Scott, who seems to have been taking them under her protection ...

We start with Rebel and Aria. Lindsay pulls Mila off the corner. Aria launches Rebel to the corner and tags in Mila. Rebel keeps Mila grounded with a face lock. Rebel levels Mila with a dropkick and tags Lindsay in. Lindsay with a butterfly suplex for a two count. Tag to Rebel who kicks away at Aria in the corner. Lindsay catches Mila with a kick to the head. Hot tag to Rebel . Rebel with a big dropkick to Mila. Tag to Aria who eats a kick to the face in the corner from Rebel. Rebel with a rolling neckbreaker. Mila tosses Rebem out of the ring to break up the pin. Lindsay sends Mila into the barricade. Rebel with a Rebellion onto Aria for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Rebel and Lindsay Snow win by Pinfall

Kiera Hogan comes out and needs to be restrained by security – she is out for Rebel. Deonna comes out too, trying to calm down Kiera, telling her they have a match together tonight and she needs to concentrate on that. Kiera doesn’t care and slaps her in her face ! Deonna attacks her right back. Rebel and Lindsay are laughing inside the ring ...

-Commercial Break-

Inside the President’s office, Santana Garrett enters. Nick wanted to congratulate her on winning the Gold Rush for his Angelic Championship. He says he knows she is one of the best in the business right now and would be happy if she would win the title next week. Santana doesn’t know what to say and thanks him extensively. He says Katarina has been the greatest Angelic Champion in history, but he thinks Santana might even become greater. She thanks him again, as he adds that she never should forget who gave her the opportunities however ... Santana seems a bit confused ....

Tessa Blanchard and Gabi Castrovinci vs. BaleSpin
Tag Team Match

Tessa and Gabi make their way down to the ring to a nice reception. They take on the next entrants, the current Tag Team Champions, Xandra Bale and KC Spinelli, aka BaleSpin. This match was granted by them, if Tessa and Gabi win, they are added to the title match together with Las Sicarias, making it a Triangle Match ...

Tessa will start against Xandra. Tessa quickly takes her down with a double leg and slaps her in the back of the head before kneeing Xandra in the midsection. Xandra quickly takes Xandra down with a running back elbow. Xandra quickly kicks her back and tags in KC. KC slams Tessa into the corner, lifts her back up, and slams her into the opposite corner. KC then hits a northern lights suplex for a two count. Gabi tags in, and they hit KC with a double-team back elbow. Gabi drops a fist for a two count. Gabi elbows her in the neck a few times before hitting a side Russian leg sweep. Gabi drops a trio of legs for another two count. KC catches her with a headlock takeover and cinches it in. KC fights up and sends her to the corner. KC quickly boots her back and hits a tornado DDT. Tessa runs in, and Xandra takes her down with a hip toss. KC then comes in and dropkicks her out of the ring.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see KC applying a chin lock to Gabi. Gabi fights up and punches out, but KC clubs her down. KC scoop slams her and tags in Xandra. They drop knees on Gabi. KC tags back in. Xandra drops a knee, and KC follows up with a rolling neck snapper for a two count. During the commercial, Tessa came near Xandra, so KC sent her into the barricade. KC then hit Tessa with a diving clothesline off the apron. Back to live action, Xandra is in the ring and beating on Gabi in the corner. KC tags in, and Xandra sends Gabi into KC’s knee for a near fall. KC applies a chin lock, but Gabi starts to fight up. KC tries to control her with a front facelock, but Gabi pushes her off. KC sends her into the ropes, but she holds on. Gabi charges, but KC counters with a big 2Scoops for a cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : BaleSpin win by Pinfall

Las Sicarias come out and start attacking the champions. Tessa and Gabi try to help out BaleSpin. Plus from the back, Marti Belle comes running out and starts attacking Mercedes Martinez ! A huge brawl has broken out ...

Veda Scott is backstage with The Spoiled Brats, she is trying to learn them some of her special moves. She is gloating to them that she has been the only one in ACW to be both Cadillac and Tag Champion at the same time, and the only two time Cadillac champ in history. Aria and Mila are listening carefully at her. Veda goes on it is only natural that she will become the next Angelic Champion. Santana and Candice get by and have heard this. Candice says she forgets she has no Gold Rush, but Santana does and she will be the next Angelic Champion. Veda laughs at it saying she just misses that Gold Rush, but once she has it, SHE will be next champion for sure , getting in her face to watch out before mocking her ...

Time for our main event guys !

Kiera Hogan vs. Deonna Purrazzo (c)
Singles Match
Cadillac Championship

Kiera Hogan makes her way down the ring to booing from the crowd. Next out, the newest Cadillac Champion, Deonna Purrazzo, who is cheered ! Sarah Russi makes the official introductions, stating this will be Deonna’s first defense in 7 days.

The introductions aren’t even done that Deonna already jumps on Kiera, due to her slapping her earlier tonight !

The bell rings, Deonna ducks a right hand and knocks Kiera out of the ring with a punch. Kiera teases getting in the ring, and Deonna laughs at her. Deonna gets out of the ring and scares her back in. Kiera gets in the ring and applies a headlock to Deonna when she gets in. Deonna powers out and applies a side headlock. Kiera whips her off, but Deonna shoulder blocks her down. The referee checks on Kiera. Kiera boots Deonna in the face twice for a two count. Kiera elbows away at Deonna before applying a chin lock. Deonna eventually powers out of it and punches her down. Kiera quickly grabs the pants and pulls Deonna out of the ring. Kiera gets Deonna in the ring for a two count. Kiera starts doing dropkicks in the corner. Deonna counters a third dropkick with a Samoan Drop for a near fall. Deonna grabs her lower back in pain.

-Commercial Break-

Deonna clotheslines her down twice before hitting a jumping clothesline. Kiera scurries to the corner, so Deonna clubs away at her ten times. Deonna then big boots her down. Deonna sets up in the corner, but Kiera catches Deonna with her patented corner clothesline. Kiera starts up some kicks, but Deonna blocks the second one and goes for a powerbomb. Kiera slides off and goes for a Fired Up, but Deonna gets out. Deonna hits Kiera with a Vendetta before punching her off the apron. Kiera hits a big kneeling DDT for a near fall. Kiera goes for a Fired Up, but Deonna fights out. Deonna ducks a clothesline and hits a devastating Vendetta for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Deonna Purrazzo wins by Pinfall and remains Cadillac Champion

Deonna celebrates as Kiera attacks her. Rebel comes out running with Lindsay and they attack Kiera. Deonna says this is her fight, so Rebel slaps her too in the face and they fight it all out ! Rebel yells at Kiera she will see her next week in a Cage Match and will utterly destroy her so she will never come back to ACW ! She turns to Deonna stating she will be next in line as she is openly going for that Cadillac title !

Thanks for watching this week’s Angelic Championship Wrestling show, see you next week !

We pan to the backstage, as we see Katarina and Santana together face to face. They seem to have had a heated confrontation during the main event. Katarina hisses at her before leaving and Santana slaps her in the face ! Shelly Martinez attacks her from behind and they double up on her. Santana lies on the ground crying and they both laugh saying she will never be the Angelic Champion !

Next week on ACW : Rebel takes on Kiera Hogan in a Grudge Cage Match, plus our main event, Santana Garrett challenges Katarina for the Angelic Championship ! Don’t miss it !

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 3/5 - (1 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.09.29.2017 - Santana Garrett vs. Candice LeRae for the Gold Rush

Angelic Championship Wrestling
September 29, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We are inside the President’s office. Santana Garrett and Candice LeRae are present with Nick and his PA Ashley Massaro. The President tells them he has been very impressed by both of them in the last weeks and that both are deserving of being Angelic Champion. Therefore, tonight in the main event, he is offering them a Gold Rush match to determine who will be challenging Katarina in two weeks. Ashley gets the paperwork in order as both wrestlers sign their Gold Rush match ...

Stephanie Wiand and Lisa Morretti welcome us back after a two-weeks break. Tonight’s main event will feature a Gold Rush match between Candice LeRae and Santana Garrett, for the Angelic Championship in two weeks. Plus tonight, Las Sicarias and The Sinister Sweethearts will collide for a tag title shot. But let’s kick off things first with some Cadillac Championship action, between challenger Deonna Purrazzo and champ Kiera Hogan !

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Kiera Hogan (c)
Singles Match
Cadillac Championship

Deonna is already in the ring as the current Cadillac Champion Kiera makes her entrance, showing off a lot of cockiness. She will be defending her Cadillac title for the sixth time in 112 days.

The bell rings ... Deonna with a side headlock early on Kiera. Deonna kicks out the knees of Kiera and throws kicks to the chest. Kiera catches Deonna and connects with a nasty backbreaker. Deonna dropkicks Kiera in the face off a counter. Deonna throws chops at Kiera in the corner. Deonna with more chops. Kiera tosses Deonna to the corner and gets in some big stomps. Kiera and Deonna exchange chops. Kiera dumps Deonna out of the ring.

-Commercial Break-

Back live, Deonna with a roll up, gets a two count and Kiera drops her with a clothesline. Kiera with a gutwrench powerbomb on Deonna for another two count. Kiera catches Deonna and hits a quick vertical suplex! Deonna counters Kiera and connects with a jumping stomp to the chest.

Rebel comes out at ringside with Lindsay Snow trash talking Kiera. Lindsay is quieter. Deonna with a dropkick to the side of Kiera’s shoulder. Kiera rolls out and Deonna catches her with a dropkick through the ropes. Deonna with a huge kick to the face of Kiera off the ring apron. Back inside, Deonna connects with the sling blade on Kiera. Deonna is waiting for Kiera to get up. Rebel with a distraction on the outside. Kiera lifts Deonna up and connects with an uppercut. Deonna kicks out. Kiera with a running uppercut to Deonna. Kiera with another uppercut. Deonna with a kick to Kiera up on the top turnbuckle. Lindsay is distracting the referee. Rebel trips up Kiera. Kiera is launched over the top rope. Deonna shoves Rebel and says this is her match. Deonna with a dive to the outside taking out everyone! Kiera bounces Deonna knee first off the ring apron. Deonna with a Vendetta on Kiera. Kiera with a huge uppercut to Deonna. Deonna dropkicks Kiera into the barricade. Deonna tosses Kiera back inside the ring and hits the Vendetta for a cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Deonna Purrazzo wins by Pinfall and becomes the new Cadillac Champion

Kiera Hogan just lost her Cadillac title to Deonna, who has been very impressive in this match. Rebel laughs at Kiera, but Deonna gets in Rebel’s face seeing this was her match and she has no business out here. Rebel just laughs at her. Deonna holds her new won title high in front of Rebel and Rebel seems to tease her. She turns around and she and Lindsay double attack Kiera. Deonna wants no part of this and leaves as the new Cadillac Champion ...

Backstage, Veda Scott is with Mila Naniki and Aria Blake, The Spoiled Brats, as she is learning them some new tricks. They get shoved aside by The Sinister Sweethearts saying the big players are here ready to win the tag titles soon. Veda is not happy and she gets in Chrissy Rivera’s face. Las Sicarias come between them naming them all losers. Then Gabi Castrovinci and Tessa Blanchard join the heated conversation saying they still need an opportunity. A huge brawl breaks out backstage ...

Stephanie and Lisa welcome us back as it is time for some tag team action !

Las Sicarias vs. The Sinister Sweethearts (w/Chrissy Rivera)
Tag Team Match
Gold Rush for the Tag Team Championship

The Sinister Sweethearts come out and seem a bit off their game. Then, Las Sicarias come out and they also seem off their game. Was there a brawl backstage ??

Amanda Rodriguez locks up with Brittany Blake. Amanda wrenches the arm and tags in La Rosa Negra. La Rosa comes off the second rope with a sledge to the arm. La Rosa works on the arm before driving her into the corner. Amanda tags back in, and they whip Brittany into the corner before hitting a double-team suplex. Amanda picks up a two count. KC Spinelli and Xandra Bale are seen watching backstage. Samantha Heights tags in, and she punches Amanda down. Samantha hits a short-arm clothesline, but she misses an elbow drop. La Rosa tags in. They send Samantha into the corner. Amanda gives her a corner clothesline while La Rosa knocks Brittany off the apron. They hit a clothesline together on Samantha for a two count. Samantha makes a comeback and tags in Brittany. Brittany uppercuts her in the corner and clubs her down. Brittany whips her to her corner, but La Rosa knocks Samantha off the apron. La Rosa goes for a Rose Splash, but Brittany crotches her on the top rope. La Rosa crashes down to the mat.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Samantha and Brittany working over La Rosa. Brittany drops some knees for a two count. Brittany works on the arm after just working on the chest with knees. La Rosa tries to tag Amanda, but Brittany sends her to the corner. La Rosa sidesteps an attack, and both women are down. Brittany grabs La Rosa’s leg and goes for a back suplex, but La Rosa flips through and knocks Samantha off the apron. Brittany quickly stops her from making a tag, but La Rosa comes through with a modified donkey kick. Samantha quickly comes in and knocks Amanda off the apron. La Rosa soon comes back and wipes them both out with a Rose Splash.

Amanda is tagged in, and she clotheslines Brittany before knocking Samantha off the apron. Amanda punches Brittany down and knocks Samantha back to the floor. Amanda bounces Brittany off all three turnbuckles before clotheslining her in the corner. Amanda goes for a bulldog, but Brittany pushes her off. Amanda boots her back and hits an elbow off the second rope. Amanda hits a ACR, but Samantha breaks up the pin. Samantha quickly knocks La Rosa out of the ring, and Amanda clotheslines her out of the ring. Brittany rolls Amanda up with the tights for a two count. Outside the ring, Chrissy Rivera boots La Rosa down on the floor. Samantha grabs Amanda’s leg, and Brittany takes her out. Samantha tags in, and she hits her hard for a near fall ! La Rosa then clotheslines Brittany on the floor. Samantha goes for a powerslam, but Amanda slides off. Samantha superkicks her back, and La Rosa blind tags in. Amanda hits Samantha with the Hitplex. La Rosa then goes to the top rope for a Rose Splash and covers ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Las Sicarias win by Pinfall and have the Gold Rush for the Tag Team Championship

Tessa Blanchard and Gabi Castrovinci come out and say they want a match againt Las Sicarias for the Gold Rush. Las Sicarias laugh at them but then the Tag Champions come out to back up Tessa and Gabi. They tell that they are giving them a Gold Rush match against them next week. If they can beat them, then in two weeks, it will be a Triangle Tag Team match for their titles, together with Las Sicarias. Tessa and Gabi shake hands with BaleSpin. Las Sicarias shake their heads in disgust and The Sinister Sweethearts are unhappy. And to add to this, The Spoiled Brats come out with Veda and they start attacking Tessa and Gabi. The brawl breaks out once again ...

Stephanie and Lisa say things get heated inside the tag team division, but now up next our main event by order of the President, Santana Garrett and Candice LeRae will battle, for the Gold Rush !

Santana Garret vs. Candice LeRae
Singles Match
Gold Rush

Santana comes out first to a huge reception from the crowd. Next, is Candice, who also receives the same reception from our fans ! This match is gonna be one for the ages !

Before the bell rings, they shake hands. Lock up and Candice with a headlock takeover. Santana breaks free. Candice with a quick snap suplex and Candice takes the back of Santana. Santana with knees and a headlock takeover of her own on Candice. Candice with a high back body drop on Santana, but misses a splash in the corner when Santana ducks. Santana with a quick dropkick to the face of Candice, hooks the leg and gets two. Santana tosses Candice to the corner, Candice bounces off, falls to the mat and Santana stands over Candice on the second rope. Candice quickly recovers, gets Santana on her shoulders, but Santana counters down and connects with a quick DDT. Candice with a shoulder block, but Santana with a drop toe hold and bridge back into a crossface. We see a shot of Katarina and Shelly Martinez backstage looking at the match. Candice rolls to the outside when Santana breaks the hold. Santana with a suicide dive that takes out Candice. Candice takes out Santana with a baseball slide. Candice then dumps Santana over the barricade, pulls her out and the connects with a suplex to the ringside floor below.

Candice and Santana exchange shots. Santana with a side kick that drops Candice. Santana with a high knee in the corner, pulls Candice forward and connects with a quick clothesline. Santana goes up top and connects with a flying elbow. Candice kicks out. Santana calls for the Rainbow Kick. Candice counters and gets a STF locked on. Santana is reaching for the bottom rope. Santana pulls herself forward and gets to the bottom rope. Santana connects with the Rainbow Kick. Santana hooks the leg and Candice powers out. Santana can’t believe it.

-Commercial Break-

Santana goes up top, hits a moonsault and misses Candice completely. Candice goes for a Heartbreaker. Santana counters out and connects with a Shining Star Press on Candice. Cover and Candice again kicks out. Santana is shocked. Santana backs up and awaits Candice to get to her feet. Santana with a Rainbow Drop on Candice, covers and Candice again kicks out. Santana falls into the ropes and is again shocked. Candice is dazed. Candice with a Moonsault Press on Santana out of no where. Candice covers and Santana kicks out. Candice lifts Santana up to the top turnbuckle. Santana elbows Candice off the top. Candice comes right back up and connects with a german suplex into a bridge off the top rope. Santana kicks out at two. Santana comes up with a devastating Rainbow Drop out of nowhere ! Candice’s lights go out ! Cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Santana Garrett wins by Pinfall and has Gold Rush !

Candice congratulates Santana on her Gold Rush and puts her arms in the air. Santana is almost crying as she won. This match was indeed one for the ages ! Santana has Gold Rush and that means she will be challenging the Champion Katarina for the Angelic title in two weeks !

Thanks for watching, see you next week !

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Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.09.08.2017 - Candice LeRae vs. Katarina (c) for the Angelic Championship

Angelic Championship Wrestling
September 8, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We start the show inside the President’s office, where we see Nick , Ashley Massaro and Rebel. After what transpired last show, Management seems to have crumbled down and things are heated inside the office. Nick tells Rebel he is very unhappy about her roll in the Snow abduction. She says she knows and wants to apologize. But she says she isn’t too pleased about his role when she was away and what he did with Kiera and Gabi. He understands and admits he was wrong and that Kiera had seduced him. She understands. Ashley joins the conversation and proposes an idea. What about tonight we let both of them face off in a Berserker Match ? We could even make it a Cadillac Championship match ! Both are liking the idea and ask Ashley to make the match and inform Kiera. Nick and Rebel make out as Ashley is on her way ...

Backstage, Candice LeRae bumps into Katarina, who both are in the main event tonight. Things heat up as Santana Garrett gets between them and tells them there is no point in arguing and fighting backstage, they should save it for the fans. Katarina leaves, with Shelly Martinez, as Candice says Santana is right and they hug. Santana wishes her good luck for tonight, because she will be the next contender ! They hug again.

Stephanie Wiand and Lisa Morretti welcome us to yet another Angelic Championship Wrestling show ! Tonight’s main event will be for the Angelic Championship as Candice takes on Katarin ! But we also just got informed of an in promptu Cadillac Championship match, as Rebel will take on Kiera Hogan in a Berserker Match ! But let’s kick off with some Las Sicarias internal trouble with this next match !

Marti Belle vs. Mercedes Martinez
Singles Match
Leaver loses Las Sicarias

Both competitors come out at the same time, accompanied with the other Sicarias members. This match has been in the making for some time, with Marti defying Mercedes. The loser of the match will be forced to leave the stable !

The bell rings, and Mercedes quickly takes her down for a two count. Mercedes takes her down a second time for another two count. They lock up, and Mercedes takes her down with a waistlock. Mercedes keeps it applied, so Marti fights up and takes her down. Mercedes quickly takes her back down with a waistlock. Marti takes some time before fighting up to her feet. Dueling chants break out. Marti finally gets out with a hip toss. Mercedes immediately takes her down with a fireman’s carry before going back to the waistlock. Marti fights up, elbows her in the face, and punches her down. Marti covers her for a two count. Marti applies a chin lock. Mercedes fights up, but Marti punches her back down. Marti takes her down with a suplex before circling her. Marti punches her a few times before whipping her hard into the corner for a near fall.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Mercedes punch at Marti and connect with a belly-to-belly suplex. Marti sidesteps a shoulder in the corner and hits a pair of shoulder tackles. Mercedes flips through a back suplex powerbomb and dropkicks Marti down for a two count. Both men take a few moments to get to their feet. They trade punches again. Mercedes goes for a takedown, but Marti rolls her up with a sunset flip for a two count. Marti then hits a back suplex powerbomb before hitting a Hells Bells ! Marti goes for the cover, but Mercedes counters into a roll-up for a two count. Marti immediately transitions into an STF in the center of the ring. Mercedes looks like she’s going to tap out, but she instead slips out of the STF and applies a crossface. Marti powers out of it and lifts her up on her shoulders. Mercedes gets out and hits a pair of northern lights suplexes for a near fall.

Marti hits a wild shoulder thrust in the corner before going for a back suplex, but Mercedes counters into a cross-body for a near fall. Mercedes immediately lifts her up and connects with a hitplex for another cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Mercedes Martinez wins by Pinfall

Marti cannot believe she lost as the other members of Las Sicarias turn their back on her. Mercedes turns back to Marti and laughs at her, which triggers Marti and she attacks her. The other three Sicarias naturally help Mercedes out and leave out Marti flat inside the ring ... Mercedes is the uncontested Sicarias stable leader ...

Deonna Purrazzo enters the President’s office and asks why she isn’t given the Cadillac title match as she was promised to. Nick tries to calm her down and says internal affairs have risen which make this a priority. She says she understands now why Management is crumbling down making these poor decisions. Nick understands and will meet her halfway by giving her a guaranteed title shot on next show. Deonna says okay but says it better be like that as she leaves ...

A vignette airs hyping tonight’s Angelic title match main event.

Rebel vs. Kiera Hogan (c)
Berserker Match
Cadillac Championship

Kiera Hogan makes her way down to the ring, all alone as she has lost all of her allies due to last show’s revelations. She will be defending her Cadillac title against Rebel, in a Berserker Match. This will be her fifth defence in 91 days. Next out comes Rebel, accompanied, bloating of confidence now she won the President’s trust and love back. Sarah Russi makes the official in-ring introductions.

The bell doesn’t even sound yet or some quick brawling bursts out outside the ring, Rebel returns to the ring, hits the ropes and then takes out Kiera with a suicide dive. Rebel then sends Kiera shoulder first into the steel steps at ringside. Rebel goes under the ring and tosses two steel chairs inside. She also grabs a kendo stick, Kiera rolls in, Rebel follows and she cracks it over Kiera a few times on the mat. Rebel is trash talking Kiera while pulling her hair. Kiera with a suplex on Rebel over the chair ! Kiera grabs the kendo stick and starts hitting Rebel with it repeatedly as well. Kiera props the chair in the opposite corner. Kiera tosses Rebel away, puts her on her shoulder and then tosses her face first into the chair in the corner. Kiera with the kendo stick again on Rebel. Kiera tosses the chair from the corner down. Rebel with a counter and scoop slams Kiera over the chair. Rebel with a tornado DDT on Kiera in the corner. Rebel dropkicks Kiera against the ropes, Rebel goes up top and catches Kiera in mid air with a big elbow. Kiera levels Rebel with a big boot. Rebel dumps Kiera over the top rope, hits the ropes, Kiera blocks a suicide dive, Rebel flips around the ring apron and then comes back with a big clothesline. Rebel grabs the kendo stick and starts beating it over Kiera as they head to the back. Rebel launches a production trunk at Kiera and a huge piece of pipe. Kiera throws Rebel over a catering table and she runs away ! Rebel recovers but cannot see Kiera anywhere. She looks everywhere but cannot find her and asks the referee. The referee can do nothing else but rule the match a No Contest !

Match Result : Kiera Hogan wins by No Contest

-Commercial Break-

Rebel is still looking for Kiera backstage but she is nowhere to be found, as we see footage of Kiera exiting the building and stopping a cab, just to leave the area with her Cadillac title. Being this a Berserker Match, the referee rules this match as a sanctioned No Contest, making Kiera retain her title. Rebel is not pleased as Nick heads to her with Lindsay Snow. She rants on him but he calms her down saying Kiera’s time will still come. He says both Kiera as Gabi are bumped out of Management. But he asks her one thing, he knows that she and Lindsay now have a huge history but he wants them to team up in the next weeks, because he wants both of them to stay a part of management. This way they can come closer together and things may be cleared out and who knows, they might be the next tag team champions, as he leaves. Rebel and Snow look at each other a bit difficult ...

Welcome back, it’s time for our huge main event match, which will be for the Angelic Championship title !

Candice LeRae vs. Katarina (c) (w/Shelly Martinez)
Singles Match
Angelic Championship

Candice, the challenger, makes her way down to the ring, and is really being supported by the crowd. Next, the champ, Katarina and her valet Shelly, comes out. She is the most successful Angelic champ until now, and she shows her confidence. Sarah Russi makes the official announcements, stating this will be Katarina’s eleventh title defence in 259 days.

The bell rings, and they circle the ring before locking up. Katarina shoves her off and points at herself. They lock up again, and Candice shoves her off. Katarina quickly bounces back with a forearm for a two count. Candice takes her down for a no count. Candice covers again for a one count. Candice takes her down and tries a third cover for a one count. Candice applies a front facelock. Katarina reverses a whip and leapfrogs her. Candice avoids a dropkick and rolls her up for a two count. Katarina then slaps her down. Katarina hits a rope climbing arm drag. Candice comes back with a springboard arm drag before giving her a clothesline in the corner. Candice then applies a front facelock. Katarina fights up and kicks her in the face. Candice comes back with a back body drop for a two count. Candice shoulders her in the corner and hits a running elbow. Candice goes to the top rope, but Katarina knocks her off to the floor.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Katarina stretching her out with a modified surfboard stretch. Candice fights up, but Katarina takes her down with a straightjacket. Candice fights up and backs her into the corner, but Katarina takes her down. Candice quickly flapjacks her into the turnbuckle before putting her through the ropes and hitting a face-buster for a two count. Candice goes for a backslide, but Katarina gets out and knees her in the face. Katarina hits a running double knee into the corner before executing a Frenzy DDT. Candice nearly gets to the ropes, but Katarina rolls through. Candice tries for a desperation pin for a two count. Candice gets out of a sleeper and goes for a Ballsplex, but Katarina slaps her. Candice then slaps her back. They then get into a hockey fight before Katarina sends her face-first into the turnbuckle. Katarina hits another double knee to the back before going to the top rope. Candice avoids a flying double knee and hits a running knee. Katarina then takes her down with a superplex.

Out from the crowd comes Amber O’neal jumping over the railing ! She is ripping onto Candice and talking trash to her. Santana Garrett comes running from the back and goes for Amber who flees back into the crowd, and Santana is following her. Candice seems a bit distracted as Katarina turns her around and goes for a Strange Occurrences. Candice is able to counter it and goes for a Heartbreaker, but Katarina counters it too and goes for another Strange Occurrences, which this time connects hugely ! She goes for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Katarina wins by Pinfall and remains Angelic Champion

Katarina is still our Angelic Champion and stands tall inside the ring as the ref and Shelly raise her arms as the show comes to an end ...

Thanks for watching Angelic Championship Wrestling. We will take a two-weeks break and be back on September 29 ! See you then !

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Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.08.25.2017 - Tessa Blanchard vs. Lindsay Snow in a Berserker Match

Angelic Championship Wrestling
August 25, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

Stephanie Wyand and Lisa Morretti welcome us to tonight’s Angelic Championship Wrestling show. Tonight our President will have a huge announcement about Management and things are going to be set straight apparently ... Some wrestlers on the roster will have to justify some of their actions and take responsibility over it. Plus, we have a huge Berserker match as main event as Tessa Blanchard and Lindsay Snow will collide ! But first we start off with tag team action as The Sinister Sweethearts are set to take on a new tag team. The winner will advance to a next match which will be against Las Sicarias, and that winning team will have a tag title shot !

Chrissy Rivera makes her way down to the ring with The Sinister Sweethearts, Brittany Blake and Samantha Heights. Next out, Veda Scott comes out with a mic ! She sais she wants to introduce us the newest tag team in ACW, which happen to be some of her huge best friends pool, The Spoiled Brats : Aria Blake and Mila Naniki, which join Veda and the three head down the ring, obnoxiously.

The Sinister Sweethearts vs. The Spoiled Brats
Tag Team Match

Mila will start the match against Samantha. Brittany is quickly tagged in, and Mila puts her in the corner before hitting some shoulder thrusts. Brittany turns her around and chops her. Mila knocks her back and tags in Aria. Aria stomps her down before slamming her into the corner. Brittany reverses a whip to the corner, but Aria explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Mila is tagged in, and they send Brittany hard into the corner. Mila connects with a headlock takeover. Veda and Chrissy are arguing ringside. Brittany fights up. Samantha is tagged in, and they double-team Mila. Samantha tags Brittany back in. Brittany attacks her, but Mila starts bouncing her off the turnbuckles one at a time. Mila clotheslines her in the corner and connects with a bulldog for a two count. Aria is tagged in, and they hit a double-team splash/leg drop combo. Samantha comes in, and they take her down before hitting a double-team wheelbarrow slam. The Hardys are standing tall while we go to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Brittany working over Mila’s knee. They make frequent tags to keep the pressure on Mila. Veda and Chrissy are still arguing . Brittany bends Mila’s knee at an extreme angle. Samantha tags in, and she bends the knee over the middle rope. Mila eventually makes a comeback against Brittany. Samantha is quickly tagged in before Mila can make the tag. They cut her off a few more times before Aria is tagged in.

Aria dropkicks Brittany and hits Samantha with an inverted atomic drop, a double leg to the midsection, and a low dropkick for a one count. Samantha reverses a whip, but Aria boots her down and comes off the second rope with a splash for a near fall. Brittany pulls Aria’s hair, and Samantha attacks from behind. Samantha knocks Mila off the apron. Brittany is tagged in. They try to double-team Aria, but she escapes. Mila pulls Samantha out of the ring, and Aria rolls up Brittany for a two count. Aria connects with a Spoiler Alert, but Samantha breaks it up. Mila knocks Samantha out of the ring. The Spoiled Brats hit Brittany hard in the face. Aria goes to the top rope, but Samantha sweeps the feet. Aria crashes to the mat. Brittany rolls her up with a handful of tights for the win.

Match Result : The Sinister Sweethearts win by Pinfall

Veda and The Spoiled Brats are unhappy about this conclusion and a fight breaks out as we fade out ...

Backstage, we are with Las Sicarias who have been watching the match closely as they will fight The Sinister Sweethearts for a tag team title shot. Mercedes says this will be a walk in the park to get that title but they still need to decide who will be the tag team. She appoints Thea and Marti to this job. Thea agrees, but Marti says no way, she is not going to be low level and be a tag partner. Mercedes gets in her face and asks well what are you doing here then ? Marti responds viciously that she is here for the Angelic Championship and that Las Sicarias should work towards that instead. Mercedes responds she is the stable’s top wrestler and she is going for the title. They have some other big words and then Marti attacks Mercedes ! Both women are brawling as the other members try to separate them ...

Somewhere else backstage, Candice is walking, as she encounters Katarina the Angelic Champion and her valet Shelly Martinez. As Candice has Gold Rush, Katarina stops her and asks her if she knows what is doing in ACW. Things have changed last time Candice was here and she is not sure she will be up to it. Candice responds that indeed things have changed and she has changed too ! They have a minor heated confrontation, as Santana Garrett stops by and tells them to stop. She goes on saying okay Candice may be having the Gold Rush, but she sure isn’t done with the Angelic title as well ... So as soon as their match is over, they can be sure she will be in line next ... Shelly hisses at her ...

Battle Royal
Cadillac Championship

Welcome back as we get set for Battle Royal action as Kiera Hogan will have to defend her title against a lot of other wrestlers ! This match was sanctioned by The President due as a sanction as it says officilay “unauthorized behaviour”. Kiera makes her way down to the ring, accompanied by Lindsay Snow. The others are already inside the ring ... This will be Kiera's fourth title defence, in 77 days.

The bell rings and the Battle Royal is underway. Hania The Howling Huntress is the first one eliminated. Kay Lee Ray eliminated. As La Rosa Negra gets thrown out of the ring but is caught by Kay Lee Ray. La Rosa Negra jumps back in the ring only to get thrown out and eliminated again. Deonna throws out Barbi. Shanna gets eliminated. The final three are Kiera Hogan, Deonna Purrazzo and KC Spinelli.

Kiera eliminates Spinelli. Deonna and Kiera are the last two. Deonna goes for the Vendetta, misses and goes over the top rope onto the apron. She tries to suplex Kiera over the top rope. Kiera with the Fired Up on Deonna and Deonna is eliminated !

Match Result : Kiera Hogan wins and remains Cadillac Champion

Deonna congratulates her but Kiera just ignores her as she leaves with Linsday, still Cadillac Champion ...

The commentators hype the Angelic Championship match that will take place in two weeks between Champion Katarina and Challenger Candice.

Time for the main event ! And afterwards, The President will speak !

Tessa Blanchard vs. Lindsay Snow
Berserker Match

This match came about as Tessa stepped up for Gabi Castrovinci in order to help her stand up against the bullying of PE Lindsay Snow. Oddly, Gabi is not out here.

Tessa charged at Lindsay during her entrance to start things off. Lindsay gets in a few shots and sends Tessa to the steel ring barricade around the entrance area. Lindsay sends Tessa face first into the ring apron. Lindsay pulls out a kendo stick and cracks it over the back of Tessa. In the ring, Tessa drops right hands over Lindsay who is sitting on the top turnbuckle. Tessa connects with a huricanrana and follows it up with a big running knee to Lindsay in the corner. Tessa hits the ropes and jumps at Lindsay as both go over the top rope. Lindsay quickly responds catching Tessa with a big boot. Lindsay with a kick to the gut and then launches Tessa back first into the ring barricade. Lindsay grabs a chair, keeps it across the back of Tessa and slams her back first over the timekeepers barricade. Lindsay tosses two chairs in the ring as Tessa rolls in to recover. Lindsay sets up a chair in the corner. Tessa catches Lindsay with the kendo stick, goes up top, jumps and Lindsay cuts off Tessa with an uppercut. Lindsay grabs a chair, hits Tessa in the gut with it and then cracks it over her back. Lindsay sets up the chair and drops Tessa back first off it in a side slam. Tessa with a drop toe hold on Lindsay sending her face first into the chair that she setup in the corner before. Tessa comes flying off the top rope with a missile dropkick that catches Lindsay. Lindsay rolls out. Tessa with a suicide dive that catches Lindsay. Tessa launches parts of the announce table at Lindsay.

Lindsay starts clearing off the announce table. Tessa with a kick and Tornado DDT on Lindsay jumping from the top of the announce table. Lindsay tries to Tombstone Tessa over the bottom part of the steel ring steps. Tessa counters and pushes Lindsay face first into the steel ring post at ringside. Tessa has the kendo stick and starts hitting Lindsay repeatedly with it. The crowd chants “YES” with each strike connecting. Lindsay grabs Tessa and launches her into the HD lighting grid. The grid goes dark after Tessa hits it. They start brawling at the top. Lindsay grabs a chair and launches it on Tessa. They continue to brawl backstage. Lindsay grabs a shovel and hits Lindsay over the back with it repeatedly. Tessa mounts Lindsay on top of the stairs. Lindsay knocks her away, Tessa charges and Lindsay with a back body drop on Tessa. Lindsay then launches a chair at Tessa, who moves and it goes besides her. Tessa finds a crowbar under the ring and hits Lindsay with it. Tessa drags Lindsay over at the announce table. Tessa grabs the crowbar and hits Lindsay over the back with it repeatedly.

Tessa dumps Lindsay outside the ring. Tessa, climbs on the announce table, jumps and connects with a flying headbutt ! Tessa hooks the leg and Lindsay kicks out. Tessa backs up in the corner looking to hit her flying knee. Tessa charges, Lindsay cuts her off and connects with a chokeslam. Lindsay covers and Tessa gets a shoulder up after two. Lindsay starts to argue with the referee. Tessa grabs a chair and starts cracking it over the back of Lindsay repeatedly. Tessa gets the Royalty applied. Lindsay grabs kendo stick and hits Tessa in the head with it to break it up. Tessa grabs the kendo stick and puts it in front of Lindsay’s face to apply more pressure. Lindsay is pulling herself out under the bottom rope and falls out to break up the submission.

Out from the back comes Gabi running inside the ring. She looks at both and they look back. She seems conflicted as Lindsay tells her to hit Tessa ... Gabi picks up a kendo stick and is hesitating who to hit. She finally decides and hits ... Lindsay ! Tessa joins the hitting party and they double team her with great ease ! Gabi sets up a table at ringside and they both launch Lindsay on the table, breaking her through it ! Kiera Hogan is seen at the entrance and does not know what to do ... The referee starts the count but Lindsay is still recuperating on the floor as he hits 10 !

Match Result : Tessa Blanchard wins by Count Out

What a great match as they celebrate in the ring and Kiera heads to the back. Lindsay is still recuperating ringside and looks unhappy ! Still to come, the President addresses Management ! What a great night !

-Commercial Break-

The President is in the middle of the ring, with his PA Ashley Massaro and Rebel. He says, tonight they will unravel all the mysteries surrounding Managament and make a sweep. He calls out Barbi Hayden, who is joined by Ray Lyn, glamming up the place. He also summons Kiera Hogan and Lindsay Snow. He asks Barbi to speak up about what is happening or else she will never ever have a title shot whatsoever. Reluctantly she speaks up, as Rebel and Kiera try to stop her. Nick does not understand. Finally she speaks up telling that she was commended by Rebel and Kiera to fight for them and shut up because she knows the truth about the Snow abduction. Lindsay is staggering and Rebel and Kiera are sweating. Barbi reveals that together with Kiera, which we already knew, the second abductor wasn’t Kraven, but Rebel ! Nick is shocked and Lindsay goes right after Rebel but Nick comes in between them. Kraven comes out and confirms it is Rebel, as does Kiera confirms. Nick asks Rebel why. Lindsay asks Nick to let her beat up Rebel but Nick doesn’t want. Then Kiera –saving her own from Lindsay - tells Rebel that Nick was having an affair with her and Gabi at the same time while she was away on business ! Rebel looks furious at Nick and asks if this is true. Gabi comes out and says she had enough of Lindsay and that she was manipulated in loving the President as was Kiera once. Nick and Rebel are confused as Lindsay loses her temper and starts attacking Rebel. Tessa comes out and jumps on Lindsay as does Gabi. Rebel goes for Gabi and Kiera. Barbi and Ray go for Gabi and Kiera. Kraven goes for Lindsay , Kiera and Barbi. Ashley and Nick are watching by as they seem Management crumble down as the show fades out ...

Thanks for watching Angelic Championship Wrestling. We will have another week of absence and will return on September 8th as Katarina will defend her Angelic title against Candice !

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.08.11.2017 - Veda Scott vs Katarina (c) for the Angelic Championship

Angelic Championship Wrestling
August 11, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We are backstage as we see Katarina the Angelic Champion and her Valet Shelly Martinez approaching Candice LeRae, the next contender for the title. Katarina congratulates her on winning the contenders match but also warns her for the defeat and the sadness that goes with it, as Candice always seems in such good mood, it could ruin it for her. Candice is about to speak as Veda Scott enters play and warns Katarina herself because she doesn’t need to mind about Candice at all, as she is the first contender and will be crowned the new Angelic Champion after tonight, and thus becomes the first ever Triple Crown Champion in ACW ! Katarina just hisses at her and leaves, leaving Veda looking at Candice in confusion. She tell Candice she will be glad to give her her first title defence ...

Stephanie Wiand and Losa Morretti welcome us to tonight’s Angelic Championship Wrestling show. Tonight our main event will be the cashing in of the Gold Rush, which means Veda Scott will challenge Katarina for the Angelic Championship. Plus Deonna Purrazzo will face Kiera Hogan in a non-title match, but we kick off with Marti Belle versus Sonya Strong !

Marti Belle (w/Las Sicarias) vs. Sonya Strong
Singles Match

Marti is heading to the ring, obnoxiously, accompanied by her fellow Sicarias members, with who she seems to have some conflicts lately. Even now she seems to just ignore them and they notice it and get a little frustrated. Next out is Sonya Strong.

The referee calls for the bel ... Lock up and Marti pushes Sonya to the corner. Sonya with a takedown working over the left arm of Marti. Marti with rights to Sonya and an uppercut in the corner. Marti with more uppercuts to Sonya. Sonya with a clothesline and rights. Marti with a quick leg drop over Sonya and then fires back with another clothesline. Sonya clotheslines Marti over the top rope and then launches herself over catching Marti. Sonya gets in the face of Amanda at ringside. This allows Marti to hit an uppercut.

-Commercial Break-

Back live, Marti is standing on the top ring post and headbutts Sonya who crotches herself on the top turnbuckle. Marti is looking for a superplex to Sonya on the floor! Sonya quickly counters and hits a superplex on Sonya into the ring. Marti connects with a backbreaker on Sonya for a two count. Marti with a right hand to the lower back of Sonya two times. Sonya with elbows. Marti with a gutwrench and keeps Sonya dangling over her shoulder in a modified torture rack. Sonya eats a nasty uppercut from Marti. Sonya with a boot to Marti from the corner. Marti avoids a Gangsta Banga. Marti goes for a Sharpshooter. Sonya fights out of the attempt. Sonya dumps Marti over the top rope, hits the ropes, goes for a suicide dive and Marti hits her with an uppercut. Sonya gets a shoulder up during a pinfall attempt. Marti dumps Sonya over the ropes. Marti is attempting a superplex on Sonya. Sonya with a cradle roll up for a two count. Marti with body shots, kicks Sonya away and Sonya fires back with her clothesline bouncing off the ropes. Thea with a distraction. Marti gets Sonya locked in the Sharpshooter. Sonya fights and gets to the bottom rope in the face of La Rosa. Sonya launches Marti over the top rope. Las Sicarias want to help Marti back in but she doesn’t need their help. Marti with a Hells Bells on Sonya for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Marti Belle wins by Pinfall

Las Sicarias enter the ring and they want to raise Marti’s hand but she denies it and looks at Mercedes taunting her by saying she is better than her and she should be the leader of Las Sicarias ... Mercedes gets in her face and they have a stare down. Mercedes wants to hit her but La Rosa prevents it. Marti wants to go for it as well but Thea and Amana restrain her ...

Backstage, Santana Garrett is congratulating Candice on become the new number one contender. Candice thanks her. But, Santana goes on, that doesn’t mean she is done with the Angelic Championship. Whoever will be the champion, she or Katarina, she will get back for that title and challenge soon enough ... Veda scott enters again play and says to Santana hello I’m the number one contender ! She mumbles to herself that everyons seems to be ignoring her. She says she will be the new Angelic Champion after tonight and that therefore she is in a good mood. She will not give only Candice a title match, but also Santana, as she skips away ... both look at each other but seem to ignore her totally as Santana tells Candice good luck, and giving her a wink ... Candice tells to herself, waaw what a welcome back today ...

Kiera Hogan vs. Deonna Purrazzo
Singles Match

Both women make their seperate entrances, this time Kiera is alone. This will be a non-title match as Kiera holds the Cadillac title.

The bell rings, and Kiera slaps her right in the face. Deonna quickly picks her up and slams her into the corner before stomping her. Kiera turns her around and stomps her. Deonna quickly boots her down and tackles her before punching away at her. Kiera quickly escapes the ring. Lindsay Snow’s music hits, and she heads down to ringside to be Kiera’ backup.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Kiera applying a surfboard stretch. During the commercial break, Kiera snapped Deonna’s arm off the bottom rope. Kiera transitions into a hammerlock, but Deonna fights up. Kiera quickly takes her down by wrenching the arm for a two count. Kiera continues to try to dislocate the shoulder of Deonna. Kiera stands on her and steps on her head. Deonna gets up and sweeps the feet. Deonna gets her on the apron and snaps her off the middle rope. Deonna connects with some forearms before giving her a flapjack into the turnbuckle. Deonna takes her down with a back elbow before trying for a scoop slam, but her arm is too hurt. Deonna elbows her back and comes off the second rope with a flying back elbow. Deonna hits a snap back suplex before going to the middle rope for an elbow drop. Kiera quickly rolls out of the ring. Deonna follows her out, and Lindsay stands in her way. Kiera connects with a cheap shot to take her down. Kiera gets her in the ring. Tessa Blanchard runs down and attacks Lindsay. Tessa escapes a toss into the ring post and dropkicks Lindsay into the LED apron. Kiera goes to the outside to help out Lindsay and the referee starts the count. Deonna can not believe this. The referee has counted to 10 !

Match Result : Deonna Purrazzo wins by Count Out

It seems like Kiera was counted out deliberately and Deonna knows it as she doesn’t seem happy with the outcome, although it gave her a win ...

Backstage Kiera and Linsday are together as Lindsay got seperated from Tessa by security. They encounter Gabi Castrovinci and Lindsay is asking where the h*ll she has been lately. She never shows up anymore besides her. Kiera taunts her extra by repeating the question and adding a slap to her face ! Gabi is speechless. Lindsay repeats she asked you a question and slaps her also ! Tessa comes back out of nowhere and jumps on Lindsay, attacking her. Kiera goes to help Lindsay as Gabi grabs hold of Kiera’s arm which makes her turn around. Gabi slaps Kiera in the face ! Kiera did not seem that coming and she runs after Gabi yelling she will to Rebel about her and the President !

Deonna is knocking on the President’s door. Ashley Massaro opens and Deonna enters. Nick looks up and asks what she wants. Deonna says she knows Kiera is one of his proteges, but she got herself counted out voluntarily and she requests a rematch. Nick agrees, but Deonna says as she actually won tonight’s match, she thinks she deserves it to be for the Cadillac title. Nick looks at her and says she is indeed a good talent and is deserving of a shot. Deonna thanks him as she leaves ... Ashley tells Nick that Barbi Hayden wants to see him later on ... He rolls his eyes ...

Main event time guys !

Veda Scott vs. Katarina (c) (w/Shelly Martinez)
Singles Match
Angelic Championship

Veda Scott makes her entrance, being cocky and telling the audience she will be the first ever Triple Crown Champion. She will be cashing in her Gold Rush for a Angelic Championship title shot. Next out, the Angelic Champion herself, Katarina, accompanied by Shelly Martinez. They taunt each other. Sarah Russi does the official in-ring introductions, stating this will be Katarina’s tenth title defense in 231 days, making her the longest-reigning and most successful Angelic Champion in history. Veda adds that that will change after tonight. This will be Veda’s first title challenging.

The bell rings, and they circle the ring. They lock up, and Katarina backs her to the corner. They circle the ring again and lock up. Veda applies a side headlock, but Katarina whips her off. Veda goes for a shoulder block, but Katarina doesn’t go down. Katarina tries for a shoulder block, but Veda stays standing. Katarina tells her to learn her name and shoves her. Veda punches her, but Katarina comes back with a knee. Veda quickly comes back with a shoulder block. Veda charges, but Katarina rolls out of the ring looking frustrated. Katarina takes her time before getting back in the ring. There is definitely a buzz in the crowd for the match. Katarina jabs away at Veda and punches her down in the corner. Katarina forearms her, but Veda fights back. Veda gets her in the corner, but she has a whip to the corner reversed. Katarina splashes her and connects with a quick overhead kick. Katarina tries for the Frenzy DDT, but Veda quickly escapes the ring. Katarina stares at her and talks a little trash from the ring. Veda takes her time before getting in the ring. They wildly punch each other before Katarina knees her and head-butts her down. Katarina yells at her, “What’s my name?” Katarina continues to strike her and talk trash. Katarina chops her before hitting the ropes. Veda quickly takes her down with a Veda Bomb. Veda rolls out of the ring and tries for another one, but Katarina moves. Katarina kicks her in the ribs and drives her back into the ring post. Katarina follows up with a senton splash on the floor.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Katarina drop an elbow on Veda. Katarina circles her and stomps her. Katarina takes her time before applying a chin lock. Veda fights up, but Katarina knees her in the midsection and head-butts her down. Katarina tries for a senton splash, but Veda rolls out of the way. Katarina charges, but Veda moves. Veda hits a pair of clotheslines before having a whip reversed on her. Katarina avoids a leaping clothesline, but Veda turns around and feeds her a big boot for a near fall. Katarina stumbles to the corner. Veda clubs her ten times in the corner before connecting with a leaping clothesline. Veda sets up for a Veda Lock, but Katarina quickly leaves the ring. Veda sneaks outside and lays her out. Veda gets her in the ring and tries for another Veda Bomb, but Katarina counters into an inverted atomic drop, a big boot, and a senton splash for a near fall. Katarina is not happy with this. Katarina tries for a uranage, but Veda elbows out. Veda counters with an arm drag but Katarina connects with a Frenzy DDT for a near fall. Veda sets up for a Spear, but Katarina kicks her in the face, sends her into the ropes, and connects with a uranage for a near fall ! Katarina cannot believe it.

Katarina tries for a Strange Occurrences, but Veda fights it and backs her into the corner. Veda connects with a Spear and covers, but Katarina gets her foot on the bottom rope! Katarina then rolls out of the ring to recover. A “This is awesome” chant fires up. The referee is counting Katarina out, but she gets back in at the count of nine. Veda cannot believe she got back in the ring.

All of a sudden, from the back, Aria Blake enters the stage accompanied with a new talent, identified as Mila Naniki. They run down the ring and are taunting Shelly, who has a hard time fighting them off. Katarina sees that and wants to go help her out. The referee looks at them, and they leave her alone. Shelly is still talking to the referee who doesn’t sees both of them get in the ring and attack Katarina on orders from Veda ! But then Shanna comes from the back and she runs in fighting both girls off. Veda screams as Katarina executes a devastating Strange Occurrences on Veda for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Katarina wins by Pinfall and remains Angelic Champion

Veda cannot believe she lost and she is helped to the back by Aria and Mila. Katarina is holding up her title as she looks at Shanna, seemingly thanking her. Shanna looks at her back and points friendly to the title as she leaves the ring and goes to the back !

Inside the President’s office, Barbi Hayden enters the office as announced. Nick rolls his eyes and asks her what is it you want this time. She is accompanied by Ray Lyn. Kiera Hogan enters the office too ranting that she heard he gave Deonna a title match without consulting with her first ! She says she thought they were lovers ! He says that was a mistake and he is fully dedicated to Rebel now. Barbi says she wants an Angelic title shot at next show, and in a Berserker Match ! With no other conditions or else she will reveal all she knows about the Snow Abduction to Lindsay, and his affair with both Kiera and Gabi while Rebel was away ! Kiera threatens she will back it all up ! Ashley tries to calm everyone down. Nick is furious and slams the desk saying he has had enough of all these accusations and threats and that he wants to know exactly what the h*ll is happening in his own company ! He should have the strings in hands and not his talent, and that they should never have tries to cross him or blackmail him. This will cost both of them dearly and he is going to want all the truth from everyone no matter what the consequences will be. He also adds that they should be there next show and that he will indeed tell Rebel what happened but whatever he finds out extra, they will pay for it. Even now for sure, for threatening him they will pay dearly ! He tells Kiera will be defending her title not only against Deonna, but against a whole of others talent as she will be defending it in a Battle Royal ! She says this is not fair ! As for Barbi he says, as long as she doesn’t excuse herself, she will never ever have any title shot at all ! Barbi and Ray says they will never excuse and that this is unfair ! He goes on saying next show, we will unravel all the truths publically before the crowd, and that the truth will be revealed, he even doesn’t care if it hurts him or not – after all he is the owner ! – and that if someone withholds the truth they will be fired ! Ashley is looking on depressed as the show closes ...

Thanks for watching Angelic Championship Wrestling. We will be on a break next week and will be back on August 25 ! See you then !

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.08.04.2017 - Candice LeRae vs. Mercedes Martinez vs. Barbi Hayden for the number one contendership for the Angelic Championship

Angelic Championship Wrestling
August 4, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We are inside the President’s office, where we are with Rebel and Nick. Rebel asks Nick to reconsider his opinion on making Barbi Hayden the number one contender for the Angelic Championship. He asks her why she is so obsessed with that. She says after all she deserves it. She is a former Cadillac Champion and we all know that title is a stepstone towards the Angelic belt. Nick is hesitating and says she is right. The Cadillac title would gain prestige with it but he doesn’t feel like Barbi has proven herself enough to become a contender. Plus with the returning of Mercedes and Candice who are teasing the title too, he has too much contenders ! He decides after all that he will make tonight’s main event for the contendership ! It will be a Triangles Match, featuring Mercedes Martinez, Candice LeRae and Barbi Hayden ! Rebel doesn’t know how to react and thanks him but is unsure ... Kiera Hogan slams open the door, she has been eavesdropping al this time ! She is unhappy that Barbi being a former Cadillac Champion gets a contenders match, while she IS the current Cadillac Champion ! She demands to be put in this match too, and that’s a word Nick does not like to hear. You know what he says, this match has already been booked but you can still have a match tonight. If you are so keen on that Cadillac title, why don’t you defend it tonight ? Against Gabi !? Kiera is furious and looks at Rebel but then smiles to her and back to him, saying maybe it’s about time that truths are being told ... Rebel is uncomfortable and Nick is confused and seems angry about being left in the dark lately ...

Stephanie Wiand and Lisa Morretti welcome us to tonight’s show. The main event will be a triangles number one contenders match for the Angelic Championship featuring Candice LeRae, Mercedes Martinez and Barbi Hayden. Plus the Cadillac title will be defended by Kiera Hogan against Gabi Castrovinci !

Veda Scott’s music hits as she enters the stage. She says that she is actually the number one contender to the Angelic title as she holds the Gold Rush and that match is scheduled for next week ! Naturally she will go on and win and thus become the first ever Triple Crown Champion of ACW ! But to show she is in a good match and a fighting champion – giggles – she is granting one wrestler the chance to be in her place next week. She is basically making an open challenge for the Gold Rush ... Well that didn’t take too long for someone to come out and accept the challenge, but I don’t think that’s the person Veda had in mind as Kraven hits the arena !

-Commercial Break-

Kraven vs. Veda Scott (GR)
Singles Match
Gold Rush

Welcome back as this match has just started. They lock up, and Kraven powers her to the corner. Kraven gives a clean break and backs up. Veda applies a hammerlock, but Kraven elbows out and hits a headlock takeover. Veda fights up and whips her off. Kraven shoulder blocks her down, hits the ropes, and goes for a powerslam, but Veda slides off. Veda knees her and kicks her down. Veda dropkicks her down. Kraven elbows her in the head while she tries to pick her up. Kraven head-butts her and sends her into the ropes, but Veda comes back with a dropkick out of the ring. Veda goes to hit the ropes, but Kraven hits her trying a suicide dive. Kraven then drives her into the barricade.

Kraven hits Veda with a rolling senton off the second rope, but Veda kicks out. Veda snaps Kraven off the top rope before the Mountain can be hit. Veda goes for a springboard, but Kraven counters into a backbreaker for a near fall. Kraven shoulders her in the corner before diving off the top rope, but Veda moves. Veda hits a reverse STO into the turnbuckle. Veda punches away at her before Kraven connects with a brutal forearm. Veda then knocks her out of the ring and hits a suicide dive. Veda hits a springboard clothesline followed by a Sling Blade. Veda goes to the top rope and knocks her off the apron. Kraven knees Veda, but Veda comes back with a Veda Lock out of the blue ... Kraven has a difficult time but crawls to the ropes ! Veda takes a chair from ringside and enters it in the ring but the referee removes it from her hands. As he removes the chair from the ring and looks away, Veda rakes the eyes of Kraven and goes for a roll-up ... the referee returns his attention to the action and has not seen what happened and starts the count ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Veda Scott wins by Pinfall and retains the Gold Rush

Kraven is furious and runs after Veda, who just flees away ! So it will still be Veda Scott challenging Katarina for the Angelic Championship next week, cashing in her Gold Rush !

Backstage, Lindsay Snow bumps into Gabi. She asks her where the h*ll she was last week in her match. Gabi mumbles and seems terrified, just as Tessa Blanchard steps us and tells Lindsay to back off Gabi. Lindsay gets in her face and asks what else, as Ashley Massaro comes in between the two of them cooling off things. Lindsay tells Ashley to get out of the way, which she reluctantly does saying to leave it alone, but Lindsay slaps Tessa in the face and a brawl breaks loose. Ashley tries to withhold Lindsay, Gabi to Tessa. Ashley says this can’t go on any more like this ...

Gabi Castrovinci (/w Lindsay Snow) vs. Kiera Hogan (c)
Singles Match
Cadillac Championship

Both contestants make their way down to the ring at the same time, as both are part of management. Lindsay Snow is accompanying them (mostly Gabi we guess). Gabi seems off game with what just happened backstage. Sarah Russi makes the official in-ring announcements stating this will be Kiera’s third title defense in 56 days.

They circle the ring, and Kiera gets a waistlock applied. Gabi turns it and takes her down before rolling around on her for a one count. Kiera soon takes Gabi down before fixing her hair. The crowd is turning on Kiera. Kiera works the arm, but Gabi fights up and takes her down before doing a headstand into a dropkick. Gabi then lays out across the top turnbuckle. Gabi elbows her in the face, but Kiera soon drops her on the apron. Gabi takes her down and hits a slingshot senton. Gabi takes her down, goes to the second rope, and elbows her in the neck for a two count. Kiera attacks Gabi and taunts her by tying herself up in the ropes. Gabi tries to attack, but Kiera moves. Kiera goes for a slingshot dropkick, but Gabi moves. Gabi goes to the top rope and hits a double axe handle to the floor. But Kiera hits a senton on Gabi outside the ring ! Lindsay stares at Gabi telling her she has to try harder. They get both back inside the ring and Kiera immediately executes a Fired Up on Gabi and rolls her up ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Kiera Hogan wins by Pinfall and remains Cadillac Champion

Lindsay gets in the ring and seems unhappy about Gabi’s prestation. She raises Kiera’s hand and yells at Gabi that she is weak and pathetic. She slaps her on the face and the both mock her ... Tessa comes running out and wants to attack Lindsay but she and Kiera hold her back and start stomping on her on the ground. Gabi yells and begs at them to stop ... to no avail ...

Backstage, we are with Las Sicarias who are happy with the returning Mercedes Martinez. All the members are looking up to her and saying she will be the next Angelic Champion. Only Marti Belle seems uninterested in Mercedes and laughs a bit obnoxious. Mercedes asks what her problem is. Marti replies “nothing” while she looks at her in disdain and sprays her hair, before leaving. The others look at each other and Mercedes doesn’t seem to be pleased ...

Main event time guys !

Candice LeRae vs. Mercedes Martinez (w/Las Sicarias) vs. Barbi Hayden (w/Ray Lyn)
Triangles Match
Contendership for the Angelic Championship

Barbi Hayden makes her entrance, with Ray Lyn, glamming up the place. Then Mercedes Martinez, allowing with all her fellow Sicarias members, except for Marti Belle it seems. And then, Candice LeRae, with a huge reception from the crowd ! Sarah Russi makes the official announcements for this big fight feel, stating this will be a Triangles match for the number one contendership for the Angelic Championship !

The bell rings, and Mercedes levels Barbi with a forearm. Mercedes puts Candice in the corner and starts avalanching both women. Mercedes gets Barbi out of the ring before avalanching Candice again. Mercedes throws Candice out of the ring before screaming something in Spanish ...

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Candice sidestep a Mercedes avalanche. Barbi hits a corner kick, and Candice drops Mercedes with a leaping clothesline. They then throw Mercedes out of the ring. Candice and Mercedes then fight. Candice punches her and connects with a pair of clotheslines. Barbi reverses a whip and counters a leaping clothesline into an arm bar. Candice nearly gets her left arm to the bottom rope, so Barbi applies an arm bar on that arm. Mercedes pulls Barbi out of the ring, bounces her off the apron, and sends her into the barricade. Candice gets out of the ring and punches Mercedes into the crowd. Candice bounces her off a divider, but Mercedes soon fights back. Mercedes bounces her off a crate and throws her back to ringside. Barbi then applies the camel clutch on Mercedes at ringside. Barbi releases to try to attack Candice, but Candice punches her. Barbi elbows her and hits an overhead kick to take her down at ringside.

Barbi puts Candice in the ring, but she eats a kick getting in. Barbi goes for a uranaga, but Candice backs her to the corner and clubs away at her. Candice then big boots her down. Candice sets up for a Heartbreaker, but Barbi gets out of the ring to recover. Candice then comes off the steel steps with a Heartbreaker. The crowd loudly cheers her. Candice puts Barbi in the ring and sees Mercedes getting to her feet. Candice signals and goes for a spear at ringside, but Mercedes big boots her down ! Mercedes takes a moment before driving Candice into the ring post. Mercedes then elbows Barbi and clotheslines her on the floor. Mercedes sends Candice into the steel steps and stands over her. Mercedes then runs over and knees Barbi in the face. Mercedes goes back to Candice and throws her into the ring. Mercedes grabs the top half of the steel stairs and throws them into the ring. Mercedes goes to grab Barbi, but Barbi hits an overhead kick before hitting a senton splash on the floor. Barbi gets in the ring and hits Candice with a senton splash for a near fall. Barbi sets up the steel steps in the corner and grabs Candice. Candice counters with a Balls-plex attempt, but Barbi executes the Glam Slam. Mercedes runs in and avalanches them both down. Mercedes then hits a Fisherman Buster, but Candice breaks up the pin !

Mercedes viciously whiplashes Candice into the corner a few times. Mercedes then grabs the steel stairs and stares at Candice. Candice hits Mercedes with a Heartbreaker to loud cheers before hitting her out of the ring. Candice then Moonsault Presses Barbi for a cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Candice LeRae wins by Pinfall and becomes the number one contender

Both the Glam Slam Fam and Las Sicarias are unhappy with their loss, as Rebel comes out and tries to calm down Barbi. Katarina’s music hits and she enters stage, with Shelly Martinez. Everyone goes aside. Candice is still in the ring. Katarina points toward Candice and starts hissing as they go the back. Candice is happy and doesn’t really seem to bother ...

Thanks for watching Angelic Championship Wrestling tonight ! Next week, Veda Scot cashes in her Gold Rush against Katarina, for the Angelic Championship ! See you then !

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.07.28.2017 - Santana Garrett vs. Katarina (c) for the Angelic Championship

Angelic Championship Wrestling
July 28, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

Inside the President’s office, Rebel is alone with Nick and asks him to consider giving Barbi Hayden a shot at the Angelic Championship. Nick is surprised on her request and asks her why in the world he would grant Barbi a title shot. Rebel says she has proved herself in working for the management and it is time for her to be rewarded. Nick is still confused as he asks what Barbi ever did to help out the management. Rebel hesitates and says well she helped me out a lot ... Nick asks with what, but Rebel says he doesn’t need to worry about all that and just grant her that title shot. Nick refuses as he says he wouldn’t know why Barbi would earn that title shot ... Rebel is worried ...

Stephanie Wiand and Lisa Morretti welcome us to tonight’s show and they have a huge announcement. Tonight’s main event will be a rematch from last week’s main event, Santana Garrett challenging the Angelic Champion Katarina for the title. Last week’s main event resulted in a No Contest due to Amber O’neal interfering. But let’s kick off this show with Tag Team Championship action first !

The Sinister Sweethearts vs. BaleSpin (c)
Tag Team Match
Tag Team Championship

Samantha Heights and Brittany Blake, the challengers, are already in the ring, accompanied by their valet, Chrissy Rivera. Xandra Bale and KC Spinelli, the champions, make their entrance. Sarah Russi makes the official announcements, mentioning this will be BaleSpin’s second title defence in 56 days of their first reign.

Xandra will start against Samantha. They take their time before locking up. Samantha powers her to the corner and shoves her. Xandra slaps her back. They lock up, and Samantha puts her in the corner. Brittany tags in and punches away at Xandra. Brittany drives her into Samantha’s boot. Samantha tags in and forearms her. Xandra elbows her and wrenches the arm before tagging in KC. Samantha retreats to her corner. Las Sicarias are seen watching backstage. Samantha knocks Xandra off the apron. The referee is distracted, so The Sinister Sweethearts capitalizes on the distraction. KC clotheslines Samantha and punches Brittany. KC hits them both with back body drops. Xandra comes in, and they hit stereo clotheslines over the top rope.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Samantha controlling Xandra. Xandra punches her before Samantha uppercuts her. Brittany tags in, and Xandra dropkicks her down. Samantha quickly tags in, and KC gets the tag as well. KC clotheslines Brittany before knocking Samantha off the apron. KC hits a big boot before connecting with a big splash. Samantha avoids an avalanche before eating a superkick. Xandra is tagged in, and they go for the BaleSpin. Xandra is quickly attacked.

They chop block KC and set up for a powerbomb on Brittany, with success. Xandra hits the Xandralizer on Brittany and goes for the cover as KC hold back Samantha ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : BaleSpin wins by Pinfall and remains Tag Team Champions

Las Sicarias come out at the entrance in full numbers and are teasing our champions. But Marti Belle seems quite uninterested and decides to leave on her own to the back. The others are confused and go after her ...

Tessa Blanchard is backstage and bumps into Gabi Castrovinci. She says she knows how hard it is to be targetted by management and offers her help, because she knows she is being held “captive” against her own will. Gabi says she doesn’t know what she is talking about. Ashley Massaro joins in on them and says Tessa is right. She has seen from first place how Gabi has been treated by Lindsay, Kiera and our President. She says this situation is highly volatile and she wouldn’t want this promotion be suffering under it. Ashley offers her help too with Tessa, to aid Gabi to get out of this grip ... Gabi seems somehow reluctant but finally agrees ...

Lindsay Snow vs. Maria Manic
Singles Match

Maria Manic is already in the ring as the Personal Enforcerer Lindsay Snow makes her way down. Before entering the ring, she wonders where Gabi – who has been at her side all this time – is right now ...

The bell rings, and Lindsay tries to get her into the corner, but Maria escapes. Maria dropkicks her in the ring and jumps on her back. Lindsay eventually gets her away and clubs her down. Lindsay throws her across the ring before running into a boot. Maria counters a scoop slam into a sleeper hold, but Lindsay backs her into the corner. Maria boots her back and goes for a diving DDT, but Lindsay counters with a big slam. Lindsay drops a pair of elbows before kicking her in the ribs. Lindsay mocks the crowd and steps on Maria’s head. Lindsay puts her on the top turnbuckle and clubs away at her. Maria tries to fight back, but Lindsay grabs her by the head and talks trash before viciously slamming her head into the turnbuckle. Lindsay viciously stomps away at her. Maria looks like a truck just hit her. Lindsay takes her time before connecting with a big headstomp ... cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Lindsay Snow wins by Pinfall

Lindsay is leaving the ring yelling where Gabi is ... she really does not seem pleased she wasn’t ringside with her ...

Still to come our main event for the Angelic Championship : Santana takes on the champ Katarina !

Back inside the President’s office, we are with Nick and Kiera Hogan. Kiera asks him why he has been so distant lately. She thought they had something going on between them. She asks him if he already told Rebel that they were a couple. Nick roughly cuts her off by saying they never were a couple from the start. He is still with Rebel. Sure it was fun the time it lasted but she needs to understand her place in the company. Thanks to him, she is now Cadillac Champion ! She does not seem happy and responds that he is lying. He cuts her off once again asking her what the h*ll is going on with her. And what is it between Rebel and Barbi Hayden. He asks her if she knows something about that. Kiera seems unhappy and says that he doesn’t know anything that is happening in his own promotion, right under his own nose ! He demands an explanation but she refuses as she leaves and says that all will come out in due time, as she slams the door. Nick seems frustrated and hits his desk with his fists ...

Katarina is backstage, on her way to the ring for the main event, as Shelly Martinez drops by ! Katarina is surprised to see her back so soon after what Amber did to her. She is happy she is back and they hug. Shelly says she is fully recovered from Amber’s actions, and that they will deal with her later. She thanks Katarina for avenging her by attacking her last week but she says she shouldn’t align with Santana for it. She can take care of things alone, after all she is the Angelic Champion. She says right now she needs to concentrate on her opponent Santana as she is one of the most dangerous wrestlers currently on this roster. She says she will go with her ringside, as they carry on ...

Santana Garrett vs. Katarina (c) (w/Shelly Martinez)
Singles Match
Angelic Championship

Santana Garrett makes her way down the ring first, again under a huge reception from the crowd. She greets several fans on her way. Next out, comes Katarina, the Angelic Champion accompanied by the returning Shelly Martinez ! Sarah Russi makes the official in-ring announcements, stating this is a rematch from last week’s main event and it will be Katarina’s ninth title defense in 217 days reigning, being the most successful Angelic Champion in history !

Before the match, Santana wants to shake hands with Katarina. The Champion seems hesitant as she looks at her hand and then at Shelly. Shelly looks at her in a severe way and Katarina looks at Santana – who is smiling – and hits her with a kick to the face !

The referee has no other choice than ring the bell ... They lock up, and Katarina powers her into the ropes before giving a clean break. Katarina smirks at her and backs up. They lock up, and Katarina wrenches the arm. Katarina takes her down and applies an overhead wristlock. Katarina is smiling the whole while. Santana fights up and rolls out, but Katarina takes her down by the hair. Katarina taunts the crowd. Santana quickly rolls her up for a two count. Santana connects with an arm drag and wrenches the arm. Katarina tries to roll out, but Santana rolls with her. Santana rolls her up for a one count. Katarina quickly gets in the ropes to take a breath. Katarina gets her in the corner and pushes her. Santana then pushes her back. Katarina gets out of the ring to rethink her strategy with Shelly.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Katarina knee her in the midsection and send her into the corner. Santana starts hulking up and bounces her off the turnbuckle a bunch of times. Santana comes off the middle rope with a springboard cross-body block for a two count. Katarina quickly applies a waistlock, but Santana switches. Katarina quickly rolls her up and whiplashes her head into the bottom turnbuckle. Katarina picks up a two count and punches away at her. Katarina taunts the crowd before stretching Santana against the ropes and pulling on the hair. Katarina chokes her with her boot and chops the chest. Katarina applies a chin lock, but Santana counters out with a jawbreaker. Santana elbows her and goes for a clothesline, but Katarina counters into a clothesline. Katarina then applies a hangman’s chinlock. Santana tries to fight out, but Katarina levels her with a hangman’s neckbreaker for a two count. Katarina knees away at her before pulling down the kneepad and dropping a vicious knee. Katarina sends her into the corner and chops her down. Katarina applies a dragon sleeper, but Santana scales the turnbuckles to counter it. Santana sends her into the corner, but she soon has a whip reversed. Santana avoids Katarina’s avalanche, but she can’t avoid the big boot to the floor. Katarina goes outside and boots her into the barricade. Katarina then connects with a moonsault block on Santana ! Katarina sends her into the ring for a near fall. Katarina covers again for a near fall.

Katarina gets her to her feet and chops the chest. Santana soon comes back with some wild forearms. Katarina cuts her off and hits the ropes. Santana also hits the ropes, and they take each other out with stereo cross-body blocks. Santana connects with two hammer throws and a diving clothesline. Santana shoulders her in the corner and hits a suplex. Santana goes to the top rope and hits a diving back elbow for a two count. Katarina quickly goes to the apron. Santana snaps her off the middle rope, and Katarina falls back into the ring. Katarina knees her in the face, but Santana quickly comes back with a snap back suplex. Santana goes to the top rope and connects with a diving elbow drop for a near fall. Santana sends her into the corner, and Katarina rolls up the turnbuckles and lands on the apron. Katarina big boots her and goes to the top rope, but Santana cuts her off. Santana then hits her with a super hurricanrana for a near fall ! The crowd is really getting into this. Katarina rolls her up, but Santana kicks out and applies a chinlock. Santana follows up with a Rainbow Kick but Katarina avoids it and hits a devastating Frenzy DDT for a cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Katarina wins by Pinfall and remains Angelic Champion

My god that was a close call ! Santana almost won this match ! Shelly is celebrating with Katarina inside the ring, as Santana is rolling out and seems disappointed.

All of a sudden, Mercedes Martinez’ music hits as she gets on the entrance ramp ! The crowd goes berserk as Mercedes is pointing out at Katarina ! But that’s not all ! Another music hits too, as Candice LeRae also makes her come back in ACW ! She looks at Mercedes, who smiles at her, and Candice then looks back at Katarina, pointing at her too ! It seems they both are back in ACW and they are out for some gold !!!

Thanks for watching Angelic Championship Wrestling this week ! See you next week !

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Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.07.21.2017 - Santana Garrett vs. Katarina (c) for the Angelic Championship

Angelic Championship Wrestling
July 21, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We are backstage inside the President’s office. The President is not present, but Ashley Massaro and Rebel are. Ashley is asking Rebel what happened between her and Barbi Hayden in the past, and what Barbi was ranting about last week. She says there does not need to be any rivalries inside the management, there are enough already on the roster. Whatever is going on, they need to talk it out. Rebel reassures Ashley there is or better will be no problem anymore, especially when Barbi will win the Cadillac title later on. Ashley responds but that will be in disfavour of Kiera. Rebel says no one will mind as she leaves the office and Ashley is unsure about that ... Meanwhile Tessa Blanchard enters the office. She tells Ashley she overheard their conversation and is pushing Ashley to get to the bottom of all this. Furthermore, they need to help out Gabi who is being manipulated by management, and the truth needs to come out. Ashley agrees but says it is not as simple as it seems. Tessa offers her help as they shake hands ...

Stephanie Wiand and Lisa Morretti welcome us to this week’s Angelic Championship Wrestling show. They say they have a huge main event tonight as Santana Garrett takes on the Angelic Champion Katarina for the title ! But let’s kick off with some Cadillac Championship action !

Barbi Hayden (w/Ray Lyn) vs. Kiera Hogan (c) (w/Lindsay Snow and Gabi Castrovinci)
Singles Match
Cadillac Championship

Barbi and Ray Lyn make their way down to the ring, glamming up the place. Then, the Cadillac Champion makes her entrance, flanked with the PA Lindsay Snow and Gabi Castrovinci. Sarah Russi makes the official introductions. This will be Kiera’s second title defence in 42 days.

The bell rings, and Kiera slaps her right in the face. Barbi quickly picks her up and slams her into the corner before stomping her. Kiera turns her around and stomps her. Barbi quickly boots her down and tackles her before punching away at her. Kiera quickly escapes the ring.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Kiera applying a surfboard stretch. During the commercial break, Kiera snapped Barbi’s arm off the bottom rope. Kiera transitions into a hammerlock, but Barbi fights up. Kiera quickly takes her down by wrenching the arm for a two count. Kiera continues to try to dislocate the shoulder of Barbi. Kiera stands on her and steps on her head. Barbi gets up and sweeps the feet. Barbi gets her on the apron and snaps her off the middle rope. Barbi connects with some forearms before giving her a flapjack into the turnbuckle. Barbi takes her down with a back elbow before trying for a scoop slam, but her arm is too hurt. Barbi elbows her back and comes off the second rope with a flying back elbow. Barbi hits a snap back suplex before going to the middle rope for an elbow drop. Kiera quickly rolls out of the ring. Barbi follows her out, and Lindsay stands in her way. Kiera connects with a cheap shot to take her down. Kiera gets her in the ring. Ray Lyn attacks Lindsay. Lindsay escapes a toss into the ring post and dropkicks Ray Lyn into the LED apron. Kiera catches Barbi with an inside cradle, but she kicks out. Kiera quickly follows up with a Fired Up for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Kiera Hogan wins by Pinfall and remains Cadillac Champion

Barbi is out of her mind and a huge confrontation between Barbi-Ray Lyn and Kiera-Lindsay-Gabi is about to take place. Rebel and Ashley Massaro come running in breakin them up saying they do not need to do this. We are all friends and part of the management. We will discuss this inside the office ... Everyone backs up a little but still some tension in the air ...

The commentators hype up tonight’s main event between challenger Santana Garrett and defender Katarina.

Back inside the office, everyone is present, even Nick. Barbi is ranting on about how Lindsay made sure she lost the match. Lindsay says it was Ray Lyn who cheap shotted her. Barbi does not care she says and she is getting tired of always being ripped off. She says this has taken long enough and threatens Rebel by saying she is going to reveal everything that is going on, she turns to Kiera and repeats “everything” ! Both Rebel as Kiera are uncomfortable about this and Ashley tries to calm everyone down. Nick joins in and asks Barbi what she means by that. Barbi is about to speak, but Ashley cuts her off saying we will find a way out of this ... No one seems really happy ...

Back inside the squared circle ... Deonna Purrazzo has challenged Veda Scott to a Gold Rush match ...

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Veda Scott (GR)
Singles Match
Gold Rush

Now that Shanna, the former Gold Rush holder is out of the picture, Deonna finds she deserves the opportunity as she got screwed at Stairway to Heaven.

The bell rings, and they lock up. Deonna drives her into the corner and gives a clean break. Veda takes her down with a snapmare and kicks her in the back. Veda then applies an arm bar. Deonna fights up and scoop slams her into the ropes. Deonna punches away at her before slamming her onto the apron. Deonna chokes her on the middle rope before connecting with a clothesline. Deonna applies a full nelson. Veda fights up, so Deonna sends her into the ropes. Veda puts the brakes on and connects with an overhead kick. Veda boots her back and connects with a forearm. Veda dropkicks her in the head and punches her in the corner. Veda gets on the shoulders, but Deonna counters into a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Deonna sends her into the ropes and hits a back suplex backbreaker for a two count. Deonna goes to the second rope, but Veda kicks her off to the floor. Veda catches her with a baseball slide before viciously kicking her in the face from the apron. Veda then dropkicks her into the barricade. Both Angels are having difficulties getting back inside the ring. Veda gets back inside just in time ! Deonna does not ... The referee counts 10.

Match Result : Veda Scott wins by Count Out and retains the Gold Rush

Backstage, Barbi is holding up Rebel. She threatens her to reveal everything about the Snow abduction to the President. Rebel begs her not to. Barbi says she will need an incentive to not reveal it. She asks another title match. Rebel agrees immediately and says of course you will get a new Cadillac title match. Barbi laughs and says that’s not what she ment. She needs more incentive ... she was talking about the Angelic Championship ... as she leaves ... Rebel seems really embarrassed ...

The announcers welcome us back as we are about to get ready for the Angelic Championship match !

Santana Garrett vs. Katarina (c)
Singles Match
Angelic Championship

Santana Garrett makes her way down to the ring to another huge reception by the fans ! She is greeting them. Then, the Angelic Champion Katarina makes her entrance, still alone as Shelly Martinez is still injured due to Amber’s attack at Stairway to Heaven. Sarah Russi makes the official in-ring introductions. This will be Katarina’s eighth title defense in 210 days, making her the longest-reigning AND most defending Angelic Champion in ACW history. For Santana, it will be the second time she is challenging Katarina in her reign.

Before the match they even shake hands as they agreed to work together against Amber O’neal who is crossing both of them. There is some reluctance from Santana’s side and a weird smile on Katarina’s face.

The bell rings, and they slowly walk around the ring before locking up. Katarina applies a side headlock, but Santana whips her off and goes for a shoulder block, but Katarina doesn’t go down. Santana tries again, but Katarina doesn’t go down. Santana slaps her, so Katarina shoulder blocks her out of the ring. Santana angrily gets on the apron, so Katarina punches her off. Santana tries again, and Katarina once again punches her down.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Santana elbow Katarina in the corner and follow up with an overhead kick for a near fall. Santana punches her back to the corner and jabs away at her. Santana punches away at her before Katarina desperately rolls her up for a two count. Santana pops up and connects with a back elbow for a two count. Santana applies a neck vice and cinches it in. Katarina takes some time before fighting up. Santana quickly takes control and connects with a snap suplex for a near fall. Santana goes back to the neck vice, but Katarina fights up and connects with a pair of clotheslines. Santana reverses a whip and counters a clothesline into a uranaga attempt, but Katarina elbows out. Katarina finally hits the leaping clothesline for a two count. Katarina starts up the clubbing blows in the corner. Katarina then floors her with a big boot. Katarina sets up for a Strange Occurrences, but Santana rolls out of the ring. Katarina goes outside and tries for a Frenzy DDT, but Santana clotheslines her down. Katarina then comes back with a desperation clothesline on the floor. They’re both down heading into the final commercial break of the night.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the final break of the show to see Santana talking trash to Katarina. Santana head-butts her, but Katarina fires back with some head-butts of her own. Santana goes for a Rainbow Kick, but Katarina slides off and connects with a Frenzy DDT for a near fall. Katarina tries for a Strange Occurrences, but Santana counters into an inverted atomic drop before hitting a big boot and a senton splash for a near fall. Santana tries for a uranaga, but Katarina fights it. Santana fights her and tries again, but Katarina counters into an arm drag before connecting with a Strange Occurrences for a near fall!

Both angels are down when Amber O’neal’s music hits ! Amber comes out with her right elbow taped up. Amber pulls Santana out of the ring and stands over her. Amber then turns her attention toward Katarina inside the ring. Katarina looks enraged. Katarina punches her while she gets in the ring. Katarina kicks her back and punches her around ringside. Amber comes back by sending her into the barricade and throwing her through the middle rope back into the ring. The referee is throwing this match out !

Match Result : No Contest due to outside interference

Santana gets back on her feet as does Katarina. They both start circling around Amber who is being cornered inside the ring. Katarina takes the first shot, then Santana and they seem to be working quite well against a common enemy ...Finally Katarina gets out of the ring and grabs a steel chair. For Santana this is going too far and she asks Katarina not to do it. But Katarina doesn’t mind and hits the steel chair flat on Amber’s back ! Amber is motionless as Santana is not happy with this outcome ... both because of the no contest and Katarina beating up Amber that hard ...

Thanks for watching this week’s Angelic Championship Wrestling show ! See you nect week !

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Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.07.14.2017 - Marti Belle vs. Kiera Hogan (c) for the Cadillac Championship

Angelic Championship Wrestling
July 14, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We are backstage where we see Santana Garrett. She is being shown in quite good condition after last week’s beatdown by Amber O’Neal, after her main event match win against Kraven. Katarina, the Angelic Champion enters the room. She asks if she is okay and Santana confirms. She says her friend and manager Shelly Martinez is still in the hospital after she got beatdown at Stairway to Heaven by the same Amber O’Neal. She is seeking retribution upon her and asks Santana if they can work together. Santana is somehow reluctant and says Amber will get what she deserves in due time, but now Santana wants to concentrate on her title match next week against her. Katarina understands and ... they shake hands !

Tessa Blanchard is somewhere else as Ashley Massaro enters. Ashley says she knows Tessa isn’t happy about the recent events concerning Gabi Castrovinci. She knows that Tessa knows Gabi isn’t like that but is being manipulated by The President and Kiera, but even more by Lindsay. Tessa says exactly, she asks if this conversation coulnd’t get Ashley in trouble. Ashley says she only wants best what’s for this company and the Pres is fooling around while Rebel has been away. She also feels Gabi is being manipulated and someone should help her. Tessa agrees ...

Stephanie Wiand and Lisa Morretti welcome us to this week’s Angelic Championship Wrestling show. Tonight is gonna be a huge main event as Kiera Hogan will defend her Cadillac Championship against Marti Belle. But first, let’s hear from our President !

The President makes his way down to the ring, flanked by his PA Ashley, his PE Lindsay, his girlfriend Rebel, the Cadillac Champion Kiera Hogan and Gabi. Nick welcomes Rebel back and they kiss. As a welcoming gift he says, Rebel will have a match tonight against Sonya Strong. Rebel is excited. Tonight our main event will be Kiera succesfully defending her Cadillac title against Marti Belle. Kiera giggles. But next week is time to battle for the Angelic Championship. Therefore the match between Katarina and Santana Garrett is made official. Barbi Hayden comes out at the entrance and seems agitated. Everyone asks what is going on and Rebel and Ashley say they got this as they go to her ...

A graphic is shown hyping next week’s Angelic Championship match between challenger Santana and defender Katarina.

Rebel vs. Sonya Strong
Singles Match

Back inside the ring, Rebel is already in as Sonya makes her entrance.

They lock up, and Sonya quickly scoop slams her down. Sonya talks a little trash about Rebel trying to upstage her. Rebel rolls out of a slam and applies a side headlock. Sonya tries to whip her off, but Rebel keeps it hooked on. Sonya finally whips her off and elbows her in the face. Rebel reverses a whip and rolls through a sunset flip to dropkick her. Sonya sends her to the corner, but Rebel hits a slingshot kick. Rebel goes to the top rope, but Sonya rolls out of the ring to recover.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Sonya chop Rebel’s chest before taking her down for a two count. During the commercial, she dropped a devastating knee on the back of Rebel’s neck. Sonya applies a full nelson. Rebel fights up, slides out, and rolls her up for a two count. Sonya tries to go back to the full nelson, but Rebel elbows out. Sonya quickly knees her in the midsection and sends her to the corner. Rebel boots her back and takes her down with a pair of running forearms. Rebel connects with a dropkick before chopping the chest. Sonya boots her back and goes to the second rope, but Rebel kicks her to the floor. Rebel hits a baseball slide, gets on the apron, and goes for a running kick, but Sonya blocks it and takes her down. Rebel lands on her surgically repaired shoulder. Sonya drops an elbow and applies an arm bar. Rebel soon gets out, takes her down, and hits a double stomp to the midsection.

Rebel knocks her to the corner, but Sonya sidesteps her. Sonya stomps her down and clubs the chest. Rebel tries to fight back, but Sonya rolls her up for a near fall. Sonya rolls her up again for a two count. Rebel forearms her back and connects with an overhead kick. Rebel gets to her feet and hits a Sling Blade. Rebel hits a vicious running dropkick to the corner. Rebel connects with the Rebellion for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Rebel wins by Pinfall

Sonya is not happy and screams at Rebel she won’t be laughing long because everybody knows except her ! Rebel does not know what she is talking about and is confused ...

Veda Scott – the new Gold Rush holder – comes out and has a mic. She says why does Santana get a title match and why not her? Why does she has to wait until August 11 to cash in her Gold Rush. Santana never had a contenders match and thus never a legit claim on the title ... She demands she be put in that match in a Triangle Match. Las Sicarias music hits as Thea and Amanda come out. Thea takes the mic and says she has been here longer than anyone and only has had one title shot and this was two years ago. She concurs with Veda but says she should be the one in a Triangle Match for the title. They start to argue a bit as Ashley Massaro comes out and calms both down. She says there will be plenty of opportunity for everyone. So why don’t we make it a match between the both of you, with the Gold Rush on the line ?

Thea Trinidad (w/Amanda Rodriguez) vs. Veda Scott (GR)
Singles Match
Gold Rush

Veda is a bit reluctant but Thea doesn’t seem like it as she hits a big boot in Veda’s face. The referee hits the bell ...

Thea applies a side headlock and takes her down. Veda fights up, but Thea takes her right back down. Thea keeps the headlock applied until Veda fights out and applies an arm bar. Thea uniquely twists out and takes her down. Thea then reclines into a pin for a one count. Veda comes back with a head-scissor and does a dab. Thea hooks the head, but Veda gets out. Thea takes her down and does the dab to mock Veda. Thea does a handstand into the corner and kicks Veda back. Veda hangs herself in the ropes, so Thea dives at her. Veda moves, and Thea nearly lands on her head at ringside!

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Veda stretching Thea out in the ring. Thea fights up, but Veda punches her down. Thea lands on her feet to counter a suplex, and she uppercuts her down. Thea slams her down and hits a powerslam for a near fall. Veda elbows her back and hits a springboard forearm to take her down. Thea takes her down with a vicious head-butt that sends Veda out of the ring. Thea gets her into the ring, but Veda rolls back out. Thea goes outside to retrieve her, but Veda throws her into Amanda. Veda gets in the ring, and Amanda gets on the apron. Veda kicks the middle rope into Thea’s face and locks in the Veda Lock ... and Thea taps out !

Match Result : Veda Scott wins by Submission and retains the Gold Rush

Marti Belle and her fellow Sicarias are backstage. She is getting ready for her match as they hype her in a interview. Thea enters and is beaten up pretty good by Veda. They tell her not to worry as Marti will get us some gold ...

Main event time guys !

Marti Belle vs. Kiera Hogan (c) (w/Lindsay Snow)
Singles Match
Cadillac Championship

Marti Belle comes out on her own, representing Las Sicarias. Next, the Cadillac Champion Kiera with the PE, Lindsay Snow. Sarah Russi makes the official in-ring introductions stating this is Kiera’s first title defense in 35 days.

The bell rings, and Kiera immediately puts herself through the ropes to keep Marti back. They lock up, and Kiera applies a side headlock. Kiera brings her down to her knees, and Marti bridges over her before hitting a deadlift gutwrench suplex for a two count. Marti applies a side headlock and cranks it in. Kiera punches her and applies a side headlock of her own. Marti tries to whip her off, but Kiera hangs on. Marti finally whips her off, but Kiera shoulder blocks her down. Kiera hits the ropes, but Marti leapfrogs her and takes her down with a hurricanrana. Marti goes for the Marti Swing, but Kiera gets out of the ring. Marti takes her out with a summersault senton off the apron. Marti goes for a running uppercut, but Kiera moves and kicks her over the barricade. Kiera puts her in the ring and gives her a senton splash for a near fall. Kiera talks a little trash and uses Marti’s taunt. Marti punches back at her, but Kiera kicks her and goes for a suplex. Marti blocks it and connects with a textbook suplex. Marti hits a running uppercut in the corner and fires up the uppercut train. Kiera tries to counter with a superkick, but Marti blocks it and uppercuts her. Marti flips to the apron, but Kiera knocks her off and into the barricade.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Marti trapped in a chin lock. Marti fights up and elbows her, but Kiera drops her with a modified neckbreaker using her knee for a near fall. Kiera clotheslines her in the corner before going for a cannonball, but Marti moves out of the way. Marti comes back with a deluge of uppercuts for a near fall. Kiera holds on to the ropes to avoid a whip. Kiera rakes the eyes and goes for a Pop-up Powerbomb, but Marti gets out and connects with a springboard uppercut for a near fall!

Kiera rolls out of the ring to recover. Marti goes outside to hit Kiera with an uppercut. Marti puts her in the ring and gives Kiera a cross-body block for a near fall. Marti sets up for Hells Bells, but Kiera gets out and boots her in the face. Kiera goes for a tornado DDT, but Marti keeps her up and puts her back on the top rope. Marti dropkicks her and goes for a superplex, but Kiera gets out and crotches her up there. Kiera connects with a Fired Up ! Cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Kiera Hogan wins by Pinfall and remains Cadillac Champion

Lindsay taunts Marti a bit as she raises Kiera’s hands in the air. Thanks for watching everybody ! See you next week !

Inside the President’s office, Kiera and Lindsay enter the office and are congratulated by everyone. Meanwhile Barbi Hayden knocks on the door and enters. Ashley thanks her for coming to work out something together. AS Barbi goes to Ashley, she crosses faces with Rebel and it seems a bit heated. Ashley beckons her and says for her help to the management, she will get a Cadillac title shot next week. Barbi is down with that, but Kiera objects. Rebel gets in between and says it’s okay, Barbi deserves that title shot. Barbi responds you damn know I do. Kiera is not happy and looks at Nick who nods. Kiera concedes finally and the match is official ...

Next week, Kiera Hogan defends her Cadillac title against Barbi Hayden. Our main event will be Santana Garrett taking on the Angelic Champion Katarina !

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.07.07.2017 - Garrett vs. Kraven

Angelic Championship Wrestling
July 7, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We are inside the President’s office, where Nick is waiting ecstatically for the return of his girl Rebel, who is getting back from her long business trip for ACW. She enters the office and the two embrace and kiss each other extensively. Gabi and Kiera are sitting in the couch but are totally ignored by the President as he only has eyes for Rebel tonight. Lindsay Snow is seen smiling as Ashley Massaro seems a bit uncomfortable as she looks at Kiera, who seems unhappy about Rebel being back ...

Stephanie Wiand and Lisa Morretti welcome us back to ACW after a one week break, following the Stairway to Heaven special where we saw Katarina defend her Angelic Championship succesfully against 30 others Angels ! Tonight we will see the return of Santana Garrett after her one month injury by the hands of her ex tag partner Amber Gallows. She will face off The Mountain Kraven. Plus, a Triangle Match will be held to determine a new number one contender to the Cadillac title, between Tessa Blanchard, Marti Belle and Barbi Hayden. But let’s kick off tonight with a Tag Team Championship match !

Veda interferes as she enters the stage. She has a mic and says that at Stairway to Heaven, she pinned Shanna, the Gold Rush holder. This makes her now officially the new Gold Rush holder, and this is even more fortified due to the fact Shanna is out for action for some time and this company needs a Gold Rush holder ; her ! And be sure on August 11, she will still hold the Gold Rush and advance to win the Angelic Championship ! The title she so deserves which will make her the first-ever ACW Triple Crown holder ! Deonna Purrazzo enters the stage and says August 11 is still a long way to go ...

-Commercial Break-

Amanda Rodriguez and La Rosa Negra (repr/Las Sicarias, w/Thea Trinidad) vs. BaleSpin (c)
Tag Team Match
Tag Team Championship

Welcome back as both teams are already inside the ring. It will be Amanda and La Rosa who will be battling representing Las Sicarias, with Thea in their corner this time. Sarah Russi makes the official introductions. This will be BaleSpin’s first title defence in 35 days. This is a rematch for Las Sicarias.

Some trash is being talked before the referee calls for the bell ... We start with KC and La Rosa. La Rosa dumps KC on the ring apron early. KC catches La Rosa with two dropkicks in the corner, but La Rosa quickly dumps KC on the turnbuckle. Tag to Xandra. Xandra and KC with a double dropkick to La Rosa. Xandra sends La Rosa to the corner, catches her with a dropkick and La Rosa rolls out. La Rosa quickly dumps KC off the corner. KC hits the barricade and La Rosa also pushes Xandra over in the ring. La Rosa jumps down, charges and connects with KC against the ring barricade.

Xandra tackles Amanda who is now legal. Lisa Morretti is making it clear that this is now a 2-on-1 match after La Rosa took out KC earlier in the match. Xandra with stomps to Amanda in the corner. La Rosa gets the tag and connects with a big backbreaker on Xandra and drops a quick elbow. La Rosa applies a bear hug on Xandra. La Rosa launches Xandra to the corner and Xandra avoids a corner splash when Amanda gets the tag. Amanda stands over the back and neck of Xandra applying pressure. Amanda stands on the hair of Xandra and pulls up on her arms. Xandra catches Amanda with a running knee and then a neckbreaker. Xandra knocks La Rosa off the corner, but Amanda with an attack from behind. Amanda gets her in a camel clutch but Xandra breaks free as KC gets back on the apron for a hot tag ! She executes the 2 Scoops on Amanda ! Cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : BaleSpin wins by Pinfall and remain Tag Team Champions

Las Sicarias are unhappy with the outcome and they start attacking BaleSpin. Hania The Huntress comes from the back to level the odds. She will be in action later on tonight.

Inside a hospital room, we see Shelly Martinez badly injured. She got attacked at the conclusion of Stairway to Heaven two weeks ago by Amber Gallows. Katarina, her client and Angelic Champion, vows to avenge her. And they could have an ally in Santan Garret, now that she is back and has also been double-crossed by Amber. Shelly warns Katarina for both girls, especially Santana who is out for her title and is a real threat ...

Tessa Blanchard is backstage and runs into Gabi Castrovinci. She warns her about the Management. She shouldn’t let herself be manipulated by The President and his entourage. Then Lindsay Snow comes out and she asks what is going on ... they both say nothing but Lindsay is not convinced ...

Inside the President’s office, Nick Graves is still romatically with Rebel. Ashley Massaro still seems uncomfortable ...

Aria Blake vs. Hania The Howling Huntress
Singles Match

Both women are already in the ring as the referee calls for the bell ... Hania with a roll up early on Aria. Hania with more pinfall attempts and Aria continues to kick out. Aria with a headlock takedown. Hania with a big hip toss on Aria. Hania again with another pinfall attempt with a backslide for a two count. Hania with chops to Aria in the corner after letting out a wolf howl. Hania pulls the shirt over Aria’s head and throws right hands. Hania with a nasty looking inverted atomic drop and cover on Aria for a two count. Aria bails.

-Commercial Break-

Aria drops Hania over her knee and then connects with a neckbreaker. Aria split open her pants during the match as she trades rights with Hania. Aria kicks away the leg of Hania and connects with a spike DDT for a two count. Aria dumps Hania out of the ring. Las Sicarias come out ringside taunting Hania. Back inside, Aria with front kicks to Hania. Hania ends up dumping Aria on her face. Hania with repeated clotheslines and then a high knee that catches Aria flush. Hania catches Aria with a neckbreaker bouncing off the ropes. Aria kicks out. Aria is up top. Hania jumps up and connects with a powerslam on Aria off the top rope! La Rosa goes after Hania, but almost hits Amanda. Hania is distracted. Aria with a Spoiler Alert for a cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Aria Blake wins by Pinfall

Aria celebrates and talks some trash as Las Sicarias do the same and laugh at Hania while leaving to the back ... Hania is left alone in the middle of the ring ...

Tessa Blanchard vs. Marti Belle (repr/Las Sicarias) vs. Barbi Hayden (w/Ray Lyn)
Triangle Match
#1 Contendership for the Cadillac Championship

Time for some championship implication match. First out comes Tessa, then Marti and then Barbi, accompanied by Lay Ryn, glamming up the place. This match came about because all three think they are the next genuine contender to Kiera Hogan’s Cadillac Championship. This match will be conclusive and next week Kiera will defend her title against tonight’s winner.

Marti misses a knee drop and Tessa plants Marti with her twisting powerbomb. Barbi trips up Tessa on the outside, pulls her out and launches her into the steel steps. Marti catches Barbi with a slingshot forearm over the top rope. Marti tosses Barbi back in and throws right hands in the corner. Marti with a jumping forearm off the ropes to Barbi resulting in a two count. Barbi levels Marti with a right hand. Barbi tosses Marti out. Tessa is back in catching Barbi with repeated shoulder blocks and her planting powerbomb. Tessa connects with a Slingshot Back Suplex on Barbi. Barbi counters an Royalty attempt. Barbi attempts a Glam Slam. Marti springboards back inside the ring and catches Barbi with a flying forearm. Tessa with an Roaylty on Marti. Marti kicks out. Barbi then catches Tessa with Glam Slam out of no where. Marti breaks up the pinfall attempt by Barbi.

-Commercial Break-

We return live as we see Marti attempting a splash on Barbi over the announce table at ringside. Marti connects. Marti jumps back up on the barricade and this time crashes over Barbi with a leg drop. Marti tries to springboard back inside the ring. Tessa counters getting Marti on her shoulders and connecting with a Royalty. Tessa rolls through going for another one and Marti counters into a Sicarian Hitplex ! Tessa rolls through and gets an STF applied on Marti! Barbi is back in and senton splashes over Tessa who is also over Marti to break it up. Barbi throws Marti out of the ring. Barbi falls back in the corner staring at Tessa. Tessa has Barbi up and connects with an AA. Barbi kicks out.

Lindsay Snow and Gabi Castrovinci come out and Lindsay is staring at Tessa who seems somehow distracted by her. Marti is back in and connects with a Hells Bells on Tessa for a cover ... 1 ... 2 ... Barbi gets in ... 3 !

Match Result : Marti Belle wins by Pinfall and becomes #1 Contender for the Cadillac Championship

Her fellow Sicaria members come out to celebrate with her. Barbi is unhappy as Ray Lyn tries to recomfort her and goes angry to the back. Tessa is in a heated confrontation with Lindsay Snow as Gabi tries to interfere ... So next week it will be Kiera Hogan defending her Cadillac Championship against Marti Belle.

Barbi Hayden storms into The President’s office as Nick and Rebel are still making out – well, it’s been a long time they saw each other. Nick is not happy to be disturbed. Barbi yells at Rebel that she promessed her gold and she still hasn’t seen any ! Rebel tries to calm her down as Ashley responds to Barbi saying they will work something out together. Rebel nods in the affirmative and Barbi seems calmed down, as Ray Lyn gets inside – way too late. Ashley leaves with them as Nick and Rebel resume their activities. He asks her what did Barbi mean ? Rebel says not to worry but only worry about her , as they carry on ...

Welcome back for our main event ... The returning Santana Garrett takes on “The Mountain” Kraven !

Santana Garrett vs. Kraven
Singles Match

Kraven makes her entrance and doesn’t look happy, actually rather quite sad. Santana Garrett comes out next to a huge reception from the crowd ! She hangs out with them before entering the ring and Sarah Russi makes the official introductions.

The referee calls for the bell ... Santana with right hands early to Kraven. Kraven levels Santana with a big boot. Kraven picks up Santana and tosses her out of the ring. The referee starts the count. Santana rolls back in at the 7 count. Kraven pinches the nerve on Santana’s shoulder. Kraven with forearms to the chest of Santana. Kraven with another big forearm that levels Santana. Kraven again tosses Santana out of the ring.

Katarina comes out ... Santana and her look at each other but then Katarina actually supports her and helps her back in the ring. Santana slaps Kraven when she jumps up on the ring apron. Santana drops Kraven’s jaw off the top rope. Santana with two big kicks to the ear of Kraven. Santana takes Kraven off her feet with kicks to the knees and a dropkick to the face. Kraven counters a moonsault attempt literally kicking Santana away! Wow. Kraven picks up Santana and connects with a running powerslam. Santana exits the ring again and Katarina is literally encouraging her. Santana gets back in and is fired up. She executes one succesful action after the other ... moonsaults, senton, and then finally a Shining Star Press. Kraven is blown away by the heart and soul that Santana is putting in this fight. Katarina is still cheering her on. Kraven is on her knees and gets levelled by a huge Rainbow Drop ! That could be it ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Santana Garrett wins by Pinfall

My God what a match and what spirit Santana showed us upon her return from Amber injuring her ! Kraven exits the ring as Katarina enters and she wants to congratulate Santana who is hesitant. She finally shakes her hands but adds – as she gets handed a mic – thanks for her support, but this doesn’t mean they are best friends now. She still has something Santana has been working for over all those years, and she is officially challenging Katarina for the Angelic Championship. Amber Gallows comes running from the back, enters the ring and attacks Santana. Katarina tries to go for Amber, but as quick as she entered play, that quick she leaves again and taunts the two form the ramp. Santana is being helped up by Katarina ...

Thanks for watching Angelic Championship Wrestling tonight. See you next week as Kiera Hogan will be defending the Cadillac Championship against Marti Bellle !

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.06.23.2017 - Stairway to Heaven for the Angelic Championship

Angelic Championship Wrestling
Stairway to Heaven
June 23, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

The Angelic Champion Katarina is backstage with her valet Shelly Martinez. Katarina won a bye last week to the second round, and is set to sit back, watch and enjoy the first round and see what competition is out there for the second round. But then again she feels invincible, and with Santana Garrett and Amber Gallows out of the picture, it is only an administrative match for her ...

Inside the President’s office, Nick is with his entourage, Gabi Castrovinci, Lindsay Snow, Kiera Hogan and Ashley Massaro. He is talking about how great the Stairway to Heaven match will be tonight and how good his three girls will do in it and that one of them will win the Angelic Championship for him. Kiera gets closer to him and tells him she will make him proud and then kissing him on the mouth. Ashley is rolling her eyes. He then asks what Gabi her plan is. She says she will try to do the same as Kiera and win the title, but very reluctant. Finally Lindsay says, don’t worry boss, if they don’t get the job done, I sure will !

Stephanie Wiand and Lisa Morretti welcome us to tonight’s ACW Stairway to Heaven Speical before our one week break next week ! Tonight is all about one huge match, and it will be for the Angelic Championship !

The rules are as follows : The match is divided in two rounds. Every able competitor on the roster is starting in the match at the same time. Pinfalls and Submissions are the only possible ways to eliminate an opponent. There is a 20 minutes time limit. Whoever has not been eliminated at the end of Round One, will advance to Round Two. This will consist of a ladder match, with the Angelic Championship belt hanging high above the ring and must be retrieved in order to win the match and thus earn the Angelic Championship. The current champion, Katarina, has won a bye to the second round by winning a bye match against Kiera Hogan last week. Let’s kick this Stairway to Heaven off ... right now !

Stairway to Heaven Match
Round One
Ticket to the Angelic Championship match

Most of the competitors are already in the ring. Seperate entrances are held for BaleSpin, Kiera Hogan – with Gabi and Lindsay - and Kraven. Joining on commentary is the current Angelic Champion - who will have a hard time defending her title in the second round – Katarina. She got the bye and this can be seen as a champion’s advantage.

All the Angels are inside the ring, for a total of 24. The referee rings the bell ! The Stairway to Heaven is officially underway !

Kraven is the most dominant force of them all and they all know it. As soon as the bell rings, most of the Angels go for her and try to take her down but Kraven is too strong. She takes up Kay Lee Ray and slams her on the mat ! Maria Manic takes advantage of the situation and cover Kay Lee ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ! Kay Lee Ray has been eliminated !

The Sinister Sweethearts are working well together. Xandra Bale locks up with Brittany Blake. But Samanta Heights breaks it up and shoves Xandra. KC ges in Samanta’s face and they slug it out. Meanwhile most of the other Angels are besides the ring fighting – no count outs are in effect in this match. Las Sicarias join in on the slugfest and Thea Trinidad kicks KC in the gut and executes a perfect Divine Fly on KC ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ! KC Spinelli has been eliminated !

Meanwhile, Kraven is taunting Katarina on commentary ...

Tessa Blanchard and Leva Bates are on now. It does not take Tessa too long to clothesline Leva down and go for a cover ... 1... 2 ... kick out ! Tessa responds with a Superhero Kick but Tessa avoids it and it accidentally hits Brittany Blake right in the face. Leva doesn’t mind and goes for it ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ! Brittany Blake has been eliminated !

-Commercial Break-

Welcome back. Still 10 minutes to go.

Kiera Hogan is battling Ray Lyn and pinning her, but Barbi Hayden comes to her rescue. They double team her but Lindsay Snow gets in the way and powerslams Ray on the ground. Barbi is terrified and can only watch as Lindsay covers Ray Lyn ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ! Ray Lyn has been eliminated !

Gabi is now in the center of the ring, and she gets surrounded by Maria Manic, Leva Bates, Sonya Strong and Samantha Heights. They all go for her and once again Lindsay is there for the save. She gets the pin on three of them ! Maria Manic, Sonya Strong and Samanta Heigts have been eliminated ! Gabi thanks Lindsay but is unaware of Leva rolling her up ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ! Gabi Castrovinci has been eliminated ! Lindsay and Kiera go for Leva but Tessa asks them to give her to her, which they do. They have a nice little match together but then Tessa gets the better of Leva and is assisted by Kiera Hogan. Tessa covers ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ! Leva Bates has been eliminated ! Kiera and Tessa shake hands and are up to it together now. Kiera punches away at her in the corner. Tessa then hits a short-arm clothesline. Kiera chokes her on the bottom rope and clubs away at her. Kiera sends her into the barricade and knees her in the face. Kiera puts her back in the ring and executes a huge Fired Up on Tessa ! Cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ! Tessa Blanchard has been eliminated !

Amanda Rodriguez is having a hard time against Xandra Bale but Thea Trinidad helps her out a hand as does La Rosa Negra. Hania The Howling Huntress is helping out Xandra but the numbers game comes into play. Las Sicarias are able to keep Xandra away from Hania and La Rosa goes full on Hania. La Rosa applies a neck cravat, but Hania fights up. Hania boots her back, but La Rosa comes back with an uppercut. La Rosa then lays her out with a Pelé kick for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ! Hania The Howling Huntress has been eliminated ! As La Rosa turns around she sees Kraven holding both Thea and Amanda. She throws them on La Rosa and thrives all three flat on the mat ! She covers Amanda and gets the fall. Then she goes for La Rosa and gets it too ... Thea wisely exits the ring ! Amanda Rodriguez and La Rosa Negra have been eliminated !

Aria Blake is holding up pretty good in this match. That’s because she has been hiding for the most part on the entrance ramp. Deonna Purrazzo has seen this and is now coming for her. She grabs her by her hair and leads her back into the ring. There she executes a Vendetta on her and goes for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ! Aria Blake has been eliminated ! Veda Scott then tries to roll up Deonna but to no avail. Veda applies a side headlock. Deonna twists out and applies a neck vice. Veda whips her off, but misses Deonna. Veda then rolls her up for a two count. Veda quickly goes to an arm drag. Deonna gets out with a head-scissor for a two count. But then Veda hits a Veda Bomb and covers ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ! Deonna Purrazzo has been eliminated ! Shanna comes into play and faces Veda. They hit each other quite hard on the chest before having a really nice mini match ... Veda gets the better of it and applies her Veda Lock. Shanna is trying to crawl for the ropes but Veda pulls her back ... to no avail ... Shanna taps out ! Shanna has been eliminated ! Veda is celebrating and trash talking Shanna saying she has now the Gold Rush !

-Commercial Break-

Welcome back. Still 5 minutes to go. Meanwhile Kiera Hogan dropped outside the ring and has an altercation with our Angelic Champion Katarina who is on commentary at the moment ...

Marti Belle is now fighting with Xandra Bale. Marti gets help from her Sicarias fellow member Thea as they get Xandra down. Marti covers her and Thea applies some extra pressure ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ! Xandra Bale has been eliminated ! Las Sicarias celebrate but from behid Lindsay Snow grabs Thea and pedigrees her ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ! Marti tries to battle Lindsay but Lindsay just shoves her out the ring. Thea Trinidad has been eliminated ! Marti taunts her and Linsday chases her around the ring. Meanwhile Kraven stands before Kiera Hogan. Kiera is slightly in fear as she tries to hit her but to no avail. Kraven picks Kiera up and executes a Mountain ! Lights out for Kiera ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ! Kiera Hogan has been eliminated !

The bell rings ! Twenty minutes have passed which means the first round is over and only five Angels have survived ! Barbi Hayden, Lindsay Snow, Kraven, Veda Scott and Marti Belle ! Katarina the Angelic Champion will now be joinging them for the second round which will consist of a Ladder Match. The Angel who retrieves the title belt first, will become or remain the Angelic Champion !

-Commercial Break-

Welcome back. Time for the second round. All six competitors are in the ring and Sarah Russi is making the official introductions. This will officially be Katarina’s 7th title defence in 182 days, setting a record for longest-reigning Angelic Champion.

Stairway to Heaven Match
Round Two
Angelic Championship

Veda goes after Katarina right away as the bell rings. Veda tosses Katarina to the timekeepers area. Lindsay sends Barbi and Kraven out and gets in a quick shot on Veda. Marti catches Kraven with a quick kick to the head. Marti with a Hitplex over Kraven who was laying on top of a ladder. Marti nails Kraven with another ladder sending her out. Veda starts tipping over a ladder that Marti was climbing. Marti lands on the top rope, springboards off and splashes into the camera man at ringside. Katarina pulls Veda off the ladder. They do this to each other a few times until Veda sends Katarina face first into the ladder. Veda hooks the arms of Katarina and flips her back first into a ladder that was in the corner. Veda jumps off the ladder to take out Kraven. Barbi and Marti are racing up on both sides of the ladder.

Veda clotheslines Kraven out. Veda is clotheslined out by Barbi and Marti. Barbi and Marti race back up the ladder exchanging shots. They fall off and Katarina hits both with ladder. Lindsay kicks the ladder into Katarina. Lindsay with a monkey flip on Katarina. Lindsay puts a ladder near the corner on the bottom ropes. Lindsay plants Katarina on top of the ladder and Lindsay connects with a flying swanton over Katarina. Lindsay with a kick to the face of Veda and also catches Barbi with a kick. Lindsay with a spin kick on Kraven. Lindsay with a powerslam on Kraven and sets up another big ladder. Lindsay climbs up and Marti is up to run interference. Kraven pulls Lindsay off and Lindsay lands back first over the top of a ladder. Kraven hits Marti with a ladder. Kraven sets the ladder up near the corner by Lindsay. Kraven climbs up and Lindsay climbs up on the other side. Kraven falls off and lands with a thud.

The doctors order Veda to the back. Katarina starts climbing up another ladder as Lindsay catches up with her. Marti puts a ladder across the ropes and hanging off the other ladder. Marti knocks Lindsay off as Katarina tries to cut off Marti. Marti with a back body drop on Katarina. Katarina lands back first on the ladder and it breaks from the hold. Barbi cuts off Marti pulling her off the ladder and planting her with a big DDT. Barbi with a cross body on Kraven and then splash in the corner. Barbi with a Glam Slam on Lindsay. Barbi kicks a ladder into Kraven. Glam Slam on Marti over a smaller ladder. Both took the bump on the ladder. Kraven cuts off Barbi with a side headlock applied on the ladder. She’s screaming at Barbi to let go. Barbi breaks free, climbs back up and Katarina hits Barbi in the leg with a steel chair. Katarina with a shot to the back of Barbi also.

Veda is running back out. She has a chair and hits Katarina with it over the back repeatedly. Veda is favoring her shoulder and climbing up the ladder with one arm. Shanna comes running from the back and hits the ring. Veda is kicking at Shanna. Shanna falls back. Shanna then grabs Veda, pulls her down and connects with a Perfect Press. Katarina climbs up and grabs the title belt !

Match Result : Katarina retrieves the title belt and remains Angelic Champion

Shelly Martinez comes running in and celebrates with her client as Katarina succesfully retained her title ! But out from the back comes Amber Gallows running in and grabs the chair Veda had brought in. She jumps in the ring and starts attacking Shelly Martinez with it. Shelly drops down and screams in pain as she is favouring her shoulder. Needless to say Katarina powerslams Amber. Katarina and trainers are tending to both Shelly as Amber as the show fades out ...

Thanks for watching tonight’s Angelic Championship Wrestling’s Stairway to Heaven special as Katarina retains her Angelic Championship. We will take a one week break and will be back on July 7 ! See you then !

Next week, BaleSpin will defend their tag team gold against Las Sicaris, plus, a number one contenders match for the Cadillac Championship featuring Barbi Hayde, Marti Belle and Tessa Blanchard !

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.06.16.2017 - Hogan vs. Katarina

Angelic Championship Wrestling
June 16, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We are inside the President’s office, where he is with Lindsay Snow, Kiera Hogan, the new Cadillac Champion, Ashley Massaro and Gabi Castrovinci. Nick is occupied with Gabi while someone knocks on the door. Lindsay opens and the returning ACW original Marti Belle enters the office. Nick welcomes her back and is happy to see an old face back. Marti too says she is happy to be back and is here for opportunities. Nick immediately reassures her by saying she will get a Cadillac title shot with Kiera, if she proves herself in a match in three weeks. She will face all the Cadillac rematchers in a Triangle Match, to determine the number one contender to the Cadillac Championship, with Barbi Hayden and Tessa Blanchard. The winner of that match will get the title shot the week after. Marti says this is fine but she had hoped for some more, but this will do for the time now as she leaves and Nick goes back to Gabi, in some frustration of Ashley ... Kiera doesn’t really seem to mind ...

Stephanie Wyand and Lisa Morretti welcome us to tonight’s ACW show, one week before the Stairway to Heaven special before going on a one-week break. Tonight we will see BaleSpine and Hania take on Las Sicarias, and our main event, Angelic Champion Katarina and Cadillac Champion Kiera Hogan will face off to determine who of the two will get a bye next week to the second round of the Stairway to Heaven match ! But first, the Gold Rush – who will be cashed in on August 11 – is on the line, between Shanna and Deonna Purrazo !

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Shanna
Singles Match
Gold Rush

Both make their separate entrances. A show of respect by shaking each other’s hand.

The referee calls for the bell and they lock up and tussle to the corner. Deonna gives a clean break, and Shanna smiles at her. They lock up again, and Deonna applies a hammerlock. Shanna backs her into the ropes to break the hold. Shanna punches her and whips her to the corner. Deonna slingshots over her and hits a spinning back elbow. Deonna chops her and sends her into the ropes, but Shanna holds on and gets out of the ring.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Deonna punch away at Shanna before eating a clothesline. Shanna picks up a two count. Shanna punches and stomps her in the corner. Shanna knees her in the midsection before applying the chin lock. Deonna tries to get out, but Shanna keeps her down. Finally, Deonna fights up and hits a back suplex. They both get up and trade chops. Deonna hits the ropes, ducks a clothesline, and hits a pair of running forearms. Shanna reverses a whip, but Deonna answers with a clothesline. Deonna follows up with a fisherman’s suplex for a near fall. Deonna gets up and hits a running forearm in the corner. Shanna pushes off a bulldog attempt and boots her in the face. Deonna pulls the top rope down to get her out of the ring. Deonna then connects with a suicide dive. Deonna goes to the top rope, but Shanna cuts her off. Shanna goes for a superplex, but Deonna fights her off with head-butts.

Veda Scott runs down and distracts her. Deonna rolls her up for a two count. Deonna takes Shanna down with a Vendetta. Veda is surprised Shanna is still in the match. Shanna slowly gets out of the ring and approaches Veda. Veda begs her and hits Shanna right in the back of the head when she turns back around !  The referee calls for the bell !

Match Result : Shanna wins by DQ and retains the Gold Rush

Deonna is unhappy with the result and trash talks Veda who gets up on the apron and tries to swing at her. Deonna grabs Veda and executes a Vendetta ! Shanna apologizes to Deonna for this match being interrupted ...

Backstage, Marti Belle is being approached by Las Sicarias. They welcome her back to ACW as they are also originals. They tell her Las Sicarias is all about Latin American descent. They point out Marti is from Dominican Republic, so this could also be viewed as Latin American. They ask her to think about it, because with the leaving of Mercedes Martinez, an opening just came up at Las Sicarias ...

Stephanie Wyand and Lisa Morretti welcome us back as they say that Shanna conceded Deonna a Gold Rush rematch in three weeks, due to Veda’s interference tonight !

BaleSpin and Hania The Howling Huntress vs. Las Sicarias
Trios Tag Team Match

Xandra and KC the Tag Team champions make their way down the ring, accompanied by Hania. Next out, Thea, Amanda and La Rosa, collectively known as Las Sicarias – they are the former champions. Trash is being talked a little. This match is a result of last week’s main event between Hania and La Rosa in a gruesome Berserker match !

The referee calls for the bell ... KC goes right after Amanda as a big brawl breaks out. La Rosa with rights to Xandra and Hania throws Thea over the top rope. Amanda tosses Hania over the top rope. We are left with Xandra and Amanda. Amanda grabs Xandra and quickly tosses her over the top rope.

-Commercial Break-

We return live as Thea is slapping Xandra. Xandra tags in KC who chops Thea. During the break, we saw Marti Belle come out to watch this match. KC drops Thea over her knee and hits a standing moonsault for a two count. La Rosa tags herself in and works over KC in the corner. La Rosa with a big chop to KC. La Rosa with elbows to the back of KC and then applies a headlock. La Rosa with a kick to the head of KC and tags in Thea. Thea with a back suplex on KC and then a corner clothesline. KC catches Thea with a shot to the gut on the way down from the top turnbuckle. Tag to La Rosa and she cuts off KC tagging out. La Rosa attempts a back splash over KC and KC gets her knees up. Hot tag to Xandra. Xandra with big rights to La Rosa. Xandra with a flying clothesline and more clotheslines in the corner on La Rosa. Xandra catches Thea when she gets in. Xandra with a big boot to La Rosa. Thea holds the leg of Xandra from under the bottom rope. Hania jumps and takes out Thea at ringside. Amanda jumps down and sends Hania shoulder first into the ring barricade. Xandra attempts a Xandralizer on Amanda, but Amanda blocks it and La Rosa with a superkick on Xandra. La Rosa hooks the leg and Xandra kicks out.

Xandra gets in an elbow on La Rosa. La Rosa applies a headlock on Xandra. Xandra fights to her feet. Xandra with a samoan drop on La Rosa. Hot tag to Hania and tag to Thea. Hania with a jumping takedown on Thea and repeated elbows in the corner. Hania with a Howling Moon off the corner on Thea. KC tosses La Rosa out. Hania with a suicide dive to Thea. KC leaps over the top rope taking out La Rosa. KC avoids a charging clothesline attempt by Amanda who hits the steel ring post. Hania with a flying knee from the top rope on Thea for a two count. Thea counters a Pedigree going for a Hitplex. Hania counters, goes for another Howling Moon and again Thea counters. Tag to Amanda who eats rights from Hania. Hania is trying to take Amanda off her feet. Amanda has a hand on the throat of Hania. KC breaks it up. Amanda with her chop to KC. Amanda back body drops Hania. Amanda eats a kick to the face from Hania and a Xandralizer from Xandra. Amanda is barely on her feet. Hania with a knee to Amanda. Tag to KC. KC goes up top, Hania jumps off the other corner taking out La Rosa on the outside, KC jumps and catches Amanda with a high cross body for a two count. Tagged in now are La Rosa and Hania. La Rosa levels Hania when she charges in. Hania has La Rosa up and connects with a big Howling Moon. Amanda hooks the leg and ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result: BaleSpin and Hania win by Pinfall

Marti is still out but doesn’t move a pinch. She gets inside the ring between both teams. She is hesitant ... but finally she kicks Hania in the gut – aligning herself with Las Sicarias – and an all-out brawl breaks out ! Security has to divide the teams. La Rosa Amanda and Thea welcome Marti amidst Las Sicarias !

Inside the President’s office, we see Nick pepping up Kiera Hogan, who will be out next for a bye match against the Angelic Champion Katarina ... this match is next !

Kiera Hogan (w/Lindsay Snow and Gabi Castrovinci) vs. Katarina (w/Shelly Martinez)
Singles Match
Stairway to Heaven Second Round Bye

Kiera makes her entrance accompanied by Lindsay Snow and Gabi Castrovinci. Katarina is flanked by Shelly Martinez. The winner of this match, will automatically be entered into the second round of the Stairway to Heaven match next week, which will be for the Angelic Championship. Sarah Russi makes the official introductions ...

The bell rings and they lock up, and Katarina powers her into the ropes before giving a clean break. Katarina smirks at her and backs up. They lock up, and Katarina wrenches the arm. Katarina takes her down and applies an overhead wristlock. Katarina is smiling the whole while. Kiera fights up and rolls out, but Katarina takes her down by the hair. Katarina taunts the crowd. Kiera quickly rolls her up for a two count. Kiera connects with an arm drag and wrenches the arm. Katarina tries to roll out, but Kiera rolls with her. Kiera rolls her up for a one count. Katarina quickly gets in the ropes to take a breath. Katarina gets her in the corner and pushes her. Kiera then pushes her back. Katarina gets out of the ring to rethink her strategy.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Katarina knee her in the midsection and send her into the corner. Kiera starts hulking up and bounces her off the turnbuckle a bunch of times. Kiera comes off the middle rope with a springboard cross-body block for a two count. Katarina quickly applies a waistlock, but Kiera switches. Katarina quickly rolls her up and whiplashes her head into the bottom turnbuckle. Katarina picks up a two count and punches away at her. Katarina taunts the crowd before stretching Kiera against the ropes and pulling on the hair. Katarina chokes her with her boot and chops the chest. Katarina applies a chin lock, but Kiera counters out with a jawbreaker. Kiera elbows her and goes for a clothesline, but Katarina counters into a clothesline. Katarina then applies a hangman’s chinlock. Kiera tries to fight out, but Katarina levels her with a hangman’s neckbreaker for a two count. Katarina knees away at her before pulling down the kneepad and dropping the knee. Katarina sends her into the corner and chops her down. Katarina applies a dragon sleeper, but Kiera scales the turnbuckles to counter it. Kiera sends her into the corner, but she soon has a whip reversed. Kiera avoids Katarina’s Strange Occurrences, but she can’t avoid the big boot to the floor. Katarina goes outside and boots her into the barricade. Katarina sends her into the ring for a near fall. Katarina covers again for a near fall. Katarina gets her to her feet and chops the chest. Kiera soon comes back with some wild forearms. Katarina cuts her off and hits the ropes. Kiera also hits the ropes, and they take each other out with stereo cross-body blocks. Kiera connects with two hammer throws and a diving clothesline. Kiera shoulders her in the corner and hits a Frenzy DDT out of nowhere ! Kiera tries to get up but Katarina doesn’t let her and executes a huge Strange Occurrences ! ... Cocky cover by Katarina ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Katarina wins by Pinfall ad gets the bye

Lindsay Snow gets up on the apron and motions Gabi do to the same. They enter the ring and try to attack Katarina, who is able to fend them off ... As Kiera goes for her too, Kraven comes storming out from the back and attacks Lindsay ! She clears the ring from “Management” and gets in front of Katarina. Shelly hands Katarina her Angelic Championship, which Katarina holds into Kraven ‘s face ... Kraven is pointing out at the gold ...

Thanks for watching this week’s ACW edition. See you next week for Stairway to Heaven, which will be for the Angelic Championship !

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.06.09.2017 - Hania vs. La Rosa Negra in a Berserker Match

Angelic Championship Wrestling
June 9, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We start the show inside the President’s office, where he is sitting with his PA Ashley Massaro, his PE Lindsay Snow and Gabi Castrovinci, sitting in a chair in the corner, looking uncomfortable ... Nick is excited about tonight’s Cadillac Championship match, in which he put Kiera Hogan versus Tessa Blanchard ... Someone knocks at the door and Ashley opens. Shelly Martinez and the Angelic Champion enter the office. They say that they know in two weeks is the Stairway to Heaven match for the Angelic title. But they feel that Katarina should have a champion’s advantage, and that he should give her a bye into the second round of the match. He understands this type of match is very dangerous for the champion so he makes the following match, Katarina vs Kiera Hogan next week, and the winner gets the bye. Katarina and Shelly seem okay with that, thinking of Kiera of a lesser opponent they leave, Nick sits by Gabi as Ashley looks troubled ...

Stephanie Wyand and Lisa Moretti welcome us to tonight’s Angelic Championship Wrestling show. Tonight’s main event will be one for the ages, as La Rosa Negra and Hania The Howling Huntress collide in a grudge and it will be a Berserker Match ! But first, the Cadillac Championship is on the line !

Kiera Hogan (w/Lindsay Snow and Gabi Castrovinci) vs. Tessa Blanchard (c)
Singles Match
Cadillac Championship

The challenger Kiera Hogan enters the arena first, accompanied by Lindsay Snow and Gabi Castrovinci. Then, Tessa Blanchard, the reigning and defending Cadillac Champion makes her entrance. Sarah Russi makes the introductions, mentioning this will be Tessa’s third title defence in 84 days.

The referee calls for the bell ... They lock up, and Tessa pushes her off. Kiera goes around Tessa and rolls her up for a no count. Kiera wrenches the arm, and Tessa comes back with a wrench of her own. Kiera twists out and kips up before taking her down and hitting a standing moonsault for a two count. Tessa rolls out of the ring to recover. Tessa takes her time before getting back into the ring. Tessa grabs a waistlock, but Kiera hooks a side headlock. Tessa whips her off and misses a pair of clotheslines. Kiera slides through the legs and gets out of a figure four. Tessa pushes her off and elbows her down. Tessa then clotheslines her out of the ring. Tessa sends her into the barricade before setting her up on the apron for a Drive By Dropkick into the ring post. Tessa gets in the ring and sets up for a Spear, but Kiera kicks her in the face before clotheslining her out of the ring. Kiera then connects with a plancha.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Tessa viciously send Kiera into the barricade. Tessa gets Kiera into the ring. During the commercial break, Tessa gave Kiera a back body drop out of the ring. Lindsay and Gabi are cheering for Kiera ringside, although Gabi less then Lindsay. Tessa whips her hard into the corner. Tessa has swelling under her eye. Kiera talks trash before starting a clubbing combination in the corner. Tessa then big boots her down. Kiera counters a Slingshot Back Suplex with a kick before hitting a reverse STO into the corner. Kiera then takes her down with a Sling Blade. Kiera hits a running forearm in the corner before connecting with a second one. Kiera goes for a suplex, but she can’t get her up. Kiera then dropkicks her out of the ring before taking her down with a suicide dive. Kiera springboards off the top rope into a bodycheck by Tessa. Tessa picks up a near fall. Kiera counters a Spear with a roll up for a two count. Kiera immediately follows up with a superkick for a near fall. Kiera heads to the top rope, but Tessa cuts her off. Tessa goes for another Slingshot Back Suplex off the middle rope, but Kiera slides off and hits a turnbuckle powerbomb.

Gabi and Lindsay are getting up on the apron, and the referee is telling them to get down. Gabi is arguing with the ref and meanwhile Lindsay gets under the ropes and hits a massive spear onto Tessa which lays her down. As Lindsay gets out, Gabi end her discussion and the ref turns as Kiera is covering Tessa ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Kiera Hogan wins by Pinfall and becomes the new Cadillac Champion

Kiera is celebrating her title win with Lindsay and they beckon Gabi to join them, which she does, but quite reluctant. Tessa gets out and nods her head in the negative ... Gabi seems to be excusing herself to Tessa with her eyes ...

The commentators go on by saying that the President has announced a date for the Gold Rush cash in, and it will be on August 11. This means that the current Gold Rush holder, Shanna, can still be challenged, and the Angel who has it on August 11 gets the Angelic title shot !

Backstage, the President is awaiting Kiera and she jumps in his arms as she kisses him on the mouth ! Ashley who is with him is annoyed by this and Gabi seems uncomfortable ... Kiera says she needs to thank Nick for setting up this match and for next week, giving her the opportunity to get a bye for the Stairway to Heaven match – while winking at him ...

Still backstage, Amber Gallows encounters Katarina and Shelly. They are exchanging words about the last few weeks. They laugh at Amber being injured by their hands and warn her she should cool down or they could even end her career ... Amber bites her teeth and goes on ...

Barbi Hayden (w/Ray Lyn) vs. Deonna Purrazzo
Singles Match

Both girls make their seperate entrances, Barbi and Ray Lyn glamming up the place of course ...

The bell rings, and Barbi angrily stares at Deonna. They lock up, and Deonna knees her down. Deonna wrenches the arm and slams her down. Barbi rips at the arm, but Deonna fights back with some chops. Deonna head-butts her down before hitting a clothesline. Deonna punches away at her until Ray Lyn interferes to break them up. Deonna turns Ray Lyn out by sending her into the corner. Deonna then slams Barbi’s chest off the apron a few times before twisting her around the ring post. Deonna kicks and punches her. Deonna hits a Vendetta out of nowhere for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Deonna Purrazzo wins by Pinfall

Barbi temper tantrums to the back with Ray Lyn, as Deonna gets a mic. She says know that a date is set for the Gold Rush title match, she is officially challenging Shanna next week for the Gold Rush !

Inside the President’s office, Ashley Massaro is alone with Nick. She wants to warn him about how he is behaving towards Kiera – and Gabi to an extent. She reminds him Rebel is still his girlfriend and that she won’t be pleased to see/hear about this upon her return. Nick waves off the warning and says Rebel will understand it is all for the good of this company and that Ashley shouldn’t worry about it ...

We see La Rosa Negra getting prepared for her Berserker main event tonight against Hania. She is being prepped by her Sicarias sisters Amanda and Thea. On the other hand, we see Hania also getting ready, but she is all alone ...

Backstage, Tessa Blanchard and Gabi bump into each other. Gabi excuses herself but Tessa says that she needs to get a hold of herself and stand up for herself. She shouldn’t be taking orders from Lindsay, Kiera or the President, because they are taking advantage of her. Gabi hesitantly responds “you think ?” as Lindsay Snow heads up and tells Tessa to leave Gabi alone and get lost. She says Gabi is in good hands as she leads her away and Gabi looks down ... Tessa nods in the negative ...

Welcome back, still to come our main event, La Rosa Negra versus Hania in a Berserker grudge match ! But first we have an ACW original making her return ! Aria Blake, her opponent is already in the ring, looking unamused ... and her opponent will be ... Marti Belle !

Aria Blake vs. Marti Belle
Singles Match

Marti gets a huge reaction from the crowd as she returns to ACW as an original ! Aria is yawning ...

The bell rings and Aria quickly puts herself in the ropes to keep Marti back. Marti slams her down and kicks her in the back. Marti stands on her and stomps on her head for a one count. Aria fights back and hits the ropes, but Marti clotheslines her down. Aria avoids a knee drop but gets hit by a pair of clotheslines followed by a dropkick from Marti. Aria blocks a kick and kicks Marti in the ribs. Marti hits a double knee to the corner and lays her out against the second turnbuckle before giving her another double knee for a near fall. Marti quickly pulls her into the turnbuckles and kicks her. Aria soon takes her down and goes for a Spoiler Alert, but Marti gets out of the way and hits a tremendous Hells Bells for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Marti Belle wins by Pinfall

Marti is celebrating with the crowd as she wins in her return match !

Backstage, Barbi Hayden is with Ray Lyn, still temper tantrum on her loss earlier. She says to Ray Lyn that they deserve better after how they helped Rebel in her Kiera/Lindsay problem. Rebel needs to get back so she can reward them like it should !

Main event time guys !

Hania The Howling Huntress vs. La Rosa Negra (repr/Las Sicarias, w/Amanda Rodriguez and Thea Trinidad)
Berserker Match

Both girls make their entrance, La Rosa Negra with her Sicarias sisters, Hania alone. This is the culmination of a months feud, in which we learned that Hania was La Rosa Blanca is the first months of ACW ... Sarah Russi makes the proper in-ring introductions but La Rosa doesn’t wait for that !

So the referee calls for the bell, as La Rosa Negra is still punching at Hania. La Rosa Negra sends Hania to the steel ring barricade around the entrance area. La Rosa Negra sends Hania face first into the ring apron. La Rosa Negra pulls out a kendo stick and cracks it over the back of Hania. In the ring, Hania drops right hands over La Rosa Negra who is sitting on the top turnbuckle. Hania connects with a huricanrana and follows it up with a big running knee to La Rosa Negra in the corner. Hania hits the ropes and jumps at La Rosa Negra as both go over the top rope. La Rosa Negra quickly responds catching Hania with a big boot. La Rosa Negra with a kick to the gut and then launches Hania back first into the ring barricade. La Rosa Negra grabs a chair, keeps it across the back of Hania and slams her back first over the timekeepers barricade. La Rosa Negra tosses two chairs in the ring as Hania rolls in to recover. La Rosa Negra sets up a chair in the corner. Hania catches La Rosa Negra with the kendo stick, goes up top, jumps and La Rosa Negra cuts off Hania with an uppercut. La Rosa Negra grabs a chair, hits Hania in the gut with it and then cracks it over her back. La Rosa Negra sets up the chair and drops Hania back first off it in a side slam. Hania with a drop toe hold on La Rosa Negra sending her face first into the chair that she setup in the corner before. Hania comes flying off the top rope with a missile dropkick that catches La Rosa Negra. La Rosa Negra rolls out. Hania with a suicide dive that catches La Rosa Negra. Hania launches parts of the announce table at La Rosa Negra.

Hania with a kick and torando DDT on La Rosa Negra jumping from the top of the announce table. La Rosa Negra tries to Tombstone Hania over the bottom part of the steel ring steps. Hania counters and pushes La Rosa Negra face first into the steel ring post at ringside. Hania has the kendo stick and starts hitting La Rosa Negra repeatedly with it. La Rosa Negra grabs Hania and launches her into the HD lighting grid. The grid goes dark after Hania hits it. They start brawling and go backstage. La Rosa Negra grabs a broom and hits La Rosa Negra over the back with it repeatedly. Hania mounts La Rosa Negra on top of a car getting in rights. La Rosa Negra knocks her away, Hania charges and La Rosa Negra with a back body drop on Hania. Hania’s foot crashes through the windshield. La Rosa Negra then launches an object at the windshield, Hania moves and it crashes through it, as we go to commercial ...

-Commercial Break-

They are both back inside the ring as Hania hooks the leg and La Rosa Negra kicks out. Hania backs up in the corner looking to hit her flying knee. Hania charges, La Rosa Negra cuts her off and connects with a chokeslam. La Rosa Negra covers and Hania gets a shoulder up after two. La Rosa Negra starts to argue with the referee. Hania grabs a chair and starts cracking it over the back of La Rosa Negra repeatedly. Hania gets the Full Moon applied. La Rosa Negra grabs a kendo stick and hits Hania in the head with it to break it up. Hania grabs the kendo stick and puts it in front of La Rosa Negra’s face to apply more pressure with the Full Moon. La Rosa Negra is pulling herself out under the bottom rope and falls out to break up the submission. At that moment Amanda and Thea enter the ring, both equipped with a kendo stick. The circle around Hania who has nowhere to go. Amanda gets the first shot and alternatively they hit their kendo sticks on Hania’s back until they break. Finally La Rosa Negra gives Hania a steel chair shot. Out from the back, BaleSpin comes running to the aid of Hania. La Rosa Negra quickly covers Hania before Xandra and KC, the new Tag Team Champions, get in the ring ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : La Rosa Negra wins by Pinfall

BaleSpin jump into the ring and start attacking Amanda and Thea. La Rosa Negra joins in as Hania is still out on the mat. BaleSpin seems to get the upper hand as Las Sicarias leave the ring. KC gets a mic and yells at them, next week the three of us against the three of them ! As they help up Hania, and the show fades out ...

Thanks for watching Angelic Championship Wrestling tonight as once again we saw an epic match ! See you next week !

Next week on Angelic Championship Wrestling, BaleSpin and Hania will take on Las Sicarias in a Trios Tag Team Match, plus Deonna Purrazzo challenges Shanna’s Gold Rush, and our main event, for a bye to the second round of the Stairway to Heaven, Katarina the Angelic Champion versus Kiera Hogan, the new Cadillac Champion !

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.06.02.2017 - Von Eerie vs. Katarina

Angelic Championship Wrestling
June 2, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

Inside the President’s office, we see Nick, Ashley Massaro and Lindsay Snow. Kiera Hogan enters the office and she greets Nick with a kiss on the cheek. She asks him if she proved herself enough last time, winking at him. He says indeed but he still wants her to prover herself that bit more inside the ring ... he wouldn’t want the other girls to think he is favouring her ... therefore tonight she will have to fight Leva Bates, in a number one contenders match for the Cadillac Championship, and the winner will go on next week against Tessa. She is down with that as Lindsay says she will be ringside with her tonight ...

We are welcomed by Stephanie Wyand and Lisa Moretti to tonight’s edition of Angelic Championship Wrestling. We just had word that Kiera Hogan and Leva Bates will face off to determine the new Cadillac contender. Plus a Tag Team Championship match is scheduled between BaleSpin and the champs, Las Sicarias. Our main event will be Christina Von Eerie against Katarina, but we just had word from our President that it will be a non-title match, apparently due to reactions of the locker room, why she got a title match and nobody else ...

Leva Bates vs. Kiera Hogan (w/Lindsay Snow)
Singles Match
#1 Contendership for the Cadillac Championship

Leva Bates is making her entrance being quite frantically and maniac. Kiera Honga comes out next, accompanied by the President’s Personal Enforcerer, Lindsay Snow. Which is weird seeing their history ... Kiera got this match form the Pres as she seems to be a favourite of his ...

They lock up, and Kiera pushes her off. Leva goes around Kiera and rolls her up for a no count. Leva wrenches the arm, and Kiera comes back with a wrench of her own. Leva twists out and kips up before taking her down and hitting a standing moonsault for a two count. Kiera rolls out of the ring to recover. Kiera takes her time before getting back into the ring. Kiera grabs a waistlock, but Leva hooks a side headlock. Kiera whips her off and misses a pair of clotheslines. Leva slides through the legs and gets out of a headlock. Kiera pushes her off and elbows her down. Kiera then clotheslines her out of the ring. Kiera sends her into the barricade before setting her up on the apron for a Drive By Dropkick into the ring post. Kiera gets in the ring and sets up for a Spear, but Leva kicks her in the face before clotheslining her out of the ring. Leva then connects with a plancha.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Kiera viciously send Leva into the barricade. Kiera gets Leva into the ring. During the commercial break, Kiera gave Leva a back body drop out of the ring. Kiera whips her hard into the corner. Kiera has swelling under her eye. Kiera talks trash before starting a clubbing combination in the corner. Kiera then big boots her down. Leva counters a Fired Up with a kick before hitting a reverse STO into the corner. Leva then takes her down with a Sling Blade. Leva hits a running forearm in the corner before connecting with a second one. Leva goes for a suplex, sbut he can’t get her up. Leva then dropkicks her out of the ring before taking her down with a suicide dive. Leva springboards off the top rope into a Fired Up. Kiera picks up a near fall. Leva counters a Spear with a roll up for a two count. Leva immediately follows up with a superkick for a near fall. Leva heads to the top rope, but Kiera cuts her off. Kiera goes for a dropkick off the middle rope, but Leva slides off and hits a turnbuckle powerbomb. Kiera then lays her out with a Fired Up on the rebound.

The referee is counting both women down, but Leva falls out of the ring. Kiera goes outside and charges her, but Leva sends her into the steel ring steps. Leva gets her into the ring. Kiera is holding her arm. Leva hits a blockbuster for a near fall. Leva goes to the top rope and holds her midsection in pain before hitting a frog splash for another near fall. Leva goes for a Superhero Kick, but Kiera moves. Kiera talks to the referee who has his back turned to Leva. Meanwhile Lindsay gets on the apron and delivers a huge dropkick to Leva. Kiera and the ref turn around – the ref hasn’t seen a thing – and Kiera goes for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Kiera Hogan wins by Pinfall and becomes the #1 contender to the Cadillac Championship

Lindsay raises Kiera’s hand, while we see Tessa Blanchard, the current Cadillac Champion at the entrance, nodding her head in the negative ...

The commentators talk to us about how Amber Gallows last week attacked her BFF Santana Garrett as she was out to challenge the Angelic Champion. Amber felt she was more in right for the claim and attacked her. They show us footage from this week in the locker room. We see Amber ambushing Santana while Santana wanted to talk things out with her. Amber apparently had no intention to come to terms with her and attacked Santana with no mercy by finally hitting her with a steel chair. We are reported that Santana will be out for action for at least one month ...

Backstage, Katarina and Shelly Martinez are laughing at the footage we just saw. They are glad Santana are out of the running and that the biggest competition has now been eliminated. Plus, the President made a wise decision making tonight’s match with Christina a non-title match. Christina drops by and she says she doesn’t understand the Pres’ motivitations, but sure as hell, she will show him tonight she deserves a shot by defeating Katarina ! They laugh, and Amber also drops by. She tells them she is now the rightful number one contender by taking out Santana. Amber points out she never had a title shot, while Christina had her chance ! They start pushing each other and a brawl breaks out between Katarina, Christina and Amber ...

Back to the action inside the squared circle ... for some championship action

BaleSpin vs. Las Sicarias (w/La Rosa Negra) (c)
Tag Team Match
Tag Team Championship

Xandra Bale and KC Spinelli make their entrance to a huge reception. They are firing up the crowd. They are the challengers. Next out, comes Thea Trinidad and Amanda Rodriguez, the reigning and defending Tag Team Champions. Sarah Russi makes the proper introductions by saying this will be Las Sicarias’ third title defense in 70 days.

Before starting the match, trash is being talked and Amanda does a twerk dance. Amanda starts against Xandra. Amanda clubs her, but Enzo comes back with a pair of dropkicks and tags in KC. KC hits Amanda with a shoulder block before punching away at her. Amanda comes back with an uppercut before punching away at her in her corner. Thea is tagged in, but KC soon overtakes her. KC punches away at Thea, but Thea fights back. Thea hits the ropes, but KC turns her inside out with a knee. Thea goes outside. KC knees Amanda in the face as she tries to get in the ring. Xandra is tagged in and goes for a plancha, but they move so he stops. The Sinister Sweethearts then come out to the stage to watch this match.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Xandra fight up from a chin lock, but Thea clubs her back down. Thea drops her with a back suplex for a two count. Thea uppercuts her in her corner a few times before Amanda is tagged in. Amanda punches away at her before taunting the crowd. Amanda punches Xandra down before going for a powerslam, but Xandra counters into a DDT.

Thea and KC are tagged in. KC hits a pair of shoulder blocks and a fall-away slam. KC splashes her in the corner and hits a second fall-away slam followed by another splash in the corner. KC hits a scoop slam and drops the 2 Scoops, but Amanda breaks up the pin. Xandra sends Amanda out of the ring and almost kills herself with a suicide dive. Xandra is fired up and Thea tries a Divine Fly on her, but KC anticipates and drops a 2 Scoops on her, while Amanda goes for an ACR on Xandra who just gets out of the way and hits a tremendous Xandralizer on her for the cover ... 1... 2 ... new champs ? ... 3 !

Match Result : BaleSpin win by Pinfall and becomes new Tag Team Champions

Las Sicarias cannot believe their defeat and start attacking the new champs. The Sinister Sweethearts who were watching the match don’t need much incentive and join in on the beating on Xandra and KC ! Anyway, new tag champs folks !

We are once again backstage, where we see Gabi Castrovinci talking to Lindsay Snow. Gabi is concerned about the President’s interest in her and asks Lindsay for some advice. Lindsay tells her she doesn’t need to worry and that it is a good thing the Pres has taken an interest to her. This will open up huge opportunities for her. She says look at Kiera, she is now the number one contender for the Cadillac title. She could be that too one day, our even maybe more ... but she has to be on a good roll with our Pres in order for this to happen. Gaby is unsure but thanks Lindsay for her advice and she will listen to it. Kiera drops by and thanks Lindsay for her help tonight. She doesn’t even notice Gabi as she goes on right past her ...

Main event time guys !

Christina Von Eerie vs. Katarina (w/Shelly Martinez)
Singles Match

Christina enters the arena talking trash because she isn’t happy this became a non-title match. Katarina, the Angelic Champion comes out accompanied by Shelly Martinez. Sarah Russi makes the proper in-ring introductions, but Christina doesn’t wait and goes right at Katarina ...

The referee rings the bell ... and Christina continues punching Katarina and kicks her down before talking some trash. Katarina turns her around in the corner and kicks away at her. Katarina slingshots over her and goes for a Frenzy DDT, but Christina gets out of the ring. Katarina follows her out. Christina clubs the back before having a whip reversed into the barricade. Katarina punches her before putting her back into the ring, but Christina quickly rolls back out. Katarina then takes her down with a plancha.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Christina punching away at Katarina. Christina puts her into the ropes, but Katarina takes her down and punches away at her. Katarina hits a running forearm in the corner and goes for a shoulder, but Christina moves, so she hits the ring post shoulder first. Christina gets on the apron and knees Katarina’s head into the ring post. Christina picks up a near fall. Christina applies a chin lock. Christina holds it on for a bit and keeps Katarina grounded. Katarina finally fights up and head-butts her, but Christina quickly sends her over the top rope to the floor. Christina quickly goes outside, puts Katarina on her shoulders, and sends her into the ring post ribs first. Christina gets in the ring and waits for a count-out. Katarina gets back in at nine. Christina catches her with a nasty pumphandle neckbreaker for a near fall. Christina cannot believe it. Christina goes for a senton splash, but Katarina gets the knees up. Katarina then sends Christina out of the ring and wipes her out with a suicide dive. The momentum takes Katarina into the front row.

Katarina holds her ribs in pain while she gets back into the ring. Katarina goes for a Frenzy DDT, but Christina fights out. Katarina punches back at her before having a whip reversed. Katarina hits a pair of clotheslines followed by a neckbreaker. Katarina hits a running forearm and goes for a bulldog, but Christina sends her into the corner. Christina runs into a boot, and Katarina crotches her on the top rope. Katarina goes to the second rope and clotheslines her off for a near fall. Katarina goes back to the top rope, but Christina rolls out of the ring. Katarina simply redirects and hits Christina with a flying elbow to the floor! Katarina gets Christina back in the ring and goes back to the top rope. Katarina dives into a kick to the ribs. Christina hits a package powerbomb for a near fall. Christina is showing her frustration and goes for a Graveyard Smash, but Katarina counters into a hurricanrana. Katarina goes for Strange Occurrences, but Christina elbows her. Katarina goes for another Frenzy DDT, but Christina kicks her. Finally, Katarina floors Christina with a devastating Strange Occurrences for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Katarina wins by Pinfall

Christina is so unhappy with the outcome that she says, screw this sh*t, and she leaves through the crowd. Katarina is bloating and Shelly hands her Angelic Champiosnhip. On the entrance, Amber Gallows is seeing and pointing at Katarina. Katarina hisses to her ...

Amber gets inside the ring and has a mic. She is officially challenging Katarina for the Angelic Championship. Katarina and Shelly laugh as Katarina suddenly attacks Amber and both her and Shelly start stomping away at her. Katarina hits her several times with the Angelic title belt. Amber is motionless while Katarina and Shelly are laughing ...

Thanks for watching tonight’s Angelic Championship Wrestling ! See you next week !

Next week on ACW, we will see Kiera Hogan take on the Cadillac Champion Tessa Blanchard for her belt. Plus La Rosa Negra and Hania will square off in a grudge Berserker match ! And what will be the fallout to Katarina and Shelly beating up Amber, and who will be the next number one contender for the Angelic Championship ... and matches will be added to ACW XL : Stairway to Heaven !

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.05.26.2017 - Scott vs. Shanna

Angelic Championship Wrestling
May 26, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

Stephanie Wyand and Lisa Morretti welcome us to tonight’s show after a two-weeks break, following ACW XL Gold Rush, which saw Shanna conquer the Gold Rush, and Katarina retain her Angelic Championship against Xandra Bale, who cashed in her Gold Rush. Tonight, Sonya Strong and Gabi Castrovinci will make their singles debut. During this week, on twitter an altercation took place between Veda Scott and the new Gold Rush holder Shanna. It came to a culmination when Veda officially challenged Shanna for that Gold Rush, and this will be our main event tonight !

Santana Garrett’s music hits and she makes her way down to the ring, accompanied by Amber Gallows. On ACW XL Gold Rush, we saw at the conclusion of the Angelic Championship match Santana come out and tease a possible title challenge. She has the mic and says that she is an ACW original and that she has had a successful career in the company. She and Amber have won the Tag Team Championships, and she got the opportunity to challenge for the Angelic Championship on some occassions. But now her ambitions are even stronger as she actually aims to become the new Angelic Champion and the face of this company. Therefor she is officially challenging Katarina in two weeks. She thanks Amber for being there for her all the time and they hug inside the ring. Amber takes the mic and says it was a privilege to be working with her as part of the American Sweethearts and that she is fully backing the Angelic Championship claim. They hug once again. But as they release and Santana turns away, Amber hits her hard on the back of the head ! She starts stomping at a downed Santana and takes the mic saying why should she deserve a title shot. Does Santana think she is the better half of their tag team. Amber is also an ACW original and hasn’t got all those title opportunities yet, well guess what, I am taking them ! She stomps her once more on the head before leaving to the back ...

We see a vignette for ACW XL : Stairway to Heaven, live in five weeks from now. A two hour-show that will feature the return of the Stairway to Heaven match and on the line will be ... the Angelic Championship !

Tessa Blanchard vs. Sonya Strong
Singles Match

The Cadillac Champion Tessa Blanchard is making her way down to the ring. Newcomer Sonya Strong, who debuted at Gold Rush, is already in the ring. This will be a non-title match.

The bell rings, and they circle the ring. They lock up, and Tessa hooks a side headlock before Sonya whips her off. Sonya goes for a shoulder block, but Tessa doesn’t go down. Tessa’s left shoulder is completely taped up. They trade punches with Tessa coming out on top. Tessa sidesteps her in the corner, but Sonya quickly arcs her back to play some mind games. Sonya goes for spinning heel kick, but Tessa quickly escapes and big boots her out of the ring. Tessa follows her outside and punches her before putting her back in the ring. Sonya kicks her in the chest while she gets back in the ring and hits a uranaga. Sonya swings at Tessa but misses and smiles at her. Sonya punches her again before whipping her hard into the turnbuckles. Sonya and Tessa give each other a handshake. Sonya builds up a head of steam, but Tessa pops out of the corner with a big clothesline. Sonya slowly gets to her feet in the corner, and Tessa starts clubbing her in the corner. Tessa hits the ropes, but Sonya takes her down with a flying body block.

Leva Bates’ music hits, and she angrily charges down to the ring. Leva gets in the ring and looks down at Tessa. Leva then attacks Tessa and executes the Superhero Kick. The referee throws the match out.

Match Result : No Contest through interference

Sonya doesn’t look on idle and stops Leva and gets her off Tessa. Leva exits the ring and say she will regret putting her hands on her. Sonya helps Tessa up and Tessa thanks her for helping out ...

Veda Scott is being interviewed by Sarah Russi and she is trash talking Shanna hyping up tonight’s main event. She says Shanna is the reason she lost all her gold. So now it’s time for Shanna to give her what she deserves, a shot at the Angelic Championship, through the Gold Rush !

Inside the President’s office, Barbi Hayden and Ray Lyn enter after being summoned. Lindsay Snow is by Nick’s side. He tells them Rebel is still away on official business and will be for a longer period. They just called each other. But she told him to give the two of them a shot a the Tag Team titles. He doesn’t know why, but she said she owned them still something. Barbi and Ray Lyn clap each others hand. He tells them not to wait too long as the match is up tonight ...

Aria Blake vs. Gabi Castrovinci
Singles Match

Both of the girls are already in the ring. We saw Gabi also debut at Gold Rush two weeks ago ...

The referee calls for the bell ... They lock up, and Aria applies a side headlock. Gabi tries to whip her off, but Aria holds on. Gabi elbows out and whips her off. Gabi takes her down with two arm drags followed by an arm bar. Aria fights up and pulls Gabi off the ropes. Gabi fights back and hits the ropes, but Aria takes her down with a back elbow. Aria punches her down in the corner before going outside the ring. Aria bounces her head off the apron and hits a running knee to the head.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Gabi trapped in a modified chin lock. Gabi tries to fight up, but Aria keeps her grounded. Gabi finally fights up, but Aria quickly clotheslines her down for a two count. Aria applies an arm bar, but Gabi soon fights up and punches away at her. Gabi elbows her back and boots her in the face. Gabi counters a right hand into a swinging neckbreaker. Gabi punches and kicks away at her before ducking a clothesline and hitting a pair of running forearms. Gabi then takes her down with a wild clothesline. Gabi goes to the top rope and leaps, but Aria knocks her out of mid-air with a high knee. Aria covers, but Gabi counters into a crucifix pin for a near fall. Aria punches her, but Gabi rebounds with a Samba Drop. Aria responds with a swinging neckbreaker and goes for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Aria Blake wins by Pinfall

But that doesn't seems enough for Aria as she applies a headlock onto Gabi and she won’t release it, still after the referee says to drop it. She finally does and says Gabi is now the new girl in here, and she will have to respect her. The commentators remind us that Aria herself hasn’t been here for more than two months either ... She then goes on stoming poor Gabi on the ground who is defenseless ... But then suddenly Lindsay Snow comes out and plants Aria face first on the mat ! She helps Gabi up who is shaking and Lindsay tells her it’s okay and takes her into her arms ...

Backstage, Angelic Champion Katarina and her valet Shelly Martinez are laughing about what happened to Santana Garrett at the beginning of the show. Yeah sure, she wanted to challenge her for the title, but her own BFF turned on her and attacker her, so we won’t be seeing her around any soon ... But then Amber Gallows drops by and laughs with them saying indeed she showed Santana good who is the better half of their so-called tag team. Amber reassures Katarina that Santana won’t be challenging her for that title any soon. Shelly thanks her. But however, Amber goes on, this wasn’t just a beef between two former friends. I deserve that title shot ! So be sure of that, I am challenging you for the Angelic Championship ! and she leaves ... Katarina and Shelly are amazed and don’t know what to day. Shelly recomforts her saying they got this ... As Amber walks further on, she gets jumped from behind by Santana ! They have a brawl backstage, as Katarina and Shelly look on and laugh, as Shelly says her, see, nothing to worry about ...

Shanna is now backstage, being interviewed herself now by Sarah Russi. She rips into Veda for having humiliated her for all this time. Sure they are the longest reigning tag team champions, but at what cost. She had to endure her humiliations all the time. Now this is over tonight !

Christina Von Eerie is in the back and receives a text. She looks at her phone and says yes finally !

Barbi Hayden and Ray Lyn vs. Amanda Rodriguez and Thea Trinidad (w/La Rosa Negra, repr/Las Sicarias) (c)
Tag Team Match
Tag Team Championship

The Glam Slam Fam, Barbi and Ray Lyn, are heading to the ring, glamming up the place. Next out are the defenders, Las Sicarias, who don’t seem to be happy about being put on notice just an hour on beforehand. This will be Las Sicarias’ second title defense in 63 days. La Rosa says if they lose the match they won’t be relinquishing the titles. Thea says they WON’T lose this match of course !

The bell goes and Ray Lyn immediately punches Amanda off the apron, and tosses Thea out of the ring. Ray Lyn sends Thea into the barricade and punches away at Amanda at ringside. Ray Lyn gets Thea in the ring. Ray Lyn jumps over Amanda before she can hit her, but Thea quickly capitalizes on the distraction by knocking her off the apron into the barricade.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Barbi tagged in. Barbi clotheslines Thea twice before having a whip reversed, but she comes back with a leaping clothesline. Barbi kicks Thea and gives her a Glam Slam. Barbi sets up for another one, but Thea counters. Amanda distracts her, and Thea attacks her from behind. Thea tosses Barbi out of the ring, and Amanda sends Barbi into the post. Amanda tags in and punches Barbi at ringside before putting her back into the ring. Amanda applies a neck vice. Barbi fights up, but Amanda gets her in the corner and hits an overhead kick for a near fall. Thea tags back in and kicks Barbi a few times. Thea punches at the injured arm before avalanching her in the corner. Thea takes some time before covering for a two count. Thea then applies a chin lock. Barbi takes some time before fighting up, but Thea quickly throws her out of the ring. Amanda attacks her at ringside. Barbi goes to throw her into the barricade, but Amanda accidentally sends herself into the ring post. Barbi fights them off and gets in the ring. Barbi then gets Thea out of the ring.

Ray Lyn and Amanda are tagged in. Ray Lyn hits a springboard clothesline before booting her and hitting a blockbuster. Ray Lyn then takes Thea out with a plancha. Ray Lyn gets in the ring and hits a Sling Blade on Amanda. Ray Lyn forearms her and knocks Thea away. Ray Lyn then hits Thea and Amanda with a suicide dive. Ray Lyn goes to the top rope and kicks Thea away. Amanda crotches her on the top rope. Thea and Amanda go for a double team superplex, but Barbi gets tagged in and fights them off. Barbi then hits them both with a cross-body block. Amanda’s right arm has a bright red welt on it. Thea gets tagged in. Thea stops a Glam Slam and punches Barbi. Thea then kicks Barbi. Thea avoids a Divine Fly, but Thea still runs Barbi over. Amanda pulls Ray Lyn out of the ring. Thea then executes another Divine Fly and hooks the leg ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Las Sicarias win by Pinfall and remain Tag Team Champions

As soon as the bell has hit, BaleSpin, Xandra and KC, come out of the crowd and make a move on Las Sicarias, which whom they have a beef. The Glam Slam Fam leaves, but a new tag team emerges from the crowd also and attack both BaleSpin as Las Sicarias ! A valet takes the mic and she is revealed as Chrissy Rivera, and the tag team to be Samanta Heights and Brittany Blake ! Chrissy says they are the Sinister Sweethearts ! Samanta and Brittany stand tall inside the ring ... A new force is to be taken in account in ACW !

As Las Sicarias head to the back, La Rosa gets jumped from behind by Hania ! And they start to brawl and go to the back. Thea and Amanda are tailing them ...

Backstage again, we see Gabi and Lindsay Snow. Gabi is still emotional about Aria attacking her after their match. She thanks Lindsay for coming at her aid. Lindsay says the locker room shouldn’t pick on the newcomers ... she has her back and Gabi wants to hug her. Lindsay looks awkward ... Lindsay says, in fact there is someone that is willing to meet you and beckons her to follow ...

Inside the Pres’ office, we see Nick and Kiera Hogan. Kiera asks him if all is good between them, and he says of course it is now, what happened lies in the past and we need to concentrate on the future. Speaking of which she say, as she comes closer, when could I get a match of some importance do you think. He answers well you still need to prove yourself a little more. Upon that she comes even closer and says if you really want me to prove myself, that shouldn’t be a problem, as she clearly tries to seduce him ... But then suddenly someone knocks at the door. Nick says to enter, and it is Lindsay Snow, she says she has someone here he wanted to meet and Gabi comes in. Nick’s face lights up and Kiera doesn’t seem to be comfortable with that ... Nick says to Gaby to enter as he closes the door and Gabi doesn’t really know how to react ...

Main event time guys ! But first an announcement for The President. He has decided that next week the main event will be for the Angelic Championship, as he has given Christina Von Eerie a title shot against Katarina !

Veda Scott vs. Shanna (GR)
Singles Match
Gold Rush

Shanna heads down inside the ring, cheered by the fans. She will be defending her Gold Rush against her former tag partner, Veda Scott, after a Twitter challenge this week. And the challenger makes her entrance too, ignoring the audience ... Sarah Russi makes the official introductions, but Veda does not wait as she slaps Shanna right in the face and Shanna reacts with a Lou Thesz press !

The referee calls for the bell ... this match is on ! They circle the ring and lock up. Veda powers her into the ropes, and they give a rough break. They lock up again, and Shanna applies a side headlock. Veda tries to whip her off, but Shanna holds on. Veda elbows her and lifts her, but Shanna counters with a headlock takeover. Veda fights up and whips her off before shoulder blocking her down. Veda takes her down with a headlock takeover. Shanna whips her off and clotheslines her out of the ring. Veda angrily gets back in the ring, so Shanna tries for a Perfect Press. Veda escapes and talks trash. Shanna follows her out, and Veda drives her into the apron. Veda goes for the Veda Lock, but she stops and knocks her off the apron into the barricade. Veda gets her into the ring and goes to the top rope for a diving clothesline for a two count. Shanna fights back and rolls her up for a two count. Shanna wrenches the arm, but Veda stuns her with a forearm. Veda tries to maintain momentum, but Shanna comes back by bouncing her face numerous times off all three turnbuckles. Veda hits a rolling senton for a two count.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Veda hit a Veda Bomb for a two count. Veda talks trash to Shanna saying she is the reason she lost all her titles and opportunities. Veda puts her on the top rope. Shanna kicks her back and hits a tornado DDT for a near fall. Shanna fights back and slides out of a powerslam before clotheslining her in the corner. Veda gets out of a bulldog, but she can’t escape a kneedrop for a near fall. Shanna gets the crowd going, but Veda fights back and knees her in the face. Shanna grabs the bottom rope before the count of three. Shanna avoids a Veda Bomb and hit Veda hard with a clothesline. Shanna hits Veda with a Perfect Press once again for a clean cover and hook of the leg this time ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Shanna wins by Pinfall and retains the Gold Rush

Veda has a temper tantrum ringside as Shanna is celebrating inside the ring ! Thanks for watching, see you next week with Christina Von Eerie challenging Katarina for the Angelic Championship !

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Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.05.05.2017 - Bale vs. Katarina

Angelic Championship Wrestling
ACW : Gold Rush
May 5, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

Stephanie Wyand and Lisa Morretti welcome us to tonight’s Angelic Championship Wrestling show. Tonight is the last show before our two weeks hiatus and is Gold Rush themed and will be a two-hours event. The main event will be the current Gold Rush holder Xandra Bale challenging the current champion Katarina, for the Angelic Championship. Plus, a new Gold Rush holder will have to be determined, and that will also happen tonight, in a 20 Angels Gold Rush Gauntlet Battle Royal ! But first, let’s hear from our President !

President makes a Gold Rush announcement

Nick’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring, accompanied by his Personal Assistant Ashley Massaro, and his returned Personal Enforcerer Lindsay Snow. It is to be noted that his girl Rebel is not here.

Nick thanks everyone for being in attendance tonight for this Gold Rush special. He wants to make it clear first that Rebel isn’t here tonight and won’t be for several weeks because she is on official business throughout the country, scouting for new talent in his name. He goes on by saying that a new Gold Rush holder will be crowned tonight and that the Gold Rush format will have a slight change. The God Rush will be on the line every time the holder will be in a match, so the opportunity can change from hand to hand much quicker. Plus, it won’t be the holder that determines when it will be cashed in, but Management will pin a date on which the Gold Rush must be cashed in. That date will be determined in advance between now and six months and will only be revealed a few weeks prior to the title match ! And now ... enjoy the show !

As they leave the ring, Kraven comes running out and attacks Lindsay. Security has to keep them apart and Nick says Kraven will be sanctioned for this !

Stephanie and Lisa hype us up for what’s coming next, the coronotaion af a new Gold Rush holder !

20 Angels Gold Rush Gauntlet Battle Royal

Kiera Hogan starts out with Amanda Rodriguez.

Amanda with an elbow to Kiera avoiding an early elimination. Amanda eats a big right and then explodes off the ropes with a big side kick. Amanda tosses Kiera out through the second rope. Lisa Morretti reminds us that Kiera didn’t go over the top rope. Kiera with her jumping kick to the head of Amanda. Spear by Kiera back inside. Kiera tosses Amanda out.

Eliminated: Amanda Rodriguez

3. Sonya Strong

A newcomer makes her debut in ACW, Sonya Strong ! Sonya with a headkick early on Kiera. Kiera with a drop on Sonya early as the clock runs down.

4. Santana Garrett

Santana with kicks to both Sonya and Kiera. Sonya has Santana up on her shoulders. Kiera with an uppercut to Santana and she tries to drop Santana over the top rope, to no avail.

5. Hania The Howling Huntress

Hania with a quick shot to Santana. Santana and Kiera team up together. They both clotheslines Hania over the top rope as the clock begins to tick down.

Eliminated: Hania The Howling Huntress

-Commercial Break-

6. Maria Manic

Maria goes after Kiera with rights and chops to Santana. Time runs down.

7. Shanna

Shanna with a big boot on Maria, uppercut to Sonya and side slam on Kiera. Shanna hangs on and is nearly eliminated by Maria. Time expires as Santana fights off Maria.

8. KC Spinelli

KC with a running bulldog on Maria. Sonya kicks KC away and gets in chops. Shanna with chops and a suplex to Santana. KC hits a clothesline on Mara and away she goes ...

Eliminated : Maria Manic

9. Deonna Purrazzo

Deonna clears house on her way inside including high knees and a big spinebuster on Sonya. Santana with a jumping clothesline to Kiera in the corner. Time expires.

10. Leva Bates

Sonya with a huge back body drop on Shanna. Santana with a springboard elbow to Deonna. Santana is nearly tossed out by Shanna and just barely hangs on. Time expires.

11. Kay Lee Ray

Kay Lee cleans house including tossing Shanna and Deonna. Kay Lee knocks Sonya out.

Eliminated: Sonya Strong

Deonna almost eliminated Kiera as time expires.

12. Gabi Castrovinci

Another new face in ACW, Gabi runs out and goes for Shanna ... Shanna counters it into a Perfect Press and eliminates Gabi immediately who is livid.

Eliminated: Gabi Castrovinci

13. Tessa Blanchard

Tessa is sent into the barricade and steel steps immediately by Leva. Leva is smiling as Shanna gets in a superkick on Leva. Shanna and Tessa work together and toss over Leva.

Eliminated : Leva Bates

14. Lindsay Snow

Lindsay with a quick shot to Shanna. Shanna and Tessa team up once more together. They both clotheslines Lindsay but she is able to hang on and takes both down in a double clothesline ... KC is hanging on while Kiera tries to eliminate her ...

15. Kraven

Kraven gets in and Lindsay is ready for her ... All the seven other participants get in a corner as the two behemoths collide ... Kay Lee tries to interfere but she gets tossed out by Kraven ... Tessa tries the same but she gets tossed by Lindsay ... the others stay wisely in a corner ... Time goes by ...

Eliminated: Kay Lee Ray and Tessa Blanchard

-Commercial Break-

16. Veda Scott

As Veda enters she goes directly to Shanna. Shanna is able to fend her off and almost eliminate Veda. KC gets a kick on Lindsay who tosses her simply out. Time expires.

Eliminated : KC Spinelli

17. La Rosa Negra

La Rosa is dancing her way inside the ring. Lindsay goes for a chokeslam early on La Rosa, but she is able to fend her off. Shanna and Deonna fight it out and Deonna can survive. Santana and Veda fight each other while Kiera gets a shot at Kraven. Kiera is still here from the start !

18. Ray Lyn

Ray gets inside the ring and gets immediately thrown out by Kraven ! La Rosa and Santana are going at it exchanging rights.

Eliminated: Ray Lyn

19. Thea Trinidad

Thea enters and team up with La Rosa, of course. They go at Deonna and she isn’t able to fight them off and gets tossed out ... They now go for Shanna, but she is able to duck and pull the ropes down ! Both Thea and La Rosa are eliminated ! Time expires.

Eliminated : Deonna Purrazzo, Thea Trinidad and La Rosa Negra

20. Barbi Hayden

Barbi gets in as seven Angels are left. Kraven and Lindsay collide once again and Lindsay gets the better of her, eliminating Kraven. Things go quickly now ... Lindsay eliminates Barbi too ... Santana gets eliminated by Shanna ! Kiera and Shanna work together and get Lindsay over the ropes ! Veda gets Kiera over it who lasted a very long time !

Only two left : Veda Scott and Shanna ! Veda smiles at her and trash talks her saying she is the reason why she lost all her titles but this time the Gold Rush will be hers ! They go at each other slugging it out ... Veda is trying to put her over the top rope, they are both hanging on the balance but eventually ... Veda gets tossed out first !

Match Result : Shanna wins and holds the Gold Rush !

Veda cannot believe it and has a temper tantrum. Shanna is ecstatic as she drops on her knees in the middle of the ring, crying of happiness this time ...

-Commercial Break-

Stephanie and Lisa welcome us back and replays of shown of Shanna’s Gold Rush win. But now it’s time for our main event, Xandra Bale cashes in her Gold Rush to challenge the Angelic Champion, Katarina !

Xandra Bale (w/KC Spinelli) vs. Katarina (c) (w/Shelly Martinez)
Singles Match
Angelic Championship

BaleSpin makes their way down the ring, as Xandra is being accompanied by her tag partner KC Spinelli. Next out comes the Champion, Katarina, flanked by her valet, Shelly Martinez. Sarah Russi takes care of the official in-ring announcements. This will be Katarina’s sixth title defence in 133 days.

The referee calls for the bell ... Katarina clotheslines Xandra in the corner and punches her down before digging her knee into her face. Katarina head-butts her and punches away at her. Katarina tries to send her out of the ring, but Xandra reverses it on her. Xandra hits a baseball slide and punches away at her. Xandra then sends Katarina hard into the barricade. Xandra gets her in the ring and punches and kicks her in the corner. Katarina reverses a whip to the corner and avalanches her before hitting a pelé kick in the corner. Katarina talks trash and head-butts her again. Katarina chops the chest. Xandra punches back at her and hits the ropes, but Katarina takes her down with a back elbow. Katarina chops her in the back of the neck and kicks her before dropping an elbow for a two count. Katarina hits a few crossfaces and jabs her in the face. Katarina chokes her on the top rope and hits a suplex for a one count. Katarina applies a surfboard stretch, but Xandra fights up and punches out. They trade punches before it turns into a hockey fight. Katarina knees her in the midsection and sends her into the ropes, but Xandra holds on and gives her a back elbow. Xandra punches and head-butts her. Katarina reverses a whip, but Xandra takes her down with a leaping clothesline. Katarina goes for a Frenzy DDT, but Xandra fights out. Xandra sidesteps her in the corner and clubs away at her nine times. Xandra big boots her, but Katarina doesn’t go down. Katatina tries for another Frenzy DDT, but she can’t lift her. Katarina hits an inverted atomic drop, big boots her down, and hits a senton splash for a near fall.

-Commercial Break-

Back from the break, Katarina stalks Xandra while she slowly pulls herself up. Katarina looks into her eyes and punches away at her before raking her boot against her face. Xandra backs up for a big kick, but Katarina lays her out with a Frenzy DDT for a near fall. KC is cheering for Xandra but Shelly slaps her in the face. Needless to say KC reacts by pressing her down ...

Xandra sets up for another Xandralizer, but Katarina exits the ring to help out Shelly. Xandra follows her out and hits a dropkick. Xandra puts her in the ring and takes her down with a Xandralizer ... cover ... 1 ... 2 ... kick out ! Shelly taunts Xandra and Katarina executes a huge Strange Occurrences on Xandra as she turns ! Cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Katarina wins by Pinfall and remains Angelic Champion

As Katarina celebrates, Las Sicarias come out and start attacking both Xandra and KC. Katarina and Shelly are laughing as she says no one will ever beat her for that title ... As she backs up, Santana Garrett comes out and Katarina bumps against her and backs up trash talking her while Santana is being very confident of herself ...

Thanks for watching this special 2-hours long ACW XL : Gold Rush edition. ACW will be taking a two-weeks break, see you back on May 26 !

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Categorie:ACW XL
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.04.28.2017 - Kraven vs. Snow

Angelic Championship Wrestling
April 28, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We are inside the President’s office. Nick is at his desk and Rebel is sitting in the couch doing her nails. Ashley comes in and says Kiera is requesting a meeting with him ... He beckons her to come in. Rebel is getting straight in the couch. Kiera comes in, accompanied by Lindsay Snow. Nick and Lindsay hug each other as he is delighted to see his former PE back. Behind Lindsay, Nick’s current Personal Enforcerer enters too, Kraven ... Nick says he’s happy to see Lindsay back and asks her what all happened. She says she doesn’t know as she got blindfolded all the time ...Nick asks Kiera why she didn’t have her big statement like she told last week. She tells him she had a pretty good reason not too, as she takes a look at Rebel who is quite uncomfortable ... Kiera goes on saying she was quite reluctant to reveal the second person who abducted Snow ... it is now clear why Kiera was one of them and she wants the President’s promise that she is cleared from any charges if she points out the other person. Nick beckons Ashley to draft up that paper ... Kiera goes on saying the second person was, as she points with her finger through the room and stops at ... Kraven ! Kraven is shocked and Lindsay immediately goes for her ! Utter chaos inside the President’s office !

Stephanie Wiand and Lisa Morretti welcome us at tonight’s show ...They tell us the President will be out next ...

The President’s music hits and makes his entrance, accompanied by Rebel, Ashley Massaro and Linsday Snow ... not by Kraven, but by Kiera Hogan ... he cuts the music and tells the crowd he just got some important information by Kiera, the second abductor has been revealed as being Kraven ! He asks her too come out ... she does, quite reluctantly, as the other three girls can barely withhold Lindsay from attacking her ... He asks Kraven why did she do it ... Kraven says it wasn’t her and she’s being set up. Kiera takes the lead by saying she was jealous of Lindsay being his PE, as Kraven was it last year and wanted the job back. Kraven says she is lying ... Nick says he’s disappointed in her ... Kraven wants a chance to prove her innocence ... Lindsay whispers something in Nick’s ears and he seems to like what she’s saying ... he says we will settle this the old way, with a duel ... tonight in the main event, it will be Kraven vs. Lindsay Snow ... and it will be for the PE job ... and it will be a Berserker Match !

-Commercial Break-

Backstage, Xandra Bale and KC Spinelli are together, as Priscilla Kelly and Brittany Blake, representing The Sisterhood, are sneaking up on them and attack them from behind ! But BaleSpin isn’t born yesterday and they are able to fend them off ! Even better, they beat The Sisterhood so up that they have to flee ... Not sure, but our guess is Shelly Martinez asked them to attack Xandra Bale, now that she has become the number one contender for Katarina’s Angelic Championship !

Las Sicarias issue an open challenge

Back inside the squared circle, the Tag Team Champions, Thea Trinidad and Amanda Rodriguez, representing Las Sicarias, are here to issue an open challenge for their titles, to anyone who deems themselves strong enough to defeat them ... but they know no one will dare to take them on ! But the Las Sicarias theme song hits again and La Rosa Negra appears on the ramp ! Thea and Amanda are happy she is back and they hug inside the ring ... Mercedes Martinez joins them ! Rosa makes a statement about where she was. She needed some time off so she could concentrate and reflect on Hania’s statement about they being Las Rosas in the beginning of this promotion. She wanted to have a clear mind to think about whether or not to embrace the fact she is a Rosa or a Sicaria ... Hania’s music hits and she comes down at ringside ... La Rosa invites her in and tells her Sicarias members to back off and make a clear passage for Hania, who accepts and enters the ring. Hania says she is glad La Rosa Negra is back and has reflected on them as a tag team ... La Rosa Negra says they had a good run and loved being a part of Las Rosas ... but she prefers being a part of Las Sicarias ! And all four members attack Hania ! Security has to come in big numbers in order to keep Las Sicarias away from poor Hania ... La Rosa says this isn’t over yet !

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Shanna
Singles Match

Back inside the ring, Shanna is already present, as Deonna’s music hits and she makes her entrance after some absence, being in Japan. They shake hands before the match

The referee rings the bell ... They lock up, and Shanna gets a waistlock before being elbowed back. Deonna gets a side headlock on, but Shanna whips her off. Deonna shoulder blocks her down and hits the ropes. Deonna blocks a hip toss, so Shanna hits her with a neckbreaker before following up with a trio of leg drops for a one count. Deonna goes for a slam, but Shanna slides off. Deonna kicks her in the face and hits the ropes, but Shanna drops her on the apron. Shanna elbows her in the head a few times, but Deonna gets her on her shoulders for the Vendetta on the apron, but Shanna slides off. Shanna then hits her with a neckbreaker on the apron.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Shanna trapped in a chin lock. Shanna fights up and punches out. During the commercial break, Deonna ripped her off the turnbuckles. Back to live action, Deonna shoulders Shanna and starts up another Vendetta before snapping her neck off the ropes. Deonna goes to the top rope and hits her with a flying forearm for a near fall. Deonna lifts Shanna up, but Shanna elbows out and sidesteps a shoulder in the corner. Deonna hits the ring post shoulder first. Shanna hits a tornado DDT, but she can’t follow up. Shanna starts punching her. Shanna looks a little crazy before hitting a corner clothesline followed by a running bulldog. Shanna goes to the second rope for an elbow drop for a near fall. Shanna gets the crowd going. Deonna blocks a kick and knees her in the face, which sends her out of the ring. Deonna goes to the apron and goes for a diving clothesline, but Shanna kicks her. Shanna goes for the Perfect Press, but Deonna counters with a rolling senton on the floor !

Veda Scott comes down the aisle and starts distracting Shanna, by calling her names and saying she made her lose all her titles and her rematches and that she was the problem in the team, now she will make sure to pay her back ! Shanna seems emotional about this and Deonna hits her with a Vendetta ! Goes for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Deonna Purrazzo wins by Pinfall

Shanna starts crying in the ring, as Veda gets in, trash talks her a bit more, and then raises Deonna’s arm !

Inside The Sisterhood’s lair, we are with all the members. Shelly Martinez asks Priscilla and Brittany why they can’t handle their jobs lately ... Priscilla is stuttering and gets slapped in the face by Shelly ... She asks also why they never have been tag team champions, and why Katarina should be do all the heavy work. Katarina trash talks to two girls ... Brittany is apologizig and Katarina slaps her in the face this time ... Shelly says The Sisterhood can’t go on like this and sacrifices must be made ... and both Shelly and Katarina start attacking Priscilla and Brittany ! They beat them up so bad, and afterwards, as they are laying down, Shelly tells Katarina this sacrifice will please their gods to ensure the Angelic Championship will stay around her waist for a long long time !

We are back inside the squared circle, time for our main event !

Kraven vs. Lindsay Snow (w/Ashley Massaro)
Berserker Match
Winner becomes Personal Enforcerer

Kraven, the current Personal Enforcerer, set to inactive by the President, makes her entrance and she is very mad about Kiera pointing her out as the second perpetrator, she screams it’s a lie ... Next out, comes Lindsay Snow, the former Personal Enforcerer who was missing for two months being abducted, and she is accompanied by Nick’s Personal Assistant, Ashley Massaro. Sarah Russi makes the in ring introductions, stating that per order of The President, this will be a Berserker Match, and that the winner will be the Personal Enforcerer ...

The referee rings the bell and they go right at it ! Kraven dumps Lindsay out quickly and yells, “I am the Personal Enforcerer !” Lindsay tries getting in again and Taker again dumps her to the outside saying it is technically still her job. Lindsay with right hands and clotheslines Kraven over the top rope. Kraven launches Lindsay shoulder first into the steel steps. Back inside, Lindsay with a samoan drop on Kraven. Back outside, Kraven with a big right hand and headbutt. Kraven is sent face first into the ring post. Lindsay then catches Kraven with her drive by dropkick on the ring apron. Back inside, Kraven and Lindsay exchange right hands. Kraven with snake eyes and a big boot combo to Lindsay. Kraven drops a leg, covers and Lindsay kicks out. Kraven catches Lindsay with a big right hand near the ring apron and starts clearing off the announce table nearby. Lindsay with a jumping dropkick that sends Kraven flying backwards. Kraven with a chokeslam on Lindsay over an announce table at ringside and it doesn’t break. Kraven gets some tables from under the ring. Kraven stands on that table, moves to the middle table and Lindsay jumps up giving Kraven a spear crashing through the table ! Lindsay is up first and returns to the ring as we see a shot of Kraven sitting up at ringside. Back inside, Lindsay with repeated right hands to Kraven in the corner. Kraven with a Mountain on Lindsay from the corner. Kraven had some problems lifting up Lindsay. Kraven grabs a steel chair at ringside and then catches Lindsay with a big boot once back inside. Kraven cracks the steel chair over the back of Lindsay a few times. Lindsay quickly rolls out. Kraven rolls out. Lindsay is back in and Kraven follows. Lindsay catches Kraven with some kendo stick shots. Lindsay catches Kraven with a second weaker attempt. Kraven with a chokeslam on Lindsay over a steel chair. Lindsay kicks out. Kraven has Lindsay up and connects with a Mountain. Lindsay powers out. Kraven can’t believe it. Lindsay attempts a counter into a piledriver. Lindsay isn’t able to hang on. They try again and fail. Lindsay instead props up Kraven and hits a senton. Kraven kicks out. Lindsay catches Kraven with a spear. Kraven with a figure four leg lock applied on Lindsay. Lindsay breaks free grabbing on to the ropes. Kraven reaches for a chair. Lindsay stands on top of it. Ashley Massaro is trying to distract Kraven. Lindsay cracks the chair over Kraven’s back and goes to work hitting Kraven repeatedly with it. Rebel now comes out too and both her and Ashley get inside the ring with each a steel chair ... Lindsay is telling Kraven to stay down as all three crack their chair over her back. Lindsay with a spear, cover and Kraven kicks out yet again. Lindsay catches Kraven with another spear, cover and Kraven keeps kicking out. Lindsay can’t believe it. All three once again with repeated chair shots on Kraven. Kraven sits up, but falls back over. Lindsay hits the ropes once, twice, a third time and then catches Kraven with a huge spear. Lindsay covers Kraven ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Lindsay Snow wins by Pinfall and becomes Personal Enforcerer

Ashley and Rebel are congratulating Lindsay on her well-fought victory and regaining her PE job !

Meanwhile, backstage, we see Xandra Bale leaving KC Spinelli and the locker room. As she turns around the corner, Shelly Martinez and Katarina are ambushing her and are giving her a beat down ! Afterwards Katarina spits on her telling her to watch out next week as she will be in an Angelic Championship match with her, but that won’t matter, as she has made the ultimate sacrifice earlier on ...

Next week, don’t miss ACW’s special Gold Rush event ! Current Gold Rush holder Xandra Bale will challenge the Angelic Champion Katarina for the title in the main event, plus a new Gold Rush holder will be determined ! See you next week and thanks for watching !

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Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.04.21.2017 - Hayden vs Katarina

Angelic Championship Wrestling
April 21, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We are brought to a parking lot, where we see Rebel nervously going back and forth. Then, a car stops by, and it is revealed to be Kiera Hogan who steps out. Rebel thanks Kiera for accepting to meet her. She says she knows that a lot has transpired between them in the past and this shouldn’t be easy for Kiera. Rebel goes on by saying she didn’t really want what all happened and she knows that Kiera has the whole truth on the Snow Abduction. And he says she genuinely is in love with the President. Therefore, she wants to ask, no she begs her, to please come to an agreement and that she won’t tell the whole truth about Snow. Kiera says it will be hard because she doesn’t trust Rebel anymore. They had an agreement before Snow got abducted and Rebel blatantly blew it. Rebel admits and says this time she has nothing else to do but beg her. Kiera says okay, we can come to an agreement. She will tell nothing else about Rebel’s “probable” involvement and they will make up a story together. However, it is possible not everyone will hold up to that promess ... Rebel looks at her confused ... Kiera goes on, that this agreement will cost Rebel something ... Rebel says she’ll do everything as long as the President doesn’t know about them ...

We open the show, to see a totally new commentary table ! No more Ashley Massaro or even Justin Roberts. As we could witness last week, Ashley Massaro accepted the Personal Assitant job to The President, which resulted in Justin quitting his job. We are introduced to the new announce team, being Stephanie Wyand and our first ever colour commentator, Lisa Morretti ! They say tonight we will see two championship matches. First the tag titles are up for grabs as Las Sicarias defend against Veda Scott and her partner of her choice, after kicking out Shanna, Leva Bates. But more important, the Angelic Championship will be fought for, between champion Katarina, and challenger Barbi Hayden, who won a Square Match last week ! But hey, no time to waste, let’s kick this show off !

Aria Blake (w/Mila Naniki) vs. Priscilla Kelly (w/Brittany Blake)
Singles Match

Priscilla Kelly, representing The Sisterhood is already in the ring with her usual tag partner, Brittany Blake. Out next comes Aria Blake, whom we already had the pleasure to meet two weeks ago. This time, she is accompanied by Mila Naniki, who is seen injured. Collectively they are known as The Spoiled Brats, and it was in fact ment to see both girls in action two weeks ago, in a tag team match ...

The bell rings, and Aria quickly powers Priscilla to the corner before punching and kneeing away at her. Priscilla slumps in the corner while Aria rakes her boot against her face. Aria hits the ropes, but Priscilla dropkicks her down. Priscilla goes to the top rope and connects with a cross-body block for a two count. Priscilla takes her down, but Aria kicks her off. Aria charges, but Priscilla pulls the top rope down to get her out of the ring. Aria gets on the apron, but Priscilla hits a springboard dropkick to send her back to the floor.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Aria pick Priscilla up off the mat and hit a snapmare before chopping the back. Aria kicks her flat and drops an elbow for a two count. Aria attacks the shoulder and applies a nerve hold. Priscilla fights up and punches out. Priscilla chops her, but Aria knees her in the ribs and sends her into the ropes, but she lowers her head and eats a kick. Priscilla goes to the top rope and connects with a double axe handle. Priscilla hits the ropes, but Aria stuns her with a powerslam for a near fall. Mila is cheering for Aria at ringside, with her crutches. Aria goes for an elbow drop, but Priscilla moves and hits a Lionsault. Priscilla recovers for a moment before picking up a two count. Priscilla kicks her into the corner and charges, but Aria floors her with a modified STO out of the corner. Priscilla avoids a second rope senton splash and applies The Widowmake. Aria soon rolls out of it and punches her back. Priscilla tries to turn it again, but Aria flings her off. Aria then goes for the Spoiler, but she doesn’t have it fully locked in. Priscilla tries to scale the turnbuckle and counter into a pin, but Aria kicks out. Priscilla is going for another Widowmaker, but Aria is distracting the referee, and Mila uses her crutches to trip Priscilla ! Aria makes the cover and the referee starts the count ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Aria Blake wins by Pinfall

Brittany goes after Mila but Aria just stops her in time. Priscilla is unhappy and runs to the back, leaving Brittany alone with Mila and Aria ... Brittany wisely retreats too ...

Our new announcers Stephanie Wiand and Lisa Morretti inform us that they just got word that Kiera Hogan will be out here tonight with a statement ...

Inside The Sisterhood’s “lair”, Shelly Martinez and the Angelic Champion Katarina have been watching Priscilla’s match and seem disappointed in her. Shelly says that she and Brittany haven’t won any matches since they started out as a tag team for The Sisterhood. This is unacceptable and is giving us – winners – a bad name as she looks at Katarina, who nods affirmatively. Katarina suggests Shelly maybe it’s time to cut them loose and start concentrating on her and retaining the Angelic Championship inside The Sisterhood. After all, that’s the prize that counts ... Shelly seems to be pleased with that idea and says she will address Priscilla and Brittany on it next week, and that a sacrifice must be done in order to please the gods and retain the Angelic Championship ...

Veda Scott and Leva Bates vs. Amanda Rodriguez and Thea Trinidad (c’s) (repr/Las Sicarias)
Tag Team Match
Tag Team Championship

Las Sicarias make their entrance dancing down to the ring, Amanda is twerking. They are the tag team champions. Next out comes Veda Scott, the former tag champion, but without Shanna and she found Leva Bates as a replacement ... Sarah Russi does the introductions. This will be Las Sicarias’ first title defense in 28 days.

Leva will start against Thea. Amanda attacks her from behind and punches her to her corner. Thea tags in and throws Leva down. Thea pushes her and talks trash. Leva punches her and drops her with a hurricanrana. Thea goes to the apron, but Leva knocks her off. Leva then hits her with a suicide dive. Amanda comes around the corner, and Veda connects with a diving hurricanrana off the apron and in the process nearly lands on her head. Veda and Leva celebrate as we go to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Thea applying a chin lock to Leva. During the commercial break, Shanna came out to the ring to taunt Veda. Leva fights up, but Thea stops her. Amanda tags in, but Leva levels her with a forearm. She goes for a tag, but Thea pulls Veda off the apron. Amanda attacks Leva from behind and picks up a two count. Amanda hits a snapmare and applies a body scissor. Leva fights up, but Amanda slams her down. Leva eventually fights up, kicks Thea off the apron, and dives over Amanda to make the tag to Veda.

Veda ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard cross-body. Veda strikes away before hitting a low dropkick. Veda elbows her in the corner and hits a wheelbarrow bulldog. Thea goes to break up the pin, but Veda moves. Thea accidentally hits her partner. Leva runs in, but Thea sends her over the top rope. Veda then kicks Thea out of the ring. Amanda viciously clotheslines Veda for a near fall. Veda avoids an avalanche and hits a diving DDT, but Thea breaks up the pin. Veda looks to her corner, but Leva is still down. Veda lifts Amanda, but Thea pulls her off. Leva then kicks Thea off the apron. Veda goes for the cover but she gets distracted by Shanna. As she turns around, Thea executes a Divine Fly on Veda for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Las Sicarias win by Pinfall and remain Tag Team Champions

Veda has a temper tantrum as she blames Shanna for once again making her lose a championship !

Backstage, we see Priscilla and Brittany from The Sisterhood attacking Barbi Hayden and Ray Lyn who were getting ready for Barbi’s Angelic title match in the main event ! But The Glam Slam Fam is able to fend them off ! Probably they got instructions from Shelly Martinez to attack the number one contender to enhance Katarina’s winning chances ... but it is a big fail as they run off and Barbi and Ray and laughing at them ...

Ashley Massaro, the new Personal Assitant to the President, is seen in his office. As Nick enters, she greets him and thanks him for the opportunity she is being given after her last run as an authority figure. Nick says he’s always known she is the perfect person for that job ... She looks at him and says she won’t deceive him, on the contrary ... The President smiles ...

Our new announcers, Stephanie Wyand and Lisa Morretti welcome us back for tonight’s main event !

Barbi Hayden (w/Ray Lyn) vs. Katarina (c) (w/Shelly Martinez)
Singles Match
Angelic Championship

The Glam Slam Fam makes his way down to the ring, glamming up the place as always. Next out, Katarina accompanied by Shelly, eering up the place. Barbi taunts Katarina by saying her little minions didn’t quite completed their job earlier on ... some trash talking is being done, and before Sarah Russi can do the announcements ... Barbi takes a swing at Katarina ... This match is on ! For the record, it is Katarina’s fifth title defense in her 119 days reign.

They lock up, and Barbi wrenches the arm. Katarina twists through and kips up before taking her down. Barbi twists through and gets to her feet. Katarina sends her into the ropes, but Barbi holds on and dropkicks her out of the ring. Barbi hits a slingshot dropkick before diving off the apron with a clothesline. Barbi gets her in the ring and picks up a one count. Barbi sends her into the ropes, but Katarina catches a leapfrog and slams her down. Barbi gets out of the ring and limps around. Katarina follows her out and hits a running uppercut. Katarina gets her back in the ring and picks up a two count. Katarina gets her in the ring, but Barbi comes back with a jawbreaker. Barbi goes to the top rope, but Katarina rolls out of the ring.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Katarina send Barbi out of the ring hard. Ray checks on her friend at ringside. Katarina gets Barbi back in the ring and picks up a two count. Katarina covers again for a near fall. Katarina applies a chin lock. Barbi fights up and takes her down with a clothesline. Katarina sidesteps an avalanche and uppercuts her down for a near fall. Katarina punches away at her before whipping her into the ropes. Barbi comes back with a clothesline and an inverted atomic drop. Barbi follows up with a low dropkick and a splash for a near fall. Barbi goes for a Glam Slam, but Katarina counters into an uppercut for a near fall. Barbi kicks her away, but Katarina comes back with a springboard spinning uppercut for another near fall. Katarina goes for a Frenzy DDT, but Barbi counters into a mule kick. Barbi goes to the top rope, but Katarina crotches her with an uppercut. Katarina goes to the top rope and goes for a superplex, but Barbi crotches her on the top rope. Katarina falls to the floor. Katarina gets back into the ring and sidesteps an avalanche. Barbi elbows her and hits the Glam Slam for a near fall. Barbi dropkicks her in the corner and goes for a slingshot dropkick, but Katarina moves. Katarina picks up a two count. Barbi goes once again for a Glam Slam but hits the turnbuckle and Katarina counters with a devastating Strange Occurences ! She hooks the leg quite cocky ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ! That seemed to do the job !

Match Result : Katarina wins by Pinfall and remains Angelic Champion

Shelly and Katarina stand tall inside the ring. The announcers tell us that Kiera Hogan is here and will be out next for her statement ...

A vignette is shown for ACW Gold Rush, in two weeks, hyping the Angelic Championship match between Katarina and Xandra Bale.

Kiera Hogan is already in the ring as she informs everyone that yes she was part of the two persons who abducted Snow several months ago. She did this because she felt awkward about the President being after her and didn’t want to get handed any opportunities but wanted to deserve them by herself ! She abducted Lindsay Snow because she felt that then the President’s attention would shift to her disappearance, instead of herself. Indeed it helped, but she now knows that it was a bad thing to do and wants to apologize to the fans, to the President ... and to this person ...

Lindsay Snow enters the arena ! Kiera apologizes to her and Lindsay accepts and says she knows what just transpired and that next week ... they will be pointing out the second person who was behind all this and she will get retribution ! Kiera and Lindsay shake hands inside the ring ...

Thanks for watching Angelic Championship Wrestling and see you next week !

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Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.04.14.2017 - Rebel vs. Bale

Angelic Championship Wrestling
April 14, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

Justin Roberts and Ashley Massaro welcome us to this week’s Angelic Championship Wrestling show. We are about to hear from our President, right now !

Nick Graves’ music hits and he makes his entrance down to the ring, accompanied by his girlfriend Rebel and his Personal Enforcerer Kraven. He welcomes everyone to the show and tells tonight we will have a Cadillac Championship match between the champion Tessa Blanchard and his own Personal Enforcerer Kraven. Plus, our main event will feature a Gold Rush match, between the current holder Xandra Bale, and his lovely girl, Rebel ! But that’s not all ... Next week Katarina will have to defend her Angelic title for the last time before our XL show. And tonight will be a number one contenders match in the form of a Square match. He introduces the four contestants, saying these girls will get the opportunity of their lives ... Leva Bates, Veda Scott, Barbi Hayden and Thea Trinidad ! Rebel is cheering for Barbi.

Xandra Bale comes out, saying that she is still the Gold Rush holder and will thus be challenging at ACW XL for the Angelic Championship. The President responds that is yet to be seen as the main event tonight will see her defend the Gold Rush against Rebel – who talks some trash on Xandra ... Before everyone leaves, Nick takes a look at Ashley Massaro who seems uncomfortable as he winks at her ... Justin asks her if she is really contemplating working again for him as his Personal Assistant ... she responds that she will make her decision known at the end of the night ...

Amanda Rodriguez (w/Thea Trinidad) vs. Hania The Howling Huntress
Singles Match

Las Sicarias come out, Amanda and Thea, the current Tag Team Champions, once again without La Rosa Negra, who hasn’t been seen since her altercation with Hania, revealing she used to be La Rosa Blanca ... Next out, is Hania The Howling Huntress, who is getting taunted by Las Sicarias ...

The ring bells and they circle the ring, and Amanda gets a waistlock applied. Hania turns it and takes her down before rolling around on her for a one count. Amanda soon takes Hania down before fixing her hair. The crowd is turning on Amanda. Amanda works the arm, but Hania fights up and takes her down before doing a headstand into a dropkick. Hania then lays her out across the top turnbuckle. Hania elbows her in the face, but Amanda soon drops her on the apron. Hania takes her down and hits a slingshot senton. Hania takes her down, goes to the second rope, and elbows her in the neck for a two count. Amanda attacks Hania and taunts her by tying herself up in the ropes. Hania tries to attack, but Amanda moves. Amanda goes for a slingshot dropkick, but Hania moves. Hania goes to the top rope and hits a double axe handle to the floor. Hania then stands on the barricade and taunts Thea. Thea gets up on the apron to trash talk her a bit. Hania stares at her and nearly gets counted out. Amanda then rolls her up in the ring for a cover ... 1 ... 2 ... kick out ! Hania counters into a Full Moon ... cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Hania The Howling Huntress wins by Pinfall

Amanda and Thea are livid as they start chasing Hania backstage ...

Backstage, we see Veda Scott running all directions. She is desperately looking for a tag partner for her title rematch next week against Las Sicarias, after she kicked Shanna, her former team mate out. She runs into Maria Manic and looks at her, who is putting on lots of make up ... Veda is about to ask her, but eventually decides not too ... Maria asks what’s up and Veda says she can go on being a barbie instead of a wrestler ... Maria puts up her shoulders and goes on looking at herself in the mirror ...

On a remote location we see Kiera Hogan, who is telling about her problems with The President. That he was stalking her and wanted her to be his girl, but she didn’t want her career to go like that, she wanted to make it on her own, without help from outside. Unfortunately, Lindsay Snow got in the way and was forcing her to be with The President, against her own will ... she had no other choice than get rid of Lindsay, so she would be off her back and Nick would be occupied by this and would leave her more alone. But she didn’t pull this off alone ... and it has lasted long enough, her rivalry with The President ... and with Rebel ... and next week, she will be giving an exclusive interview about who the second person was who abducted Lindsay ... and reveal her location !

Welcome back, time for our Cadillac title match !

Kraven vs. Tessa Blanchard (c)
Singles Match
Cadillac Championship

Kraven, The President’s Personal Enforcerer, makes her way to the ring. She earned this title shot by defeating Tessa last week in a non-title match, although Tessa got distracted by Leva Bates, losing her match. Next out, is the Cadillac Champion herself ... Tessa Blanchard, coming out to a great reception. This will be Tessa’s second title defence in 28 days.

Kraven doesn’t wait for the in-ring introductions and shoves poor Sarah Russi aside ... She goes right at Tessa, so the referee calls for the bell ... The bell rings, and Kraven quickly punches and kicks her down before talking some trash. Tessa turns her around in the corner and kicks away at her. Tessa slingshots over her and goes for a superplex, but Kraven gets out of the ring. Tessa follows her out. Kraven clubs the back before having a whip reversed into the barricade. Tessa punches her before putting her back into the ring, but Kraven quickly rolls back out. Tessa then takes her down with a plancha.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Kraven punching away at Tessa. Kraven puts her into the ropes, but Tessa takes her down and punches away at her. Tessa hits a running forearm in the corner and goes for a shoulder, but Kraven moves, so she hits the ring post shoulder first. Kraven gets on the apron and knees Tessa’s head into the ring post. Kraven picks up a near fall. Kraven applies a chin lock. Kraven holds it on for a bit and keeps Tessa grounded. Tessa finally fights up and head-butts her, but Kraven quickly sends her over the top rope to the floor. Kraven quickly goes outside, puts Tessa on her shoulders, and sends her into the ring post ribs first. Kraven gets in the ring and waits for a count-out. Tessa gets back in at nine. Kraven catches her with a nasty pumphandle neckbreaker for a near fall. Kraven cannot believe it. Kraven goes for a senton splash, but Tessa gets the knees up. Tessa then sends Kraven out of the ring and wipes her out with a suicide dive. The momentum takes Tessa into the front row.

Tessa holds her ribs in pain while she gets back into the ring. Tessa goes for a Slingshot Back Suplex, but Kraven fights out. Tessa punches back at her before having a whip reversed. Tessa hits a pair of clotheslines followed by a neckbreaker. Tessa hits a running forearm and goes for a bulldog, but Kraven sends her into the corner. Kraven runs into a boot, and Tessa crotches her on the top rope. Tessa goes to the second rope and clotheslines her off for a near fall. Tessa goes back to the top rope, but Kraven rolls out of the ring. Tessa simply redirects and hits Kraven with a flying elbow to the floor ! Tessa gets Kraven back in the ring and goes back to the top rope. Tessa dives into a kick to the ribs. Kraven hits a package powerbomb for a near fall. Kraven is showing her frustration and goes for a Pop-up Powerbomb, but Tessa counters into a hurricanrana. Tessa goes for the Slingshot Back Suplex, but Kraven elbows her. Kraven goes for a Mountain, but Tessa kicks her.

Leva Bates comes out once again and starts talking trash to Tessa on the apron. Tessa is distracted and Kraven is setting up for the Mountain. As soon as Tessa turns around, Tessa can barely avoid it and Kraven crashes into Leva, who falls on the ground. Kraven is a bit confused and Tessa hits a Blanchard Bomb on her ... cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Tessa Blanchard (c) wins by Pinfall and remains Cadillac Champion

Kraven is furious and goes after Tessa, but Leva gets back up and attacks Kraven ! It’s two on one on Kraven. Tessa and Leva are seeming to work good together against a new common enemy ! Kraven goes to the back ... Tessa is still in the ring and Leva ringside. They look at each other and seem to smile at each other ...

Veda is still looking for a tag team partner backstage and runs into Barbi Hayden and Ray Lynn. She immediately asks Barbi if she wants to help her out next week. Barbi responds in the negative, that she is out for the big title, because she will win the contenders match tonight and go on to challenge Katarina next week, so no thanks ! Veda is not happy and stomps the floor before leaving ...

BaleSpin is backstage, Xandra getting ready for her main event match tonight, defending her Gold Rush against The President’s girl, Rebel. KC is helping her training and pepping her up. Suddenly, The Sisterhood, Brittany Blake and Priscilla Kelly, enter the locker room and start attacking BaleSpin for no reason ... probably they want to take out Xandra so she’ll lose tonight because they see her as a threat to Katarina’s Angelic Championship ...

We see a vignette for ACW Gold Rush in three weeks, where the Gold Rush holder, Xandra Bale or Rebel, will challenge the current Angelic Champion Katarina, depending if she can succesfully defend her title next week against tonight’s winner for the contendership. Plus, because the Gold Rush will be up for grabs, a match will be held to determine the new holder !

Leva Bates vs. Barbi Hayden vs. Veda Scott vs. Thea Trinidad
Square Match
Contendership for the Angelic Championship

All four girls are already in the ring as the referee kicks off this match ...

Leva exits the ring avoiding a shot from Veda. Barbi tosses Thea out and gets in a knee on Veda. Veda tosses Barbi over the top rope and catches Leva with a running lariat. Veda clotheslines Leva over the top rope. Veda counters a Divine Fly attempt and then trips up Thea as she tries to springboard off the top rope. Barbi with a big right hand to Leva and tosses her back inside. Barbi catches Thea with a huge right hand when she tries to slingshot herself back in the ring. Veda sends Barbi shoulder first into the corner. Leva catches Thea with a snap DDT. Leva with repeated kicks to the chests of Thea and Veda. Series of roll up attempts and we head to a break.

-Commercial Break-

Back live, Leva crotches Veda up on the top turnbuckle. Tower of Doom spot. Leva catches Thea with a dropkick. Glam Slam by Barbi on Leva for a two count. Thea with a Pele Kick on Barbi and follows it up with a jumping forearm for a two count. Leva drops Thea face first on the mat and follows it up with a running knee for another two count. Veda with a neckbreaker on Thea. Veda with a running bulldog on Leva and combo clothesline on Thea ! Veda catches Barbi with a suicide dive to the outside. Veda catches Thea with a kick and sends her into the barricade. Veda crotches Leva on the barricade and sends Barbi face first into the steel ring post. Back inside, Veda catches Barbi with a flying elbow and Thea breaks up the pinfall. Thea with a springboard inverted DDT on Veda and Leva breaks it up. Thea catches Leva with her flying forearm. Ray Lyn pulls Leva out of the ring. Glam Slam by Barbi on Thea and the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Barbi Hayden wins by Pinfall and becomes number one contender for the Angelic Championship

Barbi and Ray celebrate in the ring on her victory, and Rebel comes out to join them. But The Sisterhood, Brittany and Priscilla, come out too from the crowd and attack Barbi ! Luckily Ray Lyn and Rebel are able to fend them off ... Barbi will be challenging Katarina next week for the Angelic Championship !

Veda is still looking for a tag partner. Leva is heading to the locker room after her match and passes by Veda. Veda turns around and thinks, before asking Leva to be her tag partner next week. Leva thinks of it and ... accepts ! Veda jumps into her arms but Leva freaks out and runs away ... Veda is left alone and confused ...

In the Glam Slam Fam’s locker room, Rebel is congratulating Barbi on her title shot. But she asks if they can help her out. She heared Kiera is about to make new statements about the Snow Abduction, and she needs their help. Rebel says she’d love to but she got to prepare for her title shot next week. Rebel turns to Ray Lyn and she avoids too by saying she needs to help Barbi prepare ... Rebel is a bit disappointed as she heads to the arena for her match , which is next ...

Rebel vs. Xandra Bale (w/KC Spinelli)
Singles Match
Gold Rush

Xandra is already in the ring as Rebel makes her entrance. Something seems to be bothering her ... Sarah Russi makes the official in-ring introductions as the referee calls for the bell ...

Xandra with a big clothesline early on Rebel. Rebel with elbows to Xandra and then catches her with a high knee coming off the ropes. Xandra splashes Rebel in the corner and then eats a boot from Rebel in the other. Rebel drops Xandra face first off the top turnbuckle. Rebel fires up and jumps out of the ring getting in the face of KC at ringside. Security is trying to keep Rebel back. Xandra walks out and clocks Rebel. Rebel seems to be off her game tonight. Rebel chops back at her before going to the apron. Rebel goes for a roll-up, but Xandra doesn’t go down. Rebel eventually chop blocks her and hits the Rebellion for a near fall. Xandra pushes her before Rebel moves, and she hits the ring post with her shoulder. Rebel pushes her into the ring post to knock her to the floor. Rebel goes to the top rope and hits a moonsault block to the floor. Xandra doesn’t go down with her fluidly, so Rebel winds up landing on her face. Rebel gets in the ring, but Xandra gets in before being counted out. Rebel is bleeding from the elbow. Rebel boots her down and goes for a Figure Four Leglock, but Xandra pulls her off into the turnbuckle. Xandra eventually avalanches her and gives her a Xandralize for a cover ... 1... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Xandra Bale wins by Pinfall and retains the Gold Rush

Rebel starts crying in the ring. Xandra seems concerned about her but KC tells her to leave her ...

The President’s music hits and he comes out with Kraven. He takes Rebel in her arms and consoles her, which works ...

He says sadly Rebel didn’t win the Gold Rush, but other opportunities will await her. Now it is time to expand his Management, as he is still in search of a Personal Assistant. He beckons Ashley Massaro to get up from the commentary table and join him in the ring. Which she does ... Justin asks her what is going on ... Nick welcomes her and tells he still is looking for a PA. He asks her if she thought about it. He thinks she is the best person for this position as she already has executed this job in the past ... She says she loves being on commentary but feels she is missing out on something in her life .. She remembers being under his command and frankly she enjoyed it and had some good runs with him ... a brief moment of silence while she is thinking .. she goes on she wants to mean more in this promotion and can only achieve this by ... being his PA ! She accepts and shakes his hand ! The President hugs her, then Rebel hugs her and Kraven gives her a hand ! Justin Roberts cannot believe Ashley just quitted commentary and is thanking everyone for watching tonight, but he doesn’t know what is going to happen next, as he drops his headphones and looks confused ...

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.04.07.2017 - Blanchard vs. Kraven

Angelic Championship Wrestling
April 7, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We are backstage, inside the President’s office. The President seems to be eagerly awaiting something. Someone knocks at the door and he beckons to come in. It is Rebel, Barbi Hayden and Ray Lyn, collectively known as The Glam Slam Fam. Nick seems enthusiastic as he asks if they know something about Kiera Hogan. They look at each other and respond in the negative. Nobody seems to know about Kiera’s whereabouts. This seemingly troubles our President ... He asks them once again and Rebel comes closer to him telling he shouldn’t care about Kiera much anymore, she probably fled so she couldn’t be pursued by him, and that Snow is actually big enough to take care of herself, maybe she was in it all the way who knows, and she kisses him ... Ray and Barbi look at each other ... Nick says Rebel is probably right and it would be best for the promotion if he concentrates on his roster ... As Rebel turns away from him she smiles at Barbi and Ray.

The President goes on, with this said, I have a huge announcement to make to you guys. The Fam looks intrigued ... Nick goes on saying he has invested even more into this company and that he bought out the other shareholders ... This means Angelic Championship Wrestling is completely his and he has become the sole owner ! This means from now on, he can do whatever he pleases with his roster ! And he is going to make some changes around here ... The Fam doesn’t know how to respond, so he reassures them ... they should not be worried because they are his entourage and he considers them as part of the management ! But he still needs to find himself a Personal Assistant and a new Personal Enforcerer ... Rebel comes up and says she could be his PA, but he responds her very kindly that she is something else for him, as he kisses her long ...

Justin Roberts and Ashley Massaro welcome us to this week’s Angelic Championship Wrestling show. They inform us they just received an official communiqué that Nick Graves has become the sole owner of ACW and job applications are open for both the PE and PA functions ... he looks at Ashley who looks back at him ...

Ray Lynn vs. Aria Blake
Singles Match

Ray Lynn, accompanied by Barbi Hayden, is already in the ring, and Barbi is glamming up this place ! Next out is a newcomer to ACW : Aria Blake , the luckiest girl on earth !

The referee rings the bell ... Ray declines the prematch handshake. They circle the ring and lock up. Ray powers her into the ropes and shoves her. Aria smirks and circles the ring. Ray applies a side headlock and takes her down. Aria walks on her hands to get out. They lock up, and Ray gets her into the corner. Ray sends her into the corner, but Aria does a handstand. Aria kicks her back and rolls her up for a two count. Ray whips her off, but Aria shoulder blocks her down. Ray kips up, but Aria takes her down. Ray counters a dropkick, but Aria whips her off. Ray sidesteps Aria and gives her a vicious German Suplex.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Ray kick away at Aria. Ray hits the ropes, but Aria viciously head-butts her down. Ray rolls out of the ring dazed and confused. Aria grabs Ray and comes off the top rope with a seated senton to the floor ! Aria gets her in the ring, but Ray pulls her into the turnbuckle. Ray superkicks her to the apron and pulls her up to the top rope for a superplex. Aria rolls through and executes the Blakeout for a cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Aria Blake wins by Pinfall

Ray Lynn is furious and she attacks Aria while she celebrates ! Barbi joins in too ! Security has to keep them apart ! Well at least newbie Aria Blake won her debut match here at ACW !

Back inside the President’s office ... Kraven is entering the office as Nick is there with Rebel. He tells Kraven to knock next time, as Rebel is closing up the buttons of her shirt ... Kraven tells him she wants an Angelic Championship match. He tells her to calm down, she wreaked enough havoc in his promotion ... he thinks for a moment and asks her if she would consider getting paid to wreak controlled havoc, under his guidance, as his Personal Enforcerer. She says she just wants the Angelic Championship. Nick tells her as his Personal Enforcerer, she will get opportunities ... he goes on saying as an incentive he will put her in the main event tonight against Tessa Blanchard, the Cadillac Champion, WHEN she beats her, she will get an Cadillac title shot ... Kraven agrees and they shake hands ...

The Howling Huntress vs. Thea Trinidad (w/Amanda Rodriguez)
Singles Match

Las Sicarias, the Tag Team Champions are already in the ring. For the second week in a row, without La Rosa Negra. The Howling Huntress, Hania, is entering the arena to a nice reception. Thea has a mic and asks her where La Rosa is, they are sure that Hania has something to do with that ... Hania responds she honeslty doesn’t know where she is but she has a pretty good idea why she isn’t here ... Thea doesn’t wait for more explanation as she kicks her in the stomach ...

The referee calls for the bell ... They lock up, and Thea powers her to the corner. Hania punches her off and applies a side headlock. Thea whips her off, but Hania shoulder blocks her down. Thea quickly kips up. Hania hits the ropes and does two backflips. Hania then takes her down with a running hurricanrana before dropping her on the apron. Hania connects with a kick and then sends her to the floor. Hania then goes to the second rope and catches her with a moonsault block to the floor. Hania puts her in the ring and hits the ropes, but Thea takes her down with a flapjack. Thea throws her over the top rope and taunts the crowd.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Thea taking Hania down with a headlock. During the break, Thea hit Hania with a missile dropkick. Thea appears a little frustrated with the crowd. Thea sends Hania into the ropes, but Hania comes back with a dropkick. Hania kicks Thea back and connects with a neckbreaker for a two count. Thea chokes Hania on the bottom rope. Hania flips through a back suplex, but Thea quickly elbows her. Thea hits the ropes and hits a deadlift German Suplex. Thea viciously turns her inside out with a clothesline for a near fall. Thea has Hania on the top rope, but Hania counters with a Howling Moon. Hania is too hurt to capitalize. Finally, Hania starts to strike Thea. Thea kicks Hania down and goes for a low dropkick, but Hania moves. Hania superkicks her before hitting a reverse victory roll and a head-scissor float over DDT, but Thea gets her foot on the bottom rope. Hania goes to the top rope, but Thea rolls out of the way of an Inverted 450 Splash. Thea goes to the top rope for a Divine Fly, perfectly executed on Hania. She makes the cover, and the referee is positioned so he doesn’t see Amanda keeping Hania down ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Thea Trinidad wins by Pinfall

Hania looks in disbelief and blames Amanda, but the referee’s call in final. Las Sicarias laugh at her and they say Amanda will see you next week !

Amber Gallows storms inside the President’s office ... Nick and Rebel are once again together and he stops Amber telling she needs to knock first, whilst Rebel is once again closing up her buttons ... Amber wants Kraven in a match because of making her lose her match last week against Katarina. The President tries to calm her down and saying very well she gets Kraven, but next week. He asks her if she’s sure she wants Kraven and she responds in the affirmative ... He turns to Rebel and says it is time she gets ready for her match ...

Katarina and Shelly Martinez are backstage and they are talking about the roster and who is worthy of fighting them ... they go by all the main eventers one by one and deem none of them worthy ...

Hania, The Howling Huntress, is backstage and telling Sarah Russi she genuinely does not know where La Rosa Negra could be, but that she knows why she has left her team mates. She is ashamed ... before she can say anything else, Thea and Amanda attack her from the back ...

The Glam Slam Fam vs. The Sisterhood
Tag Team Match

The Sisterhood, represented by Brittany Blake and Priscilla Kelly make their entrance. Followed by The Glam Slam Fam, Barbi Hayden and Rebel, accompanied by Ray Lynn. Barbi is glamming up the place ...

Rebel starts the match against Brittany. Priscilla distracts Rebel, so Brittany attacks her from behind. Priscilla is tagged in, and she punches and clubs Rebel. Priscilla hits a snapmare and applies an arm bar. Rebel avoids some clotheslines and hits a head-scissor takeover. Rebel chops her before Brittany tags in and hits an arm breaker.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Rebel punching and chop Brittany. Brittany quickly clotheslines her down and picks up a two count. Priscilla tags in, and Brittany sends Rebel into her boot. Priscilla clubs away at Rebel and stomps her down. Priscilla twists Rebel’s arm around the top rope. Priscilla puts Rebel on the top rope, but Rebel head-butts her away. Priscilla quickly strikes the injured arm and goes for a superplex, but Rebel fights her off and pushes her down. Rebel then floors her with a missile dropkick. Brittany tags in, and she stops Rebel.

Barbi is quickly tagged in. Barbi hits Brittany with a trio of belly-to-belly suplexes. Barbi gyrates before viciously clotheslining Priscilla over the top rope. Barbi puts Brittany on the apron. Rebel blind tags in while Barbi goes for a spear off the apron, but Brittany moves. Rebel puts Priscilla on the apron, but Brittany quickly blindsides her. Rebel fights her off and hits the ropes, but Brittany forearms her. Rebel comes back with a hard forearm that takes her down. Priscilla tags in. Rebel boots Brittany in the face and goes for a Rebellion, which connect ... cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : The Glam Slam Fam wins by Pinfall

The Fam is showing off their body inside the ring, while The Sisterhood retreats ...

The President is sitting in his office and smiling, seeing his girl Rebel win her match. Someone knocks on the door, and he says finally someone who knocks as he beckons to come in. It is Ashley Massaro ! He tells her to sit down, she asks why she got summoned and he answers he has a job proposition for her. He wants her to become once again his Personal Assistant. She already did that job in the past and was good at it, and now he wants her back. She answers she is on the commentary team, but he says he got that covered. He will give her until next week to decide. Ashley seems in doubt as she leaves the office ...

Tessa Blanchard vs. Kraven
Singles Match

Tessa makes her way down the ring, with her Cadillac Championship belt around her waist. This will be a non-title match. Kraven, then comes out, the President’s new PE, and looks ready to wreak some havoc ! Sarah Russi makes the official announcements. Tessa seems confident ...

The bell rings, and they circle the ring. They lock up before Tessa applies a side headlock. Kraven twists out, but Tessa reapplies the side headlock. Kraven gets out and wrenches the arm. Tessa fights up and takes her down with a headlock. They do some more arm wrenches with Kraven in the dominant position. Tessa fights out and picks up a one count. Tessa goes back to the side headlock before Kraven whips her off. Tessa shoulder blocks her down before countering a hip toss into one of her own. Kraven appears to be a little frustrated. Kraven hooks on a side headlock, but Tessa whips her off. Kraven shoulder blocks her down and hits a hip toss followed by an arm drag. Kraven taunts her. They circle the ring, and Tessa wrenches the arm. Kraven sends her to the corner, but Tessa elbows her and hits an arm drag. Tessa splashes her in the corner and picks up a two count. Tessa quickly goes to an arm bar. Kraven quickly takes her down and picks up a one count. Kraven rolls her up for another one count. Kraven chops the chest and hits a rope climbing arm drag. Kraven takes her down with a head-scissor takeover, and Tessa falls out of the ring. Kraven jumps off the apron, but Tessa moves. Kraven avoids a baseball slide, gets in the ring, and clotheslines her down.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see the two women trade pinning combinations, but the match continues as no one gets to a three count. Kraven wrenches the arm, but Tessa twists through. Tessa gets out of a backslide and a Slingshot, but Kraven gets out. Kraven forearms her hard. Kraven hits the ropes, but Tessa drops her with a back suplex. Tessa shoulders Kraven in the corner. Kraven quickly comes back with double knees, but Tessa fights back. Kraven rolls through a sunset flip and hits double knees to the face for a two count. Leva Bates comes out ringside and talks some trash to Tessa. Tessa reverses a whip to the corner, but Kraven pulls her headfirst into the turnbuckle. Kraven lays her out over the second turnbuckle and goes for double knees, but Tessa moves. Tessa goes for a cross-body block, but Kraven moves. Kraven applies a chinlock, but Tessa gets to the ropes. Tessa elbows her back, but Kraven hits a backstabber and applies another chin lcok. Tessa nearly gets to the bottom rope, but Kraven kicks her away. Leva is now distracting Tessa up on the apron. Kraven is waiting for Tessa to turn around, and hits The Mountain as soon as she turns back ! Cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Kraven wins by Pinfall

But Kraven is not done yet. She picks up Tessa and throws her out of the ring. Leva is cheering on as we go to commercial ...

-Commercial Break-

We are back inside the squared circle, and The President’s music hits. He comes down to the ring, accompanied by The Glam Slam Fam. He thanks everyone for being loyal to ACW since the beginning of the promotion, now almost three years ago. He goes on saying the Angelic Championship has become a prestigious title in the wrestling industry and has been held by the greatest in the industry. He is now looking for a worthy challenger to fight for that title against the current champion, Katarina ...

The President gets interrupted by Xandra Bale, accompanied by KC Spinelli. He doesn’t seem pleased about this. Xandra tells Nick to stop looking for an opponent, because she is cashing in her Gold Rush against Katarina ! Nick stops her right there telling her patience is a virtue ... She doesn’t have to come out like this, interrupting her president, because what he was about to say will affect her immediately ! He goes on by saying that on May 12 and 19, ACW will be on a two-weeks hiatus. Therefore, on May 5, ACW will hold a ACW XL special called “Gold Rush”, which will feature as main event Katarina defending her Angelic Championship against, the Gold Rush holder ... Xandra Bale ! Xandra seems to be down with that. Plus, a new Gold Rush holder will then to be crowned, so there will also be a huge tournament determining this new Gold Rush holder ! But because of your insolence of interrupting me, he addresses Xandra, you will have to defend your Gold Rush next week ! And your opponent will be ... Rebel ! Rebel jumps around his neck ... Xandra says to KC this will be a walk in the park ... The President goes on by saying in two weeks Katarina will also have to defend her title, so it is not sure she will also main event “Gold Rush”. And we will find out next week who her opponent will be ... Before leaving the ring, he turns to Ashley Massaro and gives her a smile ... She smiles back at him, somehow uncomfortable, with Justin asking what is going on but not getting a reply ... As he and his entourage passes by BaleSpin on the ramp, Rebel and Xandra look at each other viciously ...

Thanks for watching Angelic Championship Wrestling ! See you next week !

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.03.31.2017 - Gallows vs. Katarina

Angelic Championship Wrestling
March 29, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

Kiera Hogan is seen backstage. She seems recovered since last week’s beat down by the hands of The Glam Slam Fam, who seems to be getting into the favour and entourage of The President. She is pep talking herself and pumping herself up. Sarah Russi, our ring announcer and interviewer passes her by and asks her if everything is okay. Kiera answers yes it is, and tonight I will make an official statement, as she goes on ...

The Glam Slam Fam is seen - Ray Lyn, Barbi Hayden and Rebel – and they are laughing as they bump into ... Sarah Russi ... They play with her a bit, before asking her what news is up. Actually, Sarah says, I just bumped into Kiera and appearantly she has some sort of official statement to make later tonight ... The Glam Slam Fam looks at each other and they seem worried as they leave the area immediately. Sarah is left alone ...

Justin Roberts and Ashley Massaro welcome us to tonight’s edition of Angelic Championship Wrestling. Last week, we say the brutal beat down of Kiera Hogan by the hands of The Glam Slam Fam in an unpreceded Berserker Match. Also, new Tag Champions, as Las Sicarias’ Thea Trinidad and Amanda Rodriguez defeated Veda Scott and Shanna. And the Angelic Championship got defended last week, and Katarina the defending champion defended her title successfully against The Sisterhood’s Katarina. Tonight, we will see our Angelic Champion in action against Amber Gallows in a non-title match. The Trinidad challenges Xandra Bale for her Gold Rush, and Veda Scott has her Cadillac title rematch, against the new Cadillac champ, Tessa Blanchard. Let’s kick this off !

Taylor Made vs. Christina Von Eerie
Singles Match

Taylor is already in the ring, seemingly uninteressed in the entrance of her opponent, Christina Von Eerie, the former Angelic Champion. Christina seems to be shaking her head as to say she should be challenging Katarina, and not Taylor.

The bell rings, and Christina immediately gets Taylor in the corner and punches away at her. Taylor comes back with some knees and gives her a deadlift gutwrench suplex. Taylor hits a running uppercut and goes for another, but Christina dumps her to the floor. Taylor tweaks her knee, but she comes back and hits Christina with a cross-body block for a two count. Taylor uppercuts her, but Christina starts targeting the knee. Taylor comes back with a dropkick, but Christina soon counters into a sit-out knee breaker.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Christina send Taylor into the corner for a back elbow. Christina then hits her with an enzuigiri. Christina goes for a suplex, but Taylor counters into a deadlift suplex. Taylor uppercuts away at her, but Christina comes back with some kicks before applying a knee bar. Taylor turns and counters into a Sharpshooter attempt. Christina punches out, but Taylor lays her out with a diving uppercut. Taylor slaps her knee and uppercuts Christina a few times. Taylor powers her up and slams her down with a torture rack for a two count. Taylor goes for a Taylor Swing, but Christina punches out. Taylor quickly hits a double stomp for a near fall. Christina counters the Ace Crusher with a back body drop, and Taylor tweaks the knee again. Christina ties the legs up in the ropes and kicks it. Christina follows up with the Graveyard Smash for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Christina Von Eerie wins by Pinfall

Christina takes the mic and says this match was unworthy of herself and that she deserves more, like a shot at the Angelic Championship. As there is no official contender right now, she is putting herself on that spot and asks The President to sanction a title match. Mercedes Martinez’ music hits and she says she is not yet done with Katarina and the title and feels she earns a rematch ... Xandra Bale’s music hits and says hey guys, don’t forget I am actually the only one who has a legitime claim for the Angelic Championship as I am holding the Gold Rush right now ... Thea Trinidad attacks Xandra from the back and tells after tonight, SHE will be the one holding the cards in her hands, as she and Mercedes laugh and return to the back ...

Backstage, Veda Scott and Shanna, the former Tag Team Champions seem to be having a discussion. Shanna tells Veda she will be in her corner tonight for her Cadillac Championship rematch. Veda stops her right there, saying she cost her both her Cadillac and the Tag Team titles. She doesn’t want her in her corner because she actually wants to win her title back. And you know what, she goes on, she doesn’t want Shanna either as partner anymore ! As far as she is concerned they are done and Veda is going on her own way now ! Shanna replies with what about next week then for the tag rematch ? Veda answers – as she is leaving – that she will find someone else to help her win the titles back next week ... Shanna is left alone and seems lost ...

A vignette of BaleSpin is shown, featuring the tag team of Xandra Bale and KC Spinelli.

Veda Scott vs. Tessa Blanchard (c)
Singles Match
Cadillac Championship

Veda Scott, the challenger makes her way down to the ring, and she is not accompanied by her tag partner Shanna, but is alone ... she is taunting the crowd. Next, the new Cadillac Champion Tessa Blanchard comes out to a great reception. Veda taunts her in the ring ... Sarah Russi makes the official announcements stating this will be Tessa’s first title defence in 15 days.

The referee calls for the bell ... Tessa with a quick takedown early on Veda into a roll up for one count. Tessa once again gets the shoulders of Veda down for another one count. Veda with a shoulder block and dropkick on Tessa. Veda has a cut over her right eye as she tosses Tessa to the corner and gets in a few shots. Veda with a snapmare and leg drop combo. Veda drives elbows to the side of Tessa’s head and gets a one count off a pinfall attempt. Veda tosses Tessa down to the mat. Tessa with a roll up for two. Veda with a roll up for two as well. Tessa avoids a corner shot, charges in and Tessa hits the steel ring post shoulder first as she falls to the outside clutching her shoulder in pain.

-Commercial Break-

We return live with Veda applying a headlock on Tessa back inside the ring. Tessa catches Veda with an elbow and explodes off the ropes with a series of clotheslines. Tessa with a splash in the corner and follows with a swinging neckbreaker. Tessa drops an elbow over the chest of Veda. Tessa misses a superkick, Veda with a roll up and Tessa kicks out. Veda counters a Slingshot Back Suplex and drops Tessa off the corner. Veda with a kick to Tessa, hooks the leg and Tessa is able to kick out after two. Veda with big body shots to Tessa in the corner. Veda catapults Tessa to the corner, roll up, uses the ropes and Tessa still kicks out. Veda with a backstabber on Tessa for another close two count. Veda kicks out the legs of Tessa. Tessa counters a Veda Lock for a roll up for two. Tessa with a sunset flip into another cover for two. Series of roll ups between the two.

Shanna is seen on the ramp and heads down to ringside and starts cheering for Veda. Veda looks at her and tells her to go away, that they’re done. Shanna doesn’t know what to do ... As Veda turns around, Tessa has been waiting for her and executes a big superkick for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Tessa Blanchard wins by Pinfall and remains Cadillac Champion

Veda cannot believe what just happened and is calling Shanna stupid, that this is the third time she lost because of her. It’s for sure now, “we can’t work together anymore !”. Veda leaves mad as Shanna is crying. Tessa comes up to her and tries to console her ...

Backstage, Santana Garrett and Amber Gallows are together. Amber is preparing for her match against the Angelic Champion Katarina in the main event. Santana says this is a huge opportunity for Amber, as if she beats the champion, she will surely get a guaranteed title match against her next time. Amber thanks Santana for her support and says Santana is still the number one contender in her eyes. If she doesn’t win tonight, she will back Santana to the President as becoming number one contender tonight ... Kraven stops by. The Sweethearts take a step back, as Kraven reassures them. They do not need to worry for her tonight, as The Sisterhood will probably take care of them in the main event ... But don’t forget I am still here and will also seek the President for the contendership ...

A vignette is shown for a newcomer that will be here next week, Aria Blake, the luckiest girl on earth !

But first it’s time to see one half of BaleSpin, Xandra Bale, in action !

Thea Trinidad (w/Amanda Rodriguez, repr/Las Sicarias) vs. Xandra Bale (w/KC Spinelli)
Singles Match
Gold Rush

Thea Trinidad, accompanied by Amanda Rodriguez, makes her way down to the ring. They are the Tag Team Champions. Thea has challenged Xandra last week for her Gold Rush, the opportunity to challenge the Angelic Champion. We notice that La Rosa Negra is not out with them ...

Next out, is BaleSpin - Xandra Bale, the Gold Rush holder, accompanied by her tag partner, KC Spinelli.

The referee calls for the bell ... Thea is trash talking Xandra, while Amanda is wondering where La Rosa Negra could be ...

The bell rings, and Thea superkicks her before hitting a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Thea uppercuts her down before grabbing her by the hair and giving her another uppercut. Thea picks her up and rakes the face. Xandra punches back and goes for a dropkick, but Thea counters that into a guillotine catapult. Thea then kicks her out of the ring.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Xandra begin to fight back on Thea. Thea pushes off a neckbreaker attempt and connects with a dropkick that knocks Xandra out of the ring. Thea goes to grab her, and Xandra tries to fight back with a superkick. Thea blocks that and hits a slinging face-buster on the commentary table! Thea puts her in the ring for a near fall. Thea applies a chin lock, but Xandra fights up and dropkicks her down. Xandra goes for an avalanche, but Thea sidesteps her and picks up another near fall. Thea stands over her before hitting a pump-handle fall-away slam for a two count. After some stalling, Xandra rolls Thea up for a two count. Thea boots her in the face before feigning a suplex to punch her in the face. Thea connects with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Thea goes for a powerbomb, but Xandra counters into a roll up for a near fall. Thea then big boots her down. Thea goes for a discus clothesline, but Xandra ducks and hits a superkick. Thea then stumbles and connects with a discus clothesline for a near fall!

Thea goes for a powerbomb, but Xandra counters into a sit-out face-buster. Xandra then connects with the famouser for a near fall. They trade punches while down on their knees. They get to their feet. Xandra goes for another famouser, but Thea counters into a powerbomb attempt. Xandra gets out and connects with a pair of superkicks that stumble Thea. Xandra then connects with a huge Xandralizer ! Hook of the leg ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Xandra Bale wins by Pinfall and retains the Gold Rush

Xandra and KC celebrate her retaining the Gold Rush. Meanwhile Thea cannot believe her match loss and asks Amanda where the h*ll is La Rosa Negra. She should’ve been here to support her ...

Las Sicarias, being Thea, Amanda and Mercedes, are backstage and they have an argument – especially Thea – about the whereabouts of La Rosa Negra. The cannot find her and she isn’t even picking up her phone ... They wonder what has happened to her. Mercedes calms them down, saying they got this ... As they leave, we see The Howling Huntress looking on from behind a curtain, pondering about what they said ...

Welcome back everyone ! Time for our main event !

Amber Gallows (w/Santana Garrett) vs. Katarina (w/Shelly Martinez, repr/The Sisterhood)
Singles Match

Amber makes her way down to the ring, accompanied by Santana Garrett, who is radiating. Next out, comes the Angelic Champion, Katarina, with Shelly Martinez, representing The Sisterhood. Sarah Russi makes the official announcements for this main event.

The bell rings, and Katarina quickly connects with two clotheslines. Katarina punches her before flipping over Amber and dropkicking her. Amber quickly goes outside, so Katarina follows and sends her into the barricade. Katarina chops the chest twice before Amber pushes her away. Amber slams her onto the apron before sending her headfirst into the LED ring apron.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Katarina trapped in a chin lock. Katarina tries to fight up, but Amber takes her back down. Amber kicks her in the head while Santana is cheering for her. Amber grabs her on the apron, but Katarina punches her back. Amber drops her back into the ring and goes for a springboard, but Katarina kicks her in the head. Amber falls outside. Katarina goes to the top rope and and wipes Amber out with a summersault senton to the floor! Katarina gets her into the ring and grabs her, but Amber cuts her off. Katarina quickly comes back with a head-scissor takeover before kicking her in the midsection. Katarina hits a modified Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Katarina goes to the top rope, but Amber cuts her off. Amber catches her with a superplex, but Katarina rolls out of the ring before Amber can pin her. Amber follows her outside and drives her into the barricade.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Katarina counter a whip into a vicious right hand. They trade blows before Amber kicks her. Amber goes for a German Suplex, but Katarina flips and lands on her feet. Katarina then turns her inside out with a German Suplex. Katarina connects with a superkick for a near fall! Katarina goes to the top rope and jumps over Amber before kicking her in the head. Amber goes to the top rope and goes for the Amber Alert, but Amber rolls out of the way. Amber covers, but Katarina kicks out. Kraven then suddenly enters the arena and heads immediately to Santana, who sees it and is getting ready for her. Kraven attacks her and Amber sees it and exits the ring to help out her friend. Meanwhile, the referee is counting ...8 ... 9 ... 10 !

Match Result : Katarina wins by Count Out

Kraven and the Sweethearts keep fighting as Katarina and Shelly are laughing and the Angelic Champion holds her title up high ...

Thanks for watching see you next week !

Backstage, we see Kiera Hogan heading to the President’s office. She is about to give him her official statement on the Snow abduction. But out of nowhere, The Glam Slam Fam comes out and attacks her from the back. Ray Lyn and Barbi do the dirty work, while Rebel is saying, “we can’t let it come out, no we can’t” and she hits Kiera for a last time. Kiera utters to Rebel “Remember what we agreed on ...” and Rebel hits her once more. Barbi tells her they should bail now they still can .. which they do, while Rebel is uncomfortable ...

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.03.24.2017 - Martinez vs. Katarina

Angelic Championship Wrestling
March 24, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We are inside The President’s office. He is sitting with Rebel when Barbi Hayden and her valet Ray Lyn – recently hyped to the Glam Slam Fam – enter the office. Nick welcomes them and he tells tonight will be a Berserker Match between Barbi and Kiera Hogan. Everything goes, and he asks Barbi to break Kiera up to the point she gives him all the information needed regarding her and her still unknown accomplice, on the Snow abduction. He says she got carte blanche, or better ... THEY got carte blanche as they all laugh. Before Barbi leaves she says to Rebel that that’s just what they’ll do as long as she keeps her promise ...

Justin Roberts and Ashley Massaro welcome us to this week’s Angelic Championship Wrestling edition ! They are hyped because tonight we have two championship matches and a Berserker Match ! Las Sicarias are on a roll Justin goes on as Thea and Amanda get to challenge Veda and Shanna for the tag titles, and in our main event, it will be Mercedes Martinez taking on Katarina for her Angelic Championship ! Sarah, kick it away !

Xandra Bale (w/KC Spinelli) vs. Kay Lee Ray
Singles Match

Both wrestlers are already in the ring. Sarah Russi makes the introductions and the referee rings the bell ...

Kay Lee works over Xandra in the corner with body shots and headbutts. Xandra fires back with some elbows of her own. Xandra with rights to Kay Lee in the corner. Kay Lee with a snapmare, chop to the back, kick to the face and quick elbow drop. Xandra with a shoulder block from the ring apron, flips over Kay Lee and connects with a quick dropkick. Kay Lee catches Xandra with a snap powerslam off the ropes for a two count. Xandra with a big chop to Kay Lee and Kay Lee fires back with a big elbow. Kay Lee catches Xandra with a jumping kick to the head in the corner sending Xandra to the outside. Kay Lee hits the ropes and connects with a suicide dive on Xandra through the ropes! Kay Lee tosses Xandra back inside as we head to a break.

-Commercial Break-

Back live, we see footage of Kay Lee laying out Xandra with a big boot and senton splash. Kay Lee catches Xandra with an elbow and kick to the head combo in the corner. Kay Lee then bounces Xandra face first off the steel ring post on the outside. The referee starts the count when Kay Lee returns. Xandra is just able to beat the 10 count. Kay Lee trips up Xandra, pulls her out and Xandra is able to send Kay Lee face first into the ring post instead. Xandra dives through the ropes in the corner and catches Kay Lee with a spike DDT on the floor! The referee starts the count. Kay Lee rolls back in at 9. Kay Lee plants Xandra in the corner. Kay Lee is busted open over her right eye. Kay Lee gets Xandra down and locks in a camel clutch. Kay Lee is squeezing tight. Xandra is able to crawl to the ropes and force the break. As Kay Lee gets back up, Xandra hits hir with a Xandralizer out of nowhere ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Xandra Bale wins by Pinfall

As soon as the match is over, Thea Trinidad enters the arena and goes up to the apron, accompanied by her tag partner Amanda Rodriguez. Thea trash talks Xandra and tells her that next week she is coming after her Gold Rush, when they will be the new tag team champions. Indeed, they have a Tag Team Championship match next against the current holders, Veda Scott and Shanna. Xandra responds bring it on next week as she taunts her now ... finally both teams go at each other when KC attacks Amanda ... Security has to come down to separate both teams ...

Backstage, Santana Garrett and Amber Gallows are back since two weeks ago they were destroyed by Kraven in a handicap match ... Santana says , yeah it was a genuine beat down, but hey they grew even stronger out of it and makes her appetite for the Angelic Championship even greater. She puts Katarina, Mercedes, Christina, anyone who is holding the Angelic title betlt right now and everyone who is making a claim for it on notice, that she is going for it and will be challenging for it shortly. Even if it means she has to go through Kraven one more time. Amber backs her up trash talking Kraven ...

In Nick’s office, The Howling Huntress enters and requests an audience with the President, which he accepts although he says not too long cause he has other things on his mind tonight ... She wants to ask him first if it’s okay that she goes out there tonight and tells the world about La Rosa Negra – about her beef with her and to show the world who La Rosa really is ... Nick isn’t paying too much attention and says whatever, he doesn’t mind, he has other worries right now ... The Huntress seems happy with the answer and thanks him as he waives her off ...

Welcome back to the show, Justin says, as we are ready for the Tag Team Championship title match !

Amanda Rodriguez and Thea Trinidad (w/La Rosa Negra, repr/Las Sicarias) vs. Veda Scott and Shanna (c’s)
Tag Team Match
Tag Team Championship

Las Sicarias come out first, Thea and Amanda, accompanied by their valet, La Rosa Negra. They are the challengers. They are talking trash to the audience about how they are better than them ... as they get inside the ring, she takes the mic from Sarah Russi, our ring announcer, and goes by saying to her move along “white trash” ! She says latin women are far better than other non-original white b*tches !! And that’s just what the current and about to be former tag champions are, and her girls will prove that right now, by winning these title belts !

Veda Scott’s music hits and she and Shanna make their way down to the ring not looking happy about what La Rosa just said. Shanna is walking behind her. Veda doesn’t waste any time and does not wait the in-ring introductions as she goes right at La Rosa ... The referee has no other choice than ring the bell. This will be Veda and Shanna’s ninth title defense in a record breaking 266 days of reign.

Thea lands a big right early. Shanna catches Thea in mid air hitting a backbreaker and Veda connects with a knee off the ropes. Quick tag to Shanna who connects with a double stomp over Thea after Veda set it up with a rolling senton. Thea with a kick to Shanna in the corner. Tag to Amanda. Amanda drops a big elbow over the chest of Shanna. Tag back to Thea who kicks Shanna in the chest, snapmare and then drops a knee. Tag to Amanda who throws kicks to Shanna in the corner. Tag to Veda who connects with a springboard shoulder tackle over the top rope on Amanda. Veda with a full body splash on Amanda in the corner, goes up top and connects with a flying clothesline for a two count. Veda with forearm shots to Amanda against the ropes. Shanna is chasing down Thea. Amanda with a huge kick to the head of Veda sending her to the outside.

-Commercial Break-

We return live as Amanda splashes Veda in the corner and both Amanda and Thea hit a modified 3D on Veda for a close two count. Amanda tags in Thea and yells at her to finish it. Amanda misses a shot on Shanna in the corner. Veda with a big scoop powerslam on Amanda. Hot tag to Shanna. Tag to Thea. Thea shows off her body to Shanna and trashing saying latinas are so hot ! Shanna with running uppercuts and even more uppercuts in the corner to Thea. Shanna with a big dropkick that results in a two count. Shanna has Thea down, avoids a shot from Amanda and dropkicks Amanda through the ropes. Shanna with a drop toe hold on Thea. Shanna connects with the Perfect Press ! Shanna goes up top and takes out Amanda on the outside. Shanna catches Thea with an uppercut cutting off a suicide dive attempt. Back inside, Shanna catches Thea with a springboard uppercut for a two count. Shanna has Thea down again and this time executes the Perfect Press - perfectly. Shanna has a Sharpshooter locked in and Amanda kicks her in the face to break it up. Thea with a cover and Shanna kicks out. Shanna with uppercuts to Thea. Shanna kicks Amanda in the corner. Thea with a spinebuster on Shanna and Veda breaks up the pinfall. Veda tackles Amanda and throws rights. Veda with a big forearm to Thea. The referee tries to break it up but La Rosa disctracts him, shaking with her body now ! Thea sends Veda into the steel ring post. Meanwhile Amanda hits Shanna with a steel chair ! Thea gets back in and covers Shanna, while La Rosa releases the referee form her “shaking”. Veda is held back by Amanda off-ring, and the referee makes the count ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Amanda Rodriguez and Thea Trinidad win by Pinfall and become the new Tag Team Champions

Shanna gets out of the ring and Veda is really mad at her. She says she is the reason why they lost their match and their titles ! Meanwhile in the ring, Las Sicarias are heavily celebrating and trashing the former champs. Well, there you have it guys, new champs !

Kraven is backstage and is looking for Santana, destroying lots of things on her way ... She asks a technician where Santana is, and as he responds in the negative, she tosse him away too ... she goes on screaming Santana’s name ...

Back inside the ring, The Howling Huntress is holding a mic ... She has come out here to tell the audience what the real story is behind her feud with La Rosa Negra. She didn’t start it, it was her ...She reveals that she is actually La Rosa Blanca, when this promotion started and they were tagging together as Las Rosas ! It is Negra’s fault that they had to split up and that she had to change her name to something else and had to lose her mask ... Negra couldn’t stand any more the fact that I was better than her and she made it very clear. That’s why she also stopped wrestling and got rid of her mask too, so she couldn’t be judged by anyone. She has been picking over me now for some time now, but that’s all over now, and she has told the truth and now the La Rosa Negra’s real personality is being shown to the world as we just witnessed minutes ago ...

With that said, from behind La Rosa is entering from the back, with the new tag team champs Amanda and Thea and they start attacking The Huntress. She is helpless and gets beaten down severely. La Rosa takes the mic and says she is just lying, yeah they were Las Rosas together, but she didn’t change her name, Huntress did, only not to show the world how bad she actually was in the team. La Rosa lifts Huntress’ head up and tells her we will be seeing each other every week from now on !

The announcercs talk about what just happened. But they get ready for the Berserker match, sanctioned by our President, between Barbi Hayden and Kiera Hogan ...

Barbi Hayden (w/Ray Lyn and Rebel, repr/The Glams Slam Fam) vs. Kiera Hogan
Berserker Match

The newly named Glam Slam Fam is entering the stage, Barbi ahead, glamming up the place. Rebel has joined them and no good can come out of this Berserker Match.

Kiera Hogan follows and she seems stressed out about this whole situation. She too knows that this won’t be a regular match.

The referee sounds the bell and not only Barbi, but also Ray Lyn and Rebel enter the ring. Indeed, this won’t be a match, but a break-down ...

They all circle around her ... Barbi is the first to attack her and soon Rebel and Ray Lyn follow ... especially Rebel seems to enjoy beating her up. Ray Lyn gets out of the ring and goes under it to get some kendo sticks. She throws them inside of the ring before heading back in herself ... Rebel takes the first shot at her while all three take seperate shots at Kiera, taking their time. Meanwhile, Nick is entering the stage and stays under the titantron as he watches how Kiera gets beaten up by The Glam Slam Fam. Kiera tries to fight back as she does ... she hits Ray Lyn in the face and immediately Barbi and Rebel go right back at her ... The President is smiling ... Barbi holds back Kiera and Rebel slaps her in the face yelling at her she should do the right thing and confess everything to her President. Kiera gives her a nasty look as Rebel hits her again ... Ray Lyn gets once again out of the ring and gets out a table this time ... She sets it up at ringside ... Rebel and Barbi pick up Kiera and OMG ... they slam her right through the table from the top rope ! The President is smiling and confirms The Glam Slam Fam’s actions ... All three girls laugh at Kiera while she lays motionless ... The referee finally calls the bell ...

Match Result : Barbi Hayden wins by Count Out

Justin and Ashley talk about what just transpired an what The President is making Kiera go through. It seems The Glam Slam Fam is responding to him ... What will Kiera do to survive this feud ? On to our main event of tonight ! Mercedes Martinez will take on Katarina, for her Angelic Championship !

Mercedes Martinez (w/La Rosa Negra, repr/Las Sicarias) vs. Katarina (c) (w/Shelly Martinez, repr/The Sisterhood)
Singles Match
Angelic Championship

Las Sicarias make their entrance first – La Rosa Negra bloating their tag team titles win earlier tonight. Next on, our Angelic Champion, Katarina and Shelly Martinez, representing The Sisterhood make their way down to the ring. Sarah Russi makes the official in-ring announcements. This will be Katarina’s fourth title defence in a 91 days reign.

The bell rings, and they immediately start trading punches with Mercedes coming out on top. Katarina quickly rolls out of the ring to recover. Katarina attacks Mercedes when she comes outside and chops the chest before sending her into the barricade. Katarina puts her in the ring and kicks her. Katarina punches her, but Mercedes comes back with some right hands. Katarina chops the chest before sending her into the ropes for a back elbow. Katarina taunts the crowd. Katarina punches and chops her before sending her into the ropes. Mercedes springboards over her and connects with a leg lariat. Katarina rolls out of the ring to recover. Katarina grabs the ankle and pulls her out of the ring before sending her into the barricade. Katarina whips her into the barricade again, but Mercedes jumps to the top and connects with a moonsault block!

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Mercedes trapped in a chin lock. During the commercial break, Katarina viciously superkicked Mercedes. Mercedes fights up, but Katarina knees her in the midsection and gives her a front suplex onto the top rope. Katarina quickly follows up with a senton splash for a near fall. Katarina talks trash to Mercedes and slaps her. Mercedes ducks a second slap and slaps her in the face. Katarina angrily charges, but Mercedes pulls the top rope down to get her out of the ring. Mercedes then floors her with a high angle plancha. Mercedes gets her back in the ring, but Katarina rolls out on the opposite side. Mercedes then wipes her out with a second high angle plancha. Mercedes gets her in the ring and connects with the Hitplex for a near fall.

Katarina elbows out of a suplex and goes for a cannonball, but Mercedes counters with an exploder suplex into the corner. Mercedes goes for the Latina Rack, but Katarina gets out of the way. Mercedes follows her onto the apron, and Katarina goes for a powerbomb. Mercedes fights out and hooks her in a half nelson, but Katarina elbows out. Katarina gets her on her shoulders, but Mercedes slides into the ring. Katarina snaps her off the top rope and viciously clotheslines her into the corner. Katarina follows up with a cannonball and goes for a Strange Occurrences, but Mercedes lands on her feet and counters with a half nelson suplex onto her head for a near fall!

Mercedes stands over Katarina for a few moments before kicking her. Mercedes chops her and scales the ropes, but Katarina pulls her down. Mercedes goes outside to recover. The referee checks on her. Katarina goes outside and goes for an apron powerbomb, but Mercedes gets out. Mercedes then kills her with a half nelson suplex on the floor! Mercedes gets to her feet and gets Katarina in the ring. Mercedes hobbles to the corner and charges, but Katarina quickly superkicks her and gives her a vicious Frenzy DDT for a cover and a hook of the leg ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Katarina wins by Pinfall and remains Angelic Champion

Katarina stands high in the ring as she celebrates with Shelly. La Rosa and Mercedes are retreating saying this isn’t the end of Las Sicarias and they will get the championship ! Shelly hisses them away ...

Thanks for watching ! See you next week !

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.03.17.2017 - Von Eerie vs. Mercedes Martinez

Angelic Championship Wrestling
March 17, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We are inside a cell, where we see Rebel while Kiera Hogan is strapped to a chair. Rebel is interrogating Kiera about why she abducted Snow. She slaps her mutliple times in her face, but to no success ... Kiera then suddenly says, that Rebel should remind their agreement ... on which Rebel is reluctant to answer, so she slaps her once more. Kiera goes on saying that she knows a lot about Rebel too and that this was never the plan ... so she better starts treating her right before her beloved President gets to know ALL the truth ... Rebel is angry and screams as she leaves the cell, slamming the door shut behind her. Kiera is seen smiling but aching ...

Christina Von Eerie enters the President’s office, storming in. The President sighs and says he really needs to get a replacement for Snow ... Christina asks him who her opponent will be tonight. The President is seen thinking and asks her to remind him again ... Christina rolls her eyes and says last week he promised her a contenders match for the Angelic Championship. She would like to know who her opponent is tonight. The President says oh yeah he remembers know but is too occupied with the Snow abduction case. He says her opponent tonight will be Mercedes Martinez, and it will be in the main event. Christina seems to like this and thanks him as she leaves. The President says once more he really needs a replacement for Snow until she is found ...

Justin Roberts and Ashley Massaro welcome us to tonight’s ACW show. Our main event will be for the number one contendership for the Angelic Championship, and will feature Christina Von Eerie versus Mercedes Martinez. But that’s not all, because the Cadillac Championship will be on the line tonight, where the new Cadillac Champion Veda Scott will defend her title for the first time in her second reign, against number one contender, Tessa Blanchard !

The Howling Huntress vs. Kay Lee Ray
Singles Match

Both competitors are already in the ring.

The bell rings, and The Huntress kicks Kay Lee. Kay Lee quickly comes back with a forearm before putting her in the corner. The Huntress reverses a whip, but Kay Lee comes back with a slingshot and a pair of arm drags. Kay Lee hits a low dropkick. La Rosa Negra is seen watching backstage. Kay Lee poses on the top rope. Kay Lee elbows and punches her down. The Huntress then drops her out of the ring. The Huntress clubs away at her and turns her inside out with a clothesline. The Huntress attacks the recently healed eye and chops her. Kay Lee reverses a whip and takes her down with a gut-buster. Kay Lee hits an elbow drop and gets the crowd going. The Huntress elbows her in the face, but Kay Lee quickly throws her out of the ring. Kay Lee then wipes her out with a suicide dive. Kay Lee gets her into the ring and hits a shin breaker into a botched back suplex that saw The Huntress flip completely over. The Huntress then wipes her out with a spinning forearm for a cover ...

Out from the back La Rosa Negra, Thea Trinindad and Amanda Rodriguez come running in the ring and start attacking The Huntress. The referee calls immediately for the bell !

Match Result : The Huntress wins by DQ

Las Sicarias keep on attacking her inside the ring as the bell keeps ringing. Out of the back, Xandra Bale and KC Spinelli come running in for the save, helping out The Huntress. Las Sicarias retreat and trash is being talked ... The Huntress thanks her savers ...

Back inside The President’s office. Rebel is now sitting in front of him at his desk. She is reporting what Kiera has already said to her, but it isn’t much. The President doesn’t seem pleased with the information and asks Rebel to push even harder and to use every possible means to break her in order to get the information out of her about who is the second perpetrator and where Snow is, and what their reason was ... he goes on by saying if she’s able to break Kiera, he will be very grateful to her as he comes closer to her. Her eyes are shining full of anticipation. He goes on saying there could be a possibility for her for an Angelic Championship match. She is ecstatic now and they make out ...

Xandra Bale and KC Spinelli are backstage. Xandra is hyping up her Gold Rush Medal as she says to her tag team partner she will not wait too long in order to cash it in, because she knows she has a target on her back, holding this medal. KC supports her 100 %. Shelly Martinez drops by with the Angelic Champion Katarina, warning Xandra she may have an opportunity to challenge Katarina for the title, and indeed she better cash it in sooner than later, cause bad thing can happen to little girls, as they laugh and go away, as Katarina gets in Xandra’s face. Deonna stops by next smiling at Xandra and carrying on ... the tag partners look at each other and as they too are going on their way, they get attacked by Las Sicarias’ Thea and Amanda ... La Rosa tells Xandra to get ready for next week, because they are challenging her for the Gold Rush ...

Welcome back by Justin and Ashley. Let’s get ready for some more action !

Kraven vs. Taylor Made
Singles Match

Taylor is already in the ring, taunting the crowd.

Kraven makes her entrance and storms into the ring. The referee needs to hold her back is she wants to go right at Taylor, who is hiding behind the referee.

As the referee cannot hold Kraven back any longer, he calls for the bell ... Taylor with right hands early and Kraven launches her across the ring. Kraven with a splash on Taylor in the corner. Kraven with a huge forearm to the chest of Taylor knocking her to the mat. Kraven has Taylor up on her shoulders attempting a torture rack. Taylor fights out, catches Kraven with a boot in the corner and then kicks her away with a dropkick as well. Kraven catches Taylor when she jumps off the second rope. Kraven lifts Taylor up and slams her back down face first. Kraven covers the motionless body of Taylor ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Kraven wins by Pinfall

Kraven continues to destroy the poor Taylor ... Security comes out to restrain her which is very difficult ... The President is seen watching from his office at Kraven and seems to like it ...

-Commercial Break-

The commentators welcome us back to the show and talk about how Kraven just destroyed Taylor Made who had to be taken to a medical facility ...

Time for our Cadillac Championship match !

Tessa Blanchard vs. Veda Scott (c) (w/Shanna)
Singles Match
Cadillac Championship

Tessa Blanchard, the challenger, makes her way down to the ring to a great reception. She is followed by the current Cadillac Champion, defending it for the first time in her second reign in 21 days, Veda Scott. She is accompanied by her fellow Tag Team Championship partner, Shanna. Veda Scott is the first-ever to hold both titles simultaneously, and this for the second time !

As Sarah Russi makes the proper in-ring introductions, Veda is talking some trash to Tessa, who doesn’t seem to mind, as Sarah is interrupted by Veda. She takes the mic and tells that she is actually the best talent ever in ACW, and will it be for a loooong time, as she is the first-ever two-times two-championship-wielding talent. She says she shouldn’t even be in this match, but should be challenging the Angelic Champion Katarina, in order to become the greatest ever, holding all the ACW gold at the same time. So this match will just be a formality. Tessa laughs at her ...

The bell rings, and Tessa quickly punches her to the corner before throwing her across the ring. Tessa stands over Veda before throwing her across the ring again. Tessa whips her hard into the corner, but Veda avoids an avalanche by jumping to the apron. Veda kicks her in the head and applies a side headlock. Tessa whips her off and shoulder blocks her down. Tessa chokes her against the ropes before head-butting her. Tessa hits the ropes, but Veda quickly dropkicks her down. Veda unloads a flurry of punches and kicks on Tessa before Tessa elbows her down. Tessa begins wildly clubbing her in the corner. Veda looks out on her feet as Tessa punches her in the face. Veda is laid out against the bottom rope. Tessa goes for the Slingshot Back Suplex, but Veda moves. Veda then hits a slingshot double stomp to the midsection before connecting with a running dropkick into the barricade.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Tessa give Veda a modified Samoan Drop for a two count. During the commercial, Veda focused on Tessa’s knee. Tessa catches her with a back suplex slam for a two count. Tessa applies a chin lock, but Veda fights up and punches her. Tessa quickly head-butts her before punching her in the corner. Tessa whips her hard into the opposite corner before running into a boot. Veda connects with some running forearms before Tessa rolls her up before lifting her up with one arm for a slam to pick up a two count. Tessa signals for her patented Slingshot Back Suplex, but Veda moves. Veda runs into a boot. Tessa goes to the top rope, but Veda kicks her in the face to send her to the floor. Veda hits a baseball slide before getting on the apron for a running kick to the face. Veda gets her in the ring and gives her a flying double stomp to the back of the head for a near fall. Veda cannot believe she kicked out.

Veda sets up for the Veda Bomb, but Tessa fights out. Veda then floors her with a Sling Blade. Veda sets up in the corner running into a Slingshot Back Suplex. Tessa picks up a near fall. Tessa’s lip is busted. Tessa gets a furious look on her face before grabbing Veda. Tessa goes for a crucifix powerbomb, but Veda rolls her up for a near fall. Tessa quickly gives her a double powerbomb for a near fall. Tessa smiles in disbelief before going to the corner. Veda signals Shanna to come into the ring – probably to force a disqualification – but Shanna doesn’t know what to do. Veda still keeps trying to get Shanna inside the ring, as Tessa storms behind her and hits her with a superplex and goes for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Tessa Blanchard (nc) wins by Pinfall and becomes Cadillac Champion

Veda cannot believe what just happened ! She shouts at Shanna that this is her fault. Shanna does not know what to say and gets in the ring and apologizes. Tessa gets the championship belt from the referee and celebrates with it ... Once again, like in her first reign, Veda is not able to defend the title and loses it after a mere 21 days ...

As Tessa goes to the back as new Cadillac Champion, she is being attacked from behind by her rival Leva Bates ... Veda laughs at Tessa as she passes by ...

Rebel is backstage and is dropping by Barbi Hayden and Ray Lyn. She says to them if she can ask them a favor. Ray Lyn says it depends if there’s something in it for them ... Rebel responds in the affirmative and the go inside the locker room to discuss ...

Veda Scott is backstage with Shanna, and is crying because of losing the Cadillac title after her first defense. Shanna tries to console her by saying they still are the Tag Team Champions and Veda is the most decorated wrestler in ACW up to now ... Veda slaps her in the face and says this is all her fault. She didn’t help her when the need arose ... Shanna apologizes as Veda leaves, Shanna runs after her ...

Welcome back from Ashley and Justin, time for our main event !

Christina Von Eerie vs. Mercedes Martinez (/w La Rosa Negra, repr/Las Sicarias)
Singles Match
#1 Contendership for the Angelic Championship

Both girls make their seperate entrances. Mercedes is accompanied by La Rosa Negra. This match was made by The President in order to determine the number one contender to face Katarina next week for the Angelic Championship. Sarah Russi does the proper in-ring introductions.

The bell rings, and they circle the ring before locking up. Mercedes goes for a takedown, but Christina gets the advantage. Mercedes applies a hammerlock, but Christina twists out and clotheslines her down. Mercedes quickly goes to the apron to recover. Mercedes comes back in, but Christina wrenches the arm. Mercedes twists out and wrenches the arm. Christina quickly takes her down with a headlock. Mercedes fights up and applies a side headlock. Christina soon whips her off, but Mercedes shoulder blocks her down. Mercedes hits the ropes, but Christina takes her down with a pair of arm drags and a scoop slam. Christina then grounds her with a headlock takeover. Christina grabs the ankle and takes her down before applying a Texas cloverleaf. Christina then transitions into a double arm submission. Mercedes quickly gets her foot on the bottom rope. Mercedes rolls out of the ring to recover. Mercedes kicks Christina in the midsection when she follows her out of the ring. Mercedes gets her in the ring and punches away at her before hitting a flying forearm for a two count. Mercedes punches her in the corner before shouldering her. Christina quickly turns her in the corner and stomps her down. Christina sends her to the corner, but she soon charges into the ring post shoulder-first because Mercedes sidestepped her. Mercedes picks up a two count. Mercedes applies a chin lock. Christina punches out, but she has a whip reversed on her. Christina quickly takes her down with a running cross-body before punching away at her. Mercedes gets out and charges, but Christina takes her down with a back body drop. Christina then clotheslines her out of the ring.

-Commercial Break-

Mercedes takes Christina down from the top rope and gives her a pump-handle rib breaker for a near fall. Mercedes slams her down and drops a knee before kicking her in the back for a two count. La Rosa Negra is rooting for her Sicarias colleague. Mercedes clotheslines Christina in the corner twice. Mercedes goes for a third, but Christina moves. Christina goes for The Graveyard Smash, but Mercedes gets out. Mercedes hits the Hitplex, but Christina cuts her off with a swinging neckbreaker. Both women are down, but they’re soon up. Christina runs her over with a pair of forearms. Mercedes reverses a whip, but Christina comes back with a clothesline. Christina hits a running forearm in the corner and goes for a superplex, but Mercedes slides out and sweeps the feet. Mercedes gets her up in an Latino Rack, but Christina slides off. Christina rolls her up for a near fall. Mercedes kicks her in the leg and charges, but Christina drops her on the apron. Mercedes forearms her back and goes for a springboard, but Christina punches her to the floor. Christina then hits the ropes and goes for a suicide dive, but Mercedes forearms her in the face before he flies through the ropes. Mercedes gets on the apron and goes for the Hitplex, but Christina kicks her. Mercedes counters out of a 138 and punches her. Mercedes ducks the 138 once again and goes for a springboard moonsault reverse DDT, but Christina twists out of the DDT. Christina then gives her a vertical suplex slam for a near fall!

Christina hits Mercedes with a second diving elbow, but the referee is distracted by La Rosa Negra. Christina wipes La Rosa out with a suicide dive ! Christina gets back in the ring, and Mercedes kicks her before hitting the Hitplex for another cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Mercedes Martinez wins by Pinfall

Christina wants to go at La Rosa, but Mercedes intervenes, and she hits another Hitplex on Christina, as she celebrates with La Rosa on her win and become the number one contender for next week’s main event ! Thanks for watching see you next week !

We are back inside The Sisterhood’s lair, where we see all the members around a dimly lit shrine. Shelly says we now know who Katarina’s next victim will be, as she is seen burning a picture of Mercedes Martinez ... Brittany and Priscilla bring gifts of flowers to Katarina who is sitting on a throne-like chair next to the shrine, as they all laugh and dance around her ...

Barbi and Ryan Lyn enter The President’s office. Rebel is already inside. Barbi asks for a match next week against Kiera. The President looks at Rebel and she nods saying she has a plan to break her. The President accepts Barbi’s offer, but Rebel intervenes and suggests The President to make in a Berserker Match ... he smiles at her and agrees. Barbi and Ray Lyn look at Rebel and they all seem to be on the same page ...

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.03.10.2017 - Kiera Hogan vs. Rebel

Angelic Championship Wrestling
March 10, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We are inside The President’s office. Rebel is inside and The President is giving her some sort of instructions. He tells her she is one of the only he can trust in here – which makes her happy and she gets closer to him. He was fond of Kiera but she betrayed him. He wanted to push her to the top in this promotion, but all this now is behind. He shows her the tape of the Snow abduction and tells her Kiera admitted she was one of the perpetrators, due to the fact she didn’t want all the attention she got. Well now she will certainly get the attention. He says he’s still looking for the second perpetrator. But he tells he knows Rebel is fond of him so that’s why he is asking her a favor as he closes the door ...

Justin Roberts and Ashley Massaro welcome us to the show after a two weeks break. Tonight, we get the number one contenders for the tag titles, Thea Trinidad and Amanda Rodriguez from Las Sicarias against Maria Manic and Stormie Lee, plus Kraven who will be in a handicap match against The American Sweethearts ... and our main event will feature a match added today by our President, it will be Kiera Hogan vs. Rebel ! But first lets kick off this show with a Cadillac Championship implication match !

Tessa Blanchard vs. Leva Bates
Singles Match
Cadillac Contendership

We see footage of two weeks ago when Veda Scott won the Triangle match between her, Shanna and the former Cadillac Champion Barbi Hayden, in order to become the first-ever two times Cadillac Champion (while still holding the tag titles).

Tessa Blanchard makes her way down to the ring, after coming back from injury two weeks ago, by the hands of Leva Bates, who has since been in a mental hospital. Leva has challenged Tessa for the last time for a Cadillac title shot, because next week, Veda will defend her title against the winner of tonight’s match.

Leva makes also her way down the ring, in white psychiatric gear ...

The bell rings, and Tessa quickly connects with two clotheslines. Tessa punches her before flipping over Leva and dropkicking her. Leva quickly goes outside, so Tessa follows and sends her into the barricade. Tessa chops the chest twice before Leva pushes her away. Leva slams her onto the apron before sending her headfirst into the LED ring apron.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Tessa trapped in a chin lock. Tessa tries to fight up, but Leva takes her back down. Leva kicks her in the head while an “Tessa” chant fires up. Leva grabs her on the apron, but Tessa punches her back. Leva drops her back into the ring and goes for a springboard, but Tessa kicks her in the head. Leva falls outside. Tessa goes to the top rope and and wipes Leva out with a summersault senton to the floor! Tessa gets her into the ring and grabs her, but Leva cuts her off. Tessa quickly comes back with a head-scissor takeover before kicking her in the midsection. Tessa hits a modified Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Tessa goes to the top rope, but Leva cuts her off. Leva catches her with a superplex, but Tessa rolls out of the ring before Leva can pin her. Leva follows her outside and drives her into the barricade.

Tessa counters a whip into a vicious right hand. They trade blows before Leva kicks her. Leva goes for a German Suplex, but Tessa flips and lands on her feet. Tessa then turns her inside out with a German Suplex. Tessa connects with a superkick ... 1 ... 2 ... kick out ! Tessa goes to the top rope and jumps over Leva before kicking her in the head. Leva goes to the top rope and goes for the Superhero Kick, but Tessa rolls out of the way. Leva covers, but Tessa kicks out. Leva quickly transitions into another headlock ... Tessa has a hard time but is able to crawl to the ropes ... Leva releases the hold and Tessa immediately takes her center ring and puts on a crab lock submission hold ... now Leva is having a hard time ... and she eventually taps out ...

Match Result : Tessa Blanchard wins by Submission and remains Cadillac Contender

Leva exits the ring and is seething, while Tessa celebrates ... Barbi Hayden and Ray Lyn appear on the entrance ramp saying she still has that rematch clause and should be first in line ...

Backstage La Rosa Negra is doing an interview with and for Las Sicarias. She is hyping up Thea and Amanda, who have a Tag Team title match in two weeks against Veda and Shanna. She is also hyping up Mercedes Martinez, who will be entering soon the Angelic Championship scene ... while she is doing her interview from behind The Howling Huntress attacks her, probably in retaliation from when she got attacked last week by La Rosa ... of course the numbers game comes in play and it does not last long before Thea, Amanda and Mercedes attack The Huntress on their turn. La Rosa tells them to keep her up, as she beats her up badly ... they release her and The Huntress is left on the ground. Sarah Russi doesn’t know what to do and asks for the paramedics ...

Justin and Ashley welcome us back as we get set for some tag team action ...

Amanda Rodriguez and Thea Trinidad (repr/Las Sicarias) vs. Maria Manic and Stormie Lee
Tag Team Match

Las Sicarias come out first, without their manager La Rosa Negra this time ... they will be challenging Veda and Shanna in two weeks for the tag titles.

Then, Maria Manic and Stormie Lee come out, who occasionally tag together ...

Amanda starts against Stormie. Amanda clubs her, but Stormie comes back with a pair of dropkicks and tags in Maria. Maria hits Amanda with a shoulder block before punching away at her. Amanda comes back with an uppercut before punching away at her in her corner. Thea is tagged in, but Maria soon overtakes her. Maria punches away at Thea, but Thea fights back. Thea hits the ropes, but Maria turns her inside out with a knee. Thea goes outside. Maria knees Amanda in the face as she tries to get in the ring. Stormie is tagged in and goes for a plancha, but they move so she stops. Xandra Bale and KC Spinelli come out to watch this match.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Stormie fight up from a chin lock, but Thea clubs her back down. Thea drops her with a back suplex for a two count. Thea uppercuts her in her corner a few times before Amanda is tagged in. Amanda punches away at her before taunting the crowd. Amanda punches Stormie down before going for a powerslam, but Stormie counters into a DDT.

Thea and Maria are tagged in. Maria hits a pair of shoulder blocks and a fall-away slam. Maria splashes her in the corner and hits a second fall-away slam followed by another splash in the corner. Maria hits a scoop slam and drops the Maniacal Obsessions, but Amanda breaks up the pin. Stormie sends Amanda out of the ring and almost kills herself with a suicide dive. Stormie celebrates but Amanda gets after her. Stormie runs away, so Amanda chases her. Amanda gets face to face with Xandra. KC is backip her up and Thea joins in the stare-down. Meanwhile Maria is tagged in and executes a drop kick outside the ring on Las Sicarias. Everybody is down, including Xandra and KC who got hit in the process too ... La Rosa comes running in and attacks Xandra and KC. Thea and Amanda join the fight outside of the ring, while Maria and Stormie are still inside and the referee makes the ten-count ...

Match Result : Maria Manic and Stormie Lee win by Count Out

Las Sicarias are getting the better off Xandra and KC, but The Howling Huntress joins in on the fight from the back and she attacks La Rosa ... an all-out brawl breaks out and the locker room comes out to separate the three ...

We see footage of The Sisterhood’s shrine, where all members are present ... The Angelic Champion Katarina is sitting on the altar and is being worshipped by the other members. They bring her gifts and flowers. Shelly Martinez praises her as the best Angelic Champion ever and that The Sisterhood has finally achieved their destiny after their two year presence in the promotion. It is now on to win the tag team titles for Brittany and Priscilla. But more important to keep the hyena’s away from the Angelic title belt ... The sing and dance around Katarina who soaks it all in ...

Christina Von Eerie enters The President’s office. She asks for a title match against Katarina for the Angelic title. The President says he has no time for this and has to prepare for his main event tonight, Rebel vs Kiera Hogan. Besides, Christina already got a rematch against Katarina which she lost ! Exactly Christina says, it was a rematch but not a normal contenders match so feels she is still entitled to one ... The President waves it off saying others need the opportunity now but he will think about it putting her in a number one contenders match next week ...

Kraven vs. Amber Gallows and Santana Garrett
2 on 1 Handicap Match

The American Sweethearts make their way down to the ring to a huge reception. Followed by the juggernaut Kraven, who has been on a devastating roll lately, destroying some of our talent ... This will be a handicap match.

Amber will start the match against Kraven. Santana distracts Kraven, causing Amber to attack her from behind. Kraven reverses a whip to the corner, but Amber elbows her in the face. Amber hits the ropes, but Kraven takes her down with a Thesz Press before following up with a big splash for a one count. Kraven applies a side headlock, but Amber throws her to the corner. Kraven boots her in the face before hitting a diving shoulder block from the second rope. Kraven hits three consecutive big splashes for a one count. Kraven applies a front face-lock, but Amber powers her to the corner. Santana tags in, and she punches Kraven down. Kraven turns her around and chops the chest. Kraven sends her to the ropes, but she hangs on and pulls herself out of the ring. Kraven throws Amber out as she tries to interfere. Santana goes to the top rope, but Kraven throws her off the top rope and clotheslines her out of the ring as we go to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Amber send Kraven to the corner and clothesline her. Amber punches away at her before the referee admonishes her. Santana gets a shot in for good measure. Kraven comes back with a belly-to-belly side suplex before scaring Santana off the apron. Kraven clotheslines Amber in the corner. Santana blind tags in, and she dropkicks Kraven for a near fall. Santana drops her on the bottom rope before avalanching her in the corner. Santana kicks her down before applying a chin lock. Kraven fights up and powers her to the corner. Amber blind tags in, and she clotheslines her for a two count. Amber hits a short-arm clothesline before hitting a low dropkick to the face for a two count. Kraven fights up and punches out. Kraven hits the ropes, and Amber hits her with a back elbow for a near fall. Santana tags back in, and she comes off the second rope with a flying forearm. Santana kicks her in the ribs, and Kraven chops her back. Santana quickly punches her down and chokes her on the ropes. Santana leaves the ring and forearms her in the face. Amber is tagged back in, and she stomps Kraven. Amber goes for a suplex, but Kraven blocks it and hits one of her own.

Santana tags in, but Kraven sidesteps an avalanche. Kraven ducks a clothesline and hits a back body drop. Kraven then connects with a nice military press powerslam. Kraven goes for a powerbomb, but Santana punches out of it. Kraven quickly ducks a clothesline and hits a spinebuster. Kraven punches Amber off the apron and sets up in the corner, but she holds on to the ropes to block a roll up. Kraven then connects with a meat hook clothesline. Kraven goes for The Mountain, but Amber pulls Santana off. Amber goes for a power slam, but Kraven gets out and hits her with The Mountain. Santana then goes for a Rainbow Kick, but gets countered again by Kraven with a Mountain. She hits Amber with another Mountain and goes for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Kraven wins by Pinfall

Kraven is all-out powerful and the Sweethearts exit as quick as possible the ring as Kraven lets out a roar ...

Kiera Hogan is backstage and seems worried as she is walking up and forth. She will be in action next against Rebel, due to orders of our President ...

Rebel is seen exiting The President’s office with a smile, as we see The President getting in the door opening and smiling on too, while looking at her ...

Kiera Hogan vs. Rebel
Singles Match

Kiera makes her way down to the ring first, followed by Rebel.

Sarah Russi makes the proper in-ring introductions. The President comes out on the entrance ramp. To make this main event even more appealing, he says, he is adding a special stipulation to this match ... this match will be a Last Angel Standing match ! Kiera is surprised, but Rebel isn’t and kicks Kiera immediately in the gut ...

The referee calls for the bell. Kiera quickly ducks Rebel and jabs her in the face. Rebel slowly approaches her, but Kiera punches her again. Kiera gets out of the ring and runs over to the timekeeper’s area. Rebel follows, and Kiera starts smacking her with a kendo stick. Kiera beats her into the ring before Rebel takes it away from her and breaks it over her knee. Rebel throws her across the ring and yells. Kiera falls out of the ring. Rebel follows her out, and Kiera finds a second kendo stick and starts beating her with it. Rebel takes it away from her. Kiera runs to the barricade and leaps up to do a moonsault block, but Rebel catches her and drops her onto the barricade. The referee begins counting Kiera down, but she’s up at six. Rebel charges, but Kiera moves, causing her to hit the ring post. Rebel is stunned. Kiera sends her into the ring post two more times. Welts are covering Rebel’s back. Kiera dives through the bottom and middle turnbuckles for her patented DDT, but Rebel forearms her in the face! Kiera gets up and in the ring at six. Rebel avalanches her in the corner, and the count begins again. Kiera soon gets up, but Rebel punches her back down. Kiera slowly gets up, but Rebel clotheslines her back down. Kiera gets up, but Rebel just as quickly runs her over with a shoulder block. Rebel sends her into the ropes, but Kiera comes back with a clothesline. Rebel doesn’t go down. Kiera hits the ropes again, but Rebel clotheslines her down. Rebel maniacally smiles while Kiera writhes around on the mat. Kiera rolls out of the ring.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Rebel throw Kiera off the ramp in front of the commentary table. Rebel talks some trash before sending her face-first into the table. Rebel swats her back and clubs away at the chest. Rebel rolls a crate into her and throws her backstage. Kiera grabs a lead pipe and smacks her with it a few times before Rebel grabs it and throws it away. It doesn’t clang on the ground. Rebel throws her onto some equipment boxes and throws one, but Kiera moves. Kiera boots her in the face, hits a flying forearm, grabs a steel chair and smacks her with it a few times. Kiera follows her back out to the arena and peppers her with more chair shots. Finally, Rebel grabs her and throws her onto the stage. Rebel steps on the chair and sends her into the LED boards a few times. Rebel scoops her up, but Kiera slides off and hits her with the steel chair again. Kiera stumbles her to the edge of the stage. Rebel grabs the chair, but Kiera boots it into her face and takes her off the stage and through some tables with a cross-body block! The referee is counting Rebel down, but she’s up at four.

Kiera hits her with some more chair shots before Rebel lifts her up to the stage by the chair. Kiera goes flying. Rebel runs her over with a shoulder block. Rebel then powerslams her at ringside! Kiera somehow gets up at nine. Rebel immediately knees away at her to take her back down. Kiera makes like she’s going to get up, so Rebel continues to punch away at her midsection. At six, Kiera seems like she’s going to get up, so Rebel grabs her. Rebel viciously powerslams her on the floor again. The referee finally counts Kiera down for a ten count !

Match Result : Rebel wins by Count Out

The President comes out to the ring and smiles at Rebel who smiles back ... He takes the mic and says to Kiera, that’s what happens when you double cross your boss who was looking over you. I know you where one of the perpetrators who abducted Snow. And you will tell me who the second person was. He drops his mic and Rebel drags Kiera out to the entrance. Before they leave the stage, The President halts Rebel and kisses her on her mouth. They then leave with Kiera ...

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Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.02.24.2017 - Garrett vs. Katarina

Angelic Championship Wrestling
February 24, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We are just outside The President’s office ... Heated words come from the office, but we can’t make out what is said or who is inside ... It gets quiet, when suddenly the doors open again, and Kiera Hogan goes through it. She is having her head down and looks like she is sad, then we see The President in the doorway. He looks on angry, but as he turns around, a smile is seen on his face as he watches Kiera leave ... The camera is kept on the door, and after some seconds, Rebel is seen knocking on the door. The President’s voice is heard as she opens the door and enters the office, while looking around being sure she is not seen entering the office, as she smiles also ...

Justin Roberts and Ashley Massaro welcome us to tonight’s Angelic Championship Wrestling show. They tell us next week, ACW will be on a break and return in two weeks. But tonight’s action-packed show will make up on it ! Deonna Purrazzo challenges Xandra Bale for her Gold Rush, Barbi Hayden will defend her Cadillac title against Veda Scott who called her out last week, and ... the Angelic Championship will be defended in the main event by Katarina, with Santana Garrett as challenger, who won last week’s contenders match against former champion, Christina Von Eerie ! But first, let’s kick off with Amanda Rodriguez vs. Brittany Blake in the second match for the tag teams contendership, tied 1-0 in favor of Las Sicarias ...

Amanda Rodriguez (repr/Las Sicarias) vs. Brittany Blake (repr/The Sisterhood)
Singles Match

Amanda makes her way down the ring, unaccompanied by Las Sicarias this time. So does Brittany, representing The Sisterhood. They talk a little trash before the match starts.

They lock up, and Amanda slaps her in the face. Brittany kicks her down and drives her knee into the mat. Amanda counters a knee attack and kicks her in the face before rolling her up for a one count. Brittany then pins her for a one count. Brittany then slams her down. Amanda pulls her headfirst into the turnbuckle before chopping her. Brittany sidesteps an attack, but Amanda comes back by slamming her down. Amanda goes for a sunset flip, but Brittany knees her in the head a few times for a two count. Brittany hits a snapmare and grapevines the head before driving it into the mat. Brittany rolls her around the mat. Amanda fights back, but Brittany big boots her down before throwing her out of the ring.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Brittany hit a backbreaker and apply a dragon sleeper. Amanda seems to be fading away. Amanda regains some momentum and knees her in the face before rolling her up for a two count. Brittany quickly kicks her down to her knees before sending her to the corner. Amanda boots her back, ducks under a big boot, and clotheslines her twice before hitting a dropkick. Brittany reverses a whip, but Amanda takes her down with a wheelbarrow bulldog for a near fall. Brittany quickly stuns her with a jawbreaker and kicks her back. Amanda comes back with a double knee attempt, but Brittany slides out of the ring. Amanda then lays her out with a double knee off the apron.

Priscilla Kelly runs down to help, but Thea Trinidad attacks her from behind. Brittany knocks Amanda off the top rope and keeps Thea away. Amanda then applies the Hitplex on her and goes for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Amanda Rodriguez wins by Pinfall making Las Sicarias number one contenders for the Tag Team Championship

Thea and Amanda celebrate in the ring, as The Sisterhood retreats and are being given the L sign ...

Santana and Amber are backstage talking about what happened last week in her match with Christina Von Eerie, making her the challenger for Katarina’s Angelic Championship, in tonight’s main event. Amber says she is backing her 100% and will be in her corner tonight. They hug it out. As they leave, out of the shadows comes Kraven, hooded, and she seems unhappy about Santana getting a title shot tonight ...

Welcome back, Ashley says, still to come tonight’s main event : Santana Garrett challenging Katarina for the Angelic Championship. But now it’s time for a Cadillac Championship match !

Veda Scott (w/Shanna) vs. Barbi Hayden (c) (w/Ray Lyn)
Singles Match
Cadillac Championship

The challengers, Veda and Shanna, are entering first and walking down the ramp. Veda boosting of confidence and gloating her way down to the ring, while Shanna behind her and more reserved ... both holding their tag team titles ...

Then, the Cadillac Champion, Barbi Hayden, comes down the aisle, glamming up the place, as always, accompanied by her new manager, Ray Lyn, also glamming it up ...

Sarah Russi makes the proper in-ring introductions, mentioning this will be Barbi’s eigth title defense in her 154 days reign. But Ray Lyn takes the mic from Sarah. She says Barbi is the best Cadillac Champion ACW has ever had and her streak will go on as well as glamming up the place, because they are The Glam Slam Fam ! Veda takes Ray’s mic and says seen they gloat about that, why not push up the ante ? Why not make it a Triangle Match by adding Shanna to it ? Veda turns to her and whispers to her it will be a handicap match. Ray looks at Barbi and Barbi takes Veda’s mic, saying you know what, I am not afraid and I will deliver ! Veda is happy and whispers in Shanna’s ear, we see her actually saying, this will be easy for her to become two-time champio ... Shanna is doubtful ... This match will now be a Triangle Match.

Veda Scott vs. Shanna vs. Barbi Hayden (c) (w/Ray Lyn)
Triangle Match
Cadillac Championship

Veda is bloating of confidence ...

The referee begins the match and Shanna goes on the attack on Barbi in the corner. Veda dropkicks Barbi in the back. Veda drops an elbow over Barbi and then applies a headlock. Barbi tosses Veda over the top rope. Veda hangs on, goes up top and Barbi catches Veda with a right hand on the way down. Barbi with a clothesline to Veda and then catches her with a jumping clothesline. Shanna jumps in and Barbi catches her with a flying clothesline as well. Barbi with a clothesline to Shanna in the corner. Barbi eats a boot from Veda in the corner. Barbi tosses Veda into Shanna and connects with a samoan drop on Veda. Barbi with repeated clotheslines to Shanna in the corner. Shanna stops Barbi with a big right. Barbi fires back with a big boot that sends Shanna out of the ring. Barbi backs up in the corner as Veda is getting on her feet. Veda side steps a Superman, right by Shanna from the ring apron and Veda connects with a Lionsault for a two count. Barbi fights out of a Veda Lock, but eats a superkick from Shanna. Shanna attempts a Perfect Press, but Barbi leaps over and catches Veda with a Glam Slam. Barbi with a second Glam Slam on Shanna. Ray Lyn is trashing the tag champs. Veda avoids a spear with a kick to the face. Barbi counters a Veda Bomb attempt. Barbi catches Veda with a spear. Shanna pulls Barbi out during a pinfall attempt. Shanna avoids a drive by dropkick and superkicks Barbi in the head. Barbi with a back body drop to Shanna on the floor. Barbi with a drive by dropkick catching Shanna this time. Veda goes for a springboard dropkick and Barbi catches her with a Glam Slam. Shanna is holding the leg of Barbi as she tries to get in. Veda with a Veda Bomb on Barbi. Shanna has Barbi on her shoulders and gives her a powerbomb over the ring apron! Shanna and Veda slide Barbi back in. Veda is slapping Barbi in the face as Shanna throws right hands. Shanna with another Perfect Press on Barbi, and she hooks the leg ... but Veda interrupts her and says that’s not what they agreed on ... Shanna releases the cover and Veda hooks the leg instead, smiling away, while Shanna looks unhappy ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Veda Scott (nc) wins by Pinfall and becomes new Cadillac Champion

Ray Lyn and Barbi cannot believe they lost the Cadillac title ! Veda Scott is gloating her newly won Cadillac belt together with her Tag Team belt ! Veda has won her second Cadillac Championship, and its the second time she holds it while also holding the Tag Team Championship ! Shanna does not look happy ... she should’ve been champion as she sees it ...

While Veda is gloating, Tessa Blanchard’s music hits as she appears on the ramp ! She has still a title match to go, and is pointing at Veda ... Veda is unhappy about Tessa ruining her celebration ... It’s been some time we haven’t seen Tessa after her feud with Leva Bates ... but wait, from behind Tessa, it is Leva who is also back from the mental hospital and she cheap shots Tessa from behind ... Veda is laughing ...

Sarah Russi is interviewing The Howling Huntress backstage. But Las Sicarias enter the room and La Rosa Negra pushes aside The Huntress. She doesn’t seem pleased about that. La Rosa talks to Sarah about Amanda and Thea, being the new number one contenders for the Tag Team titles, and about Mercedes Martinez, being not in the Angelic title picture, which is a big mistake, but one that will soon be rectified, as The President will see that Las Sicarias are Tag Team Champions and thus also will be deserving of the Angelic title. The Huntress gets in La Rosa’s face, they trash talk and they start a fight. Of course, the numbers game comes into play and The Huntress is feeling that ...

Justin and Ashley welcome us back, hyping up the Angelic Championship main event.

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Xandra Bale (w/KC Spinelli)
Singles Match
Gold Rush

Both competitors are already in the ring. Deonna challenged Xandra for her Gold Rush, as she felt screwed out of the Triangle Match two weeks ago ...

The bell rings, and they circle the ring before Deonna takes her down with a front facelock. Deonna cinches up on it and hooks the leg to get a one count. Deonna continues to try to pin her down, but Xandra keeps fighting up. Deonna keeps the front facelock applied before Xandra twists out with a hammerlock. Deonna fights up, and Xandra applies a side headlock. Deonna whips her off, but Xandra shoulder blocks her down twice before taking her down with a headlock. Deonna pulls the hair and applies a head-scissor. Xandra kips up out of it, but Deonna quickly takes her back down before applying a waistlock. Xandra fights up and counters with a headlock takeover. Deonna fights up and counters out with a back suplex. Deonna shoulders her in the back before stomping the back. Deonna connects with a suplex for a two count. Deonna shoulders her in the back a few times before Xandra comes back with some right hands. Deonna quickly powers her to the corner, but Xandra sidesteps an avalanche. Xandra clubs away at her in the corner nine times before connecting with a right hand. Xandra rolls her up and tries for the lifting powerbomb, but Xandra’s back gives out. Deonna then takes her down with a fall-away slam. Xandra rolls out of the ring to recover.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Deonna rolls Xandra into the ring ... 1 ... 2 ... kick out. During the commercial, Deonna drove Xandra’s back once again into the ring post. Back to live action, Deonna props her up on the top rope and punches her. Deonna goes for a superplex, but Xandra punches out of it and head-butts her down to the mat. Xandra then flies off the second rope with a diving clothesline. Both women are down. KC is rooting for her tag partner. Deonna pulls herself up in the corner. Xandra charges her, but Deonna counters with a boot to the face. Deonna charges out of the corner, but Xandra catches her with a Xandralizer ... 1 ... 2 ... kick out. Xandra goes for a powerbomb, but her back gives out. Deonna gets out and goes for a roundhouse, but Xandra ducks it. They trade punches before Deonna floors her with a spinning heel kick ... 1 ... 2 ... kick out ! Deonna gives her some falling head-butts for another two count. Deonna then goes to the top rope, but Xandra pops up and punches her off the top rope to the floor. Xandra sends her flying with a baseball slide before putting her in the ring. Deonna kicks her in the head as she comes back into the ring and picks up a near fall. Deonna is incredulous.

Deonna goes for a running kick, but Xandra avoids it. Xandra goes for another Xandralizer, but Deonna grabs her for a waistlock. Xandra punches out of it and hits the ropes, but Deonna superkicks her down for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... kick out ! Deonna signals for the Vendetta. Deonna stomps the spine and goes for a second stomp, but Xandra turns over and blocks it. Xandra pushes her away and floors her with a Xandralizer for a cover ... 1 ... 2 ... kick out ! Xandra cannot believe it! Xandra sets up in the corner, and the crowd is on their feet. Xandra bounces Deonna to the ropes and hits her once again with a devastating Xandralizer. She makes the cover and hooks the leg ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Xandra Bale wins by Pinfall and retains the Gold Rush

Deonna cannot believe she did not win ... Xandra extends her hand ... and Deonna accepts it !

Backstage, we see Shanna and Veda, the new Cadillac Champion. Shanna is argueing to her about how she actually had the match won ... Veda blows it off saying what Shanna did was a good deed for the team and thanks her for her unselfishness, as she looks at her two belts and sighs of contenment and leaves ... Shanna is left alone ...

Time for the main event guys !

Santana Garrett (w/Amber Gallows) vs. Katarina (c) (w/Shelly Martinez, repr/The Sisterhood)
Singles Match
Angelic Championship

Santana makes her way to the ring, cheered by the crowd, and accompanied by Amber. She will be challenging the champ, Katarina, next. She is looking a little scared, as she was attacked by Kraven last week ...

The Sisterhood comes out, the Angelic Champion Katarina and her master, Shelly Martinez. Sarah Russi makes the official announcements. This will be Katarina’s third defence, in her 63 days reign. It will be the first time they face off for the title.

Dueling chants by the crowd as the bell sounds. Katarina catches Santana off a leapfrog with a big right hand early. Katarina works over Santana as we see replay of the right hand. Strike exchange, but then Katarina with a dropkick and taunts the crowd. Katarina sends Santana bouncing off the turnbuckles, then trash talks the crowd. Santana sent sternum-first into the turnbuckles, then Katarina with a Frenzy DDT already for 2. Katarina yells, “Is that your hero?” at the crowd. Santana avoids another right hand, running shoulder tackle, but Katarina catches Santana in mid-air off the second tackle with a front slam and a leaping back senton for another 2.

Santana comes back with a dropkick. Katarina misses a clothesline, Fallway Sit-Out Facebuster by Santana gets 2. Santana heads up top and hits the Shining Star Press for another 2. Santana goes for the Rainbow Kick, but Katarina slips out and SPIKES Santana with a DDT for 2. More right hands by Katarina, yelling at Santana to stay down as we see replay of Santana being spiked by the DDT. Santana comes back with the two running shoulder tackles and a clothesline. Katarina rolls outside to avoid the Shining Star Press and mocks Santana.

Katarina with another big right hand, then heads up top for the Swanton, but Santana gets the knees up! Katarina slips out of the Shining Star Press again, then does Santana’s two running shoulder tackles. Katarina goes for the Frenzy DDT, but Santana slips out. Santana with a Electric Chair into a Sit-Out Facebuster, then locks Katarina in an STF. Katarina tries to reach the ropes, but Santana pulls her back. Katarina kicks her off, then catches a Santana boot and hits a Backbreaker for 2. More bad mouth by Katarina to Santana as she hits more right hands. Katarina goes for a Pop-Up Powerbomb, but Santana avoids it. Santana goes for a Springboard Stunner, but Katarina catches her in mid-air with a release German! Cannonball in the corner by Katarina gets a close 2. Katarina yells at commentary, then she & Santana exchange strikes again. Santana gains advantage with leg kicks, Rainbow kick ... 1 ... 2 ... KATARINA KICKS OUT!! Santana goes up top again for the Shining Star Press, but Katarina catches her in mid-air with a Sit-Out Powerbomb for another close 2. Santana finally hits the Rainbow Kick ... 1 ... 2 ... KATARINA KICKS OUT AGAIN!!! They head up top, Katarina blocks a Santana superplex with the Super Swinging Fisherman’s Buster for another close 2. Santana is clutching her arm as he landed hard on it off the Super Fisherman’s Buster by Katarina.

-Commercial Break-

Welcome back after this last commercial of tonight. Katarina yells at commentary to “watch this” as she goes for a Pop-Up Powerbomb, but Santana counters it with a summersault plancha. Katarina slips out of another headlock with a Superkick! Santana crawls to the ropes and is able to reach them, forcing Katarina to break. Santana goes to the middle rope, Tornado DDT SPIKES Katarina for another close 2. More right hands by Katarina, but misses another and Santana this time hits a Springboard Stunner, but Katarina comes right back with a big clothesline! Santana then comes back with a big clothesline of her own! POP-UP POWERBOMB!!! 1-2….SANTANA KICKS OUT!!! “This is awesome” chants by the crowd. Katarina heads back up top, but Santana stops her. Santana heads up top with Katarina, SUPER ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT!!! 1-2……KATARINA KICKS OUT AGAIN!!! SANTANA IS IN SHOCK!!! Santana tries to lift up Katarina, but Katarina is dead weight. Katarina then catches Santana in an inside cradle for 2. Santana locks Katarina back in the STF! Katarina tries to crawl to the ropes, but Santana pulls her back to the center.

Santana puts a lot of torque on Katarina’ neck and Katarina and is suffering hard but she isn’t taping yet ... Shelly looks on and tries to distract Santana by trash talking her. Which works because Santana releases the submission hold on Katarina who gets a breather meanwhile. Santana goes up to Shelly and Katarina goes for a roll-up. Luckily she can kick out. Meanwhile Amber is keeping an eye out on Shelly so she wouldn’t interfere any more ...

Katarina goes for a Frenzy DDT, but it gets countered by Santana who executes a Rainbow Kick. Katarina barely avoids it as she hits a Strange Occurrences on Santana ! This must be it ... cocky cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Katarina (c) wins by Pinfall and remains Angelic Champion

Santana cannot believe she lost the title shot and is crying. Amber is helping her up, as Shelly gets in the ring with Katarina to celebrate her third successful title defence. They taunt Santana and Amber on the outside ... Amber returns inside the ring and slaps Shelly in the face. Before Katarina can attack her, she escapes the ring and she and Santana head back together, trashing The Sisterhood. But from the back, Brittany and Priscilla attack The American Sweethearts. Shelly and Katarina are laughing inside the ring ... Kraven is watching from the entrance ...

Thanks for watching Angelic Championship Wrestling this week ! ACW will return in two weeks, as next week we will be on a break. See you then !

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.02.17.2017 - Garrett vs. Von Eerie

Angelic Championship Wrestling
February 17, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

Justin Roberts and Ashley Massaro welcome us to tonight’s show. Thea Trinidad of Las Sicarias will take on Kelly Priscilla from The Sisterhood. This is part of two matches in which the other half of both teams will face off each other in order to determine the next tag team contenders. But that’s not all, because the Tag Team titles will be defended tonight as KC Spinelli and Xandra Bale will take on the champs Veda and Shanna. And last but not least, a number one contendership for the Angelic Championship, where Santana Garrett will take on Christina Von Eerie. Let’s kick things off with the Tag Team Championship !

KC Spinelli and Xandra Bale vs. Veda Scott and Shanna (c’s)
Tag Team Match
Tag Team Championship

The challengers make their way down the ring, being cheered by the crowd. Next on, the champs come out, Veda and Shanna, Veda bragging, while Shanna behind her, following her up.

Sarah Russi makes the proper in-ring introductions. This will be the champs’ eight title defence in 231 days. It will be the second time they face off for this title.

We start with Xandra and Veda. Veda lands a big right early. KC tags herself in. Xandra catches Veda in mid air hitting a backbreaker and KC connects with a knee off the ropes. Quick tag back to Xandra who connects with a double stomp over Veda after KC set it up with a rolling senton. Veda with a kick to Xandra in the corner. Tag to Shanna. Shanna drops a big elbow over the chest of Xandra. Tag back to Veda who kicks Xandra in the chest, snapmare and then drops a knee. Tag to Shanna who throws kicks to Xandra in the corner. Tag to KC who connects with a springboard shoulder tackle over the top rope on Shanna. KC with a full body splash on Shanna in the corner, goes up top and connects with a flying clothesline for a two count. KC with forearm shots to Shanna against the ropes. Xandra is chasing down Veda. Shanna with a huge kick to the head of KC sending her to the outside.

-Commercial Break-

We return live as Shanna splashes KC in the corner and both Shanna and Veda hit a modified 3D on KC for a close two count. Shanna tags in Veda and yells at her to finish it. Shanna misses a shot on Xandra in the corner. KC with a big scoop powerslam on Shanna. Hot tag to Xandra. Tag to Veda. Xandra with running uppercuts and even more uppercuts in the corner to Veda. Xandra with a big dropkick that results in a two count. Xandra has Veda down, avoids a shot from Shanna and dropkicks Shanna through the ropes. Xandra with a drop toe hold on Veda. Xandra connects with the Xandralizer ! Xandra goes up top and takes out Shanna on the outside. Xandra catches Veda with an uppercut cutting off a suicide dive attempt. Back inside, Xandra catches Veda with a springboard uppercut for a two count. Xandra has Veda down again and this time executes the Xandralizer. Xandra has the camel clutch locked in and Shanna kicks her in the face to break it up. Veda with a cover and Xandra kicks out. Xandra with uppercuts to Veda. Xandra kicks Shanna in the corner. Veda with a spinebuster on Xandra and KC breaks up the pinfall. KC tackles Shanna and throws rights. KC with a big forearm to Veda. The referee tries to break it up. Veda sends KC into the steel ring post. Veda Bomb by Veda and Shanna on Xandra. Veda with the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Veda Scott and Shanna (c’s) win by Pinfall and remain Tag Team Champions

The challengers go to the back, as Veda heads for a mic. She says she is the greatest tag team champion ACW has ever known, and she is the only one to hold both this title as the Cadillac title simultaneously. Therefore, she wants to redo this achievement and become two-time Cadillac Champion. She is calling out Barbi Hayden, for the Cadillac title, next week, as she drops the mic and heads to the back, not even looking at Shanna ...

We are inside the President’s office as Kiera Hogan and Rebel enter. They have been summoned by him in order to explain their actions towards each other the last weeks. Indeed, they have been interfering in each other’s matches, making them lose them.

Rebel explains herself that she wants the President’s love all for herself and that she didn’t want Kiera to have it. The President is surprised and didn’t knew Rebel was in love with him. He turns to Kiera and asks if she feels the same like Rebel. She is more relentless and Rebel gives her a look – which makes Kiera stop talking and look down ... Nick doesn’t understand what’s going on, but he watches Kiera and remarks her red hair and starts to stumble ... he asks them to leave immediately, as he gets in his chair and sinks deep in thoughts ...

Kelly Priscilla (w/Shelly Martinez, repr/The Sisterhood) vs. Thea Trinidad (w/La Rosa Negra, repr/Las Sicarias)
Singles Match

Both girls are already in the ring. This is one half of the matches to determine the next tag team titles contenders.

Before the match starts, both stables have a bit of words ...

Thea tosses Priscilla face first into the corner early. Priscilla with a head scissors takedown and then a big dropkick. Priscilla then springboards off the ropes driving her knees into the head of Thea. Back inside, Thea catches Priscilla with a heel kick. Thea has a full nelson submission applied on Priscilla on the mat. Backstage, we see a shot of Veda and Shanna watching the match, but Veda isn’t interested. Priscilla with a right and chops to Thea. Thea with a big back elbow as Priscilla came off the ropes. Thea eats repeated boots form Priscilla in the corner. Priscilla with a big back elbow to Thea and then a kick to the head in the corner. Priscilla with a springboard clothesline from the top turnbuckle on Thea for a two count. Thea counters Priscilla raking the eyes and then pulling Priscilla down into a front face lock. Shelly helps Priscilla grab the bottom rope to break the submission. Thea rolls out and asks Shelly what she is doing. Thea with a dropkick to Priscilla and tells Shelly to beat it. La Rosa gets in Shelly’s face and hits her down. Thea tosses Priscilla back in the ring. Thea connects with knees to the lower back of Priscilla and hits the Divine Fly after a counter from Priscilla. Thea hooks the leg ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Thea Trinidad wins by Pinfall and ties the series 1-0 Las Sicarias

Shelly goes at La Rosa, and Priscilla at Thea. Both Britanny and Amanda come out to and once again an all-out brawl breaks out ...

-Commercial Break-

Back inside the squared circle, Deonna Purrazzo is inside with a mic. She tells last week, she has been screwed out of the Gold Rush triangle match, plus Kiera Hogan had no business inside it, as she is being favoured by the President. As former Gold Rush holder, she demands a match against Xandra Bale for her Gold Rush opportunity. Xandra comes to the aisle and says she will never back down from a challenge, and if that’s what Deonna so badly wants, because she can’t handle her loss and is looking for excuses, she gladly will give her a Gold Rush match and shut her up ! Deonna doesn’t believe what she’s hearing, and she responds quite rudely, calling Xandra a b*tch ! Xandra wants to go at Deonna, but KC comes out and holds her back. Deonna is smiling ...

We see a shot of the mental hospital where Leva Bates is actually. She is inside her psychiatrists office, as he talks to her and asks how she’s feeling. She says she feels ready to return to the outside world and has no grudge anymore against Tessa Blanchard. She understands she won the contendership fair and square and won’t hold a grudge against her. The psych seems happy with her evolution and results and clears her out of the mental hospital. As she leaves and turns away from him, her face is closed-up and she smiles in a rather eerie way ...

Time for our main event guys !

Santana Garrett vs. Christina Von Eerie
Singles Match
#1 Contendership for the Angelic Championship

Christina Von Eerie, the former Angelic Champion, makes her entrance first. Next out is Santana Garrett, who is on a roll lately ...

Sarah Russi makes the proper in-ring introductions ...

The bell rings, and they stand across the ring and stare at one another. Christina approaches her. Santana looks up at her opponent. They lock up and push each other off. The crowd fires up a “This is awesome” chant. They lock up, and Christina wrenches the arm. Santana rolls through it and kips up! Santana then powers her to the corner. Santana releases her and says she’s the contender. Christina knocks her down. Santana quickly pops up and applies a side headlock before taking her down. Christina fights up and whips her off, but Santana viciously clotheslines her down. Santana shoulders her in the corner before connecting with an avalanche. Santana then big boots her down. Santana kicks away at her before punching away at her in the corner. Santana goes for another avalanche, but Christina grabs her by the throat. Santana counters with a DDT for a near fall. Santana lays her out with a vicious right hand before hitting her on the ropes. Christina tries to catch her breath before Santana avalanches her in the corner. Santana punches away at her before clubbing the back. Christina reverses a whip, but she lowers her head and eats a kick. Santana then clotheslines her down again for a near fall. Santana goes for a suplex, but Christina blocks it. Christina tries for one, but she can’t get Santana up. Christina finally takes her down with a suplex.

-Commercial Break-

Both women are down. Christina pulls herself up. Santana just gets up. Santana runs into a boot. Christina boots her a second time and punches her before sending her to the corner for an avalanche. Christina then hits the ropes and takes her down with a diving shoulder block. Christina signals for a chokeslam and connects with it, but Santana kicks out! Christina tries to climb the ropes, but Santana knocks her off. Santana scoops her up for a powerslam, but Christina slides off and sends her to the corner. Christina props her up on the top rope and chops the chest. Christina tries for a superplex, but Santana fights her off. Santana dives off the second rope into a Rainbow Kick for a near fall ! Christina cannot believe this. Christina goes to the second rope for a splash, but Santana gets under her. Santana then deadlifts Christina up for a Powerslam, but Christina kicks out ! Santana punches the mat in frustration. The crowd correctly starts chanting, “This is awesome!” Santana takes down Christina with a Shining Star Press. Christina goes for a Graveyard Smash, but Santana just pushes her to the side. Santana then hits a second Rainbow Kick for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Santana Garrett wins by Pinfall and earns the contendership for the Angelic Championship

After the match, while Santana is celebrating, Amber Gallows, her American Sweethearts tag partner enters the arena and comes celebrate with her friend. But then Kraven comes out, and she runs in the ring, attacking Santana and Amber. The Sweethearts try to resist the juggernaut, who lost her Angelic title match two weeks ago and seems to be out for revenge, and not willing to give someone else that same opportunity ... She stands tall over both Angels ...

Thanks for watching everyone, see you next week !

Back inside the President’s office ... Nick is waiting as Kiera enters the office. She has been summoned apart from Rebel this time. He tells her he is close on finding out who kidanpped Snow ... he has some footage and some leads ... he shows her the security tape where two hooded girls are seen abducting Snow ... Kiera asks what the point is of this ... He closes the door as the show fades out ...

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.02.10.2016 - Kraven vs. Katarina

Angelic Championship Wrestling
February 10, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

We open the show in The Sisterhood’s shrine, where all the members are gathered around the altar. Shelly introduces Katarina, the Angelic Champion, whom they will be doing offerings now in favour of her match tonight against the juggernaut Kraven. Katarina enters the circle and Shelly hands her a cup of blood which she drinks as the others hum and dance around her ...

Justin and Ashley welcome us to tonight’s show ... It is the conclusion of the Gold Rush, with Deonna Purrazzo, who was the former Gold Rush holder, Xandra Bale and the President’s wildcard Kiera Hogan. And let’s not forget our main event ... Kraven will take on our Angelic Champion Katarina ... But first next, the Cadillac Championship will be on the line ...

Shanna (w/Veda Scott) vs. Barbi Hayden (c) (w/Ray Lyn)
Singles Match
Cadillac Championship

Shanna is already in the ring with Veda, as one half of the Tag Team Champions will take on Barbi for the Cadillac Championship next ... It was actually Veda who called out Barbi last week, but Shanna interfered, wanting that match ...

Barbi Hayden makes her entrance, accompanied by her manager Ray Lyn, both glamming it up ... This will be Barbi’s seventh title defence in 140 days.

The bell rings, and Barbi quickly takes Shanna down. Shanna gets up and locks up with her. Shanna wrenches the arm, but Barbi twists out and wrenches the arm. Shanna quickly gets to the ropes and runs into a pair of arm drags. Barbi takes her down and catches her with a Glam Slam for a two count. Shanna quickly gets out of the ring to talk strategy with Veda. Barbi chases Shanna around the ring and back inside. Shanna attacks Barbi as she reenters the ring. Shanna chops the chest and buries her knee in her face. Barbi punches back at her before having a whip reversed. Barbi elbows her in the face and comes off the top rope with a cross-body block for a two count. Barbi chops the chest before having a whip reversed on her. Barbi comes back with a dropkick and goes for the Glam Slam, but Shanna gets out of the ring. Barbi then wipes her out with a summersault senton.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Shanna standing on Barbi. Shanna high fives Owens. Shanna hits the ropes, but Barbi clotheslines her down. Barbi chops the chest before sending her into the ropes for a dropkick, but Shanna holds on. Shanna immediately follows up with a Lionsault for a near fall. Shanna goes for the Perfect Press, but Barbi counters into an exploder suplex in the corner. Barbi goes for the Glam Slam, but Shanna counters into another Perfect Press attempt. Barbi counters that into an inside cradle for a two count. Barbi then catches her with a summersault plancha for a near fall. Barbi goes to the top rope and jumps over Shanna. Barbi goes for a tornado DDT, but Shanna counters out and applies the Perfect Press. Barbi eventually gets to the bottom rope. Veda gets up on the apron to distract the referee, while Shanna executes a Perfect Press and has Barbi down for the count. Ray Lyn gets in Veda’s face and hits her down. Barbi kicks out as the referee turns around and Barbi rolls through for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Barbi Hayden (c) wins by Pinfall and remains Cadillac Champion

Veda is unhappy about Shanna’s prestation and taunts her for not having won the match. Then she turns around and attacks Ray Lyn, as Shanna and Barbi try to keep them apart ...

As Veda and Shanna are walking backstage, they encounter Las Sicarias ... They are officially putting them on notice that they will be challenging them as soon as those poor Xandra and KC have wasted their shot ... Veda says bring it on as she gets into Thea’s face ...

Still to come ... the Angelic Championship match between challenger Kraven and champion Katarina !

Kiera Hogan vs. Xandra Bale vs. Deonna Purrazzo
Triangle Match
Gold Rush

Kiera makes her entrance. She got this bye into this match for the President, who seems to be favoring her, as she has already lost two qualifying matches, but it doesn’t seem she sees very happy with that fact.

Next out comes Xandra, alone. And finally, Deonna, who was the former Gold Rush holder. She could be very well the first one to win the Gold Rush two times in a row.

Sarah Russi makes the proper introductions.

The bell rings and Xandra goes after Deonna early. Xandra dumps Deonna out and gets in a huge german suplex on Kiera! Xandra fights off another attack by Deonna and levels her with a clothesline. Another german suplex by Xandra on Kiera. Deonna with a missile dropkick dazing Xandra. Deonna attempts a german suplex on Xandra. Xandra levels Deonna with a huge belly-to-belly suplex. Kiera drops Xandra off the top rope. Xandra launches Kiera into the ring barricade. Deonna with a suicide dive to the outside. Xandra catches Deonna and launches her over her head. Xandra tosses Kiera back inside the ring.

Xandra with another german suplex on Kiera. Another german from Xandra. Xandra is keeping count saying that is 4. Xandra with a Xandralizer on Kiera. Deonna breaks it up. Xandra smiles at Deonna. Deonna slaps Xandra. Xandra with high knees to Deonna and tosses her aside. Xandra drives her knee into the ribs of Deonna near the ropes. Xandra with a german suplex on Deonna. Two more german suplexes by Xandra on Deonna. Xandra has Deonna up for another Xandralizer. Kiera with a spear on Xandra, hooks the leg and Xandra gets a shoulder up.

-Commercial Break-

Xandra is struggling to her feet. Kiera with a Superman on Xandra. Xandra is down and rolls out. Xandra catches Kiera on the outside and Deonna with a low blow on Xandra. Deonna starts clearing off the ring. Deonna lifts Xandra up to the shoulders of Kiera. Kiera powerbombs Xandra. Deonna with a series of kicks to Kiera and tosses her back in. Deonna tackles Kiera and unloads with lefts and rights. Deonna with a corner splash, running bulldog, heads up top and Deonna connects with a flying elbow. Deonna and Kiera exchange shots. The fans are pro-Deonna. Deonna unloads on Kiera with shots, eats a boot from Kiera, hits the ropes and levels Kiera with a clothesline. Deonna and Kiera roll out attacking Xandra who is starting to recover. They toss Xandra back first into the barricade. Xandra seems to be the strongest of the three tonight. Deonna gets Xandra up on the shoulders of Kiera again and Kiera powerbombs Xandra once again. Kiera and Deonna cover Xandra.

Kiera with shots to Deonna now and tosses her back inside the ring. Kiera with repeated clothesline shots to Deonna in the corner. Kiera drops Deonna with a right uppercut. Kiera has Deonna up for a powerbomb. Deonna hangs on falling back into the corner dropping elbows. Kiera catches Deonna with the Fired Up after Deonna jumps off the second rope. Kiera calls for a spear and Deonna catches her with a knee. Deonna sends Kiera shoulder first into the corner and connects with the Vendetta. Hook of the leg and Kiera kicks out. Kiera counters another Vendetta attempt getting Deonna up on her shoulders. Xandra is back in and she gives Kiera a german suplex sending both Kiera and Deonna flying back! Kiera with a spear on Xandra. Xandra sits up and gets a headlock applied on Kiera. Kiera is fighting to her feet as Xandra hangs on. Deonna has a steel chair and cracks it over the back of Xandra. Xandra falls down and Deonna keeps hitting Xandra over the back with the chair. Deonna with shots on Kiera now using the chair. Deonna hits Xandra with the chair again but she sidesteps and Kiera gets hit. Kiera with a spear on Deonna.

From the back, Rebel is running in and is attacking Kiera. Kiera falls out of the ring and they continue fighting outside the ring while Rebel is trying to flee to the back as Kiera is chasing her.

Deonna is setting up a Vendetta for Xandra, but as she turns around, Xandra counters with a huge Xandralizer on her ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Xandra Bale wins by Pinfall and earns the Gold Rush

Deonna congratulates Xandra, as KC runs in and she hugs it out with her tag partner Xandra ...

Christina Von Eerie storms into Nick’s office. She is demanding for another shot at the Angelic Championship. Nick slows her down saying she already got her rematch which she lost and now others deserve that opportunity, like Kraven tonight. Santana Garrett drops by, as she overheard the conversation as the door was still open. She says she too wants such an opportunity and like he said,she did not yet have one against Kraven ... Nick calms both down and says we will have a number one contenders match next week between the two, and the winner will face the champion – whoever it is after tonight – in two weeks. Santana and Christina seem down with that ... Nick now scutters them off as he has important work as he is staring at the security footage over Snow being abducted ...

Time for our main event guys !

Kraven vs. Katarina (c) (w/Shelly Martinez, repr/The Sisterhood)
Singles Match
Angelic Championship

Kraven makes her entrance first, as challenger. She storms into the ring and gets in the face of both the referee as Sarah Russi ... she seems ready for war !

Katarina, the Angelic Champion enters the stage, accompanied by her master, Shelly Martinez. Shelly does an enchantment tantrum on Katarina who seems to be taking it in as she smiles mysteriously at Kraven ...

Poor Sarah Russi – still intimidated by Kraven – is doing the proper in-ring introductions. This will be Katarina’s second title defence, in her 49th days reign.

As Katarina enters the ring, Kraven attacks her immediately. Kraven stomps away at her and sends her into the apron. Kraven sends her into the barricade and clotheslines her down. Kraven sends her into the steel steps and head-butts away at her. Kraven punches away at her and gets in the ring. This match has not officially started yet. The crowd loudly boos Kraven. Katarina slowly gets up, so Kraven goes outside and kicks her in the chest. Kraven sends her headfirst into the ring post before squashing her with a senton splash on the floor.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Katarina inside the ring on her feet. The referee asks if she can fight, and the match officially kicks off. Kraven clotheslines her in the corner and punches her down before digging her knee into her face. Kraven head-butts her and punches away at her. Kraven tries to send her out of the ring, but Katarina reverses it on her. Katarina hits a baseball slide and punches away at her. Katarina then sends Kraven hard into the barricade. Katarina gets her in the ring and punches and kicks her in the corner. Kraven reverses a whip to the corner and avalanches her before hitting a pelé kick in the corner. Kraven talks trash and head-butts her again. Kraven chops the chest protector of Katarina, and Katarina no sells it. Katarina punches back at her and hits the ropes, but Kraven takes her down with a back elbow. Kraven chops her in the back of the neck and kicks her before dropping an elbow for a two count. Kraven hits a few crossfaces and jabs her in the face. Kraven chokes her on the top rope and hits a suplex for a one count. Kraven applies a surfboard stretch, but Katarina fights up and punches out. They trade punches before it turns into a hockey fight. Kraven knees her in the midsection and sends her into the ropes, but Katarina holds on and gives her a back elbow. Katarina punches and head-butts her. Kraven reverses a whip, but Katarina takes her down with a leaping clothesline. Katarina goes for a Frenzy DDT, but Kraven fights out. Katarina sidesteps her in the corner and clubs away at her nine times. Katarina big boots her, but Kraven doesn’t go down. Katarina tries for another Frenzy DDT, but she can’t lift her. Kraven hits an inverted atomic drop, big boots her down, and hits a senton splash for a near fall.

Kraven stalks Katarina while she slowly pulls herself up. Kraven looks into her eyes and punches away at her before raking her boot against her face. Kraven backs up for a big kick, but Katarina lays her out with a Frenzy DDT for a near fall. Katarina sets up for a Strange Occurrences, but Kraven just leaves the ring. Katarina follows her out and hits a Drive By Dropkick. Katarina puts her in the ring and takes her down with a spear. Shelly Martinez is doing some more enchantment chants. Katarina punches her when she gets on the apron. Kraven then knocks Shelly off the apron with a Mountain. Katarina catches her with an enzuigiri and viciously slams her down to execute a Strange Occurrences for a cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3!

Match Result : Katarina (c) wins by Pinfall and remains Angelic Champion

Kraven is furious that she lost the match and is going for Katarina, but the two other Sisters, Brittany Blake and Priscilla Kelly, head out and try to stop the juggernaut, only to get slammed down by her. Katarina and Shelly are now outside the ring, with Katarina clutching her title as they head running to the back. Kraven lets out a primal scream as the show fades out ...

Thank you for watching, see you next week, as Justin and Ashley conclude this show ...

The President is still in his office, watching the security tape of Snow’s abduction, who has on his payroll as his bodyguard. The two masked woman are seen, and he suddenly spots something strange, that he hasn’t seen before. He rewinds the tape and zooms in ... Part of the bodies of the two woman can be seen ... A white arm on one, and a hint of red hair on the other ... The President seems to be on a new lead ...

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.02.03.2017 - Spinelli vs. Purrazzo vs. Ray vs. Huntress

Angelic Championship Wrestling
February 3, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

Inside The President’ office, Nick congratulates KC Spinelli and Xandra Bale on their recent opportunities they achieved in ACW. Especially Xandra, who is really new to the promotion, but also KC, who is an ACW original and really deserves this. They are both entered in the Gold Rush matches and have a shot at Veda and Shanna’s tag team titles. They thank Nick for his opportunities and they say they will make him proud of his promotion ...

Las Sicarias enter the office and shove them aside. Thea and Amanda say to the President that they beat them last week so they should actually be having the title shot, it’s their time to shine in ACW now ... Mercedes Martinez steps up, and comes close to the President and says they are right, it’s time for Las Sicarias to become the start of this promotion, and it’s before all time for her to shine, as the new Angelic Champion. As they leave, she turns around and says make it happen ...

Justin and Ashley welcome us to tonight’s show. We will see the two Square Matches with all them who won their Gold Rush Opportunity matches, to determine which two girls will advance to the Triangle match for the Gold Rush, as last week, the President decided to give Kiera Hogan a bye into the finals. But first, Barbi Hayden, our Cadillac Champion, will be in action ...

Barbi Hayden (w/Ray Lyn) vs. Maria Manic
Singles Match

Barbi Hayden makes her entrance – glamming it up once again – as Maria is already in the ring. She is accompanied by a new face ...

Barbi takes the mic and introduces the new face as being Ray Lyn, her friend and her manager – they air kiss each other, and Ray Lyn seems to be glamming up the place also ...

The referee calls for the bell ...
Barbi works over the left arm of Maria early. Maria with some big arm drags. Barbi with chops to Maria in the corner. Maria fires back with chops of her own. Barbi bails and Ray is comforting her. Maria catches Barbi with a dropkick through the ropes. Barbi catches Maria with a springboard dropkick. Maria avoids a baseball slide from Barbi and connects with a clothesline on the floor. Maria catches Barbi with a moonsault off the barricade.

-Commercial Break-

We return live as Barbi has Maria in a headlock. Maria fights to her feet throwing rights, but then eats a kick to the head from Barbi. Barbi with a big slap to Maria as Maria is sitting up on the top turnbuckle. Barbi pulls off a big snap huricanrana on Maria off the top rope! Maria with a roll up for a two count. Maria catches Barbi with a Maniacal Obsession for a two count. Maria chases Barbi on the outside but Ray blocks her. Back inside, Barbi trips up Maria and goes for the Glam Slam. Maria counters, slaps Barbi on the chest and springboards off the corner planting Barbi with a tornado DDT. Barbi with a roll up to avoid a Glam Slam but gets instead stuck in another headlock. Maria makes it to the bottom rope to break it up. Maria goes for another Maniacal Obsession but Barbi avoids and Maria gets distracted by Ray who is on the apron. Barbi rolls her up from behind ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Barbi Hayden wins by Pinfall

Ray takes the mic and says Barbi once again proved tonight to be the greatest Cadillac Champion ever. Veda Scott’s music hits, as one half of the tag team champions makes her way down the ring, accompanied by Shanna, the other half.

Veda says she would have been still Cadillac Champion if she did not get interrupted by The Sisterhood last summer. And that would’ve made her the greatest Cadillac Champion. Therefore, she challenges Barbi for the title. She gets interrupted by Shanna, who says she actually wants the title shot. They argue a bit, but Veda finally says fine you can have it, mumbling that it won’t matter much anyway ... Ray and Barbi are concerting and Ray responds affirmative, Barbi will grant Shanna a Cadillac title shot, next week !

We see a graphic for next week, hyping up the Kraven/Katarina title match and the Gold Rush Match. Ashley says the first qualifier is next ...

Rebel is backstage, telling everybody how unhappy she is about Kiera getting a bye for the Gold Rush, as she lost all her two matches, and she actually won and didn’t get the bye but still has to qualify ...

Rebel vs. Santana Garret vs. Xandra Bale vs. Priscilla Kelly
Square Match
Gold Rush Qualifier

All are already in the ring, except for Santana, who makes her entrance ...

The referee calls for the bell ...
Xandra immediately goes after Rebel while Santana squares off against Priscilla. Rebel clubs Xandra back, but Xandra starts punching away at her in the corner. Santana floors Priscilla with a running uppercut that takes her out of the ring. Rebel chops Xandra’s chest and applies a side headlock. Priscilla punches away at Santana at ringside. In the ring, Xandra whips Rebel off, but Rebel shoulder blocks her down. Rebel hits the ropes, but Xandra leapfrogs her and takes her down with a dropkick. Santana sends Priscilla hard into the barricade and wipes her out with a summersault senton off the apron.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Rebel and Priscilla stomping Xandra. During the commercial break, Santana and Xandra gave Rebel and Priscilla a double suplex. Rebel chokes Xandra in the corner while Priscilla punches Santana on the apron. Rebel taunts the crowd, but Xandra begins to fight back. Xandra hits the ropes, but Rebel back elbows her down. Priscilla then walks up and gives Xandra a suplex. Rebel claps for Priscilla before connecting with a suplex of her own on Xandra. Priscilla grabs Xandra and gives her a German Suplex before getting in Rebel’s face. Rebel grabs Xandra and goes for a German Suplex, but Xandra fights back. Rebel quickly clubs her in the back of the head before bowing for the crowd. Rebel picks up a near fall. On the apron, Santana starts punching away at Priscilla. Rebel quickly comes in and makes the save by punching her. Priscilla throws Xandra out of the ring and turns back to Santana. Rebel and Priscilla then suplex Santana into the ring. Priscilla covers Santana, but Rebel breaks it up and yells at her. Rebel tries to talk strategy. Rebel catches Santana with a senton splash. Priscilla gives Santana a summersault senton splash.

Xandra gets in the ring and starts punching away at Rebel and Priscilla. Xandra hits the ropes, ducks a clothesline, and goes for a running cross-body block, but Rebel catches her and gives her reverse powerslam. Priscilla breaks up the pin and gives Rebel a back suplex. Priscilla goes to the second rope for a diving head-butt, but Rebel rolls out of the way. Rebel and Priscilla punch away at each other before Santana takes them both out with a cross-body block. Santana gets to her feet and starts the uppercut train on Priscilla and Rebel before giving one to Xandra to be fair. Santana showcases her amazing cardio before going for the Rainbow Kick, but Priscilla puts a stop to it. Priscilla sends her into the ropes, but Santana hangs on and boots her in the face. Santana then gives Priscilla a hip toss over the top rope and goes over with her. Xandra teases a plancha, but Rebel stops it. Xandra gives her a back body drop before giving her a low dropkick to the face. Rebel rolls out of the ring to recover. Xandra then takes out her three opponents with a summersault plancha!

Xandra gets Santana in the ring and goes to the top rope, but Priscilla grabs her foot. Xandra viciously kicks her down before kicking Santana in the face. Xandra gets off a flurry of strikes before dropkicking her in the side of the head. Xandra connects with the  summersault plancha for a near fall.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Rebel punching away at Santana in the corner. Rebel puts her on the top rope and goes for a superplex, but Xandra stops her. Priscilla comes up and gives them the tower of doom spot. Priscilla’s eyes start bugging out of her head as she surveys the carnage in the ring. Priscilla charges Rebel in the corner, but Rebel boots her in the face. Santana quickly follows up on Rebel with a running uppercut. Priscilla wipes Santana out with a spin kick and clubs Xandra, but Xandra takes her out with a pelé kick. Xandra grabs Priscilla, but Rebel takes her out with a torture rack neckbreaker. Santana breaks up the pin, drags Rebel out of the ring, and eats a superkick from Rebel. Rebel quickly goes to the top rope and hits Xandra with a frog splash for a near fall broken up by Priscilla.

Rebel throws Priscilla out of the ring and superkicks her. Rebel surprises Xandra with a Pop-up Powerbomb, but Santana breaks up the pin with a double stomp. Santana rolls Xandra out of the ring and goes for the Shining Star Press on Rebel. Rebel gives her a back body drop, but Santana lands on her feet. Santana ducks a clothesline and connects with a springboard corkscrew uppercut. Santana is starting to feel it now as the crowd cheers her. Santana goes for the Rainbow Kick on Rebel, but Priscilla runs in and superkicks her. Priscilla kicks Rebel in the head and signals for the Widowmaker. Priscilla stomps Rebel and applies it. Santana runs in and drops her with an unbelievable vertical suplex for a near fall. Santana then grabs Priscilla’s legs, but Priscilla fights out and goes for the Widowmaker. Santana immediately rolls through and rolls up Priscilla for a two count. Priscilla kicks Santana in the head, but Santana immediately rebounds with a clothesline that turns Priscilla inside out.

Priscilla looks like she’s been knocked for a loop before trading punches with Santana. Santana then takes Priscilla down and gives her the Shining Star Press before transitioning into a headlock. Rebel runs in and superkicks Santana. Priscilla crawls to the corner, and Rebel connects with a cannonball. Xandra comes in out of nowhere and dropkicks Rebel into Priscilla. Xandra hits the ropes and takes Rebel out with a Xandralizer. Xandra viciously dropkicks Priscilla into the turnbuckle before going to the top rope to hit the Xandralizer once again ... cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Xandra Bale wins by Pinfall and qualifies for the Gold Rush match

Rebel cannot believe it and starts attacking Xandra. Santana tries to hold her back, as Priscilla leaves and as KC Spinelli enters to help her tag partner. Thea and Amanda from Las Sicarias join also as security tries to keep everyone apart ...

Justin and Ashley talk once again about next week, while a graphic is shown, with the Kraven/Katarina title match, Shanna challenging Barbi for the Cadillac title and Xandra and Kiera who are in the Gold Rush match, with still one spot left, which is about to be decided next on ...

KC Spinelli vs. Deonna Purrazzo vs. Kay Lee Ray vs. The Howling Huntress
Square Match
Gold Rush Qualifier

All four are already in the ring, as the referee calls for the bell.

Deonna with a big right hand to The Huntress. Kay Lee sends The Huntress over. Kay Lee takes out The Huntress and Deonna with a suicide dive. KC with a huge leap over the top rope taking everyone out! In the ring, KC plants The Huntress with a tilt-a-whirl scoop slam. KC with a big right hand to The Huntress. The Huntress drives KC face first into the corner. Kay Lee comes flying off the top rope with an elbow to The Huntress.

Deonna breaks that up with uppercuts to Kay Lee and right hands in the corner. Kay Lee with rights of her own and connects with a running bulldog on Deonna. Kay Lee with jabs and chops to Deonna. Deonna drops Kay Lee over her back. KC is back in with shots to Deonna. Kay Lee and Deonna go over the top after KC avoided an RKO from Deonna. The Huntress goes on the attack on KC. The Huntress with big stomps in the corner to KC. KC and Kay Lee work together to drop The Huntress. They fist bump over The Huntress as Kay Lee drops some rights. KC also gets in some rights of her own. Kay Lee with a pulling clothesline on The Huntress. She tells KC to get 2Scoops ready. Kay Lee goes on the attack The Huntress. The Huntress with a big uppercut to Kay Lee and tosses her back in. The Huntress attacks Deonna at ringside. The Huntress with a springboard flying knee that catches Kay Lee for a two count. The Huntress with a corner powerbomb and superkick combo on Kay Lee. Kay Lee with a huge clothesline that drops The Huntress. Kay Lee with shots to The Huntress. KC with a chokeslam on Kay Lee when Kay Lee had The Huntress setup for the Howling Moon.

-Commercial Break-

Deonna pulls The Huntress off the ring apron and KC with a kick to the head of Kay Lee. Deonna then tosses KC away and knocks Kay Lee out. Deonna with a Vendetta on The Huntress. The Huntress drops Deonna off the top rope. Superplex by Deonna on The Huntress. Deonna drops The Huntress back first off the ringside barricade. Deonna starts clearing off the main announce table at ringside next. KC sends Deonna face first into the steel ring post. KC, Kay Lee and The Huntress all start to triple team Deonna as she seems to be the strongest right now. Kay Lee and The Huntress put Deonna on the shoulders of KC. KC puts Deonna through the announce table! Kay Lee and KC immediately attack The Huntress. Kay Lee and KC fight her off. Kay Lee lifts up The Huntress and KC powerbombs The Huntress on the remains of the table, from which Deonna barely can move out. The crowd chants “ONE MORE TIME” and KC yells to pick her up. Kay Lee picks up The Huntress and KC powerbombs her a second time. The Huntress seems to be out for this one. Kay Lee and KC smile at each other.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial after the final break. Kay Lee and KC exchange rights. Kay Lee with a tackle and rights. KC with a roll up. KC holds on and powerbombs Kay Lee! Kay Lee avoids a 2Scoops for a close roll up. KC lands the 2Scoops this time and Kay Lee kicks out. Kay Lee catches KC with a knee blocking a spear. KC connects with a spear. Deonna is back and breaks up the pinfall. KC fights her off. Kay Lee clotheslines KC and Deonna Vendetta’s Kay Lee. Kay Lee gets up and throws KC into the steps. Deonna with a power slam on KC. Deonna trips up Kay Lee who falls on KC. Deonna with a powerslam on Kay Lee and then a DDT through the ropes on KC. Deonna is on fire ! The Huntress gets finally back in the ring and Deonna executes a Vendetta on her ! Cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Deonna Purrazzo wins by Pinfall and qualifies for the Gold Rush match

Everyone seems to be hurt this time, but it is Deonna who gets the upper hand and advances to the Triangle match next week. She could be our first ever two time Gold Rush holder, and this two times in a row ! Tune in to find out next week !

A vignette is shown for next week, Shanna challenges Barbi Hayden for the Cadillac Championship – the Gold Rush Triangle Match between Deonna Purrazzo, Xandra Bale and Kiera Hogan – and ... Kraven challenging Katarina for her Angelic Championship ! Thanks for watching, see you next week !

Before the show ends, we are backstage in The Sisterhoods locker room with the full Sisterhood stable. They talk about next week, as Kraven stroms in and starts attacking Katarina. Brittany and Priscilla try to stop her, but she can easily dispose of the both. Katarina fights back as Shelly yells for Katarina ans clutches the Angelic Championship ... they go on brawling as the show fades out ...

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.01.27.2017 - Garrett vs. Von Eerie

Angelic Championship Wrestling
January 27, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

Justin Roberts and Ashley Massaro welcome us to tonights show. They tell us that The President made tonight’s main event to be Santana Garrett vs. Christina Von Eerie for a Gold Rush Opportunity. But let’s kick it off with this next match ...

Kraven vs. Kay Lee Ray
Singles Match

Kay Lee is already in the ring as the juggernaut Kraven makes her entrance, heading directly on the Kay Lee, not waiting for any introductions or even the bell and hammering right away at her. Sarah Russi quickly leaves the ring as the referee immediately calls for the bell to start this match ...

Kraven with an arm drag toss early on Kay Lee. Kraven catches Kay Lee with a quick dropkick. Kraven catches Kay Lee with a huge kick to the face from the ring apron. Kraven catches Kay Lee with a dropkick as she was getting back inside the ring.

Kraven catches Kay Lee wtih a series of clotheslines. Kraven with a double stomp over the back of Kay Lee. Kraven with a enormous clothesline with a release sending Kay Lee off the top to the mat below. Kraven with a big spin kick that catches Kay Lee. Kraven with The Mountain on Kay Lee ! Cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Kraven wins by Pinfall

Kraven stands once again victorious and ferocious on the winning end, who will be the juggernaut’s next victim be ... ?

-Commercial Break-

Nick is sitting in his office when Kraven storms in and interrupts him. She tells him she will keep destroying everyone on his roster until she gets what she deserves ... which is a title shot against Katarina. And she just started with the bottom of the roster, going her way all up the roster and taking out his best talent ... Nick says okay, you’ll get your title shot, in two weeks against Katarina for the Angelic Championship, you indeed proved you are a big player in this company, but you’ll have to give up you’re Gold Rush opportunity therefore ... She laughs and says she never even cared about that as she leaves ...

Amanda Rodriguez and Thea Trinidad (w/La Rosa Negra, repr/Las Sicarias) vs. KC Spinelli and Xandra Bale
Tag Team Match

Both teams are already in the ring and the referee calls for the bell ...

A brawl breaks out between the two teams. KC clotheslines Thea out of the ring, and Xandra gets Amanda out of the ring. Thea avoids KC at ringside, and KC hits the ring steps. Xandra jumps off the steps, but Amanda punches her out of mid-air. In the ring, KC clubs Thea down. KC then takes Amanda out with an impressive summersault senton plancha. KC gets in the ring and punches Thea out of the ring. KC goes to the apron and kicks Thea away. Thea then boots KC down on the apron. Thea grabs KC and gives her a senton bomb.

-Commercial Break-

Xandra punches her to the corner and avalanches her. Thea powers her to her corner, but Xandra fights them off and gets away. Xandra connects with a back suplex before tagging in KC. Xandra kicks Thea in the chest before KC hits a belly-to-belly overhead suplex. KC chokes her and splashes her on the apron. Amanda charges KC at ringside, but she ducks it. Amanda stumbles her with a pelé kick, and Amanda floors KC with a big boot. Thea stomps away at KC as he gets back in the ring. Amanda tags in, and she clubs away at her before Thea tags back in. Thea boots her in the face and tags in Amanda. Amanda hits a corner clothesline and tags Amanda back in. Amanda hits a corner clothesline for a near fall. Amanda applies a chin lock before dropping some elbows. KC rolls out of the way of one, so Thea is tagged in. KC avoids an elbow drop from Thea as well.

Xandra and Amanda are tagged in. Xandra connects with a springboard chop and knocks Amanda off the apron. Xandra chops Amanda down and connects with a dropkick before hitting a leaping clothesline. Xandra catches her with the Xandralizer before giving Amanda a DDT. Amanda grabs Xandra and sends her to the corner. Amanda avoids a cross-body and goes for the Hitplex, but Xandra counters, but Thea breaks it up. KC runs in and gives her the 2Scoops. Amanda big boots her, and Xandra superkicks her out of the ring. Amanda then floors Xandra with the Hitplex for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Las Sicarias win by Pinfall

La Rosa takes the mic and tells KC and Xandra that because of their loss, they are not worthy of a tag titles shot, and that they should receive it instead. KC and Xandra cannot believe what they just said, and they start hammering on Amanda and Thea. Las Sicarias can barely escape and La Rosa warns them they just signed their death warrant, but KC and Xandra don’t seem to mind ...

Backstage, Shelly Martinez and Kraven drop by Kraven, warning her to watch her back after attacking The Sisterhood (Brittany and Priscilla) last week and destroying them. She says you may be strong but we outnumber you ... Kraven says she should not worry about those two little girls, but more about that witch right there, holding the gold, as is for now, because The President just gave her a shot at Katarina’s title in two weeks. Katarina is surprised and says no way he did this, must be a mistake. Kraven says no no, it’s real and more than normal ... so cherish that title for two more weeks, as she will destroy her competely and become the rightful Angelic Champion ... As she says that, Mercedes Martinez passes by, and looks at Kraven, then at Katarina, and then at the title, and goes on by saying ... watch out girls, two dogs may fight for a bone, but the top dog might get it after all ...

Back inside the place where it all happens ... Justin and Ashley talk about Kraven vs. Katarina in two weeks, for the Angelic Championship. They also mention that The President made two Gold Rush Square matches for next week, in order to determine the final Gold Rush contenders.

Taylor Made vs. Rebel
Singles Match

Taylor Made is already in the ring as Rebel makes her entrance. She seems over confident. Taylor is taunting her ...

The referee calls for the bell ...
Taylor kicks her in the midsection and punches her in the corner. Taylor sends her into the ropes, but Rebel ducks a clothesline and takes her down with a head-scissor takeover. Taylor goes outside, and Rebel follows. Taylor bounces her off the apron and sends her into the barricade, but Rebel takes her out with a moonsault off the barricade.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Taylor applying a chin lock to Rebel. Rebel fights up and punches out of it. Taylor sidesteps an avalanche, but Rebel comes back with an elbow and a boot to the head. Rebel floors her with a cross-body block for a two count. Rebel goes for a suplex, but Taylor counters into a Backstabber for a near fall. Rebel blocks a boot to the face and rolls her up for a two count. Taylor quickly kicks her in the head for a near fall. Taylor sets up for the Cross Arm Breaker, but Rebel fights it. Taylor hits the ropes, and Rebel takes her down with a clothesline. Rebel goes for the Rebellion, but Taylor boots her in the face. Taylor props her up on the top rope, but Rebel fights her off. Taylor quickly comes back with an enzuigiri that puts her in the tree of woe. Taylor goes for the double stomp, but Rebel arm drags her off. Rebel sits up, but Taylor punches her in the back of the head.

All of a sudden, Kiera Hogan comes from the back and attacks Rebel from behind. Taylor is surprised and gets out of the ring. The referee calls for the bell.

Match Result : Rebel wins by DQ

Kiera keeps attacking her and screams at her. Probably she is mad at Rebel and returning the favour from last week. But that doesn’t interest Taylor, as she lost the match due to Kiera’s actions, so she goes on to attack her. Rebel gets her breath back and they double team Kiera. The locker room comes out to keep them off Kiera ...

-Commercial Break-

Time for our main event !

Santana Garrett (w/Amber Gallows) vs. Christina Von Eerie
Singles Match
Gold Rush Opportunity

Sarah Russi introduces the two contenders. First in is Christina Von Eerie, followed by Santana – which is accompanied by Amber Gallows - , who gets a big hand from the crowd ...

This match will be for the eighth and final Gold Rush Opportunity, and next week, two Square Matches will be held to determine which two Angels will be competing for the Gold Rush Medal.

The referee calls for the bell ...
The bell rings, and they circle the ring. Santana kicks her and sends her to the apron. Christina slides under Santana and sends her out of the ring. Santana gets back in the ring. Santana stomps her down in the corner and chops her. Christina avoids a cross-body, and Santana flies out of the ring. Christina kicks her in the head as she gets back in the ring and stomps away at her. Christina punches her in the corner and sends her into the ropes. Santana goes for the Rainbow Kick, but Christina gets out and leaves the ring. Santana sends her over the top rope. As she gets back in the ring, Santana hits with a clothesline and covers for a two count.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Christina going for a superplex, but Santana fights her off. Santana comes off the top rope, but Christina moves. Santana goes for a Shining Star Press. Santana ducks a kick and rolls her up for a two count. Christina quickly sends Santana back out of the ring. Christina connects with a kneeling DDT for a near fall. Christina starts kicking Santana in the chest. Christina goes for the big roundhouse, but Santana counters into a roll-up for a two count. Santana punches away at her and charges, but Christina sends her out of the ring. Santana snaps Christina off the top rope and comes off the top rope with a Shining Star Press for a near fall.

Santana connects with a pair of running forearms and clotheslines Christina over the top rope. Santana punches away at Christina and gets her in the ring. Christina executes a Graveyard Smash, for a near fall ! Christina starts doing the running dropkicks in the corner before Santana drops her over the top rope. Santana gets Christina in the ring. The crowd chants, “This is awesome.” Christina rolls Santana up, but Santana rolls through for a two count. Christina kicks Santana back, but Santana rebounds with the Rainbow Kick. Santana covers, but Christina kick out at two. Christina rolls her up and tries to get her feet on the ropes, but Santana kicks out. Santana immediately follows up with the Shining Star Press for the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Santana Garret wins by Pinfall and earns a Gold Rush Opportunity

Thank you for watching and see you next week !

We are inside Nick’s office, when Kiera Hogan enters, as she has been summoned by him – against her will. He says he know what happened tonight with her attacking Rebel. And he knows why she did it – because of Rebel doing the same to her last week. Therefore, he won’t be sanctioning her, in fact, because she lost last week due to external interference, and therefore could’nt win a Gold Rush Opportunity, he give her a Gold Gold Rush Opportunity, which is a bye to get to the final round of this Gold Rush Tournament, for in two weeks, she will compete in a Gold Rush Triangle Match, against the two winners of next week ! Kiera says she does not want to be helped like that and can do it on her own, but he hushes her and says she deserves it, and he has big plans for her. As he gets closer to her and gently kisses her ...

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.01.20.2017 - Von Eerie vs. Katarina

Angelic Championship Wrestling
January 20, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

Justin Roberts and Ashley Massaro welcome us to tonight’s show, as we head right into the middle where our President is about to make a statement.

He welcomes everyone to the show as well, and wants to talk about what happened last week, the disappearing of Snow, his personal guard. He saw the safety footage and was astonished to see what happened. The video is been shown. He tells two masked women have abducted Snow and she hasn’t been seen yet since, nor have the abductors let hear anything of themselves. But he is angered, and puts everyone on notice, nobody touches the authority without getting away with it unpunished. Therefore, he gives one last chance to the abducters to reveal theirselves and their motives, and to release Snow. If they do so, no repercussions will follow. But if they remain quiet, he will hunt them down and make them pay ...

The titantron goes on and the two masked girls appear on the screen. Nick is seething. They abducted Snow for only one reason, not because they have beef with her... but because they have a problem with ... The President ! And he can make threats all he wants, they don’t care, and will reveal their demands shortly ... as the screen goes black again ... The President screams that they had their chance to show their faces ... this means war and he drops the mic and heads right to the back ...

Justin and Ashley talk about what just happened and hype the main event, Christina Von Eerie getting her rematch for the Angelic Championship against the current champion, Katarina.

Thea Trinidad is backstage and meets with Las Sicarias. La Rosa greets her and introduces Thea to Amanda and Mercedes as the newest member of their stable. Amanda and Mercedes welcome her with open arms as they hug her. La Rosa says she has those same Puerto Rican roots that make out this great powerful group of women, that should strife for more, more opportunities and more gold. With the addition of Thea, they are able to do that and give head to the concurrence, such as The Sisterhood. Therefore she says Thea and Amanda should challenge for the tag team titles. She turns to Mercedes, as for her, bigger plans are in her path ... as she should be entered into the Angelic Championship picture ... They all agree on that and Mercedes seems pleased with that ... La Rosa goes on saying, let’s make work of that girls, as they head off ...

Kiera Hogan vs. Kay Lee Ray
Singles Match
Gold Rosh Opportunity

Kay Lee is already in the ring as she looks ready for a fight ...

Kiera enters the scene, saying no with her head ... this match came about as The President – who seems to be favouring her – has given her another opportunity to win a Gold Rush match ticket, which she actually lost last week ... It seems she doesn’t want to be pushed like that from the boss himself ...

-Commercial Break-

We join the match in progress live as Kiera is hitting Kay Lee with shots in the corner. Kay Lee responds with a shoulder tackle in the other corner. Kay Lee gets an abdominal stretch applied on Kiera and starts spanking her butt. Kay Lee catches Kiera with an elbow and gets a two count. They brawl to the outside and Kiera pushes her over at ringside. Back inside, Kiera catches Kay Lee with a big boot. Kiera mounts Kay Lee and throws some big right hands. Kiera drops elbows over Kay Lee. Kiera has Kay Lee up on her shoulder and drops her back down face first getting a close two count. Kiera with a quick scoop slam on Kay Lee. Kiera hits the ropes and drops a leg over Kay Lee for another two count. Kiera has Kay Lee in an abdominal stretch of her own. Kay Lee fights out and connects with clotheslines. Kay Lee with a belly-to-belly suplex on Kiera. Kay Lee shakes the hips, hits the ropes and splashes over Kiera ... cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Kay Lee Ray wins by Pinfall and receives a Gold Rush Opportunity

From the back , Rebel comes running an and attacking Kiera ! Kay Lee doesn’t care and only thinks about the Gold Rush as she leaves the two at it. Why is Rebel attacking Kiera? What did she ever to do her ? Security has to keep them apart ... Rebel screams “you won’t ever have him !”

Justin and Ashley tell us we still have a huge main event to come, Christina vs. Katarina, for the Angelic Championship !

Nick is in his office and witnessed what just happened between Rebel and Kiera. Someone knocks on his door as het says come in. It is Santana Garrett and she begs him for a Angelic title shot against Katarina. He says, Christina still has the rematch. She asks for a title opportunity to be next in line then, she proved her worth’s worth in the big tournament last year, and she wants to headline ... He thinks for a moment and then says she won’t get a straight title shot, but he will help her, by putting her in a Gold Rush Opportunity match, next week ... she doubts a bit but eventually accepts it ... They shake hands, but Nick doesn’t let go and draws her close to him as he says “don’t make me regret pushing you” ...

Back inside the squared circle, Barbi Hayden, our Cadillac Champion, is awaiting us, glamming up the place as always ...

She has a mic and talks about how she is the greatest Cadillac Champion ever at ACW, as she is from today on officially the longest reigning Cadillac Champion with 119 days ... Amanda Rodriguez interrupts her, saying she is not quite yet the longest reigning, as she herself has 119 days on that list ! Only way to make sure who is the better of the two, is for Barbi putting that title on the line ! If I win, that’ll make me a two time Cadillac Champion, if you win you’ll become the longest-reigning .. what do you think of it ? Barbi accepts and says not only she will win, she will become the officially longest-reigning and most glamourous champion this company has ever seen ... This match is on !

Amanda Rodriguez vs. Barbi Hayden (c)
Singles Match
Cadillac Championship

In promptu title match, which will be Barbi’s sixth defense, in a tying 119 day with Amanda ! Whoever wins this match will become the longest-reigning Cadillac Champion.

They lock up, and Barbi wrenches the arm. Amanda twists out and takes her down. Barbi rolls out, but Amanda keeps her grounded. Barbi fights up, so Amanda applies a hammerlock. Barbi quickly gets to the ropes and gets out of the ring. Barbi gets back in the ring, and they lock up again. Barbi bends her back, but Amanda fights up and bends her back. Amanda stomps the midsection. Barbi fights up and kicks her back before applying a side headlock. Amanda whips her off, leapfrogs her, drops down, and dropkicks her in the face. Amanda then poses for the crowd and taunts Barbi. Amanda puts her in the corner and punches away at her. Amanda connects with a backbreaker for a two count. Amanda has a whip reversed, and Barbi turns her inside out with a knee to the midsection. Barbi punches away at her before going for a hip toss, but Amanda counters into a Hitplex. Barbi immediately gets to the ropes. Barbi rolls her up, but Amanda rolls through and viciously forearms her in the face for a near fall. Amanda punches her back before having a whip reversed to the corner. Amanda boots her in the face and sets up for another Hitplex. Barbi then big boots her in the face and knocks her to the floor.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Barbi applying a surfboard stretch. Amanda fights up and knocks her to the corner. Barbi reverses a whip to the corner and starts giving her corner dropkicks. Barbi connects with her patented corner clothesline. Barbi goes to the top rope, but Amanda counters into a bulldog attempt. Barbi fights out, but Amanda tries again for it. Barbi thumbs her in the eye and hits a DDT for a two count. Amanda counters the Glam Slam into a roll-up for a two count. Amanda kicks her away and gives her a pelé kick that knocks her out of the ring. Amanda knees her in the face and grabs her at ringside. Amanda then throws Barbi down and is about to hit the Hitplex ... but Barbi counters with another Glam Slam ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Barbi Hayden (c) wins by Pinfall and remains Cadillac Champion

Amanda wants to shake Barbi’s hand ... and then attacks her ! Barbi may be the official longest reigning Cadillac champion, but Amanda does not want this to slide just like that ... she keeps on attacking Barbi until security comes out to break them up ... La Rosa also comes out and tries to calm Amanda ... Barbi looks on smiling and holds her title high, as she indeed becomes officially the longest-reigning Cadillac Champion with 119+ days ...

A graphic is shown for the Angelic title main event ...

Rebel enters Nick’s office as she has been summoned by him due to what transpired earlier tonight. He wants to know why she attacked Kiera, after her match. She comes closer to him almost in his face, and hushes him, as she kisses him. Nick doesn’t know what to do anymore as she seductively leaves his office ...

Kraven vs. Maria Manic
Singles Match

Maria is already in the ring as Kraven makes her entrance ,going directly inside the ring and attacking Maria just like that ...

The referee calls for the bell ... Kraven goes right on to it, delivering clothesline after clothesline, really squashing up poor Maria who can do nothing about it, but undergo it ... the referee wants to break this match up but gets tossed away by the referee, who ultimately calls for the bell ...

Match Result : No Contest

Kraven doesn’t mind the bell and keeps squashing poor Maria ... for the third time tonight, security has to come out, and barely can hold back Kraven, so more agents are needed as we fade out ...

A shot from the mental hospital Leva Bates is in. We get a close up from her room she is in and the room is getting lit ... all the walls are written ... with Tessa’s name ... Leva is giggling and whispering Tessa’s name through her teeths ...

Back inside the ring ... Main event time !

Christina Von Eerie vs. Katarina (c) (w/Shelly Martinez, repr/The Sisterhood)
Singles Match
Angelic Championship

Christina Von Eerie, the former champion, makes her entrance first. She is cashing in her rematch clause.

Next on, The Sisterhood makes their entrance, Katarina, the new Angelic Champion, accompanied by Shelly Martinez, The Sisterhood’s leader.

Sarah Russi makes the proper in-ring introductions. This is Katarina’s first title defence in her 28-days reign.

They circle the ring slowly before locking up. Katarina quickly applies a hammerlock, but Christina takes her down and connects with a snapmare for a no count. Katarina gets on the apron to take a breath. Christina lays out across the turnbuckles. Katarina gets back in the ring and locks hands with her. Katarina twists the arm, but Christina rolls through. Christina takes her down with a headlock, but Katarina fights up and applies a side headlock. Christina whips her off, but Katarina shoulder blocks her down. Katarina hits the ropes, and Christina connects with a pair of arm drags. Katarina gets out of the ring to recover. Katarina takes her time before getting back in. Katarina kicks her and stomps her down in the corner. Katarina sends her into the ropes, but Christina takes her down and punches away at her. Katarina quickly kicks her, but Christina reverses a whip. Christina lowers her head and eats a kick. Christina ducks a clothesline and clotheslines her over the top rope. Christina drives her headfirst into the barricade. Katarina punches her and tosses her into the ring, but Christina comes back with a rebound clothesline. Christina then takes her out with a clothesline off the apron.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Katarina punching Christina to the corner. Katarina viciously whips her hard into the corner and stomps the hand. Katarina twists the hand in directions its not supposed to bend. Katarina connects with a snapmare before kicking her in the back. Katarina drops a knee before applying a chin lock. Christina fights up and arm drags her. Katarina quickly comes back with a reverse STO into the turnbuckle for a near fall. Katarina kicks her in the head before ripping at the face. Katarina immediately comes back with a sling shot for a near fall. Katarina covers her again for the same result. Katarina applies a Cobra Clutch, but Christina fights up. They then take each other out with a double running cross-body.

Katarina powers her into the corner and hits a running forearm. Katarina connects with it a second time, but Christina follows her to the corner for the third one. Christina quickly hits the ropes, but Katarina boots her in the face. Katarina kicks her in the face a few times, but she misses a final big kick. Christina jabs and chops her before head-butting her. Christina hits the ropes, but Katarina gives her an enzuigiri. Katarina counters a rebound clothesline and connects with a turnbuckle powerbomb. Christina is out on her feet and instinctively just connects with the Graveyard Slam ! The referee counts, but Katarina gets her foot on the bottom rope at the last second.

Katarina quickly rolls out of the ring to recover. Christina tells Shelly to keep quiet because she’ll find out why she should be the champion again. Christina chases Katarina to the apron, and Katarina goes for a Strange Occurrences. Christina clotheslines her back into the ring and goes to the top rope. Christina comes off the top rope, but Katarina kicks her in the midsection and connects with a Frenzy DDT for a near fall! A “Holy Shit” chant fires up. Katarina goes for a second Frenzy DDT, but Christina takes her down with a jackknife pin for a near fall. Katarina quickly kicks her, but Christina turns her inside out with a rebound clothesline. Christina goes to the top rope, but Katarina scales the ropes for a superplex. Christina is a bit stumbled. As she gets back on her feet, Katarina connects with a devastating Strange Occurrences ! She hooks the leg ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Katarina (c) wins by Pinfall and remains Angelic Champion

Shelly celebrates with Katarina, as Priscilla and Brittany come out too. But Kraven comes out too ! She heads right for the champion as she seemingly is out to destroy Katarina, but Katarina is wise and gets out of the way, as Priscilla and Brittany try to protect their champion. Katarina and Shelly wisely get out of the ring, and Kraven takes out her anger on Priscilla and Brittany, who both get piledrived ! And she’s not done ... Christina gets barely up on her feet, as she too gets a piledrive from Kraven ! My god, she is out for destruction. She looks on to Katarina and Shelly as they look on in fear and Katarina holds the Angelic Championship belt very close to her ...

Thanks for watching everyone ! See you next week !

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.01.13.2017 - Garrett vs. Hayden

Angelic Championship Wrestling
January 13, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

Around Nick’s office, The President is looking for Snow but cannot seem to find her and wonders where she could be ... he stops by KC and Xandra and ask them if they have seen her ... they respond in the negative as he carries on ...

Justin Roberts and Ashley Massaro welcome us to Angelic Championship Wrestling.

Rebel vs. Stormie Lee
Singles Match

Winner gets a Gold Rush Opportunity

Rebel makes her way to the ring, and introduces her opponent of her choosing, as sanctioned by our dear beloved President as she literally states ...

Stormie Lee’s music hits and she makes her entrance, as Rebel’s opponent.

The bel rings ...
Stormie with kicks to the legs of Rebel early. Rebel blocks a big kick and throws Stormie down on the mat. Rebel with a big forearm shot to the back of Stormie. Rebel with a splash in the corner on Stormie and then a big clothesline. Rebel cuts off another comeback attempt by Stormie tossing her to the corner and then dropping an elbow. Stormie with a jawbreaker, repeated jumping clotheslines, kick to the face and Rebel cuts off Stormie planting her hard on the mat. Rebel tosses Stormie to the outside.

-Commercial Break-

We return live and Stormie catches Rebel with a kick to the back of the head on the outside. Stormie jumps back in, hits the ropes and hits a suicide dive. Stormie is back in, so is Rebel and Stormie catches her with a knee to the head. Stormie with a superkick, cover and Rebel powers out with a kick out at the one count. Stormie comes off the top and catches Rebel with a flying knee to the head. Rebel stays up, Stormie jumps off the top again and Rebel catches her sending her to the corner. Stormie attempts a Blockbuster and Rebel counters pushing Stormie back to the top turnbuckle. Stormie gets Rebel off the corner and connects with a frog splash for a two count. Stormie catches Rebel with another knee to the head from the ring apron. Stormie gets up on the top turnbuckle, jumps and Rebel moves causing Stormie to crash into the ring barricade. Rebel gets back in, but Stormie is still trying to recuperate. The referee begins the count and eventually reaches 10. He calls for the bell.

Match Result : Rebel wins by Count Out and earns a Gold Rush Opportunity

Nick is still looking for Snow backstage ... he gets to Christina Von Eerie whom he asks it too also, but she doesn’t seem to care ... he warns her to get ready for her match next week against Katarina ... as he goes on, The Sisterhood comes up to Christina, taunting her. She has a rematch next week against Katarina for the Angelic Championship ...

KC Spinelli and Xandra Bale vs. Amanda Rodriguez and Mercedes Martinez (w/La Rosa Negra, repr/Las Sicarias)
Tag Team Match
#1 Contenders for the Tag Team Championship

Both teams are already in the ring. The President gave the former number one contenders KC and Xandra this new opportunity to be able to challenge Veda and Shanna again, due to their effort last week ...

Mercedes will start the match against KC. Mercedes quickly kicks and clubs her down. Mercedes head-butts her down and sends her into the ropes. KC ducks a pair of clotheslines, and Xandra tags in. Xandra dropkicks Mercedes down. Amanda runs in, and KC dropkicks her down. Xandra covers Mercedes for a one count. Xandra shoulders Mercedes in the corner before slamming her down for a one count. Xandra applies a front facelock and rolls around with her. Mercedes fights up and powers her to the corner. Amanda tags in, and she kicks and punches away at Xandra. Xandra puts the brakes on a toss into the corner and goes for a suplex, but Amanda counters. Amanda applies a side headlock. KC blind tags in and takes Amanda down. Amanda elbows out of a waistlock and tags Mercedes back in. Mercedes rakes KC’s face on the ropes and puts her on the top rope. Mercedes taunts the crowd, so KC hooks an arm bar over the top rope. KC comes off the second rope into a one-armed slam attempt from Mercedes, but KC gets out. Mercedes immediately goes for the Hitplex, but KC counters into a near fall. KC quickly gets her out of the ring and comes off the apron with a summersault senton. KC gets Mercedes in the ring and ducks a clothesline from Amanda. KC gets in the ring, hits the ropes, and gets wiped out by a body block from Mercedes for a near fall. Amanda tags back in, and she throws KC out of the ring. Amanda then gives her a back suplex on the barricade. Amanda scoops her back up and repeats the move. Amanda gets her in the ring and covers for a near fall. Amanda tags Mercedes in. Mercedes hits a modified rib-breaker on KC for a near fall. Mercedes then applies a chin lock. KC soon fights up, but Mercedes slams her down. Amanda is tagged back in, and she gives her a slingshot suplex for a near fall. Amanda drags her to her corner and tags Mercedes back in. Mercedes stomps her and taunts the crowd. KC gives her a jawbreaker, but Mercedes sends her into the ropes. KC rolls under her and tags in Xandra.

Xandra hits Mercedes with a clothesline and knocks Amanda off the apron. Xandra gives Mercedes a t-bone suplex and gives Amanda a back suplex. Xandra shoulders Amanda before shouldering Mercedes for a near fall. Xandra goes to the top rope, but La Rosa Negra gets on the apron. Mercedes quickly attacks Xandra from behind. Amanda is tagged in, and she gives Xandra a front suplex onto the top rope. Xandra falls out of the ring in pain.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Xandra grounded in a headlock applied by Amanda. Xandra fights up, but Amanda takes her down and chokes her on the middle rope. Mercedes tags in and viciously clotheslines her in the corner for a near fall. Mercedes immediately follows up with a senton splash for another near fall. Mercedes punches away at her and shouts at her to “stay down.” Mercedes puts her in the corner and charges, but Xandra clotheslines her down.

Amanda and KC are tagged in. KC hits Amanda with a cross-body block and punches Mercedes down. KC hits a northern lights suplex before punching her in the corner. KC then leaps off the second rope to take Mercedes down before she interferes. KC gives Amanda a German Suplex with a bridge, but Mercedes breaks it up. Xandra runs in, but Mercedes gets her out of the ring. KC then pulls the top rope down to get Mercedes out of the ring. KC forearms Amanda and gives her a diving clothesline off the top rope for a near fall. La Rosa gets on the apron to distract the referee. Amanda rakes the eyes and accidentally sends KC into La Rosa. Amanda then gives KC a nasty draping DDT. KC sends Amanda into La Rosa before rolling her up ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : KC Spinelli and Xandra Bale win by Pinfall and ear a Tag Team title shot

Las Sicarias cannot believe they lost another title opportunity. Amanda wants to go for KC and Xandra, but Mercedes and La Rosa hold her back. But from the back the champs come and attack Las Sicarias ... KC and Xandra quietly go to the back as they celebrate with the crowd ...

Nick is still looking for Snow as he finds her mask in one of the corridors ... he says that this isn’t normal and something must have happened to her ... he goes off for the security room ... as Rebel stops by and asks him if he saw her match. He responds he has not had time to watch as he is looking for Snow who seems to be lost ... Rebel looks a bit disappointed ...

We get a shot of the mental hospital where Leva resides at the moment ... she is with a doctor and he asks her what happened ... she smiles and tells a story about a little girl who wanted to grow up to become a champion, and searching for love ... all that got taken away from her by another little girl named Tessa ... She tells how she will eventually rip her head off and do the worsest things to her as she goes lunatic and berserk and medics have to come in and restrain her and inject her to calm her ... she gets carried away as she sings Tessa’s name ... The doctor doesn’t know how to handle this case ...

Kiera Hogan vs. The Howling Huntress
Singles Match
Winner gets a Gold Rush Opportunity

A big introduction is being done for Kiera Hogan, who makes her way down the ring for her debut. She will be facing The Howling Huntress for a Gold Rush opportunity. The Huntress is already in the ring.

We start with Kiera getting a takedown on The Huntress. The Huntress is locking up the ankles of Kiera and drops her down face first. Kiera dumps The Huntress out. The Huntress is back in and Kiera gives her a scoop slam against the ropes. Kiera with a nasty sounding clothesline on The Huntress from the second rope. The Huntress is up in the tree of woe with her feet in the air in the corner kicking away at Kiera. The Huntress with repeated uppercuts to Kiera. The Huntress with a big headbutt to Kiera and then connects with a running dropkick in the corner on Kiera. The Huntress gets the cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : The Howling Huntress wins by Pinfall and ears a Gold Rush Opportunity

The Huntress is taunting Kiera as she goes to the back. Kiera seems a bit saddened about her debut loss. Out from the back, an escort from The President comes to aid and assist Kiera in a gallantly way ...

As Nick is going to the security room to go see the security tapes to see what happened to Snow, he gets interrupted by Deonna ... Deonna asks for a Gold Rush Opportunity as she was a former Gold Rush holder ... Nick doesn’t really has time he says but she keeps on insisting, playing on his feelings ... He eventually agrees (just to be able to carry on) and gives her a bye for the Gold Rush ... she thanks him and kisses him on the cheeck but he does not really seem to care as he goes on for the security room ...

Kraven is backstage and seems quite enraged ... she still wants a title shot that she thinks she so deserves ... Maria Manic comes by and says hi, she shouldn’t have done that ! Kraven is so full of aggressivity that she takes Maria and executes a Mountain on her ... she goes on continuing being aggressive by tearing up the locker room ...

Time for our main event !

Santana Garrett (w/Amber Gallows) vs. Barbi Hayden (c)
Singles Match
Cadillac Championship

Santana, the challenger, makes her way down the ring, backed up by Amber. Barbi, the Champion, follows next, glamming it up once again ...

Sarah Russi does the proper in-ring introductions, mentionning this will be Barbi’s fifth title defense in 112 days.

The bell rings and both Santana and Barbi lock up. Santana with a headlock. Barbi counters into a headlock of her own and connects with a big shoulder tackle. Santana with body shots to Barbi and follows with a quick uppercut. Barbi with a spin kick to Santana in the corner and then slingshots herself back in connecting with Santana. Barbi with a rolling senton to Santana, hits the ropes and drops a knee. Santana levels Barbi with a clothesline on the outside. Santana catches Barbi with a kick to the face as Barbi was getting back up on the top turnbuckle.

-Commercial Break-

We return live as both Santana and Barbi are exchanging punches. Santana catches Barbi with a knee in the corner. Barbi with a high knee to Santana on the ring apron and then connects with her forearm to the chest against the ropes. Barbi dropkicks Santana to the back and then tosses her back inside the ring. Barbi with a diving clothesline from the top rope on Santana for a two count. Santana with a swift kick to the back of Barbi for a two count. Barbi plants Santana with a powerslam. Santana plants Barbi down face first on the mat and Barbi kicks out. Amber is getting on the apron and is cheering for Santana. This is distracting Barbi who goes for a swing at Amber. Santana goes for the Shining Star Press as Barbi turns around, but she moves out of the way and connects a Glam Slam for a cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Barbi Hayden (c) wins by Pinfall and remains Cadillac Champion

Amber is helping Santana back up as she and Barbi swaps trash talk ... Santana is not happy and yells she deserves an Angelic title shot, she deserves to be at a higher level ...

Kraven comes out and attacks Santana from the back yelling she deserves an Angelic shot ! Amber tries to stop her but she Mountains Amber ! Barbi retreats but Kraven goes after her and gives her also a Mountain ... Kraven has the mic and yells she will destroy everyone she encounters untill she gets what she deserves, and is warning Nick and Katarina ...

Justin and Ashley thank us for watching tonight and announce next week will be Christina Von Eerie vs. Katarina in a rematch for the Angelic Championship. See you next week !

Nick finally enters the security room ... He asks the agents to let them show last night’s tape and shows them Snow’s mask. They agree and the tape is put on ...

We see Nick’s office yesterday night, after Nick has left the office. Snow is still standing in front of the office but also is about to leave as she heads to the locker room. The agents switch to the corridor cam going to the locker rooms. Snow is seen walking to the lockers ... suddenly she gets hit from behind by two masked women. It is not possible to make out who they are ... Snow tries to defend herself as possible as can, and puts up a good fight, but eventually the numbers come in ... and she gets knocked unconscious only to be dragged away by the two masked women ...

We get a close up on Nick’s face as we see the rage that builds inside him, as the show fades out ...

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.01.06.2017 - Garrett vs. Kraven

Angelic Championship Wrestling
January 6, 2017
From Detroit, Michigan

Justin Roberts and Ashley Massaro welcome us to Angelic Championship Wrestling.

Rebel vs. Katarina (w/Shelly Martinez repr/The Sisterhood)
Singles Match
Gold Rush Opportunity

Rebel makes her way down to the ring. She has asked the President a match to get put in the Gold Rush match. Unfortunately for her, he has put her in a match with the Angelic Champion, Katarina, who makes her entrance next, accompanied by Shelly Martinez.

So if Rebel wins, she gets a Gold Rush opportunity, but if Katarina wins, Priscilla Kelly gets the opportunity.

The bell rings, and Rebel quickly connects with some right hands. Rebel knees her out of the ring and takes her down at ringside with a plancha. Rebel quickly gets her in the ring, but Katarina just as quickly rolls out. Rebel floors her with a second plancha. Rebel chops the chest and puts her in the ring before pulling her back out. Katarina fights back, but Rebel continues chopping her. Katarina quickly knees her and sends her into the barricade. Katarina gets in the ring and stomps Rebel while she comes back in. Katarina taunts the crowd before punching Rebel in the back of the head. Katarina chops the chest, but Rebel comes back with more chops. Katarina kicks her and punches her in the midsection. Rebel kicks her back and hits a snapmare. Rebel hits the ropes and kicks her in the chest for a one count. Rebel wrenches the arm and snaps it. Katarina punches her down and kicks her in the back. Katarina talks some trash and stomps her before taunting the crowd some more. Katarina chops her to the corner before sending her to the opposite corner. Rebel quickly boots her in the face and comes off the second rope with a blockbuster neckbreaker for a two count.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Rebel trapped in a chin lock. Rebel fights up, but Katarina takes her down and connects with a senton splash for a two count. During the commercial, Katarina gave her a big DDT. Katarina stomps Rebel’s midsection and kicks her in the face. Katarina continues to talk trash to her. Rebel punches back at her and hits the ropes, but Katarina gives her a back body drop over the top rope. Katarina tells the referee to count Rebel out. Rebel gets on the apron, but Katarina punches her back to ringside. Katarina goes outside and tries for a cannonball against the barricade, but Rebel moves. Both angels get back in the ring at six.

They trade chops, punches, and kicks before Katarina kicks Rebel in the knee. Katarina tries for the Strange Occurrences, but Rebel flies over her and gives her an enzuigiri. Rebel punches some feeling into her knee. Rebel hits a pair of running forearms before Katarina avalanches her. Katarina goes for a cannonball, but Rebel gives her a reverse STO into the turnbuckle. Rebel then follows up with a Sling Blade. Rebel kicks her and goes for a Rebellion, but Katarina counters out. Rebel pulls the top rope down to get Katarina out of the ring. Rebel then connects with a suicide dive. Rebel knocks Katarina into the timekeeper’s area and punches away at her. Rebel gets into the ring and leaves to break the count. When Rebel returns, Katarina hits her with the Frenzy DDT and goes for the cover ...

Out from the back, Christina Von Eerie, the number one contender to Katarina, comes out and tries to interfere, but Brittany Blake comes out too and attacks her so Christina has no chance attacking Katarina ... Katarina is not even distracted by this, and hits the Frenzy DDT on Rebel ... cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Katarina wins by Pinfall

This means Priscilla will get a Gold Rush opportunity. Rebel is unhappy as she scuffs to the back. Christina also retreats and Priscilla joins The Sisterhood who taunt them while celebrating in the ring ...

We see a shot of a mental hospital. Close up to one of the white rooms, only to show us Leva Bates restrained in a jacket with her arms on her back ... she rants on about Tessa Blanchard, who has taken her Cadillac rematch from her, and who she frantically attacked last week ... it seems she has lost it ... a doctor comes in and she goes wild, and medics restrain her and she is given a sedative ... she quietly keeps on saying Tessa's name until she falls asleep ...

Rebel storms in Nick’s office. Snow is trying to hold her back, but Nick says it’s okay. Rebel says she is unhappy and found it unfair that she got put in a match with the champion, in order for her to get the Gold Rush opportunity. Nick calms her down, which works, and says that he did it for her, imagine if she would defeat Katarina, she wouldn’t even need the Gold Rush opportunity, as she would be automatically a contender to Katarina. Rebel likes that idea and admits it was a good idea of him. But, in an adjusted and seductive way, she adds, she hopes he puts her in another match for a Gold Rush opportunity, but this time, why not let her pick her opponent, as she plays with his tie ... Nick is a bit uncomfortable but immediately agrees and says she gets her match next week against an opponent of her choise. She thanks him by kissing him on his cheeck. He is blushing ... Snow is rolling her eyes ...

Justin Roberts and Ashley Massaro inform us that Tessa Blanchard, due to the attack by Leva, will be out for about 2 months. A new Cadillac number one contender has therefore to be chosen ...

KC Spinelli and Xandra Bale vs. Veda Scott and Shanna (c’s)
Tag Team Match
Tag Team Championship

Veda and Shanna are already in the ring. They will be defending for the seventh time in their 189 days reign.

Xandra and KC make their entrance to a huge reception. They are the fan favourites and underdogs ...

Sarah Russi makes the in-ring introductions for this title match and the challengers want to shake the champs hands ... but instead they attack them and the referee calls for the bell ...

KC will start the match against Veda. They trade right hands before KC knocks her to the corner and chops the chest. Veda reverses a whip to the corner, but KC slingshots over her, ducks a clothesline, and takes her out with a sloppy Sling Blade. Xandra tags in, and she connects on Veda with a running forearm. Xandra chops the chest a few times before hitting the ropes, but Veda lays her out with a dropkick. Veda punches her down in the corner and tags in Shanna. Shanna punches away at her before sending her into the ropes. Xandra ducks a forearm, but Shanna grabs her. Xandra gets out and gives her an enzuigiri. KC is tagged in, and both the challengers connect with running forearms. Xandra tags back in, and Shanna turns her inside out with a clothesline for a near fall. Shanna forearms her in the head. Shanna stomps Xandra down in the corner and tags Veda back in. Veda stretches the injured shoulder out before dropping three knees on it for a near fall. Veda applies an arm bar, but Xandra fights up and gets out with an arm bar. Xandra punches her in the face. Veda reverses a whip and clotheslines her down for a near fall. Shanna tags back in, and she punches away at Xandra, who looks like she’s out on her feet. Shanna knees her in the head before dropping some elbows for a two count. Shanna knocks KC off the apron before ripping at Xandra’s face. Veda is tagged in, and she goes outside to club Xandra in the chest. Veda gets in the ring and picks up a two count. Veda reapplies the arm bar before hitting an arm breaker for a two count. Shanna tags back in, and she punches Xandra down. Shanna stretches the arm out over the ropes before clubbing her down. Shanna applies a wristlock before putting her on the top rope. Xandra elbows her back and kicks Veda down. Shanna then pushes her off the top rope into the barricade as we go to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Shanna shove Xandra into the corner to punch her down. Shanna sends her to the opposite corner, but she runs into a boot. Xandra then goes to the second rope and takes her out with a missile dropkick.

KC and Veda are tagged in. KC clotheslines her down before knocking Shanna off the apron. KC hits another clothesline on Veda before giving her an uppercut. KC then connects with a Samoan Drop. KC hits a running hip toss before pulling the top rope down to get Shanna out of the ring. KC goes for a running plancha, but Veda takes her out with a vicious clothesline. Veda dropkicks Xandra to the floor. Shanna big boots Xandra down on the floor before sending her over the barricade. KC then takes Shanna out with a suicide dive. Veda clubs KC and sends her into the ring post. Veda puts her in the ring and tags in Shanna. Shanna big boots her down before tagging Veda back in. Veda connects the Veda Bomb ! Cover ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Veda Scott and Shanna (c’s) win by Pinfall and remain Tag Team Champions

As the champs leave, they trash talk the challengers and taunt the crowd ... KC and Xandra get a round of applause by the crowd for their efforts ...

Santana Garrett goes up to Nick’s office, accompanied by Amber. Snow checks with The President who lets them in. Santana tells him that she wants an Angelic title match against Katarina. She worked hard and deserves it, she won the big contenders tournament last year and deserves another shot. Amber backs it up. Nick says indeed she is a worthy challenger, but as for now, Christina still has her rematch first ... Kraven storms in the office, Snow can’t even hold her back. Kraven says she is the dominant force around here, even more than Katarina, and she should be Angelic Champion. She also worked hard for it, she shouldn’t go through a Gold Rush match to be the challenger. Nick calms everyone down and says they all have a good point, but Christina is the righteous first challenger. In due time, they will get their chance. However, they can show already who of the two is more deserving. It won’t be for the Angelic contendership, but for the Cadillac contendership in first instance. So tonight Santana and Kraven will fight each other in the main event for a Cadillac number one contendership ...

In the locker room, Katarina and Shelly come up to Christina. Katarina taunts her and they have a heated confrontation. They will battle in two weeks for the Angelic Championship in a rematch ...

Santana Garrett (w/Amber Gallows) vs. Kraven
Singles Match
Cadillac contendership

Both are already in the ring, as Sarah Russi does the introductions.

The bell rings, and they circle the ring. Kraven surprises her with some right hands and punches her to the corner. Kraven sends her across the ring, but Santana comes back with a clothesline. Santana head-butts her and sends her into the ropes, but she lowers her head and eats a kick. Santana comes back with a Samoan Drop for a two count. Santana sends Kraven to the corner, but she runs into a boot. Kraven connects with a missile dropkick for a two count. Kraven boots her in the back and chokes her on the ropes. Kraven clubs away at her and hits the ropes, but Santana moves. Santana hits a pair of clotheslines, but she has a whip reversed. Santana then takes her down with a leaping clothesline. Kraven quickly drops her onto the apron and counters a Shining Star Press with a springboard dropkick to the floor. Kraven taunts the crowd and goes for a baseball slide, but Santana sidesteps her. Santana goes for a Rainbow Kick, but Kraven sidesteps her. Santana crashes and burns against the ring post. Santana gets in at nine. Kraven stomps away at her.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Kraven applying a chin lock. Santana fights up and punches out. Kraven reverses a whip and turns her inside out with a knee to the midsection. Kraven slaps her in the back of the head a few times and calls her “little girl.” Santana angrily gets up and uppercuts her. Santana sends her to the corner, but she runs into a boot. Kraven goes for a bulldog, but Santana sends her into the corner. Santana clubs her in the back of the head before hitting a back suplex powerbomb for a two count. Santana sets up for a Rainbow Kick, but Kraven sidesteps it and hits a back elbow. Santana gets the knees up for a Lionsault attempt and gets in the corner. Kraven counters a spear with a kick. Kraven goes for a Mountain, but Santana holds her up and goes for a powerbomb. Kraven counters into a hurricanrana and rolls through for a chinlock. Santana rolls through it eventually and rolls her up for a two count. Kraven kicks her, but Santana sends her to the apron. Kraven goes to the top rope and leaps into a Rainbow Kick for a near fall! Santana is stunned.

Santana gets the crowd going and goes for a spear, but Kraven rolls her up and goes for the Mountain. Santana rolls her out and goes for a shoulder thrust in the corner, but Kraven moves. Santana hits the ring post shoulder first. The referee checks on Santana. Kraven takes the top turnbuckle pad off. The referee sees this and admonishes her. The referee puts it back on. Kraven pops up with a Mountain for a near fall! Kraven kicks away at her and stomps her down. The top turnbuckle pad falls off. Kraven stomps her down and charges, but Santana sidesteps. Kraven hits the exposed turnbuckle headfirst ...

Candice and Deonna enter the stage and are looking angry on Kraven, due to her turning on them last week. Kraven looks at them and trash talks. Santana is getting ready to deliver a Rainbow Kick ... Kraven turns around and ... Rainbow Kick to the face ! Santana covers and hooks the leg ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 !

Match Result : Santana Garrett wins by Pinfall and earns a Cadillac title shot

Kraven is enraged and goes for Santana, but Amber delivers an Amber Alert ! Katarina runs from the back and hits a Frenzy DDT on Santana and is setting up for a piledriver ... but once again Amber comes to the rescue and hits Katarina. Meanwhile Kraven piledrives Deonna, Candice is too late and ... she also gets stuck and piledrived by Kraven ! Katarina gets back up and goes for Amber, but Christina runs in and Graveyard Smash on Katarina ! Shelly is trash talking her and helps Katarina to the back. Kraven turns her attention to Santana and Amber, but both superkick her ... Santana and Amber look at Christina and they seem to be on the same page ...

Thanks for watching, see you next week !

Kiera Hogan enters the office as she got summoned by Nick. She seems a bit uncomfortable. He tells her next week will be her grand debut and she will have a match with an opponent of his choice, and it will be for a Gold Rush Opportunity. He sits closer to her and tells her she does not need to be afraid, he’ll pick a suitable opponent for her. She says she wants a tough opponent and doesn’t need to get helped. Snow holds her arm and reminds her who is in charge. Nick smiles and kisses her on the mouth. Kiera seems unhappy with that and responds, but Snow slaps her in the face. Kiera does not know what to do as Nick says sorry for Snow, but she has to know he has the best intentions and big plans for her in ACW ... Kiera nods positively but still somewhat relentless, with Nick smiling at her and Snow enjoying it, as the show fades out ...

0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
Categorie:Weekly Show



Amanda Rodriguez
Amber O'neal
Aria Blake
Brittany Blake
Christina Von Eerie
Eva Marie
Ivelisse Velez
Katarina Leigh
KC Spinelli
Lindsay Snow
Marti Belle
Melina Perez
Ray Cray
Sonya Strong
Talia Madison
Tenille Dashwood
Tessa Blanchard
Vanessa Kraven
Veda Scott

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